ACTION PLAN OF Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mandya for 2012-13 1. General information about the Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Name and address of KVK with Phone, Fax and
e-mail, Website
KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA, V.C. FARM MANDYA – 571 405 KARNATAKA Phone: 08232-277456 E-mail:
Name and address of host organization
Year of sanction
Name of agro-climatic zone
Zone – 6, Southern Dry Zone
Major farming systems/enterprises
Rice – Rice, Sugarcane – Sugarcane Rice – Sugarcane, Ragi – Legumes Sugarcane – Ragi – Vegetables Sugarcane – Rice Animal Husbandry, Piggery, Poultry, Sheep and Goat rearing
Soil type
Red sandy loam to Red loamy soils
Annual rainfall (mm)
750 – 800 mm
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
2. Details of staff as on date
Sl. No.
Sanctioned post
Name of the incumbent
1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6 7
Programme Coordinator Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist
Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. Rajegowda Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Dr. Savitha C.M. VACANT
8 9 10 11
Programme Assistant Computer Programmer Farm Manager Accountant/Superintendent
Mr. Mahesha H.M. Mrs. Sukanya G.V. Ms. Apoorva K.B. VACANT
13 14 15 16
Driver 1 Driver 2 Supporting staff 1 Supporting staff 2
Mr. Ananda Mr. Prashanth .J Mrs. Gayathramma M.V. Mr. Ramu C.L.
Plant Pathology Horticulture Sericulture Home Science Agronomy Agril. Extension Soil Science -
Existing Pay band
Grade Pay
Date of joining
Permanent/ Temporary
15600-39100 37400-67000 15600-39100 15600-39100 15600-39100 15600-39100 15600-39100
8000 9000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
06.01.12 27.06.08 15.02.07 28.07.07 17.07.09 18.07.09 -
Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent -
9300-34000 9300-34000 9300-34000
4200 4200 4200
04.11.10 09.02.11 29.10.10
Permanent Permanent Permanent
If vacant action plan for filling the post on permanent basis
To be filled soon
To be filled soon To be filled soon -
16.10.08 19.04.05 16.10.08 03.08.06
Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent
3. Details of SAC meeting conducted during 2011-12 Sl. No 1.
Major recommendations
To plan more number of FLD’s on Co–3 fodder crop More activities on sustainable sugarcane production technology
Status of action taken in brief FLD has been implemented on 5 “Demonstrations on Co-3 fodder variety and its effect on milk yield” during 2011-12 Fifteen demonstration were conducted on “use of single eye bud sugarcane seedlings” and “inter cropping of French beans in five feet spaced sugarcane” during the year
Plan FLD’s on having other crops in border in sugarcane for additional income Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Tentative date of SAC meeting proposed during 2012-13 April, December
Popularize machine paddy transplanting Plan for farmer – scientist interaction More attention on OFT and FLD’s than other extension activities Prioritize local problems in major crops for planning OFT and FLD’s Conduct SAC meeting at every six month interval Results of OFT and FLD’s viabilities of these may be given to the line departments To invite more number of Progressive farmers to SAC meeting Network with adjacent KVK to plan common programme especially on OFT’s And FLD’s Conduct World Water Day SAC power point presentation should be in Kannada Conduct a pre review of all the SMS presentations Avoid using the word farmer’s practice Use mainly validated UAS (B) technologies for FLD’s
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
FLD on mechanized transplanting in paddy has been taken up Conducted during Technology week and other programmes Followed Followed Followed Provided
Considered Considered
Considered Followed Followed Considered Considered
4. Capacity Building of KVK Staff A. Plan of Human Resource Development of KVK personnel during 2012-13 Sl. No. 1.
Category Programme Coordinator
Area of training
Institution proposed to attend
Molecular approaches in plant disease management Natural Resource Management
National Beauro of agriculturally important insects, Bangalore/ G.B.Panthnagar, Maharashtra ANGRAU, Hyderabad / TNAU, Coimbatore
2. 3.
SMS Horticulture SMS Sericulture
SMS Home Science
Life Sciences
Manasagangothri, Mysore
SMS Agronomy
ANGRAU, Hyderabad TNAU, Coimbatore
SMS Agril. Extension
Orientation Refresher course
Manasagangothri, Mysore Academic staff college, Mysore
7. 8.
SMS (vacant) Lab Technician (Training Assistant)
Refresher course
Academic staff college, Mysore
Computer Programmer
Farm Manager
Refresher course
Academic staff college, Mysore
Details of trainings attended during 2011-12
Update knowledge and skills Update knowledge and skills Update knowledge and skills Update knowledge and skills Update knowledge and skills Update knowledge and skills -
Attended Orientation Training from 31st January 2012 to 4th February 2012 at KVK, Namakkal organized by ZPD -NIL--NIL--
Update knowledge and skills -
-NIL-Attended Training Programme on ‘Rodent Management’ from 28.11.2011 to 04.12.2011 at STU, Hebbal organized by UAS Attended Computer training from 6th to 11th June 2011 at KIONICS, Bangalore organized by UAS -NIL-
B. Cross-learning across KVKs Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Name of the KVK proposed KVK Chamarajanagar KVK, Hassan KVK, Suttur KVK, Namakkal, KVK, Kannuru
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Purpose Papaya mealy bug management in mulberry Animal Husbandry Seed preservation technique Animal Husbandry
Mode of learning Field visits and group discussions Field visits and group discussions Group discussions and training Field visits, meetings and discussions
5. Proposed cluster of KVKs (3 to 5 neighboring KVKs) to be formed for sharing knowledge/expertise, resources and activities Sl. No.
Name of the KVK included in the cluster
KVK Chamarajanagar
2 3 4
KVK Mysore KVK Hassan KVK Ramanagar
Nature of sharing Resources (facilities and Knowledge/ expertise products) Bee keeping, turmeric cultivation & processing, sericulture Resource persons and Animal Husbandry IFSD model Resource persons Animal Husbandry: Piggery, dairy, Azolla production Animal components Mechanization in Ragi harvesting, Harvester & saplings Mulberry saplings
Activities Group discussions, Meeting, Field visits Group discussions, Meeting, visits Group discussions, Meeting, visits Group discussions, Meeting, visits
6. Plan of Work for 2012-13 A. Operational areas details proposed Name of cluster villages Sl. Taluk/ block No. Existing New 1.
