Naptural Roots Magazine

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Naptural Roots

e n i z a ag M

Unifying the hair, mind, body, and spirit - Naturally

Spring 2006 √

New Solutions With Feng Shui

Rethinking Your Skincare

From Spending to Saving

Spirituality In The Bag

Naptural Stylist Profile: Danyale Thomas SPRING 2006







Table of Contents

Naptural Roots Magazine Hair & Beauty Rethinking Your Skincare ............................ 8 Danyale Interview ..................................... 14

Health & Wellness Spirituality in a Bag .................................. 17 Make Your Spring Cleaning Count ............... 26


Model Photos Stephanie Laboo ........................ 5 Sauda Porter & daughter ............. 9 Baionne .................................. 11 Frankie White & Ebony Thomas.. 16 Luther Hampton ....................... 21 Sherry & Triniti Eberhardt ......... 25 Shavonna Winston ................... 28

Got Love? ................................................ 10 Feng Shui ................................................ 23 Dollars & Sense: From Spending to Saving ... 19

Poetry Corner Not My Dreds ............................................ 9 Good Morning Nappy ................................. 11 This Morning ............................................ 16 Naturally Beautiful .................................... 25 Beautiful .................................................. 27

Staples Oh My Word .............................. 4 Editress Address ........................ 6 Contributors .............................. 7 Calendar of Events ................... 10 Naptural Bill of Rights ............... 12 Naptural Recipes ...................... 13 Naptural Fun ........................... 18 Book/Product Reviews .............. 20 Napturality Stories ................... 28 Classified Ads .......................... 29

ISSN: 1556-6714. Contents Copyrighted April 2006. Reproduction or use in any part without prior written permission of Akili Technologies Publishing, LLC is strictly prohibited. Naptural Roots. Winter 2005/2006. Volume 1, Issue 1 Published 4 times a year by Akili Technologies Publishing, LLC. Postage paid in Seattle, WA. Postmaster please send address changes to Akili Technologies Publishing, LLC P.O. Box 68926 Seattle, WA 98168. All manuscripts, drawings, or photos sent to Naptural Roots/Akili Technologies Publishing, LLC, or any of its designees will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to the magazine’s right to edit or comment editorially. All monetary payments must be submitted in U.S. Dollars. SPRING 2006



Oh My Word > Moving From Just Thinking About It To Already Doing It

Na Napptural Roots Staff Publisher LeAnne Dolce Akili Publishing, LLC

Editress Karen Entrantt

Sales & Advertising Shelton Wright

Marketing As I sit down to put this issue of Naptural Roots together, the sun is shining and there is a sense of joy, life, and change all around me. After such a long, cold winter, I anxiously open my arms wide to welcome spring. I also open my arms wide to welcome the newest member of the Naptural Roots family, YOU! Spring is a time of rebirth and transition. We can see evidence of this in nature: the new blooms of the flowers, the lush greenness of the trees, and the new life all around us. As nature transitions, so must we. We must look deep into ourselves and find courage. The courage to step outside the box and try a new approach to solve an old problem. The old saying “you can’t expect different results by doing the same thing” holds true for each of us. What transitions do you need to make in your life this year? Did you set New Year’s resolutions that you have yet to start working on? Are you looking for a better career/job, saving for a house, starting your own business, getting spiritually centered, or making that big leap to living Napturally? No matter your goal, we are here to support you. Remember, you are not alone in this struggle. Sometimes just knowing that someone has your back is the extra courage we need to jump in with both feet. Well always know that your Naptural Roots family has your back. From informative articles to our newly formed online discussion forms [on the Naptural Roots Website] to our local hair and health “clinics”, we are dedicated to helping you move from Just Thinking About It to Already Doing It!

Enrique Rivera Tiana Townsell

Makeup Jennifer Billingsley Essence of You Skincare

Hair Kayla Jackson

Advisory Board Frank White Rhonda Hodge Reseda Young Alanka Hankerson Gurline Stevenson

Models Sherry Eberhardt Triniti Eberhardt Frankie White Ebony Thomas Sauda Porter Shavonna Winston Stephanie Laboo Baionne Luther Hampton III

Photography Angela Lister Photography Unlimited, LLC

Printer Consolidated Press (206) 447-9659


In The Spirit of Napturality,

We offer print and online subscriptions $10/year (4 Issues) Order online:

LeAnne Dolce

Essence Of You Skincare

Contact Us Akili Publishing, LLC P.O. Box 68926 Seattle, WA 98168 (206) 331-4984

Jennifer Billingsley Licensed Esthetician (206) 329-4887

At Naptural Roots Magazine, we want to be the voice of the natural community. We want to ensure that our magazine represents the issues and concerns that our readership cares most about. So join our online community forum at and let your voice be heard.

Facials * Face/Body Waxing * Body Treatments * Make-Up Pedicures * Manicures Aromatherapy * Massage Call For an Appointment 4



Stephanie Laboo Hairstyle: Close Cut Naptural Curls Clothing: MAC Fashions Accessories: The Allabaster Box Make-up: Jennifer Billingsley Photography: Manuel Stanton




From The Desk of The Editress > Changing Times predators to change into a frog. A true metamorphosis changes structure, function, appearance, character, nature, and condition. Is it possible that what you considered a failure the last time was actually a character-building/ personal development step? Perhaps, what looked like betrayal was actually a necessary step on your leadership path. If you can’t take one person opposing you, how can you The first step is always the most challenging. run a company? What structures within There are many steps on the way to getting you, have been changed by adversity, to the actual goal, such as preparation, opposition, or disappointment? identifying the goal, contemplating what it takes to make it happen, research, networking, etc. Start where you are. As you Did you really get the lesson or are you read this are you already playing the “what- still focusing on the wound instead of the if-game”... What if it doesn’t work... What if I wealth gained by the experience? If you get out there and I don’t know what I’m are still bitter and vengeful, you haven’t doing... What if I can’t get any customers... tapped into the wealth of the experience What if I get sick... What if I’m too old... What yet. What are you holding on to that needs if I’m too young... What if I don’t have enough to end? It takes a lot of energy to fight experiences... What if they laugh at my against the natural flow of beginnings and dream... What if it turns out like the last endings. This is your year and your time! time... What if I succeed will I lose my friends… What you do with it is up to you..!? into your thoughts. If not now when? When you get a raise.. When the house is paid off.. When the children are grown… When you retire.. When the grandbaby starts school… As important as each one of these examples are, the point is there is no perfect time to begin. There will always be something vying for your attention, energy, and money.

