The following actions were taken during the Tribal Council Meetings of March 13th and March 27th
Approved ACITC Resolution #2017-13 – Citizens State Bank
Approved ACITC Resolution #2017-14 – Prosperity Bank
Approved ACITC Resolution #2017-15 – Private Investments
Approved ACITC Resolution #2017-16 – Authorization with Office of Special Trustee for American Indians (OST)
Approved ACITC Resolution #2017-17 – USDA Food Distribution Program
Approved ACITC Resolution #2017-18 – 2017 Basic Library Grant Application
Approved ACITC Resolution #2017-19 – Timber Cutting Permit
Approved Returning Membership Application (3)
Approved Proclamation of Child Abuse Prevention for April 2017
Personal Appearance by Grace Poncho, Brooks Williams, Anisah Williams, Leiton Williams
Chief Skalaaba Herbert Johnson Sr. and Tribal Princess Julianne Butler during the Dogwood Parade.
Junior Tribal Princes Aaliyah Johnson and Children’s Powwow Princess Raegan Battise ride in the parade representing the Tribe.
Naskila Gaming had a full float with Team Members passing out goodies to the crowd. 2
HAPPY 75TH BIRTHDAY A reception was held for Mikkose Skalaaba Herbert Johnson Sr. on Monday , April 3rd. The Head Start children presented him with cards that they made and led the singing of Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday Chief and we wish you many more.
6:00 PM
Danielle Sells, Benefits Counselor, DETCOG
April 11, 2017
6:00 PM
Indian Health Service announcing a grant
“Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country” April 13, 2017
5:30 PM/MPC
Chair Volleyball
April 17, 2017
10:00 AM
Bingo-Care Plus Home Health
April 18, 2017
6:00 PM
Senior Citizen quarterly meeting
April 26, 2017
11:00 AM
Homebound lunch Day Trip (sign up) Sign up by 4/21/17 at the senior citizen Center
April 28, 2017
3:00 PM
Senior Citizens Day Trip “Dinner & Movie” Sign up by 4/21/17 at the senior citizen Center 3
On March 18, 2017 The Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Veterans Association held a benefit golf tournament at Wildwood Golf Resort. Tournament Winners: Team Woodville Bob Walmsley, Anthony Martin, Leon Ontiveros Longest Drive Winner: Logan Alec We appreciate the 30 golfers who came out to support our fundraising event. Special appreciation to all those who made donations to sponsor a hole in honor and in memoriam of a Tribal Veteran. Thank you to everyone who made cash donations, door prize donations, donated food & drinks for the tournament. This list includes: Individual Sponsors A/C One Stop Employees
Corporate/Tribal Sponsors A.C.T. Holdings
Volunteers Lori Battise
Obrey Alec
Church Street Financial
Roddy Battise
Donnis Battise
Citizens State Bank
Tina Battise
JoAnne Battise
Economy Portable Buildings
Lori & Roddy Battise & Gabby
Evans & Associates
Nita Battise
Livingston Propane
Teresa Battise
Naskila Gaming
Genny & Wayne Bullock
Ochana Industries
Burton Bullock
Pedigo Furniture
Johnny Stafford
Premium Tire
Ronnie Thomas
ProStar Waste
Waynne & Floyd Poncho
A/C Communications & Media Relations
Roland Poncho Cecilia Flores Thanks to: TK Foods (Tabitha & Kerry) for catering breakfast & Aaron Flores for help catering lunch Also thanks to the Tribal Finance Department for helping with our deposits and account management.
