Group 4 x tolkien 3 3 (2)

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S.Y. 2015-2016

Traffic: A Socio-Economic Problem of Modern Filipino (A Case Study on the Traffic Scenario along Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway)

-BYGroup 4 of X - Tolkien John Paul Dela Cruz Antonio Keh Jr. Joshua Navarro Patricia May Ramos Stephanie Ann Tan

A Thesis Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Grade 10 English

Mr. El Mar John D. Alera Adviser Juliever Academy

Acepptance And Approval This Thesis hereto attached, entitled Traffic: A Socio-Economic Problem of Modern Filipino, prepared and submitted by Group 4 of 10-Star Tolkien in partial fullfilment of the requirements for the Grade 10 Junior High School, examined and recommended for acceptance and approval.

___________________ Mr. El Mar John D. Alera Adviser _____________________ Mrs. Julita A. Magbitang Principal _____________________ Date


Firstly, the researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude to Mr. El Mar John Alera for giving this kind of study and related research, due to his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped them in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. The researchers could not have imagined having a better professor and mentor for the study. And they would also thank the team for the stimulating discussions, for the sleepless nights they were working together before deadlines, and for all the fun we’ve made that enlightening and persistence to finish this kind of research. Last but not the least they would like to thank their family and the Lord for supporting them spiritually throughout writing this thesis and their lives in general.


The researchers would like to dedicate this to the people that experience traffic daily, to their parents that will makes them proud and to the group member that will dedicate this for his special girl.


This study will be focusing in Traffic: A socio-economic problem of modern Filipino on Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway. It involves (5) drivers and (50) commuters that are affected by non-stop traffic and also the economic status of the Philippines. The researcher’s objective is to let other people be aware and use the alternative ways to avoid the traffic. The researcher’s will conduct the study research by asking questions to the interviewees. As far as this study is concerned, an attempt has been made to analyze the social economic impact of road traffic in Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway (MKMH) region. The objectives that were selected for the study were to examine the socialeconomic impacts of road traffic in Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway (MKMH) in various perspectives as well as to identify supporting policies that may need to be put in place to reduce road traffic. The study revealed that road traffic affects highly the residents of MKMH in such a way they were learn to adapt traffic techniques on daily livings. And the researchers recommend that the researchers should be the one who will act first and don't rely on the government because it is a problem that have no solution that became successful.

Table of Contents Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... iv List of Tables ....................................................................................................... vi

List of Figures ..................................................................................................... vii Chapter I: Backgroud of study .................................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem .............................................................................. 2 1.3 Scope and Limitations ................................................................................... 3 1.4 Significance of the Study ............................................................................... 3 Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies ............................................... 4 2.1 Review of Related Literature ......................................................................... 4 2.2 Review of Related Studies ‌......................................................................... 4 2.3 Definition of Terms......................................................................................... 6 2.4 Assumptions .................................................................................................. 7 Chapter III: Methodology ............................................................................................. 8 3.1 Research Method .......................................................................................... 8 3.2 Sampling Design ........................................................................................... 8 3.3 Research Respondents ................................................................................. 9 3.4 Research Instrument ..................................................................................... 8 3.5 Research Locale ........................................................................................... 9 3.6 Data Gathering Procedure ............................................................................ 10 3.7 Data Analysis Procedure ........................................,...................................... 10 3.7.1 Survey Respondents Answer .................................................................... 10 3.7.2 Survey Pictures ......................................................................................... 12

Chapter IV: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data .............................. 14 4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 14 4.2 Data of the Respondents ............................................................................. 14 4.3 Analysis of Quantitative Data Results .......................................................... 18 4.4 Analysis of Qualitative Data Results ............................................................ 24 4.5 Summary ...................................................................................................... 24 Chapter V: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations ................................. 25 5.1 Summary ...................................................................................................... 25 5.1.1 Summary of Findings ................................................................................ 25 5.2 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 26 5.3 Recommendations ....................................................................................... 27

