Details of IFSD Model Stake Holders, KVK, Mandya a) Chandrashekar.K. S/o Kalaiah.M.C Name Chandrashekar.K S/o Kalaiah.M.C Village B.Yarahalli, Age 47 Education B.A. Dry(ha) Land Holding Wet(ha) 1.6 Irrigation Canal, Bore well Existing Yield gaps / Description Critical Intervention proposed crops constraints I) Field crops Paddy 58 1. Composting, Biodigester, Vermicompost, Chaff cutter II) Horticulture 2. Animal Component: Sheep crops rearing, Rabbitery, III) Plantation Sugarcane Poultry(Swarnadara /Kaveri-25) , 140 crops Ornamental fish production IV) Others Sericulture 980 Kg/ 100 3. Azolla production (Mulberry) DFLs 4. Nutrition garden: Guava, Chikku, Mango, Papaya, Custard apple, Ramapala, Drum stick, Pomegranate, Jack , Lemon, Goose berry, Amla, Orange, Fig & Vegetable production 5. Medicinal plants: Stevia & others 6. Sericulture: Deflossing unit(Machine operated) 7. Agro forestry - Melia plants-25 8. Poly house – 80x80 ft TOTAL
Interventions taken
Amount Required
1.Established nutrition garden 2.Medicinal plants 3.Agro forestry 4.Animal componentRearing Swarnadhara chicks-110 no. 5.Coconut plants: 20 Nos. 6.Sanitation kit for silkworm rearing 7.Introduced high yielding variety in paddy and critical inputs 8.Fodder crop ( Co3)
1. Bee Keeping 3,000 3. Bio digester 18000 4.Azolla production unit- 2000
b) Ananda.K.B. S/o Bommaiah Name Ananda.K.B., S/o Bommaiah Village Kattedoddi Age 29 Education SSLC Dry(ha) Land Holding Wet(ha) 2.0 Irrigation Canal, Bore well Yield gaps / Description Existing crops Critical Intervention proposed constraints I) Field crops Paddy, Ragi 35 1. Nutrition garden: Guava, Chikku, Mango, Papaya, II) Horticulture Custard apple, Ramapala, Drum crops stick, Pomegranate, Jack , III) Plantation Lemon, Goose berry, Amla, Sugarcane 85 crops Orange, Fig, Curry leaf &Vegetable production 2. Sericulture: Deflossing unit, Rotary mountages 3. Animal component: Poultry 300 Kg/ 100 (Swarnadar) IV) Others Sericulture DFLs 4. Agro forestry: Inter cropping in Teak 5. Fodder crop ( Co3) 6. Composting 7. Azolla production TOTAL c). Shivaramu.S. S/o Siddalingaiah Name Shivaramu.S. S/o Siddalingaiah Village Mallaiahnadoddi Age 43 Education PUC Dry(ha) 0.4 Land Holding Wet(ha) 1.22
Interventions taken
Amount Required
1.Established nutrition garden 2.Medicinal plants 3.Animal componentsheep- 2 no. 4.Swarnadhara chicks-90 No. 5.Sanitation kit for silkworm rearing 6.Introduced high yielding varity in Paddy, Ragi and critical inputs 7.Fodder crop ( Co3) 8.Azolla production unit 23,250
1. Agro forestry 2000 2. cocoon mountages - 11,000 3. Composting-4000
Existing crops
I) Field crops II) Horticulture crops III) Plantation crops
Paddy, Ragi
IV) Others
Yield gaps / constraints 40
Guava, Mango, Tomato
75 Kg/ 100 DFLs
Critical Intervention proposed
Interventions taken
1. Fish production 2. Nutrition garden: Guava, Chikku, Mango, Papaya, Custard apple, Ramapala, Drum stick, Pomegranate, Jack , Lemon, Goose berry, Amla, Orange, Fig, Curry leaf &Vegetable production 3. Agro forestry -Melia plants-25 4. Azolla production 5. Floriculture :Crosendra(0.5ac) 6. Bio-agent: Trichoderma production technology 7. Chaff cutter 8. Animal component: improved male sheep breed, Poultry(Swarnadara 1 unit) 9. Sericulture: Deflossing unit
1. Established nutrition garden 2. Medicinal plants 3. Animal componentSheep- 2 No. 4. Swarnadhara chicks90 No. 5. Up scaling of vermi compost production, labeling and marketing 6. Sanitation kit for silkworm rearing 7. Introduced high yeilding varity in Paddy and critical inputs 8. Fodder crop ( Co3) 9. Azolla production unit
TOTAL d). Chikkalingaiah. T.G S/o Gadegowda Name Chikkalingaiag. T.G S/o Gadegowda Village Jayapura Age 60 Education SSLC Dry(ha) Land Holding Wet(ha) 1.6 Irrigation Canal, Borewell Yield gaps / Description Existing crops Critical Intervention proposed constraints I) Field crops Paddy, Ragi 25 q/ac 1. Rose cultivation
Interventions taken 1.Established nutrition
Amount Required 1. Fish production 1000 2. Trichoderma production unit16,000
Amount Required 1.Rose cultivation-5000
II) Horticulture crops III) Plantation crops
IV) Others
Veg: Beans, Brinjal, Ridge guard etc..
