Primavera nfs contracts user guide sep 2010 v1 3 lh

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Primavera Contract Management User Guide National Facilities Services Contracts

November 2010

Version 1.3 - Produced by NFS Contracts

Copyright Š 2010 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. This document contains information that is proprietary to Kaiser Permanente. Information contained herein may be used only for the benefit of Kaiser Permanente. Duplication or dissemination for any other purpose is prohibited. For internal use only.

Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Revision History Date

Version Number

September 10, 2010

Description Initial draft created for testing.

October 4, 2010


Updates include instruction to • Copying vendors to project folders • Reference to modify activeX plug-ins, settings

October 25, 2010


Reflects key updates per UAT feedback: • Expanded instruction on navigation • Viewing, verifying vendors • Updated application screenshots


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Contents Overview .................................................................................................. 4 Purpose.............................................................................................................................4 Audience...........................................................................................................................4

Login and Basic Navigation ............................................................... 5 Login to Contract Management Using Loadspring and Primavera..........................5 Project (System) View ....................................................................................................7 Control Center (Dashboard) ..........................................................................................8 Navigation Tree ...............................................................................................................8 Module Management ....................................................................................................10 Layouts ...........................................................................................................................11

Vendor Management .......................................................................... 13 Viewing, Verifying Vendor Status ...............................................................................13 Copying Vendors...........................................................................................................14

Creating Contracts.............................................................................. 18 High-level Process Flow...............................................................................................18 Add Document ...............................................................................................................18 Contract Attachments / Documentation .............................................................20 Contract Status ......................................................................................................21 Enter Risk Analysis (RACL) Information............................................................22 Enter Selection & Award Information .................................................................24 Exception from Bid (EFB) Contract Information ...............................................25 Enter Contract Value.............................................................................................26 Contract Formation ...............................................................................................27 Contract Execution (Stand-Alone Contracts and Work Authorizations)........27

Update Contract Record (Open Existing Document) ................ 30 Contract Administration ................................................................................................30 Change Orders (Change Management) ............................................................30 Record Disputes ....................................................................................................34 Ratifications............................................................................................................35

Reports (Creating Output) ................................................................ 36 Archiving Contracts............................................................................ 37 Future...................................................................................................... 38 Contract Modules/Fields Not Used.....................................................................................38 3

Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Overview Purpose Primavera Contract Management has been implemented to enable NFS Contracts to centrally store and track contract activity. NFS Vendor Management is also leveraging the same system to centrally store and track NFS vendor information. Primavera meets the following needs: ¾ Provides Centralized Repository for Contracts documents. ¾ Improves ability to address and respond to compliance, audit, and legal inquiries. ¾ Assists in the implementation of consistent processes and Contracts generation for all NFS contracts. ¾ Provides access to Real-time contract and vendor information. ¾ Provides “Enterprise” Reporting for all Regions and Vendors. ¾ Eliminates manual data entry (multiple systems to track information). Note: The current application configuration has been reviewed with the possible future integration of OneLink as well as other NFS users.

Audience This guide has been developed to assist NFS Contracts successfully use Primavera Contract Management during testing and Phase 1 launch. This guide is based on NFS Contracts’ current processes and is organized according to these steps.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Login and Basic Navigation Login to Contract Management Using Loadspring and Primavera Use the URL: This project page will always contain the hyperlinks and tools you need to use Primavera Contract Management. Temporarily, the Primavera Contract Management application is being externally hosted by vendor Loadspring. Until, the application is Kaiser-hosted, users will need to execute two logins in order to access Primavera . Another window to the Springboard Control Console will appear. Enter the following login / password: Login: [your NUID] Password: Kaiser123$ (case sensitive)

Note: The first time you log in, you will be asked to change your password. Store and keep your password in a safe place. Primavera testers, use the login and password you last set and used during testing.

ž Click on the Contract Management v 13 icon (this will take you to the Primavera application).


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

¾ Enter your Primavera user name and password. Login: [your NUID] Password: kaiser123 (non-case sensitive). The password is kaiser123 as default setting for all users / testers.

