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The Alpha Kappa Psi Program for Principled Business Leaders
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many campuses with AKPsi chapters operated in a virtual environment for the duration of the 2020-21 academic year.
As an organization, our brothers’ safety, health, and well-being remained the highest priority, so all of Alpha Kappa Psi’s educational offerings were delivered virtually. To promote ongoing connection and education, Alpha Kappa Psi offered several opportunities through its Brotherhood Unbounded program.
Brotherhood Unbounded is the program designed to help AKPsi members stay connected to their brothers and their chapter, to help brothers learn how to cope with personal stress, and to help brothers develop skills beneficial in their career development. It is exclusive to AKPsi members, providing the resources to boost confidence, to participate in unique activities and events, and to elevate resumes in regard to three areas of development.
Career Personal Skill
Development Development Development
Activities related to career exploration, job/internship process, career preparation and ongoing professional development.
Activities related to selfassessment, leadership, and personal well-being. Activities related to Alpha Kappa Psi’s Core Six skills.
Virtual Education Sessions
Alpha Kappa Psi hosted virtual keynote presentations throughout the year to provide members ongoing access to industry leaders outside of a specific event.
In addition, volunteers in the United Kingdom held a series of virtual sessions known as “The Institute” geared toward our UK members.
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