Kattedoddi, Kagehalladoddi, Jawanegowdana doddi, Yerahalli, Jayapura Machahalli Hadya
U. Kesalagere Mayigonahalli Chandagalu
Major crops & enterprises being practiced Paddy
Major problems identified Labour scarcity, Improper spacing
Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management Saline and alkali soils
Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Mono cropping of paddy Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Identified thrust areas based on problems Proper spacing/Drum seeding/ machine transplanting Introduction of hybrids INM
If existing from which year Please state Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Water management Salinity tolerant variety, nutrient management & alternate crop IPM
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Crop rotation
Existing, 2004
Improper weed management High severity of Blast disease at nursery and main field Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping
Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method High cost of cultivation
Hand injury during detrashing, more drudgery Growing of old varieties
Finger millet
Improper spacing Limited knowledge on value added products Labour scarcity & more drudgery Growing of local varieties Limited knowledge on seed treatment Control of pod borer by chemical method Improper storage
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Limited knowledge on profitable alternate crops Limited knowledge on value added products Labour scarcity & more drudgery Bird menace
Integrated weed management Introduction of new fungicides Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management
Existing, 2004
Introduction of additional income generating crop Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
New high yielding varieties Proper spacing Value addition
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
HYV Nutrient management IPM
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing , 2004
Existing, 2004
Scientific storage method Alternate crops
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
Pest management
Existing, 2004
Tomato, Chilly, Brinjal, French bean
Limited knowledge on processing and value addition High incidence of Panama wilt
Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Lack of knowledge on processing and preservation Limited knowledge on improved silkworm hybrids Non availability of labour for manual picking and mounting Incidence of disease
Improper disinfection and sanitation Incidence of papaya mealy bug in mulberry Micronutrient deficiency in mulberry Limited knowledge on high yielding fodder crops Limited knowledge on improved breeds Labour scarcity, Improper spacing
Animal husbandry
Antharavalli Nagaragere Huthagere
Use of disease susceptible local and private varieties Incidence of Leaf blight
Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management Saline and alkali soils
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Disease tolerant varieties/ hybrids Leaf blight management Value addition Disease management Micronutrient management Value addition Improved silkworm breeds Mechanization in silkworm rearing Disease management practices Disinfection and sanitation Pest management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2010 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2010
Micronutrient management HY fodder varieties
Existing, 2004
High yielding breeds Proper spacing/Drum seeding/ machine transplanting Introduction of hybrids INM
Existing, 2010
Water management Salinity tolerant variety, nutrient management & alternate crop
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Mono cropping of paddy Improper weed management
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Crop rotation Integrated weed management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
High severity of Blast disease at nursery and main field Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping
Introduction of new fungicides Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management
Existing, 2004
Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method High cost of cultivation
Hand injury during detrashing, more drudgery Growing of old varieties
Finger millet
Improper spacing Limited knowledge on value added products Labour scarcity & more drudgery Growing of local varieties Limited knowledge on seed treatment Control of pod borer by chemical method Improper storage
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Introduction of additional income generating crop Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
New high yielding varieties Proper spacing Value addition
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
HYV Nutrient management IPM
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Scientific storage
Existing, 2004
Existing , 2004
Tomato, Chilly, Brinjal, Capsicum, French bean
Amaranthus Banana
Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Lack of knowledge on processing and preservation Hand shelling, requires more Time & labour, hand injury, more drudgery Limited knowledge on improved silkworm hybrids Non availability of labour for manual picking and mounting Incidence of disease
Improper disinfection and sanitation Incidence of papaya mealy bug in mulberry Micronutrient deficiency in mulberry Limited knowledge on high yielding fodder crops Limited knowledge on improved breeds Labour scarcity, Improper spacing
Animal Husbandry
Antharavalli, Yabbani,
Kunduru Halaguru
Use of disease susceptible local and private varieties Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Limited knowledge on processing and value addition High incidence of Panama wilt
Yathambadi Yabbani
Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
method Disease tolerant varieties/ hybrids Micronutrient management Value addition
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Disease management Micronutrient management Value addition
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
Improved silkworm breeds Mechanization in silkworm rearing Disease management practices Disinfection and sanitation Pest management
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2010 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2010
Micronutrient management HY fodder varieties
Existing, 2004
High yielding breeds Proper spacing/Drum seeding/ machine transplanting Introduction of hybrids INM
Existing, 2010
Water management
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Saline and alkali soils
Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Mono cropping of paddy Improper weed management
High severity of Blast disease at nursery and main field Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping
Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method High cost of cultivation
Hand injury during detrashing, more drudgery Growing of old varieties
Finger millet
Improper spacing Limited knowledge on value added products Labour scarcity & more drudgery Limited knowledge on profitable alternate crops
Maize Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Salinity tolerant variety, nutrient management & alternate crop IPM
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Crop rotation Integrated weed management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Introduction of new fungicides Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Introduction of additional income generating crop Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
New high yielding varieties Proper spacing Value addition
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
Alternate crops
Existing, 2004
Existing , 2004
Limited knowledge on value added products Labour scarcity & more drudgery Bird menace Growing of local varieties Limited knowledge on seed treatment Control of pod borer by chemical method Improper storage
Tomato, Chilly, Brinjal, Capsicum, French bean
Amaranthus Banana
Use of disease susceptible local and private varieties Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Limited knowledge on processing and value addition High incidence of Panama wilt Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Lack of knowledge on processing and preservation Lack of knowledge on processing and preservation Hand shelling, requires more Time & labour, hand injury, more drudgery Limited knowledge on improved silkworm hybrids Non availability of labour for manual picking and mounting Incidence of disease
Tamarind Groundnut
Improper disinfection and sanitation Incidence of papaya mealy bug in mulberry Micronutrient deficiency in mulberry Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
Pest management HYV Nutrient management IPM
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Scientific storage method Disease tolerant varieties/ hybrids Micronutrient management Value addition
Existing, 2004
Disease management Micronutrient management Value addition
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
Improved silkworm breeds Mechanization in silkworm rearing Disease management practices Disinfection and sanitation Pest management
Existing, 2004
Micronutrient management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2010 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2010 Existing, 2004
Animal Husbandry
Dandiganahalli Dumjakkanahalli
Limited knowledge on high yielding fodder crops Limited knowledge on improved breeds Labour scarcity, Improper spacing
Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management Saline and alkali soils
Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Mono cropping of paddy Improper weed management
High severity of Blast disease at nursery and main field Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping
Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method High cost of cultivation Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
HY fodder varieties
Existing, 2004
High yielding breeds Proper spacing/Drum seeding/ machine transplanting Introduction of hybrids INM
Existing, 2010 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Water management Salinity tolerant variety, nutrient management & alternate crop IPM
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Crop rotation Integrated weed management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Introduction of new fungicides Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management
Existing, 2004
Introduction of
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Hand injury during detrashing, more drudgery Growing of old varieties
Finger millet
Improper spacing Limited knowledge on value added products Labour scarcity & more drudgery Limited knowledge on profitable alternate crops Limited knowledge on value added products Labour scarcity & more drudgery Bird menace Growing of local varieties Limited knowledge on seed treatment Control of pod borer by chemical method Improper storage
Tomato, Chilly, Brinjal, Capsicum, French bean
Amaranthus Banana
Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Lack of knowledge on processing and preservation Lack of knowledge on processing and preservation Limited knowledge on improved silkworm hybrids Non availability of labour for
Tamarind Sericulture
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Use of disease susceptible local and private varieties Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Limited knowledge on processing and value addition High incidence of Panama wilt
additional income generating crop Drudgery reduction
Existing , 2004
New high yielding varieties Proper spacing Value addition
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
Alternate crops
Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
Pest management HYV Nutrient management IPM
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Scientific storage method Disease tolerant varieties/ hybrids Micronutrient management Value addition
Existing, 2004
Disease management Micronutrient management Value addition
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Improved silkworm breeds Mechanization in
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2010
manual picking and mounting Incidence of disease
Improper disinfection and sanitation Incidence of papaya mealy bug in mulberry Micronutrient deficiency in mulberry Limited knowledge on high yielding fodder crops Limited knowledge on improved breeds Labour scarcity, Improper spacing
Animal Husbandry
Kodigehalli Madarahalli
Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management Saline and alkali soils
Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Mono cropping of paddy Improper weed management
High severity of Blast disease at nursery and main field Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
