The Changing Face of the Cookbook

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COOKBOOK Abisola Oshikoya Ravensbourne 2017

THE CHANGING FACE OF THE COOKBOOK How has the design and use of cookbooks changed over the years and how is the information communicated now?



· Acknowledgements

07 · Introduction

· To Prepare To Read




· A Recipe Of Dated Cookbooks

· Fresh Cookbooks

· Odd Places To Find Cookbooks

Boston & First Lessons

38 Steps of Progress

Quick and Easy Formats

Illustrations Mixed With Developed Images

Physical With Digital User Engagement Cookbook Ingredients




· Conclusion

· Appendices

· Bibliography



· To Finish Reading

· Progress Map

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. (2017) Own illustration of a bunch of vegetables surrounding the

Page 08

fact box [Adobe Illustrator] Figure 2. (2017) Own illustration of hands opening a book [Adobe

Page 10

illustrator] Figure 3. (2017) Own illustration of a date (fruit) [Adobe illustrator]

Page 13

Figure 4. (1865) Title page of Modern cookery for private families [Scanned

Page 14

image] Families (Accessed on: 24/07/17) Figure 5. (1904) Own photomontage & 2 sheets from pages 11 - 12

Page 16

[Scanned images] (Accessed on: 30/10/17) Figure 6. (2017) Own illustration of watering can, showing half-tone

Page 18

[Adobe illustrator] Figure 7. (2017) Own illustration of pattern of watering cans, showing

Page 19

half-tone [Adobe illustrator] Figure 8. (2017) Own illustration of a pile of books [Adobe illustrator]

Page 23

Figure 9. (1977) Cover page for How to grow vegetables & fruit

Page 24

[Screenshot] (Accessed on: 26/11/2017) Figure 10. (2017) Own illustration of a bunch of vegetables surrounding the quote box [Adobe Illustrator]

Page 25

List of Illustrations

Figure 11. (2017) Cover page for Leon: Illustrations & Recipes [Found image]

Page 26 aeXy6cFWYemJ5ZgzLqpOI9pu5kEgxVpgKC4x&imgrefurl=https:// VuFE-nM:&tbnh=160&tbnw=123&usg=__P3EEVztZ_4i42v89OXm9sOs_ b98%3D&vet=10ahUKEwiMoPTb4_PXAhUKCMAKHa6kDBkQ_ (Accessed on: 26/11/2017) Figure 12. (2017) Still image taken from the video ‘Strawberry & Peach

Page 27

Chia Seed Jam | Healthy Jam Recipe’ [Screenshot] (Accessed on: 5/12/2017) Figure 13. (2017) Own illustration of gardening set [Adobe Illustrator]

Page 33

Figure 14. (2017) Own illustration of 3 examples of sizes that format can

Page 34

take [Adobe Illustrator] Figure 15. (2017) Own illustration of hands closing a book [Adobe illustrator]

Page 66

Acknowledgements Thank you Ciara Attwell, Denise Landis from TheCooksCook, Virginie from HeritageCookbook and also to all of the participants on SurveyMonkey. com for being able to contribute to this dissertation. Personally, thankful to Stefan Ferrol & Nihal Shah for supporting me throughout this work.



INTRODUCTION: BASICS 1 1/4 cup of shredded importance

This dissertation will be

1/2 tbsp of rising technology

focusing on the design structure

1/4 cup of blended personal interest

of cookbooks and how they are

pinch of communication

now used within today’s society and taking into consideration of

· Put the shredded importance &

how technology has played a large

Personal interest into the slow

part in communicating information

cooker, stir it and turn it on to low

to people. In the dissertation we

heat and simmer.

will be looking at the: A Recipe

· After about an hour stir it & add

of Dated Cookbooks, Fresh

the rising technology and just a

Cookbooks, Odd Places To

pinch of communication.

Find Cookbooks and more. The

· then you can leave it till it has

problem with today’s cookbooks

finished cooking. let me know what you think of it - Hope you all enjoy!

is that the practical use of them are not being used in a functional way, slowly they are being used for household decoration. Cookbooks hold a collection of recipes that can be referred back to for cooking. Moving to more


Introduction: Basics

modern cookbooks, 20th to 21st

cover. The technology of today

century, they involve illustrations

allows anyone to create videos or

(photographs and drawings) to

start up a blog to upload their own

support the content. In simple

cooking to be judged and read

terms, cookbooks can also be

by others. The important factor

seen as an instruction manual that

to remember is that recipes being

teaches people how to prepare

shared first started within families.

meals efficiently. They also hold

Although a book would not be

experiences of the person sharing

formed, different formats would be

their cooking skills, this allows

used to communicate them such a

people to be able to understand the little tags or “flash cards�. Holding level of importance the recipe has.

the personalisation of the creator without being altered by others.

Authors, book designers, publishers and photographers invest

Cookbooks should be seen as a

a lot of time into creating the

personal diary of recipes of sorts

perfect book only for it not to be

that is being shared with a vast

consumed in the way that they are

amount of people ready to absorb

supposed to be used. Celebrities

this information and for the buyers

now have the opportunity to

to take it upon themselves to adapt

produce their own cookbooks

or change things Many attributes

for their personal gain and

make up what we hold such as the

publishing companies use celebrity

number of signatures made, the

endorsement as a way to increase

typeface, the choice of binding, the

marketing & sales. This attracts

cover design of the cookbook and

fans that are not as interested in the also the food photography that is recipes but rather the face on the

(Wikipedia, 2017)

A cookbook or cookery book is a kitchen reference publication containing a collection of recipes, typically organized by type of dish.

involved with it.

( fig 1)

08 Introduction: Basics

To Prepare To Read



· Reach for

· Open t

· Read t



( fig 2)


r the book

the book

the book

10 To Prepare To Read

A RECIPE OF DATED COOKBOOKS The history of cookbooks and the change that started to commence in the 16th - 17th century.

BOSTON & FIRST LESSONS Content analysis of The Boston cooking-school cook book and First lessons of food and diet.

ILLUSTRATIONS MIXED WITH DEVELOPED IMAGES The use of illustrations and photography being used within cookbooks from the 19th - 20th century.

A Recipe Of Dated Cookbooks

A RECIPE OF DATED COOKBOOKS 2 pounds of history 1 litre of essays 1/4 cup of mixed households 11/2 cup of social class 1 1/4 teaspoon of money

· Prepare the history in a large dish. Separate cracked pieces of history to the side. pour in the essays, section by section, mixing as you go.

· Separate bowl mix the households and social class together thoroughly. add in money for sweetness.