One writer said, there is a time and a season for all things. As you watch nature begin to wake from her sleeping or dormant phase of winter, what is awakening you? What aspect of your life is in transition? What embryonic idea or creation will you breathe life into? There are always distractions that seem to say this isn’t the right time, but that nagging little voice or idea just will not completely go away. You put it on the back burner, but somehow it always finds its way back

and on and on and on.

Peace & Blessings, There is an old Greek word from which we get the modern word “metamorphosis”. It K. Entrantt gives the visual of a caterpillar going through all the processes in the cocoon to come out a butterfly or a tadpole surviving opposition and

Naptural Roots Magazine Subscribe Today! Subscriptions Print $10 Per Year (4 Issues) Online $10 Per Year (4 Issues) Save Now! Order Both for Only $15 Payments Payment Enclosed Make Your Payment online ( ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name (Please print)

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Staples > Contributing Authors & Poets

Rhonda Hodge

Reseda Young

Aminada DNiembe

Reseda is a manager for a major corporation. Her passion is family, gardening, and writing. She takes pride in excellence and enjoys being a host to friends and family. She is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Business. Her lifelong desire is to retire to Senegal.

Aminada Dniembe is a Life Coach with specialties in Marriage & Family Retention, The Impact of Addiction on the Family & Community, Self Esteem Make-overs. She is a national consultant with background in Law Enforcement, Mental Health, Women Services. She can be reached at 206 853-6465 for speaking engagements and appointments.

A Seattle native working in the insurance industry, Rhonda has a passion for finance and investing. As the owner of The Balance Sheet Financial Consulting Services, she takes great pride in assisting families as well as individuals in reaching their financial goals and dreams. The Balance Sheet can be reached at 206-568-7729.

Shavonna Winston

Elizabeth Morphis

Calvin Rivers

Currently a junior in high school, Shavonna Winston is an up and coming poet. She has been writing poetry for 6 years and has had her work published as part of the Authors Club.

A 37 year old Seattle native. Elizabeth Morphis is a single mother of two beautifully naptural children. She is a Sociology/Communications major at the University of Washington. She is dedicated to living and sharing natural holistic thinking, praying and living. She can be contacted at

Calvin developed an interest in the field of Psychology and social interactions while accompanying his mother during hair salon appointments. In 2005, Calvin became the owner of Enhanced Interactions, LLC, which is a company that helps couples to achieve a deeper understanding of their partners within relationships and individuals to heighten their self awareness. Calvin and or Enhanced Interactions can be reached at 1-866-305-4986 or emailed at

Sharon Stuckey A single mother of two, Sharon has been writing most of her life. She is dedicated to family and community and it shows in all that she does. Always willing to lend a hand, Sharon is truly an inspiration to us all.






Health & Beauty > Rethinking Your Skincare You Already Have What You Need I intuitively know what is best for me. So do you. We all do. It was a few years ago, that I decided to take the media’s hands off and out of my body. I accepted a lot of things that year. Simplicity is key in all things, I decided. It is with this thought in mind, that I address you. I intend to cause you to feel good! Let’s talk about our skin and it’s care. It is alive you know! It is your body’s largest organ, in fact. And we must rethink skin, as with most things today.

to be separated from your money b y advertisers? Tell yourself the truth. Feel good!

Skin Care Tips •

Literature concerning skincare is everywhere, but little material is available, that offers details about the skin and hair of people of color. When available, it is often misleading, superficial and inaccurate. It is assumed that our skin is all the same. This is far from the truth. Even in the same family our skin can be very different! One must find a suitable regimen and the products that answers individual need. Many have the products on hand but fail to develop a routine so as to use them regularly. And they are of no use to your skin while still in the bottle. As women of color we are indeed blessed! We are beautiful like a field of flowers. Each one of us! Our race has the largest most diverse variety of skin colors. It is believed that we share some thirty-five different skin shades and tones. The amount of melanin in our skin gives us shades from vanilla to cinnamon to chocolate to blue black. Most of us descended from African, Native American, Latin, and or European Ancestry. This is why we offer so much flavor! Too, we share special skin properties that protect us from the ravages of over exposure to sun and wind damage. We usually do not suffer the fine, deeply ingrained wrinkles associated with aging. Even at advanced ages our skin can be as soft as velvet. Skin of color is naturally rich, glowing and warm, when we are healthy.

I am not going to recommend any one product by name. I do use a basic cleanser, toner and moisturizer. They are all natural and gentle. My whole body feels clean, hydrated and nurtured. Yes, I do miss the over fragranced, pretty containers but we are speaking life here! And besides, my only intention is to feel good without causing others to feel bad and to look my very best all the while.

Familiarize yourself with information on your specific skincare needs. Remember that your skin type is also affected by the seasons, hormonal fluctuations, medications, diet and attitude. Your skin must be consciously cared for, too. It is not invincible. It is highly reactive, easily damaged, and prone to rashes, injury and breakouts.

Discolorations and scarring are common due to everyday events, such as (popping a pimple or banging your shin against a chair). So again,

be careful and keep it simple. Cleanse. Tone. Moisturize.

Love the skin you’re in. And never compare yourself to another individual. See your own beauty. If your body is truly your temple, hold it sacred.

Stay away from all things not natural. I like the old maxim,” if it grows, it’s a go”! Get plenty of fresh air, fresh food, exercise, adequate sleep and rest periods.

Schedule some laughter and fun into your routine. We can’t forget that no matter what the occasion our folks found a way to laugh about it. Our lives have become too perfunctory. Have fun all the time, even at work. Stop taking e verything so seriously. Immersing oneself in an environment that makes you feel good is key..

Cheers! Aminada DNiembe

International Photo Unlimited Angela Lister Photographic Artist

Natural Care

Phone: (206) 293-0214 email:

While we all want to look and smell good, I think that a return to some of the things “the old folks”, taught us should apply here. Keep it simple! No one is asking you to throw out all of your personal care products. That’s your call. Just begin to notice why you buy the things you do. Is it because they really work for you? Or are you a victim of the media?

