3 minute read
85 years of members serving members
For the past several years, Annual Meeting has looked slightly different. Due to health and safety concerns, we had to cancel in person events and offered members a virtual experience in 2020 and 2021. With your best interests always a top priority, we were eagerly ready to get back to business with an in-person event for 2022, yet we still wanted to offer the convenience many of you found by attending the virtual options presented the prior two years.
It may have seemed a daunting task, but we embarked on a mission to find a way to offer Annual Meeting in a way to accommodate as many members as possible. CAEC employees took on this project and successfully served our members by welcoming everyone back to an in-person event with a simultaneous virtual, livestreamed option.
Why would we work so hard to provide multiple options for your participation in Annual Meeting? Because we know the value of member participation and we want to meet where you are. Since the co-op’s inception 85 years ago, concern for community as well as democratic member control have served as two of our seven cooperative principles, guiding the decisions made by CAEC’s Board of Trustees. Whether you realize it or not, the individuals that make up our Board are CAEC members just like you. We can be found out and about in the community, watching our kids and grandkids play at the ball field, serving in local churches and the list goes on. They are names and faces you personally know, and that’s been the case since the beginning.
One of the best ways to ensure your co-op remains governed by trusted individuals who will look out for the best interest of the whole membership is to make your voice heard during election time. Democracy is the backbone of our society, and with democratic member control being a founding principle of how we operate, now is the ideal time to demonstrate the power and influence you as member-owners have at CAEC. On page 8, you will find the board members currently up for election, and on pages 5-7, you can take a closer look at this year’s in-person and virtual livestream meeting agendas and more.
As we prepare to host this year’s Annual Meeting, both in person and virtually, I’d like to take a moment and thank you all, our member-owners, for your continued encouragement and support. Without you, there is no us, and this event is a prime opportunity for us to truly express our gratitude to you as well as spend time fellowshipping with one another. We can’t wait to see you on Friday, August 11.
For 85 years, CAEC has been dedicated to serving its members. Scan the QR code and take a walk down memory lane with us as we look back at the history of CAEC!
Central Alabama Electric Cooperative
Want to save up to $15 on your September bill?
Want to enter into the $500 grand prize drawing?
Return a completed mail-in ballot found in the center of this magazine or bring it in person to Annual Meeting to receive a $5 September bill credit AND be entered into prize drawings including the $500 grand prize*!
Attend Annual Meeting, either in person or virtually, and receive an additional $10 September bill credit!
Annual Meeting
It will be held at the cooperative’s West Operations Center, 74 County Rd. 578, Verbena, on Friday, Aug. 11, 2023, at 4 p.m., with the virtual option (www.caec. coop/annual-meeting-2023) beginning at 4:30 p.m. and the business session beginning at 6 p.m. for the following purposes:
Presenting reports of trustees, management and auditors.
Installing trustees.
Acting upon such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
Mark Gray, secretary/treasurer
Election of Trustees
At a meeting of the board of trustees on March 27, 2023, a committee was appointed to nominate candidates for trustees of the cooperative for the coming year (Article IV, Section 4.05, CAEC Bylaws). No petitions were received this year. The following members were nominated by the committee and accepted the nomination as candidates for trustees:
Scan for more info!
* You do not have to be present to win door prizes, including the grand prize. Whether attending in person, virtually or not at all, mail in the ballot from the center of this magazine, which registers you for Annual Meeting, qualifies you for a $5 September bill credit and enters you into the prize drawings.