Summer 2011
From Breaking Point to Turning Point
White House Letters Think when you write the White House your letter goes unread? Think again.
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Tom Hill Retired, EDS
Susan Odom Community Philanthropist Chairman
Kimberly Lay Hudson Peters Commercial
Kevin R. Kyser ACS, A Xerox Company Chair, Fund Development Robert Johnson QMobius Chair, Board Stewardship Tracy Mott Community Philanthropist Vice Chair, Programs and Outreach Debi Pena Dallas Symphony Orchestra Chair, Human Resources Committee Mary Ann Hill Community Philanthropist Secretary Edward W. Rose, III Cardinal Investments Member-At-Large William J. Alcorn Retired, JCPenney Joe Chow Mayor, Town of Addison Natalie Lesikar Junior League of Dallas Liaison
Roger Martin Hunt Consolidated, Inc. David Monaco Head of School, Parish Episcopal Rachel Morgan Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Marilynn Y. Williams AT&T ADVISORY COMMITEE
CONTRIBUTERS Deana Albrecht Carol Casmus Maria Espinosa Michelle Gilchrist Kanisha Hall Thomas Hutter Amy Stewart Missy Wall This newsletter is published biannually by CONTACT Crisis Center, PO Box 800742 Dallas, TX 75380. Call 972.233.0866 for additional information. Learn more about CONTACT at :
Ron Anderson, MD PJ Bate Kenneth Cooper, MD Heather Hays Carol Heller Nancy Ann Hunt Joan Lane Mary Ann Reed, Ph. D. Gay F. Solomon Cheri Summerall Gretchen Minyard Williams
Welcome to Our New Staff Members CONTACT has welcomed two new staff members this spring:
Gail Greene CONTACT Connection Wolf Hanschen CONTACT Action Council
Michelle Gilchrist
Director of Development & Major Gifts
Craig Harris Hiersche, Hayward, Drakely & Urbach, P.C.
Amy Stewart, LCSW Senior Programs Officer Michelle Gilchrist 1
Amy Stewart
From the Front Cover: White House Letters Pg.
Facebook Blues Doctors are now finding that too much time on Facebook can have a negative impact on teenagers.
Women, Drugs & Depression
Fund Development
In the News
President’s Letter
A new national study shows a 49 percent increase in emergency department visits for drug related suicide attempts by women aged 50 and older.
C O N TA C Tn e w s CONTACT Welcomes ExxonMobil Summer Intern CONTACT is honored to be selected as one of 60 Dallas area non-profits to receive an ExxonMobil Corp. Community Summer Jobs Program intern. We welcome Pearce Edwards, an undergraduate attending Texas Christian University, where he is double majoring in
TeenCONTACT Intern, Patrick Crisp, takes questions from kids at Anti-Bullying Rally
Political Science and History, with a
Teen CONTACT Program Secures Key Sponsors
Spanish Minor. Pearce will be creating a training module for the crisis line volunteers to assist them in better navigating through CONTACT’s resource database. Having a robust and current resource database is critical in linking our callers to the right resources to move them from breaking point to turning point. More than 650 resources will be verified and updated. Pearce brings some notable experience, including achievement of Eagle Scout, prior intern experience at Tarrant Literacy Coalition and solid leadership skills. Pearce is serving as a Mental Health Resource Coordinator and focusing on achieving CONTACT’s goal to be a leader in mental health referral information, including support groups, counseling and substance abuse. Pearce’s work will have a significant and lasting impact on CONTACT’s crucial role in the continuum of mental health care for our community.
By: Missy Wall The Teen CONTACT Program underwent many exciting changes this past spring. In February, the program was selected as one of nine agencies to receive the Crystal Charity Ball Grant. Teen CONTACT was awarded $205,146, to be given over a three-year period. This money will be used to create support groups for teens struggling with depression. Currently, groups focused specifically on teen depression do not exist in Dallas County. The support groups will begin in 2012, along with the addition of a licensed staff person that will organize and manage the groups. In June, Teen CONTACT was invited by Verizon Wireless to help plan and take part in an Anti-Bullying Rally for over 500 children, ages 5 to 14, participating in Deion Sanders’ Truth Camp. The event was held at Duncanville High School and was a huge success. Additionally, seven members of the Teen Board graduated this past May and all seven are attending colleges in
the fall, both inside and outside the United States. Teen Board President, Mimi Ngyuen, was awarded the President’s Award for her outstanding leadership and volunteerism. She was also nominated as CONTACT’s Volunteer of the Year for 2010. Congrats to all of our amazing graduates and best of luck in future! Teen CONTACT is currently in the last planning stages for the annual sync. leadership program. The program is targeted toward high school students and allows them the opportunity to gain experience and knowledge in various topics that focus on leadership and career building. The topics this year center around our “Facebook” theme. Students who participate in sync.will also get the chance to participate in “resync.” events throughout the year. A huge thank you to Maverick Capital and the Dallas Mavericks Foundation for sponsoring this program!