• • • •

Ask yourself if every time you see a commercial about “the new miracle” product, are you off to the store? Are your cabinets and drawers full to overflowing, with stuff that you no longer use or has expired?

Individual, Group & Family Shots Professional Headshots Glamour Shots Wedding and Event Services

Have the promises that the sellers made about the product proved true? Could you just have used what you already had on hand? Did you once again allow yourself




Sauda Porter and Daughter Hairstyle: Beautiful Locs Make-up: Essence of You Skincare Photography: International Photo Unlimited

Not My Dreds By Sharon Stuckey Bamboo Shoots! Nappy Roots! How dare you compare my hair. I’m not “nappy.” I’m happy being natural with years of care and lots of love. Dreds of nature! Nurtured naturally and well groomed. And able to do what you do with yours without the chemicals to distract my roots from growth. With a glow as bright as the moon.




Lifesyle > Got Love? Building Excellence... Exceeding Expectations By K. Entrantt

There is nothing that impacts the life of a child like a parent who is an alcoholic or an addict. Have you ever looked into the eyes of a child whose premature exposure to the adult world has made them old before their time? It’s like their sense of play and wonder has been stolen. As a Mental Health Professional I have seen my share of families ravished by the effects of substance abuse and the children always suffer the most psychologically, physically, spiritually, emotionally, educationally, economically. A few years ago I received a frantic call from a minister, asking me to assist in mentoring 2 small children whose mother was going into treatment for 30 days. My own children had not been out of the house long enough for me to experience the empty nest syndrome! Me? Two small children? I met with a few of the other church members that week and we established a “circle of influence”. One person kept them during the week, got them ready for school and dropped them off. Someone else picked them up in the afternoon, spent time with them, checked homework, prepared dinner, read them a story and tucked them into bed at night. Another person had the weekend shift and also took the children to see their ailing grandmother. Others bought school supplies, clothes, books, games, etc. Everyone was extremely busy with all kinds of commitments before these children were dropped into our lives. We seem to “accidently” make it work, when we began to focus on what we could do. Of course life has its’ share of unknowns and a 30 day commitment turned into almost 3 months. What made this work was the “caregivers” maintained good communication with one another and we wanted to give the children a chance at normalcy. We were willing to do something! Reaching out to those children did not make the headlines or become a module for a new program, but it gave 2 elementary students an extended family and expressions of love. The girl was 6, feisty and talkative her brother was 8, introverted, and having difficulty transitioning from printing to cursive writing.

Destiny Leadership Consults Specializing in: • Women’s Management styles • Culture Proficiency • Employee Retention • Childhood Preservation • Safe School Environment Strategies Karen Keys (206) 853-3264

We gave them what we had and when our time was up, sad though we were we found comfort in having planted a seed. The long- term effect is uncertain, yet we stepped up when we called to do so. Is there a child-related situation calling you? In your church? Neighborhood? Is there a child who could benefit from you shampooing and combing their hair once a week? Are you a retired teacher with too much time on your hand, what about volunteering as the neighborhood tutor? Is there a single parent in your community who so desperately needs your help? Take a step and you will be guided what to do next… Live Well! Karen




Baionne Hairstyle: Press and Bump Clothing: MAC Fashions Accessories: The Allabaster Box Make-up: Essence of You Skincare Photography: Manuel Stanton

Good Morning Nappy! By Karen Entrantt Good Morning twists, kinks, curls and knots. As I emerge into my day so do you… You are my constant... my strength... my joy. I love you just as you are.. You put a smile on my face when I see what you’ve been up to while I slept. Sometimes that first look in the mirror makes me crack up laughing at you and me. Face washed… teeth brushed… what nappiness shall we create today? There’s the ole faithful nappy ponytail what about a nappy French-roll? Or a tie-back? Today, I think we’ll just be … FREE! SPRING 2006



Staples > Naptural Bill Of Rights

Naptural Bill of Rights

1. I have the right to wear my hair in a way that expresses my heritage, my culture, ME. 2. I have the right to pursue excellence in health, wealth, and personal welfare without man-made limitations, judgments and obstacles. 3. I have the right to initiate, engage and pursue my highest potential. 4. I have the right to stand on my personal code and live life accordingly. 5. I have the right to build a community, family, a legacy. 6. I have the right to be free in mind, body, spirit, and expression. 7. I have the right to be wrong, make mistakes, change and grow at my own speed. 8. I have the right to create, deliver, extend, retract and still be valued. 9. I have the right to a peaceful existence. 10. I have the right to many beginnings and endings. 11. I have the right to exceed all expectations. 12. I have the right to live ... napturally!






Health and Wellness > Blackened Catfish Caesar Salad This quarter’s recipe is provided by Alanka Hankerson of Savor This - Catering With Soul

Caesar Salad is named after Chef Caesar Cardini who created it in his restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico in 1924. It became popular in Hollywood and is now considered an American classic.

Caesar Salad 3/4 cup of lite mayonnaise 2-3 cloves of garlic 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or to taste Pinch of salt 2 tablespoons of freshly grated Parmesan cheese 1 head romaine lettuce leaves separated, washed, dried, and any but the freshest, unblemished leaves discarded 1/3 cup of Parmesan cheese, freshly grated or shredded into paper thin strips

Dressing Combine the mayonnaise and garlic in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Add the lemon juice, salt, anchovies and Parmesan cheese and process to blend.

Cajun blackened fish was made famous by New Orleans chef Paul Prudhommes. In this blackened fish recipe, fillets of fish are coated with a blend of herbs and spices, and panfried in non-fat butter.

Blackened Catfish 1 teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 4 Fresh Catfish fillets 6 tablespoons non-fat butter (more or less)

Place all the herbs and spices in a bowl; mix well. Dip the fish fillets into the mixture to coat lightly. Add 4 tablespoons butter to the skillet, heat until sizzling. Add the coated fish fillets and fry over medium heat for about 4 minutes on each side, until browned and cooked thru. Transfer the blackened fish to a serving platter while preparing salad.

