June | Spotlight
Take us along!
Whereville, AL
We’ve enjoyed seeing photos from our readers on their travels with Alabama Living! Please send us a photo of you with a copy of the magazine on your travels to: mytravels@alabamaliving.coop. Please include your name, hometown and electric cooperative, and the location of your photo. We’ll draw a winner for the $25 prize each month.
Cherie Cochran Connell of Hamilton visited the Roosevelt Arch, dedicated by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903, marking the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park. It is the only entrance that is open year-round. She is a member of Tombigbee Electric Cooperative.
Grace Skinner and Virginia Taylor from Hamilton recently visited the North Pole, Alaska. They are members of Tombigbee Electric Cooperative.
Linda Selby of Daphne, a member of Baldwin EMC, took her magazine on a trip to the Everglades National Park.
Mark and Lisa Van Zweden are pictured atop the Hakkoda Mountains in Aomori Prefecture, Japan, “the snowiest place on earth.” The snow-covered trees in the background are called snow monsters. “We love Japan but our home’s in Alabama!” they say. Their home is in Pine Level where they are members of Central Alabama EC. They live in Japan during the school year while Mark teaches at Misawa Air Base.
Find the hidden dingbat! More than 700 of you correctly found the bicycle parked in front of Pruett’s BBQ last month. And many of you, including Sherron Crabtree of Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative, wrote that the bicycle’s owner obviously had good taste and decided to stop in and eat there, based on the appetizing photos of the barbecue and chicken fingers on Page 24! Phyllis Fenn, a member of Dixie Electric Cooperative, said she hoped the bike rider was inside “enjoying the sweet potato fluff,” named one of the “100 Alabama Dishes to Eat Before You Die.” We get entries from readers of all ages, including Beau Sams, 10, and Sybil Alabama Living
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Identify and place this Alabama landmark and you could win $25! Winner is chosen at random from all correct entries. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified. Send your answer by June 7 with your name, address and the name of your rural electric cooperative. The winner and answer will be announced in the July issue. Submit by email: whereville@alabamaliving.coop, or by mail: Whereville, P.O. Box 244014, Montgomery, AL 36124. Do you like finding interesting or unusual landmarks? Contribute your own photo for an upcoming issue! Remember, all readers whose photos are chosen also win $25! May’s answer: This full-scale replica of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is the centerpiece of the Liberty Bell Garden at the American Village in Montevallo. It was made for the 250th anniversary of the original and was cast by Skylight Studios Inc. of Massachusetts from a mold made from the original bell. (Photo by Lenore Vickrey of Alabama Living) The randomly drawn correct guess winner is Bill Byrd of Wiregrass EC.
Lee Sams, 9, of Madison who read their grandmother’s magazine; and Jenna Kate Crutchfield, 8, of Eutaw. Keep up the good reading, kids! Virginia Scroggins, age 71, of Opelika, told us this was the first time she had found the dingbat after searching each month. She got a bit of help when her cat, Sugar, jumped in her lap and put her paw on the picture!
By mail:
Find the Dingbat Alabama Living PO Box 244014 Montgomery, AL 36124
By email: dingbat@alabamaliving.com
Lindsey Sullivan of Baldwin EMC wrote us a poem: BBQ’s my favorite But I like catfish, too. But riding on my bicycle’s My favorite thing to do. Alabama Living must Have been thinking of me ‘Cause on Page 24 in May I could get all 3! Congratulations to our randomly drawn winner, Tim Trushaw of Dothan AL, who is a member of Wiregrass Electric. Tim says "Pretty slick putting it in the photo of Pruetts Bar-B-Q at the top of page 24." This month we’ve hidden an ice cream cone, so start looking and send us your guess by June 7. JUNE 2021 11
5/18/21 10:12 AM