We create extraordinary acoustic solutions with visual meaning
Content 02 Akuart The way we resonate Our approach
08 Product Collection On The Wall Stand By Me Shelter Me Above You Hang With Me I Got Your Back Sound & Vision
46 Design Options The gallery Colors & textures Visual meaning Graphic production
Akuart The way we resonate AKUART was founded in 2006 with the ambition to create extraordinary acoustic solutions with a strong visual appeal. This is still the company’s main aspiration today. Through a strong dedication to functionality and aesthetics AKUART strives to make good acoustic design available to the largest possible audience. What started out as acoustic wall art has now developed into a full range of customizable acoustic products with a changeable canvas and an extensive collection of artwork including photography, art, graphics, colors, textures, signage and more. Enjoy the silence!
Extraordinary acoustic solutions with a visual meaning
Our approach When it comes to designing acoustic solutions, we have an uncompromising attitude. We strive to make every aspect of our solutions functional, flexible, meaningful and interestingly pleasant and subtle.
5 5
Superior acoustics
Superb print quality
Replaceable canvas
We have tailor made the
At AKUART we are serious
AKUART offers a unique and
All AKUART products are easy
acoustic properties of our
about print quality because we
sustainable way of securing
to clean and disinfect. They
products to secure optimal
understand that an AKUART
that the design of an AKUART
can withstand daily dusting,
surroundings for speaking
product is neither better nor
product never goes out
vacuuming and wiping with a
and listening. We have
worse than the print quality on
of style. All products are
semi wet cloth with the use of
specifically designed them to
the canvas. As a consequence
equipped with a handtag that
universal cleaning products.
optimize the absorption of
we use a special canvas with a
makes it possible to pull off the
They also endure the use of
sound in a broad frequency
unique weaving that secures
canvas and replace it with a
anti bacterial spray/wipes and
range, from 125 to 4.000 Hz.
the best dye sublimation
brand new canvas design. The
alcohol/chlorine based cleaning
The efficiency of all AKUART
print quality for textile/fabric
replaceable canvas also makes
products without affecting the
products have been tested
printing on the market. On
it possible to keep your canvas
print. As an add on it is even
according to ISO 354 by third
top of that we have a skilled
neat and clean as it can be
possible to machine wash the
party acoustic engineers in a
graphic production team that
machine washed.
canvas frequently at 90 degrees
sound engineering laboratory
masters the art of optimizing
celsius as we do not impregnate
at the Technical University of
image files as well as setting
our canvas with fire retardant
Denmark. AKUART products
them up for print.
chemicals in order to achieve
are classified in the highest
high fire resistance properties.
absorption class A. This also
The fire resistance is “built in� on
includes products directly
a molecular level which means
mounted on wall surfaces.
that the fire resistance will maintain even when the canvas is machine washed repeatedly.
Customizable design
Sustainable production
Fast delivery
Easy installation
When it comes to product
For us it is a main principle
Whether you place a standard
All AKUART products come
design we are strong
that our production strains the
order or a custom order the
fully assembled ready to
believers of functionality and
environment as little as possible
delivery time is mainly the
mount. They are designed
flexibility. As a consequence
as well as securing transparency
same. Our production team
with a simple installation
all AKUART products are fully
when it comes to how our
is a skilled and flexible unit
system, which ensures a
customizable in terms of size,
products affect the environment
that manages custom orders
fast, efficient and flexible
color, integration and visual
and what we do to reduce the
at the same speed as regular
installation. Oversize formats
expression. The printed canvas
environmental impact. We
ones. This means that you do
can even be delivered fully
gives you unlimited options in
use both PET based acoustic
not have to wait a long time
assembled in sizes up til 400
terms of design. Get inspired
materials made from 100%
to receive your AKUART order
cm / 157,5� if required.
in the unique AKUART gallery
recycled plastic bottles and
even if the products are
or choose your own personal
glass wool acoustic materials
custom made for a certain
artwork to go on the canvas.
made of 3rd generation glass
project. Our standard delivery
wool containing more than 70%
time is 10-14 work days from
recycled glass and a plant-based
order confirmation.
binder. Our packaging is made from 100% recycled materials and our production facilities are powered partly by solar energy.