$1 Million in Annual Sustainable Revenue By: Michelle Gilchrist CONTACT kicks-off its Rogerian Society Pacesetter Campaign July 1st, which will run for EIGHT weeks concluding on August 31st. Individual and corporate donors pledging their commitment during this time will set the platform for leadership and community support “jump starting” the 2011 annual drive. Pacesetter contributions will inspire other supporters to take action aiding in the achievement of this year’s $721,161 goal and the long-term strategic plan target of securing $1 million in annual sustainable revenue. Our President, Benaye Rogers, and Chair of the Fund Development Committee, Kevin Kyser have set aggressive strategies to move towards the $1 million strategic goal and members of the Fund Development Committee have been actively participating in corporate introductory meetings with Mary Kay Foundation, AT&T, Frost Bank-Coppell and Vendor Resource Management. Meetings ignited new interest, created opportunities to grow corporate relationships and provided exposure of CONTACT services. On September 15th, we will be one step closer to victory as CONTACT participates in the Communities Foundation of Texas DonorBridge “Get Up and Give” one-day giving campaign. Over the past two years, this day of giving provided CONTACT more than $40,000 in donations. Be on the lookout for more information. 4
White House LETTERS Many people are surprised to learn that the government has a process in place for dealing with letters and email from suicidal Americans. In most cases, this process results in the letter writer being contacted within a week or two by a phone counselor at the nearest crisis center. It’s all part of a unique partnership between the White House, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline an independent nationally-certified agency. The way it works is simple. Anytime someone sends a letter to the President expressing suicidal thoughts, White House officials forward the letter to SAMSHA, which in turn gives it to Lifeline. From there, Lifeline staff contact the crisis center closest to the caller. CONTACT’s responsibility is to contact the person and report the outcome to Lifeline, which sends the information up the chain to the White House. Nationwide, crisis centers received 2,589 White House letters in 2010. This was a significant increase over previous years (482 in 2009, 48 in 2008, 52 in 2007 and 33 in 2006). CONTACT received nine letters in 2010. One might theorize that the increase is due to a larger number of people who feel desperate today. Alternatively, it could mean that the current administration is forwarding more letters for follow up than it once did or than the previous administration. Most of the letter writers haven’t been at imminent risk. They’re frustrated, feeling helpless and want to vent. In almost every instance they’ve been surprised and pleased that when they wrote the President, someone actually responded. They didn’t expect it. 5
In a few cases, people have had serious thoughts of suicide. Our staff intervened and worked with them on safety plans. We’ve offered follow-up calls and ensured they knew to call our crisis line whenever they needed to talk. The hardest part, in many respects, has been just reaching the person. Oftentimes all we have is an IP or street address. Nevertheless, in most cases we’re able to make the connection. As might be expected, White House officials are leery about publicizing this service for fear it will prompt a flood of new letters. At the same time, it shows the teamwork that exists between government and private sectors, as well as demonstrates that everyone’s voice is heard - even when it seems unlikely. Adapted from Contra Costa Crisis Center Quarterly newsletter, Spring 2011
Nationwide, crisis centers received 2,589 White House letters in 2010.
