Action Plan of kvk Mandya 2010 11

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Name and address of KVK with Phone, Fax and email



Name and address of host organization with Phone, Fax and e-mail



Name of the Programme Coordinator Residence Phone Number/ Mobile No.


KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA, V.C.FARM, MANDYA – 571 405 KARNATAKA Phone: 08232 – 277456 Email: UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES G.K.V.K., BENGALURU – 560 065 Phone : 080 – 23330153 Fax : 080 – 23414848 080 – 23516836 Email – Dr. T. Shivashankar 08232-277456 9449864250 (Mobile) 9341829682 (Res)

4. 5. 6.

Year of sanction Year of start of activities Major farming systems/enterprises

: : :

7. 8. 9.

Name of agro-climatic zone Soil type Annual rainfall (mm)

: : :

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

2000 2000 Rice – Rice, Sugarcane - Sugarcane Rice – Sugarcane, Ragi – Legumes Sugarcane – Ragi – Vegetables Sugarcane – Rice Animal Husbandry, Piggery, Poultry, Sheep and Goat rearing Zone – 6, Southern Dry Zone Red sandy loam to Red loamy soils 750 – 800mm

2 10.

Staff Strength as on 01-03-2010: Programme Coordinator

Subject Matter Specialists

Sanctioned 1 Filled 1 * = On work arrangement

6 6

Programme Assistant

4 0

Auxiliary Staff

Administrative Staff

1 1*

2 2

Supporting Staff

2 2


16 12

11. Details of staff as on 01-03-2010: Sl. No. 1.

Programme Coordinator

Dr. T. Shivashankar


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Subject Matter Specialist Programme Assistant Computer Programmer Farm Manager Accountant/Superintendent

12. 13.

Stenographer Driver

Mr. C.K. Balachandra Dr. Rajegowda Dr. R. Suma Dr. Kamalabai Koodagi Mr. Atheekur Rehman,H.M. Dr. Savitha C.M. Mr. K.N. Vasudevaamurthy** Mr. J. Prashanth




Supporting staff – Assistant Cook cum care taker Supporting staff – Messenger


Sanctioned post

Permanent/ Temporary Permanent

Horticulture Sericulture) Soil Sci. Home sci. Agronomy

16400 -450- 19500- 50022900 12000-420-18300 8000-275-13500 8000-275-13500 8000-275-13500 8000-275-13500

Date of joining 27.06.08 27.06.08 15.02.07 19.02.07 28.07.07 17.07.09

Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent

Agriculture Extension



Suptd cum Accountant

11400- 21600


Permanent Vacant Vacant Vacant Permanent

Driver (LMV)



Vacant Permanent

Mr. Anand

Tractor Driver




Smt. Gayathramma

Assistant Cook cum care taker




Mr. Ramu, C.L.





Name of the incumbent

* Pay Scale based on existing norms ** = On work arrangement

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


Pay scale*

3 12. Plan of Human Resource Development of KVK personnel during 2010-11 Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5

Discipline Agronomy Home Science Management Soil Science HRD

13. Infrastructure: i) Land Total Area (ha)

Area of training required

Institution where training is offered

Organic farming Bakery & value addition Orientation Refresher course Resource management

UAS, Dharwad CFTRI, Mysore Manasagangothri, Mysore Academic staff college, Mysore MANAGE, Hyderabad

Tractor Jeep Swaraj Mazda Two wheeler Two wheeler Two wheeler


Area with demonstration units of crops (ha)


3.48 ha

0.60 (Crops)

Trainees Hostel Year

Plinth area (m2) 305 Sq.M

550 * Sq.m *= Handed over by IJTEC (>30 years old buildings) iii) Vehicles Type of vehicle

21 21 21 30 21

Area occupied by buildings and roads (ha)

ii) Buildings Admn. Building Cost (Rs. In lakhs)

Training fee (Rs.)

Area Cultivated (ha)


Plinth area (m2)

Approximate duration (days)


2001 – Ford 2004 - Mahindra Bolero 1992 2006-Star city 2009- Activa Honda TVS, Victor

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Cost (Rs. In lakhs) -

Staff Quarters Plinth area (m2)

Year *


Cost (Rs. in lakhs) -


Actual cost (Rs.)

3,60,000=00 6,00,000=00 40,000=00 49,960=00 49,000=00


Total kms. Run

123001 146961 1013

Demonstration Unit Plinth Cost (Rs. No area in lakhs) 2 (m ) -

Present status

Old Good Under repair Good Good Satisfactory


iv) Equipments and AV aids Sl. Name of Equipments No. 1. Xerox machine 2. Village resource centre 3. Personal computers 4. Laptop 5. ERNET 6. Motorised screen 7. Printer 8. KIOSKOS 9. Personal computer 10. Projector 11. Laser printer 12. Linea Lamination Machine with Printer & UPS 13. Digital conductivity meter 14. Digital pH meter 15. Physical balance 16. Hot air oven 17. Magnetic stirrer 18. Top loading balance 19. Rotory shaker 20. Double glass distilation unit 21. Macro block digestion system 22. Automatic distilation system 23. Acid neutrilizer scrubber 24. Spectrophotometer 25. Flame photometer 26. Micro oven 27. Micro scope 28. Refrigerator 29. Refrigerator

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Date of purchase

21.08.02 27.03.08 05.10.05 11.12.07 Centralised purchase (17.11.08) Centralised purchase (17.11.08) Centralised purchase (17.11.08) Centralised purchase (17.11.08) Centralised purchase (22.11.08) Centralised purchase (20.03.09) Centralised purchase (18.07.05) Centralised purchase (18.07.05) Centralised purchase (18.07.05) Centralised purchase (18.07.05) Centralised purchase (18.07.05) Centralised purchase (18.07.05) Centralised purchase (18.07.05) Centralised purchase (18.07.05) Centralised purchase (23.07.05) Centralised purchase (23.07.05) Centralised purchase (23.07.05) Centralised purchase (17.09.05) Centralised purchase (17.09.05) 22.08.08 Centralised purchase (17.11.08) 30.03.05 Centralised purchase (17.11.08)

Cost ( lakh)

2,20,871 35,240 25875 31290 124569 46000 44900 15,000 599500 7400 8550 12000 20000 5500 48900 27600 48850 52118 85232 23909 42000 35200 14980 66555 30750

Present status

Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Under installation Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use

5 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Digital micro pipettes-one set pH meter Laminar Air flow Auto clave Eliza reader Cultivator Disc- plough Power weeder Cage wheel Cage wheel Drum Seeder Cone weeder Rotory weeder Cycle type wheel weeder

Centralised purchase (17.11.08) 21180 Centralised purchase (09.12.08) 6600 Centralised purchase (23-01-09) Centralised purchase (25-03-09) Centralised purchase (12-12-09) 10-03-2008 10-03-2009 06-03-2009 21-03-2009 21-08-2009 24-03-2009 24-03-2009 24-03-2009 24-03-2009

44,900 28,687 1,47,155 22596 46154 27,500 5,450 25,790 2,750 1,250 1,150 1,250

Over head projector Digital camera Slide projector Public address system Television LCD

18-09-2000 09-03-2009 27-07-2002 05-03-2002 16-12-2004 12-11-2007

15,500 15,200


Depleted and required new Good Condition and under use Depleted and required new Depleted and required new Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use

Video Camara

Centralised purchase (09-03-09)


Good Condition and under use


Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use Good Condition and under use

14. Details of SAC meeting conducted during 2009-10 Sl. Date Major recommendations of SACs which are to be implemented during 2010-11 No 1 29.07.2009 More livestock activities to be taken up in coordination with the department of Animal Husbandry

More information on use of Azola need to be given Programme Coordinators from nearby KVKs are to be invited for SAC meeting While using the insecticides in Mulberry cultivation farmers are to be educated about the 25 days safety period to be maintained To take up Frontline Demonstrations where the Watershed Department have taken up different activities for improving the problematic soils FLDs to concentrate on the use of good varieties instead of using the hybrid vegetable varieties

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

6 The farmers are be made known about the common names along with trade name of the hormones used for the uniform ripening of the silk worms A study should be taken up to study the impact of use of Co-3 forage crop on milk yield The variety GPBD-4 or the variety suitable to the zone may be taken instead of D.H-86 in Oilseed Demonstration and as groundnut grown area is very limited in Mandya district if it is not possible to cover 15 ha. demonstration, zonal project director to be informed about that so that it can be taken up in other centers Focus to be on introducing the improved varieties in Pulse crop particularly in horse gram Demonstration to be taken up on use of paddy transplanter

15. Plan of Work for 2010-11 TABLE 1: OPERATIONAL AREA DETAILS FOR 2010-11 Sl. Taluk No.

Blocks/groups of villages




Major crops & enterprises Major problems identified being practiced Paddy Improper spacing

Keregodu Kattedoddi Devegowdana Doddi Sathanuru

Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management Saline and alkali soils

Yelechakanahalli Karasavadi

Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Mono cropping of paddy Improper weed management Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence


Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Identified thrust areas

Proper spacing/Drum seeding/ machine transplanting Introduction of hybrids INM Water management Salinity tolerant variety, nutrient management & alternate crop IPM IDM Value addition Crop rotation Integrated weed management Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management

7 Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method High cost of cultivation Finger millet

Growing of old varieties Improper spacing Limited knowledge on value added products Redgram Growing of local varieties Limited knowledge on seed treatment Control of pod borer by chemical method Improper storage Okra Use of high seed rate Chrysanthemum Low yield Low market preference China Aster Low yield Low market preference Marigold Low yield Low market preference Animal Limited knowledge on high yielding husbandry fodder crops Limited knowledge on nutrition Limited knowledge on deworming in dairy animals Limited knowledge on value added products Sericulture Limited knowledge on improved silkworm hybrids Non availability of labour for manual picking and mounting Incidence of disease Improper disinfection and sanitation Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Integrated pest management Introduction of additional income generating crop New high yielding varieties Proper spacing Value addition HYV Nutrient management IPM Scientific storage method Proper seed rate HYV HYV HYV HYV HYV HYV HY fodder varieties Livestock health & nutrition management Livestock health & nutrition management Value addition Improved silkworm breeds Mechanization in silkworm rearing Disease management practices Disinfection and sanitation