Product Collection
A KU A RT On T he W all 6 0
On The Wall 60 Superior broad range wall absorption On The Wall 60 is a highly effective broad frequency range wall absorber that prevents unwanted sound from being reflected from wall surfaces. It offers a complete freedom to make your own designs and it is just as flexible as it is functional. It stands out by its replaceable printed canvas. Frame colors / Finishes
RAL 9003
RAL 9011
RAL 7021
RAL 7004
Sound absorption Test results according to EN ISO 354 Sound absorption class:
Absorption coefficient ( Îąw):
Class A 0.95
NRC: 0.90
A KU A R T O n T h e Wal l 6 0 - c o r ne r r e inf or c e m e nt
On The Wall 60 sizes Standard On The Wall 60 comes in 8 standard sizes which can be ordered in both portrait or landscape format.
Length: De pth: H e ight:
61, 3 cm / 24, 13” 6 cm / 2. 36” 61, 3 cm / 24, 13”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
1 2 0 ,9 c m / 4 7 . 6 0 ” 6 cm / 2.36” 1 2 0 ,9 c m / 4 7 . 6 0 ”
Le ngth: Depth: He ight:
61, 3 cm / 24, 13” 6 cm / 2. 36” 120, 9 cm / 47. 60”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
1 2 0 ,9 c m / 4 7 . 6 0 ” 6 cm / 2.36” 150 cm / 59.06”
Le ngth: Depth: He ight:
80 cm / 31, 50” 6 cm / 2. 36” 120, 9 cm / 47. 60”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
1 2 0 ,9 c m / 4 7 . 6 0 ” 6 cm / 2.36” 180 cm / 70.87”
Le ngth: Depth: He ight:
101, 1 cm / 39, 80” 6 cm / 2. 36” 151, 1 cm / 59, 49”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
1 2 0 ,9 c m / 4 7 . 6 0 ” 6 cm / 2.36” 240 cm / 94.49”
Custom Min. height: 20 cm / 7,87” - Max. height: 300 cm / 118,11” Min. length: 20 cm / 7,87” - Max. length: No limitations (Frame profiles can be infinitely extended in length with connector fittings)
A KU A R T O n T h e W a l l 6 0 c a n vas pull o f f 12
On The Wall 36 The slim mid & high frequency absorber On t he Wa ll 3 6 i s a h i g h i m p ac t m i d an d hi g h f r e que nc y r a ng e wa l l a bsor be r t ha t pr e ve nt s unwa nt ed so u n d f r o m b e i n g r e f l e c t e d f r om wa l l sur f a c e s. I t i s f ul l y c ust omi za bl e a nd it sha res t he c o m p l e te f r e e d o m to m a ke y our own de si g ns a s t he r e st of t he A K UA RT collect ion. I t i s as f l e x i b l e as i t i s f u nc t i ona l a nd st a nds out by i t s r e pl a c e a bl e pr i nt e d ca nv a s. Frame colors / Finishes
RAL 9003
RAL 9011
RAL 7021
RAL 7004
Sound absorption Test results according to ISO 354 Sound absorption class:
Absorption coefficient ( αw):
Class C 0.6
NRC: 0.8
A KU A RT St an d by me i n s ho wr oo m
On The Wall 36 sizes Standard On The Wall 36 comes in 8 standard sizes which can be ordered in both portrait or landscape
Length: D epth: Height:
61, 3 cm / 24, 13” 3, 6 cm / 1. 42” 61, 3 cm / 24, 13”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
1 2 0 ,9 c m / 4 7 . 6 0 ” 3 ,6 c m / 1 . 4 2 ” 1 2 0 ,9 c m / 4 7 . 6 0 ”
L ength: De pth: Height:
61, 3 cm / 24, 13” 3, 6 cm / 1. 42” 120, 9 cm / 47. 60”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
1 2 0 ,9 c m / 4 7 . 6 0 ” 3 ,6 c m / 1 . 4 2 ” 150 cm / 59.06”
L ength: De pth: Height:
80 cm / 31, 50” 3, 6 cm / 1. 42” 120, 9 cm / 47. 60”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
1 2 0 ,9 c m / 4 7 . 6 0 ” 3 ,6 c m / 1 . 4 2 ” 180 cm / 70.87”
L ength: De pth: Height:
101, 1 cm / 39, 80” 3, 6 cm / 1. 42” 151, 1 cm / 59, 49”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
1 2 0 ,9 c m / 4 7 . 6 0 ” 3 ,6 c m / 1 . 4 2 ” 240 cm / 94.49”