silkworm rearing Disease management practices Disinfection and sanitation Pest management
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2010
Micronutrient management HY fodder varieties
Existing, 2004
High yielding breeds Proper spacing/Drum seeding/ machine transplanting Introduction of hybrids INM
Existing, 2010
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Water management Salinity tolerant variety, nutrient management & alternate crop IPM
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Crop rotation Integrated weed management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Introduction of new fungicides Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method High cost of cultivation
Hand injury during detrashing, more drudgery Growing of old varieties
Finger millet
Improper spacing Limited knowledge on value added products Labour scarcity & more drudgery Growing of local varieties Limited knowledge on seed treatment Control of pod borer by chemical method Improper storage
Tomato, Chilly, Brinjal, Capsicum, French bean
Amaranthus Banana
Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Lack of knowledge on processing and preservation Lack of knowledge on processing and preservation
Tamarind Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Use of disease susceptible local and private varieties Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Limited knowledge on processing and value addition High incidence of Panama wilt
Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management
Existing, 2004
Introduction of additional income generating crop Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
New high yielding varieties Proper spacing Value addition
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
HYV Nutrient management IPM
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing , 2004
Existing, 2004
Scientific storage method Disease tolerant varieties/ hybrids Micronutrient management Value addition
Existing, 2004
Disease management Micronutrient management Value addition
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Limited knowledge on improved silkworm hybrids Non availability of labour for manual picking and mounting Incidence of disease
Improper disinfection and sanitation Incidence of papaya mealy bug in mulberry Micronutrient deficiency in mulberry Limited knowledge on high yielding fodder crops Limited knowledge on improved breeds Labour scarcity, Improper spacing
Animal Husbandry
Kikkeri Anchemuddana halli Aralahalli
Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management Saline and alkali soils
Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Mono cropping of paddy Improper weed management
High severity of Blast disease at nursery and main field Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Improved silkworm breeds Mechanization in silkworm rearing Disease management practices Disinfection and sanitation Pest management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2010 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2010
Micronutrient management HY fodder varieties
Existing, 2004
High yielding breeds Proper spacing/Drum seeding/ machine transplanting Introduction of hybrids INM
Existing, 2010
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Water management Salinity tolerant variety, nutrient management & alternate crop IPM
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Crop rotation Integrated weed management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Introduction of new fungicides
Existing, 2004
Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method High cost of cultivation
Hand injury during detrashing, more drudgery Growing of old varieties
Finger millet
Improper spacing Limited knowledge on value added products Labour scarcity & more drudgery Growing of local varieties Limited knowledge on seed treatment Control of pod borer by chemical method Improper storage
Tomato, Chilly, Brinjal, Capsicum, French bean
Amaranthus Banana
Use of disease susceptible local and private varieties Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Limited knowledge on processing and value addition High incidence of Panama wilt Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Lack of knowledge on
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Introduction of additional income generating crop Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
New high yielding varieties Proper spacing Value addition
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
HYV Nutrient management IPM
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing , 2004
Existing, 2004
Scientific storage method Disease tolerant varieties/ hybrids Micronutrient management Value addition
Existing, 2004
Disease management Micronutrient management Value addition
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
processing and preservation Lack of knowledge on processing and preservation Hand shelling, requires more Time & labour, hand injury, more drudgery Limited knowledge on improved silkworm hybrids Non availability of labour for manual picking and mounting Incidence of disease
Tamarind Groundnut
Improper disinfection and sanitation Incidence of papaya mealy bug in mulberry Micronutrient deficiency in mulberry Limited knowledge on high yielding fodder crops Limited knowledge on improved breeds Labour scarcity, Improper spacing
Animal Husbandry
Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management Saline and alkali soils
Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing , 2004
Improved silkworm breeds Mechanization in silkworm rearing Disease management practices Disinfection and sanitation Pest management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2010 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2010
Micronutrient management HY fodder varieties
Existing, 2004
High yielding breeds Proper spacing/Drum seeding/ machine transplanting Introduction of hybrids INM
Existing, 2010
Water management Salinity tolerant variety, nutrient management & alternate crop IPM
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Value addition
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Mono cropping of paddy Improper weed management
Crop rotation Integrated weed management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
High severity of Blast disease at nursery and main field Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping
Introduction of new fungicides Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management
Existing, 2004
Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method High cost of cultivation
Hand injury during detrashing, more drudgery Growing of old varieties
Finger millet
Improper spacing Limited knowledge on value added products Labour scarcity & more drudgery Growing of local varieties Limited knowledge on seed treatment Control of pod borer by chemical method Improper storage
Groundnut Tomato, Chilly, Brinjal, Capsicum, French bean Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Labour scarcity & more drudgery Use of disease susceptible local and private varieties Limited knowledge on
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Introduction of additional income generating crop Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
New high yielding varieties Proper spacing Value addition
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Drudgery reduction
Existing, 2004
HYV Nutrient management IPM
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
Scientific storage method Drudgery reduction Disease tolerant varieties/ hybrids Micronutrient
Existing , 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004
micronutrient management Limited knowledge on processing and value addition High incidence of Panama wilt
Amaranthus Banana
Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Lack of knowledge on processing and preservation Limited knowledge on improved silkworm hybrids Non availability of labour for manual picking and mounting Incidence of disease
Improper disinfection and sanitation Incidence of papaya mealy bug in mulberry Micronutrient deficiency in mulberry Limited knowledge on high yielding fodder crops Limited knowledge on improved breeds
Animal husbandry
management Value addition Disease management Micronutrient management Value addition Improved silkworm breeds Mechanization in silkworm rearing Disease management practices Disinfection and sanitation Pest management
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2004 Existing, 2010 Existing, 2004
Existing, 2004 Existing, 2010
Micronutrient management HY fodder varieties
Existing, 2004
High yielding breeds
Existing, 2010
Existing, 2004
B. Prioritized problems and KVK interventions proposed Crop/ enterprise
Taluk/ block
Prioritized problems
Technological solution
High cost on transplantingsingle seedlings, scarcity of labour
High severity of Blast disease at nursery and main field
Drum seeding of pre germinated hybrid paddy by mixing with equal quantity of dead seeds Introduction of new fungicides
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Interventions proposed (please tick) Technology Assessment Drum seeder method of sowing in hybrid paddy
Technology Refinement -
Seed treatment of paddy with fungicide
Chemical management of blast disease in paddy
Method of Seed treatment
Extension programmes Field visits Diagnostic visit Group meeting Field day Field visits Diagnostic visit Group meeting Field day
Production of technology inputs Hybrid paddy seeds Cono weeder Drum seeder Weedicide (Sathi) Operational cost Carbendazim (25%) + Mancozeb (50%) Nativo 75 WG. Spraying charges
Low yield level in varieties cultivated presently in the area
Introduction of high yielding hybrid paddy
Popularization hybrid paddy KRH-4
Seed treatment of paddy
Mechanized transplanting using transplanter, weed management by using conoweeder, harvesting using combiner
Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy
Seed treatment of paddy with fungicide
High yielding variety & resistant to blast disease
Integrated crop management in ragi for higher yield and income
ICM in ragi
Shortage of labours results in delayed transplanting, which reduces yield Improper spacing by unskilled labours results in lower plant population (3035 hills per square meter) Limited knowledge on improved varieties, non application of micro nutrient, drudgery in weed management Delayed sowing and improper sowing and storage
Proper spacing, transplanting of redgram seedlings
Limited knowledge on improved varieties
Hybrid varieties for vegetable & grain purpose
Assessment of productivity in redgram production system through different methods of sowing -
Popularization of BRG-1/ 2 Redgram variety
Mandya, Maddur, Nagamangala Malavalli
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Improved cultivation practices in redgram
Importance of pulses & HYV in redgram Use of
Field visits Diagnostic visit Group meeting Field day Field visits Diagnostic visit Group meeting Field day
Paddy seeds
Transplanting machine hiring charges- 1 no./ha
Field visits Diagnostic visit Group meeting Method demonstration Field day
Ragi seeds, Zinc sulphate, cycle weeder
Field visits Diagnostic visit Group meeting Method demonstration Field day
Redgram seedlings, trichoderma
Field visits Diagnostic visit Group
BRG 1 / 2 seeds
Mandya, Maddur, Nagamangala Malavalli
Field bean
Mandya Malavalli Maddur
Mandya, Maddur S.R.Patna
Limited knowledge on proper storage methods
Low yield and seasonal
Limited knowledge on improved varieties
Burning of trash after harvest
Incidence of Early shoot borer
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Improved storage methods
High yielding variety
High yielding and disease resistant variety
Trash management
Management of sugarcane early shoot borer
Assessment of Neem leaves and Ginger powder for the management of pulse beetle Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4
Popularization of sugarcane variety co – 99463
Integrated Sugarcane Trash Management
Integrated management of sugarcane early shoot borer
biofertilizers Nutrient management in Redgram IPM in redgram Storage methods
HYV IPM practices
Weed management in sugarcane Nutrient management in sugarcane Use of trichoderma in enrichment of FYM Trash management in sugarcane IPM in sugarcane
meeting Field day
Field visits Group meeting Method demonstration Field day
Storage bins Neem leaves Ginger powder
Field visits Group meetings Diagnostic visits Field day Field visits Diagnostic visit Group meeting Field day
HA -4 seeds Imidachloprid & Spraying charges
Sugarcane setts
Field visits Group meeting Method demonstration Field day
Trichoderma Urea
Field visits Group meeting Diagnostic visit Method demonstration Field day
Water traps ESB lures Carbofuran
Mandya Malavalli.
