9 minute read
by Akita JET
WHAT’S YOUR NAME? WHAT’S YOUR SIGN? What’s your name? What’s your sign? Horoscopes by Lexi Baker
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Happy birthday, Gemini! You feel happiest when your energy is spread out over multiple tasks, and nobody can balance friendships and acquaintanceships like you. However, you might find your attention flagging as Mercury retrogrades in your sign this month. It’s not a crime to step back and give yourself a break, especially as the sun eclipses on June 10th and urges you to think critically about the places where you still need to grow. Remember to stay open and really try to hear the people around you, rather than responding to their experiences with stories of your own. As Cancer season approaches, reconnect with your loved ones and show them you care, even if it’s just over Zoom. They might be waiting for you to make the first move, and they’ll be so glad you did! (Keep wearing masks when you meet up!)
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Salted Butter Cookie Bread from Family Mart.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This hasn’t been an easy few months... or years. Your sign is ruled by the moon, and earlier in May, we saw a lunar eclipse that urged you to consider yourself, your emotional state, and the relationships you carry, both whole and severed. Now is the time to think back on who you were, and who you’ve become: are you happy? Are you loved—not just by others, but also by yourself? How will you continue to choose yourself when everything around you is in flux? And when you have your answers, it’s time to release anything stifling your growth, so that when Mercury exits retrograde on June 22th, you’ll be ready to realign your needs and reach out to your loved ones. Keep your head up—and happy birthday! (Don’t blow out candles if people are right next to you!)
This month’s lucky conbini snack: “French Toast Flavor” ice bar.
What’s your name? What’s your sign?
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Around June 14th, when Saturn and Uranus face off in the sky, you may feel a dramatic shift in your close relationships. Don’t reflexively fight these changes; instead, take some time to see the ways in which your friendships and partnerships are healthy, as well as how they might be fraying. Nothing can stay the same forever. This period of your life will urge you to set boundaries and seek closure with old relationships that you’ve been hanging on to. Alternatively, Venus will enter your sign on June 27—an unpredictable combination that will welcome fresh love into your life, or perhaps deepen your connection with your current partner. Don’t censor yourself—demand what you need, release what you don’t. Let yourself show off and seek attention! (And bring hand sanitizer!)

This month’s lucky conbini snack: Tomato Pretz. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Listen: the urge to text your ex happens to the best of us during a Mercury retrograde, and Venus transiting through sentimental Cancer isn’t helping. You don’t need this horoscope to explain why reconnecting with them won’t be good for you right now, though—you’re already very aware! Instead of giving in to nostalgia, focus on all the dramatic change unfurling around you. On June 14th, Saturn and Uranus will enter a square aspect, and force you to do some critical thinking about how you can push yourself and transform. Now is a great time to plan and work toward a new aspect of your future, whether that means educational opportunities, a change in work, or a big trip once the world opens back up! (But maybe hold off on traveling a little longer while we wait for our vaccines!)
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Seasonal Calbee “Consomme Punch Butter” chips.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Your ruling planet, Venus, entered Cancer on June 2, lighting up the parts of your chart that deal with your career! If you’re planning on heading out of Akita soon, keep your eyes peeled, as this period will bring some new opportunities your way; if you’re staying, try saying yes to your coworkers’ invitations to sporting events and get-togethers and seek new chances to connect with the people around you! You’re entering a personal spotlight where you’ll feel recognized and appreciated by your work partnerships and friendships, and you shouldn’t be afraid to let yourself shine. Just make sure you’re double checking the plans you make and the projects you take on, since Mercury retrograde is notorious for fouling up communication. (Social distancing with those outside your circles is still important!)