GENERAL NOTES: Java 6 Update 14 is required to run the application (best if only 1 version of Java is installed) Internet Explorer 7 or 8 is required. Turn off Pop-up Blocker for this site. Modify your Security settings (see attached document): N:\Project Primavera CMS 2009\

Online Help is “context-specific.” Click on Help throughout the Application for assistance. Work is not saved automatically. Application prompts you to save when leaving a document Time-out is 60 minutes of idle time. Save frequently while working in the Primavera system. Save after entering data in each tab of the Contracts or Change Orders modules.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Project (System) View The left side of the login screen is the Project (system) View in the tree navigation format, otherwise known as the Control Center. This provides a list of all project containers a user can access. The principal view for NFS Contracts is “NFS Kaiser.” In addition to folders for “Vendor Management” and “Master Agreements”, the NFS Projects are organized by Region and Service Area. Within each Service Area, all NFS Projects are listed. For NCAL and SCAL regions, the Service Areas are organized by “NFS Projects.” ¾ Most contract records you create will be captured in the project folders of the service area folders for the region in which you work. ¾ Only master agreements and their change orders will be created in the regional Master Agreements folders within Primavera. ¾ All work authorizations and stand-alone contracts will be captured in the project folders of the service area folders for the region in which you work. Note: At the time of writing, CPFC Contracts is reviewing Primavera Contract Management for use. Although the folder may be visible, some CPFC projects may not be visible to NFS Contracts.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Control Center (Dashboard) The right-side of the screen displays a customizable set of windows that comprise your “workspace” and are part of the Control Center of the application’s homepage. It is intended to enable you to quickly view and access information in project folders. The workspace functionality will increase as more Primavera features are implemented.

Navigation Tree You will use the Control Center to navigate among the project containers.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide ¾ TIP: Using Find (binoculars icon) will help you locate projects in the navigation tree. You only need to enter a part of the project number to retrieve all projects containing the string entered.

¾ TIP: Avoid using the browser back button. Within projects, it is best to use the navigation file path (bread crumb trail) in the upper left screen of application to return to a previous screen or the Control Center.

The “Major Replacement Projects” are designated with a custom field check-box field which can be used for reporting purposes. This field is found in the project properties settings. 9

Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Module Management “Modules” in Primavera reflect specific features available with Primavera Contract Management. The standard Module Folder structure in Primavera Contract Management was modified to reflect the needs of Contracts Management and Vendor Management. Modules (features) that are not being implemented in the initial roll-out have been moved into the folder titled “Future.” We will not use these modules for Phase 1 implementation. All project folders should expand to (5) key folders: Vendor Information, Master Agreements, Contract Information, Issue Tracking, and Future.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Layouts Layouts can assist with the organization of individual contract activity. Each module opens to a “Log” of all the documents in the project for that module. The logs can be viewed in “layouts” which can be customized to pick columns, column order, grouping, filtering, and sort order. Each user can customize their layout (My Layout). A user can create their “my layout” for the Contracts Log and then the same “my layout” will open in any project opened. ¾ Go to the layout dropdown, select “Customize Layouts” and “Go.” Create the layout by selecting columns, grouping, sort, and filter to apply to that layout.

My Layout, as selected, is now available in the Contracts log for all projects. 11

Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Group layouts are also possible. Group layouts are available to all users but must be created by the Administrator. A Group layout is a global attribute in Primavera and will appear in all projects.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide A number of group layouts have already been created for NFS Contracts use.

Any NFS Contracts team member can use these layout formats to track their contract activity.

Vendor Management Viewing, Verifying Vendor Status Vendor information will be maintained by NFS Vendor Management. NFS Contracts has view access to all active vendors in the system. Before a user can create a contract record. 1) The vendor must exist in the Primavera vendor list and; 2) The vendor must be “copied” to the project NFS Contracts must verify a Vendor's status and tier level before issuing a contract. ¾ Expand the NFS Kaiser folder, the highest level folder off the folder tree. ¾ Expand the Vendor Management folder. ¾ Expand the next level Vendor Information folder.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

¾ Expand Vendors folder. Ensure you are viewing the Vendors: Project List in the layout, Vendors by Status. This is a list of all vendors and their current status. ¾ Alternatively, you can also elect to view the region-specific layout of vendors, [Region - All Vendors].