· Afterwards, mix both bowls together and place inside the oven for 25mins. wait until you have a nice

( fig 3)


A Recipe of Dated Cookbooks

The first published and printed

account the social ladder/hierarchy chef.”

cookbook to date is “De honesta

of a certain country you would find

voluptate et valetudine”(Plantina,

that these recipes were not targeted

1475) meaning “On honest

towards normal households. Earlier take care of the households. Even

indulgence and good health”.

cookbooks were mainly for the

though it is still being targeted

Although Bartolomeo Platina had

upper social class; to showcase

towards the female audience

written the book; the majority of

their cooking skills in either private the focus of topics has shifted.

the recipes that it was made up

homes, upper-class households, or

Cookbooks had begun to not only

of were actually from Martino da

to train professional cooks, etc.

focus on basic cooking around

It was more inclined in how to

that time but it had also provided

Como. A major difference that is The variety of cookbooks had

advice on how to upkeep your

that it was made up of essays. In my begun to change around the 16th

household. A good example of

noticeable with this cookbook was opinion, if this was to be released

to 17th century. By the 1660s

now, having no images to support

cooking was not only seen as a way

the text would have been very

to consume food but rather as an

difficult for readers to understand.

art form. This was accomplished

( fig 4)

Especially since it wouldn’t be clear by cooks that were hired out of on what they would be reading.

skill, thus producing their own books explaining the process of

There are many cookbooks that how this was sought out. When it have been created over the years

had reached the middle of the 19th

by many people. Going back to

century Eliza Acton, Poet & Cook

the early works, we are able to see

had released a cookbook that has a

the different types of recipe books

modern understanding of it. Unlike

that were made from as early as

the previous cookbooks, hers’ had

the 10th century to the modern

catered to the “domestic reader

day. Typically when taking into

rather than the professional cook or

14 A Recipe of Dated Cookbooks

A Recipe Of Dated Cookbooks

this, is the work of Isabella Beeton. Ways of cooking”; (Farmer, c1906, “Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household

p. 18 - 22) Allowing the reader

Management” after all it acted as a

to have a better understanding of

guide to “fashion, child care, animal

the task that they are meant to be

husbandry, poisons, the management


of servants, science, religion, and industrialism” (Wikipedia, 2017).

·BOSTON & FIRST LESSONS · This cookbook, The Boston

When looking at Ellen Richards book, First lessons in food and diet, you can see a similar approach to the design aspect of it. The only part that was not particularly involved was the use of imagery. Instead what had replaced them

cooking-school cook book, which

were tables, charts and graphs

dates back to 1911, consist of

detailing substances that would

photographs & a vast amount of

be in the food (See fig 5, Richards,

text. The first couple of pages

1904, p. 11-12). Instead of this

in the book states the total of

book teaching you how to cook

recipes and photographs, which

certain recipes, it informs you

are referred to as illustrations.

how to manage the cost of food,

Throughout the book, it has a

what type of food courses should

consistent layout that speaks for

be eaten at a certain time and

itself. The overly fashion that it

more. This particular “cookbook”

is presented in, allows the readers

linked to my previous note of how

to easily understand what they are

cookbooks not only taught you

reading with ease. Few sentences

how to cook but to also serve and

or a paragraph inform the reader


on how to perform the task. Reading a few of the recipes, I had found it a lot easier to understand. The instructions were clear and informative. The different techniques that are used within the book are explained in “Chapter II:


A Recipe of Dated Cookbooks: Boston & First Lessons

( fig 5)

16 Boston & First Lessons

A Recipe Of Dated Cookbooks: Illustrations mixed with developed images


chef, had produced a cookery book called “The Royal Cookery Book”. (Grace Ventura Thompson, 2011) Within the book, there were 25 illustrations made from chromolithography printed in colour. It Is believed that in

When reading a cookbook,

1867 this was the beginning of

one of the things that we look

when food illustrations had truly

out for are usually images. For

begun to exist. Even though in

cookbooks, the term to refer them

1865 which was 2 years before,

as are, illustrations or half-tone

Eliza Acton’s book had contained

illustrations. The difference

half-tone images, closely related to

between them is that illustrations

photography. Half-tone seemed to

are usually drawn by hand by an

be the preferred sought out method

artist trying to replicate a still-

because it gave the professional

life of the food in front of him.

photographers a cheaper option

Whereas a half-tone illustration

to reproduce images; Although

is a “reprographic technique that

being able to paint the food still

simulates continuous tone imagery

maintained its popularity moving

through the use of dots, varying

into the 20th century (Grace

either in size or in spacing, thus

Ventura Thompson, 2011).

generating a gradient-like effect.” (Wikipedia, 2017).

Between the two books Boston cooking-school cook

An additional way to

book & Modern cookery with a

produce images was by using

time difference of 41 years. Eliza

chromolithographs are commonly

Acton, the author of Boston,

used to create multi-coloured

had decided to take the more

prints, this was developed by the

advanced approach of capturing

19th century. (Wikipedia, 2017)

imagery rather than having to draw

This is a chemical process; “rejecting illustrations which is what Fannie grease by water.” (Wikipedia, 2017)

Farmer did even though by the

When Jules Gouffe, a French

time she published her book the


A Recipe Of Dated Cookbooks: Illustrations mixed with developed images

( fig 6)

18 Illustrations mixed with developed images

A Recipe Of Dated Cookbooks

( fig 7)


A Recipe Of Dated Cookbooks: Illustrations mixed with developed images

development of printing techniques held more detail in them and what

now and then rather than providing

would be drawn is usually the

an image to assist each recipe.

subject of discussion (Acton, 1865,

Which would be quite difficult

The Boston cooking-school

p. 444). Some of the illustrations

since the cookbook has one

cook book,1865, by Eliza Acton

were used to convey how to use

hundred and twenty-five recipes,

and Modern Cookery for private

the apparatus in a correct way.

same as with Merritt Farmer’s

families,1906, by Fannie Merritt

The way they were drawn had less

book. The images show settings

Farmer, use either of the two

amount of detail than the drawings of the apparatus used but instead

techniques that I mentioned

of food. Line drawings are the

of showing it in motion, due to

previously. Modern Cookery

closest I could refer them to, this

limited equipment, they showcase

contained a large number of small

could be because they wanted the

the equipment in an artistic way.

had improved dramatically.

woodcuts and black and white line readers to be able to identify what drawings that created the imagery.

equipment they suggesting.

They were not included on to each page, rather they were used to

For the half-tone Images,

accompany specific pieces of text

Boston cooking-school cook book had

that must have needed an aid to

used this. Straight away a clear

explain what they were trying to

understanding could be seen that

convey. The illustrations that were the images produced were made used to support the text were rather to occupy a single page. Half-tone small taking up to 6 - 10 lines of

illustrations were not ever mixed

text. This allowed the pages not to with the body text. Within the be overwhelmed with both imagery illustrations, what they presented and text making it balanced and

were the dish fully cooked

more painless to read. The larger

and presented in an attractive

illustrations that you would see

arrangement. The half-tone images

at the beginning of each chapter

only seem to be involved every

20 Illustrations mixed with developed images

FRESH COOKBOOKS An analysis of modern cookbooks.

38 STEPS OF PROGRESS Analysis of the following books Leon: ingredients & Recipes, A Modern Way to Cook and How to Grow Vegetables and Fruit

PHYSICAL MIXED WITH DIGITAL The jump from physical cookbooks to digital cookbooks.

USER ENGAGEMENT How people interact with cookbooks and online food tutorials

COOKBOOK INGREDIENTS What makes a cookbook today. Looking at printing, binding, paper, imagery ,etc

Fresh Cookbooks

FRESH COOKBOOKS 1 battery 10 tons of social media 11/2 packs of paper 2 pounds of black ink 140 teaspoons of characters

· Pre-charge phone to 100% with the battery.

· Once charged, crush the social media into apps. mix it together with the phone to form a smartphone.

· Open the camera app and proceed to take selfies.

· Connect the smartphone to a printer and print desired selfie with the ink and paper.

· There you have it! Fresh off the printers! Your own personal cover for your cookbook.