& Depression
A new national study shows that from 2005 to 2009 (the most recent year with available figures) there was a 49 percent increase in emergency department visits for drug related suicide attempts by women aged 50 and older -- from 11,235 visits in 2005 to 16,757 in 2009. This increase reflects the overall population growth of women aged 50 and older. The report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) also shows that, while overall rates for these types of hospital emergency department visits by women of all ages remained relatively stable throughout this period, visits involving particular pharmaceuticals increased. For example, among females, emergency department visits for suicide attempts involving drugs to treat anxiety and insomnia increased 56 percent during this period – from 32,426 in 2005 to 50,548 in 2009. Similarly, emergency department visits for suicide attempts among females involving pain relievers rose more than 30 percent from 36,563 in 2005 to 47,838 in 2009. The rise in the number of cases involving the misuse of two narcotic pain relievers, hydrocodone and oxycodone was particularly steep. There was a 67 percent increase in the number of cases involving hydrocodone (from 4,613 in 2005 to 7,715 in 2009), and a 210 percent increase in the number of these cases involving oxycodone (from 1,895 in 2005 to 5,875 in 2009).
“The steep rise in abuse of narcotic pain relievers by women is extremely dangerous and we are now seeing the result of this public health crisis in our emergency rooms,” said SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde, J.D. “Emergency rooms should not be the frontline in our efforts to intervene. Friends, family and all members of the community must do everything possible to help identify women who may be in crisis and do everything possible to reach out and get them needed help.” Common warning signs of someone who may be at increased risk for suicide can include: • Talking about wanting to die • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose • Acting anxious, agitated or recklessly • Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs • Withdrawing or feeling isolated • Displaying mood swings Adapted from
People in crisis or concerned about someone they believe may be at risk for suicide should call CONTACT at 972-233-2233 24-hours a day 7-days per week.
Did you Know? In 2010, 58% of calls made to CONTACT were from women.
From Left to Right: Laura Ling and Heather Hays at the 2011 Spirit of CONTACT luncheon
From Left to Right: Susan Odom, Benaye Rogers, Leigh Anne Haugh, Anita Oberwetter
1 5 t h Annual S pirit of CONTAC T Gives a Message of Hope 2011 Spirit of CONTACT award recipient, Leigh Anne Haugh, speaks to attendees
Nancy Ann Hunt, 2007 Spirit of CONTACT award recipient, introduces Leigh Anne Haugh 7
Television journalist Laura Ling and the 2011 Spirit of CONTACT Award recipient, Leigh Anne Haugh made the 15th Annual Spirit of CONTACT Luncheon a success, with their inspiring and motivational messages of the importance of hope and simple acts of kindness. Laura Leppert, Former First Lady of Dallas served as the Honorary Luncheon Chair and Anita Oberwetter as Luncheon Chair. The luncheon included an exclusive Patron Dinner Party the night before, which honored Leigh Anne for her active role in the Dallas community. The VIP Meet-n-Greet, sponsored by American Airlines, was held the morning of the event and gave donors the opportunity to meet Laura Ling. Raffle tickets were also sold during the event with prizes ranging from two round trip tickets to Brazil, airfare provide by American Airlines; a full-pampered weekend stay at the Hilton Anatole Hotel, Dallas; fun-filled premium Dallas sports package; and a wonderful dinner for eight at Sevy’s Grill, with a winemaker presentation from Susan Selby, Selby Winery, and limo services provide by Black Tie Limousine Service. Funds raised through the Spirit of CONTACT Luncheon benefit the CONTACT help lines and programs. Thanks to all of our generous donors, underwriters, committee members and volunteers. With your support, CONTACT can provide assistance and link people to the right resources so they can move from breaking point to turning point.
EVENTS UPCOMIN G E V E N TS J uly 2011 Speaker Series I Councilman Joel Burns It Gets Better Thursday, July 28, 2011 Noon -1 p.m. (lunch provided) Communities Foundation of Texas
S eptemb er National Suicide Prevention & Awareness Week Sept. 4-10, 2011 National Suicide Prevention Day Friday, Sept. 9, 2011
Councilman J o e l B u r n s to K i c k O f f S e r i e s Pre s e nt at i o n to Fo c us on “It G ets B etter ” The CONTACT Speaker Series is designed to raise community awareness concerning mental health issues and the services provided by CONTACT. The speaker series gives CONTACT a stage before the city of Dallas to share our story, speak to crisis issues that affect our community and give light to the faces of hope. The first of this two-part series will take place on Thursday, July 28, and will feature Fort Worth Councilman Joel Burns as the keynote speaker. The video of Burns speaking at a council meeting about his own experience as a 13-year-old boy facing bullying at school in Crowley, Texas became viral almost overnight. The next day, Burns and his speech was featured on scores of national and international news media, as well as NPR’s All Things Considered.
