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Information Opportunities
Responsible Staff: Jacquie Powell, AFA – Director of Member Services & Advertising Liz Chambers, AFA – Senior Director of Administration
Provide timely, reliable and relevant information to AFA members and forestry stakeholders on issues impacting the forest industry.
• Publish weekly e-newsletters on time-sensitive issues impacting forestry and forestry operations.
• Publish a quarterly magazine with in-depth coverage of industry members and activities.
Alabama Forests
Feature Profiles
Timber Titans: Charlie Hamilton, Dr. Billy Mosley
Logging Professionals: K&K Logging, W.E. Logging, Jeremy Goss - Goss Logging, Smith Brothers Logging
Public Service: Representative Jim Carns, Senator Steve Livingston
Member: CarePoint Resources, Vestige View, Alabama Wildlife Federation, Woodworkers Plus, LLC
Quarterly Features
President’s Column Dean’s Notebook Green Horizons