Overall, compared to most meats and poultry, fish is much lower in total fat and saturated fat, is a source of very high quality protein, supplies lots of vitamins and minerals, and contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids

Assemble Pour the dressing into the bottom of a large salad bowl. Add the romaine, and toss together until the leaves are all coated and shiny. Add the croutons and toss lightly to mix. Place salad on a plate position warm fish fillets on top and sprinkle the cheese over and serve immediately.




Naptural Hairstylist Profile > Danyale Thomas

Who Are you?

What do you do to keep healthy & positive?

My name is Danyale Thomas and I am a "Natural Hair Artist".

I meditate and I pray regularly. I think it is also important that I surrounding myself with positive, inspirational people.

Where are you located? Danyale LaShaun and Daye Salon 308 22nd Avenue South suite 101 Seattle, WA 98122

How Can people get in contact with you?

In your opinion, how is natural haircare different from processed haircare?

I can be reached at the salon. The phone number is 206 322 3344.

What are your hours of operation? The salon is open Tuesday - Saturday. Please call me to schedule an appointment.

My hair is natural and has been for many years now. I choose to only provide services that I would consider for my own hair.

What are your specialties? My passion and specialty is starting, maintaining, grooming and styling locs.

How long have you been working with natural hair?

What made you choose natural hairstyling?

I began working with natural hair in 1994.

How long have you been natural? I began my natural journey in 1993.

What types of natural styles have you had? I have had a variety of natural hairstyles including an afro, twists, locs, braids, and my hair has been faded.

What is your health and fitness routine? Health and wellness are very important to me so I do early morning yoga, walking, and I maintain a healthy diet. 14





Depends on the styling techniques that are frequently used in your natural hair care regimen. I always suggest a deep conditioner and a hot oil treatment once a month. A trim every 6 to 8 weeks. I don't use any heat in my natural hair care other than blowdrying which helps to maintain natural elasticity.

What products do you use and Why? Barry Fletcher has a great line of products that are great for natural hairstyling. I like Nairobi styling foam for setting and styling hair. And the Nairobi Dandrasolv scalp balm for regular scalp therapy. Carols Daughter has a wonderful all natural hair and body product line that is great for regular at home hair care.

Do you have any natural hairstyling tips and techniques that you can share? For locs I recommend light water soluble products. Never black or brown gels or bees wax.

Who do you see as natural influences in your life and why? My mother is the biggest influence in my life. She has never been timid in expressing herself through her choice of hairstyles.

Naptural Hairstylist Profile > Danyale Thomas




Frankie White & Ebony Thomas Frankie’s Hairstyle: Cornrows and Bantu Knots Eboni’s Hairstyle: Curled Two-strand Twists Make-up: Essence of You Skincare Photography: International Photo Unlimited

THIS MORNING By Reseda Young When I woke up this morning, All I could do is think about you. The caresses of your touch. The softness of your voice. The attitude in your walk. When I woke up this morning. All I could do is think about you. The hope in your eyes. The strength in your forgiveness. And the blessings, Streaming from your heart. All I could do is think about you. Walking in your future, and not in my past. 16



Lifestyle > Spirituality In The Bag

By K. Entrantt

There is a school of thought that says every person has a seed of faith, a yearning for a Higher Power or Consciousness and an innate connection to the Sacred . Somehow our modern day technologies, manufacturing complexities, and corporate glass ceilings have taken over the Sacred places within. If we could see our thought patterns and focus on a screen, I dare say the job, finances, material conquests, family patterns would dominate our thoughts more than realizing we are sacred, divine creations with unlimited power and potential! I hear your chuckle at the idea of such an absurdity, considering your present circumstances, debts, and worries. Funny thing about Spirituality, many times what’s “temporarily showing up” on the outside, doesn’t seem to match what’s truly happening within. Let’s look at a couple of examples: “My one true-love…” (left, cheated, lied, addicted, betrayed, abandoned, imprisoned, died..) There is no pain like the death of the dream of “you- and-me-together-forever.” It doesn’t matter if it was an amicable agreement to end or a messy I caught you red-handed ending. It forces one to redefine every aspect of life, whether you think you are ready or not.

One of the greatest spiritual experiences one can have is to raise children, biological or chosen. If you can stay in the game one day at a time, year in and year out and continue to do what is necessary to nurture, cultivate, shape the life of a child and then learn how to allow them the wing space needed to fly up and away. You have evolved as a seasoned Life Participant and have obtained Spiritual Wealth. What it takes to raise a child activates wisdom in the parent, which transcends the highest formal training and accolades. There you are showing up as a Spiritual-being again. Who knew you were so spiritual? Your Sacred Place Within always knew. Isn’t it time to go within?

Think about it, as painful as that break up was some good things followed, once you were able to release the life you had and began to open up to the new, the good things came, in surprising ways. You learned important life lessons. You changed. You became stronger. You opened your eyes more. You told your self and others the truth. You communicated better or maybe for the first time in your life you were true to you! You had a Spiritual Awakening, which could not have taken place without that person, space, time, and event. Isn’t Divinity grand! If that situation with the job hadn’t taken place, when would you have left or made the next divine step in your career? Are you a business owner today? Consultant? Home-business? Living your creative and business dreams or planning the steps to get there? If your frustration had not reached the boiling point, wouldn’t you have settled for the mundane and predictable? Only the dead are predictable! That unbearable situation forced you out and up to your greatness! Some one is waiting for you to create a product, provide a service, establish a business. You will never be truly satisfied until you answer the call of your own divinity! And you thought you weren’t all that Spiritual?

Juiceworks International Corp. With over 20 years of research behind us, Juiceworks International Corporation creates nutritional products that help the body heal from infectious diseases. Our juices and serums are made from all natural fruits and vegetables with NO PRESERVATIVES. If you are looking for a natural remedy for your health problems, please contact us for a consultation.

“We no longer have need of your services…” (down-sizing, corporate buy-out, coercedearly retirement, fired) It is easy to be defined by job title, authority, or net worth if you’re not careful to value other intangible experiences too. “My adult child(ren)…(have returned home and refuse to pay their way, have chosen to... refuse to leave home... are not responsible…) Every parent so wants the best for their children, that we often become unbalanced and inadvertently hinder important steps and necessary rites of passage, flight take offs and crashes our children need to soar. Now on the outside each of these scenarios looks like a crisis of insurmountable proportion, with no way out. Yet the average person has survived a love break up, firing or layoff and the ups and downs of raising children. So what’s the point, you say? I’m glad you asked. Spirituality is not defined or determined by how soft, comfortable or challenge free your life has been. Spirituality is the bricks and mortar of characterbuilding, personal-development, confidence in oneself and the process, decision-making skills, accountability, responsibility and stamina. These can be called the Seven Principles of Spirituality, if you will.