Custom Min. height: 20 cm / 7,87” - Max. height: 300 cm / 118,11” Min. length: 20 cm / 7,87” - Max. length: No limitations (Frame profiles can be infinitely extended in length with connector fittings)
A KU A R T O n T h e Wal l 3 6 - s lim f r am e
A KU A R T O n T h e W a l l 3 6 re p l a c e a b l e c anvas 16
Stand By Me The effective floor screen that guards you from noise Stand By Me is an effective fully customizable acoustic floor screen that keeps you safe and sound from noisy environments. It is perfect for separation between workstation groups and has a high degree of functionality. The floor screen comes with 3 different types of feet/bases and a complete freedom of design. It specifically stands out by its replaceable printed front and backside canvases. Frame colors / Finishes
RAL 9003
RAL 9011
RAL 7021
RAL 7004
Sound absorption (material) Test results according to ISO 354 Sound absorption class:
Absorption coefficient ( Îąw):
Class A 0.95
NRC: 0.90 Sound level reduction Test results according to ISO 10053 Sound level reduction [dB] at distance 1.5 m / 4.92 ft: 8 dB
A KU A RT St an d By M e i n s ho wr oo m
Stand By Me sizes Standard Stand By Me is available in 4 different heights and 8 different widths. W idth: Depth: He ight:
80 cm / 31. 49” 6 cm / 2. 36” 120 cm , 150 cm , 180 cm , 20 0 c m / 4 7 . 2 4 ” , 5 9 . 0 5 ” , 7 0 . 8 6 ” , 7 8 . 7 4 ”
Width: De pth: H e ight:
120 cm / 47. 24” 6 cm / 2. 36” 120 cm , 150 cm , 180 cm , 20 0 c m / 4 7 . 2 4 ” , 5 9 . 0 5 ” , 7 0 . 8 6 ” , 7 8 . 7 4 ”
Width: De pth: H e ight:
130 cm / 51. 18” 6 cm / 2. 36” 120 cm , 150 cm , 180 cm , 20 0 c m / 4 7 . 2 4 ” , 5 9 . 0 5 ” , 7 0 . 8 6 ” , 7 8 . 7 4 ”
Width: De pth: H e ight:
140 cm / 55. 11” 6 cm / 2. 36” 120 cm , 150 cm , 180 cm , 20 0 c m / 4 7 . 2 4 ” , 5 9 . 0 5 ” , 7 0 . 8 6 ” , 7 8 . 7 4 ”
W idth: Depth: He ight:
150 cm / 59. 05” 6 cm / 2. 36” 120 cm , 150 cm , 180 cm , 20 0 c m / 4 7 . 2 4 ” , 5 9 . 0 5 ” , 7 0 . 8 6 ” , 7 8 . 7 4 ”
W idth: Depth: He ight:
160 cm / 62. 99” 6 cm / 2. 36” 120 cm , 150 cm , 180 cm , 20 0 c m / 4 7 . 2 4 ” , 5 9 . 0 5 ” , 7 0 . 8 6 ” , 7 8 . 7 4 ”
W idth: Depth: He ight:
180 cm / 70. 86” 6 cm / 2. 36” 120 cm , 150 cm , 180 cm , 20 0 c m / 4 7 . 2 4 ” , 5 9 . 0 5 ” , 7 0 . 8 6 ” , 7 8 . 7 4 ”
W idth: Depth: He ight:
200 cm / 78. 74” 6 cm / 2. 36” 120 cm , 150 cm , 180 cm , 20 0 c m / 4 7 . 2 4 ” , 5 9 . 0 5 ” , 7 0 . 8 6 ” , 7 8 . 7 4 ”
Custom Max. height: 200 cm / 78.74” Max. width: 270 cm / 106.29”
A KU A R T S t a n d B y M e bas es
A KU A R T St an d B y M e - c anvas pull o f f
A KU A RT Sh e lte r Me in s how ro o m
Shelter Me The perfect shield from noisy office life Shelter me is an efficient and beautiful shield from the hustle and bustle of everyday office life. As part of the AKUART acoustic screen family this desk screen shares the same acoustic characteristics and complete freedom to make your own designs as the rest of the AKUART collection. Shelter Me stands out by its adjustable clamp mounts and changeable printed front and backside canvases. Frame colors / Finishes
RAL 9003
RAL 9011
RAL 7021
RAL 7004
Sound absorption (material) Test results according to ISO 354 Sound absorption class:
Absorption coefficient ( Îąw):
Class A 0.95
NRC: 0.9 Sound absorption area Test results according to ISO 354 1/1-frequency band (approx.) 1m 2
125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz
2 kHz
4 kHz
Sound level reduction Test results according to ISO 10053 Sound level reduction [dB] at distance 0.80 m / 2.62 ft: 7dB
A KU AR T S he lt er M e c anv as pul l o f f