Incidence of Bacterial wilt, low yield
Disease tolerant hybrid
Popularization on Arka Samrat Tomato hybrid
IPM in vegetables
Colossal loss in tomato due to Phytophthora leaf blight
Eco-friendly contact fungicide
Management of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato
Bordaux mixture preparation
Incidence of Powdery mildew, Leaf Curl Virus disease & low yield Incidence of shoot and fruit borer
Disease tolerant variety
Popularization of Arka Meghana hybrid
IPM in vegetables
Disease management
Integrated management of shoot and fruit borer in brinjal
IPM practices
Mandya Malavalli Madduru
Mandya Pandavapura
Uzifly infestation on silkworm (15 to 22% cocoon yield loss)
Integrated uzifly management
Integrated uzifly management in Silkworm rearing
Integrated pest management in Mulberry
Mandya Pandavapura
Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden
Micro nutrient management
Micro nutrient management in mulberry
Integrated nutrient management in mulberry
Mandya Pandavapura
Poor quality cocoon
Improved mountages
Demonstration of Rotary mountages for improving cocoon quality
Improved technologies in Silkworm rearing
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Field visits Group meetings Diagnostic visits Field day Field visits Group meetings Diagnostic visits Field day Field visits Group meetings Diagnostic visits Field day Field visits Group meetings Diagnostic visits Field day Group meetings Field visits Diagnostic visits Field day Group meetings Field visits Diagnostic visits Field day Group meetings Field visits Diagnostic visits
Tomato seeds Chlorophyriphos, Dithanem Acrobat
Cuso4 Lime Adhesive (2 lit) Preparation charges Chilli seeds Chlorophyriphos / Imidachloprid, Carbendixim & spraying charges Water traps ESB lures and pheromone traps Chloropyriphos spray Application charges Uzi tablets Uzi powder Sticky trap
Zinc sulphate Borax & daincha or sunhemp
Rotary mountages
Mandya Pandavapura
Lower cocoon yield & quality
Silkworm growth booster
Mandya Pandavapura
Silkworm rearing
Mandya Pandavapura
Labour scarcity, limited knowledge on use of equipments, lower cocoon yield and quality Lower cocoon yield and quality
Improved silkworm hybrids
Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization Mechanisation in silkworm rearing (2nd Year)
Popularization of improved silkworm hybrid CSR 16 x 17
Improved technologies in Silkworm rearing
Mechanization on silkworm rearing
Improved hybrids on silkworm
Field day Group meetings Field visits Diagnostic visits Field day Group meetings Field visits Diagnostic visits Field day
Group meetings Field visits Diagnostic visits Field day
Silkworm growth enhancer Sanitation Kit
Leaf chopping machine Cocoon deflossing machine Hand operated matured silkworm separator Silkworm hybrid
Details of technological interventions
Technology Assessment
S. No.
Crop/ enterprise
Prioritized problem
Title of intervention
High cost on transplantingsingle seedlings, scarcity of labour
Drum seeder method of sowing in hybrid paddy
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Technological options T1 T2
Single seedlings of KRH-2 paddy (20 kg/ ha) after raising the nursery Mixing of IR-64 paddy seeds @ 20 kg/ ha deep fried on stove and soaked in water for 12 hours with 20 kg of pre germinated / sprouted hybrid paddy seeds and sown using drum seeder & mechanical harvesting
Source UAS (B) ITK
No. of trials
Details of inputs
Total cost involved (Rs.)
Hybrid paddy seeds: 20 Kg Rs. 120/Kg. Cono weeder: 1 No. Drum seeder: 1 No. Weedicide (Sathi): 250g/ha.
1,700=00 3,750=00
Names of the team members involved Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Savitha C.M.
Rs. 250 / 100g Operational cost 2.
Delayed sowing and improper sowing
Assessment of productivity in redgram production system through different methods of sowing
Dibbling at 120-150 X 45-60 cm
Drill Sowing with a spacing of 90X 15 cm
Transplanting 30- 40 days old seedling 150 X 75 cm spacing of BRG – 2
BRG 1seeds: 15 Kg/ha. 80=00 x 30 Kg Tricoderma 1 kg Polythene covers : 15kgsXRs. 110
625=00 9,100=00 2,400=00
100=00 1,650=00
Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Dr. Savitha C.M., Mahesh,H.M
Field bean
Silk worm
Low yield and seasonal
Uzifly infestation on silkworm (15 to 22% cocoon yield loss)
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4
Integrated uzifly management in Silkworm rearing
T1 T2
Cultivation of local field bean variety Cultivation of Hebbal Avare-4
a. Fixing nylon mesh to windows and doors with an arrangement of anteroom b. Using uzi trap @ 12 tablets / 100 DFLs c. Dusting uzi powder 3rd instar to maturity @ 4 – 5 Kgs / 100 DFLs d. Release of Nesolynx thymus@ 40,000/ DFLs
HA -4 seeds: 25 Kg Imidachloprid: 3 lit Spraying charges
4,150=00 3,750=00 6,400=00 3,125=00
13,275=00 -
Dr. Savitha C.M. Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi
a. Fixing nylon mesh to windows and doors with an arrangement of anteroom b. Using uzi trap @ 12 tablets / 100 DFLs c. Dusting uzi powder 3rd instar to maturity @ 4 – 5 Kgs / 100 DFLs d. Release of Nesolynx thymus@ 40,000/ DFLs e. Tying one sticky uzi trap on windows outside and inside each
5 (100 DFLs each )
Uzi tablets: 12 Nos. x 5 trials x 3 crops Uzi powder: 5 Kgs x 5 trials x 3 crops Sticky trap: 12 sheets x 5 trials x 3crops
Dr. Rajegowda Dr. V.B.Sanath kumar Mr. Mahesha H.M.
B. S. No. 1.
Technology Refinement Crop/ enterprise Mulberry
Prioritized problem Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden
Title of intervention Micro nutrient management in mulberry
Technological options T1
NPK @ 350:140:140 Kg + 20 ton FYM / ha/year NPK @ 350:140:140 Kg + 20 ton FYM / ha/year + Zinc sulphate @ 10 Kg/ ha/year + Boraux 1Kg/ ha/ year + growing daincha or sunhemp twice a year and incorporation
No. of trials
CSR & TI, Mysore
5 (0.4ha each)
Details of inputs -
Total cost involved (Rs.) -
Zinc sulphate: 10 Kg/ha/yr x 5 trials
Borax: 1Kg/ha/yr x 5 trials
Daincha or sunhemp (16kg/ha )
Names of the team members involved -
Dr. Rajegowda Dr. V.B.Sanath kumar Mr. Mahesha H.M.
C. S. No. A
Frontline Demonstrations Category/ Crop or enterprise
Prioritized problem
Title of Technology
No. of Demo
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Area (ha)/ Units
Details of critical inputs
Total cost involved (Rs.)
