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Al Khamsa Community Hub

Calendar September 10–12, 2021: Distance Horse National Championships,

Oneida, Tennessee, hosted by the Arabian Horse Association. September 13–18, 2021: US Sport Horse Nationals will be held at the World Equestrian Center, Wilmington, Ohio. Look for Al


Khamsa exhibitors, and watch our Al Khamsa Facebook page for updates! October 14–17, 2021: The 2021 Al Khamsa Annual Meeting is a virtual program again this year, as it is impossible to plan for an in-person gatherings at this time. Details pp. 9–11. October 22–30, 2021: US Nationals, Tulsa, Oklahoma. November, 2021: Arabian Horse Association Virtual Convention.

Links of Interest

Changing your mare’s estrous cycle patterns can facilitate your breeding and performance plans. Learn about current options for owners who want to control their mares’ heat cycles. https://thehorse. com/188638/whats-new-in-equine-estrous-manipulation/

While moderate exercise in heat did not seem to impair reproductive function of stallions, it does appear that exercise and other stress factors (including heat) may interfere with normal ovarian function in mares. Extreme heat may exceed the ability of the stallion to control scrotal temperature, and result in impaired spermatogenesis and a decrease in semen quality. https://info.selectbreeders.com/blog/bid/185750/Heat-Stress-and-Equine-Reproduction

It is particularly important to recognise and manage appropriately the older maiden mare as in many cases these mares are susceptible to post-breeding endometritis even though they have never been bred before. https://equine-reproduction.com/articles/ MaidenMare.shtml

How Old Is ‘Too Old’ For A Broodmare? https://www.paulickreport.com/horse-care-category/vet-topics/old-old-broodmare/?search=Ho w+Old+Is+‘Too+Old’+For+A+Broodmare%3F

Feeding horses in keeping with their nature and managing their stress can help support a healthy hindgut and microbiome. https:// thehorse.com/1102489/return-to-the-wild-to-keep-horses-hindgutshealthy/

Do you know what to do–and just as importantly, what not to do–if your horse displays vague, mild, or serious signs of what might be colic? https://thehorse.com/features/dealing-with-equinecolic/

Leaky gut occurs when the tight junctions break down between the cells that divide intestinal contents from the rest of the body. This can lead to nutrient malabsorption, inflammation, a compromised immune system, and possible behavioral issues. https:// thehorse.com/1101789/leaky-gut-health-and-behavior-whats-theconnection/

Postponement of 2021 WAHO Jordan Conference

The current plan is to rearrange suitable dates for the WAHO Jordan Conference to be held either in Spring 2022, perhaps late March or early April, or if necessary to postpone for a full year to early October 2022.

Website Update

Work on the Al Khamsa website is almost complete. This includes redoing all site pages to conform to a new template and current website software, as well as creating a program to display the Al Khamsa Pedigree Database on the site.

These were two large jobs, and they were contracted to our current web hosting service, GWS (Global Web Services), an international firm with consideral experience in the Joomla language our site is based on.

Immediately after the convention, our task force and GWS will complete what is necessary to “go live” with the site. We hope all of you, especially those who have contributed to the major amount of money required for such large jobs, will find it attractive and useful. We are still fund-raising to complete the required payment. If you can help us reach this goal, we appreciate it so much!

Subscription Rates $20 (4 digital issues) Global Rate! $60 (4 digital and 4 print issues) US only $65 (4 digital and 4 print issues) Canada

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