Everyone’s Support is Greatly Appreciated! Other news: Veterans building update: We have received two bids for modular buildings from Mobile Modular Management Corporation for a used 12’ x24’ and a 10’ x 32’ both bids are well over our budget. We are waiting on a bid on a (build on site) frame building. On April 22, 2017, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Veterans Association Color Guard will be presenting colors at the East Texas District Fireman’s Convention to be held at the Multi-Purpose Center for opening ceremonies. For more information please contact Cecilia Flores @ (936)239-8848, Floyd Poncho (936) 329-0808 or Roland Poncho @ (936) 707-7592 4
Back Then E-Ho-Cha-Kit-Ta Bosoo. “Oh April Showers may come your way…” I believe those are the words in the beginning of a song entitled “April Showers.” The song was popular some where in 1940s or 50s. It was in the time of the Big Band era. I am sure some of you remember it well. April brought many memories for me. In school, one April first, my cousin came to school early. That was his habit. A teacher saw him and told him that he was looking for a left handed wrench. Go and see if he could find it for him. So, my cousin went looking for a left handed wrench all over the campus but didn’t find one. The teacher asked him if he found the wrench he was looking for. No. the teacher laughed and said, “April Fool!” None of us knew that was supposed to be funny, nor what that meant at that time. Later, as we got a little more acclimated to foreign language, we learned that April 1 is real a jokers’ delight. Left handed wrench? About the end of February, while watching the news on TV, I saw a huge, boisterous crowd of people, dressed in what appeared like clownish clothes, following a blaring music, marching to a staging area somewhere. I understand this carnival like mass is prelude to Easter. Lot of people attend the event every year. You are aware about the event. It is called Mardi Gras. How long the festival has been going on, I do not know. When I was growing up on the reservation, I had never heard of such an introduction to Easter. It may be because of our isolated life back then. No radio, no media of any kind, except by mouth. There were other important events preceding Easter. Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Somewhere in between these times, our grade school used to have an Easter egg hunt. Our teacher would request the students to bring boiled eggs to school for our Easter egg hunt. They needed to be colored, decorated, or plain. My mother used to help me color the ones I took to school. Our teacher would bring some coloring material to color those plain ones. Then, she and couple of high school girls would take and hide the eggs. At a given time, the classroom door would open, and the rush would be on to find the eggs. It’s a wonder no one was trampled in the pandemonium. The fastest ones found several eggs, some of us, few. When I was a youngster, Easter Sunday was a commemoration and celebration of the greatest miracle in the history of man kind, according to the bible, i.e., the resurrection of Jesus Christ, after he was crucified, dead, and buried. This is an event which no one has been able to disprove. At least, not to my knowledge. To me, that is the commemoration and celebration of what Easter is all about. If you are about 65 years old or older, you must remember that about 90 to 98 percent of the tribal families had farm lands. Primary crops raised were corn, field peas, potatoes, melons, and all kinds of vegetables. We depended on farming for survival. I mentioned faming in this brief because, even though I don’t quite understand the reason, the seeds of the crops had to be planted on Good Friday. Did seeds planted on Good Friday provide the best quality crops? I do not know. Somewhere along the way, the men and young boys found jobs as lumberjacks and pulp wood cutters, that voided the farming. The last time I was at the village, I could not find farming activities. Hey, now days you can find all things you need at Brookshire Brothers. Back then, that is what I remember.
CHIEF KINA HEALTH CLINIC Clinic schedule: Billy Collins: Clinic walk-ins are 8:30 – 10:00 am Scheduled Appointments are 10:30 am – 3:30 pm (No appointments will be scheduled after 3:30 pm) Dr. Jeffery Luna: Scheduled appointments only on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30 – 5:30 pm Podiatry: 3rd Thursday of every month Diabetes Clinic: 3rd Tuesday of every month Dental: Every Monday 8 am – 3:45 pm Pharmacy: 8:00 am – 12 pm and 1 pm - 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday Please be aware of refills on All your prescriptions. Any prescriptions called in to be filled with no remaining refill will require a minimum 24 hour time period. Refills must be authorized by Physician. *Due to increase of workload, refills must be reported to front desk clerk, not Pharmacy.
Note from PRC staff: If you have received anything from your insurance regarding E.O.B., doctor visits and/or hospital invoices, please send or bring by the clinic ASAP. This will help in the claims process for 2017.
Note from Dental: If you cannot make your scheduled appointment please contact Dental Assistant Montana Garcia 24 hours in advance. This will allow Dental to adjust the schedule accordingly to offer appointment to another patient.
Come join us on Friday, April 21, 2017
Chief Kina Health Clinic’s Fun Run and Walk 4-6 p.m. at Lake Tombigbee. Persist…Until…Success…Happens. #TrainWithHeart
May you find the renewal of hope, health, love and the Spirit of God. Chief Kina Health Clinic wishes you a Happy Easter. 7
ACT HOLDINGS, LLC ACT Holdings is always on the lookout for prospects that may be financially viable for the company. We were looking into one possible venture regarding patents. Not to be confused with trademarks or copyrights, a patent is a grant of property rights to an inventor for an invention. Patents are issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The opportunity itself is very complex and due diligence was performed regarding this opportunity. After much time, several meetings, and input from the Tribal Council it appears that this venture will not move forth. We will continue to pursue other opportunities that “make sense” for ACT Holdings and will continue to keep you informed as we move forward. We reported in March Newsletter that Ochana Industries was continuing to progress in the federal market. We received an opportunity to serve as a sub-contractor for a major government prime contractor at the end of February. This particular contract was issued by the Department of Defense and Ochana was responsible for procuring specific goods for the prime contractor and the management of delivering those goods. As of “press time”, we were close to finishing our work for this contract. We do have other proposals that have been submitted for various government contracts and are still awaiting word on those.