2. Composting & vermicomposting 3. Azolla production 4. Animal component: Poultry (Swarnadara- 1 unit), sheep 5. Agro- forestry: Teak/ Melia 30 6. Nutrition garden: Guava, Chikku, Mango, Papaya, Custard apple, Ramapala, Drum stick, Pomegranate, Jack , Lemon, Goose berry, Amla, Orange, Fig, Curry leaf &Vegetable production
TOTAL e) Channaiah.M.C S/o Chanappa Name Channaiah.M.C S/o Chanappa Village Mariyanadoddi Age 52 Education BA Land Dry(ha) 0.4 Holdin Wet(ha) 3.0 g Irrigation Canal Descriptio Yield gaps / Existing crops Critical Intervention proposed n constraints I) Field 1. Fish production on large scale Paddy, Ragi 25 q/ac crops 2. Drum stick – 400 plants II) Veg: Beans, 3. Plantation crop - Coffee-200 Horticultur Brinjal, Ridge plants e crops guard etc.. 4. Composting 5. Sericulture: Defolssing unit III) 6. Nutrition garden: Guava, Plantation Sugarcane Chikku, Mango, Papaya, crops
garden 2.Animal componentsheep – 2 No. 3.Swarnadhara chicks – 70 No. 4.Introduced high yeilding varity in Paddy and critical inputs 5.Biofertilizers like Tricoderma and Pesudomonous Fodder crop ( Co3) 15,616
2. vegetables production-5,000 3. Banana seedlings9,000 3. Azolla unit-2000 4. Compost pit-4000
Interventions taken
Amount Required
1. Established nutrition garden 2. Medicinal plants 3. polyculture of fish production 4. Agro forestry 5. Animal component- sheep2 No.
1.Azolla production 2000 2.Plantation crop Coffee-200 plants4000 3.Composting-4000
IV) Others
Custard apple, Ramapala, Drum stick, Pomegranate, Jack , Lemon, Goose berry, Amla, Orange, Fig, Curry leaf &Vegetable production
TOTAL f) Somashekar S/o Honappa Name Somashekar S/o Honappa Village Machahalli Age 32 Education PUC Dry(ha) 0.2 Land Holding Wet(ha) 1.00 Irrigation Bore well Yield gaps / Description Existing crops constraints I) Field crops II) Horticulture crops III) Plantation crops
IV) Others
Ragi Banana, Custard apple, Jack
Critical Intervention proposed 1. Composting 2. Azolla production 3. Nutrition garden 4. Animal component: Improved Goat breed 5. Agro forestry: Melia plants 6. Sericulture: Defolssing unit 7. Apiculture unit 8. Improved fodder crop 9. Pepper production
6. Swarnadhara chicks- 25 No. 7. Coconut palms: 25 Nos. all along fish pond bund 8. Sanitation kit for silkworm rearing 9. Introduced high yielding variety in Paddy and critical inputs 9.Fodder crop ( Co3) 21,000
Interventions taken 1. Nutrition garden: Guava, Chikku, Mango, Papaya, Custard apple, Ramapala, Drum stick, Pomegranate, Jack , Lemon, Goose berry, Amla, Orange, Fig, Curry leaf &Vegetable production 2. Animal component: Improved sheep breed- 2 No. 3. Introduced high yielding variety in Paddy Ragi and critical inputs 4. Fodder crop ( Co3)
4.cocoon mountages 8000
Amount Required 1.composting -4000 2.Agro- forestry: Teak/ Melia -30 – 2000 3. Apiculture unit - 3000 4. Sanitation kit- 8000
5. cocoon montages - 10000
g) Anandkumar. C.N S/o Narasimhegowda Name Anandkumar C .N S/o Narasimhegowda Village Uligere Age 35 Education S.S.L.C Dry(ha) 8 Land Holding Garden(ha) 4 Irrigation Descripti on I) Field crops II) Horticult ure crops III) Plantatio n crops IV) Others
Borewell-6, Check dam Yield gaps / Critical Intervention Existing crops constraints proposed Paddy, Ragi,
Coconut and mango arched
1. Composting 2. Azolla production 3. Nutrition garden. 4. Animal component: Improved goat and sheep breed, Poultry(Swarnadara /Kaveri-25) , Ornamental fish production 5. Improved fodder crop
h) Siddegowda . s/o, C. Nagappa Name Siddegowda . s/o, C. Nagappas Village Kattedoddi Age 31 Education PUC Dry(ha) 0.20 Land Holding Wet(ha) 0.90
Interventions taken
Amount Required
1. Introduction of high yielding ragi variety MR6 2. Introduction of high yielding Paddy variety MTU-1001 and critical inputs. 3. Sanitation kit for silkworm rearing 4. Backyard poultry – Swarnadara birds- 50 No..