8 2


Aluru Ondalagere Rudrakshipura

Finger millet


Okra Groundnut

Animal husbandry



Halaguru Kirugavalu

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


Growing of old varieties Improper spacing Limited knowledge on value added products Growing of local varieties Limited knowledge on seed treatment Control of pod borer by chemical method Improper storage Use of high seed rate Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Control of disease by chemical method Hand shelling Limited knowledge on high yielding fodder crops Limited knowledge on nutrition Limited knowledge on deworming in dairy animals Limited knowledge on value added products Improper spacing Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management Saline and alkali soils Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Mono cropping of paddy Improper weed management

New high yielding varieties Proper spacing Value addition HYV Nutrient management IPM Scientific storage method Proper seed rate HYV Nutrient management Disease management Drudgery reduction HY fodder varieties Livestock health & nutrition management Livestock health & nutrition management Value addition Proper spacing/Drum seeding / machine transplanting Introduction of hybrids INM Water management Problematic soil management IPM IDM Value addition Crop rotation Integrated weed management

9 Finger millet






Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Growing of old varieties Improper spacing Limited knowledge on value added products Limited knowledge on profitable alternate crops Limited knowledge on value added products Hand shelling Bird menace Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method High cost of cultivation Bird menace Low yield Growing of local varieties Limited knowledge on seed treatment Control of pod borer by chemical method Improper storage Limited knowledge on profitable alternate crops Limited knowledge on value added products Hand shelling Bird menace

New high yielding varieties Proper spacing Value addition Alternate crops Value addition Drudgery deduction Pest management Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management Introduction of additional income generating crop Pest management HYV HYV Nutrient management IPM Scientific storage method Alternate crops Value addition Drudgery deduction Pest management

10 Animal husbandry





Limited knowledge on high yielding fodder crops Limited knowledge on nutrition Limited knowledge on deworming in dairy animals Limited knowledge on value added products Improper spacing

Chittanahalli Lakshmisagara Melukote Shambunahalli

Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management Saline and alkali soils


Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Mono cropping of paddy Improper weed management Limited knowledge on profitable alternate crops Limited knowledge on value added products Hand shelling Bird menace Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method



Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

HY fodder varieties Livestock health & nutrition management Livestock health & nutrition management Value addition Proper spacing/Drum seeding / machine transplanting Introduction of hybrids INM Water management Salinity tolerant variety, nutrient management & alternate crop IPM IDM Value addition Crop rotation Integrated weed management Alternate crops Value addition Drudgery deduction Pest management Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management

11 High cost of cultivation Sunflower Tomato, Cabbage, Capsicum, Chilly, Brinjal, French bean China Aster Marigold Betel vine

Animal husbandry




Gamanahalli Goudahalli

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


Bird menace Low yield Use of disease susceptible local and private varieties Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Low yield Low market preference Low yield Low market preference Incidence of gall wasp Limited knowledge on high yielding fodder crops Limited knowledge on nutrition Limited knowledge on deworming in dairy animals Limited knowledge on value added products Limited knowledge on improved silkworm hybrids Non availability of labour for manual picking and mounting Incidence of disease Improper disinfection and sanitation of silkworm rearing house and equipment Improper spacing Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management

Introduction of additional income generating crop Pest management HYV Disease tolerant varieties/ hybrids Micronutrient management HYV HYV HYV HYV Pest managements HY fodder varieties Livestock health & nutrition management Livestock health & nutrition management Value addition Improved silkworm breeds Mechanization in silkworm rearing Disease management practices Disinfection and sanitation Proper spacing/Drum seeding/ machine transplanting Introduction of hybrids INM Water management

12 Saline and alkali soils


Sunflower Tomato, Cabbage, Capsicum, Chilly, Brinjal, French bean Betel vine Sericulture



Upparahalli Halathi

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Finger millet

Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Mono cropping of paddy Improper weed management Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method High cost of cultivation Bird menace Low yield Use of disease susceptible local and private varieties Limited knowledge on micronutrient management Incidence of gall wasp Limited knowledge on improved silkworm hybrids Non availability of labour for manual picking and mounting Incidence of disease Improper disinfection and sanitation of silkworm rearing house and equipment Growing of old varieties Improper spacing

Salinity tolerant variety, nutrient management & alternate crop IPM IDM Value addition Crop rotation Integrated weed management Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management Introduction of additional income generating crop Pest management HYV Disease tolerant varieties/ hybrids Micronutrient management Pest managements Improved silkworm breeds Mechanization in silkworm rearing Disease management practices Disinfection and sanitation New high yielding varieties Proper spacing

13 Hosahalli Daginahalli


Tattahalli Karadahalli

Red gram

Limited knowledge on value added products Limited knowledge on profitable alternate crops Limited knowledge on value added products Hand shelling Bird menace Growing of local varieties Limited knowledge on seed treatment Control of pod borer by chemical method Improper storage Use of disease susceptible local and private varieties Limited knowledge on micronutrient management

Tomato, Cabbage, Capsicum, Chilly, Brinjal, French bean Chrysanthemum Low yield China Aster Marigold Sericulture



Akki Hebbal

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


Low market preference Low yield Low market preference Low yield Low market preference Limited knowledge on improved silkworm hybrids Non availability of labour for manual picking and mounting Incidence of disease Improper disinfection and sanitation of silkworm rearing house and equipment Improper spacing

Value addition Alternate crops Value addition Drudgery deduction Pest management HYV Nutrient management IPM Scientific storage method Disease tolerant varieties/ hybrids Micronutrient management HYV HYV HYV HYV HYV HYV Improved silkworm breeds Mechanization in silkworm rearing Disease management practices Disinfection and sanitation Proper spacing/Drum seeding / machine transplanting

14 Hosa Holalu Bharathipura Ballekere Koratagere

Growing of old varieties Improper management of nutrients Improper water management Saline and alkali soils


Control of pests by chemical method Control of diseases by chemical method Improper utilization of paddy straw Mono cropping of paddy Improper weed management Improper spacing Non-adoption of inter cropping Trash burning Improper management of nutrients Woolly aphid incidence Control of shoot borer and wooly aphid by chemical method High cost of cultivation



Bird menace Low yield Use of disease susceptible local and private varieties Limited knowledge on micronutrient management

Tomato, Cabbage, Capsicum, Chilly, Brinjal, French bean Chrysanthemum Low yield China Aster Marigold Betel vine

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Low market preference Low yield Low market preference Low yield Low market preference Incidence of gall wasp

Introduction of hybrids INM Water management Salinity tolerant variety, nutrient management & alternate crop IPM IDM Value addition Crop rotation Integrated weed management Proper spacing Intercropping with pulses Nutrient management Nutrient management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management Introduction of additional income generating crop Pest management HYV Disease tolerant varieties/ hybrids Micronutrient management HYV HYV HYV HYV HYV HYV Pest managements


1. High yielding varieties in french bean, fodder, groundnut, red gram, chrysanthemum, marigold & china aster 2. Hybrids in silkworm 3. Proper spacing and seed rate in paddy, sugarcane and okra 4. Nutrient management in paddy, groundnut, sugarcane, vegetables, banana and mulberry 5. Pest management in paddy, maize, sunflower, mulberry and betel vine 6. Disease management in paddy, bean and silkworm rearing 7. Alternate Crops for paddy 8. Additional income in sugarcane 9. Value addition in ragi, soybean, maize, fruits and vegetables 10. Drudgery reduction in paddy and animal husbandry 11. Mechanization in paddy and silkworm rearing

TABLE.2 Abstract of Interventions Proposed Based On the Identified Problems during 2010-11 S.No




Identified Problem Problematic soils

Title of OFT if any Introduction of alternate crop Acorus calamus (Bhaje ) in saline, alkali & waterlogged paddy fields

Interventions Title of Training Title of FLD if any if any Demonstration of saline Soil sampling and alkali soil management technique

Less use of organic

Micronutrient deficiency Incidence of Hispa

Demonstration on Hispa management in paddy Demonstration on effective BPH management Demonstration on effective Blast management in paddy Demonstration on mechanized transplanting

Incidence of BPH Incidence of Blast

Labour scarcity Lower plant

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Drum seeder method of

Green manuring and Compost preparation method Micronutrient management Hispa management in paddy BPH management in paddy Blast management in paddy Mechanized paddy transplanting Drum sowing of

Title of Training for extension personnel

Others Method demonstration, field day, group discussion, field visit, diagnostic visits

16 population/sq mt Limited knowledge on raising seedling for machine transplanting Non availability of labours for weeding Difficulty in manual weeding 2

Finger millet

Limited knowledge on value addition Growing of old varieties Improper nutrient management



Trash burning

sowing in hybrid paddy Improved mat method of raising paddy nursery for machine transplanting

paddy Machine transplanting in paddy

Demonstration on Londax power weedicide in paddy

Prevention of birds (parakeets) damage in maize

Non utilization of interspace between rows

Integrated Sugarcane Trash Management Demonstration on inter cropping of French beans in five feet spaced sugarcane

Improper spacing 4


Bird menace



Bird menace



Improper nutrient management Limited knowledge on use of gypsum


Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Prevention of birds (parakeets) damage in Maize Prevention of birds (parakeets) damage in Sunflower Demonstration on seed treatment and nutrient management in groundnut

Mechanical weed management Chemical weed management in transplanted paddy Value added products of ragi Improved cultivation practices Nutrient management for targeted yield Insitu sugarcane trash management Inter cropping in sugarcane

Wider row spacing in sugarcane Low cost technology for preventing bird menace in maize Low cost technology for preventing bird menace in sunflower Integrated nutrient management in groundnut Importance of gypsum & soil amendments in groundnut Integrated nutrient

Method demonstration, group discussion,

Method demonstration, field day, group discussion, field visit, diagnostic visit Method demonstration, field day Method demonstration, field day Method demonstration