Nathaniel Davis Jr. 206-723-1220

Recent Accomplishments & Awards

√ 2005 WA State Small Businessman of the Year (awarded by National Republican Congressional Committee) √ 2005 Ronald Reagan Gold Medal Award For Research




Naptural Fun > Rombus & Sudoku Puzzles Answers to Naptural Fun puzzles are available at




Dollars and Sense > From Spending To Saving

By Rhonda Faye Hodge I know what you are thinking another article telling me to save more, spend less, reduce my credit card debt, and pay myself first. Well you are right! This article will advise you to save more and spend less and reduce credit card debt but with a twist. So now you are thinking what twist? Either you spend or you save. The Twist: I am not going to tell you to never eat out, never have a night on the town or eat Ramen noodles and Beans 5 days of the week. I am going to suggest that you consider making small cut backs that can add up to hundreds may even thousands of dollars over time.

two kids to feed and clothe there is no way I am going to be able to start a fund on my salary.

Small Beginnings: Start small and painlessly. Commit a small of money from each paycheck (any amount) to an emergency fund account and a small amount from federal tax refund. Ideally I would like to save the whole refund but I would settle for any amount you choose to save for your emergency account.

Back to the Basics: Remember when you were a child and placing coins in a piggy bank actually brought you excitement. You were anticipating the day you would have enough money to purchase the Roller Skates, Nike Jordan’s, or a TV for your room. How about some old fashion piggy bank saving. Perhaps you have an item would like to purchase of small means in the next couple of months lets say it is a new down comforter before winter, a Coach bag you have been eyeing at the outlet store, a CD changer for the car (it can be any item you would like). Commit to placing all the change that collects in your wallets, pockets, purses and seat cushions to a piggybank, box, Jar or Tin Can. The item you pick to save the money in doesn’t matter. Just think about it, adding $5.00 (any amount) from every paycheck in a short time you will have enough money to purchase the item. I once read that $600.00 worth of change passes through the average consumer hands yearly. Let starting saving those nickels, dimes, quarters and even pennies for whatever item has caught your eye. Small change can add up to dollars quickly. This is the most painless way to save. That’s the nice thing about The Twist, it’s userfriendly!

Financial Health: Have you read the financial articles and books that explain an emergency fund with 3-6 months of living expenses is paramount to your financial health? (Well they are right). Did you protest loudly yeah right! I have a mortgage/rent, car payment and

After awhile saving will become fun and you will find more creative ways to save money and actually enjoy it all with out diminishing your way of life.

Many credit unions will allow you to open an

The Balance Sheet

Striking a Balance: Now you are thinking OK here it comes no more morning lattes, no more lunching with my co-workers and no more shopping, vacations or weekend getaways. I believe that we all work hard for our pay and we need to strike a balance between spending and saving. Can you have the best of both worlds? I say yes!!! Let’s try it together…

account with anywhere from $5.00 to $30.00. Once again over time this money will add up to a sizeable sum. I know you thinking putting $5.00 in account every payday will only net me $120.00 in a year. That is a $ 120.00 in an emergency fund that you did not have last year. That is a huge accomplishment.

Financial Services Rhonda Hodge Financial Consultant 206-568-7729 Our Services • We specialize in working with individuals and families with moderate income. • We want to help you achieve your financial goals and aspirations through user friendly budgeting techniques, financial counseling, and sound financial planning.

Balancing Your Budget One Dollar At A Time Because every penny really does count! SPRING 2006



Staples > Book and Product Reviews

Mr. and Ms. Naptural Roots 2006 Essay Contest please write your name on a piece of tape and affix it to the back of the photograph.

Are you the embodiment of true napturality? Do you live and breath a naptural lifestyle while giving back to your community? Then you may be just the Man and Woman to represent Naptural Roots Magazine as Mr. and Ms. Naptural Roots.

Entries (including photographs) will not be returned. Only one entry will be accepted per entrant. Multiple entries will be discarded and the first entry submitted will be judged.

Guidelines Entrants must have natural hair. Hair cannot be processed and cannot contain artificial additions (weaves, extensions).

Entries will be accepted via postal mail and email. Entries containing nudity, vulgar language, racial epithets, etc. will be automatically disqualified.

Entrants must submit a cover sheet, essay, and a recent photograph. The cover sheet should include your name, email address, phone number, age, essay title and word count, and a description of your community outreach efforts.

Please send entries to: Naptural Roots Magazine Mr. & Mrs. Naptural Roots 2006 Contest P.O. Box 68926 Seattle, WA 98168

The Essay must be 500 - 1000 words with the topic chosen from the Naptural Bill of Rights on page 12. Do not put your name on your essay. Essay and cover letter should be stapled together.

Email submissions should be sent to


1st Place

• •


Full Page write-up in print and online magazine

Trophy and Gift Basket

Photography session with Naptural Roots

Runner Up

• •


Trophy and Gift Basket

Honorable Mention and Photograph in print and online magazine

All awards will be presented at the

2006 Natural Hair Show

Deadline for entry is June 15, 2006. The winner will be announced at the Naptural Hair Show in July 2006.

The photograph should only include the entrant. To ensure the photo is not damaged,

365 Science of mind A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes “Earnest Holmes, founder of Science of Mind philosophy taught that through the power of our mind we are continually creating the conditions of our life. We are always making use of this innate creative power whether consciously or unconsciously: the thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs we hold are shaping our tomorrows”…. “Something within each of us, in our innermost being, knows that greater possibilities exist for us…” Kathy Juline This is a book of daily encouragement and thoughts of wisdom. What sets this book apart from most affirmation books is it’s stance that everything is created or dissolved by our balance of thoughts; that we attract our experiences through our thoughts and beliefs. At first reading these concepts can be both challenging and easily dismissed. Yet if the reader continues, the principles become intriguing and worthy of deeper contemplation.