In under one week, the clip had garnered over 1.5 million views, ultimately leading to Burns’ in-studio interview with Matt Lauer on NBC’s Today Show as well as an appearance on the popular Ellen DeGeneres talk show. As of late March 2011, the clip had sustained over 2.5 million hits, making it one of the most-watched videos in the ‘It Gets Better’ campaign.
2011 Speaker Series I
Councilman Joel Burns Thursday, July 28, 2011/ Noon-1 p.m. Communities Foundation of Texas Individual Tickets: $35 For more information about this series, to purchase tickets, or become a sponsor, please contact: Maria Espinosa
VISIONS--Women’s Expo Sept. 24-25, 2011 Dallas Market Hall Teen CONTACT Conference Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2011 University of Texas at Dallas 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
O c tob er 2011 Speaker Series II Debbie Weir Shades of Grief: Understanding Loss and the Healing Process Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2011 Noon - 1 p.m. (lunch provided) Communities Foundation of Texas
Novemb er Great Culinary Escape Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 Support CONTACT on Black Friday ALL Barnes & Noble and online purchase (Stay connected for promo code) Friday, Nov. 25, 2011
D ecemb er Embrace to Erase Pasta Dinner Friday, Dec. 2, 2011 Embrace to Erase Marathon Sunday, Dec. 4, 2011 Fair Park 8
DONORS INDIVIDUALS Akright, Sandra Alban, Joyce Thompson Alcorn, Patti and William J. Allen, John Allinder, Sherri Anderson, Elizabeth L. and James M. Anderson, M.D.,Ron. J. Anderson, Maureen Ash, Sandra Balch, Sharon Hampton Bartlett, Gail Bartley, Louise and Harry Bartram, Judy and Jon Basso, Cathy and Dan Bate, PJ and Don Beacham, Linda Beason, Cody Carron Beeler, Janet Beikman, Judy and Dennis Bekheet, Samia Bellan, Holly Bellesen, Natascha Benero, Linda and Joseph Best, Della and Robert Boggs, Locie Boone, Olivia E. Bourland, Maria and J. King Bowman, J.G. and L.T. Bracken, Michael Branche, Robbi Brekke, Janice and Raymond Brooks, Isabel and Francis Brown, Barbara and Mason C. Brown, Nancy Brownlee, Jennifer Buckley, Shante Bukhair, Carolyn Burau, Diane and Gary Burnett, Audrey Burton, Susan Bush, Claire Cabbil, Abena Camalier, Cathy and George Camp, Meredith Carter, Bitsy and Harold Carter, Christie Caruso, Suzanne Cassius, Gregory Cates, Martha Ann Chapman, Krystal Cheatham, Jenny Choquette, Angela Chow, Chi Chi and Joe Christensen, Marlene and Thomas Chukwujekwu, Jennifer Ciarochi, Fred Clark, Britney and Jeremy Clements, Pamela Clendenen, Cynthia Cloud, Clo and Perry 9
Cody, Patricia Collier, Holly Turk Conn, Lynn A. Cooper, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Copaken, James Cornell, Renee Croley, Maureen and Stan Crow, Katherine Raymond and Harlan R. Custard, Linda Dabold, Linda Daniel, Dee and Sherri Dardaganian, Paula and Edward G. Davis, Camille and Miles Davis, Tyrone Dever, Carol Dike, Ije Dildy, Lynne Dix, John Drabek, Michele Duchouquette, Bertha Rose Durham, Suzanne Ellis, Jae Ely, Melissa C. Engle, Nancy Selby Feemster, Gretchen C. and Timothy S. Feizy, Janice Fett, Barbara Florance, Robbie Fowler, Deby French Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Frye, Alicia Gajkowski, Lara Gamble, Nancy Gambrell, Elizabeth and J. Eric Germer, Vicki Goodspeed, Houston Green, Laura Greene, Gail Gregg, Jeremy Griffiths, Aimee and Paul, III Guenther, Ph.D., Johanna Gurley, Judy Hall, Kevin and Sharon Hall, Sheena and Rodney Hall, Sr., Rodney L. Hamilton, Corey Rae Hanschen, Wolf Harris, Craig Harvey, Tracy Hassmann, Holland Kaye Hauschild, Kaye Haverfield, Mary Haynes, Andrew Hearne, Eileen Heller, Carol and Jeff Hight, Lucy Hill, Mary Ann and Thomas L. Hillier, Shannon Hinshaw, Adam Hinshaw, Kimberly Hooker, Ashley Horn, Ryan G. Houston, Bea Houston, Jennifer Howard, Christina Hubbard, Anne Huber, Jessie