Forage crops

deficiency Limited knowledge on forage crops


Betel vine

Incidence of gall wasp



Lower yield


China aster

Lower yield



Lower yield





Use of high density seed Lower yield

Demonstration on Introduction of forage oats –Kent (UASB)

Demonstration on new Mari gold variety –Pusa Narangi (IARI) Demonstration on new China aster variety – Shashank (IIHR) Demonstration on new chrysanthemum- Arka Swarna (IIHR) High density planting in Bhendi

Collor rot incidence







Micronutrient deficiency Lower leaf yield

Limited knowledge on silkworm rearing technologies

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Pest management in Mulberry

Method demonstration

Oats cultivation practices Use of gall wasp tolerant Erythrina standards

Revival of betel vine gardens using gall wasp tolerant Erythrina standards

Micronutrient deficiency

management Importance of forage crops

Method demonstration

Pusa narangi cultivation practices

Method demonstration

Shashank cultivation practices

Method demonstration, field day

Arka swaran cultivation practices Improved cultivation practices

Demonstration on vegetable French bean – Arka Suvidha (IIHR) Demonstration on IIHR vegetable special (French bean) Demonstration on management of collor rot in pole beans Demonstration IIHR banana special Demonstration on micronutrient application (Seriboost) as a foliar spray in mulberry Demonstration on improved silkworm hybrid CSR 50 X 51(CSR & TI) Demonstration on

Method demonstration, field day

Advances in mulberry leaf production Innovations in silkworm rearing

New technologies in sericulture

Method demonstration, field day, group






Animal husbandry

Home Science

Non growing of improved varieties Limited knowledge on pod borer management Limited knowledge on scientific storage Lack knowledge on improved fodder variety Unhygienic milk production

mechanized transfer of matured silkworms on to mountage Demonstration on silkworm disease curative Amruth Demonstration of ecdysone hormone for uniform silkworm maturation Demonstration of BRG-1 Improved cultivation & 2 Redgram varieties practices of BRG-1 and BRG-2 Use of pheromone traps

Demonstration on the use of hand operated milking machine as labour saving technique


Low value for agriculture produce Low value for Horticulture produce

Scientific storage system Improved cultivation practices of fodder crop Manual operated milking machine for hygienic milk production Use of serrated sickle for paddy harvesting Value addition in ragi, maize & soybean Value addition in fruits and vegetables

discussion, field visit, diagnostic visit

New technologies in animal nutrition and milk production

Method demonstration, field day, group discussion, field visit, diagnostic visit Method demonstration, group discussion, camp

Post harvest preservation and processing

TABLE 2A. Target set for number of interventions to be implemented during 2010-11 Sl. No

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Particulars of intervention

Target number / Quantity

19 01 02



On Farm Trial Front Line Demonstration (other than oil seeds, pulses and cotton) Front Line Demonstration (Oilseeds) Front Line Demonstration (Pulses) Training Programmes Farmers and farm women Rural Youth Extension personnel Sponsored programmes Vocational Programmes Extension Programmes Field Day Kisan Mela/ Krishi mela Kisan Ghosthi Exhibition Film Show Method Demonstrations Farmers Seminar on Azolla cultivation Workshop Group meetings Lectures delivered Newspaper coverage Radio coverage TV coverage Radio Programmes TV Programmes Publications Popular articles Extension Literature Advisory Services Scientific visit to farmers field Farmers visit to KVK

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

09 22 1 1 66 4 67

12 03 9 10 22 2 4 25 20 31 5 5 8 8 12 15 5 150 67 125



Diagnostic visits Field visits Exposure visits Ex-trainees Sammelan Agriculture Camps Clinic day Soil health Camp Animal Health Camp Agri mobile clinic Soil test campaigns Farm Science Club Conveners meet Self Help Group Conveners meetings Mahila Mandals Conveners meetings Celebration of Nutrition week PRA exercise conducted Survey on socio economic improvement through Animal Science to SHG women Awareness on Cotton contract farming Distribution of BT cotton seeds under contract farming in collaboration with Cotton Corporation of India Insect trap awareness campaign AIDS awareness campaign Awareness on KVK activities to Tribes Formation of Joint Liability Groups Production and supply of seed materials 1) Cereals at KVK farm Seed production through farmers participation ii) Oilseeds iii) Pulses iv) Vegetables v) Flower crops vi) Others (Specify) Mulberry plant material Production and supply of Planting materials Fruits

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

28 39 12 2

3 2



200 quintal -paddy 500 quintal -paddy



06 07

Spices Vegetables Forest species Ornamental crops Plantation crops Others Medicinal plant (Acorus Calamus) Production and supply of bio-products Bio agents Bio fertilizers Bio pesticides Production and supply of livestock material Sheep Goat Fisheries Others (Specify) Number of soil samples to be analyzed Number of water samples to be analyzed

5,000 seedlings 1,00,000 saplings

500 15

TABLE. 3 PLAN OF ON FARM TESTING FOR 2010-11 OFT-1. Drum seeder method of sowing in hybrid paddy 1. Title of the On Farm Trial: Drum seeder method of sowing in hybrid paddy 2. State whether it is Assessment / Refinement: Assessment 3. Agro-Ecological Zone: Zone-VI 4. Production System : Irrigated 5.Problem identified: High cost on transplanting of single seedlings of hybrid paddy and scarcity of labour 6. Number of farmers and area affected in the operational villages: 106 farmers, 48 ha. 7. Thrust areas: Improper spacing & drudgery 8. Rationale for proposing the OFT : Reduces the cost of transplanting in turn lowers cost of cultivation in nursery maintenance 9. Technology Option 1 {Farmer’s practice and extent of yield loss} :10. Technology Option 2 with Source {Recommended practice and extent of its adoption}

Recommended practice Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Source of

Level of

Reason for


22 Technology Transplanting single seedlings for KRH-2 (20 kgs / ha) after raising in nursery

UAS Bengaluru

adoption 13%

no / low adoption High cost and involves more labour

High yield

11. Technology Option 3 being assessed along with justification with Source (Mention the refinement planned over farmers practice and recommended technology or the innovation that is to be released. Justify the rationale involved in choosing the alternative)

Refinement / Assessment over Recommended practice IR -64 paddy seeds @ 42.5kg/ha deep fried on stove, soaked in water for 12 hrs and later uniformly mixed with 20 kg sprouted hybrid paddy seeds and sown by using drum seeder

Source of Technology ITK

Justification To reduce the transplanting cost Saves labour and easy

12. Budget proposed for OFT Critical inputs for technology option 2 (Recommended Practice) Critical inputs for other technology options Sl. No Qty Total Cost Total Cost Name Unit Cost (Rs) Name Qty Unit Cost (Rs) (per ha) (Rs) (Rs) 1 Weedicides 500 300=00/100 1500=00 Drum seeder 5 3500=00 16,500=00 2

(Sophit) Cono weeder

mL/ha 5

mL 1350=00

6750=00 Hybrid paddy






600=00 20,000=00

seeeds 3

Sophit Total 12. Area (ha.) for implementing i) Technology Option 1 (Farmer’s Practice):ii) Technology Option 2 (Recommended Practice): 1.0 ha iii) Technology option 3: 1.0 ha 13. Grand Total Cost proposed per OFT : Rs.5650=00 14. Total Number of OFTs proposed :5 15. Total budget required : Rs.28,250=00


OFT-2. Improved mat method of raising paddy nursery for machine transplanting 1. 2. 3.

Title of the On Farm Trial : Improved mat method of raising paddy nursery for machine transplanting State whether it is Assessment / Refinement : Assessment Agro-Ecological Zone: Zone-VI

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

23 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Production System: Irrigated Problem identified: Sticky mat which results in transplanting 3-5 of seedlings per hill by paddy transplanter Number of farmers and area affected in the operational villages : Thrust areas: Proper plant population Rationale for proposing the OFT : The improved method keeps the mat loose thus only one seedling can be transplanted per hill Technology Option 1 : Mat method of nursery raising using black soil on polythene sheets Technology Option 2 : Technology Option 3: Source of Refinement / Assessment Justification Technology Mat method of nursery raising using red/ sandy soil + black soil in 50 : ITK Keeps the mat loose 50 proportion on polythene sheet One paddy seedling/ hill can be transplanted using machine 12. Sl. No

1 2 3 4

Budget proposed for OFT Critical inputs for technology option 1 (Farmers Practice) Critical inputs for other technology option 3 (alternate Practice) Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Name Qty Name Qty (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) Hiring charges of 5 hours /ha Rs. 500 2500=00 Hiring charges of paddy 5 hours Rs. 500 per 2500=00 paddy transplanted per hour transplanted /ha hour Polythene Sheet 62.5 sq. m./ha 16/sq. m. 1000=00 Polythene Sheet 62.5 sq. 16/sq. m. 1000=00 m./ha Paddy seeds 62.5 kg/ha 25/kg 1563=00 Paddy seeds 62.5 25/kg 1563=00 kg/ha Red/ sandy soil including 5 tractor Rs.1000/ 5000=00 transportation charges load load Total 5063=00 10063=00

12. Area (ha.) for implementing i) Technology Option 1 : 1 ha ii) Technology Option 3 : 1 ha 13. Grand Total Cost proposed per OFT : Rs.3025=00

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

24 14. Total Number of OFTs proposed 15. Total budget required

:5 : 15125=00

OFT-3. Introduction of alternate crop Acorus calamus (Bhaje ) in saline, alkali & waterlogged paddy fields 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Title of the On Farm Trial: Introduction of alternate crop Acorus calamus (Bhaje ) in saline, alkali & waterlogged paddy fields State whether it is Assessment / Refinement: Assessment Agro-Ecological Zone: Zone-VI Production System : Irrigated Problem identified: Occurrence of alkali- waterlogged soils and low productivity & profitability of paddy cultivation in these soils Number of farmers and area affected in the operational villages: 123 farmers 83 ha Thrust areas: Alternate crop Rationale for proposing the OFT : Low productivity & profitability of paddy cultivation in alkali-waterlogged soils prompts for profitable

alternate crop. Acorus calamus (Bhaje ) is one such crop which withstands water logging and salinity and has good profitability. 9. Technology Option 1 {Farmer’s practice and extent of yield loss} : Farmers have limited knowledge on management of saline, alkali & water logged soils and cultivating paddy in traditional method which has low productivity (~ 20-23 q/ha) and some even leave these fields fallow 10. Technology Option 2 with Source {Recommended practice and extent of its adoption} : 11. Technology Option 3:

Refinement / Assessment over Recommended practice 1. Insitu incorporation of green manure crops and preparation of land as per the recommendation for paddy 2. Transplanting of root slips/ rhizome of Bhaje at 30 X 30 cm 3. Application of N:P:K @ 25:50:60 kg/ha

Source of Technology UAS Bengaluru

12. Budget proposed for OFT Critical inputs for technology option 2 (Recommended Practice) Sl. No Qty Total Cost Name Unit Cost (Rs) (per ha) (Rs) 1 2

Total 12. Area (ha.) for implementing • Technology Option 1 (Farmer’s Practice):• Technology Option 2 (Recommended Practice): 1.0 ha • Technology option 3: 1.0 ha

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Justification To fetch good profitability in saline, alkali & waterlogged soils

Critical inputs for other technology options Total Cost Name Qty Unit Cost (Rs) (Rs)

Diancha Root slips/ Rhizome

62.5 kg 50/kg 1,11,111 Nos. Rs.0.2 / slip

3125=00 22,222=00 25,347=00

25 13. Grand Total Cost proposed per OFT : Rs.5069=00 14. Total Number of OFTs proposed :5 15. Total budget required : Rs. 25,347=00

OFT-4. High density planting in Bhendi 1. Title of the On Farm Trial: High density planting in Bhendi 2. State whether it is Assessment / Refinement: Assessment 3. Agro-Ecological Zone: Zone-VI 4. Production System: Irrigated 5. Problem identified: Recommended seed rate 7.5kg/ha and farmers using seed rate of 25kg/ha 6. Number of farmers and area affected in the operational villages: 227 farmers, 118 ha. 7. Thrust areas: Improper spacing 8. Rationale for proposing the OFT: • Large number of farmers are growing bhendi at high seed rate across Mandya district

• Farmers are getting quality crop 9. Technology option – 1: Farmers are using seed rate of 15kg/ha to get more yield per harvest, more incidence of pest and diseases. Leads to less number of harvest. 10. Technology option – 2 Source of Level of Reason for no / Recommended practice Justification Technology adoption low adoption Recommended seeds rate 7.5kg/ha with a spacing of UAS 5% Results in bigger Wider spacing leads to bigger finger 60 X30 cm with a plant population 55,556. Bengaluru fingers that size RDF (125:75:63) fetches low price 10. Technology option – 3 Refinement / Assessment Two times recommended seed rate (15kg/ha) with spacing of plant population of 74,074. • Fertilizer (150:100:75) 11. Budget for Assessment •

Sl. No

Source of Technology 45 X 30 cm with a

Critical inputs for technology option 2 (Recommended Practice) Total Cost Name Qty Unit Cost (Rs) (Rs)

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


Justification Validation of this technology

Critical inputs for other technology options Total Cost Name Qty Unit Cost (Rs) (Rs)

26 1 2

Seeds Wettable Sulphur

7.5kg 2 kg/ha2 sprays

Rs. 200=00/ kg Rs. 580=00 /kg Total

1500=00 Seeds 1160=00 Wettable Sulphur 2660=00

15kg 2 kg/ha- 2 sprays

200=00 Rs. 580=00 /kg

3000=00 1160=00 4160=00

12. Area (ha.) for implementing iv) Technology Option 1 (Farmer’s Practice):v) Technology Option 2 (Recommended Practice): 1.0 ha vi) Technology option 3: 1.0 ha 13. Grand Total Cost proposed per OFT : Rs.1364=00 14. Total Number of OFTs proposed :5 15. Total budget required : Rs.6820=00

OFT-5. Prevention of birds (parakeets) damage in maize 1. Title of the technology to be assessed : Prevention of birds (parakeets) damage in maize 2. State whether it is Assessment / Refinement: Assessment

3. 4. 5. 6.

Agro-Ecological Zone : Zone-VI Production System : Irrigated/ tail end/ borewell Problem definition : Isolated patches attracts more birds and results heavy damage Problem Cause Diagram : Enclosed

7. Thrust areas: Pest Management

8. Number of farmers and area affected in the operational villages: 3114 farmers, 1250 ha. 9. Rationale for proposing the refinement More damage by birds in newly introduced areas and farmers may not take up alternate crop of maize in place of paddy 8. Technology option – 1: Use of taperecorder / video tapes along the border along with watch & ward 9. Technology option – 2:10. Technology option –3 Reason for Source of Level of Assessment /refinement no / low Justification Technology adoption adoption Use of coloured carry bags and tencils on to the KVK, Farm Lack of Effective cobs along the borders for two rows awareness 11. Budget for Assessment Sl. No

Critical inputs for technology option 2 (Recommended Practice) Name Qty Unit Cost Total Cost

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Critical inputs for other technology options Name


Unit Cost

Total Cost

27 (Rs)




Coloured carry bags and tencils Watch & ward labour charges Hybrid Seeds

2 3

20 days X 1 labour / location X 5 10 kg / ha


Rs. 80/ labour Rs 150 /kg


Total 12. Area (ha.) for implementing • Technology Option 1 (Farmer’s Practice):- 1.0 ha • Technology Option 2 (Recommended Practice): 1.0 ha • Technology option 3: 1.0 ha 13. Grand Total Cost proposed per OFT : Rs.2500=00 14. Total Number of OFTs proposed :5 15. Total budget required : Rs.12500=00

OFT-6. Prevention of birds (parakeets) damage in Sunflower 1.

Title of the technology to be assessed : Prevention of birds (parakeets) damage in Sunflower

2. State whether it is Assessment / Refinement: Assessment

3. 4. 5. 6.

Agro-Ecological Zone : Zone-VI Production System : Irrigated/ tail end/ borewell Problem definition : Isolated patches attracts more birds and results heavy damage Problem Cause Diagram : Enclosed

7. Thrust areas: Pest Management

8. Number of farmers and area affected in the operational villages: 43 farmers, 20 ha. 9. Rationale for proposing the refinement More damage by birds in newly introduced areas and farmers may not take up alternate crop of sunflower in place of paddy 8. Technology option – 1: Manual Watch and Ward 9. Technology option – 2:10. Technology option –3 Assessment /refinement Source of Level of Reason for Justification Technology adoption no / low

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya



1500=00 12500=00


Use of coloured carry bags and tencils on to the cobs along the borders for two rows 11. Budget for Assessment Sl. No

KVK, Farm


adoption Lack of awareness

Critical inputs for technology option 2 (Recommended Practice) Name


Unit Cost (Rs)

Critical inputs for other technology options

Total Cost (Rs)




Coloured carry bags and tencils Watch & ward labour charges Hybrid Seeds



20/ location X 5 5 kg / ha

Unit Cost (Rs)



Rs. 80/ labour Rs 900 /kg


Total 12. Area (ha.) for implementing • Technology Option 1 (Farmer’s Practice):- 1.0 ha • Technology Option 2 (Recommended Practice): 1.0 ha • Technology option 3: 1.0 ha 13. Grand Total Cost proposed per OFT : Rs.4000=00 14. Total Number of OFTs proposed :5 15. Total budget required : Rs.20000=00

OFT-7. Revival of betel vine gardens using gall wasp tolerant Erythrina standards 1. Title of the technology to be assessed : Revival of betel vine gardens using gall wasp tolerant Erythrina standards 2.

State whether it is Assessment / Refinement: Refinement

3. 4. 5. 6.

Agro-Ecological Zone : Zone-VI Production System : Protective irrigation Problem definition : Invasion of new pest- gall wasp to betel vine standards Problem Cause Diagram : Enclosed

7. Thrust areas: Pest Management

8. Number of farmers and area affected in the operational villages: 200farmers, 90 ha. 9. Rationale for proposing the refinement All the betel vine gardens in Mandya district have been destroyed due to gall wasp infestation to Erythrina standards . Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Total Cost (Rs)

4500=00 20000=00

29 The lively hood has been lost these group of farmers. 8. Technology option – 1: Use of susceptible Eryhtrina standards to establish betel vine gardens 10. Technology option – 2 Source of Level of Reason for no / low Recommended practice Technology adoption adoption Alternate use of standards (Bombyx, Drum UAS 10% Standards dose not provide stick & Sesbania) ideal shade

Justification Reduces quality of betel leaf

11. Technology option –3 Source of Technology

Assessment /refinement

Level of adoption

Use of gall wasp tolerant Erythrina standards to KVK, One establish the betel vine gardens Hardanahalli garden 11. Budget for Assessment (2nd year maintenance) Sl. No 1 2

Critical inputs for technology option 2 (Recommended Practice) Qty Unit Cost Name Total Cost (Rs) (Nos) (Rs)

Betel vine saplings Gap filling (Drum stick/ Bamboo) including labour charges

1600 300

Rs.2 Rs. 10

3250=00 3000=00

Total 12. Area (ha.) for implementing • Technology Option 1 (Farmer’s Practice):- 1.0 ha • Technology Option 2 (Recommended Practice): 1.0 ha • Technology option 3: 1.0 ha 13. Grand Total Cost proposed per OFT : Rs.4650=00 14. Total Number of OFTs proposed :5 15. Total budget required : Rs.23250=00

OFT-8. Pest management in mulberry 1.Title of the On Farm Trial : Pest management in Mulberry 2.State whether it is Assessment / Refinement : Assessment

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


Reason for no / low adoption Lack of awareness

Justification Tolerant to wasp infestation, thus saves the betel vine garden

Critical inputs for other technology options Qty Unit Cost Name Total Cost (Rs) (Nos) (Rs)

