Akshaya Chinnaraju _ Portfolio

Page 24

Res c hoolICompet i t i onwor k

04IRes chool Vol umeZ er omi cr ohous i ng compet i t i on2017 Compet i t i ondes i gn-10t hs emes t er20192020 Dur at i on-1mont h

T heeducat i onal pr ogr ammeadopt edi sRegi a Emi l i a,acur r i cul um whi chdoesnotconf i net o f ourwal l s ,cr eat i ngahaml etwi t hi n,r ef er i ngt o domesass et t l ement s ,cor r i dor sass t r eet sand modul ars pacesascommuni t yar east opr ovi de envi r onment al ex pos ur et ot heki ds

T hemodul esar eus edasmul t i f unct i onal s pacet hatcoul dactasmar kets pace, f orcommuni t ygat her i ngsand,coul dbe f ol dedi nt ous abl edes ks .


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