( fig 8)


Fresh cookbooks

Cookbooks of today can contain (

How to grow vegetables and fruit

different types of genres, I see it as nothing out of the ordinary

will mention is Percy’s Thrower’s

The book conveniently starts

by Percy Thrower (Thrower,1977).

that not all of them really contain

off with teaching the readers an

This book’s contents actually relates

recipes on how to actually prepare

assortment of ingredients that

more to traditional books apart

a dish. It can offer you tips on how they themselves could not have

from the other two I mentioned

to prepare a certain ingredient,

been aware of & the following

previously. Since it illustrates

the best places to find particular

section as said before prepares you

methods on how to grow the

ingredients, what they are by giving how what of recipes you can now

ingredients yourself rather than

you a thorough explanation of

prepare. A Modern Way To Cook purchasing store-bought items. Not

the ingredient and much more.

by Anna Jones (Jones, 2015) stands

all cookbooks teach you how to

The following 3 books all differ

as a standard cookbook; tells the

cook a recipe. Remember, even

from one another due to content.

reader how to cook quick healthy

though this book may seem like

Leon: Ingredients & Recipes by

meals. This cookbook is designed

not a cookbook; It’s still within the

Allegra McEvedy (McEvedy, 2008)

for people that lead a busy lifestyle; category of cookery since it deals

is split into 2 sections that inform

people that don’t necessarily have

the readers’ different information

time to cook for themselves so they

that is connected to cooking.

refer to cookbooks that provides

For example, the first section is

simple recipes. A Modern way

“The Ingredients Book arms you

to cook is a good example of the

with everything you need to know

sorts. “Many more of us are interested

about the basic building blocks of any

in eating healthier food on a regular

recipe,” ( and the

basis but sometimes, when we’re home

other section “is The Recipe Book,

late, tired after work, and don’t have

where you can put your newly found

time to buy lots of ingredients, it can

knowledge of ingredients to great use

just seem too complicated.” (books.

with over 140 recipes…” The last book that I

with food & preparation.

(Fig 9)

24 Fresh cookbooks

Fresh Cookbooks: 38 steps of progress

·38 STEPS OF PROGRESS· Modern cookbooks. By

a paperback. This would have made them appear as something that is not published, even though there are cookbooks that

“They look heavy

“modern,” I mean from the year

are professionally printed using

and big. Especially

1970 to our current year 2017.

paperback covers. On the cover,

Times have changed, and so

McEvedy’s, out of the 3 has an

have the content of cookbooks.

illustration of a woman lifting a

Everything from the paper choice

tangerine; the tangerine acting

covers are printed

to the number of images to the

as the ‘O’ for Leon. With Percy

by using thick paper.

amount of text. All cookbooks

Thrower & Anna Jones cookbooks

In addition, the

differ from one another in terms

they took a photograph of the chefs

inside pages of the

of content. Starting off with the


professional cookbooks

dimensions of the books all vary

professional cookbooks are the biggest cookbooks and their

are printed coated paper5. They are used

from one another with Thrower’s

For content, A Modern Way

being the largest, measuring at 30.2 to Cook (Jones, 2015) had an

such like dictionary

(L) x 22.1 (W) x 3.7 cm (D). The

extensive use of photography

and they look like an

other two books do come close

throughout the book. Considering

encyclopaedia. The

in terms of scale, so I wouldn’t

Thrower’s and McEvedy’s, they

translated cookbooks

really be quite sure on what scale a both used the photography images

are also printed from

normal cookbook would measure

but Thrower had used hand-

coated paper. Their

to be. If we were to review a

drawn illustrations consistently

format sizes are also

professional cookbook, the paper

throughout the book to support

big. Even though the

GSM would usually have a higher

and show the process of the text

traditional cookbooks

weight and the size of the book

that he is discussing while using

format sizes are not big

would be more larger than a

photographs to show either

still their usages are

normal household cookbook.

himself or the vegetables/fruit

not different from the translated cookbooks”

(Fig 10)

(Özdamar, 2015, p.5)

in full growth. McEvedy had All three books are supported

done the exact opposite of that

with hardcovers and perfect

and instead used the illustrations

binding. Since they are all

as an accent or decoration for

professional cookbooks, having

the sub-headings. The quantity

a binding of that sort would

of them was much smaller but

complement it rather than using

it seemed to compliment the


Fresh cookbooks: 38 steps of progress

body text well, they could be

out how to create a recipe, it seems

seen on pages that introduces a

that some people usually resort to

new section. Although there was

using the internet to find it instead

an extensive use of typography

of picking up a book. The internet

in the book, this could also be

has gradually become the main

viewed as an illustration. The

source to gather information for

photographs that were incorporated

a number of things making the

showed the ingredients. They

existence of books depleted over

were thoughtfully placed on the


pages not making them seem as a picture in a box but as an accent. It belonged on the page. All 3 books come from a different year but they all show a sense of modernism within them. Using illustrations now even though we have access

There are a number of (Fig 11)


to photography, show that it’s something that cannot really be lost

to this such as; online bloggers, YouTubers, sites that publish recipes, viral one-minute videos, etc. Cookbooks seem to be used now as a conversation starter or a household decoration. “Today, if

Manufacturing cookbooks today we cook, we Google it. New cookbooks

through time but can only develop are far easier and convenient to as time goes on.

different contributors that add

lie on the coffee table and we drool over

produce. Although they still may

Tuscan landscapes and rustic bread

have some slight complications

ovens. Before ordering in a pizza.”

when forming them in mass

(Davies & Slawson, 2015). Instead

production, comparing them to

of being used for its actual purpose.

how cookbooks were created in

“When we come to cook, however,

the 19th century would only make the cookbook stays on the coffee table. it look like a piece of cake. In this

Instead, we turn to Google, according

day & age when wanting to find

to the cookery doyenne Prue Leith. Or

26 Physical mixed with digital

Fresh Cookbooks: 38 steps of progress

even order in a takeaway.” (Davies and following through her channel. Slawson,2015). A strong reasoning

“Video content is becoming more and

behind this is that people are now

more important now so I realised I

becoming busier due to work or

needed to embrace video recipes in order

education and has less time to sit

to stay ahead in my niche!” (Attwell,

down and study a long recipe.

2017) Clearly, she was aware that

Making them resort to quick fixes; with technology rising that she one-minute videos or takeaways.

herself would have to move along with it in order to stay within the

Social media plays a big part on

ranks. To have an easy access and

this, with nearly 14 million active

to also be entertained is what is

users alone from Instagram, they

desired now. People want to be

are exposed to more imagery or

entertained that is precisely the

videos capturing the audience in

reason why they chose to be on

a fast-paced, always changing app.

either facebook or youtube (Attwell,

( Interviewing


a YouTuber had provided me

“Videos are also playing a much

insight on what sort of reason

more significant role in cooking culture.

they had taken to move onto a

Three quarters of the women who took

social platform to showcase their

its survey, AllRecipes reports, watch

talent. Ciara Attwell, food blogger

cooking videos online. And the same

& YouTuber, is a good example;

percentage consider instructive videos

even though she is not a qualified

to be an integral component of recipe

chef she has accumulated a large

websites. In 1999, only 45 percent of

(Fig 12)

(My Fussy Eater (Ciara Attwell), 2016)