1. Increasing mulberry area – 9000 2. Scientific composting 4000
3. Azolla production-2000 4. . cocoon montages – 12,000
Irrigation Description
Borewell Existing crops
I) Field crops Paddy, Ragi, II) Veg: Tomato, Horticulture Bendi crops III) Plantation Sugarcane crops
IV) Others
Yield gaps / constraints -
Critical Intervention proposed
1. Composting 2. Azolla production 3. Nutrition garden 4. Animal component: Improved sheep breed, Poultry(Swarnadara /Kaveri-25) 5. Agro forestry: Melia plants 6. Sericulture: Defolssing unit 7. Apiculture unit
Interventions taken
Amount Required
1. Animal component: Improved sheep breed -2 No. 2. Sanitation kit for silkworm rearing 3. Introduced high yielding variety in Paddy, Ragi and critical inputs 4. Swarnadara chicks60 No. 5. Fodder crop ( Co3) 21,500
1.Azolla production unit-2000 2.Compost unit-4000 3.Mulberry production-7000 4.Nutrition garden-1000 5. Melia plants-2000 6.Apiculture unit-3000
i) Kariyappa .M, s/o Muddegowda Name Village Age Education Dry(ha) Land Holding Wet(ha) Irrigation Description I) Field crops II) Horticulture crops
Kariyappa. M, s/o Muddegowda Thirumalapura 64 3rd standard 0.15 0.70
Existing crops
Yield gaps / constraints
Ragi Tomato, Beans
Critical Intervention proposed 1. Composting 2. Azolla production 3. Nutrition garden: Guava, Chikku, Mango, Papaya, Custard apple, Ramapala, Drum stick,
Interventions taken 1. Introduced high yeilding varity in Ragi and critical inputss 2. Animal
Amount Required 1. 2. 3. 4.
Compost unit-4000 Melia plants-3000 Apiculture unit-3000 vegetables production-11,000
III) Plantation crops
IV) Others
Pomegranate, Jack , Lemon, Goose berry, Amla, Orange, Fig, Curry leaf &Vegetable production 4. Animal component: Improved sheep and goat breed, Poultry (Swarnadara /Kaveri-25) 5. Agro forestry: Melia plants 6. Apiculture unit
TOTAL j) Gurumallesh . B. s/o, Basavaraju Name Gurumallesh . B. s/o, Basavaraju Village Mallenahalli Age 26 Education PUC Land Dry(ha) 0.8 Holdin Wet(ha) 1.8 g Irrigation Borewell, open well Existing Yield gaps / Description Critical Intervention proposed crops constraints I) Field 1. Composting Paddy crops 2. Azolla production 3. Nutrition garden: Guava, Chikku, Veg: Tomato, Mango, Papaya, Custard apple, Potato, pole II) Ramapala, Drum stick, bean,Greens Pest and Horticulture Pomegranate, Jack , Lemon, Goose disease Flowers: crops berry, Amla, Orange, Fig, Curry leaf chrysanthamu &Vegetable production m, buttons
component: Improved sheep breed- 2 No. and Swarnadara chicks-100 No. 3. Biofertilizers like Tricoderma and Pesudomonou 4. Fodder crop ( Co3) 5. Azolla production unit 17,500
Interventions taken 1. Introduced high yeilding varity in Paddy and critical inputs 2. Biofertilizers like Tricoderma and Pesudomonous 3. Animal component:
Amount Required 1. Azolla production unit-2000 2. Compost unit-4000 3. Nutrition garden6000 4. Melia plants-3000 5. Apiculture unit-3000 6. vegetables
III) Plantation crops
IV) Others
4. Animal component: Improved sheep and goat breed, Poultry (Swarnadara /Kaveri-25) 5. Agro forestry: Melia plants Apiculture unit
Improved sheep breed – 2 No. 4. Coconut seedlings-25 No. Fodder crop ( Co3)