Names of the team members involved
Low yield level in varieties cultivated presently in the area
Popularization hybrid paddy KRH-4
Paddy seeds: 30 kg x 110/Londax power weedicide: 20 Kg Rs. 695-00 / 4 Kg bag 695 x 5 Bags
Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Savitha C.M.
6,775=00 2.
Shortage of labours results in delayed transplanting, which reduces yield Improper spacing by unskilled labours results in lower plant population (30-35 hills per square meter)
High severity of Blast disease at nursery and main field
Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy
Chemical management of blast disease in paddy
Transplanting machine hiring charges: Plastic sheet (62.5 Seeds: 62.5 Kg Conoweeder: 2 No. x Rs. 1600/Mechanical harvesting (5 hrs./ha.): Carbendazim (25%) + Mancozeb (50%) Tricyclozole- 75 WP. Spraying charges
2,500=00 1,000=00 1,562=00 3,200=00
13,000=00 21,262=00 2,000=00
1,500=00 750=00
Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Dr. Savitha C.M.
Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Mr. C.K. Balachandra
4,250=00 4.
Limited knowledge on improved varieties, non application of micro nutrient, drudgery in weed management
Integrated crop management in ragi for higher yield and income
Ragi seeds (KMR- 204): 21-00 x 20Kg ZnSo4 12.5 kg/ha 25kg x 50
420=00 1,250=00
Cycle weeder (2 No.) 5,670=00 B
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi
C 1.
PULSES Redgram
Limited knowledge on improved varieties
Popularization of BRG-1 Redgram variety
BRG 1 seeds: 15 Kg/ha. 80-00 x 30 Kg
Dr. Savitha C.M Mr. C.K. Balachandra Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi.
2,400=00 2.
Improper storage of pulse
Demonstration on pulse beetle management in Storage condition through Neem leaves & Ginger powder
Center for Indigenous Knowledge System (CIKS, Chennai)
Ginger powder, Neem leaves & Bins
Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Mr. C.K. Balachamdra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar
4,000=00 D
E 1.
OTHER COMMERICAL CROPS Sugarcane Low yield and susceptibility to the diseases
Incidence of Early shoot borer
Popularization of sugarcane variety co – 99463
Integrated management of sugarcane early shoot borer
2.0 ha
Sugarcane setts:
15 t X 2700
2.0 ha
Water traps: 45 ESB lures: 45 Carbofuran 6kg/acre (15 kg X50) Application charges
20,250=00 2,700=00 2,200=00 750=00
Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Savitha C.M. Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Rajegowda Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Mr. Mahesha H.M
400=00 6,535=00
Burning of trash after harvest
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Integrated Sugarcane Trash Management
2.0 ha
Trichoderma - 25 kg/ha: 160=00/kg Urea-75 kg/ha.
Dr. Savitha C.M. Mr. C.K.Balachandra
8=00/kg Application charges/ha: 1500=00 4.
Poor quality cocoon
Lower cocoon yield & quality
Demonstration of Rotary mountages for improving cocoon quality
CSR & TI, Mysore
1000 DFLs
Rotary mountages:
Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization
CSR & TI, Mysore
1000 DFLs
Silkworm growth enhancer Sanitation Kit:
Mechanisation in silkworm rearing (2nd Year)
CSR & TI, Mysore
3,000=00 12,200=00 30,000=00
30,000=00 3,000=00 7,000=00
Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M.
Dr. Rajegowda Dr. V.B.Sanath kumar Mr. Mahesha H.M. Dr. Rajegowda Dr. V.B.Sanath kumar Mr. Mahesha H.M.
10,000=00 6.
Labour scarcity, limited knowledge on use of equipments, lower cocoon yield and quality
Silkworm rearing
Lower cocoon yield and quality
HORTICULTURAL CROPS Tomato Incidence of Bacterial wilt, low yield
Popularization of improved silkworm hybrid CSR 16 x 17
CSR & TI, Mysore
1000 DFLs
1000 DFLs
Leaf chopping machine: Cocoon deflossing machine: Hand operated matured silkworm separator: Silkworm hybrid
Dr. Rajegowda Mr. Mahesha H.M.
30,000=00 10,000=00 72,000=00 17,000=00
Dr. Rajegowda Dr. V.B.Sanath kumar Mr. Mahesha H.M.
17,000=00 F
Colossal loss in tomoato due to Phytophthora leaf
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Popularization on Arka Samrat Tomato hybrid
Management of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato
Tomato seeds – 200 gm Chlorophyriphos – 15 lit Dithanem-45: 7.5 Kg Acrobat: 7.5 Kg Spraying of charges Mancozeb-2.5kg Symoxanyl+ Mancozeb- 3Kg
6,150=00 5,700=00
Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Dr. Savitha C.M.
6,250=00 24,100=00 2,500=00 2,400=00
Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Mr. Balachandra,
Spraying charges
Incidence of Powdery mildew, Leaf Curl Virus disease & low yield
Incidence of shoot and fruit borer, collar rot and bacterial wilt
Popularization of Arka Meghna hybrid
IPDM in brinjal
Chilli seeds Arka Meghana / safal: 400 gm Chloropyriphos / Imidachloprid: 1.5 lit Carbandizim: 7.5 Kg Spraying charges
1,000=00 5,900=00 3,000=00
Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Savitha C.M.
2,850=00 3,125=00
13,230=00 2,700=00
Water traps: (45 X60) ESB lures and pheromone traps 55X40=55 Chloropyriphos spry 4lt X10= Carbendazim Streptomycin sulphate Application charges
C.K. Mr. Mahesha H.M
2,200=00 8,000=00
Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Mr. C.K. Balachandra Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Mr. Mahesha H.M
1,000=00 1,500=00 1,400=00 16,800=00
i) Farmers/ Farm Women Sl. No.
Crop / Enterprise Paddy
Major problem Lack of knowledge on improved varieties and value addition
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Linked field intervention (Assessment/ Refinement/FLD)* FLD on Popularization of hybrid paddy KRH-4
Training Course Title** Improved paddy varieties suitable to Cauvery command area
No. of Courses 7
Names of the team members involved Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M, Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar
Value addition
Imbalanced nutrition
Seed treatment not followed
Lack knowledge on raising dapog / mat nursery
Improper weed management
High severity of Blast disease at nursery and main field
Imbalanced nutrition and Limited knowledge on value addition
Nutrient management in paddy OFT on Drum seeder method of sowing in hybrid paddy / FLD on Mechanization of paddy cultivation FLD on Mechanization of paddy cultivation
OFT on Chemical management of blast disease in paddy Popularization of the variety KMR-204
Dr.Kamalabai Koodagi Dr. Savitha C.M. Mr. Mahesh H.M 3
Seed treatment of paddy with fungicide 3
Raising of mat nursery in mechanized paddy cultivation Weed management in paddy
Method of seed treatment
Preparation of Bordeaux mixture
Nutrient management in Ragi Value addition in ragi
3 2
Field bean
Low yield, improper nutrient, pest management and improper storage
Low yield and seasonal
Improper weed management, Imbalanced nutrition to Sugarcane crop
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
FLD on Popularization of BRG-1 Redgram variety & Demonstration on safe storage methods
OFT on Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4
FLD on Popularization of sugarcane variety co –
Cultivation practices in redgram Importance of pulses & HYV in redgram Use of biofertilizers Nutrient management in Redgram Pest management in redgram Storage methods Cultivation practices in Field bean HYV IPM practices for Field bean Weed management in sugarcane
3 3 2 2
Dr. V.B.Sanathkumar Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M Dr. Savitha C.M. Mr. Mahesha . H.M Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M, Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Dr. Savitha C.M. Mr. Mahesh H.M Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B.Sanathkumar Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M, Dr. Savitha C.M. Mr. Mahesh H.M
2 3 2 2 2 3
Dr. Savitha C.M. Mr. C.K. Balachandra Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M, Dr. V.B.Sanathkumar Mr. Mahesh H.M Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M, Mr. C.K. Balachandra
Trash burning
Incidence of Bacterial wilt, low yield and limited knowledge on value addition
Colossal loss in tomato due to Phytophthora leaf blight
FLD on Integrated sugarcane trash management
FLD on Demonstration on Arka Samrat Tomato hybrid
Nutrient management in sugarcane
Use of trichoderma in enrichment of FYM
Trash management in sugarcane IPM in vegetables Processing and value addtion
OFT on Management of leaf blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato
Bordaux mixture preparation
3 2 2
Incidence of Powdery mildew, Leaf Curl Virus disease & low yield
FLD on Popularization of Arka Meghana hybrid
IPM in vegetables
Incidence of Powdery mildew
FLD on Popularization of capsicum new variety
IPM in vegetables
Incidence of shoot and fruit borer
FLD on Integrated management of shoot and fruit borer in brinjal
IPM practices
OFT on Integrated uzifly management in Silk worm rearing
Integrated pest management in Mulberry
FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing
Mechanization on silkworm rearing
FLD on Popularization of improved silkworm hybrid CSR 16 x 17
Improved hybrids on silk worm
OFT on Micro nutrient management in mulberry
Integrated nutrient management in mulberry Improved technologies in Silkworm rearing
18. 19.