Fresh Cookbooks: User engagement

women (yep, the report is limited to

2.6 million copies due to it’s way

women here) said the same. And nearly of teaching kids how to cook, half of all cooks surveyed -- 43 percent

it became popular with parents

was more favoured could be that “Steps If the recipe is easy, if the recipe is hard it’s nice to see someone do it

-- believe that, in 15 years, more people (TheDailyMeal, 2017). Compared

and follow by example.” (Oshikoya,

will learn how to cook from videos than to today, cookbooks may be seen

questionnaire, 2017) Albert Selimi,

from their parents.” (Garber, 2012)

as something as a thing of the past.

student, states that “I like to cook

According to TheCooksCook,

every now and then but I’ve never once

·USER in some culinary school teachers ENGAGEMENT· encourage the students to turn to

used a cookbook I’ve always googled a recipe to find out how to make it. It’s

the internet (TheCooksCook, 2017). also a little bit more convenient for me. Although HeritageCookbook

When I was younger I remember seeing

cookbooks differently. Either they

argues saying “Cookbooks are also

all these cookbooks at home but now I

have it in their home and use it

far more reliable than internet recipes-

don’t.” (Selimi, interview, 2017)

or don’t use it. All cookbooks are

content loaded by bloggers, students,

sold for different reasons, it could

amateurs etc hasn’t been tested the same

be because of the pictures or the

way a cookbook or to a certain extent

way the recipes are written. In

magazine recipe has.”

Everyone interacts with

the 1950 - 1960s, Betty Crocker’s


Majority of the responses from

When assembling a cookbook,

Crocker’s Picture Cook Book

a survey taken, were students that

we may still use old methods that

(Crocker, 1950) primally sold

did in fact own cookbooks and

can be classed as traditional. Such as

due to the quality of pictures

at one point they have prepared

binding a book by hand, this can be

and inexpensive recipes. Selling

a dish from there. Where only 2

found now but as a special service

approximately 65 million copies.

respondents claimed that watching

that would presumably cost more

Better Homes and Gardens New

a video to learn a recipe was not

money than getting your book

Cookbook also known as Betty

Junior Cookbook (Better Homes and ideal for them the latter had. A Garden, 1979) sold approximately

good reason that watching a video

automated (How It’s Made, 2015). Sometimes a change in location

28 Cookbook Ingredients

Fresh Cookbooks

is necessary to gather that perfect

design the book as you please,

shot. While having a photo shoot

they also offer suggestions on the

for a cookbook, a lot of care is put

different type of books types and

into them. The duration does not

sizes they think would be suitable

usually happen over the course

for your cookbook (

of a month but approximately 6

Sadly books seem to no have small

months minimum (Ly, 2014). Well consideration in terms of design for Linda Ly it did. They may not

for the cover. No longer can we

all be on a grand scale within a

see the traditional “Gilding Gold

studio with many assistants but they sheets” applied on the cover but get the job done. Sometimes it’s

rather printed designs and an array

even the author that takes it upon

of embossing and debossing (ANA

themselves to capture the images


(Ly, 2014). For the cover of the


book, there are several trials and tribulations that are set out for not only the cook but also the editor and designer. Having to consider the composition is always needed so several shots of the cover are produced (Ly, 2014). We are now able to solve many problems through the internet, and designing a cookbook is one of them. There are several sites that offer their services to people to complete something they cannot. Websites such as;,, blurb., etc. With Blurb. they offer you a free software where you are able to personally


Fresh cookbooks: Cookbook Ingredients

30 Physical mixed with Digital

ODD PLACES TO FIND COOKBOOKS Finding out where recipes can be found in different forms of media

QUICK & EASY FORMATS A number of different formats that cookbooks are available in.

Odd Places to find Cookbooks

ODD PLACES TO FIND COOKBOOKS 10 sheets of a3 paper 1 order of guillotine 路 Separate the paper from each other, O place in an oven at 0 & roast lightly for

5 minutes. 路 Once crisp, remove from the oven and allow to cool.

路 A sheet at a time put in the guillotine and cut to desired sizes.

路 Now you have various crispy bases for your cookbook!

( fig 13)


Odd places to find cookbooks: Quick & easy formats

·QUICK & EASY FORMATS· Nowadays we are able to

In a way, HelloFresh acts as a customized cookbook that is delivered to you. To show that using different formats didn’t

see cookbooks in many types

start in the (late) 20th — (early)

of formats. We can find them

21st century; an example of The

in grocery stores, newspapers,

Collectors’ cook book #51 is shown.

magazines, comics, etc. You will

Published in the 20th century,

be able to site them in newspapers

instead of producing a book they

pretty often, usually a full recipe or had opted for creating a pamphlet half of it would be available. This

that only contained 8 pages. No

comes as another type of cookbook imagery was included in the that someone can store; being able

content but only on the cover with

to cut out and make their own

a short paragraph explaining what

personal makeshift cookbook.

to expect (Arthus, 1961).

The Guardian is a great example that showcases this. They offer a range of recipes that would target everyone (The Guardian, 2017). Another example to show is “Hello Fresh,” they supply recipe plan with fresh ingredients that get delivered to you with a card detailing how to cook the food. Similar to The

( fig 14)

Guardian, the readers are able to keep the cards to use continuously (

34 Quick & easy formats


The reality of cookbooks is that they are having to compete with other platforms of communication i.e. the internet or social media. Thus for them to stay relevant they digitise their content and find other means to distribute them. As society grows, people change along with it. Through all of my research, I’ve learnt that traditional cookbooks are not coming to an end but certain aspects of them are still being used today. Such as the use of illustrations and the increase of photography. Line and full-colour drawings are still being put into play & photographs are being taken with improved cameras. No longer do they have to use the process of half-tone; instead, they are able to benefit from digital SLRs, point and shoot, mid-range and more. Photography is taking over imagery in cookbooks. Cookbooks no longer have to be in the standard form of a book. We are able to see recipes in almost anything that we have. Magazines, comic books, newspapers and more. The large sizes of them are no longer needed, seems that the shorter the content is the more popular they become. People prefer fewer ingredients now since we now live a fast-paced life. They now prefer something that is instant. Creating a digital cookbook was decided to showcase my content. To be able to show my information in a cookbook was a different approach. Involving my design degree & the form of how cookbooks are now; I was able to produce this.