List of Tables Table 1 Age …………………………………...……………............................................... 14 Table 2 Civil Status ………………………...………………………................................... 15 Table 3 Occupation ………………………………...…..................................................... 15 Table 4 Place of Residence ………………………………............................................... 16 Table 1 Respondents Profile Interview ………….…...................................................... 17

List of Figures

Figure 1 Frequency of Travel …………………………………......................................... 19 Figure 2 Time Consumption …………………………….................................................. 20 Figure 3 Traffic Problems ………………………............................................................. 21 Figure 4 Important for Transportation ………...……….................................................. 22 Figure 5 Improving Traffic Situation ………….…........................................................... 23

Chapter I: Introduction

Traffic is known as one of their main problems in their life that can affect work, time, money and also patience. Drivers and commuters are the mostly affected by daily activities such as commuters spend too much time making their trips; terminal companies spend a lot for fuel and wear on their vehicles; drivers and conductors work long hours to meet their “boundary” or fixed fee to the operator; society suffers from heavily polluted air (February 2015; Sonny Domingo, Roehlano Briones Lovely Tolin). Being stuck up in traffic, did you know that P 2.4 billion losing every day in 2012 how about now in year 2016. According in a recent released report, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) said that despite the Philippines’ better-than-expected economic growth, the Philippines risks losing to P6 billion a day by 2030 because of worsening traffic jams. The JICA said that the costs of traffic will continue to rise if adequate solutions to ease congestion are not immediately implemented. The researchers are studying of traffic and how the researchers can minimize it. So people nowadays can make their life easier. Traffic congestion is becoming a huge problem for many major cities .Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce traffic in big cities. One of the most challenging problem in their today‘s cities is traffic congestion. This is obvious from the number of vehicles on their roads and the amount of pollution they cause. Some measures such as developing public transportation, equipping roads and moving giant companies could be taken to reduce this problem. It is highly true that today rapid increase in private car in most cities contributes to more concentration of vehicles in cities. To tackle this, public transportation should be enhanced and equipped with more convenient buses to encourage people to use them. Some non-based road transportations like train, and subway could effectively reduce the number of cars in particular those which transfer one person only. Road condition is also vital to lower traffic crowded. In Europe, for example, most cities are still designed for the old modes of transport. Therefore they cannot maintain a large number of vehicles .Moreover roads would require to be equipped with more signs and speed it would be much effective if road already were equipped with signs and speed control. Last but not least, moving some huge industries outskirt of cities would be recognized as an effective way to reduce traffic jam. Since they have employed many

employees in their factories or companies, and as they should commute to their work in almost a certain time, they could create congest movement of vehicles in cities. This could be to some extent solved through transferring such industries to outside of urban areas. To sum up, traffic jam is causing worldwide concern. Some measure as mentioned above could be taken to reduce the amount of high density traffic. 1.1 Statement of the Problem In this study, the major problem was to find out the performance of the residents in Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway regarding to the researchers topic the traffic congestion. The researchers will find out the feedback. It will help the researchers to know if the people follow the rules, and if they follow it. What will happen? The researchers will see. 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of? -





Educational attainment


Civil status

2. What are the contributing factors that affects traffic in Brgy. MarulasKaruhatan MacArthur Highway? And how they can solve those? 3. How the traffic does affects the socio-economic status of Filipino drivers and commuters in a certain area which is Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway? 4. How does the Modern Filipino adapt the traffic in their socio-economic problem?

1.2 Scope and Limitation This study was on Traffic as a socio-economic problem of modern Filipino that evaluate the residents whom traveling along Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway, it involves the presence of fifty (55) Respondents composed the persons traveling along Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway and were selected randomly. The main source of data was asking questions and interviewing them, which was prepared by the researcher and statically treated by the use of descriptive such as interviews, research, percentage and graphical analysis The study was conducted for one (1) month.

1.3 Significance of the Study The study will be significant to the ff.: - To the commuters along Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway they will be informed on how to avoid traffic. How can make their life easier when it comes in commuting. It’s not only they can make their life easier. It can be also a rewarding part of their lives. - To the drivers they will learning the techniques in how will they avoid it will use to progress state of their community, even in fulfilling their goals in life and in obtaining their fruitful success. -Also to identify other important factors affecting performance and capacity of different types of road links and conduct good things for more learnings.