Betel vine saplings Gap filling of Erythrina including labour charges

1600 500

Rs.5 Rs. 18

8000=00 9000=00


30 3.Agro-Ecological Zone: Zone-VI 4.Production System: Irrigated 5.Problem identified: Recommendation is 12 years old. Farmers feel DDVP is ineffective against pests, Causes mulberry leaf yield and quality loss, Causes secondary infection on silkworm 6. Number of farmers and area affected in the operational villages : 300 farmers, 70 ha. 7.Thrust areas : Pest management 8.Rationale for proposing the OFT: i.Introducing a better chemical as preventive measure for effective management of pests (Tukra & White flies) in mulberry ii.Improves the mulberry leaf yield and quality iii.To reduce the secondary infection on silkworms that otherwise would transmit from leaf roller 9.Technology Option 1: Spraying of DDVP two times / crop (2 ml / lit of water) when there is a pest infestation late in the season there is 30 per cent loss in the yield 10. Technology Option 2 Reason for no Source of Level of Recommended practice / low Justification Technology adoption adoption Spray of DDVP 2 times / crop CSR & TI, 60% Less effective * Increased cost due to two sprays Mysore against pests * Pests – possibly developed resistance * DDVP is not giving the desired control * It is curative not a preventive measures * Late adoption of spray during the cropping season 11. Technology Option 3 Refinement / Assessment • Spray of DIMETHOATE 1ml/lt of water on 15th day after pruning • 20th – 25th day spray of NSKE formulation

Source of Technology CSR& TI, Mysore

12. Budget proposed for OFT Sl. No Critical inputs for technology option 2 (Recommended Practice) Name Qty Unit Cost (Rs) Total Cost (Rs)

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Justification • Effective against major pests of mulberry. • Spray of NSKE formulation as a second spray to prevent further infestation • It helps to minimize the chemicals spray.

Critical inputs for other technology options Name Qty Unit Cost (Rs) Total Cost (Rs)

31 1 2


4.2 L/3 crops

Rs.100/100 ml


Dimethoate 2.1 L/ 3 crops Rs.60/100 ml Neems seeds 40 kg Rs.30/kg

Total 4200=00 13. Area (ha.) for implementing i. Technology Option 1 (Farmer’s Practice) : 1.4 ha ii. Technology Option 2 (Recommended Practice) : 1.4 ha iii. Technology option 3 : 1.4 ha 13. Grand Total Cost proposed per OFT : Rs. 951=50 14. Total Number of OFTs proposed :7 15. Total budget required : Rs. 6660=00

1260=00 1200=00 2460=00

Table 4. Season-wise plan of Front Line Demonstrations (FLD) for 2010-11 A. Other than oil seeds pulses and cotton FLD-1: Demonstration of saline and alkali soil management Thrust area


Problematic soil management


Yield gap (q/ ha) District Potential Farmers average yield yield yield 38.5 33.75 46.00 q/ha q/ha q/ha

Technology to be demonstrated: 1. Insitu incorporation of green manure crops 2. Application of gypsum (1000 kg)

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Critical inputs to be provided Reasons for yield gap Occurrence of problematic soil Indiscriminate use of water and fertilizer Less use of organics Limited knowledge on salt resistant variety

Name & Quantity (kg/ha) 62.5 kg - Diancha

Cost (Rs./unit) 50/kg

Area (ha)

No. of farmers



62.5 kg – Salt tolerant 25/kg paddy seeds 1000 kg - Gypsum 2/kg 1 kg - Azospirillum 100/kg 2 kg - Bacillaus 100/kg magaterium 40 - ZnSO4 50/kg Total budget required Rs.35,950=00

32 3. Growing of tolerant variety (IR-30864/ Vikas/ IR-20) 4. Application of zinc sulphate (40 kg) 5. Application of biofertilizers- Azospirillum (1 kg) and Bacillus magaterium (2 kg)

FLD-2: Demonstration on Londax power weedicide in paddy Thrust area Crop / livestock / enterprises Weed management


Yield gap (q/ ha) District average yield 38.5 q/ha

Potential Farmers yield yield 46.00 q/ha 33.75 q/ha

Reasons for yield gap

High weed incidence Manual weeding labour intensive and costly Present Weedicides are effective against either grass or broad leaved leave hence ineffective

Critical inputs to be provided Name & Cost Quantity Rs./unit (kg/ha) Londax 750/ 4 power 10 kg/ kg ha

Area (ha) 2

No. of farmers 10

Total budget required Rs.3775=00 Technology to be demonstrated Uniform application of Londax power (Broad spectrum weedicide effective against grass weeds & broad leaved weeds) weedicide @ 10 kg/ ha. mixed with 75 kg sand at 3- 5 days after transplanting

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


FLD-3: Demonstration on mechanized transplanting in paddy Thrust area Improper spacing

• • • •


Yield gap (q/ ha) District Potential Farmers average yield yield yield

Paddy 38.5 q/ha

46.00 q/ha

33.75 q/ha

Critical inputs to be provided Reasons for yield gap

Name & Quantity (kg/ha)

Cost (Rs./unit)

Improper spacing by unskilled labours results in lower plant population (30-35 hills per square meter) Shortage of labours results in delayed transplanting Transplanting of older seedlings reduces yield

Hiring charges of paddy transplanted5 hours /ha

Rs. 500 per hour

Area (ha)

No. of farmers



Polythene Sheet16/sq. m. 62.5 sq. m./ha 62.5 kg/ha – Paddy 25/kg seeds Total budget required Rs.20,250=00

Preparation of nursery beds in mat method on polythene sheets Transplanting at the age of 14-18 days using paddy transplanter machine Application of weedicide at 3-5 days after transplanting Management of weeds using cono weeder (at 20 & 40 DAT)

FLD-4: Demonstration on effective BPH management Thrust area Pest managem ent

Crop Paddy

Yield gap (q/ ha) District Potential Farmers Reasons for yield gap average yield yield yield 38.5 46.00 33.75 i)Application of pesticides at Non target area ii)Late application in the season after the symptoms have appeared

Critical inputs to be provided Name & Quantity (kg/ha) Biped nozzle-1 No/farmer. Chloropyriphos-2.5 mL/L- 2000 mL/ ha Including labour charges

Cost (Rs./unit) 200/nozzle

Area (ha)

No. of farmer s



2010 /L

Total budget required Rs. 11500=00

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

34 Technology to be demonstrated i)Spraying of pesticides to base of the plants for every two rows ii)Spraying in the first week of November before development of hopper burn symptoms

FLD-5: Demonstration on effective Blast management in paddy (New) Thrust area Disease management

Crop Paddy

Yield gap (q/ ha) Reasons for yield District Potential Farmers gap average yield yield yield 38.5 46.00 33.75 i)Application of pesticides at Non target area ii)Late application in the season after the symptoms have appeared

Critical inputs to be provided Name & Quantity (kg/ha)

Cost (Rs./unit)

Biped nozzle-1 No/farmer. Tricyclozole-0.6 mL/L - 750 mL/ ha including labour charges


Area (ha)

No. of farmers



Rs. 1500/ha

Total budget required Rs. 9500=00 Technology to be demonstrated: i)Spraying of fungicide from base to entire plants for every two rows ii)Spraying at appearance of disease at first week of October before development burn symptoms

FLD-6: Demonstration on Hispa management in paddy (New) Thrust area Pest management

Crop Paddy

Yield gap (q/ ha) District Potential Farmers average yield yield yield 38.5 46.00 33.75

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Critical inputs to be provided Reasons for yield gap Application of pesticides after the appearance of pest above ETL

Name & Quantity (kg/ha)

Cost (Rs./unit)

Area (ha)

No. of farmers

Chloropyriphos-2.5 5 10 mL/L in nursery at 20 Rs. 375/ days- 125 mL/ nursery nursery Including labour charges Chloropyriphos-2.5 mL/L for transplanted Rs 2010 / ha plants Including labour charges Total budget required Rs. 11,375=00

35 Technology to be demonstrated: i)Spraying of pesticide in nursery itself which could prevent further spread in main field ii)Spraying at appearance of pest after 10 days of transplanting

FLD-7: Integrated Sugarcane Trash Management Yield gap (ton/ha) Thrust area

Crop residue management


District average yield Sugarcane 98.23

Potential Farmers yield yield 150


Reasons for yield gap

Burning of trash after harvest leads to reduction of organic carbon in soil

Critical inputs to be provided Area Name & (ha) Cost Quantity ( Rs./unit) (kg/ha) 25 kg – 100=00/kg 5 Trichoderma 6=00/kg 75 kg – Urea

No. of farmers 25

Total budget required Rs. 14,750=00 Technology to be demonstrated :Application of 500 kg of FYM mixed with 25kg microbial culture (Trichoderma) on sugarcane trash Broadcasting of 75 kg urea on sugarcane trash

FLD-8: Demonstration on inter cropping of French beans in five feet spaced sugarcane Critical inputs to be provided Name & Reasons for yield gap Potential Farmers Quantity Cost yield yield (kg/ha) or (Rs./ha) number/unit 150 96.27 - Improper spacing (< 3 feet) Beans seeds 180/ kg - Non adoption of inter 50 kg/ ha. cropping

Yield gap (ton/ ha) Thrust area

Additional income



District average yield 98.23

Area (ha)


No. of farmers


Total budget required Rs. 16,000=00 Technology to be demonstrated Planting of sugarcane at 5ft spacing & growing of French beans as inter crop at initial stages of sugarcane crop growth

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


FLD-9: Demonstration on IIHR vegetable special (French bean)

Thrust area Nutrient Management

Crop French bean

Yield gap (q/ ha) District Potential Farmers average yield yield yield 13.2 t/ha 20t/ha 14 t/ha

Critical inputs to be provided Reasons for yield gap Micronutrient deficiency

Name & Quantity (kg/ha) 15 kg vegetable special

Cost (Rs./unit) 120/kg

Area (ha)

No. of farmers



Total budget required Rs.3,600=00 Technology to be demonstrated: 1. Dissolve recommended dose of vegetable special in 15 L of water + add juice of one lemon fruit & one shampoo sachet 2. First spray at 30 days after transplanting or 45 days after sowing. Then, repeat the spray at an interval of 15 days for 2 times.