In the past couple of Newsletters we have shared tidbits of information regarding federal contracting in general. Prior to taking office Donald Trump was very vocal in his support for US defense and military. As expected, we have observed more activity from the Department of Defense in regards to federal contracting opportunities. Ochana will continue to monitor these opportunities and submit proposals for any contracts that seem promising. As always Tribal members are encouraged to come by or call the ACT Holdings office to discuss our endeavors and any Tribal economic development concerns. Bryan Small
Whitney Williams
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” – Abraham Lincoln
HEALTH WARRIORS Our goal is to get our community moving and working towards an active, healthy lifestyle. We are mostly a support group, however, we do have goals and mandatory activity hours that need to be met. Each of the Health Warriors needs to reach a minimum of 6 hours of physical activity every two weeks and check in with our Diabetes Education Coordinator, Kelli Scroggins, for any health related questions or concerns they may have. Kelli has been essential in getting our people to engage in more physical activity and address their own health concerns. She is an awesome motivator for our group as well! We offer support as walking/workout buddies, getting some healthy recipes together, providing information on specific health topics, and all around moral support. There are a total of 47 Health Warriors signed up for this first quarter and they are doing an awesome job getting their hours in! We have had a few group activities such as walking the lake, yoga, and chair volleyball. Also, we have a canoeing trip coming up that we are pretty excited about, as some of the warriors have never been in a canoe. It’s all very fun! We would like to extend a huge “thank you” to the Chief Kina Health Clinic in letting us partner with them on some activities as well as giving each of the Health Warriors an activity tracker watch. We were very excited about that and it is very much appreciated as it will help us keep better track of our active hours. Also, we would like to thank the Communications/Media Relations department for ordering another incentive for our group that is forthcoming. We are almost halfway through our first quarter now, so we would like to continue encouraging the Health Warriors, as well as the rest of the community, to make healthy choices and get moving! A healthy lifestyle is attainable and we know you have it in you to make that a reality! 9
Dogwood Dash 2017 We had several tribal members participate in the Dogwood Dash held in Woodville during Dogwood Weekend. George Flores, Jr won first in his age division with a 19:48.3 time and Terrah Langley won second in her age division with a 41:06.4 time. Great job y’all! We are glad that our tribe was well represented out there. Keep it up!
“THANK YOU” To all of those that helped out during our fundraisers. To the parents that donated items for the sales, those that helped get order forms filled up, and to those that placed an order. We appreciated everyone for just coming to support our efforts to make our facility a better place for our kids. We hope everyone enjoyed their breakfast. Again, thank you!!!
FOREST SERVICE PARTNERSHIP Tribal Council and several departments met with staff of the US Forest Service to begin working together on various projects with the Tribe. The departments present were Tribal Council, Culture Committee, Tribal Administration, Finance, Forestry, Lake Management, and Human Resources. We would like to thank Tribal Members Krista Langley and Joey Silva for also assisting in building a better relationship with the Forest Service.
YARN BELT CLASS Cultural Programs and Historic Preservation held a 4-week long class on Warn belt making that was well attended. Finished belts are displayed in the Cultural Center Lobby.
Estate Planning in Accordance with Tribal Law Hosted by the University of Houston Law Center, Civil Clinic Please join the Tribal Court Judges and the Clinical Directors of the University of Houston Law Center for a meet-and-greet presentation on May 4, 2017 at 6:30pm in the Multipurpose Center for a discussion on Estate Planning, Probate and Wills. A short seminar will be given and questions will be fielded, understanding that unique issues may arise for Tribal Members. This event is open to all and will be a great opportunity to gain some practical legal knowledge about matters sure to affect you and your family members. Please look forward to a formal presentation in November, where personalized documents will be drafted for you by the law school students. 11
ALABAMA-COUSHATTA INDIAN HOUSING AUTHORITY 657 State Park Road 56, Livingston, TX 77351 (936) 563 - 1130
Greetings from the Housing Authority: You may have noticed that the Housing Authority has undergone some change over the last several months. We have been working hard to position ourselves to meet the housing needs of the local community now and in the coming years and are continuing to do so. One of the major undertakings that we have accomplished lately was to update our Admissions and Occupancy Policies to bring them in line with the recent changes to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards as well aligning these policies with NAHASDA regulations which govern the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) which funds the Housing Authority program. One impact this has on potential future home buyers is how we administer the waiting list for homes. Anyone interested in applying for a home should contact the Housing Authority for an application. Submitting the application is only the first step though. To actually be placed on the waiting list, you must qualify for the program. Specific qualifications will be listed along with the application and can be discussed with interested individuals. Only once you qualify, will you be placed on a waiting list.