Copying Vendors Before you can create a contract record, a copy of the vendor must exist in the project folder. Check to see if the vendor you want to issue a contract to is already in the project folder: ¾ Expand the VENDORS folder within the project folder. Similar to viewing them in the Vendor Management container, a list of vendors contained in this particular project will display.

If the vendor you wish to use in this project does not appear, copy this vendor to the project:


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

¾ Right-click the project. Select Copy Vendors from the menu.

A separate window appears that will allow you to copy vendors from a project or the master vendors list. You want to ensure you copy from the master vendors list in the group, Vendor Management (NFSVM).

¾ Click on the Copy from: Group Companies and expand the vendors under the letter "V".


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

¾ Select Vendor Management (NFSVM) from the vendor / company list.

¾ Select and expand the applicable vendor / contact from the default list on the left and click the Add button to add them to the current project list (Copy to:). ¾ Click OK when finished.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

¾ Confirmation window should appear, "Copying has completed." Click OK again. Check the Vendors folder to ensure the newly-added vendor now appears in the vendor list of the project. Example: Derivi Construction and Architecture was added to Colorado project, 16-001-10140C. This means that you are now able to use this vendor in any contracts for the Colorado project, 16-001-10140C.

¾ Note: There is a known software bug. Consequently, you may experience being taken back to the control panel in a folder and not the current project you were adding the vendor. If this happens, you will need to navigate back to the project folder. We recognize that the process of adding a vendor to a project is a cumbersome process. At time of writing, an enhancement has been requested of Oracle to streamline this process in the Primavera Contract Management application.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Creating Contracts

High-level Process Flow All key steps and required documents in the contracts process will be captured in Primavera Contract Management.

* Items in RED reflect tools / templates in progress.

Add Document Each Module has the action of “Add Document” to enter a new record. Contract records in the system are referred to as “Documents.” All contracts, whether they are master agreements, work authorizations or stand alone agreements are created following the same basic steps used to create a “Document” in Primavera. Remember, all work authorizations and stand-alone contracts will be captured in the project folders of the service area folders for the region in which you work.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide ¾ To create a new contract record, expand the contracts module of a project.

¾ Select “Add Document” to create a new contract record.

Contract information is captured under several tabs, GENERAL through ATTACHMENTS.

All “system” required fields are noted with a red asterisk and reflected in the GENERAL tab. All contract entries require a vendor (including contact) or “To” whom the contract is issued as well as an owner representative or “From” whom the contract was directed / signed. 19

Primavera Contract Management – User Guide All contract entries will be assigned a system number. ¾ IMPORTANT: You will record the NFS contract number in the custom field, “Contract Number” contained within the CUSTOM FIELDS tab. ¾ All new contract entries contain a “Dated” field that defaults to the date you opened the record. Enter the date you received the contract request from the project in the “Dated” field. NOT ALL FIELDS in all tabs will be used by NFS Contracts. All fields required for NFS Contracts record keeping and reporting will be outlined in this guide. Contract Attachments / Documentation Primavera Contract Management will serve as the centralized repository for NFS Contracts. Copies of all executed contracts and supplemental documentation should be attached to each contract record in the system. ¾ All types of electronic files, such as word documents, graphics, spreadsheets, scanned drawings or pictures can be attached to your Primavera contract records. ¾ A single attachment cannot be larger than 750 MB. The system displays an error message if an attachment is larger than the limit. Within the contract record, click on the ATTACHMENT tab. Select “Attach File”. Browse to the File and Select “Save & Close” or “Save & Add Another”.

