Hongiran-District Biofuel Mart Bijapur Presentation on Hongiran Bio-fuel Mart Bijapur at
National conference on “Accelerating Bio-fuel programmes in India�. On 22-02-2014
Hongiran Bio-fuel Mart Bijapur
Integrated Bio-fuel Development Programme in Bijapur district-components 1.Conducting bio fuel awareness programmes by Lead NGO & I&D center. 2. Raising of the bio-fuel seedlings by forest dept. 3. Bio-fuel seedlings plantation by the Farmers and the Forest dept. 4. Bio-fuel Seeds collection by the rural people. 5.Biofuel Seeds purchase by the Hongiran and other buyers. 6. Processing of the bio-fuel seeds by the I&D center and the other 14 industries in the district. 7.Sale of the Bio-fuel products to the public at Hongiran Mart. 8. Use of the bio-fuel products by the public.
Hongiran-District Bio-fuel Mart * The Farmers who had been purchasing and using the bio-manure from I&D center were asking for a availability of the bio-manure in the convenient place. *The proposal for establishment of Hongiran district bio-fuel Mart was put before the KSBDB in the month of Februay-2013 by Bio-fuel Lead NGO Bijapur district. * The KSBDB approved the first Hongiran district bio-fuel Mart in the state to Bijapur district in the month of March-2013.
Launch of Hongiran by Hon’ CM on 13-03-2013
Inauguration of Hongiran at Bijapur on 21-03-2013
Inauguration of Hongiran at Bijapur on 21-03-2013
Inauguration of Hongiran at Bijapur on 21-03-2013
Inauguration of Hongiran at Bijapur on 21-03-2013
Inauguration of Hongiran at Bijapur on 21-03-2013
Objectives of the Hongiran •To promote the usage of the bio-manure in the district. •Availability of the bio-manure and related products to the public. •Increase awareness about the importance of bio-fuel and its usage. •Provide basic information about the Integrated bio-fuel programme of the district. •To provide the details of the bio-fuel programmes.
Facilities available in Hongiran Mart * Information on the importance of the bio-fuel. * Details of the bio-fuel programmes. * Different and viable Bio-fuel seedlings. * Purchase of the bio-fuel seeds from the farmers. * Sale of bio-manure. * Suggestion Box to receive the Farmers suggestions. * Hasiru Honnu application forms. * Details of availability of bio-fuel plantations in the district in different nurseries.
Activities of the Hongiran Awareness programmes for the stakeholders
Awareness to Farmers during Krushi Mela
Visit to bio-fuel industries
Awareness programmes to NSS students
Coordination with I& D center *The main purpose of the Hongiran District Bio-fuel Mart is to sell the bio-fuel products produced at I&D centers. •The products which are available in the I&D Centers are purchased and sold to Farmers and the public. • When the farmers ask for the practical demonstration, then the farmers are referred to the I&D Centers to see the production of the biodiesel.
Achievements of Hongiran •Has been able to sell 20 tons of bio-manure. •Circulation Hasiru Honnu application forms to farmers. •Provide the bio-fuel seedlings and availability of information of different nurseries in the district. •purchase of bio-fuel seeds from the farmers. •Sale honge honey. •Information being provided about I &D center. •Helped to coordinate with the Gram Panchayats.
Lessons learnt •Intensive work is required with farmers in the field. •Users expect the good quality products and willing to pay for the good quality. •Farmers make use of the available information. •Need help of the Agriculture scientists.
Challenges before us •Competition with the others in the open market. • Providing the quality testing details to the clients, farmers ask for the quality testing facilities. • Non cooperation from the local bio-fuel industries.
Future plans of Hongiran •Coordination with all the 640 seeds and fertilizers shops in the district, who have been registered with Joint Director Agriculture and working in the district. •Establishing the network with the bio-manure production centers in the district. • Establish the network of the bio-fuel seeds collectors and bio-fuel seeds buyers in the district. • Developing the demonstration plots for the demonstration in the district. •Colloboration with milk association
Extension of the Hongiran activities •There is only one Hongiran shop in the district headquarter and people have asking for such counters in other parts of the district and we need to extend our facilities to the people.
Support required •Support of human resource to work with the farmers in the field. •Availability of the laboratories for the quality testing of the bio-fuel products available in the market and with us. •Need support/ help of the Agriculture scientists.
Thank you