Additionally, the application must be updated every year. The Housing Authority will send out a reminder to the address we on file but ultimately it is the individual's responsibility to update their application in a timely manner. If you do not update your application within one year from each previous update, your name will be removed from the waiting list and your place in line will be lost. So it is very important that interested individuals update on time every year prior to your previous annual date. This is especially true at this time. The Housing Authority has several homes that will be renovated and available to qualified, interested homebuyers throughout the remainder of the year. Further, the Housing Authority views home ownership as a very serious undertaking. Great responsibility is required to maintain the upkeep of a home. Monthly payments for the home, utilities, and maintenance are just a few of the expenses a home buyer is expected to manage every month to continue to qualify for the program and maintain their home. The Housing Authority takes these responsibilities very seriously and not only expects but is required to make sure that home buyers maintain their homes in a safe and sanitary condition. These requirements will be enforced. Also, it is that time of year again where home buyers under management must complete the recertification process. Recertification letters have already been sent out and the deadline for returning them back to the Housing Office is June 12, 2017. Even if your situation has not changed since last year, home buyers are required to recertify every year. Failure to recertify is grounds for default and termination of your home buying agreement. The information from your forms will be processed and any changes will take effect July 1, 2017. In addition, if there are any changes in household occupancy or household income, you must come in to report that information at any time throughout the year.
Finally, the Housing Authority wishes to extend a big thank you to Charlotte Thompson for accepting the responsibility of becoming a member of the Housing Board of Commissioners, and to Carlos Bullock for continuing his service. Board. Commissioners serve a 3 year rotating term with new appointments made at the end of every year for the following year. The 2017 Alabama-Coushatta Indian Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and officers are as follows: William Sylestine
Carlos Bullock
Wanonia Clark
Deloris Johnson
Cheri Thomas
Melinda Sylestine
Charlotte Thompson
Monthly Board meetings are held at the Cultural Center on the 4th Tuesday of each month beginning at 6:30PM and public comments are welcomed. Agendas will be posted prior to meetings taking place. If you have any questions about the program, do not hesitate to contact our office at (936) 563 - 1130 or just stop by.
MAY BENEFIT POW-WOW We will have a Early Start due to the Crowning Ceremonies for our Tribal and Jr Tribal Princess Gourd Dance 5:00pm Grand Entry 630pm We always have a great crowd so make plans to attend early.
49TH ANNUAL POW-WOW We are still taking applications for Crafts and Food Vendor Spaces. Reminder if you are planning to have a Food Booth Space you are to obtain a Food Handlers Certificate. Applications or Questions about Booth spaces contact Teresa Battise (936)563-1288 We will have Early Dancer Registration Thursday June 1 from 6:00pm- 9:00pm We are looking for Parking Attendants for Annual and if your interested please contact any of the Pow-wow Committee We hope to see you in June all Family and Friends
A/C Pow-wow Committee 13
THANK YOU Mia Williams and her family would like to thank everyone who has supported her during her years of playing high school basketball and volleyball. It has been an incredible journey that ended in the regional playoffs of her senior year. She had an incredible show of support from tribal members during playoffs for both volleyball and basketball and it was much appreciated. Mia ended her Lady Jack basketball career with over 1500 points, 1000 rebounds, 500 steals and 500 assists. Over the years her honors have included: BASKETBALL NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR DISTRICT MOST VALUABLE PLAYER – 3 YEARS TABC ALL REGIONAL – 3 YEARS TABC ALL STATE – 2 YEARS TGCA ALL REGIONAL – 2 YEARS TGCA ALL STATE UIL REGION III ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM
CO-DISTRICT MOST VALUABLE PLAYER DISTRICT MOST VALUABLE PLAYER – 2 YEARS TTGCA ALL REGIONAL – 2 YEARS GCA ALL STATE Mia started her basketball career with the Alabama Coushatta Little Dribblers and has worked hard to develop her skills into allowing her to continue to play after high school. On Wednesday, March 29, Mia decided to start off her collegiate career by playing for the Angelina College Lady Runners. She would like to develop her skills both athletically and academically in the next couple of years. Mia hopes to play for a NCAA national championship someday and will also begin studying to be an athletic trainer working with other athletes. We thank you for the continued prayers and support as Mia starts her collegiate career. 14
Wahnika Williams tur ns two years old on April 1st! Happy Birthday and we love you!