Hunt, Heather Hunt, Nancy Ann and Ray Hurt, KJ Hutter, Claire and Robert Hutter, Claire G. Hutter, Kathryn Hutter, M.E. and C.M Hutter, Michael Ingebritson, Jane Ivy, Linda Jackson, Joan Jayasenan, Danila Johnson, Robert V. Johnstone, Virginia Kadesky, Angela Keene, Patricia Kelley, Charles R. Kidd, Jason Kissner, Sharon Kleinert, Ashlee and Chris Kopf, J. Kenneth Koskovich, Lisa Krueger, Sandy Kuo, Veronica Kyser, Richie and Kevin LaLonde, Katherine Lancaster, Beverly Lane, Joan and Marvin Lankford, Layna Laughlin, Holly and Robert Lay, Kimberly and Joshua Leach, Lisa and Michael Lester, Kathy and Fred Liu, Victor and Michelle Logan, Minnie E. W. Losinger, Sarah M. Magazzine, Linda Mann, Leigh Marshall, Elaine Martin, Roger E. Martinez, Steven J. Matera, Frances Matthews, Laurie McBee, Lynn and Alan McKee, Kathy McKenzie, Don McManus, Elizabeth McQuaid, Jr., Sara and Thomas McQuay, Lynn McSherry, Susan and Dean Meadows, Mary Blake & Charles M. Meier, Mary Melnick, Cynthia Merchant, Al Meurer, Sharon and Tom Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Miars, E. Jennifer Miller, Marsha and Harry S. Monaco, Mollie and David Moore, Pamela Moreland, Joan Reed Morgan, Rachel Morris, Martha and Doug Morrow, Jim Moses, Franci Mott, Tracy and David Muns, Betty Bell
Myers, Linda Nachman, Sandy Nash, Angela and Douglas Natinsky, Nancy and Ron Nazeri, Faye Neal, Evelyn Neves Willis, Linda Newman, K.G. Nolen, Ann Norris, Cathy North, Joanna Nsonamoah, Deloris Nye, Alice and Erle Oberwetter, Anita and Ambassador Jim Odom, Susan Oliveira, Marcelle Oliveira, Marcia Orbegoso, Carolyn and Antonio Packard, Cathy Palmer, Sharon P. Patrick, Steve Paul, Diane Payne, Lori Pederson, Jeanette Pena, Debi Perella, Pam and Vin Platte, Christine Pollard, Mary E. Poole, Neva Post, Elizabeth Potts, Sara Sue Pudoff, Sandy Pulman, Janine and Charles Purtell, Shannon Radillo, Pare Ragland, Ashley Ranson, Debi Ricketts, Chris Ricky, Chelsea Riven, Jay Rodriguez, Zulema Rogers, Benaye and Rodney Rohani, Kirk Roppolo, Mark D. Catherine Rose Rose III, Edward W. & Deedie Rose, Sue Gill Sahm, Bobbi Saleem, Rija Sanders, Ann J. Sanders, Megan J. Sapp, Gaylan Schults, Ann and Robert Semon, Michael Sexton, Phoebe Shelton, Tiffany Sheperd, Margie Shepherd, Caitlyn Shuford, Karen Sirchio, Debbie and Richard Smith, Judith Smith, Judy and Robert Smith, Kaye Sneed, Monte Solis, Isidra Solomon, Gay and William Sonoski, Thomas
South, Della Spletter, Evelyn R. Statman, Allison Statman, Janice and Stanley Stephanie Anne Stephens, Connie and John Stout, Ruth Clemmons Sullivan, Teri V. Taylor, Julia Thoele, Charles & Beth Thurston, Pat and Jeff Tonnessen, Cindy Tonti, Barbara Uhlog, Christian Ulrich, Nancy and Richard Vashee, Sveta Vaughan, Annie Kahn Vaughan, Barbara Vecchiola, Cristen Vodvarka, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Webb, James K. Weber, Andrea and John Wegman, Jennifer Whitcomb, Kristina White, Chantel Williams, Glenda Williams, Marilynn Y. Wilson, Suzanne Wiszneauckas, Geoff Youngblood, Eric Yttredahl, Bob CORPORATIONS ACS/Xerox Ambit Energy Educational Services Inc. Farr Systems Inc. First National Bank Mid Cities GDMI Inc. Hewlitt Packard Hunt Consolidated Inc. JP Morgan Chase & Co. Just Brakes Inc. Link2Health Solutions Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell, LLP Maverick Capital Safeway, Inc. Verizon Wireless Inc. INKIND Bank of Texas Barnes & Noble Booksellers Black Tie Limousine Service Business Express Press First National Bank Mid Cities Freeman Co. Hilton Anatole Kroger Polly DuPont Savvy & Chic Sevy’s Grill Selby Winery Stephanie Anne
