3 minute read

Reading of 2019 minutes (or dispense

Minutes of Annual Meeting Arab Electric Cooperative, Inc. Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ty Smith welcomed everyone, called meeting to order and stated we had a quorum with mail in ballots. He introduced David Norton, Pastor from Union Chapel United Methodist Church for the Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance was given by Scout Troup, Scout 60. Clint Maze recognized present Board Members, Janet Bright, District 1, Mark Holmes, District 2, Dianne Prestridge, District 3, Bill Stricklend, District 4, Charles S Whisenant, District 5, Charlie Griffin, District 6, Roger Head, District 7, Charles W. Whisenant, District 8, and Ty Smith, District 9. Based on the change in the by-laws, we will have no election of trustees in 2020 due to term limits. We have phased out 3 year terms.

Clint Maze moved on to the business portion with a reading of the notice of the meeting with a motion to dispense by Curtis Allen with a second by Randy Harper. Approved with 9 yeas and 0 nays. Minutes from the 2018 meeting were published in the Alabama Living, motion to dispense with the minutes, Randy Harper made a motion with a second, approved with 9 yeas and 0 nays.

Candidates Bio’s running for District 2, 5 and 7 were played electronically.

Clint Maze went over financials. He stated that our General Manager, Scott Spence has resigned and the Board is in the process to beginning the search for a new General manger. We are using a national Search through NRECA. We will have the link on our website. The timeline we are looking at for GM, contract with NRECA was approved August 8, 2019, a search team has been sent out a questionnaire and these are due back by September 10th, an all-day Board of Trustee meeting is scheduled for September 20 at which time we will meet with NRECA. We are going to post the job with a link on our website and NRECA will be publishing beginning Sept 25. Cutoff will be Nov 14. Nov 15-Dec 13 NRECA Search team will be screening applicants and interviewing. They will present to the Board the final 4-5. Our hope is that we will have someone in place Feb 2020.

Old Business: None

New Business:

Larry Bodine made a motion for two amendments. 1. I make the motion that the practice of mailing in ballots from Arab Electric be discontinued and that all voting of membership be done in person at the annual meeting of the

AEC Membership.(amend by laws to abolish mail in ballots and require that all business of the membership be done in person) seconded by Heath Bodine. Ballot item will be for next year’s meeting. 2. Members, whether residential or commercial of AEC will have 1 membership regardless of number of meters they have. (Membership be based on member) seconded by

Donnie Kelley.

These two motions will be on our 2020 ballot.

No more new business

Drawing of prizes was done by David Sparks with TVA who is from Tennessee. We have 20 $50 cash prizes (must be present to win) 1. Benny White 2. Robert Barnes 3. Allen Cranford 4. Sharon Yoder 5. Anna Clark 6. Donnie Kelley 7. Henry Mann 8. Larry Allen 9. Charles McClendon 10. Mozzelle Vandiver 11. Avitra Wilemon 12. Edgar Ballew 13. Jerry Willis 14. Carolyn Kirkland 15. Michael Smalley 16. Miranda Stewart 17. Matthew Williams 18. Sheila Sanders 19. Pam Brazelton 20. Nathan Williams

A $75 gift certificate toward the power bill was given to the most “Senior Lady” present and that was presented to Ms. Donna Phillips.

Mr Dick Berg with Survey and Ballots was on site conducting our election and he gave the following report:

Total mail in ballots received 3076

Ballots cast today is 100

Total voted 3176

District # 2 Brett Barnard Chris Hemphill 1526 1536

District #5 Tyler Barnes Alan Miller Kenneth Wilks

District # 7 Nathan Clark Louis Cranford Scott Sanders 1070 1044 979

1391 747 961

Thank you to all the candidates and congratulations to the new Board members. This closes out the business of the annual meeting. The board will go directly into a required Executive Board Meeting as described in our by-laws to discuss election of officers. Next meeting will be September 20th to discuss selection process for new GM.

Motion to adjourn by Randy Harper with a second from the floor.

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