1 minute read
Ready to retire? Apply online with Social Security
from June 2023 Pioneer
It’s never too early to start planning for retirement and our online tools can help. Go to ssa.gov/myaccount to access your personal my Social Security account to get an estimate of your retirement benefits based on your earnings record. Once you have an account, you can use our Plan for Retirement tool to see how your benefits can change at different ages. Don’t have a personal my Social Security account? You can create one at ssa.gov/ myaccount
You can also use your personal my Social Security account to see your entire work history and make sure we have all your wages recorded correctly. We base your benefit amount on the earnings reported to us. If you find any errors in your work history, read this guide ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10081.pdf to learn how to correct your Social Security record.
When you’re ready to apply for Social Security retirement benefits, you can complete our online application in as little as 15 minutes at ssa.gov/retirement. We will contact you if we need any further information. You can check the status of your application through your online account.
• You can apply online for Social Security retirement benefits, or benefits as a spouse, if you:
• Are at least 61 years and nine months old.
• Are not currently receiving benefits on your own Social Security record.
• Have not already applied for retirement benefits.
• Want your benefits to start no later than four months in the future. (We cannot process your application if you apply for benefits more than four months in advance)
Find out more about retirement benefits at ssa.gov/retirement
by Myles Mellor
40 Island in the Orange Beach area which is a bird sanctuary for herons and terns
1 Shine very brightly
2 Aware of, 2 words
3 Exercise class in school, for short
4 Come out of an egg
5 Near, abbr.
6 Creatures you might see on the Hugh S. Branyon Back Country Trail
7 Caught, as a fish
8 Sure!
11 Plumed white bird
2-3 Haleyville 9-1-1- Festival. This event honors first responders and supports downtown merchants. Arts and crafts, merchandise and food vendors, free kids’ zone, cornhole tournament, 9-1-1 and First Responder Awards, open mic Saturday, classic car show and antique tractor show and parade. HaleyvilleChamber.org including museums, homes and churches, to celebrate its bicentennial. Ten private homes and five other historic places of interest are on the self-guided tour. Saturday’s tour is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday’s tour is from 1 to 5 p.m. Tickets available on Eventbrite (search Greensboro, AL) or on the day of the tours at Magnolia Grove, 1002 Hobson St.