From– your family
Birthday Wishes to Travis Sylestine on April 26, 2017 From: Mom, Dad, Tan, Chris, Dee, Pap, Dre, Alex, and Aiden Happy 6th Birthday
Abigail Celestine From Dad, Mom, and Family Dedicated and Devoted Happy 70th Birthday G. Wayne Bullock You’re the biggest inspiration in our lives Your stories, your jokes, and laughter make us smile Your strength, your fight and, most of all, your support make us proud And blessed are we who get to see you celebrating! Love, Genny, Keith, and Carlos
The Alabama-Coushatta Historic Preservation Office and the Ala-Cous Stickball Team are pleased to host
Stickball Construction Classes Veterans Pavilion
April 13-14: 6 pm to 9 pm April 15: 9 am to 5 pm
Brenner Billy (Choctaw)
Supplies needed: Sledge hammer, hatchet, splitting wedge, drawknife, 4 pairs of clamps/vise grips, ¾” to 1¼” pipe clamps, and sand paper (60,80, and 120 grit). 17
Mold Cleanup If you already have a mold problem - ACT QUICKLY. Mold damages what it grows on. The longer it grows, the more
damage it can cause. Who should do the cleanup depends on a number of factors. One consideration is the size of the mold problem. If the moldy area is less than about 10 square feet (less than roughly a 3 ft. by 3 ft. patch), in most cases, you can handle the job yourself, If there has been a lot of water damage, and/or mold growth covers more than 10 square feet, consult EPA guide Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings. Although focused on schools and commercial buildings, this document is applicable to other building types. If you choose to hire a contractor (or other professional service provider) to do the cleanup, make sure the contractor has experience cleaning up mold. Check references and ask the contractor to follow the recommendations in EPA guide Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings, the guidelines of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), or other guidelines from professional or government organizations. If you suspect that the heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) system may be contaminated with mold (it is part of an identified moisture problem, for instance, or there is mold near the intake to the system), consult EPA guide Should You Have the Air Ducts in Your Home Cleaned? before taking further action. Do not run the HVAC system if you know or suspect that it is contaminated with mold - it could spread mold throughout the building. If the water and/or mold damage was caused by sewage or other contaminated water, then call in a professional who has experience cleaning and fixing buildings damaged by contaminated water. If you have health concerns, consult a health professional before starting cleanup. Fix plumbing leaks and other water problems as soon as possible. Dry all items completely. Scrub mold off hard surfaces with detergent and water, and dry completely. Absorbent or porous materials, such as ceiling tiles and carpet, may have to be thrown away if they become moldy. Mold can grow on or fill in the empty spaces and crevices of porous materials, so the mold may be difficult or impossible to remove completely. Avoid exposing yourself or others to mold. See discussions: Do not paint or caulk moldy surfaces. Clean up the mold and dry the surfaces before painting. Paint applied over moldy surfaces is likely to peel. If you are unsure about how to clean an item, or if the item is expensive or of sentimental value, you may wish to consult a specialist. Specialists in furniture repair, restoration, painting, art restoration and conservation, carpet and rug cleaning, water damage, and fire or water restoration are commonly listed in phone books. Be sure to ask for and check references. Look for specialists who are affiliated with professional organizations.*
Bathroom Tip Places that are often or always damp can be hard to maintain completely free of mold. If there's some mold in the shower or elsewhere in the bathroom that seems to reappear, increasing ventilation (running a fan or opening a window) and cleaning more frequently will usually prevent mold from recurring, or at least keep the mold to a minimum.
FRIDAY, APRIL 28 BY 5 PM Email your news to: los@actr ibe.or g or abbey.emma@actr ibe.or g Call if you have questions: (936) 563-1120 or (936) 563-1131 Drop your news off in the Communications/Media Relations Inbox or Stop by the Communications/Media Relations Office (located in the Cultur al Center ) Please submit all information, news, announcements, etc. by the designated time so we can see you in our next issue! *******
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe 571 State Park Road 56 Livingston, Texas 77351