AUCB+AC Pre-sessional course 2010

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English Pre-sessional Provision - getting the best start -

English skills and Visa implications We are very pleased that you have chosen to study at the Arts University College at Bournemouth. Apart from the challenge of studying your chosen creative subject, international students also have the challenge of studying in the English language. This leaflet describes our English language provision, which has been specifically designed for our international students. The University College offers assistance to students with the academic elements of their programme, however we do not provide (on course) English language support. We recommend therefore that all students attend a Pre-sessional Course at AngloContinental School of English, which is located a short distance from the University College. The Pre-sessional Course has been designed in consultation with our academic staff and at certain points of the course, students will attend sessions at the University College campus. Although the majority of this course is taught at Anglo-Continental, you will be a student of the University College community from day one and will have access to many of our campus facilities.


For many years we have seen extremely talented international students struggling with their studies due to their limited English language level and study skills knowledge. British students can also find their subjects challenging but they do not have the additional issue of learning and working in a second language. We know that students who have spent time in England, developing their language and study skills before starting their creative course, gain an advantage in their studies both academically and culturally. I hope that you will read this booklet and take time to consider how this programme may benefit you. Hilary Colvey Head of International Development


Are you prepared? I expect that you are now planning for your new life in the UK and you are excited about visiting our world heritage location, meeting students from all over the world and experiencing British education at the University College. However, the first thing you need to think about very carefully is your English language skills and any necessary visa implications. The University College has minimum and recommended levels of language requirements. If you have been accepted at the minimum level (see chart overleaf), we strongly recommend that you undertake the Anglo-Continental pre-sessional course prior to starting your programme at the University College. Students who start their course direct with only the minimum required levels can have difficulties with the academic content of their course. From 2011, the Pre-sessional Course will be mandatory for all students with only the minimum level of language ability. If you have been accepted at our recommended level, you are not required to undertake an additional language course. However, the course would still be very beneficial and would make your future academic studies easier. If you have not yet achieved the minimum level you will need to concentrate fully on your English skills to ensure that you reach the level in time for the start of the new academic year. We do not have a January start date, so if you do not achieve the minimum level in time, you will probably have to defer your place until the following academic year.

Why study at Anglo-Continental? - Official partner of the University College Accreditation and resources

Anglo-Continental, founded in 1950, is a leading English language teaching organisation which is fully accredited by The British Council. It is a family run organisation with attractive buildings including 84 modern classrooms, a well-equipped Multi-Media Learning Centre, language laboratory and a spacious self-service restaurant.

Will I have to take IELTS English language tests?

The course at Anglo Continental has regular tests which are comparable with IELTS. Your progress will be constantly assessed and, if your attendance is good and you complete course assessments successfully reaching the equivalent of our recommended IELTS score, you will receive an unconditional offer without having to take an IELTS test.

What is the alternative?

You can go to a range of local language schools to study an English course and we can offer a list of accredited schools that we do work with. However, if you require a visa, you will have to apply for a separate visa for the language course and then you may have to return to your home country to apply for a second visa for your course at the University College.

Help and support

Anglo-Continental has several advisors of different nationalities who can help you through the application process. One of these advisors, Akiko Okamoto from Japan, is a graduate from the University College BA (Hons) Graphic Design course who has first hand knowledge of studying at the University College.

Do you know your current English level? no Take a test If you have not obtained a recent language qualification or do not know your current language level, we will send you a link to an online Oxford English Language test. When you have completed this, it will be assessed by AngloContinental and they will tell you how long you need to study to get to the required English Language level for your course at the University College.

yes Below the minimum language level If your offer is conditional you may be able to apply for a Tier 4 visa for the pre-sessional course, but you would have to apply for another visa to undertake your course at the University College. In some circumstances you may have to undertake the language course on a student visitor visa (for up to 6 months) and then return home to obtain your student Tier 4 visa when you have met your language requirement. We will be able to advise you on what is necessary for you as it really depends on the level of your English.


The University College will then advise you on the type of offer that is possible and of any visa implications.