AKU ART Sh el ter Me w i th si g n ag e p r i n t
Shelter Me sizes Standard L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
120 cm / 47.24” 5 c m/ 1 . 9 7 ” 65 cm / 25.59”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
130 cm / 51.18” 5 CM / 1 . 9 7 ” 6 5 CM / 2 5 . 5 9 ”
L e ngt h : De p t h: H e i ght :
140 cm / 55.12” 5 cm / 1.97” 65 cm / 25.59”
L e ngt h : De p t h: H e i ght :
150 cm / 59.05” 5 cm / 1.97” 65 cm / 25.59”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
160 cm / 62.99” 5 cm / 1.97” 65 cm / 25.59”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
180 cm / 70.87” 5 cm / 1.97” 65 cm / 25.59”
L e ngt h: De p t h: H e i ght :
200 cm / 78.74” 5 cm / 1.97” 65 cm / 25.59”
Custom Max. length: 270 cm / 106.29” Max. height: 100 cm / 39.37”
Above You A heavenly well balanced acoustic ceiling panel Above You is a high performance and fully customizable wire suspended acoustic ceiling panel that prevents unwanted sound being reflected from above. It is perfect for creating acoustic zones (e.g. in lounges, working areas) and shares the same acoustic features and complete freedom to make your own designs as the rest of the AKUART collection. It is as flexible as it is functional and stands out by its replaceable printed canvas. Frame colors / Finishes
RAL 9003
RAL 9011
RAL 7021
RAL 7004
Sound absorption Test results according to EN ISO 354 Sound absorption class:
Absorption coefficient ( Îąw):
Class A 0.95
NRC: 0.90
A KU A RT A b ove Yo u
A KU A R T A b ove Y ou m o unt c lo s e up
Above You sizes Standard Above You comes in 10 standard sizes. Le ngth: W idth: He ight:
140 cm / 55. 12” 80 cm / 31. 50” 6 cm / 2. 36”
L e ngt h: Wi d t h: De p t h:
140 cm / 55.12” 121 cm / 47.6” 6 cm / 2.36”
Le ngth: W idth: He ight:
150 cm / 59. 06” 80 cm / 31. 50” 6 cm / 2. 36”
L e ngt h: Wi d t h: De p t h:
150 cm / 59.06” 121 cm / 47.6” 6 cm / 2.36”
Le ngth: W idth: He ight:
160 cm / 63. 00” 80 cm / 31. 50” 6 cm / 2. 36”
L e ngt h: Wi d t h: De p t h:
160 cm / 63.00” 121 cm / 47.6” 6 cm / 2.36”
Le ngth: W idth: He ight:
180 cm / 70. 87” 80 cm / 31. 50” 6 cm / 2. 36”
L e ngt h: Wi d t h: De p t h:
180 cm / 70.87” 121 cm / 47.6” 6 cm / 2.36”
Le ngth: W idth: He ight:
200 cm / 78. 74” 80 cm / 31. 50” 6 cm / 2. 36”
L e ngt h: Wi d t h: De p t h:
200 cm / 78.74” 121 cm / 47.6” 6 cm / 2.36”
Cust om Min. width: 60 cm / 23. 62” - M ax. w i d th : 1 2 0 c m / 4 7 . 2 4 ” Min. length: 60 cm / 23. 62” - M ax. l e n g th : 2 7 0 c m / 1 0 6 . 3 0 ”
A KU A R T A bo ve Yo u i n s ho w ro o m
A KU A RT Ha n g Wit h Me - B Ser ies
Hang With Me The natural choice to create acoustic sanctuaries Hang With Me are suspended acoustic panels with a replaceable printed canvas on both front and back side. They are characterized by combining high acoustic functionality with a simple but strong graphic design outline. It is possible to configure the suspended panels as needed to fit any interior decor possible. This makes Hang With Me a natural choice when creating acoustic zones in the open work space. It stands out by it’s changeable printed front and backside canvases. Frame colors / Finishes
RAL 9003
RAL 9011
RAL 7021
RAL 7004
Sound absorption (material) Test results according to ISO 354 Sound absorption class:
Absorption coefficient ( Îąw):
Class A 0.95
NRC: 0.90
Hang With Me sizes Standard Configure Hang With Me with the predefined 5 “building blocks” all 61 cm / 24.02” in width. Choose between 5 different heights ranging from 46 cm / 18.11” to 254 cm / 100”.
