1 minute read

LAST LINE of defense

Does your job require FR clothing?

Inspect It Often

If your job requires flame resistant (FR) clothing, evaluate it often and remove items from service that no longer offer optimum protection (When in doubt, throw it out!)

The specialized clothing is only as effective as the condition it is in Just as you would not continue to use damaged equipment or other safety gear, do not use FR clothing that is in poor condition.


If you are a high school senior that will graduate this spring and are a dependent of a member of MarshallDeKalb Electric Cooperative, here is your opportunity. Marshall-DeKalb Electric Cooperative along with the Electric Cooperative Foundation want to offer scholarships to deserving students in our coverage area. You can receive an application and details from one of the following three ways:

1. Ask your high school guidance counselor for an application.

2. Visit www.mdec.org and click on the scholarship application link.

3. Call Kelli Whorton (MDEC Communication Director) at 256593-4262 or 800-239-3692

The deadline is February 17,2023. Don’t delay and miss this

Both employers and employees should speak up and act when FR clothing is compromised.

For specific care and repair instructions, contact the manufacturer

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