DermaLly Pure Skincare Face Cleanser & Toner The DermaLly Pure skincare line by Madawa’s Zanzibar is a natural skin therapy system that proudly proclaims to contain no synthetic fragrance, no artificial color, and no animal ingredients. After using the product for a month consistently I could see a marked improvement in the condition of my face. The cleaner and toner both clean without overdrying my skin. The Madawa line is ideal for those seeking a natural, cruelty-free skin care system without compromising quality. Madawa’s products are all pure, natural, contain no synthetic fragrances, dyes or parabens, are never tested on animals, and, are packaged in recyclable containers and earth-friendly wrappers.

Luther Hampton III Clothing: Wheeler & Wheeler Photography: Manuel Stanton




Together, We’re Making a Difference For 25 years, Whole Foods Market team members, customers and suppliers have worked to make the world a better place. We’ve created a dynamic and compassionate company that thrives on our passion for health, wholeness and vitality. Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet is more than just our motto - it’s a philosophy and way of life that we work hard to honor each day. Visit us at Roosevelt Square 1026 NE 64th Street Seattle, WA 98115 206-985-1500 Store hours: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. everyday.





Lifestyle > Creating New Solutions With Feng Shui

Scenario: You are feeling so grateful. Your life is so full! You have been thinking of spreading some joy in the community and finally decide to volunteer. After making the appointment to meet with the program coordinator, down at the shelter you are upbeat, feeling great. There is no feeling like truly giving something of yourself to others. So what happens to that good feeling once you arrive at the site? You find yourself confused and disoriented. You force yourself to stay, but can barely wait to get out of there.

The Chinese knew and accepted that we are sentient beings dwelling upon a sentient planet. That all things are alive and interrelated by cosmic energy or Chi. Feng Shui is a return to Intuitive Living. The maintenance of harmony and balance in the universe, and in nature, is the fundamental goal of Feng Shui, or of “Geomancy”, as it is also termed.

Let me introduce you to Feng Shui. Heard about it, but have you actually explored it? I first learned of feng shui, pronounced ( Fang or Fong Sway ) about ten years ago. The words Feng Shui, are Chinese for “Wind and Water”. It is both an environmental science and art. It began simply as an interpretation of the natural world.


What is it? Feng Shui is the art and science of placement, which has its’ roots in ecology, aesthetics, philosophy, astrology and interior design an ancient discipline dating three thousand years ago, containing principles at least six thousand years old. Simply put, the universe is a vast field of swirling, vibrating energy. Feng Shui is the study of this motion.

• It teaches us the art of manipulating our physical surroundings in a favorable direction. We are taught to achieve balance between the forces of Yin and Yang, these being identified, as the two opposite but complimentary forces of the universe.

• Through the proper arrangement of objects within and around your home or office one can achieve harmony. The Chinese believed that by mixing, separating, and arranging of the five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Metal and Wood), at appropriate compass points is one of the basic methods of adjusting the Feng Shui in your home or office.

• Colors and shapes are also figured in to help establish balance in our personal spaces. Feng Shui may sound complicated, but is quite simple really. It transcends the confines of rational thought and it’s preoccupation with logic and yet it is firmly grounded in common sense and scientific observation.

In the realm of Feng Shui, most of the woes of mankind can be directly linked to human disregard and disrespect for the laws of the universe, and our failure to care for our planet. In certain circles, it is believed that Mother Earth retaliates through so called natural disasters.

A Mother’s Decree My Child I give you the best of myself from inception to conception to reception. I reach beyond the ethers and I give you the life of the sacred.

Our rain forests are disappearing, the protective ozone layer is depleted, the oceans and the very air we breathe is polluted and still we continue to over develop the land. WE ARE OUT OF ORDER! We are divorced from the natural. It is time for a real relationship repair. A reunion is in order.

There will never be another, who enters the world as you. I, in my humanity, will do my best to love, nurture, and shape you into YOU! In my haste for perfection there will be failings, but always rest assured that my love is constant!

Those living close to the land develop a deep connection to nature. They learn to respect and have keen appreciation for the laws of nature, knowing that their very survival depends on it. Through observation they realized that one benefits by living in harmony and balance with the forces of nature.

We the naptural roots family salute every woman who has stood in the gap; loving, mentoring, and supporting their child.

Our entire cosmos shimmers as a network of communication. The sun, moon, and stars, everything has an energetic imprint. All growth and development is energetic. So if you find yourself depressed, stuck, unhappy or even ill for no apparent reason, I suggest you investigate Feng Shui. It can make a difference. Visit your local library or bookstore or interior design firms to learn more about it.

We wish you a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY

While there are numerous materials available on this ancient art, I especially like these books: The Practical Encyclopedia of Feng Shui By Gill Hale. Feng Shui, arranging your home to Change Your Life, Kirsten M. Lagatree. Feng Shui, The book of cures, Nancilee Wydra.

Peace and Harmony!

Where did it come from?





At Akili Technologies Publishing (ATP), LLC, our mission is to assist artists and small businesses in making their self-publication dreams a reality through technological excellence and affordable pricing. We also endeavor to establish a reputation in the technology and publication industries and the community at large as the premier minorityowned publisher in the Pacific Northwest. We currently offer publication services for email, web, print, and multimedia projects. If you have a project that you are interested in publishing, give Akili Technologies Publishing, LLC a try. 206-331-4984






Naturally Beautiful by Karen Entrantt When the wind blows my hair, my hair pushes back! When the sun looks for my scalp, my hair makes the sun say please and thank you. When the rain taps on my hair, my hair opens up and takes a refreshing drink. When the moon shines in the night upon my hair, He smiles in appreciation. When the stars come out they wave a sparkling hello to such natural beauty. Wherever I am, I am naturally beautiful!

Sherry and Triniti Eberhardt Photography: International Photo Unlimited






Health and Wellness > Make Your Spring Cleaning Count by Calvin Rivers, M. Ed. successfully married couples who have children who have found long lasting relationships as well. Just as positive behaviors are passed from parent to child through rearing so are dysfunctional ones. Abusive parents of today are abused children of yesterday.

Spring marks the end of the winter months and the beginning of the warm season. It is a time in which we say good-bye to oppressive heating bills and welcome the opportunity to bask in the warm sun. Many of us feel so overjoyed by this seasonal change that we begin the arduous ritualistic task of “spring cleaning”.