“150” medium
“46” 1,5 5 m2 61 x 254
1,2 3m2 6
61 x 202
0,92 m2 6
61 x 150
0,28 m2
0,60 m2 6
61 x 98
Width: 61 cm
61 x 46
Custom When choosing Hang With Me you are free to configure the suspended acoustic panels as you want. Min. height: 20 cm / 7,87” - Max. height: 300 cm / 118,11” Min. length: 20 cm / 7,87” - Max. length: 600 cm / 236,22”
A KU A R T Han g Wit h M e - r epl ac eab le c an vas
A KU ART Ha ng Wi th Me - i n fr o n t o f g l ass w al l
P r edefin ed c o nf i g ura t i o ns
Hang With Me offers predefined configurations in the form of three different series ranging from a total height of A: 150 cm / 59.06”, B: 202 cm / 79.53” and C: 254 cm / 100”. Each series consists of different combinations that can be freely configured as needed.
S e ri e s A
A1 0,92 m2
A2 0,88 m2
A3 0,88 m2
A4 0,84 m2
S e ri e s B
B1 1,23 m2
B2 1,20 m2
B3 1,20 m2
B4 1,20 m2
B5 1,16m2
B6 1,16m2
B7 1,16m2
B8 1,12m2
Se rie s C
C1 1,55 m2
C2 1,52 m2
C3 1,52 m2
C4 1,52 m2
C5 1,52 m2
C6 1,48 m2
C7 1,48 m2
C8 1,48 m2
C9 1,48 m2
C10 1,48 m2
C11 1,48 m2
C12 1,44 m2
C13 1,44 m2
C14 1,44 m2
C15 1,44 m2
C16 1,40 m2
I Got Your Back High impact acoustic panels for shelving systems I Got Your Back is a customizable acoustic panel that is designed to go on the back or sides of freestanding shelving systems. It is a clever and cost efficient way to integrate acoustics in the open office space using the existing interior. I Got Your Back has superior acoustic characteristics and a complete freedom to make personalized designs. The shelving system panels stand out by their replaceable printed front and backside canvases. Frame colors / Finishes
RAL 9003
RAL 9011
RAL 7021
RAL 7004
Sound absorption (material) Test results according to ISO 354 Sound absorption class:
Absorption coefficient ( Îąw):
Class A 0.95
NRC: 0.9 Sound absorption area Test results according to ISO 354 1/1-frequency band (approx.) 1m
125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz
2 kHz
4 kHz
Sound level reduction Test results according to ISO 10053 Sound level reduction [dB] at distance 0.80 m / 2.62 ft: 7dB
A KU A RT I Go t Y o ur Ba c k - o n H A Y New Or d er s helvi ng s ys t e m
I Got Your Back sizes Custom I Got Your Back offers format flexibility. Depth: 50 mm /1.97” Min. height: 20 cm / 7,87” Max. height: 300 cm / 118,11” Min. length: 20 cm / 7,87” Max. length: No limitations (Frame profiles can be infinitely extended in length with connector fittings).