FLD-10: Demonstration IIHR banana special

Thrust area Nutrient Management

Crop Banana

Yield gap (q/ ha) District Potential Farmers average yield yield yield 24 ton/ha

30 ton/ha

21 ton/ha

Critical inputs to be provided Reasons for yield gap Micronutrient deficiency

Name & Quantity (kg/ha) 30 kg banana special/ha

Cost (Rs./unit) 120/kg

Area (ha)

No. of farmers



Total budget required Rs.7,200=00 Technology to be demonstrated: 1. Dissolve 75 grams of banana special in 15 L of water + add juice of two lemon fruit & one shampoo sachet 2. Spray from 5th month onwards once in 30 days upto 10th month stage.

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


FLD-11: Demonstration on vegetable French bean – Arka Suvidha (IIHR) Yield gap (t/ha) Thrust area High Yielding Variety

Crop French bean

District average yield 13.2 t/ha

Potential yield 20t/ha

Critical inputs to be provided

Farmers yield 14 t/ha

Reasons for yield gap Non-adoption new varieties

Name & Quantity (kg/ha) 65 kg/ha - Seeds 1.5 L - Dimethioate

Area (ha)

Cost ( Rs./unit) 180/kg 500/ltr.


No. of farmers 10

Low market price due high fiber Total budget required Rs.24,900=00

Technology to be demonstrated: Demonstration on vegetable French bean – Arka Suvidha

FLD-12: Demonstration on management of collor rot in pole beans Yield gap (t/ha) Thrust area

Disease management


Pole bean

District average yield 22 t/ha

Potential yield

Farmers yield

30 t/ha

23 t/ha

Technology to be demonstrated • Application of FYM treated with Trichoderma • Soil drenching of Capton @ 3g/L at the time of planting • Irrigating at a distance of one foot from the base of the plant

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Critical inputs to be provided Reasons for Area No. of Name & yield gap (ha) farmers Cost Quantity ( Rs./unit) (kg/ha) 65 kg/ha - Seeds 180/kg 2 10 Incidence of 4 L - Capton 550/ltr. color rot Trichoderma- 25 100/kg kg/ha Total budget required Rs.12,800=00


FLD-13: Demonstration on new Mari gold variety –Pusa Narangi (IARI) *

Thrust area High Yielding Variety

Yield gap (q/ ha) District Crop Potential Farmers average yield yield yield Marigold 71 62 q/ha 90 q/ha q/ha

Critical inputs to be provided Reasons for yield gap Lower Yield Poor quality

Name & Quantity (kg/ha)

Cost (Rs./unit)

Pusa Narangi seeds – 200 g/ha Monocrotophos- 500 mL/ha- 3 sprays per crop

Rs. 56 per g Rs. 440/ L

Area (ha)

No. of farmers



Less marketability Total budget required Rs.11,860=00 • • •

Bright orange flowers High market preference High yielding (100 q/ha)

FLD-14: Demonstration on new China aster variety –Shashank (IIHR)

Thrust area High Yielding Variety

Crop China aster

Yield gap (q/ ha) District Potential Farmers average yield yield yield 96 94 q/ha 125 q/ha q/ha

Critical inputs to be provided Reasons for yield gap Lower Yield

Name & Quantity (kg/ha)

Cost (Rs./unit)

Shashank china aster seeds – 750 g/ha

Rs. 15 per g

Area (ha)

No. of farmers



Poor quality Less marketability Total budget required Rs.11,250=00 • • •

Attractive pink/yellow flowers High market preference High yielding (125 q/ha)

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


FLD-15: Demonstration on new chrysanthemum- Arka Swarna (IIHR) Thrust area High Yielding Variety

Crop Chrysanthemum

Yield gap (q/ ha) District Potential Farmers average yield yield yield 106 103 q/ha 150 q/ha q/ha

Critical inputs to be provided Reasons for yield gap Lower Yield Poor quality Less marketability

• • •

Name & Quantity (kg/ha)

Area (ha)

Cost (Rs./unit)

No. of farmers

Arka Swarna Rs. 0.25 2 10 Chrysanthemum per suckers – 1,00,000 suckers Nos. /ha Capton @ 2 g/L Rs. 70/ sucker treatments100 g 500 g Total budget required Rs.25,350=00

Attractive yellow flowers High market preference High yielding (150 q/ha)

FLD- 16: Demonstration on Introduction of forage oats –Kent (UASB) Yield gap (ton/ ha) Thrust area

High yielding Varieties & problematic soil


Oats (fodder)

District average yield -

Potential yield 25-30 ton/ha

Farmers yield -

Reasons for yield gap Additional fodder crop for rabi season

Critical inputs to be provided Name & Cost Quantity (Rs./ha) (kg/ha) Kent oats Rs. 20/ seeds- 100 kg kg/ha

Area (ha) 1

No. of farmers 5

Total budget required Rs. 2000=00 Technology to be demonstrated Oat crop (Kent) for Rabi season, high yielding -25-30 ton/ha, suitable for saline soil.

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


FLD-17: Demonstration on improved silkworm hybrid CSR 50 X 51(CSR & TI) Thrust area High yielding Varieties

Enterprises Silkworm rearing

Yield gap (kg/100 DFL’s) Reasons for yield District Potential Farmers gap average yield yield yield 50.26 85 64.18 Incidence of diseases Lower yield due to environmental changes Limited knowledge on season specific hybrids

Critical inputs to be provided Name & Quantity (per 100 DFL’S)

Cost ( Rs./unit)


Chawki of CSR 50 X 51 silkworm -2000 dfls Rearing kit (includes general disinfectant, bed disinfectant and room cleaner

800/100 dfls chawki silkworms

1000 DFLS

No. of farmers 5


Total budget required Rs.10,500=00 Technology to be demonstrated : CSR 50 X 51 • Suitable for all the seasons • Performs better in varied temperature & humidity • Higher cocoon yield & silk quality

FLD-18: Demonstration on mechanized transfer of matured silkworms on to mountage (New) Yield gap (kg/100 DFL’s) Thrust area

Mechanization in silkworm rearing


Silkworm rearing

District average yield 50.26

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Potential Farmers yield yield 85


Reasons for yield gap

Critical inputs to be provided Name & Quantity (per 100 DFL’S)

Shortage of labours results in delayed mounting of worms Non adoption of improved mounting methods

Silkworm transferring machine

Cost ( Rs./unit)



No. of farmers



41 Flimsy & deformed cocoon formation Total budget required Rs.15,000=00 Technology to be demonstrated • Transferring of matured silkworm along with the shoots on to the machine. • The machine separates mature silkworm and shoots • Collection of separated silkworm and mounting

FLD-19: Demonstration on silkworm disease curative -Amruth (New) Yield gap (kg/100 DFL’s)

Thrust area


Disease management

Silkworm rearing

Reasons for yield gap District Potential Farmers average yield yield yield 50.26 80 64.18 Silkworms disease outbreak

Critical inputs to be provided Cost Name & Quantity (per 100 DFL’S) ( Rs./unit) Amruth 100/100ml

No. 1000 DFLS

No. of farmers 10

Poor sanitation Total budget required Rs. 1,000=00 Technology to be demonstrated: At appearance of grassirie & flacherie diseases feed mulberry leaves sprayed with Amruth (100ml in 4 L of boiled and cooled water)

FLD- 20: Demonstration on micronutrient application (Seriboost) as a foliar spray in mulberry Critical inputs to be provided

Yield gap (Ton/ ha/ year) Thrust area

Micronutrient management



District average yield 38.45

Potential yield 60.00

Farmers yield 40.00

Reasons for yield gap

*Micronutrient deficiency *Limited knowledge on micronutrient management

Name & Quantity

Seriboost 1.25L/ ha

Cost (Rs./unit)


Area (ha) 4

No. of farmers


Total budget required Rs. 9,900=00 Technology to be demonstrated Dilution of 500ml of Seriboost 200L of water each time and spray two times / crop ie., on 15th 25th day after pruning.

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


FLD-21: Demonstration of ecdysone hormone for uniform silkworm maturation (New) Thrust area


Improved technology

Silkworm rearing

Yield gap (kg/100 DFL’s) Reasons for yield District Potential Farmers gap average yield yield yield 50.26 80 64.18 No uniform maturation of silkworms Late matured worms spins flimsy cocoons More disease incidence

Critical inputs to be provided Name & Cost ( Quantity (per Rs./unit) 100 DFL’S) Mounting hormone 150/100ml (ecdysone)

No. of farmers


1000 DFLS


Total budget required Rs. 1,500=00 Technology to be demonstrated For every 100 DFL’s spray diluted ecdysone solution (60 mL in 4 L of boiled and cooled water) on leaves after feeding silkworms once they attain 5 % maturity.

