Tips for dental care of your family

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SUMMARY Tartar unlike plaque cannot be removed by brushing but has to be done professionally. Dentzz brings you some of the basic reasons of tartar accumulation.

Tips for Dental care of your family

The famous proverb of family that eats together stay together should be changed to Family that flosses together stays together.

The dental health of every single family member is the most important as even the one teeth falls apart the entire family faces the burn. Especially if we have kids in our home their tooth care is something we should really pay the attention on.

There are certain protocols and if we follow it regularly the dental health of each and every family member will and can be stay safe.

1: Use product that caters to your needs individually Ex: If one person in family has sensivity issue and another has gums bleeding (as seen in the famous TV ad masudo se khoon?) then the person suffering from sensivity should use toothpaste and brush made for the care of sensivity dental health and the latter should focus on oral care that focus on gums more.

2: Take care of eating habits It’s always a good habit to set a good example for children to follow. Kindly avoid food that stick to teeth’s and create cavities or eating food after having brushed your teeth at night. As plaque and cavity causes and starts the vicious circle of tooth decay with tartar, periodontal etc. Read: Reasons for Accumulation of Plaque and Tartar on Teeth 3: Visit your dentist regularly Family doctors are important but what your family also needs is a family dentist. In times where your oral health is an indicator of your general health condition, it is vital that you have a trustworthy dentist that you can consult with. Such a dentist should be able to help your family with any oral issues that you may have, whether it be a cavity or a cosmetic dental procedure.

4: Set Examples The elders of the family should take an initiative of setting an example by taking care of dental hygiene and practising good dental care like brushing twice a day, using floss regularly, visiting dentist and removing this fear of dentist from children’s mind and also having general knowledge of taking care of oral health.

Recently it has been known that many disease are related to our oral hygiene like heart attack, Lyme disease etc. one of the major causes of heart disease is when this infection through the bacteria in the plaque enters the bloodstream and causes clots that can become lethal. Even the inflammation caused by gum disease can very often increase the incidence of clots. These clots cause a reduction in the blood flow to the heart, increase blood pressure and thus trigger a heart attack. This proves that dental health is so much of important.

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