Uzifly infestation on silkworm
Labour scarcity, limited knowledge on use of equipments, lower cocoon yield and quality Lower cocoon yield ,quality
Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden Lower cocoon yield & quality
Poor quality cocoon and limited
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
FLD on Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization FLD on Demonstration of
4 2
Improved technologies
2 3 4
Dr. V.B.Sanathkumar Dr. Savitha C.M. Mr. Mahesh H.M Dr. Savitha C.M. Mr. C.K. Balachandra Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M, Mr. Mahesh H.M Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Dr. Savitha C.M Mr. Mahesh H.M Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Savitha C.M. Mr. Mahesh H.M Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Savitha C.M Mr. Mahesh H.M Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Dr. Savitha C.M. Mr. Mahesh H.M
Dr. Rajegowda Dr.V.B. Sanathkumar Mr. CK. Balachandra Dr.Kamalabai Koodagi Dr. Savitha C.M & Mr. Mahesha H.M.
knowledge value addition
Rotary mountages for improving cocoon quality & yield
in Silkworm rearing
ii) Rural Youth S. No.
Crop / Enterprise
Major problem
Raising mat nursery
Linked field intervention (Assessment/ Refinement/FLD)*
FLD on Mechanized paddy cultivation Drum seeding of hybrid paddy 2.
Training Course Title**
No. of Courses
Raising mat nursery (Dapog method) for machine transplanting of paddy Improved method of drum seeding KRH-2 paddy
FLD on Demonstration on Arka Samrat Tomato hybrid
Pest and disease incidence
IPM in tomato Post harvest technology
Lower cocoon yield and quality
FLD on Popularization of improved silkworm hybrid CSR 16 x 17
Bivoltine Silkworm rearing
Lack of knowledge on value addition
2 2 2
Value addition
Names of the team members involved
Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M Dr. Savitha C.M
Mr. Mahesha H.M. Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M Dr. Savitha C.M
Mr. Mahesha H.M. Mr. Balachandra,C.K Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Dr. Savitha, C.M Dr. Rajegowda Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Mr. Mahesha H.M.
3 16
iii) Extension Personnel S.No.
Crop / Enterprise
Major problem Lack of knowledge on raising mat nursery
Lower cocoon yield and quality Lack of knowledge on value
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Linked field intervention (Assessment/ Refinement/FLD)* FLD on Mechanized paddy cultivation
Popularization of improved silkworm hybrid CSR 16 x 17
Training Course Title**
No. of Courses
Dapag method of paddy nursery
Bivoltine Silkworm rearing Value addition
2 3
Names of the team members involved Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M Dr. Savitha C.M Mr. Mahesha H.M. Dr. Rajegowda Dr. Kamalabai
addition 3.
OFT – Assessment of Neem leaves and ginger powder for the management of pulse beetle
Improper storage of grains and limited knowledge on value addition
Storage methods
Koodagi Mr. Mahesha H.M. Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Dr. Rajegowda Mr. Mahesha H.M.
iv) Vocational trainings Crop / Enterprise
Training title*
Advances in Silkworm rearing
Tomato / Ragi / maize
Bakery technology & value addition
No. of programmes and Duration (days) 2 7 days
Type of Clientele (SHGs, NYKs, School students, Women, Youth etc.) Youths
2 7 days
Names of the team members involved Dr. Rajegowda Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Mr. Mahesha H.M. Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Dr. V.B.Sanath kumar Mr. C.K. Balachandra Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M Mr. Mahesha H.M.
v) Sponsored trainings: Crop/ Enterprise
Sponsoring Organization
Training course title*
No. of Courses
Extension programmes
Extension programme*
Linked field intervention** OFT on Drum seeder method of sowing in hybrid paddy
Names of the team members involved
Field visits Group meetings Method Demonstrations
OFT on Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden FLD on Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy OFT on Integrated uzifly management
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Expected category of participants Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Extension Personnel Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth
Names of the team members involved Dr. Sanath Kumar, V.B Mr. Balachandra,C.K. Dr. Rajegowda Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Mr. Atheekur Rehman Dr. Savitha,C.M
FLD on Popularization hybrid paddy KRH-4 OFT on Assessment of productivity in redgram production system through different methods of sowing FLD on Popularisation of BRG-1 OFT on Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4 FLD on Chemical management of blast disease in paddy OFT on Drum seeder method of sowing in hybrid paddy FLD on Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy OFT on Integrated uzifly management in Silkworm rearing FLD on Popularization of sugarcane variety co – 99463 OFT on Micro nutrient management in mulberry May
Field visits Group meetings Method Demonstrations
FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing OFT on Assessment of productivity in redgram production system through different methods of sowing FLD on Popularisation of BRG-1 OFT on Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4 FLD on Chemical management of blast disease in paddy FFS on ICM in Paddy
Field visits Group meetings Method demonstrations Farmer-Scientist interaction
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
OFT on Drum seeder method of sowing in hybrid paddy FLD on ICM in ragi OFT on Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden
Extension Personnel Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women &
OFT on Integrated uzifly management FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing FLD on Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization OFT on Assessment of productivity in redgram production system through different methods of sowing
FLD on Popularisation of BRG-1 OFT on Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4 FLD on Chemical management of blast disease in paddy OFT on Management of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato
FFS on ICM in Paddy FLD on Demonstration on Arka Samrat Tomato hybrid FLD on Popularization of Meghana hybrid FLD on Popularization of capsicum new variety FLD on Integrated management of shoot and fruit borer in brinjal
OFT on Drum seeder method of sowing in hybrid paddy OFT on Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden July
Field visits Method demonstrations Diagnostic visits
FLD on Popularization of BRG-1 Redgram variety FLD on Popularization of sugarcane variety co – 99463 OFT on Integrated uzifly management FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth
Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth
FLD on Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization FLD on Integrated Sugarcane Trash Management OFT on Assessment of productivity in redgram production system through different methods of sowing FLD on Popularization of BRG-1 OFT on Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4 FLD on Chemical management of blast disease in paddy OFT on Management of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato FFS on ICM in Paddy FLD on Demonstration on Arka Samrat Tomato hybrid FLD on Popularization of Meghana hybrid FLD on Popularization of capsicum new variety FLD on Integrated management of shoot and fruit borer in brinjal
OFT on Drum seeder method of sowing in hybrid paddy
Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth
FLD on Popularization of sugarcane variety co – 99463 OFT on Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden
Field visits Method demonstrations Diagnostic visits
OFT on Integrated uzifly management FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing FLD on Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization FLD on Demonstration of Rotary mountages for improving cocoon quality & yield FLD on Introduction of improved silkworm hybrid CSR
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women &
16 x 17 FLD on Integrated Sugarcane Trash Management OFT on Assessment of productivity in redgram production system through different methods of sowing FLD on Popularization of BRG-1 OFT on Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4 FLD on Chemical management of blast disease in paddy OFT on Management of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato FFS on ICM in Paddy FLD on Demonstration on Arka Samrat Tomato hybrid FLD on Popularization of Meghana hybrid FLD on Popularization of capsicum new variety FLD on Integrated management of shoot and fruit borer in brinjal