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies 2.1 Related Literature The History of Traffic Traffic is the movement of people and goods from one location to another. The movement typically occurs along a specific facility or pathway that can be called a guide way. It may be a physical guide way, as in the case of a railroad, or it may be an agreed-upon or designated route, marked either electronically (as in aviation) or geographically (as in the maritime industry). Movement—excepting pedestrian movement, which only requires human power—involves a vehicle of some type that can serve for people, goods, or both. Vehicle types, often referred to as modes of transportation, can be broadly characterized as road, rail, air, and maritime (i.e., waterbased). 2.2 Related Studies The Overview of Traffic Traffic control is a critical element in the safe and efficient operation of any transportation system. Elaborate operational procedures, rules and laws, and physical devices (e.g., signs, markings, and lights) are but a few of the components of any traffic control system. At the center of any system is the operator: a driver or pedestrian in a roadway system, a pilot in aviation or maritime systems, and a locomotive engineer in railway systems. While traffic control can be considered initially as a need to control or influence large numbers of vehicles, it is important to realize that traffic is made up of a large number of individual operators who collectively must make consistent decisions in order for the systems to work safely and efficiently. The operator is the principal decision-making unit in any traffic control system. As such, the entire system is organized to assure the safe and efficient movement of vehicles along a guide way or separation infrastructure by providing adequate, accurate,

timely information to the operator. The operator accepts inputs from a variety of sources, enters into a decision-making process, and determines the appropriate control actions to maintain vehicle operation. The operator receives most immediate and direct information from the vehicle. In addition to visual inputs regarding vehicle status that are provided by instrumentation (e.g., speed, direction), the operator receives information through physical sensation of movement (i.e., through forces acting on the muscles and sensory organs). The slowing and turning of a vehicle, for example, are sensed not only visually but also physically by the operator’s body as the vehicle decelerates and changes course. Different vehicles have vastly different performance characteristics that directly affect the physical forces acting on an operator. An automobile is highly responsive and gives virtually immediate response (certainly less than a second) to braking or steering inputs. A large vessel or airplane, because of its design and the “guide way” in which it operates, is slow (on the order of minutes) to respond to steering or speed change inputs. Small aircraft and boats, however, have response attributes much more similar to an automobile than to their larger counterparts. In addition to vehicle inputs, the operator’s decision making is influenced by the information provided by the guide way and its associated infrastructure. Because infrastructure is man-made, it is one of the places where proper design and procedures provide an important foundation for operating safety. For example, roadway systems set precise standards for the size, shape, color, and use of road signs and markings. These standards have the goal of improving road safety and efficiency by providing the driver with consistent information regarding hazards, control of right-of-way (e.g., stop signs or signals), and direction guidance (e.g., “Highway 66 next left”). Aviation, maritime, and rail systems also have elaborate standards, all with one goal in mind: to reduce accidents and increase efficiency through the consistent and effective use of standard traffic control devices. Clearly aviation, and to some degree maritime, systems cannot place physical signs in the sky or sea. Electronic signs or signals, particularly communication devices, are used instead to guide the vehicle and operator.

The guide way includes the attributes of the physical infrastructure upon which the vehicle operates (e.g., a roadway for automobiles, trucks, bicycles, and pedestrians or a set of rails for trains). There are similar corridors within which planes and ships operate, although they are not defined by physical elements so much as geographic location (i.e., longitude and latitude, and altitude for aviation). The ambient environment poses both direct and indirect limitations on an operator’s ability to control a vehicle. Snow, rain, sleet, fog, and darkness all serve to limit visibility. Electronic devices such as radar are particularly helpful in aviation and marine contexts in providing supplementary information that allows operators to make safe and efficient control decisions. 2.3 Definition of Terms

Economy - is an area of the production, distribution or trade, and consumption of goods and services by different agents in a given geographical location. Pollution - is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Population - is a summation of all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding. Social - refers to a characteristic of living organisms as applied to populations of humans and other animals. Socio-economics (also known as social economics) - is the social science that studies how economic activity affects and is shaped by social processes. In general it analyzes how societies progress, stagnate, or regress because of their local or regional economy, or the global economy.