The point of this is not for blame to be placed on our parents. I am sure the best was done with the information that was available to them. Instead, this is to suggest the importance of looking into our emotional closets to identify and correct those beliefs and or norms that have caused a gross distortion in our frame of reference and overall well-being. There are other sources for our emotional stuff.

We search high and low those areas of our homes that have gathered dust due to neglect. Many people are meticulous as they visit remote areas of their homes in an effort to relieve their dwelling of stuff. But, what about cleaning the closet? I am not talking about the closet in which we keep clothing that has become too small but we hold onto for their sentimental value. Or the closet that hold the same clothing in which we hope to be able to wear again even though no changes have occurred in our eating habits and or exercise regimen. No, I am talking about the closet that holds all of the emotional “stuff” that keeps us from living a fulfilled life. Whatever a fulfilled life may mean it is not until we deal with the clutter within our emotional closets that we are able to gain insight into those maladaptive and dysfunctional behaviors that lead to a negative self image and an overall poor outlook on life. The question to answer is “How does this stuff get in our closets”?

When we hold the perception that loving is being that of a weakness instead of one of empowerment and we encounter others who prove unworthy of our love, the baggage that results is stored in our closets. Do you know of someone who has been through a bad relationship and as a result is very bitter? Perhaps you may be this individual that I am describing. Do you blame yourself for being foolish in loving the person that has caused the pain? Do you tell yourself “I will never love another in this way again”?

Some of the emotional baggage that we carry as adults is residual stuff from our childhood. When I was growing up, I don’t recall there being a guide to parenthood that my mother and father could consult whenever they had questions about raising their children.

Often we find fault with those who have proven not to be worthy of our love when in fact it is our perception of loving that is the problem. If a person who suffered from a mental impairment were to say something inappropriate would you become upset? Hopefully, realizing that this person was impaired you would take appropriate action.

Today, research is very extensive regarding childhood development. For example, we now know that being rebellious is a natural part of a child’s development. Also the phrase “Because I said so”, which was the answer most parents would give to a child that seem to question their authority, impedes the development of critical thinking skills. It is our parents who lay the foundation for how we feel about ourselves and interact with others as adults. For example, there is a direct correlation between


There is no right or wrong way to experience our feelings

Our Perceptions Of Love

Emotional Baggage

Those who prove to be unworthy of our love are impaired because they are unable to understand and or realize its value. They are unable to reciprocate the love that has been shown. When we enter relationships with the perception of love being a weakness we rationalize the other person’s impairment as our own. We take ownership of things not working and

Angela Roberts


Cleaning Our Emotional Closet

This year do not forget cleaning the emotional closet because it is a good beginning to becoming an agent of change within your life. Making changes is never an easy process. Things that are really of value in our lives never are easy to obtain or achieve. As you engage in this form of self analysis, you may experience a large spectrum of feelings and emotions. It is important to remember that there is nothing wrong with the feelings, but what is done with the feelings should be considered. There is no right or wrong way to experience our feelings, but we must be responsible in how we deal with them. Seek help if you are not able to resolve any concerns yourself. Although you may be indulging in self analysis it does not have to be done alone. Seek out the aid of those you trust. If the issues that become surfaced are too painful and or personal in nature, then the professional guidance of your religious leader or therapist may be necessary. If you have never been in a therapeutic relationship before, a relationship coach can be a solid testing ground before entering into a long term relationship with a therapist. Whatever vehicle that is chosen, I urge you to get started this spring cleaning season because the fulfillment that you deserve is waiting.


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ultimately develop poor feelings about ourselves. We become angry when feelings of vulnerability and inadequateness are brought to the surface. Often we feel blind sided when in fact the sign of the other person being impaired is in clear sight the entire time. When these feelings intensify into bitterness, unknowingly we develop poor self esteem and or project this anger onto others. Looking into our emotional closets provides the foundation for analyzing the frame of reference that has resulted in maladaptive behavior which is a by-product of us distorting the truth.


5021 South Barton PL Seattle, WA 98118 206-723-6803




Shavonna Winston Photography: Akili Publishing, LLC

Beautiful By Shavonna Winston Beauty is in the eye of the love that holds her So what happens when her hair is too natural for the next, and she gets the cold shoulder? She feels useless and unapproved of so she turns to the public so they can now mold her. Mold her into what they want, not her. So now she’s got confidence and she’s getting a little bolder. She thinks she’s a beauty now, So that when she passes the people everyone in his right mind will bow. But she’s no longer nappy so she thinks she’s happy when all the men say wow. But what does that prove to her soul itself? Her hair did not show the beauty of her true wealth. It just boosted up her appearance and social help. When she finally realizes her inner beauty is worth much more. She reaches deep down inside and rips up that mask she wore. Now she’s a tad bit older and she now knows that true beauty is in the eye of the beholder. SPRING 2006



Napturality Stories > A Journey To Find My Naptural Self

I am of many races and it shows ... By Elizabeth Morphis.

meat I had ever ingested in my life diet. I exercised on occasion and dedicated more time to family issues than to my personal health. At my almost best (19 years old) I weighed 150lbs, wore a size 12 dress standing 6’1 ½ “ with three percent body fat. I would later learn this self image was maintained through anorexia. Fastforward 8 years (27 years old) I weighed 275lbs, wore a size 22 dress and did not want to know my body fat percentage. My nails, however, did not miss a two week acrylic fill, and my daily drink of choice was a tall vanilla latté, not too hot.

... in the shape of my body (African/Jamaican), the slant of my eyes (Chinese), the placement of my cheekbones (Cherokee & Blackfoot), the pug of my nose (German) the fair tone of my skin (a mix of known & unknown European taking away from my African dark hue) and the texture of my hair (a mix of it all).

I started my journey to wear my hair natural as part of my plan to detoxify my body in preparation of my first child. The year was 1995 and I was going to have my baby naturally. No more espresso, acrylic nails or curly perms. I choose to use extension braids to hide the two texture grow out phase. And I wore my hair loose every two months to deep condition it and let it breath. In June of 1996, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. I enjoyed my hair and the new found health. I lost thirty pounds prior to conception, and maintained a healthy baby-weight gain of twenty five pounds over my pregnancy. Unfortunately I was not able to negotiate an afro or braided look for myself with my husband, so back to the curly perm with $65 touchups every three months. This made me feel sad, because the complements of my glow and overall healthy appearance stopped after I went back to the old me.