FLD- 22: Demonstration on the use of hand operated milking machine as labour saving technique Thrust area

Drudgery reduction



Yield gap (l/ animal/ day) District Potential Farmers average yield yield yield




Reasons for yield gap

*Higher drudgery *Unhygienic milk

Critical inputs to be provided Name & Cost Quantity (Rs./unit)

Manual Milking Machine

Demo cost

No. of farmers



Total budget required Rs. 3,000=00 Technology to be demonstrated Demonstration of hand operated milking machine, in comparison with hand milking

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


B. Oil seeds (KHARIF):23.Demonstration on seed treatment and nutrient management in groundnut Yield gap (q/ ha) Thrust area Crop District Potential Farmers Reasons for yield gap avg. yield yield yield Nutrient Groundnut 7.8 10 7.1 Non adoption of high management yielding variety Improper nutrient management Improper disease management

Critical inputs to be provided Area Cost Name & Quantity (ha) (kg/ha) Rs./unit 10 ha 110 kg – Seeds 40/kg 500 kg – Gypsum 2/kg 500 g – Rhizobium 0.2/g 500 g PSB 0.2/g

No. of farmers 25

Total budget required Rs. 56,000 =00 Technology to be demonstrated seed treatment with rhizobium/ PSB and Gypsum application

C. Pulses (KHARIF) :24. Demonstration of BRG-1 & 2 Redgram varieties Thrust area Improved variety

Yield gap (q/ unit ha ) Reasons for yield District Potential Farmers gap avg. yield yield yield Redgram 9.5 13 10.25 Non adoption of BRG-1 high yielding &2 variety Improper nutrient management Improper pest management Crop

Critical inputs to be provided Name & Cost Quantity (kg/ha) (Rs./ha) 40/kg 15 kg – BRG-1 15 kg – BRG-2 40/kg 500 g – Rhizobium 100/kg 500 ml – Chloropyriphos 750/L 15 No`s – Pheromone trap Rs.20 each 30 No`s – Lure Rs.11 each

Area (ha) 15 ha

No. of farmers 37

Total budget required Rs. 26,512 =00 Technology to be demonstrated: Demonstration of BRG-1 & 2 Redgram varieties

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


TABLE 5 Plan For Training Programmes For Extension Functionaries During 2010-11 Crop / Enterprise

Identified Thrust Area


No. of Courses

Training Course Title


Improved technologies

State government department of Sericulture

New technologies in sericulture


Animal Husbandry

Improved technologies

Veterinary officials

New technologies in animal nutrition and milk production


Skill to be transferred -Transplantation of saplings -Disinfection - Silkworm rearing -Cocoon grading - New fodder crops and varieties - Balanced nutrition - Use of milking machine

Total 4

Table 6: Plan of vocational training programmes for Young Farmers (Rural Youth) during 2010-11 Crop / Enterprise Water management Water management

Identified Thrust Area Indiscriminate use of water management Indiscriminate use of water management

Training title* Scaling up of water productivity Scaling up of water productivity

No. of programmes and Duration (days) 1 & 7 days 1 & 14 days

Skill to be transferred Application of irrigation water to crop at critical stage Application of irrigation water to crop at critical stage

Table 7: Plan of training programmes for farmers/farm women/ rural youth during 2010-11 Crop / Enterprise Paddy

Major problem Problematic soils Less use of organic

Identified Thrust Area Soil management Integrated nutrient management

Training Course Title* Soil sampling technique Green manuring and Compost preparation method


Micronutrient deficiency

Integrated nutrient management

Micronutrient management

Incidence of Hispa

Pest management

Hispa management in paddy

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

No. of Courses 4 2


Skill to be l transferred Sampling technique Composting Symptom identification, method of micro nutrient application Identification ETL, management techniques


Machine transplanting in paddy


Mechanical weed management in machine transplanted paddy Chemical weed management in transplanted paddy Value added products of finger millet Improved cultivation practices Importance of nutrient management using targeted yield approach Insitu sugarcane trash management Inter cropping in sugarcane


-Raising nursery -cutting and feeding of required sized mat to the machine -Use of mechanical weeders

Incidence of Blast

Disease management

Blast management in paddy


Mechanized paddy transplanting


Drum sowing of paddy


Non availability of labours for weeding

Weed management

Difficulty in manual weeding Limited knowledge on value added products Growing of old varieties

Weed management

Improper nutrient management


Using drum seeder

BPH management in paddy

Limited knowledge on raising seedling for machine transplanting



Pest management

Lower plant population/sq mt Lower plant population/sq mt

Finger millet


Identification ETL, method of chemical spary Identification of symptoms, management methedologies Using transplanting machine

Incidence of BPH

Value addition HYV Nutrient mng.

2 2

1 6 2 1

Non utilization of interspace between rows

Crop residue management Additional income generation

Improper spacing

Proper spacing

Wider row spacing in sugarcane


Bird menace

Pest management

Low cost technology for


Trash burning

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

2 1

-Time, quantity and method of weedicide application Method demonstration Season specific variety selection Achieving target yield

Mulching, Trichoderma application -Cultivation practices of different intercrops in sugarcane -Maintenance of plant population & intercultivation in sugarcane Use of technology


Bird menace

Pest management

Improper nutrient management Limited knowledge on use of gypsum

Nutrient management Nutrient management

Micronutrient deficiency

Nutrient management

Integrated nutrient management

Limited knowledge on forage crops

Forage crop cultivation

Importance of forage crops


Oats cultivation practices


Use of gall wasp tolerant Erythrina standards Pusa narangi cultivation practices Shashank cultivation practices Arka swaran cultivation practices


Symptom identification, method of micro nutrient application -Different types of forage crops -Improved forage crop cultivation practices Planting of Eryhrina


Cultivation practices


Cultivation practices


Cultivation practices Maintenance of proper plant population for quality yield in Okra - Mulberry pruning -Fertilizer and bio fertilizer application -Mulberry leaf harvesting -Chawki rearing

Sunflower Groundnut

Forage crops

Betel vine

Incidence of gall wasp

Pest management


Lower yield


China aster

Lower yield



Lower yield



preventing bird menace in maize Low cost technology for preventing bird menace in maize Integrated nutrient management in groundnut Importance of gypsum & soil amendments in groundnut

Use of high density seed


Use of technology


- Time, quantity and method of fertilizer application -Method of gypsum application



Proper spacing

Improved cultivation practices



Lower leaf yield

Mulberry leaf production

Advances in mulberry leaf production



Limited knowledge on

Quality cocoon

Innovations in silkworm


Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya



Animal husbandry

Home Science

silkworm rearing technologies



Non growing of improved varieties

High yielding varieties

Limited knowledge on pod borer management Limited knowledge on scientific storage Lack knowledge on improved fodder variety Unhygienic milk production

IPM on pod borer

Improved cultivation practices of BRG-1 and BRG-2 Use of pheromone traps


Pest management

Pest management

Scientific storage system


Method of seed storage


New fodder verities


Milking using machine


Use of serrated sickle


Value addition


Value addition


Value addition

Drudgery Low value for agriculture produce Low value for Horticulture produce

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Improved variety

Improved cultivation practices of fodder crop Drudgery reduction Manual operated milking machine for hygienic milk production Drudgery reduction Use of serrated sickle for paddy harvesting Value addition Value addition in ragi, maize & soybean Value addition Value addition in fruits and vegetables Post harvest preservation and processing Total



-Disinfection -Feeding silkworm -Identification of silkworm diseases -Cocoon harvesting Selection of varieties, method of seed treatment


Table 8. Plan for sponsored training programme during 2010-11 Crop / Enterprise

Identified thrust area


Training Title

Water management

Indiscriminate use of water management


Scaling up of water productivity

Water management

Indiscriminate use of water management


Scaling up of water productivity

All crops

Video conferencing


As per UAS(B)

Skill component involved Application of irrigation water to crop at critical stage Application of irrigation water to crop at critical stage Interaction with scientists Total

No. of Courses

Number of participants

Sponsoring Agency



Directorate of Extension, UAS, Bengaluru



Directorate of Extension, UAS, Bengaluru


25 for each



Table 9: Details of Extension programmes planned for 2010-11 Season



Block & village Mandya- Bevukallu, Kattedoddi, Devegowdana Doddi, Sathanuru, Yelechakanahalli, Karasavadi Maddur- Aluru, Ondalagere, Rudrakshipura Mallavalli- Halaguru, Kirugavalu Pandavapura- Sunkatannuru, Chittanahalli, Lakshmisagara, Melukote S.R.Patna- Gamanahalli, Goudahalli Nagamangala- Upparahalli, Halathi, Hosahalli K.R.Pet- Akki Hebbal, Hosa Holalu, Bharathipura, Ballekere, Koratagere, Bandaboganahalli Mandya- Bevukallu, Kattedoddi, Devegowdana Doddi, Sathanuru, Yelechakanahalli, Karasavadi Maddur- Aluru, Ondalagere, Rudrakshipura Mallavalli- Halaguru, Kirugavalu

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Extension programme - PRA exercise - Method Demonstrations - Field visits - Group discussion - Campaign -Exposure visits

Field day, Krishi mela,

Its relation to KVK activities FLD, OFT, FFS & Trainings

Expected category of participants Farmers, farm women and rural youth

FLD & Training

Farmers, farm women and rural youth

49 Pandavapura- Sunkatannuru, Chittanahalli, Lakshmisagara, Melukote S.R.Patna- Gamanahalli, Goudahalli Nagamangala- Upparahalli, Halathi, Hosahalli K.R.Pet- Akki Hebbal, Hosa Holalu, Bharathipura, Ballekere, Koratagere, Bandaboganahalli Mandya- Bevukallu, Kattedoddi, Devegowdana Doddi, Sathanuru, Yelechakanahalli, Karasavadi Maddur- Aluru, Ondalagere, Rudrakshipura Mallavalli- Halaguru, Kirugavalu Pandavapura- Sunkatannuru, Chittanahalli, Summer Lakshmisagara, Melukote S.R.Patna- Gamanahalli, Goudahalli Nagamangala- Upparahalli, Halathi, Hosahalli K.R.Pet- Akki Hebbal, Hosa Holalu, Bharathipura, Ballekere, Koratagere, Bandaboganahalli

Exposure visits, Seminars, Workshop, Camps

FFS, FLD & Trainings

Table 10: Details of print & electronic media coverage planned for 2010-11 Nature of literature/publications and no. of copies Proposed title of the publication Quarterly technical newsletter (500x4) Arambha Folders (1000 copies) Pest management in vegetables Cultivation practices of banana Use of ecdysen hormone for uniform maturation of silkworms Mechanized transfer of matured silkworms on to mountage Saline and alkali soil management Micro nutrient management Weed management in field crops Weed management in horticultural crops Hispa management in paddy BPH management in paddy Machine transplanting in paddy KVK intervention for sustainable agriculture Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Farmers, farm women and rural youth

50 Nature of media coverage Radio programme

Proposed title of the programme to be telecasted/ broadcast Use of ecdysen hormone for uniform maturation of silkworms Saline and alkali soil management Micro nutrient management Hispa management in paddy BPH management in paddy KVK intervention for sustainable agriculture Machine transplanting in paddy Cultivation practices of banana Pest management in vegetables Saline and alkali soil management Micro nutrient management Weed management in field crops Weed management in horticultural crops Manual operated milking machine Cultivation practices of flowers Vocational and on campus training schedule

TV programmes

Popular articles

News coverage

Table 11: Nature of collaborative activities planned for 2010-11 Nature of Activities Animal health camps

No.of Activities 02

Karanataka State Dept. of Agriculture

Training, Meeting, Seminar, campaign, workshop


Karanataka State Dept. of Horticulture

Training, Meeting, Seminar, campaign, workshop


Karanataka State Dept. of Sericulture

Training, Meeting, Seminar


Thrust area Livestock production and management IPM, INM Water management & alternate crops IPM, INM Water management & alternate crops IPM, INM Water management & alternate crops

Collaborating Organizations Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry Dept.