¾ IMPORTANT: Once a contract is approved, the system prohibits attachments. You will need to momentarily “unapprove” the contract to make a necessary attachment and then, “approve and save” anew the contract. See next section, “Contract Status” for instruction on how to mark a contract as “approved” in the system. Naming Convention for Contracts Documents Information entered in the subject line, contract title, and change order title are examples of global attributes that appear throughout the system. Contract title is reflected globally in the system as “Document For.” “Description” also appears globally. It is important these field entries be named in a meaningful way. The title entered into the subject line is important as it will appear as the document title for that attachment throughout the system. The recommended naming convention for attachments in Primavera is 20

Primavera Contract Management – User Guide Type of document Date released Project Name (abbreviated) Date version was created Examples: RFP 29SEP2009-Capitol Hill Source Selection Plan-10OCT2009 Attachment D - Capitol Hill Pricing Detail 2OCT2009. Once attached, the file is now available for viewing.

Contract Status Contract status is captured under the REVIEW STATUS tab. “Approved” status for a contract indicates contract has been executed. The contract execution date is reflected in the Kaiser Permanente “Approved Date.” Capture the date the vendor approves the contract in the Company “Approved Date.”


Contract entries in Primavera that reflect an Approved? status of “no” will indicate contract is in progress. Remember once a contract is approved, the system prohibits attachments. You will need to momentarily “unapprove” the contract to make a necessary attachment and then, “approve and save” anew the contract.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide Enter Risk Analysis (RACL) Information The CUSTOM FIELDS tab contains NFS Contracts-specific fields used to track and report NFS Contracts activity. Pertinent metrics that feed enterprise Contracts reporting will be contained in the CUSTOM FIELDS tab, including RACL information. For those contracts that require a Risk Analysis Checklist (RACL), the contract record entered into Primavera should contain: ¾ The date the request for the RACL is received, “RACL Received Date” ¾ The date the RACL request is fully approved by all required parties, “RACL Approved Date.”

To enter a date, use the built-in calendar tool by clicking on the calendar icon next to the date field or type a date directly into the field.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide Other fields to populate in the initial stages of a contract entry creation: ¾ Use the pick list to enter the name of the project manager of the project for which the contract is being created in the field, “Project Manager.” ¾ Use the drop down to record the name of the NFS Contracts person responsible for this contract.

¾ A copy of the approved RACL form will need to be attached to the contract record.

Select the red “X” icon next to an editable field to clear information in the field, allowing you to re-enter new data.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide Enter Selection & Award Information All contracts that require a Request for Proposal (RFP) will be reflected in Primavera Contract Management. ¾ Enter the date the RFP is issued in the field, “RFP Release Date” within the CUSTOM FIELDS tab. ¾ Enter the date the contract is awarded in the “Contract Award Date” within the CUSTOM FIELDS tab. The “Contract Award Date” in the system should be synonymous with the date the Award of Work Checklist (AWCL) is fully approved / signed by NFS Contracts. This date will be audited by NFS Quality Assurance.

¾ A copy of the fully approved / signed AWCL will need to be attached to every contract record. A copy of the RFP packet, scorecard, and Request for Quote/Qualification (if used) needs to be attached to every contract issued that required a proposal. Various Primavera reports key off the contract award date. It is important to record the contract award date / AWCL date promptly. Valid contract activity may not show up in reporting if this field information is missing.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide Exception from Bid (EFB) Contract Information Contracts awarded using the EFB process will be reflected in Primavera Contract Management. Only approved EFBs can be entered since a contract record must exist in the Primavera system. Enter the following EFB information per contract contained within the CUSTOM FIELDS tab: ¾ Select the check box, “Exception from Bid” ¾ Select the reason for the EFB from drop down menu choices: Emergency, Sole Source, Single Source, Attempted Competition.

¾ Attach a copy of the approved EFB form to the contract record in Primavera.

All EFBs will continue to be tracked in the existing manual process and system through Gerry Connolly’s office.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide Enter Contract Value For Phase 1, NFS Contracts will not use the full costing features of Primavera. Contract values need only to be entered as full contract values. For those regions that currently capture fees and reimbursement, you will enter Fees and Reimbursement as two lump sum payments or two line items. ¾ Open the LINE ITEMS tab: ¾ Select Add Lump Sum. A separate window will appear. Ensure LUMP SUM is selected for TYPE under Contract Item (default). ¾ Enter the line item amount(s).