Throughout my life many people influenced how I would fix my hair. My mother and father, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, my husband of twelve years and many others along the way had something to say, good or bad about my hair. And let’s not forget the guys who would pull my afro puffs and run down the halls of my junior high school yelling, “Mickey Mouse ears!” I was very sensitive about my hair. Not straight enough to wet and brush back smooth like my sister’s, no curly ringlets to enjoy like my brother’s just thick and puffy. I remember in the sixth grade, my drill team hat was made to order extra large so it would fit over my hair. I was ashamed of my hair and I hid it under hats, wigs braids and chemicals from the age of thirteen until just a few months ago when I decided to go natural for good.

The second phase of my journey came with my renewal of faith in my Lord, Jesus. With this new relationship, I needed to take a look at loving myself as he loved me. I found natural ways to heal my body. I stayed under the care of medical doctors who practiced naturopathic full person treatments. I was married with a three year old son and weighed over 360 pounds suffered from multiple recurring medical problems and lived in a shadow of de-

At twenty seven years old my body was subject to a high fat, any sweets I wanted and the most red




pression and anxiety. At 30 years old, I weighed 360lbs, wore a size 26 dress and again did not want to know my body fat percentage. My counselor at the time challenged me to start expressing my tastes in tangible ways. At first I could not see how this would help, but I did it anyway. My husband noticed and said I was changing. I asked him in what way? And he replied, “You’re stronger now.” I asked him what he thought of that. And he hesitated then replied, “I like it.” Following that I thought of changing my hair. I had the same style for the past nine years or more, and I wanted to know if I could like my hair. The curly style I wore pleased others more that it pleased me. I started with a color change before the final progression to a short afro. This was a self exploration, self love step very new territory for me. I had my stylist of nine years cut off all eighteen inches of chemically processed hair. I was left with one inch on top with tapered sides; “To flatter my high cheekbones.” was the explanation. To tell the truth I didn’t recognize the woman in the mirror, but I was determined to get to know her inside and out. I found tips for braiding and taking care of dreadlocks online. My friends and family turned out to be my best resource for my natural hair care. No one voted for me to stay with the short cut. I didn’t like the fact that you could see my scalp on the sides of my head. And the dome afro did not flatter my face. So I put together a plan to grow it out long. I tried every style I could think of or find in the magazines or on the internet. Knots, yarn twist, air dry with toweled texture (rub the towel briskly over wet hair in stead of combing); afro puffs, braids and the blowout loose and free look. I found that light weight products worked best. Like tea, minerals,

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shea butter and different herbs. I currently use Warm Spirit shampoo and conditioner and Wondergro Max Herb Blaster. Trying out all the different hairstyles reminded me of the scene in the movie, ‘Run-A-Way Bride’ when Julia Roberts stopped running long enough to make eggs several different ways and try each one until she found the one she liked. I have found I am most fond of the loose and free with a bit brushed away from my forehead from the right to the left. My growth to just about 20” took just under two years. I tried to keep a style for a month or two to really try it out. See if it worked on the weekend as well as the weekday. How did my husband, coworkers and family react and how did their reactions affect me? To my pleasant surprise, I received a lot of complements and my self-esteem was boosted as high as I am tall. My two year love affair with my natural hair was cut short with the announcement of my lay off. After five years with the same company I was thrust into the job market. I recreated my look to conform to the acceptable black woman with straight hair business look. My home was in a bit of and uproar as well with the confirmation of my second child, and my husband’s work-related challenges came to a mixed end. We had both lost our fathers in the past years and my husband’s mother passed on as well.

With all of this my self-esteem and outlook on life was back in the dumps. I did what I saw many black women do. Ready yourself for battle and support your family. I stood by my husband’s decision to move the family to Las Vegas, prepared as best I could to bring this new little person into our family, prayed a lot and held on with both hands. Three months following the tidal wave of announcements I had a new job, new preemie baby girl and a husband who seemed unhappy and ready to give up. I became very ‘Others’ centered. And put Elizabeth on the back burner.

ington last December. This is my home. Now, I weigh 230lbs (37 years old) and will loose an additional 30lbs by the summer. I am overcoming my battles with depression, eating disorders and co-dependency by asking for help when I need it, using holistic resources to heal my body, and standing up for what I know is right in the face of resistance. I now surround myself with a team of friends and family that love me fully and nourish me for who I am and support me in the goals achieved and that I have yet to achieve.

My third and final leg of the journey took place in Las Vegas, Nevada. I was working for a blue collar company that embraced my decision to wear my hair in its full natural glory. At home I was met with the request of a straight hair look for special occasions. So as an attempt to keep the peace in my marriage, I invested in a few wigs. The wigs were fun to wear because it allowed me to put on a bit of a show and know it was temporary.

Now I say my afro, my hair is a part of me. It is an acceptable expression of who my ancestors are and who I am today. I am dedicated to rock’n my afro everywhere I go. Rock’n my afro you ask? Yeah, it’s that little nod I have when my head has a hip hop/ R&B/Gospel beat that plays in it as a non-stop reminder for me to enjoy myself just as my creator made me everywhere I go. Going natural for me was an outward conclusion of inner growth and healthy living. I hope my story has encouraged you in some way. Do you know the person in the mirror inside and out?

While in Las Vegas I came to a long thought out and safety required decision to separate from my husband. This to will be a journey of self exploration, self love and healing. I’m happy to say, I returned to my senses to see that I have the right to be loved and to love in return as an equal with respect from maturity not obligation or immature desire. With a courage from deep within and the support of a few dear and close friends I drove for three days from Las Vegas, Nevada to Seattle, Wash-

I keep a copy of Naptural Roots Magazine at arms reach to stay encouraged and in touch with my naptural roots community. I want to thank LeAnne Dolce, publisher of this fantastic magazine for inviting me to tell my naptural roots

Bouquets a Bunch Gurline Stevenson

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Floral Artist

Floral Arrangements to turn your dreams into reality SPRING 2006


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