Appendices Appendix A: Interview with Ciara Attwell This interview/questionnaire was arranged through email. First contacted her on 19th February 2017, no response. Contacted her again on 29th June 2017 and had gotten a response this time. Ciara Attwell is a mother that runs a YouTube channel and a blog called MyFussyEater teaching people how to prepare healthy food. . What made you start creating the short time-lapse videos that are found on your youtube channel? Video content is becoming more and more important now so I realised I needed to embrace video recipes in order to stay ahead in my niche! . Why do you personally think that your viewers watch your videos? - Why do you think people would rather watch a video of you demonstrating how to prepare a dish than reading it from a book? It’s just that much easier. People are on Facebook and You Tube to be entertained. They don’t necessarily want to click away and read a blog post or a book. Its much easier for them and a lot more entertaining to watch a short video showing them how to make the recipe. . Do you find yourself wanting to create your own cookbook in the future? If so, why? Yes that’s something I am working on at the moment actually! Creating online content is fantastic but lots of 37

people still want a physical cookbook to use in the kitchen. . What makes you assume that creating a blog with your own personal recipes would attract people to actually take part; when they could read similar recipes from a chef that is qualified? My style of cooking is completely the opposite of a trained chef. Lots of parents are overwhelmed when it comes to feeding their children so I wanted to show them that you don’t have to be a qualified chef to prepare delicious and healthy food! I think people come back to my blog because I share very normal everyday food that their kids will actually eat! . Do you think that your viewers have a stronger connection with you because you create weekly videos rather than making books that would have been released on an irregular basis? Yes I think making videos helps me to connect with my audience as they can see me, not just read my written words. Also other video platforms such as Instagram stories is brilliant for this. Answered by Ciara Attwell YouTuber & Blogger


Appendix B: Interview with TheCooksCook This interview/questionnaire was arranged through email. First contacted them on 22nd July 2017 and had gotten a response. The Cook’s Cook is an international community of people with an interest in food. Our contributors are home cooks, professional chefs and food writers; scientists, agriculturists and foragers who write from and about adventures on all continents. Our readers are just as diverse as our writers, with interests in every aspect of food and food preparation. It is the desire of The Cook’s Cook to be a community where contributors and readers can share techniques, recipes and food-related experiences from all corners of our globe. To accommodate our international audience, all recipes are presented with metric and imperial (U.S. standard) weights and measures. . During the years of being a cookbook author, have you seen a significant difference in the content that is now being demanded, such as imagery or body text? Yes, there is a higher expectation that there will be high-quality colour photos, yet standards of text have been lowered. This is directly a result of readers’ experiences with online recipes and photos that are posted by bloggers. A problem with food photography is that many writers decide that they will take a class or two in photography so that they can do their own. This is too bad, because food photography requires a great deal of knowledge and training and the correct equipment. Cell phone photos are great but not for professional use. So readers want to see great photography but don’t see that their own isn’t the quality they expect elsewhere. Regarding writing recipes, bloggers tend to be ignorant of professional standards in the industry. While their recipes may be attractive and ultimately work, even the most popular bloggers often don’t know enough to follow the most basic rule of recipe-writing, which is to list ingredients in the order in which they are going to be used. I often see published (paper) books from small presses, written by bloggers, that have not been written (or edited) especially well. Many bloggers are now self-publishing on Amazon and elsewhere, and the quality of their work is often very poor. . Do you think that physical cookbooks are coming to an end with the recent rise of technology now being able to communicate various tasks such as cooking? Yes, I’m afraid that is the case. In the culinary school where I have volunteered for many years, I see even the teachers urging their students to turn to the internet, instead of cookbooks, for recipes. One reason is that a good cookbook library takes up a great deal of physical space and is expensive to acquire and keep current. There is much good material on the internet, but the quality varies wildly and there is little quality control. I advise everyone to be careful of where they look for information. Many online writers believe they are experts and innocently put out incorrect information. An example that I’ve seen is when a reader wrote to a 39

Q&A column asking what part of a scallion should be used. The author of the blog responded that only the white part should be used. This is incorrect -- that can be true of leeks (depending on the recipe -- sometimes the green part is used for flavouring) but with scallions, the whole scallion is edible and its use determined on the colour desired in the recipe. . Do you think that clients are finding it much more accessible to use the internet to communicate recipes rather than producing a cookbook? Yes, it is about convenience. I too find myself using the internet for a source of ideas and recipes, and I use it for sharing recipes as well. Another important aspect to bear in mind is that recipes online allow readers to comment and post their thoughts on ingredients and adaptations, as well as review and rate the recipes. It is important to many people to be able to contribute their opinions. . Recipes now seem to have no emotional connection to them between chef and food. Do you think that because of the era that we live in now that food is just being commercialised rather than having a story behind it? No, not at all. I actually think that the opposite is true. Because of the internet we have ready access to so much more information than before, and we can share and update it so easily. Also, the internet allows links to videos and a huge amount of personal information about anyone we are interested in. If you are a fan of a chef you can find out about his/her family, lifestyle, pets, clothing, restaurant, training, hopes and dreams and the movie and TV show they are making or planning -- all in minutes by starting with Wikipedia and going on to their blog, publicist, website, etc. We no longer have just the chefs and their books and recipes, we have their lifestyles and opinions at our fingertips. Yesterday a reader of The Cook’s Cook Community Forum (on Facebook) sent me a photo of himself with a famous chef (Gordon Ramsey) as they were about to go running. I still haven’t decided if this is appropriate to post. Who cares and what does this have to do with food? On the other hand, readers of the Forum might enjoy it because they know of the chef and might like to see him in his running shorts! . On your website, There’s a page called ‘Family Meals’ that included an article related to the contributor and following on with the recipe. Why have you chosen to do it this way? What do you feel that this does for your readers? The name is actually “Family Meal” and it was suggested by one of our editors. We call it Family Meal, rather than “Family Recipe” because the concept is that the meal is anchored by a particular dish. It is the place on the website where we want to have at least one family snapshot, and we want to hear the personal story about the recipe. We have found that the writer very often talks about a grandmother’s cooking. It is interesting how we long for the comfort of our grandma’s cooking, and miss it when she has passed. But Family Meal can also be about a current favourite family recipe. The point is that the recipe has meaning to the author’s family. This is something that virtually all of us can identify with. When I read about a recipe made at Christmas by a Nigerian family, even though I wasn’t familiar with the food, I could easily identify with the meaning of the meal and the sense of family and celebration.


. Why is it that you thought that creating an Digital publication of TheCooksCook was a better choice rather than creating a physical copy? As the wife of a retired book publisher I knew that the logistics of creating a paper publication were difficult to handle. After the acquisition and editing of the content, there’s the physical printing and marketing and distribution. And I wanted an international publication. There are tremendous advantages that a digital publication can offer that the best paper magazines simply can’t, even under the best of circumstances. These include outstanding presentation of photography -- highresolution and colour and the brightness that a lit screen provides. Links are also a great advantage. In a paper magazine you have to look up all information that is suggested. In a digital publication, links can take you instantly to a digression -- a video, demonstration, reference, case study, verification, photo, source of a product, ordering form, subscription link....This is an exceedingly powerful tool. There is, as well, the huge advantage in having control of the physical aspect of entering content onto the site. No matter how powerful or excellent a magazine may be, a paper magazine, once printed, cannot be changed without being destroyed, whereas a digital publication can be very easily changed, corrected, and updated. An example: I am a reader of a weekly publication called “The Week,” in which top stories from magazines and newspapers around the world are excerpted and presented as a summary of what has happened in the past week. I found that once Trump was elected, the news changed so rapidly from day to day, by the time I received The Week, the national news in it was outdated and I had little interest in reading it. Another example: Last week my husband was reading the latest (current) issue of Men’s Journal (a paper magazine) and suddenly gasped and started laughing. He showed me the table of contents, which has, instead of pagination, the letters TK in each place where the numbers should be. This is a terrible error, greatly embarrassing for them, that had presumably been printed in thousands of magazines and distributed across the country. It’s both embarrassing for them and a real inconvenience for their readers. Mistakes happen, but in a digital publication they can be fixed. While I have a love of cookbooks -- and own about 2,000 of them -- I feel that printed cookbooks and publications will gradually become a thing of the past. Digital cookbooks are still in an awkward stage, but eventually a screen will be as much a kitchen tool as a blender or food processor. Answered by Denise Landis Publisher & Editor