Traffic - The term "traffic" includes pedestrians, ridden animals, vehicles, street cars, and other conveyances, either singly or together, while using any highway for purposes of travel Traffic calming - The deliberate slowing of traffic in residential areas, with speed bumps or other obstructions. Traffic police or traffic officers - are police officers who direct traffic or serve in a traffic or roads policing unit enforcing rules of the road. Weather






and precipitation activity,

whereas climate is the term for the statistics of atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. 2.4 Assumption The researchers assumed that moving some huge industries outskirt of cities would be recognized as an effective way to reduce traffic jam. Since they have employed many employees in their factories or companies, and as they should commute to their work in almost a certain time, they could create congest movement of vehicles in cities. This could be to some extent solved through transferring such industries to outside of urban areas. To sum up, traffic jam is causing worldwide concern. Some measure as mentioned above could be taken to reduce the amount of high density traffic.

Chapter III: Methodology This Chapter presents the methods to be used in the study. It also describes the subjects of the study, the instruments to be used, the data gathering and analysis procedure This study will determine how the traffic became a socio–economic problem to modern Filipino by surveying the commuters and drivers in their daily transportation and how it affects their socio-economic. 3.1 Research Method In order to see the general picture of the Traffic: A socio-economic problem of modern Filipino as perceived by the commuters and drivers, the descriptive documentary survey-interview method is used. As a descriptive study, it collects detailed and factual information about commuters and drivers to describe existing phenomenon of about Traffic: A socio-economic problem of modern Filipino. It describes the situation or area of interest factually and accurately. It allows the researchers to carefully describe and understand the Traffic: A socio-economic problem of modern Filipino. Both quantitative and qualitative research shall be observed as to elicit opinions and numerical data from the respondent through survey questionnaire. 3.2 Sampling Design The study used a Specific Sampling Interview-survey in determining the samples of the study. A number of the commuters and drivers of Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway serves as the respondents of this study.

3.3 Research Respondents The researchers consider the commuters and drivers of MacArthur Highway, Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan comprising of 55 members, male and female as the most viable respondent. They were chosen respondents because their course can help all the residents of Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway to adapt traffic and lessen traffic. Moreover, their generation is evidently more hectic, stress and hassle than the discreet people before. In addition to this. Nowadays, vehicles is increasing that may leads to cause of traffic in MacArthur Highway, Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan and now people used tactics to survive traffics for a good daily living. 3.4 Research Instrument The researchers utilize survey questionnaires and interview materials in gathering data. The survey questionnaire consist of five (5) items that traffic is a socioeconomic problem of modern Filipino for commuters while the interview questions consist of four (4) items that traffic is a socio-economic problem of modern Filipino. The following instrument will be used in the conduct of the research: 1. Commuters-base survey questionnaire. These are the achievement tests that

will evaluate quantitatively the commuter’s performance in the control and experimental groups. These also comprise the pretest. 2. Interview.

The interview will be used to assess driver’s perception of direct

communication, including the electronic materials to be used in presentation.

3.5 Research Locale The study was conducted at Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway route in Valenzuela since the chosen respondents are commuters and drivers of the said how the traffic became a socio-economic to modern Filipino.

3.6 Data Gathering Procedure The researcher personally administered the research instruments to the respondents. They conferred and discussed the significance of study and accomplished the distribution of the instrument properly. The respondents were given 2 minutes to accomplish the survey forms and given 15 minutes to accomplish the interview form to prevent them from giving hasty response. The researchers went from one section to another on collecting the accomplished questionnaires. After the questionnaires have been accomplished, the result were tallied and tabulated. These data became the bases of analysis and interpretation. 3.7 Data Analysis Procedure In determining the modern Filipino problem their socio-economic by traffic perceived by commuters and drivers, the simple method in getting the percentage will be used. 3.7.1 Survey and Interview of Respondents Answer Sheet

Formula: # of scores x 100 Total # Items


Traffic: A Socio-Economic Problem of Modern Filipino Name (Optional): Age: Civil Status: Occupation: Place of Residence:

1. Frequency of Travel Daily Few times a week

Monthly Couple of times

2. From your home how long does it take to reach work? More than 2 hours 2 hours

1 hour Less than 1 hour

3. What are the problems you’ve encounter because of traffic? Specify: _____________________________ ____________________________________

4. What aspects are important to you and you are willing to pay for your transportation? Not to be late Comfortable to travel

Others Specify __________

5. Do you believe that the traffic situation will improve later on? Yes


Traffic: A Socio-Economic Problem of Modern Filipino Name (Optional): Age: Civil Status: Occupation: Place of Residence:

1. Frequency of Travel Daily Few times a week

Monthly Couple of times

2. From your home how long does it take to reach work? More than 2 hours 2 hours

1 hour Less than 1 hour

3. What are the problems you’ve encounter because of traffic? Specify: _____________________________ ____________________________________

4. What aspects are important to you and you No

*What can you suggest to improve the traffic situation?

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

are willing to pay for your transportation? Not to be late Comfortable to travel

5. Do you believe that the traffic situation will improve later on? Yes

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey. Have a safe journey!

God Bless! 

Others Specify __________


*What can you suggest to improve the traffic situation?

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey. Have a safe journey!

God Bless! ď Š

JULIEVER ACADEMY Traffic: A Socio-Economic Problem of Modern Filipino




Place of Residence:

Civil Status:

1. How long does it take to go from terminal to work? And how do you react on traffic that you always experienced?

2. For you, what is the worst effect of traffic? Specify.

3. Does traffic in anyway affect your health condition? Specify.

4. How do you cope with traffic situation? Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this interview. Have a safe journey!

God Bless! ď Š

3.7.2 Survey Pictures

Chapter IV: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 4.1 Introduction This chapter presents the data collected from the respondents, both (50) survey respondents and (5) Interview respondents. The data are grouped by respondent’s data, survey questionnaire result and Interview finding materials. 4.2 Data of the Respondents The following data’s are from the research respondents’ personal information Table 1: Survey Respondents Age

Demographic Variable









30 and above:







(Table 1)

The Table above shows the age of their commuters age. As what can be seen, the ratio between the ages of respondents is not equal, 13-18 and 30 and above are not totally affected while 19-30 are the mostly affected by traffic with a 26 % of 13-18 age, 50% of 19-30 age and 24% of 30 and above age. Table 2: Survey Respondents Civil Status

Demographic Variable



Civil Status Single:












(Table 2)

The Table above shows the civil status of their commuter’s civil status. As what can be seen, the ratio between the civil statuses of respondents is not equal, separated is get the lowest total number of civil status while single is the highest total number of civil status with a 2% of separated, 15% of married and 68% of singles. Table 3: Survey Respondents Occupation

Demographic Variable



Occupation Student:












(Table 3)

The Table above shows the occupation of thei commuter’s occupation. As what can be seen, the ratio between the occupation of respondents is not equal, teachers are not totally affected by traffic while the others and students are the mostly affected by the traffic with a 16% of teachers occupation, 40% of students occupation and 44% of others occupation. Table 4: Survey Respondents of Place of Residence

Demographic Variable



Place of Residence Valenzuela:









(Table 4)

The Table above shows the place of residence of their commuter’s place of residence. As what can be seen, the ratio between the place of residence of respondents is not equal, the residence of Valenzuela are the mostly affected by the traffic while the others place of residence are not really affected by the traffic with a 76% of Valenzuela residence and 24% of others residence.