DONORS FOUNDATIONS Beasley Foundation, The Theodore & Beulah Dallas Jewish Community Foundation David M. Crowley Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Horace C. Cabe Foundation Mavs Foundation McDermott, Eugene Foundation NAH Foundation Perot Foundation Prothro Foundation, Vin & Caren Stemmons Foundation The Leppert Family Charitable Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation CIVIC/RELIGIOUS Albertson’s Community Partners Program Child Protective Services CONTACT Connection Crystal Charity Ball DARS Grace United Methodist Church Hickory Trail Hospital Highland Village Womens Club Independent Living Center - Dallas Junior League of Dallas, Inc. Methodist Children’s Home The Addicare Group of Texas The Hartford Agency Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Women of St. Michael & All Angels Church FEDERAL American Giving SAMHSA United States Treasury Department SCHOOLS Trenton I.S.D. Ursuline Academy
Donations Received From Dec. 2, 2010- June 30, 2011
Thank you to all who continue to support our efforts! Please contact Amy Koshy at regarding any errors in this listing.
Facebook Blues
New Studies Link Facebook and Depression in Teens By: Amy Koshy
Nowadays, everyone seems to be on Facebook. Companies are trying to get people to “Like” them. Moms are getting a close-up look at what their kids are really doing when they say they are at the library “studying.” Old high school friends are stalking “Most Popular” from high school only to realize he’s anything but popular.
Yet as comforting as it may be to some to know that they turned out better than their high school archenemy, doctors are now finding that many people are suffering from what has been termed “Facebook depression.” Facebook depression is defined as a type of depression that develops when adolescents spend a great deal of time on social media sites, such as Facebook, and then begin to exhibit classic symptoms of depression. As with clinical depression, teens who suffer from Facebook depression are at risk for social isolation and sometimes turn to risky Internet sites and blogs for help that may promote substance abuse, unsafe sexual practices, or aggressive, selfdestructive behaviors.
Rising Numbers
“22% of teenagers log on to their favorite social media site more than
10 times a day”- Pediatrics have found that over 7.5 million teens under the age of 13 populate Facebook. Of that 7.5 million, approximately 5 million are under the age of 10. “The danger with Facebook, especially with teens and children, is that whole support systems revolve around friend lists, and many times these fail.” says Wall. “As a result, difficult situations become even more difficult because these supports are built on false premises. Youth have trouble translating what happens online to what happens in reality”.
While Facebook can be fun and games for many kids, there are some unique aspects of the social media site that can make it quite harmful to children who are already suffering from poor selfesteem issues. For kids who feel they are not popular enough as it is, watching others gain new friends or post status updates that talk about how they just got invited to the hottest party of the week can sometimes be too much to handle. “When their friends post negative comments about them on Facebook their world crashes,” says Teen CONTACT Director, Missy Wall. According to a recent poll, 22% of teenagers log on to their favorite social media site more than 10 times a day, and more than half of adolescents log on to a social media site more than once a day. Seventyfive percent of teenagers now own cell phones, and 25% use them for social media, 54% use them for texting, and 24% use them for instant messaging. Thus, a large part of this generation’s social and emotional development is occurring while on the Internet and on cell phones. (Pediatrics)
Experts recommend that parents talk with their children about social media and the dangers that can be associated with it if used improperly. Parents should also monitor their child’s social media usage closely and make sure that security settings are as tight as possible. Source: O’Keeffe, Gwenn S., Kathleen Clarke-Pearson, and Council on Communications and Media. “The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families.” Pediatrics 127.4 (2011): 800-804. Print.
