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Official Notice of Annual Meeting of Members

Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative April 15, 2023


Pursuant to the bylaws of the cooperative, notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative members will be held at the DeKalb County Schools Coliseum in Rainsville, Alabama, Saturday, April 15, 2023. The purpose of this meeting is to elect three (3) trustees and to report on activities of the cooperative for the previous year. Other business that may come before the meeting will be transacted at this time as well.

For the convenience of members, registration for annual meeting will be in the lobby of the coliseum Friday, April 14, 2023 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. and also on Saturday, April 15, 2023 from 8 a.m. until the time of the business meeting, which is scheduled for 11 a.m.

All registered members will receive a $25 electric bill credit and are eligible for 10 prize drawings held immediately following the close of business on Saturday, April 15. The first six prize drawings are for cash and the last four are for $200 per month electric bill credit for one year.


Notice is hereby given that three (3) trustees are to be elected at the annual meeting. Based on the decision of the Committee on Nominations, the following names will appear on the ballot:

Raymond Long, Secretary of Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative

Use This Form To Vote By Proxy For Election Of Trustees Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative 2023 Annual Meeting

To vote by proxy, complete this form and give it to the member whom you have appointed to vote for you at the annual meeting. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO YOUR COOPERATIVE.

As a member of the Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative, incorporated under the laws of the State of Alabama, I, the undersigned, hereby appoint my proxy to vote in my stead on all matters at the annual meeting of the members to be held on Saturday, April 15 at the DeKalb County Schools Coliseum in Rainsville.

Printed name of member giving proxy

(MUST be same name as listed on SMEC membership)

Signature of member giving proxy Witness

NOTICE: A member may vote only one proxy. No bill credit or prize ticket will be given for the member voting by proxy.

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