FLD on Popularization of sugarcane variety co – 99463 FLD on Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy
Field visits Method demonstrations Diagnostic visits Group meetings Campaign – Parthenium management
FLD on ICM in ragi FLD on Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy OFT on Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden OFT on Integrated uzifly management FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing FLD on Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women &
yield maximization FLD on Demonstration of Rotary mountages for improving cocoon quality & yield FLD on Popularization of improved silkworm hybrid CSR 16 x 17 FLD on Integrated Sugarcane Trash Management OFT on Assessment of productivity in red gram production system through different methods of sowing FLD on Popularisation of BRG-1 OFT on Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4 FLD on Chemical management of blast disease in paddy OFT on Management of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato
FFS on ICM in Paddy FLD on Demonstration on Arka Samrat Tomato hybrid FLD on Popularization of Meghana hybrid FLD on Integrated management of shoot and fruit borer in Brinjal FLD on Demonstration on Arka Samrat Tomato hybrid FLD on Popularization of Meghana hybrid FLD on Integrated management of shoot and fruit borer in brinjal
Field visits Method Demonstrations Diagnostic visits group meetings Field days, Special days
FLD on ICM in ragi FLD on Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy OFT on Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden OFT on Integrated uzifly management
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women &
FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing FLD on Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization FLD on Demonstration of Rotary mountages for improving cocoon quality & yield FLD on Popularization of improved silkworm hybrid CSR 16 x 17 FLD on Integrated Sugarcane Trash Management OFT on Assessment of productivity in red gram production system through different methods of sowing FLD on Popularisation of BRG-1 OFT on Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4 OFT on Management of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato FFS on ICM in Paddy FLD on Demonstration on Arka Samrat Tomato hybrid FLD on Popularization of Meghana hybrid FLD on Popularization of capsicum new variety FLD on Integrated management of shoot and fruit borer in brinjal OFT on Assessment of Neem leaves and Ginger powder for the management of pulse beetle
Field visits Method Demonstrations Diagnostic visits group meetings Field days, Krishimela, Exhibitions
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
OFT on Drum seeder method of sowing in hybrid paddy FLD on ICM in ragi FLD on Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy OFT on Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden
Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women &
OFT on Integrated uzifly management FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing FLD on Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization FLD on Demonstration of Rotary mountages for improving cocoon quality & yield FLD on Popularization of improved silkworm hybrid CSR 16 x 17 FLD on Integrated Sugarcane Trash Management OFT on Assessment of productivity in redgram production system through different methods of sowing FLD on Popularisation of BRG-1 OFT on Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4 FFS on ICM in Paddy OFT on Assessment of Neem leaves and Ginger powder for the management of pulse beetle
FLD on ICM in ragi FLD on Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy
Field visits Diagnostic visits group meetings Field days, Exhibitions, Special day celebration Technology week
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
OFT on Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden OFT on Integrated uzifly management FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing FLD on Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization FLD on Demonstration of Rotary mountages for improving cocoon quality & yield FLD on Introduction of improved silkworm hybrid CSR
Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women &
16 x 17 FLD on Integrated Sugarcane Trash Management OFT on Assessment of productivity in redgram production system through different methods of sowing FLD on Popularisation of BRG-1 OFT on Introduction of Hebbal Avare-4 FFS on ICM in Paddy OFT on Assessment of Neem leaves and Ginger powder for the management of pulse beetle
FLD on ICM in ragi FLD on Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy OFT on Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden
Field visits Diagnostic visits group meetings Field days, Exhibitions, Special day celebration Scientist – farmers interaction
OFT on Integrated uzifly management FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing FLD on Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization FLD on Demonstration of Rotary mountages for improving cocoon quality & yield FLD on Popularization of improved silkworm hybrid CSR 16 x 17 OFT on Management of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato
Radio / TV programme Field visits Diagnostic visits group meetings Field days, Exhibitions
FLD on ICM in ragi FLD on Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy OFT on Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden OFT on Integrated uzifly management
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women &
FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing FLD on Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization FLD on Demonstration of Rotary mountages for improving cocoon quality & yield FLD on Introduction of improved silkworm hybrid CSR 16 x 17 OFT on Low cost drying techniques for processing and preservation OFT on Management of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato
FLD on ICM in ragi FLD on Demonstration on mechanized cultivation of paddy OFT on Micro nutrient deficiency in mulberry garden
Field days Diagnostic visits Farmers – scientist interaction
OFT on Integrated uzifly management FLD on Mechanisation in silkworm rearing FLD on Use of silkworm growth enhancer for cocoon yield maximization FLD on Demonstration of Rotary mountages for improving cocoon quality & yield FLD on Popularization of improved silkworm hybrid CSR 16 x 17 OFT on Management of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in tomato
Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/Farm women & Rural youth Farmers/ Farm women & Rural youth
Activities proposed as Knowledge and Resource Centre A. Technological knowledge Category
Details of technologies
Area (ha)/ Number
Technology Park/ Crop Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Names of the team members involved
Demonstration Units
Lab Analytical services
Technology Week
Vermicompost Improved composting Azolla cultivation Improved Mulberry varieties Nutrition garden Ornamental fish rearing unit
5Nos. 1 No. 10 Nos. 0.03ha 0.01ha
Fodder bank
0.02 ha.
Drum seeding in paddy mat method of nursery preparation in paddy Machine transplanting Vermicomposting Improved composting Azoll cultivation Improved Mulberry varieties Nutrition garden Ornamental fish rearing high yielding & disease tolerant varieties in vegetables
0.25ha 0.01ha 0.2ha 5Nos. 3 Nos 10 Nos 0.03ha 0.01ha 0.1ha
Fodder bank
0.02 ha.
Ms. Apoorva, K.B., Mahesh, H.M Ms. Apoorva, K.B, Mahesh, H.M Mahesh, H.M., Dr. Savitha, C.M., Ms. Apoorva, K.B, Dr. Rajegowda, Mahesh, H.M, Ms. Apoorva, K.B Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi, Ms. Apoorva, K.B Mr. Balachandra, Mahesh, H.M., Ms. Apoorva, K.B. Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M., Ms. Apoorva, K.B Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi. Mr. Atheekur Rehman, Ms. Apoorva, K.B., Savitha, C.M., Mr. Atheekur Rehman, Ms. Apoorva, K.B., Savitha, C.M., Mr. Atheekur Rehman, Ms. Apoorva, K.B, Savitha, C.M., Ms. Apoorva, K.B., Mahesh, H.M., Savitha, C.M., Ms. Apoorva, K.B., Mahesh, H.M Ms. Apoorva, K.B Mahesh, H.M., Dr. Savitha, C.M., Dr. Rajegowda, Mahesh, H.M, Ms. Apoorva, K.B Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi, Apoorva, K.B. Mr. Balachandra, Mahesh, H.M., Apoorva, K.B. Mr. Balachandra, Mr. Atheekur Rehman, Ms. Apoorva, K.B. Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M., Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi, Ms. Apoorva, K.B.