On the other hand the information presented below was for the Interview respondents’ profile. Table 1: Respondents Profile Interview •

Respondent 1 profile

Respondent 4 profile

Name: Luis A. Alim Age: 62 Gender: Male Civil Status: Married Profession: Taxi Driver Place of Residence: Tondo, Manila • Respondent 2 profile

Name: Ramon Deinla Jr. Age: 50 Gender: Male Civil Status: Married Profession: Driver Place of Residence: Pasay • Respondent 5 profile

Name: Mario Penaforte Recilla Age: 49 Gender: Male Civil Status: Married Profession: Taxi Driver Place of Residence: Pabahay

Name: Jose A. Arreza Age: Male Gender: 56 Civil Status: Married Profession: Driver Place of Residence: Ma. Soccoro St. Subdivision, Marilao, Bulacan

Respondent 3 profile

Name: Darwen Dela Torre Age: 23 Gender: Male Civil Status: Single Profession: Taxi Driver Place of Residence: Pabahay 2000 (Table 1)

4.3 Analysis of Quantitative Data Results A total of fifty questionnaires were distributed to the commuters via Specific Sampling. Each questionnaire contains at least five question designed to gather the respondent’s perspective on Traffic: A Socio-Economic Problem of Modern Filipino of the total fifty questionnaires, forty nine got answered while the remaining nine questionnaires were either incomplete or remained as blank. With a total of 49 returned and useable surveys out of 50, the response rate was 98%. For each survey questionnaires items, a graphic chart is presented to further elaborate the respondents reply to the questions presented in relevance to the Traffic: A Socio-Economic Problem of Modern Filipino

1. Frequency of Travel

In the traffic mark test performed by the researchers, all four frequency of travel markings are compared. The daily comes out on the top, monthly comes out second, couple of times comes out to the third and few times a week get the lowest average in frequency of travel.

(Figure 1: Respondents answer to “Frequency of Travel�.)

Most of the people that the researchers surveyed are travels daily so some of them encounter traffic every day. Experiencing traffic daily is very hard it may cause accidents, always taking the air pollution and your socio economic or daily activities are affecting.

2. From your home how long does it take to reach work?

In the traffic mark test performed by the researchers, all four long travel from home to work markings are compared. Less than 1 hour comes out on the top, more than 2 hours and 1 hour comes out in second and 2 hours get the lowest average on how long of the researchers respondents traveling from their home to work.

(Figure 2: Respondents answer to “From your home how long does it take to reach work?”.)

There are people traveling for more than two hours, it is because some of them are living outside in Valenzuela. Like in Bulacan, Quezon City or some places outside. But there are people traveling for less than 1 hour because their house is near to their work.

3. What are the problems you’ve encounter because of traffic?


In the traffic mark test performed by the researchers, this two is the most common answer by the respondents and also the most commuter’s encounter. Late at work or school are they mostly encounter and it's accompanied more stress while being stuck up in traffic.

(Figure 3: Respondents answer to “What are the problems you’ve encounter because of traffic?”.)

This is also the main problem that can affect their work or school because of traffic. Being late at work or school is not easy it may cause of wage deduction and punishments to the worker or students. And also, stress can affect to their work or school they are not able to focus more on their work and their good mood will change into a bad mood that can be distorted to view while you on your work.

4. What aspects are important to you and you are willing to pay for your

transportation? In the traffic mark test performed by the researchers, all three of the commuters willing to pay for travel markings are compared. The commuters willing to pay for travel is not to be late that comes out on the top and comfortable to travel get the lowest average.

(Figure 4: Respondents answer to “What aspects are important to you and you are willing to pay for your transportation?”.)

Yes, not to be late, of course. All the people want is to arrive early to their destination. There is also comfortable to travel because it is very hassle, especially on the rush hour. Of course, all of the commuters didn’t want to be late for their school/work. It’s okay to be like sardines in a jeep, train or what as long as they’re not going to be late. And for the 40%, most of the commuters wants to be comfortable when they’re traveling. Who else didn’t want? None of us.

5. Do you believe that the traffic situation will improve later on?

In the traffic mark survey performed by group 4 of X-Tolkien, all two of the commuters believes that traffic will improved markings are compared. The researchers respondents that answer yes is comes out on the top while some of our respondents answer no that get the lowest average.

(Figure 5: Respondents answer to “Do you believe that the traffic situation will improve later on?”.)

Many commuters believe that there is a possible way to improve that traffic. Nothing is impossible, but in these days it is impossible so the researchers have to understand. Based on the researcher’s survey they assumed that traffic will improve later on. They believe! Because they know we can! Only if we help each other. For the No reached 29%, Traffic is very severe nowadays. And people are so hard to please to do something with it. So some of them didn’t believe it will improve later on.

