5 minute read
by the Al Khamsa Database Committee
by Al_Khamsa
The New Al Khamsa Roster Display: HOW TO
by the Al Khamsa Database Committee
Celebrate! The 18-month project, of building a replacement Roster Display for the Al Khamsa Pedigree Pages, which had to be replaced, has at long last come to an end. The new system works just like the old system, but it looks different. Some of you may not have used all of the functions that have always been there. So this feature is designed to help you navigate the new pages, and use them in the most efficient way for you personally. As we get the Roster pages more in the public eye, we will continue to refine it to your specifications.
This is what you see at the top of the homepage:
“Home” is highlighted because that is the page you are currently viewing. Move your pointer to the right and hover over “Roster”. This is what you will see.
The “Pedigree/Breeder Search” option is by far the most valuable and complete way to look for a particular horse, or breeder and all the horses they bred, or all the horses with a particular prefix or suffix.
To lookup up the pedigree of a horse where you know the name of the horse, move your pointer down and click on “Pedigree/ Breeder Search”. Below is what you will see after you click.
The “Submit” button is to initiate the search. The “Reset” button is to clear all fields of content.
Enter the horse name in the “Enter Horse name (partial name OK)” field. It can be any part of the name you know. The more specific you are the fewer results you will need to browse through. The search is not case sensitive.
Special Notes Using Breeder Name:
First thing to take note of is that the breeder name is only searchable by LAST name or FARM name or portions of either. Using both First and Last names will not result in a match.
Second thing to note is to search accurately by breeder name you may need to search for what you want twice. Sometimes breeders register their foals under their personal name. Sometimes they register them under their farm name. If you do not get the results you are looking for with the last name, try the farm name.
What also occurs is the problem of the last name of breeder being both under their maiden name and their married name (this generally applies to women).
So if you want to find ALL the horses a particular individual bred by Breeder name you may need to search under 1) maiden last name and 2) married last name and 3) farm name.
If all those fail try a search under Horse name using the farm name or its initials in case that was used as part of the registered name. Pedigree Output Example
Below is an example of what the page looks like for a horse where the entire horse name is known.
Click on the name to see the pedigree. Below what AAS Dahma Sawanah’s page header looks like.
Below is what AAS Dahma Sawanah’s pedigree itself looks like.
Below is the generations information for AAS Dahma Sawanah which follows her pedigree.
Special Note About Ancestral Elements
On occasion you may see an Ancestral Element with a value of 0%. This means though the Ancestral Element is in the pedigree it is, percentage wise, less than 0.05% of the total of all the elements. All Horses Example Output
The “All Horses” page option operates similarily to the “Main Index” page of the old roster.
It also has an alphabet across the top of the page which will cause the display to show a list of names that begin with the letter chosen.
Below is what you will see by selecting “All Horses” from the roster drop-down menu.
Below is the rest of the first page of output that follows the previous display. This completes the page shown.
Notice the page count at the lower right side of the image. The default number of entries to show is 20. If you click on the down arrow next to the 20 you can select any of the numbers shown below.
Click on any of the horse names to see that horse’s pedigree.
A WORD OF WARNING: If you have scrolled to page 3 of the default list of names or page 3 of a selected alphabetic chosen list of names, the page that will be displayed if a new alphabetic letter is chosen will also display beginning at page 3. You will manually have to select page 1 to start at the beginning of that alphabetic selection. Breeder Index
The only difference in the display of this index compared to the one provided by the old roster is that you have a limited number of entries you can view at a time. The maximum is 100. Breeder names are sorted by last name. The page numbers on this page work exactly like those described in the All Horses page above Registry Index
The new page for the Registry Index is not too different from what you have seen previously. Horses are grouped by their respective registry designations. The page numbers in this page work exactly like those described in the All Horses page previously. Birth Year Index
This page groups the horses by the years they were born. Currenly the grouping is 50 years for each group. We would like to break that down further to be able to show a finer distribution. This will be a future enhancement.