Appendix C: Interview with Heritage Cookbook This interview/questionnaire was arranged through email. First contacted them on 12nd September 2017 and had gotten a response. “One of the most trusted self publishing tools on the internet” . Do you think that clients are finding it much more accessible to use the internet to communicate recipes by using one minute videos rather than learning it from a cookbook. [Is the internet affecting you as a company that makes it easier for people to create cookbooks?] No, I don’t think videos on the internet are replacing the way people share recipes with each other. I think people are definitely turning to the internet to see videos, but when it comes to sharing recipes with one another, especially family recipes that are part of one’s heritage, written recipes are definitely the go to. The internet is helping people come together to build community and family cookbooks together with programs like ours! . Do you think that physical cookbooks are coming to an end with the recent rise of technology now being able to communicate various tasks such as cooking? No, I really don’t! I think cookbooks are more than just tools for cooking- they are sources of information and inspiration, and are part manual, part coffee table book. I think people are turning to the internet to get recipes, and learn techniques, but I don’t think that replaces owning a cookbook, which is a curated collection of recipes by a specific person, or around a specific subject or theme. Cookbooks are also far more reliable than internet recipes- content loaded by bloggers, students, amateurs etc hasn’t been tested the same way a cookbook or to a certain extent magazine recipe has. . What is the average cost for your company to specifically produce cookbooks? It really depends on the type of book you are making- they can range from $10 to as much as $50 for a full colour hard cover book. We price based on what people provide! . Do you find yourself when printing cookbooks that there are more images focusing on the chef’s life or on the recipes? Our template really helps people to build books that are part biography, part recipe. So yes, we print books that are about 50% recipe, and 50% family stories. It’s part of what’s so endearing about making a family cookbook! And since photos don’t cost more than text to print if they are black and white, people are loading up their books with photos.


. Why is it that you have a default paper type and typeface for creating other people’s products? We chose to create a program that gave some choices, but not too many. The feedback we always get is that the program is so simple to use, and the end result so professional looking! That’s because it’s been designed by a professional graphic designer, and programmed to be really simple. Too much choice can be a bad thing! These are not just scrapbooks, they are instruction books too- so clarity is important. . What is your own opinion of how the design of cookbooks have changed over the course of years. Ranging from how traditional cookbooks were made to the now modern cookbooks. In some ways, they haven’t changed that much! People are still telling a little story, giving instructions, ingredients, methodology. The big difference I think now is how important imagery is, and also overall design. Cookbooks tell stories now. I don’t think they used to. And they are beautiful coffee table books, printed on heavy glossy paper- that’s pretty different than something like the Joy of Cooking, which was really an encyclopedia. Beauty is very important now when it comes to cookbooks. Answered by Virginie


Conducted a short survey on, Questions were based on user engagement Respondent 1


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Bibliography Introduction: Basics

Boston cooking-school cook book, Boston: Little, Brown and Company

Wikipedia (2017) Cookbook Available Available: at:

bostoncookingsch00farmrich (Accessed:

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A Recipe of Dated Cookbooks

Richards, Ellen H. (1904) First lessons in food and diet, Boston:, Whitcomb &

Platina, Bartolomeo (1475) De

Barrows Available:

honesta voluptate et valetudine, n/a

details/firstlessonsinfo00rich (Accessed: 30/10/17)

Title page, Modern Cookery for private families, (1865) Available:

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File:Modern_Cookery_for_Private_ Families_Eliza_Acton_Title_

Wikipedia (2017) Halftone [Online]

Page_1860.jpg (Accessed 24/07/17)

Available: wiki/Halftone (Accessed 19/11/17)

Wikipedia (2017) Cookbook [Online] Available:

Grace Ventura Thompson, Helen

wiki/Cookbook (Accessed 24/07/17)

(2017) The history of food photography in the late 20th century Available

Wikipedia (2017) Cookbook:


Modern Works Available: https://



(Accessed 30/10/17)

cookbook (Accessed: 31/10/2017)

Boston & First Lessons

BBC (2000) Before Beeton The Eliza Acton Story [Audio].

Farmer, Fannie Merritt (c1906) The

31 December. Available at: 61 BeforeBeetonTheElizaActonStory

Thrower, Percy (1977) Percy’s

Attwell, C (2017) Email to the

(Accessed: 19/11/2017)

Thrower’s How to grow vegetables

blogger/youtuber. (Abisola Oshikoya),

and fruit, Worthing & England:

29th June 2017

Ahlund, Claes (2012) Scandinavia

Littlehampton Book Service (Accessed:

in the First World War: Studies in


the War Experience of the Northern Neutrals, Nordic Academic Press

Has Changed How We Cook https://www.abebooks.

Available at: https://www.theatlantic.


Acton, E. (1865) Modern Cookery for Grow-Fruit-Vegetables-Percyprivate families. Longmans

Garber, Megan (2012) How Tech


Thrower-0600387569/plp (Accessed: we-cook/261008/ (Accessed: 26/11/2017)


38 steps of progress

Notaker, Henry (2017) A 600-Year

Grace Ventura Thompson, Helen (2011) ‘History of food

History of Cookbooks as Status

photography’ The Foodie Bugle, 15th December

Özdamar, M. (2012) The Visual

Symbols Available at: www.theatlantic.

Language of Cookbooks. Graduation


Wikipedia (2017) Chromolithography: Thesis. University of Economics.


Process Available: https://

Available at: (Accessed: 24/11/2017)

writing/gd494_ozdamar.pdf (Accessed:

Chromolithography#Process (Accessed


User Engagement

Physical mixed with Digital

Crocker, Betty (1950) Betty Crocker’s

23/11/2017) Cookbook, Betty Crocker Editors

Fresh Cookbooks Davies, Caroline and Slawson, Nicola McEvedy, Allegra (2008) Leon:

(2015) Cookbooks’ key ingredient

Better Homes and Gardens

Ingredients & Recipes, London:

now design not recipes, says food

(1979) Better Homes and Gardens

Octopus books (Accessed:

writer Available at: https://www.

New Junior Cookbook, Better Homes


and Garden


design-recipes-prue-leith (Accessed:




Özdamar, M. (2012) The Visual

The Daily Meal (2017) 25

Language of Cookbooks. Graduation

Best-Selling Cookbooks of All

Jones, Anna (2015) A Modern Way

Thesis. University of Economics.

Time Slideshow Available: www.