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

51 Value addition & additional income IPM in paddy

Dept. of Women & Child Development

Training, meeting





Table 12: Financial status of revolving fund and plan for its utilization Opening balance as on Expenditure incurred 01.04.2009 during 2009-10 1,84,970=00 6,09,957=00

Receipts during Closing balance as 200-2009-10 on 31.03.2010 4,77,387=00 52,400=00

Proposed expenditure during 2010-11 3,00,000=00

Proposed receipts during 2010-11 4,00,000=00

Table 13: Physical status of revolving fund and plan for its utilization Opening stock position of materials* as on 01.04.2009

Paddy- 600 kg Ragi- 15 kg Coconut Beans Cowpea Erythrina Baje

Quantity produced during 2009-10

200.7 q 28.3 q 23090 Nos. 100 kg 70 kg 2250 Nos.

Quantity sold during 2009-10

Closing stock position as on 31.03.2010

200.7 q 28.3 q 23090 Nos. 100 kg 70 kg 2250 Nos.

4000 Nos. 5000 Nos.

Expected production during 2010-11

Expected number of beneficiaries

200 q 15 29000 Nos. -


10,000 saplings


Table 14. Plan for utilization of Revolving Fund (2010-11) Amount to be invested (Rs.) 50,000=00 21,600=00 9,000=00 12,000=00

Purpose Seed production- paddy IR-30864 & Tanu Planting material of Acorus calamus Vegetables- Okra Vegetables-beans

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Expected production 48 q 20 q 6 ton 6 ton

Approximate value of the produce 86.400=00 36,000=00 18,000=00 24,000=00


Table 15: Status of KVK farm and Demonstration units Plot No.


6 & 13 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12 & 13

1 ha 4.8



Source of irrigation Canal/ pond Canal


Season All Kharif


Crop/enterprise/demonstration units Acorus calamus Paddy -Tanu

Size (no. of units/area) 1 ha 3.2

Expected output Quantity Value 20 q 36,000=00 32 q 57,600=00

Paddy 窶的R-30864 Vegetables- Okra Vegetables-beans

1.6 0.4 0.4

16 q 6 ton 6 ton

28,800=00 18,000=00 24,000=00

16 . Production and supply of seeds/ planting material/Bio-agents etc. in villages (other than KVK farm) Sl. No 1 2

Seeds/Planting material /Bio-agent Paddy Ragi

Name of the public-private partnership arranged UAS(B)- Farmers UAS(B)- Farmers

Quantity of output expected (Qtl) 500 q 250 q

17. The extent of cultivable wasteland in Mandya district: 41,955 ha out of 4,98,244 ha * * Project on utilization of waste land by cultivation of Amla is submitted for Rs. 10 lakhs. The same will be implemented after its sanction. 18. Activities planned under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) in Mandya for 2010-11 - Small nursery to develop planting materials of medicinal plants under national medicinal plant mission will be continued for 2010-11 (Rs. 3.5 lakhs) 19. Whether ATMA is functioning in your district? YES If yes, what type of coordination and collaboration does your KVK is proposed to have during 2010-11? Sl. Programme Nature of linkage Remarks No. SREP Preparation Compiled prepared by KVK Dr. Rajegowda SMS(Seri.) is the 1. Mandya SREP Co-ordinator 2. Training calendar preparation (02-03.07.09) Preparation of calendar Presented by Dr. Rajegowda Fine tuning of UAS Serisuvarna Practices of mulberry in semiProject-under Amount Rs. 1,20,000=00 3. irrigated and tail end command area implementation

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


4 5 6 7

Revival of betel vine garden affected with gall wasp- Ranibennur Taluk, Haveri Revival of betel vine garden affected with gall wasp- Harihara Taluk, Davanagere Revival of betel vine garden affected with gall waspChamarajanagar Bird prevention practices in sunflower Integrated Nutrient management for enhancing soil fertility and sustainability in paddy belt of Mandya

Project-under implementation Project-under implementation Project-under implementation Project-under implementation

Amount Rs. 50,000=00 Amount Rs. 50,000=00 Amount Rs. 5,38,600=00 Amount Rs. 1,10,000=00

Project- submitted for grants

Amount Rs. 1,28,460=00

If Yes, whether Strategic Research and Extension Planning (SREP) has been prepared? YES 20. What type of scientist-farmer linkages are proposed by your KVK for 2010-11? Bi- monthly meeting Krishimela Frontline demonstration On farm testing On & Off campus Diagnostic field visit VRC Sponsored trainings Farm field school Technology week 21. Activities of soil, water and plant testing laboratory No. samples planned to be analyzed and reported Year of Expenditure is Plant establishment Rs.(lakhs) soil water 15.07.2005



Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya



Remarks if any It is planned to analyze soil and plant samples of FLD and OFT plots and to prepare soil fertility map


Name of KVK KVK, Mandya

Year of establishment of lab 2005

Equipments available Digital conductivity meter Digital pH meter Physical balance Hot air oven Magnetic stirrer Top loading balance Rotory shaker Double glass distillation unit Macro block digestion system Automatic distilation system Acid neutrilizer scrubber Spectrophotometer Flame photometer Micro oven Micro scope Refrigerator Refrigerator Digital micro pipettes-one set pH meter Laminar Air flow Auto clave Eliza reader

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

No. of samples analyzed No. of (2009-2010) farmers benefited Soil Plant Water Others 453 30 2 359

Revenue realized (Rs) 8712

Target for 201011 500

Availability of chemicals & glass ware satisfactory or not Require chemicals and hot plate


22. Details of budget utilization (2009-10) Sl. No. 1 2 3 a b c d e f g h i j k

Particulars A. RECURRING CONTINGENCY Pay and allowances TA Contingency Stationary, Telephone, Postage & Other Expenditure On Office Running , Publication of Newspaper POL, Repair of Vehicles tractor & Equipments Meals & refreshment for trainees Training material Frontline Demonstration On farm testing Training of extension functionaries Library purchase of Journal, Newspaper & Magazines Building maintenance Extension activities Farmers field school Total (Contingency) Total (A) B.NON-RECURRING CONTINGENCIES Vehicles (Purchase of power Tiller) Total (B) Total (A+B)

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya


Released Expenditure

3100000 51000

3100000 51000

2944465 51000

220000 200000 105000 65000 153000 47000 10000 10000 30000 35000 25000 900000 4051000

220000 200000 105000 65000 153000 47000 10000 10000 30000 35000 25000 900000 4051000

219917 199715 104635 64987 152748 46620 6075 9840 29198 34954 24987 893676 3889141

150000 150000 4201000

150000 150000 4201000

150000 150000 4039141


23. Details of Budget Estimate (2010-11) Sl. No.


Particulars A. RECURRING CONTINGENCY Pay and allowances TA Contingency Stationary, Telephone, Postage & Other Expenditure On Office Running , Publication of Newspaper POL, Repair of Vehicles tractor & Equipments


Meals & refreshment for trainees

d e f g h i j

Training material Frontline Demonstration On farm testing Training of extension functionaries Library purchase of Journal, Newspaper & Magazines Building maintenance Extension activities


1 2

Farmers field school Total (Contingency) Total (A) B.NON-RECURRING CONTINGENCIES Works (Irrigation facility) Vehicles (Tractor trailor)


Library (Purchase of assets)

1 2 3 a

Total (B) Total (A+B)

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

Proposed (Rs.)


5037496 VI pay implementation 150000 Full staff strength & to attend review meetings 250000 Increased cost on all stationary items and electric charges 300000 Increased cost on fuels, repairs (> 5 years old vehicles), purchase of tractor drawn implements 125000 Increased number of training programmes & more participants during technology week. Request to increase the food expenses due to sharp increase in food price 75000 Increased cost 282960 As per need based proposal 154202 As per need based proposal 10000 10000 To subscribe local and national news paper & magazines 75000 To repair existing two sheds for storage purpose 75000 Increased activities under livestock production & technology week 45000 Increased cost on food & associated FFS materials 1402162 6589658 75000 To create perennial irrigation source 150000 Essential for transporting farm produces, critical inputs etc. 20000 To subscribe journals as per the decision at annual review workshop 245000 6834658


24. Targets for E-linkage activities for 2010 - 11 Sl. No 01 02 03 04 05

Nature of activities Final installation of E-Linkage facility Creation of web-site Development of Technological Models with modules in major disciplines Creation and maintenance of relevant database system for KVK Any other (Please specify)

Likely period of completion (please set the time frame) July 2010 September 2010 December2010

Remarks if any A regular computer programmer is required for effective E-linkage activity and also 24 hour power supply is required for operation

September 2010

25. Activities planned under Rainwater Harvesting Scheme during 2010-11 Sl. No 1 2

Activities planned during 2009-10 Common water outlet to KVK farm for an area of 5 ha Construction of farm pond

26. Please give details of activities planned, other than those listed above.-NIL

Action Plan for 2010-11 of KVK, Mandya

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