Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014
Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014
Motivation Letter It is an honor for me to apply for the post of Local Public Health Officer (LPO) for the term 2013-2014, I decided to take that step which I consider so important for me at the personal level to apply what I've acquired during the last period in which I worked for MSSA to help raising my committee and hole MSSA. I spent the last term as LPO, I made some mistakes and they taught me so much and also we made together giant achievements that we look forward to improve. Why SCOPH!? Simply because I felt in SCOPH a special spirit that is different from others, also SCOPH projects contact not only with medical or paramedical members but deal with the hole population and for me I adore that,, I like to help people to get off all communicable, noncommunicable diseases and bad habits that may leads to horrible complications by many ways of awareness. This is what makes working on public health so exciting and being a part of the Standing Committee on Public Health so incredibly inspiring and motivating. I met a lot of people who taught me prowess. All are working together on one common goal, Public Health. No one can deny that there were great steps were taken to develop SCOPH from great members who paid money, time and effort to make it sparkling and to avoid mistakes previously done, I learned a lot from them and from the term I spent as LPO so I think I had the experience to continue the way and also add to it. I think that I have enough qualifications and experience to be LPO. Throughout the 3 years I spent working in SCOPH, I had enough knowledge about SCOPH locally , nationally and regionally as I attended majority of local meetings , trainings and campaigns , All national SCOPH sessions ,trainings in the last year in addition I have excellent background about SCOPH . You can say that I understood how SCOPH works; I'm really motivated to give the place that I belong to my effort and time; this is my home and they are my family. I will not say vote for me, but I will say vote for the person that you think he will raise MSSA to the max. Please read carefully my CV and my plan of action, I’ll be so honored if you chose me.
Best regards,
Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014
Curriculum Vitae Personal Information: -
Name: Alaa Ahmed Mohammed Hussein Date of birth: 2nd of June 1989 Nationality: Egyptian Address: Temai El-Amdeed, Daqahlia. Emails:
Skype: Contact: 010 929 3 44 55
2006- till now: Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University 2003-2006: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Temai EL Amdeed Secondary School 2000-2003: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Temai El-Amdeed Secondary School 1995-2000: Mandees primary School
Language skills: 1- Arabic "mother tongue" 2- English "very Good " 3- French "fair"
Voluntary work. Football. Reading. Poetry. PlayStation.
Workshops and Trainings attended: 1. Team building. 2. Leadership. 3. Communication skills. 4. Advocacy. 5. Presentation skills. 6. Time management. 7. National Renal Failure Workshop 2012 8. National Autism Workshop 2012 9. National TB TOT 2013 10. Smokingologist TNT 2012.
11. Fundraising training. 12. Hepatitis workshop 13. National Infection control workshop 2013 14. National Project management 15. How to campaign 16. Making money from mud 17. Handover
Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014
MSSA "Mansoura Student's Scientific Association" -
MSSA LPO 201-2013 Member in MSSA since 2010. MSSA Recruitment Campaign 2010-2011. MSSA Recruitment Campaign 2011-2012. MSSA Recruitment campaign 2012-2013 MSSA Recruitment campaign 2013-2014 International students' graduation ceremony 2012. 8th MSSA Conference "Organ Donation". 9th MSSA Conference “ Unity in diversity” (Head of OC) Local GAs: 11 Local Committee projects:
HY-5 Local coordinator 2012-2013 HY-5 Project. 2011-2012 SCOPH database local coordinator 2011-2012 Medical Camp "coordinator" 2011-2012 Winter Medical campaign core team 2012-2013 Summer medical campaign core team 2012-2013 TNT Smokingologist 2012. 145 Campaign 2011-2012 145 Campaign 2012-2013 Recruitment Camp. "SCOPH stand" 2010-2011. Recruitment Camp. "SCOPH stand" 2011-2012. Recruitment Camp. "SCOPH stand" 2012-2013. Recruitment Camp. "SCOPH stand" 2013-2014. Renal Failure local Workshop 2011-2012 Smokingologist 2011. TB project 2011-2012. To be against TB 2012-2013. Mental Health Seminar 3 SCOPH zaman meetings.. 6 SCOPH general meetings.
Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014
Acting LORP 2012 from end of July till end of August. Ramadan Charity "Coordinator".2011-2012 Ramadan Charity 2012-2013 Wall of honor 2012-2013 Blood Donation Camp. 2010-2011. Autism. Smile project.2011-2012 Orphan day2011-2012 SCORP team member2012-2013 SCORP meetings
Summer school (Shouman summer training) 2011-2012 Shouman summer training (general surgery supervisor) 2012-2013 Presentation competition 2012-2013 OSCE exam at Mansoura Manchester program (2010-2011). OSCE exam at Mansoura Manchester program (2011-2012).
ESTARGEL I support WAC 2012-2013 IWD 2012-2013
Contact Person. Sharing in Marketing and flyers distributing.
Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014
IFMSA-Egypt: -
National TB coordinator 2012-2013 3rd place in IFMSA-Egypt best projects 2012-2013 Second SCOPH Congress 2010 "ASSA Alex". Third SCOPH Congress “SCMSA". 3rd IFMSA- Egypt Winter Camp 2012. "SCOPH Session". 4th IFMSA- Egypt Winter Camp 2013. "SCOPH Session". National SCOPH Meeting in "Benha" 2011-2012 MSSA-Mansoura GA SCOPH Session SSS GA 2011 SCOPH Session. AMSA GA "SCOPH Session" SSS GA 2012-2013 SCOPH Session ZMSSA GA 2012-2013 SCOPH Session ASSA Alex GA 2012-2013 SCOPH Session BSSS Benha GA SCOPH Session Anti-smoking day 2012-2013 Renal Failure local Workshop 2011-2012 World diabetes day 2012-2013 World TB day 2012-2013 (Head of OC) World kidney day 2011-2012 World mental health day 2011-2012 World Autism day 2011-2012 MSSA Menofia annual conference 2012 ZMSSA diabetes campaign 2012-2013 SMA O6U Diabetes campaign 2012-2013
Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014
Plan of action
I started working on SCOPH manual including nearly all SCOPH activities needed for any member to be aware about. The first step was about the medical campaigns part of the manual. It will be managed by me, my team, SCOPH alumni and old SCOPH members It will include 1. SCOPH mission and vision 2. Goals and objectives 3. World days in SCOPH 4. The considered steps of any project, strength points, threats and common mistakes 5. More and more about SCOPH issues It is planned to be ready at the end of this term.
Nature : As a public health committee I will work on public needs of awareness and health care as follow:
Medical campaigns: during the term 2012-2013 we had an amazing achievement by establishment of two medical campaigns or we can call the COMBO projects .. I will go on this way by having more than one medical campaign including awareness and surveys.
Projects that help in improvement of public health in our community and match SCOPH message, vision and mission especially that are related to our society such as awareness about : - Liver diseases - Kidney diseases - DM - Mental health - TB & Pneumonia - Anti-smoking project - HTN - Anti-addiction - HY-5
Projects adopted nationally (Renal failure, Safe liver, etc. ……(
Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014
International celebrations which match the requirement of our society e.g. : - World Diabetes Day - World TB day - World anti-tobacco Day - World Public Health Day - And others …
Target groups: o We were working on some social levels that are really aware and have much knowledge like El Delta Schools, Mansoura College Schools and Al Hawwar Club. o These categories are in contact with the world through Facebook, web sites and media that give them the enough knowledge. o We started last year to modify our target groups to lower social and educational levels... o I'll continue this way in concentration on public and people who in need to our support like people in streets without leaving older target groups. Health message: o Special doctor or well-trained members will prepare the scientific data and the message that we should deliver to our target groups. They will deliver it first to the participant members in workshops to improve their scientific data … so the aim will be “Learn and Teach”. Scientific workshops as a part of the projects to rehabilitate the participants to be capable of delivering our message in a right way and to achieve our aim from the projects (how to deliver message trainings). Monitoring & Evaluation meetings: o Monitoring meetings within the steps and evaluation meeting after the end of any project will be held to evaluate the whole work, members and to stand on mistakes we did to learn from them and avoid them in the next projects to reach the top point of professionalism. Reporting system: o The coordinator or his assistant on behalf of him must write a report after completing the project documented with photos and includes (time, venue, members shared, steps, budget, outcome, target group and SWOT analysis).
Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014
1. 2. 3. 4.
This team will be with the LPO in dealing with the committee to help him and to acquire knowledge and experience. Will teach new members all things about MSSA and SCOPH to be able to carry the responsibility in the upcoming years. Make SCOPHians cooperative and working in harmony. Contact members (especially new comers) to inform them about our meetings and projects. Create an online ID for SCOPH to introduce it to our collages to recruit new members. Parties and social events from time to time to celebrate our work and to recruit new members. Projects’ assistant : Will manage the projects’ issues with the coordinator and the LPO. Evaluation assistant : Responsible for evaluation of SCOPH work in general. National affaires assistant : responsible for National affairs on the national server and the national projects and deadlines. Human resources assistant
SCOPH Idol: Choose the best member who worked hardly in the project especially from the new members and give him a gift and reward him to motivate him and encourage others to do their best. Encourage and motivate members to attend the national meetings and events. Project's coordinator: Coordinator will be detected by applying for call of project's coordinator on MSSA official Yahoo groups and the best proposal and the best skilled applicant will be chosen. Assign a coordinator for a project if he has a previous experience in it and no one of the applicants has the same experience. Assign a coordinator assistant especially from new or young members to gain the needed experience in work. Ensure integrity and justice in distribution of opportunities among members in choosing coordinators. Members' skills: Increase the number of skilled members by applying soft skills trainings.
Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014 Cooperation between SCOPH members and other MSSA committees in their projects, meeting and activities to develop skills and to gain more experience as we all are presenting MSSA.
Coordinate with the training director to hold trainings contain skills and knowledge needed by the members in MSSA to help in success of our projects and achieve our goals as we tolerate directly with the public that contains different social and educational levels. I think the trainings needed contain: - Proposal writing - Report writing - Team building - Communication skills - Empowerment - Advocacy
Orientation about MSSA, IFMSA-Egypt and IFMSA for the new members to be aware about the organization they belong to.
Two or three meetings per term to reunion SCOPHeroes from different eras to transfer skills and experience It may be in MSSA office or outside in an open place It will contain also group sessions to discuss SCOPH issues and read national SCOPH manual together
Supporting MSSA EB in front of Dean and vice dean.
Support other TO members.
Support VP in evaluation of members Especially SCOPH members.
Attending all local GAs, TO and EB meetings.
Working closely with the EB to ensure that we are all committed to our plans and that we are all doing our best for the sake of MSSA.
Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014
Update the EB members with the last SCOPH updates and external relationships.
I’ll do my best in other committees’ projects locally and nationally.
Respect, is the official language in my transaction.
All members are equal for me, one is better than other only through his work.
To strength my relationship with all members to make them love the work and to keep our spirit in the committee.
Respecting deadlines for projects and reports.
Nationally Plan to host national events in MSSA Mansoura. Attend all national SCOPH sessions and national SCOPH meetings Represent MSSA in national SCOPH events with delegations from MSSA SCOPHeroes. Share other LCs in semi national projects. Strengthen our relationship with other LCs' members. Apply for hosting the SCOPH Congress if found this year. Representing MSSA Mansoura as coordinators for SCOPH national projects.
Regionally Preparing SCOPH members to attend the next EMR. Sharing in EMR online meetings.
Internationally To keep members updated with topics that are discussed on the server to grow their knowledge and experience.
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Candidature kit for MSSA LPO 2013-2014
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