This month’s lucky conbini snack: Seasonal “Hokkaido Inka no Mezame” Jagabee. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Mercury in retrograde may have you dealing with things you find super frustrating lately, like miscommunications, delays, and missed connections. This period asks for your patience, as well as some self-reflection on how you deal with setbacks. The recent lunar and solar eclipses are directing you to look inward. Why not reflect on old grudges, and revisit old apologies—both the ones you haven’t accepted, and the ones you haven’t offered? This isn’t a time to be prideful. Lower your walls, and let your loved ones back in. Sentimentality isn’t weakness, and emotions aren’t shameful. Allow a little love and tender energy back into your life, and you might be surprised by the good it brings you. (Self-isolation is only a positive thing if you’ve been out of the prefecture within the past two weeks!)
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Seasonal pistachio-flavored Pino ice cream.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
As Mercury retrograde meets the solar eclipse on June 10th, be prepared to feel a dramatic shift. For so long, you’ve felt troubled and confused about various aspects of your life, your work, and your partnerships; this is an opportunity to look at everything with clear eyes. Mercury retrograde brings attention to old relationships, so be cautious but open as you wade into communication with exes and lost friends. You’ve been lonely lately, and this offers a chance for you to reconnect with people you’ve been missing. Just don’t welcome people back into your life if they’ve already proven that they’re no good for you! Mars dipping into Leo on June 11th will also offer you a bright burst of energy for the hobbies and people you really care about. You will definitely be rewarded. (Just remember to keep avoiding the 3 Cs!)

This month’s lucky conbini snack: Curry bread. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
As your ruling sign, Saturn, creates tension with Uranus on June 14th, you might feel slight deja-vu; you’ve already tackled some similar feelings and themes earlier in the year, but they’re back to haunt you. Saturn is a structured, practical, and rule-oriented force that guides you, but Uranus directly challenges everything about the current layout of your life. Sometimes, things that work...stop working! Sometimes the things you want...just don’t happen! You’ll especially notice this need for change in your career and your love life. It’s okay to let go of your rigidity, and it’s okay to want more freedom. This isn’t the end; it’s a moment of transformation. You are so prone to fixating on the end result that you’re forgetting to look at the present. Are you enjoying the journey? (And also staying two meters away from people?)
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Chocolate chip cookie.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
You’re so excited to be heard that you’re forgetting to listen! When you’re talking with your friends, are you building a conversation together, or are you just waiting for them to finish talking so you can bring the topic back to yourself? Gemini season always brings out bubbly and communicative energy for you, but don’t let yourself drown out your loved ones. Keep your words direct and clear during Mercury retrograde, and be wary of miscommunication during this period. Take this time to explore creative outlets, too—this is an opportunity to begin a new chapter of what makes you feel artistic, passionate, joyful, and loved. You’re overflowing with energy—so give it an outlet! (Maybe you should journal about any frustration you feel.) Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You may have noticed a feeling of disconnect from your closest relationships—or you might be deliberately walking away to avoid being hurt. Don’t lose heart! Sure, people come and go all the time, but you can choose and cultivate the energy around you that you’d like to keep. Think deeply on the people that honor who you are, and who you hope to be. Seek the security that you are craving, and take this opportunity to sort through all the emotional clutter you’ve been both building up and ignoring. Mercury retrogrades have a habit of highlighting unfinished business in our pasts, which can be painful—but the right people will be there to support you if you let them. (Also wash your hands for at least 20 seconds at a time.)
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Coffee custard melon bread from Lawson. This month’s lucky conbini snack: Chocolate peanut clusters.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Mercury in retrograde has you focused less on the future, and instead considering the intense nostalgia of the past. Harness this energy to rework the places you feel you’ve fallen stagnant. What are your biggest frustrations lately? How can you move forward? A good place to start might be by finishing all the old things you’ve left undone. Once you’ve got closure, you can finally begin something new. Try to stay patient, and don’t let your frustration get the best of you during this period. It’s okay if you feel like you’re disconnected from your usual charismatic, bright energy. There is value in doing things that are restorative and relaxing, even if you’re just by yourself. (This is an awesome time to be staying home, after all.)

This month’s lucky conbini snack: Yuzu Lemon cider from Seven Eleven.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Ordinarily, your fixed sign thrives in comfort: good food, good people, a clearly-defined schedule. Disruptions don’t sit well with you, and unfortunately, the world is in upheaval. Are you reaching out to your friends when you feel overwhelmed? The houses of your chart that deal with communication, imagination, and expression are all active, and you can use this energy to move forward and set a new path for yourself in this time of uncertainty. Don’t be too stubborn to see that you have people on your side! Uranus is solidly in your corner of the sky until 2026, and its steady influence is in tune with your earth sign energy; take comfort in knowing everything will pan out the way it needs to. (And in the meantime, give people space in the grocery store.)
This month’s lucky conbini snack: Yukimi Daifuku ice cream.

Wysteria in the Area
Photos by BROOKE DALGLEISH Tashiro Wysteria Garden, Odate, Akita