B. Technological Products Category Seeds Planting materials
Name of the product Paddy seeds V-1 mulberry saplilngs Sugarcane seedlings Paddy seedlings (mat nursery) Trichoderma Fish fingerlings
Bio-products Livestock strains Fish fingerlings
Quantity (Qtl.) / Number 120 q. 10,000 Nos. 10,000 Nos. 3 acres
Names of the team members involved Mr. Atheekur Rehamana H.M., Ms. K.B. Apoorva Dr. Rajegowda Mr. Atheekur Rehamana H.M., Ms. K.B. Apoorva Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar Mr.C.K. Balachandra, Mr. Mahesh, H.M., Ms. Apoorva, K.B
C. Technological Information Category Technology backstopping to line departments Agriculture Horticulture Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Technological capsules / Number
Drum seeder technology & machine transplanting in paddy, other water saving techniques in different crops Importance of hybrid varieties and disease tolerant varieties in
Names of the team members involved
Mr. C.K. Balachandra & Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Mr. C.K. Balachandra, Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar &
vegetables and fruit crops
Dr. Savitha C.M
Improved silkworm rearing house and equipment disinfectants – stabilized chlorine dioxide Improved silkworm hybrids CSR 16 x 17 Improved mulberry varieties – AR 12, Sahana, V-1 Integrated pest management in mulberry Improved mountages in silkworm rearing
Dr. Rajegowda, Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar & Mr. Mahesha H.M.
Animal Husbandry Fisheries Agricultural Engineering Sericulture
Home Science
Processing and value addition field and Horticulture crops Azolla, Tomato cultivation, Use of trichoderma in different crops, Microenterprises for farmwomen, Banana cultivation, Use of drum seeder in paddy, Mechanisation in sericulture
Dr. Savitha C.M., Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar, Mr. C.K. Balachandra, Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi, Mr. Atheekur Rehman, Dr. Rajegowda, Mr. Mahesha H.M.
Electronic Media
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mandya activities: video CD
Kisan Mobile Advisory Services
SMS through NETCORE : Information on different crop production, protection aspects, weather information etc.
Information on centre/state sector schemes and service providers in the district.
October-November 2012
Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi, Mr. C.K. Balachandra Mr. Atheekur Rehaman H.M. Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar, Mr. C.K. Balachandra, Dr. Savitha C.M., Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi, Mr. Atheekur Rehman, Dr. Rajegowda, Mr. Mahesha H.M.
Dr. Savitha C.M., Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar, Mr. C.K. Balachandra, Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi, Mr. Atheekur Rehman, Dr. Rajegowda Dr. Savitha C.M., Dr. V.B. Sanathkumar, Mr. C.K. Balachandra, Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi, Mr. Atheekur Rehman, Dr. Rajegowda
Sl. No.
Name of the agency / scheme
Name of activity
Technical programme with quantification
Financial outlay (Rs.)
Names of the team members involved
Revolving Fund A. Financial status
Opening balance as on 01.04.2011 ( Lakh)
Expenditure incurred during 2011-12 ( Lakh)
Receipts during 2011-12 ( Lakh)
Closing balance as on 31.01.2012 ( Lakh)
B. Plan of activities Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Proposed activities
Expected output
Anticipated income (Rs.)
120 quintals
Paddy seed production BR-2655 & IR-30864 (8.5 ac) Coconuts
20,000 nuts
1.5 ton
Coconut seedling
220 Nos.
Mulberry saplings
25,000 Nos.
Names of the team members involved
Mr. Atheekur Rehaman Ms. Apoorva K.B. Mr. C.K.Balachandra Ms. Apoorva K.B. Dr. V.B.Sanathkumar Ms. Apoorva K.B. Mr. C.K.Balachandra Ms. Apoorva K.B. Dr. Rajegowda Ms. Apoorva K.B.
Activities of soil, water and plant testing laboratory-NIL Type
No. of samples to be analyzed
Names of the team members involved
Soil Water Plant Others
S. No
Likely period of completion (please set the time frame)
Nature of activities
1 2
Creation of web-site Title of the technology module to be prepared
3 4
Creation and maintenance of relevant database system for KVK Any other (Please specify)
August 2012 Trash management in Sugarcane Biological management of diseases in vegetables August 2012
Activities planned under Rainwater Harvesting Scheme (only to those KVKs which are already having scheme under Rain Water Harvesting) S. No
Activities planned
Remarks if any
NIL 14.
Remarks if any
Innovative Farmer’s Meet Particulars
Are you planning for conducing Farm Innovators meet in your district? If Yes likely month of the meet Brief action plan in this regard
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
Yes/ No
Farmer’s Field School planned
S. No
1. 2. 3.
Thematic area
Integrated Crop Management Mechanization Empowerment of farmwomen
Title of the FFS
Budget proposed in Rs.
ICM in Paddy Mechanization in silkworm rearing Scientific rearing of Swarnadhara poults for higher egg and meat production
25,000=00 25,000=00 25,000=00
6. Budget A. Details of budget utilization (2011-12) upto 31 January 2012 S. No Particulars . A. Recurring Contingencies 1 Pay & Allowances 2 Traveling allowances 3 Contingencies A Stationery, telephone, postage and other expenditure on office running, publication of Newsletter and library maintenance B POL, repair of vehicles, tractor and equipments C Meals/refreshment for trainees D Training material E Frontline demonstration except oilseeds and pulses F On farm testing G Training of extension functionaries H Maintenance of buildings I Extension activities J FFS K Establishment of Soil, Plant & Water Testing Laboratory L Library TOTAL (A) B. Non-Recurring Contingencies 1 Works 2 3 4
Administration building Equipments including SWTL & Furniture Vehicle (Four wheeler/Two wheeler, please specify) Library
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
40,00,000=00 1,00,000=00
40,00,000=00 1,00,000=00
1,65,000=00 1,00,000=00 40,000=00 2,10,000=00 1,00,000=00 15,000=00 20,000=00 20,000=00 25,000=00
1,65,000=00 1,00,000=00 40,000=00 2,10,000=00 1,00,000=00 15,000=00 20,000=00 20,000=00 25,000=00
143,704=00 98,335=00 14,000=00 133,056=00 57,038=00 12,922=00 6,720=00 19,499=00
0 3,000=00
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
C. Details of Budget Estimate (2012-13) based on proposed action plan S. No .
BE 2012-13 proposed
A. Recurring Contingencies 1 Pay & Allowances 2 Traveling allowances 3 Contingencies A Stationery, telephone, postage and other expenditure on office running, publication of Newsletter and library maintenance (Purchase of News Paper & Magazines) B POL, repair of vehicles, tractor and equipments C Meals/refreshment for trainees (ceiling upto Rs.40/day/trainee be maintained) D Training material (posters, charts, demonstration material including chemicals etc. required for conducting the training) E Frontline demonstration except oilseeds and pulses (minimum of 30 demonstration in a year) F On farm testing (on need based, location specific and newly generated information in the major production systems of the area) G Training of extension functionaries H Maintenance of buildings I Extension Activities J Farmers Field School K Library TOTAL (A) B. Non-Recurring Contingencies 1 Works a. Museum and Hostel 2 Equipments including SWTL & Furniture 3 Vehicle (Four wheeler/Two wheeler, please specify) 4 Library (Purchase of assets like books & journals) TOTAL (B) C. REVOLVING FUND GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C)
Action Plan 2012-13, KVK, Mandya
70,00,000=00 1,50,000=00 3,00,000=00 2,50,000=00 1,25,000=00 50,000=00 2,72,372=00 46,325=00 40,000=00 50,000=00 50,000=00 30,000=00 20,000=00 83,83,697=00
60,00,000=00 3,00,000=00 20,000=00 5,00,000=00 68,20,000=00 1,52,03,697=00