To Cook, London: HarperCollins

Available at:

(Accessed: 25/11/2017)

writing/gd494_ozdamar.pdf (Accessed: cookbooks-all-time-slideshow/slide-2

html?id=NDQangEACAAJ&redir_ esc=y (Accessed: 25/11/2017)


(Accessed: 4/10/2017)


Selimi, Albert (2017) Student. Final



year student studying graphic design.

esc=y (Accessed: 26/11/2017)



Oshikoya, Abisola (2017) Engaging

Odd Places to find Cookbooks

with Cookbooks [questionnaire], 17 responses,

‘Recipes’ The Guardian (2017)

Cookbook Ingredients

recipes (Accessed: 3/12/17)

How It’s Made (2015) How It’s Made Bookbinding Available



ue (Accessed: 3/12/17)\

watch?v=nICeso8336Y (Accessed: 3/12/2017)

Arthus, Gerard (1961) The Collectors’ cook book #51, United States

ANA BELEN SANCHEZ PRIETO (2016) Bookbinding - Parts Available at: com/watch?v=nOBTrua1eH0 (Accessed: 3/12/2017) Ly, Linda (2014) Behind the Scenes of a Cookbook Photo Shoot (Part I) Available at: https://www. (Accessed: 3/12/2017) Ly, Linda (2014) Behind the Scenes of a Cookbook Photo Shoot (Part II) Available at: https://www. (Accessed: 3/12/2017) Ly, Linda (2014) The Making of a Cookbook: The Cover Shot Available at: (Accessed: 3/12/2017) Blurb (2007) http://www.blurb. (Accessed: 3/12/2017)



To Finish Reading



· Hold t

· Push the cov

· Close t


To Finish Reading


( fig 15)


the book

vers together

the book

66 To Finish Reading

Progress map: Date created: 4th February 2017 [Key] . ARTICLES & LINKS . QUESTIONNAIRES/FOCUS GROUPS . QUESTIONS/NOTES . FEEDBACK NOTES LEAD QUESTION: How has the design and use of cookbooks changed over the years and how is the information communicated now. (Focusing on the design before and how it is made today since we now live in an advance era) WHAT IS THE AIM IN RESEARCHING THIS QUESTION: Discuss change in the design throughout the years. The change it has in our society today or rather is it the change in people that has change the demand of cookbooks. How has the idea of a cookbook changed? [Secondary Research] Look at some articles that have already addressed this. Use them as references. How has it changed over the years? Brief history [Secondary Research] Look at technology now. It has advanced so much over the course of years that reading from a physical cookbook is no longer necessary. Large archive of cookbooks Has the interaction has gotten better or worse? New type of develop Personal view on this would be better. RESEARCH STRATEGIES: What aspects would I like to discuss in regard to the lead question. What do I want to achieve? What type of primary? (question, focus group, visits to museums etc) Questionnaire: . Have you used a physical cookbook, search the recipe online or viewed videos online. . Would you buy a cookbook because it was made by a celebrity that you recognise? Focus group 6-12 . Show different designs, what works best. Most useful features. Focus Group (Graphic Designers): Give 2 cookbooks that have major differences between them and then have them analyse it. Discussing the visual design with each other seeing what opinions as graphic designers would have.

. What do you like about this cookbook? . As a designer, what improvements would you make? . What would you say is the most important feature to be worked on in the cookbook? Secondary r. books articles, bloggers, podcast, Online base resources would it benefit me? Looking into online resources would assist me in writing the dissertation. Due to people making articles concerning this topic before. Articles that focus on cookbooks not being used today for its purpose but rather used for a style. Also looking at surveys that have been carried out already that targets a wider audience would help me in gaining realistic statistics that i wouldn’t be able to carry out myself. technology/archive/2012/08/how-tech-has-changed-how-we-cook/261008/ Ask questions such as does any cookbooks of today hold any cultural meaning anymore or has it been lost in our society of today? Does watching videos improve your skills in cooking? Fulvio Pierangelini – an Italian chef in exile. This was a talk he had given to young professional cooks that were still learning their way. Quote video from 4:50 to 5:38. http://www. Blogging. Visual interpretation of how to do it or more physical so they could keep it. FOOD BLOGGERS [Secondary Research] Article discussing whether food guides and bloggers have on the culinary world? This article/Essay. “Jen Lofgren has recently completed a Master of Arts [Research] at the Queensland University of Technology. Her research project investigated food, culture, and the Internet, with a specific focus on recipe sharing in the food blogging community. She shares her research with the food blogging community, and her kitchen adventures, through her food blog Paddington Pantry.” Visual Interpretation (VIDEO): . Asking people why they would rather watch a video of someone demonstrating how to prepare a dish than reading it from a book. Videos can hold a story just like a book can but having the visual there increases the perception that it is giving off. Social media, such as Instagram and Facebook, also plays a part of supporting recipe videos. http://nymag. com/thecut/2016/03/zen-and-the-art-of-the-buzzfeed-tasty-video.html http://www.coca-colacompany.

com/stories/inside-the-booming-popularity-of-timelapse-cooking-videos Include well-established blog; TASTY VIDEOS Conduct a survey about the short time-lapse videos. . What do you find enjoyable about this? . Does watching these 1-minute videos encourage you more in creating the dish? . If so, does a cookbook not appeal to you even if it is giving you the exact same recipe? Companies such as Tesco are becoming more involved with producing cooking videos. I increases their sales, also from personal experience it does engage the viewers. Watching a person cook food may sound like a boring thing to do but in a way it’s creating art food. Increases sales. More internet activity is produced. INTERVIEW . Aspiring Chefs; Does the client give specifications on what they design? . Roland (tutor) Asking him if he knows any book designers that creates cookbooks so I can be able to find out if there is any views that he himself has about this. Especially considering they would be having less job opportunities. What attracts customers nowadays? Book by a well liked person? People influenced because of the person, not the food. [Primary & Secondary Research] (Secondary) Research on what is currently (2016/17) the most popular cookbook on the market right now. See the reviews that it has. Was it by a well-known person that the public would be more drawn to? (Primary) Ask parents, adults or university students if they would be more attracted to buying a cookbook that has been made by a celebrity that they recognise and like rather than a cookbook that wasn’t by a celebrity? Students living away from home do they use cookbooks or use the internet? Ask students that simple question. Able to get a clear insight on which one is being used more. Especially since the target audience are young adults so their mind set and what they are now exposed to , which is more technology, a big help towards them cooking. The paper weight (GSM). Front cover of the cookbook. Design of the cover. This would be a personal review of the “popular” cookbook that I researched on before. Analysing/describing the books that I pick out. The book that I compare it with could actually be made in different years for example 1990. Aspects to consider would be: . How does the design works for the books themselves . Front cover; is there a famous person on it? . Paper weight . Images comparison; is it showing more of the cook or the food? . Text comparison; too much text? . Are there any infographics involved or is it solely photography?

. Culture inspired Electronic design different from physical? [Primary & Secondary Research] . Why do you buy cookbooks now days because of authors. Represents something? . Would you prefer watching the video if someone demonstrating how to cook or read it. What are the changes in society and how do we perceive them, affect changes in industry changes in tech also affects industry? contact specific bloggers

.TUESDAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2017 . Produced questions to ask food bloggers My Fussy Eater (Ciara Attwell) email: . What made you start creating these short time-lapse videos that are found on your youtube channel? . Why do you personally think that your viewers watch your videos? - Why do you think people would rather watch a video of you demonstrating how to prepare a dish than reading it from a book? . Do you find yourself wanting to create your own cookbook in the future? If so, why? . What makes you assume that creating a blog with your own personal recipes would attract people to actually take part; when they could read similar recipes from a chef that is qualified? . Do you think that your viewers have a stronger connection with you because you create weekly videos rather than making books that would have been released on an irregular basis?

SORTEDfood (-) email: . Do you find you and your team find yourselves wanting to create your own cookbook in the future? If so, why? . Why do think people would rather watch a video of you demonstrating how to prepare a dish than reading it from a book? . Do you think that cookbooks are coming to an end with the recent rise of technology being able to communicate various tasks such as cooking? . Do you think that your viewers have a stronger connection with you because you create weekly videos rather than making books that would have been released on an irregular basis?