Minimum language level If you have been offered an unconditional place on your creative course, we can arrange for you to apply for one visa to cover your language/pre-sessional course and your studies at the University College.


Recommended language level NOTE If you are from Europe or an EEA country you will not require a visa to study in the UK. Therefore the above information regarding Tier 4 visas is not applicable to you.

If you have been offered an unconditional place on your creative course we can arrange for you to apply for one visa to cover the pre-sessional course and your studies at the University College.

Visas Students who need a visa to enter the UK for a full-time course of more than 6 months need to obtain a Tier 4 student visa. The Arts University College at Bournemouth and Anglo-Continental School of English are accredited sponsors and, as such, can offer a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) which is a major requirement for a visa application. Once you accept the offer of the language/pre-sessional course and pay the required fee, the University College or Anglo-Continental will then apply for a CAS number for your student visa application.


Anglo-Continental language test will determine length of English course. Students are recommended to undertake the relevant language course or pre-sessional course. Pre-sessional course is optional.

English level 4.5 IELTS or equivalent

5.0 IELTS or equivalent

5.5 IELTS or equivalent

6.0 IELTS or equivalent

6.5 IELTS or equivalent

FE student

HE student

MA student

Conditional Place Will need two visas

Conditional Place Will need two Visas

Conditional Place Will need two Visas




Unconditional Place One Visa possible

Conditional Place Will need two Visas

Conditional Place Will need two Visas




Unconditional Place One Visa

Unconditional Place One Visa possible

Conditional Place Will need two Visas




Unconditional Place One Visa

Unconditional Place One Visa

Unconditional Place One Visa possible




Unconditional Place One Visa

Unconditional Place One Visa



Unconditional Place One Visa


Course details Anglo-Continental + The Arts University College at Bournemouth Course

Pre-sessional Course (Monday 16 August until Friday 10 September 2010, 4 weeks)

General intensive English : 20 lessons per week + 10 Academic Preparation modules which will cover the following areas • • • • • • • •

Academic Writing Skills Lecture and Note-taking Skills Summarising and Paraphrasing Seminar Skills Research Skills Extended Reading and Note-taking skills Referencing, Quoting, Plagiarism and Bibliographies Time-management Skills (30 lessons per week in total, one lesson = 45 minutes)

Anglo-Continental language course

Academic Study Course

General intensive Course

Academic English : 30 lessons per week. This programme is an ideal English study course for educational purposes as it has been designed to meet your personal objectives, ensuring that your rate of progress allows you to maximise your learning potential. (one lesson = 45 minutes)

General intensive English : 30 lessons per week. (one lesson = 45 minutes)

Your options are... £1415

4 weeks Pre-sessional Course or 8 weeks General intensive Course

+ 4 weeks Pre-sessional course or

20 weeks Academic Study Course +

4 weeks Pre-sessional course

£2800 £5040

Other dates and course durations will be confirmed by Anglo-Continental depending on your requirements. Holidays are usually on the basis of two weeks per twelve weeks of study.

Frequently Asked Questions Q. I have a different language score, what is the equivalence to IELTS? Equivalency Table IELTS TOEFL PAPER TOEFL IBT

4.5 475 53

5.0 500 61

5.5 525 71

6.5 575 90

6.0 550 80

There are many different tests which we accept. Please contact us to find out the equivalence of your language test.

Q. When do the University College Orientation Programmes and courses start? Prep HE courses

Degree courses


4th September

20th-24th September

Masters level N/A

Term start

6th September

27th September

11th October

Q. Where do I live when I am on the Pre-Sessional Course? Homestay accommodation provides an useful extension of your English studies. Anglo-Continental can find you homestay accommodation that offers single room, shared bathroom facilities, 16 meals per week and light laundry. First week Each additional week High Season Supplement per week (20 June to 15 August 2010)

Prices £137 £97 £25

For more information and how to apply International Office The Arts University College at Bournemouth Wallisdown Poole Dorset BH12 5HH United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (0)1202 363233 Fax:+ 44 (0)1202 363378 Email : For more information regarding Anglo-Continental School of English Website :

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