¾ You do not need to fill out any other line item information (i.e. tax rate, sales tax, etc). ¾ Click SAVE at the both prompts, bottom of the screen.

You should see the total contract values in the GENERAL and CONTRACT SUMMARY tabs.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide Contract Formation Documentation of contract negotiation should be attached to the contract record. Examples include Negotiation Memorandum and a Negotiation Plan. Contract Deviation Contract Deviations are captured in Primavera Contract Management. If applicable, enter the following contract deviation information contained within the CUSTOM FIELDS tab: ¾ Enter the date the Contract Deviation is received in the field, “Deviation Received Date.” ¾ Enter the date the Contract Deviation has been fully approved in the field, “Deviation Approved Date.” ¾ In the “Deviation Comments” text box, provide a short description of the deviation request and basis of approval. Provide the paragraph(s) and section(s) of the contract to which the deviation applies.

¾ Attach a copy of the fully approved / signed Contract Deviation form to the contract record. ¾ IMPORTANT: Note any deviation regarding “Termination for Convenience” in the Deviation Comments text field. Contract Execution (Stand-Alone Contracts and Work Authorizations) Contract expiration / finish is captured under the SCHEDULE tab. To capture a contract’s period of performance, enter a contract’s (auditable) start date in the “Start” field and the finish date in the “Finish” field.

Note: This must be populated in order to administer a contract time extension. 27

Primavera Contract Management – User Guide Complete entry of a new contract record by entering remaining fields under the CUSTOM FIELDS tab: ¾ Contract Number: For stand-alone contracts and work authorization (IDIQ or non-IDIQ), enter the contract number provided to you by the capital project team. Note: Recording a Master Agreement follows the similar steps but, the contract record entry needs to be made in your regional Master Agreements folder off the NFS Kaiser view. ¾ Master Agreement Number: For work authorizations to a Master Agreement, select the Master Agreement Number from the drop down menu. ¾ Contract Type:Select the contract type from the “Contract Type” field. ¾ Contract Template Type: Select the contract type from the “Contract Template Type” field. All NFS Contracts templates should be listed, including Inspection Services template types. ¾ Select services type for this contract from the choices in the drop down menu: AE, GC, PMCM, Other Specialty Consulting.

It is important to enter information into the “Contract Template Type” field. IDIQ reporting is keyed off this custom field. Change Orders will be covered in the next chapter, “Updating Contracts”


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide Under the DETAILS tab, please provide a short description of the contract. No other fields on this tab will be used or need to be filled out. “Manager” field auto populates with the name of the vendor contact for this contract record.

¾ Enter a title for this contract in the field, “Title” under the GENERAL tab. ¾ All contract titles must include the contract number as the first part of this field entry. This convention will enable you to successfully record change order activity to this contract in the future.

The field “Title” has a character limit of 80. Contract number character limit has been set at 25, leaving 55 characters for a title entry.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Update Contract Record (Open Existing Document) Open the Contracts module and the “log” appears. Open the document in either “Edit” or “View” mode. Selecting the edit icon next to the contract number opens the contract in “Edit” mode. Clicking on the contract hyperlink opens "Document" in View mode.

“Edit” view can be accessed a number of ways. You can also use the “Edit Document” option from the drop down menu.

Contract Administration Contract administration of a contract record entry will be reflected in the capture of any changes to a fully executed contract, which include change orders, disputes and ratifications. Change Orders (Change Management) For Phase 1 launch, NFS Contracts will leverage the Change Orders module to create change orders. Note: Time extensions to contracts are treated in the Change Orders section of Primavera Contract Management.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide ¾

Expand the Change Orders Log module to view every change document.


Create a new change order by using “Add Document.”


You will enter similar required and non-required information for a contract record, using the drop down menu options for the indicated fields.