4.4 Analysis of Qualitative Data Results To gather a more in-depth understanding for the study, an Interview was conducted to the drivers because of their involvement in our topic: Traffic: A Socio-economic Problem in the Modern Filipino. The participants of this study were comprised of five taxi drivers from the Brgy. Marulas–Karuhatan MacArthur Highway Valenzuela City during 17th of February 2016. They ranged in age from 23 – 62. 1. How long does it take to go from terminal to work? And how do you react on traffic that you always experience? In 4 out of 5 people, it takes 1 hour for them to go from terminal to their work. And the remaining one is it takes 2 hours for him to go from terminal to work. Majority answers that they just ignore the traffic because for them there's any solutions to everyday traffic. 2. For you, what is the worst effect of traffic? Specify. 4 out of 5 said that the worst effect is the traffic affects their income, they don't have enough money to meet their boundary. And the remaining one is, it's not only in money but it also affect the time because it consume hours and gas that make them stress. 3. Does traffic in anyway affect your health condition? Specify.

All of them answered yes, because it really affects them. For example, is they don't eat their food in exact time so they forgot to eat because of traffic and decided to continue their work and the other one is instead of resting early, it traps them in the road that leads to going home late. 4. How do you cope with traffic situation? All of them answered go out early in the morning and have a long patience. Because it is the only solution as of now, that they can do to cope with the traffic situation. 4.5 Summary As the researchers interviewed and surveyed the drivers and commuters, most of them say that they have been tardy and stressed when going to work. In this chapter, the researchers analyzed Quantitative and Qualitative Data Results. The researchers graphed the chart about the respondents who participated in this survey and interview. From the researchers survey and interview they not agreed with the traffic and as the researchers interview them, they say traffic will no remedy at all so that it may continue affecting the socio economic of modern Filipino but if there’s a miracle modern Filipino will not suffering and this miracle maybe happens in years or decades. As the researchers interviewed and surveyed the drivers and commuters, most of them say that they have been tardy and stressed when going to work. In this chapter, we analyzed Quantitative and Qualitative Data Results. The researchers graphed the chart about the respondents who participated in this survey and interview. From the researchers survey and interview they not agreed with the traffic and as the researchers interview them, they say traffic will no remedy at all so that it may continue affecting the socio economic of modern Filipino but if there’s a miracle modern Filipino will not suffering and this miracle maybe happens in years or decades. From the researchers quantitative have the result of each questionnaire contains at least five question designed to gather the respondent’s perspective on Traffic: A Socio-Economic Problem of Modern Filipino of the total fifty questionnaires, forty nine

got answered while the remaining nine questionnaires were either incomplete or remained as blank. With a total of 49 returned and useable surveys out of 50, the response rate was 98%. While the qualitative have the result of each tests contains at least four question designed to gather the respondent’s perspective on Traffic: A Socio-Economic Problem of Modern Filipino of the total four test questionnaires, all of our interviewees fulfil the researchers questions while there’s no remaining blank and all of the test were completed. With a total of 5 returned and useable interview out of 5, the response rate was 100%. Based on the result of both quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments, the researchers found out that commuters and drivers are heavily affected by Traffic that causes them to be late at work or school. They arrive to their destination later than required timeframe. The researchers analyzed that the commuters and drivers are willing to pay not to be late. The worst effect of traffic for them is that they cannot earn enough salary because of deductions to their salary due to “tardiness”. They have no money left for their family because of traffic congestion and nothing will happen if the government have slow action. Also the researchers found out that most commuters believe that the traffic will improve in the near future.

