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2020 Convention Information
We are going VIRTUAL this year. Dates: 10/16/20 – 10/17/20 We hope this virtual opportunity will bring in worldwide participation!
Speakers include: Crocket Dumas on Endurance Riding, Joe Ferriss presenting historical horse films, Beth Minnich on Genetic Disorders and research topics for owners, Laurence Perceval from France on her philosopy on raising tent horses and special videos sent by Bedouin Tribe of the Naqab and from Basil Jadaan from Syria for our enjoyment. Basil will also speak on Syrian horses. The Fantasia will be offered online via YouTube. Video clips will be posted on the Al Khamsa, Inc. YouTube channel. These will be limited to two minutes in length. A standardized introduction will be provided by Al Khamsa, with about 15 of these narrated by Joe Ferriss with historical and brilliant pedigree analysis. The opportunity for additional horses at two minute intervals with the standardized introduction will be viewable with Arabic music. We are excited for the opportunity to present various bloodlines of Al Khamsa from all parts of North America. This is a primary fund raiser and educational outreach for Al Khamsa. Cost is $25 per horse presented. Let’s highlight your 2019 or 2020 Foal Videos: please send your video limited to 30 seconds of your babies! Presentations will also be seen on the YouTube channel with Arabic music background and pedigrees. The cost is $15 per foal presented. Please submit videos as soon as possible, but before October 5, 2020 to fantasia2020@ alkhamsa.org. I Support Al Khamsa photos may be sent for inclusion in the online program at $10 for each Al Khamsa horse and owner. These are business card sized photos that raise money for Al Khamsa, Inc. Purchase and send these via the Registration process. Our Annual Fundraising Auction hosted by 32Auctions.com. We appreciate your donations of items valued over $50 (due to the cost of shipping) sent to PJ Altshuler at 2900 Hemming Road, Valley View, TX 76272. For special arrangements call her at 972-802-4660. We also value your bids on these items which will be shipped after the convention. Joe Ferris will be presenting a Roster Proposal for Gamal El Din during the Virtual Convention on Saturday, October 17, 2020. Please study the proposal contained in this Khamsat and Register to participate in the Advisory Council Meeting. All owners or part owners of Al Khamsa horses in North America are invited to vote. The Board Meeting will be on October 15-17, 2020. Please check www.alkhamsa.org for times. Registration will be online for $30 per person for the weekend. Once registered you will be emailed a link to join all events. We are excited about a virtual meeting to expand our connection to supporters and the continued educational goals of Al Khamsa. Stay Updated by following the website for more news and schedules.