Advicfore Parents 1. Learn about these technologies first hand. 2. Let them know that their use of technology is something you want and need to know about. 3. For all ages, emphasize that everything sent over the Internet or a cell phone can be shared with the entire world, so it is important they use good judgment. 4. Set time limits for Internet and cell phone use.
Another concern is the amount of underage users who interact on the site. While Facebook clearly states on their site that a person must be 13 years of age to be a member of the site, recent surveys
5. Check chat logs, emails, files and social networking profiles for inappropriate content, friends, messages, and images periodically. Be transparent and let your kids know what you are doing. Source: “Talking to Kids and Teens About Social Media and Sexting.” American Academy of Pediatrics Website. 2 Mar. 2011. Web. 11 July 2011. < june09socialmedia.htm>.
A staff member stated this to me “be inspirational”. I thought about what it means to inspire someone or a group of people. What must you first believe to achieve this very bold and very tall order? What inspires me may not be the same for others. In the end where my contemplation brought me was hope. Hope is the greatest outcome of being inspired. Hope that situations can change, people will alter their way of thinking or actions, or hope that you can survive what seems like the unsurviveable to all around you. “Anyone can give up; it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.” Unknown Every day our crisis lines are busy with callers who are desperately seeking hope. In the face of some of the most challenging circumstances, these people in our community continue to fight the urge to give up. As state and federal budgets plan to reduce funding for health care, our services are becoming more critical to those in need, especially for mental health concerns. We are working diligently to expand partnerships and involvement in the mental health community to bolster our provision of services to individuals and agencies. CONTACT has served for over 44 years as an empowering link for people in crisis. Today our services are filling in gaps as a primary resource for support. We cannot serve every person in crisis but we can and we will inspire them towards help and hope one person at a time. As long as they are not giving up or giving in, neither will we.
Benaye Y. Rogers President
Interested in Volunteering? As CONTACT continues to offer crisis prevention and intervention services to our community, we know that it can only be done through volunteers who willingly give to help individuals from breaking point to turning point. Since 1967, it has been our volunteers who have made our crisis line program possible, faithfully serving all hours of all days. Volunteer roles continue to expand at CONTACT! In fact, our volunteer opportunities are as varied as the amazing individuals who serve. What are your areas of expertise? What is an area you would like to learn more about? • • • • • • • • • • •
Crisis Line Specialist Continuing Education Coordinators Mental Health Resource Coordinators Outreach and Special Event Support Speakers Bureau/Presentations Office Administrative Support Volunteer Recruitment Teen CONTACT Board Members Teen CONTACT Program Support Public Relations Intern Marketing and Outreach Support
Fall Training Session for Crisis Line Volunteers Fall (September/October) Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. 9/13, 9/15, 9/20, 9/22, 9/27, 9/29, 10/4, 10/6, 10/11, 10/13
We have many needs for your time and expertise as we seek to expand our passion for crisis prevention and intervention! Training support is provided for all our volunteer roles. If you have thought about getting involved in an important cause, today is the time to act! Please call or email us and we can visit about where you will fit in the CONTACT mission. Thomas Hutter 972.233.0866 (ext. 311)
From Breaking Point to Turning Point CONTACT is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping people from teens to seniors facing daily life-challenges. CONTACT was founded in 1967 and became the first 24/7 crisis center in the United States. Since it’s founding, the agency has worked to educate the community about what causes a crisis, how to cope in a crisis and, most importantly, how to provide hope for those in a crisis. Office: 972.233.0866 Crisis Help Line: 972.233.2233 Teen Help Line: 972.233.8336 En Espanol: 972.233.2428 14
From Breaking Point to Turning Point P.O. Box 800742 • Dallas, TX • 75380 Office: 972.233.0866 Fax: 972.233.2427
Recent graduates of the Crisis Line Specialist Training Program Front Row From Left to Right: Michele Drabek, Alex Garcia, Michelle Gilchrist Back Row From Left to Right: Linda Beacham, Amy Stewart, Amy Koshy, Chantel White, Joe Benero, Geoff Wiszneauckas