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations 5.1 Summary This Chapter presents the summary or the research work undertaken, the conclusions drawn and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of this study. This study is on the profile and performance evaluations of traffic that affects the socio economic problem of modern Filipino. On the commuters and drivers profile were age, sex, civil status, place of residence and profession attended were undertaken. •

Summary of Finding This study will be focusing in Traffic: A socio-economic problem of modern

Filipino on Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway route in Valenzuela. Traffic is the movement of people and goods from one location to another. The movement typically occurs along a specific facility or pathway that can be called a guide way. This study will determine how the traffic became a socio–economic problem to modern Filipino by surveying the commuters and drivers in their daily transportation and how it affects their socio-economic. The data are grouped by respondent’s data, survey questionnaire result and Interview finding materials. From our survey and interview they

will not agree with the traffic because it’s highly affects the socio economic of modern Filipino.

1. What are the contributing factors that affects traffic in Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway route in Valenzuela? And how can we solve them? The researchers said that there are some contributing factors that affects the traffic, like is there are many vehicles that occupied the road and there are some accident happen. In that way, it can cause traffic because of unbalanced number of vehicles. The other one is, that some drivers that the researchers interview 20% of them compete to other drivers just to prove that they are cool. 40% of them do not know how to follow the speed limit. And for the commuters that the researchers survey answer with 25% majority that there is more than two traffic lights and their distance aren't that far and those traffic lights have too much time limit. 2. How the traffic does affects the socio-economic status of Filipino drivers and commuters in a certain area which is Brgy. Marulas-Karuhatan MacArthur Highway route in Valenzuela? In drivers 100% majority says that they are working hard to meet their boundary and to provide the needs to their family. Because of traffic, their money is not enough, same in commuters. In commuters 80% of them said that they travel long that cause them late and stress on their work that affects their salary and sometimes it cause them to lose their job because of non-stop traffic. Yet traffic relationship to the economy in Karuhatan is much more complicated than Marulas that from our survey and interview result. The drivers that we interview 100% of them said that blocking the driveway makes people late at work. It's very stressful to the drivers and commuters by getting stu1cked up in traffic. The deliveries cannot arrive in time. 3. How does the Modern Filipino adapt the traffic in our socio-economic problem? In a way, from our survey and interview with an average of 60% do this techniques by waking up early to avoid the traffic and easily to go to their work. Sometimes 40 out of 55 rent a house near to their workplace so that they can avoid being late/stuck up in traffic and they can use/save their money (in transporting) in other things.

5.2 Conclusion Based on the findings of study, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. The researcher conclude that being late at work or school is not easy it may

cause of wage deduction and punishments to the worker or students. And also stress can affect to their work or school they are not able to focus more on their work and their good mood will change into bad mood that can be distorted to view while you on your work. 2. The researchers conclude that all we want is to arrive early to our destination.

There is also comfortable to travel because it is very hassle, especially on the rush hour. Of course, all of the commuters didn’t want to be late in their school/work. It’s okay to be like a sardines in a jeep, train or what as long as they’re not going to be late. 3. The researchers conclude that most of the people that we surveyed are

experiencing traffic daily so some of them encounter traffic every day. Experiencing traffic daily is very hard it may cause accidents, always taking the air pollution and your socio economic or daily activities are affecting. 5.3 Recommendations Based on the findings, research and conclusions provided, here are the recommendations that are suggested: 1. The researchers recommend that Filipino drivers must pay attention. Sounds

obvious, but most drivers are zoned out in their own little worlds, paying little attention to what's going on, even a car-length or two ahead of them. Your peripheral vision will take care of what isn't directly ahead of you. Watch for slowing ahead for road hazards and for accidents or other problems at the roadside. Anticipate slowdowns and back off or downshift even if you are driving

an automatic. Don't be a brake tapper on the freeway. It can cause a ripple effect for miles. If you see a road hazard, such as debris in the road, call your local law enforcement agency through a non-emergency line and report the hazard.

2. The researchers recommend that commuters must be relaxed at all times. The

researchers found that many commuters are stressed. They need to sleep well, follow your own rules in terms of eating. You are what you eat. Be ready on your things that needed to be done. For example, projects. Then after you do that, be prepared on the traffic, like wake up early, eat breakfast, take basic exercises and don’t be late. Second, be alert. Know the situation of traffic in news in television or in your devices’ apps like Waze app. We need to keep in mind that there is always a traffic, which is why it is a problem to many Filipinos.

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