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Thesis Coordinator:
Ar. Arunachal Hombali Professor
Aditya Academy of Architecture & Design
This is to certify that the thesis titled “INTERNATIONAL CRICKET STADIUM ”, has been submitted by Mr. /Ms. AKHIL MANIKYAM.R (USN. No.1AN15AT004, Batch 2015-20) at the Department of Architecture, towards partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Architecture Degree This is a bonafide work of the student. RECOMMENDED ACCEPTED
Supervisor: Assistant/Associate/ Prof. Dr.
External Juror
Name of the examiners Signature with date 1. 2.
Prof. Dr. K.N. Ganesh Babu
Principal Aditya Academy of Architecture & Design
I, Mr./ Ms. AKHIL MANIKYAM.R, the author of the thesis titled “INTERNATIONAL CRICKET STADIUM ”, hereby declare that this is an independent work of mine, carried out towards partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Bachelor of Architecture Degree at the Aditya Academy of Architecture & Design, Bangalore. The work has not been submitted to any other organization / institution for the award of any Degree/Diploma.
USN. No. 1AN15AT004
Bachelor of Architecture
Aditya Academy of Architecture & Design
Date: 18/08/2020
The content produced in the thesis report is an original piece of work and takes due acknowledgement of referred content, wherever applicable. The thoughts expressed herein remain the responsibility of the undersigned author and have no bearing on or does not represent those of Aditya Academy of Architecture & Design, Bangalore
Bachelor of Architecture
Aditya Academy of Architecture & Design
Date: 18-08-2020