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from July 2023 Pioneer
By Terry Moseley, Executive VP/General Manager
If you look around your home today, you likely have more devices and equipment that use electricity than ever before. Our connected lives are increasingly dependent on electricity to function. As demand for electricity rises, our dedicated employees at Pioneer Electric must work around the clock every day to deliver an uninterrupted power supply — regardless of market conditions or other circumstances.
Explaining peak demand
As you might expect, based on your own family’s habits, electricity use fluctuates throughout the day based on consumer demand. We must be able to provide enough electricity to meet the energy needs of all members during time periods of highest energy usage we call “peak hours.” Based on our members’ energy use, Pioneer Electric typically sees a peak in demand from 3:30 to 6 p.m. during the summer and from 6 to 8 a.m. during the winter.
Peak demand affects the price we pay for power because our power supplier, PowerSouth Energy Cooperative, must have generating resources in place to meet the record highest peak, even if it’s just for a few hours.
Record-breaking demand
Last December, Pioneer Electric set a new all-time peak demand for our system. Now, we must pay to meet 75% of that demand every month for the next year, whether we reach that peak again or not. We call that a ratchet. Through April 2023, Pioneer Electric has paid $251,845 because of the ratchet. In other words, we’re paying for power we didn’t buy, to cover the expense of having that power available in case we needed it. That’s why we encourage our members to lower their demand during peak hours.
You’re in control
Your heating and cooling system is the primary source of electric demand in the home, so take steps to keep it from running during those few hours. Your water heater has the next highest demand, so avoid taking showers or using hot water for chores during peak times. Using several appliances at once increases your total demand, so try using them one at a time or opt for smaller appliances instead.
Just making a few daily changes in when you use electricity will lower your individual demand charge and can reduce power costs for all our members. Collectively, everyone making small changes can make a difference in the cost we all pay for power. n
In observance of Independence Day, our offices will be closed on Tuesday, July 4 In the event of an outage over the holiday, just call call the 24-hour outage hotline at 800-533-0323 or text “OUT” to 382-6636.