Note: For the “Contract” field, the system defaults to displaying the system number and contract title. Entering the NFS contract number is important in order to accurately identify the corresponding contract. 31

Primavera Contract Management – User Guide ¾

Select the name of the NFS Contracts person working on this change order.


Only Description and Reason for Change Order need to be populated within the DETAILS tab.


Enter the change order value using the LINE ITEMS tab. Enter only full contract values as Lump Sum values and type.

¾ Enter a finish date for this change order. 32

Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Contract Time Extensions: Use the “Time Change” system field and enter the number of days for the extension.

Note, in order to submit a “Time Change” to a contract, the contract must have a finish date (i.e. the “Finish” field must be populated on the main contract record. ¾ Complete the change order entry by providing the contract execution date in the Kaiser Permanente “Approved Date” field. ¾ Select “Approve and Save” if change order has been fully executed. Note: You will not be able to make attachments to a change order or contract record after it has been approved.

Remember: Extensions to contracts are captured in the Change Orders area. If you need to add attachments after a contract is approved, you will need to “unapprove” it, attach the necessary documents, and then, re-approve.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide ¾ Attach a copy of the Change Order Checklist and the fully executed copy of the Change Order as files in within the ATTACHMENTS tab.

Summary Rollup ¾ View the SUMMARY tab for a real-time roll-up of contract’s original value against any changes.

Record Disputes NFS Contracts will record contract disputes in Primavera Contract Management for internal reporting purposes. ¾ Enter Dispute Type, Amount, Comments, Received Date, and record and update the dispute’s status (ACTIVE or RESOLVED) (enter the date you received the dispute request from who?)


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Ratifications Approved ratification memos will be attached to contract records in Primavera Contact Manager. The following will be recorded with the contract record. ¾ Enter a short description regarding the ratification issued in the “Ratification Notes” field. ¾ Enter the approved date of the fully approved Ratification Memo. ¾ Use the drop down menu to specify the violation that occurred: DOA violation, Unauthorized Commitment

¾ Attach a copy of the fully approved ratification memo to the contract record under the ATTACHMENTS tab.

All Ratifications will continue to be tracked in the existing manual process and system through Gerry Connolly’s office.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Reports (Creating Output) There are two methods of “creating output” from Contract Management

Send to Excel – in the Module Log.

Use either the icon or Select an Action from the drop down

action menu. ¾ Create a layout, then use “Send to Excel” to view/edit/print the data in Excel.

Print Preview - Contract Management forms/reports are created using InfoMaker. A library of standard and custom forms/reports are available for each project to “print” the document (form) or report (log) information. ¾ Print Preview will print the “default” form or report.

To view the other forms/reports available for printing, use the Select an Action, Advanced Print.


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Archiving Contracts All closed contract will be moved to the “Closed Projects” folder off the main NFS Kaiser view as part of the NFS IT Administrator-assisted process.

<Instructions Pending>


Primavera Contract Management – User Guide

Future Contract Modules/Fields Not Used Folder



Sub tab


Vendor Information Contract Information

Insurance & Licenses Master Agreements




Contract Information










Contract Information




Contract Information



Spec Section

Contract Information


Review Status

Use Approval Process

Contract Information


Review Status

Ball in Court

Contract Information


Contract Summary



Contract Information


Contract Summary



Contract Information


Contract Summary



Contract Information


Contract Summary

Payment Req


Contract Information


Contract Summary



Contract Information


Contract Summary

Line Items


Contract Information


Contract Summary

Line Items

Unit of Measure

Contract Information


Contract Summary

Line Items

Unit Price

Contract Information


Contract Summary

Line Items

Tax Rate

Contract Information


Contract Summary

Line Items

Sales Tax

Contract Information


Contract Summary

Line Items


Contract Information


Contract Summary

Line Items


Contract Information



Cost Category

Contract Information



Cost Type

Contract Information



Diversity checkboxes

Contract Information



Reference Number

Contract Information



Work At

Contract Information



Bill To

Contract Information




Modules / fields under consideration for use.


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