A KU A R T I G o t Yo u r B a ck On H A Y N e w Ord e r s helving s ys t em
A KUA R T So un d & Vis ion - M oni t or int eg r at i on
Sound & Vision The acoustic champion of meeting rooms Sound & Vision is an effective and fully customizable wall absorber that allows easy monitor integration thus killing two birds with one stone using the same wall space for both acoustic treatment and audio visual equipment. It shares the same superior acoustic characteristics and complete freedom to make your own designs as the rest of the AKUART collection. Sound & Vision is just as flexible as it is functional and stands out by its changeable printed textile canvas. Frame colors / Finishes
RAL 9003
RAL 9011
RAL 7021
RAL 7004
Sound absorption Test results according to EN ISO 354 Sound absorption class:
Absorption coefficient ( Îąw):
Class A 0.95
NRC: 0.90
Sound & Vision sizes Custom Sound & Vision provides format flexibility. Depth: 60 mm / 2.36” Min. height: 20 cm / 7,87” Max. height: 300 cm / 118,11” Min. length: 20 cm / 7,87” Max. length : No limitations (Frame profiles can be infinitely extended in length with connector fittings)
A KUA R T So un d & Vis ion - i n g las s meet i ng r o om
A KU A R T S o u nd & V i s i o n - ro b us t f r am e des ig n
Design Options
The gallery We heart art We are aesthetics and perfectionists. And we take pride in challenging the norm of acoustic design. It is simply in our DNA to wrap good sound in beautiful design and in doing so we leave nothing to chance. Nor when we hand pick artwork for our unique gallery. We curate collections in a vast range of different categories e.g. art, photography, graphics, illustrations, learning and more. This makes it possible for you to choose among thousands of unique pieces of artwork and get it printed on your AKUART solution.
Colors & textures Endless design options for the detailed oriented AKUART offers a unique opportunity for designers when it comes to working with colors and textures in the design process. AKUART’s printed canvas solution makes it possible to basically print any color in any tone (except fluorescent and metal colors - e.g gold) and digitally produce unique fabric textures into detail controlling the colors of the threading and the actual weave. Our skilled graphic production team are experts in color matching digital colors (RGB, Pantone) with physical paint, powder coating and plastic colors (RAL, NCS) thus making it easy to fit AKUART in any interior design
AK UA R T c a n vas - t ext ur e i n b lu e t o nes
and color scheme.
A KU A R T ca n va s - t e x t ure i n w a rm g r ey
AKUART c a nv a s - te xtu r e i n d i ffe r e n t sh ad e s o f c o l o r 50
A KU A R T O n T h e W a l l 6 0 i n Ca rl s b e rg H Q - v is ual c o nc e pt by e -Type s
Visual meaning Colors, signage, wayfinding & corporate identity We believe that visual design is a strategic tool that helps create a positive impact on people. Whether it is wayfinding, finding the right colors, corporate identity or securing that personal touch our philosophy is to ensure that our customers get exactly what they want and more. We never compromise on that.
A KU A R T - O n t h e w a l l 6 0 w i t h w a yf i nding
Graphic production We help bring visual ideas to life
When you choose an AKUART acoustic solution, you also get access to the AKUART graphic production team that helps you bring visual ideas to life and secure the highest print quality possible. One of the things we do best is to guide and facilitate graphic tasks and run entire visual design projects. Here is a little selection of graphic design tasks we typically perform for our clients: 01: Image work and retouching We process, edit and set up image files for securing optimal print results. We are experts in large scale printing and know the art of digital image file interpolation. This makes us able to produce large oversize formats without compromising with print quality. 02: Color proofing We are ISO certified in color proofing. This means that we have a certified test print setup that makes us able to validate complex color schemes in advance of production. This saves both time and money as we can significantly reduce the total production time as well as avoid the adverse consequences of misprints. 03: Graphic production assistance Our graphic production team can also assist you in overseeing more simple design tasks e.g. selecting artwork from our unique image gallery. They are accomplished artwork curators and love to find the right artwork securing a coherent visual design concept. 04: Graphic design conceptualization We offer to do partial or total graphic design concepts depending on the requirements. We are just as happy to handle complete graphic design processes as we are to handle more simple ones or collaborating on graphic design processes with architects, interior designers, project managers etc.
A KU A R T - i n p r od u c t i on AKU ART - Gra ph i c p ro d u c ti o n i n p ro gres s