1 minute read
Literacy Coordinator, Broward County Library
Section Director, Atlantic Gulf Coast Region
Fraternity Event Speaker
“No No, Seriously, That Really Did Happen to Me.” That would be the title because when I tell people stories of things that happened to me, people say, “What? Really?” I’m not playing with you, it really did happen to me.
If you could only have three apps on your smartphone, which would you pick?
SongPop, Instagram, and Spotify.
When will you know you’ve “made it?”
For me, I made it when I am satisfied careerwise, and I’m satisfied in my personal life. Also, when I feel like I’m making a difference in someone else’s life.
What is your “dance like nobody is watching” song?
Anything 2000s pop music. Britney Spears, NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, TRL, Janet Jackson … they’ll make me dance like no one is watching.
How many hours do you get to the airport before a flight?
It depends on where I’m going and the airline, but I try to do at least two hours. I have done 45 minutes and got through security in time, but two hours if usually what I do.
You can ban one question from the interview process forever. Which one do you choose?
“Why should we hire you?” Obviously you need a job! Let’s not make it awkward.
TV: What show are you currently binging?
I watch old episodes of Daria or competition shows like The Great British Bake Off.
SPROTS: What is your favorite sport to watch and which team do you root for? College football. Obviously, I root for my alma mater, the Knights.
AKPSI: What is your favorite AKPsi experience?
Besides my initiation and getting my Silver Distinguished Service Award, double duty officiating and being part of an All-AKPsi bridal party at my best friend’s wedding. The bride and five bridesmaids are all brothers!