OnePotChefShow (David Chilco) email: . You offer traditional recipes but you choose to show them through videos rather than a physical cookbook. Why is that? . Around 4 years ago? you had released your own cookbook online e.g. iTunes. Offering a paperback version and an ebook as well. Why did you consider putting it online? . Do you think that cookbooks are coming to an end with the recent rise of technology being able to communicate various tasks such as cooking? . Do you think that your viewers have a stronger connection with you because you create weekly videos rather than making books that would have been released on an irregular basis?

. SATURDAY 25TH FEBRUARY 2017 . Conducting interviews about the designers view of cbs Graphic Designer opinions about designing cookbooks Star Print Brokers, Inc. email: Article: . Do you think that clients are finding it much more accessible to use the internet to communicate recipes rather than a cookbook. [Is the internet affecting you as book designers?] . What is the average cost for your company to specifically produce cookbooks? . Do you find yourself when designing cookbooks that there are more images focusing on the chef or on the recipes?

. FRIDAY 3RD MARCH 2017 . publishers bloggers/Food printing companies that focus on paper and books compare the issues Talks on publishing or future. Research. In universities Tutorials. ebooks. paper copies that have been bought regarding eb and Books Bookshops that offer a variation . people lack of desire to buy a book or search for an ebook. Do they search for books that are useful or more on trend. Aspect - historical development of cookbooks. Now that you can acquire ready made now with tech how nit could have affected it Viewpoint .. order.public prefference. Near future. People like hand crafted ways. traditionals sources or non-traditional. Paper copy would disappear.

. TUESDAY 7TH MARCH . FUTURE - 4TH APRIL 2017 Make questionnaire for the people that has made cookbooks. For the people i am interviewing. Attend the talk “Borough Talks - Read, cook, live: the ingredients of a cookbook” This will definitely help me in my dissertation. COST: £17.50

. FRIDAY 7TH APRIL 2017 . Did not attend the “Borough Talk”

. JUNE 2017 . Found more people to contact TheCooksCook Heritage Cookbook Classics cookbooks Phaidon Milly Cookbook

. TOOK A BREAK . . 29TH JUNE 2017 . Contacted CIARA ATTWELL

. 22ND JULY 2017 . (Date created: 22nd July 2017) Questions for TheCooksCook . During the years of being a cookbook author, have you seen a significant difference in the content that is now being demanded, such as imagery or body text? . Do you think that physical cookbooks are coming to an end with the recent rise of technology now being able to communicate various tasks such as cooking? . Do you think that clients are finding it much more accessible to use the internet to communicate recipes rather than producing a cookbook? . Recipes now seem to have no emotional connection to them between chef and food. Do you think that because of the era that we live in now that food is just being commercialised rather than having a story behind it? . On your website, There’s a page called ‘Family Meals’ that included an article related to the contributor and following on with the recipe. Why have you chosen to do it this way? What do you feel that this does for your readers? . Why is it that you thought that creating an Digital publication of TheCooksCook was a better choice rather than creating a physical copy? (Received Answers: 12/09/2017)

. 23RD JULY 2017 . Decided to contact the rest of the companies that I listed down.

. HOLIDAY. . 29th August 2017 . Contacted PaperBackPaper & Khadi Paper about sampling sheets from them. Both agreed. Received paper samples from PaperBackPaper on 30th August Cairn Eco papers, White Requested Sample of Cairn Eco - white 100gsm SRA1 20-25 Sheets RECIEVED SAMPLES FROM CAIRN ECO Fabriano Accademia 160gsm B1 (Buy A3) Fabriano Accademia 200gsm B1 (Buy A3) Somerset Printmaking Paper

. 12TH SEPTEMBER 2017 . (Date created 12th Sept 2017) Questions for Heritage Cookbook . Do you think that clients are finding it much more accessible to use the internet to communicate recipes by using one minute videos rather than learning it from a cookbook. [Is the internet affecting you as a company that makes it easier for people to create cookbooks?] . Do you think that physical cookbooks are coming to an end with the recent rise of technology now being able to communicate various tasks such as cooking? . What is the average cost for your company to specifically produce cookbooks? . Do you find yourself when printing cookbooks that there are more images focusing on the chef’s life or on the recipes? . Why is it that you have a default paper type and typeface for creating other people’s products? . What is your own opinion of how the design of cookbooks have changed over the course of years. Ranging from how traditional cookbooks were made to the now modern cookbooks. (Received Answers: 10/10/2017)

. 28TH SEPTEMBER 2017 . (Date created 28th Sept 2017) Questions for MillyCookbook . Do you think that physical cookbooks are declining with the recent rise of technology now being able to communicate various tasks such as cooking? . What makes you assume that creating a blog with your own personal recipes would attract people to take part; when they could read similar recipes from a chef that is qualified? . Do you think that your viewers and yourself are finding it much more accessible to use the internet to communicate recipes rather than producing a cookbook? . Recipes now seem to have no emotional connection to them between chef and food. Do you think that because of the era that we live in now that food is just being commercialised rather than having a story behind it? . From the beginning of you creating your blog posts, why did you decide to release a cookbook? What design decisions did you take into consideration. (Please explain in detail) . What are you trying to communicate through your cookbook? (Please explain in detail) (Did not receive a response) Questions for Classics cookbooks . What do you initially look for when you are deciding which cookbook to upload on to your website? Are there any specific expectations that they should meet? . The designs of the cookbooks that you supply all differ from one another. Do you focus on the design of the books; if so what do you consider? . Leading on from that question, since you offer used and vintage books; they all have been created at different times. Can you state the major differences that you can see has changed over the years? For example

the amount of pictures/illustrations included, the content focused on recipes or personal stories etc. (Please state the book you refer to) . On the cookbooks section, you included a lengthy description on your own take of the book you are selling. Why do you choose to do this? Is this to convince buyers? . Do you think that physical cookbooks are coming to an end with the recent rise of technology now being able to communicate various tasks such as cooking? (Did not receive a response)

. 29TH SEPTEMBER 2017 . (Date created 29th Sept 2017) Questions for Phaidon . What do you take into consideration when working when designing cookbooks with clients? . The covers of the cookbooks that you publish all have a simple theme about them. Why is it that this is seen throughout your work? Is it so that it can be kept consistent and it is part of your “branding�? . What is the average cost for your company to produce cookbooks? . Over the course of years the standards of what is included in cookbooks that are decided by the authors have changed. Ranging from the increase or decrease of pictures, illustrations, personal stories, recipes etc. (Unable to find someone that could work with me) SHOPS TO CONSIDER BUYING MATERIALS FROM Bookbinding Spine cloth: Bookboard (Essential) Needles? (Consider buying normal needles Endband Bookcloth ( Outside cover) Linen

. OCTOBER 2017 . Barely did any work. Decided to focus on my assigned class work instead. This continued for at least until the end of November

. MONDAY 27TH NOVEMBER . Organised all of my research together and began to do my written part of my dissertation. *NOTE* VISUAL WAS COMPLETED BY THE START OF SEPTEMBER. HAVE NO NOTE OF WHEN THIS HAPPENED. . WEDNESDAY 29TH NOVEMBER . Took out cookbooks from the library at Ravensbourne for visual research. . TUESDAY 5TH DECEMBER . Conducted a questionnaire on Totaled 17 respondents the same day. Made some minor adjustments on my visual.

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