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Purple Paint Law Points Out Property Lines
Trespassing And Purple Paint
By John Allen Nichols Agriculture Counsel Alabama Farmers Federation
conduct requires proof the potential trespasser knew or should have known they were on someone else’s property and requires notice of the property
Landowners have an inexpensive lines. method to warn would-be Historically, “No Trespassing” signs trespassers, thanks to a law passed by provided such notice. Under Alabama the Alabama Legislature in law, those posted signs 2016. Known as the “Purple remain a valid notification. Paint Law,” it was fashioned However, the purple paint after laws from several rule provides landowners a other states in an effort to second option. discourage trespassers. If property is properly
To properly mark marked with purple property with purple paint, paint or posted with “No Alabama Code § 13A-7-1 Trespassing” signs, it can requires: then be assumed anyone a. Vertical stripes at least Nichols entering the property 8 inches tall and at knew it was someone else’s least 1 inch wide; property, even if they claim to not have b. The bottom of the stripe must seen the sign. Purple paint markers are be at least 3 feet from the sufficient to establish the “knowing” or ground but no higher than 5 “willful” component of the trespassing feet from the ground; offense. c. The marks must be 100 feet or Landowners should remember less apart on forestland and establishing “notice” is only the first step less than 1,000 feet apart on in pursuing a trespassing claim. With non-forestland. purple paint, landowners can satisfy this
An essential element of trespass requirement efficiently without investing offense is the trespasser enters a in signage. property that is not their own “willfully” The material presented above is or “knowingly”. Conduct that is willful meant for educational purposes only. or knowing requires the trespasser be The content does not constitute legal aware he is entering property that does advice. If readers require specific advice not belong to him or her. or services, a legal or other professional
Establishing willful or knowing should be consulted.