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Lots ofGain…
o A brand’s success depends on the social, cultural, and emotional connection it has with its audience. We subconsciously trust people who speak our native language. They remind us of home and safety. Striving to capture the essence of that trust and safety through native language is a great way to get people to love the brand. Thus Multilingual Typography helps by forging relationshipsbetweenbrandsandcustomers.
o Information is bound towitness more engagement if you advertise inmultiple languages since this ensures thatyouareexpanding youruserbase. Thus MultilingualTypography helps bywideningthe rangeof the audience.
o People take great pride in the languages they speak and understand. There is a significant emotional aspect when it comes to reading and consuming content in native languages and mothertongues. Thus MultilingualTypography helpsbydealingwithpsychologyofconsumers.
o All designers can benefit from the unique learning opportunities encountered by multilingual type designers—for instance, by looking at their native writing systems more analytically as amatter of routine. ThusMultilingualTypography helps byopeningnewlearningopportunities.
o Globalization has triggered greater interaction between countries and their cultures. Languages are often the first barrier to communicating with or relating to other cultures, and this affects inter- and intranational communication directly. Thus Multilingual Typography helps by enhancing communication acrosstheworld.
Incredible India!
o With1635rationalized mothertongues,over 850spokenlanguages,780mainlanguages,400 scripts, and officiallyrecognized 22 languages and 11scripts, Indiahas awideand vivid linguistic landscape. (People’s Linguistic Survey ofIndia 2013) o Also, thesamewide and vivid scene is seenonthe IndianInternet.
– Indian languageinternetusershavegrownfrom 42 million in 2011to 234 million in 2016.
– In 2017, regional language Internet users were about 201 million with the CAGR(Compound annual growth rate) of Indian language internet users being 18 percent compared with just 3 percentfor Englishcontentconsumersaccordingtoan analysis by Google and KPMG.
– Currently, Tamil (42%) has the highest internet adoption levels followed by Hindi and Kannada among the Indian languageusers.
– Rural Indian language internet users have higher engagement levels (~ 530 minutes per week) thanUrban internetusers(~487 minutesper week)
– Chat applications and Digital entertainment have more than 90% adoption among Indian languageusers.
– Around 35%of Indian language internetusers access government services, classifieds, news and payment services exclusively online o Yes, alarge setofnon-Englishsavvyusers are already online,and theyare gettinghungrier. But is ampleamountofcontent available?
– Reports indicatethatIndians have notjustthe highestnumber.
– Reports indicate that Indians have not just the highest number of DAUs(Daily Active Users), on WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn and Quora but with an average of 42 minutes — also the highestengagement time on WhatsApp.
– Numbers say that less than 10% of people in India speak English, and only about 4% are comfortable withthe language.Still, justless than 1% of onlinecontentis inIndian languages.
– 60% Indian language internet users stated limited language support and content to be the largest barrierfor adoption of onlineservices.
– 68% Internetusersconsiderlocal languagedigital contentto be more reliable than English.
– 88% of Indian language internet users are more likely to respond to a digital advertisement in their local languageas comparedto English.
– 44% Indian language internet users finding it difficult to comprehend product description and customerreviewsin English.
– WhatsApp has a 96% reach, and 61% of the Indian users primarily use their native languages to communicatewith it. For every 10 images sharedon WhatsApp, thereare 3 voice messages.
– OnlyFive percentof Google's ads in India are reportedlyin regionallanguages.
The spread of the internet and its usage in India has created a larger audience, and in turn, a larger market. Any company or brand that wants to go pan India requires multilingual communication. People who only focus on English end up catering to fewer cities in comparison. Indian typography’s need for multilingual matching fonts is increasingdaybyday.” SaarangKulkarni (Ek Type)