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Chapter Spotlight
Fraternity Founding Date: 1985 Local Founding Date: 2013 Chapter Philanthropy: Living Water Total Philanthropy Amount Raised in 2020: N/A Chapter Nickname: BYX (Bucks) Chapter Motto: Brothers Under Christ New Member Requirements (GPA, etc.): Christian, Male, GPA: 2.5+ In-State vs. Out-of-State Percentage: 40% / 60% Active / New Member Dues: $450 / semester
Jack Meyer jrmeyer1@crimson.ua.edu Foster Palmer fspalmer@crimson.ua.edu ua.betaupsilonchi.org www.betaupsilonchi.org @BamaBYX AlabamaBYXRush13
Beta Upsilon Chi
Beta Upsilon Chi is one of the premier Christian fraternities at The University of Alabama. With approximately 40 chapters across the country, the Alabama chapter is unique on campus for its serious brotherhood, peer accountability, community involvement, and high GPA, all while maintaining an active social presence through high-quality parties and events. BYX at Alabama prides itself on our involvement with sororities and our annual Island Party, which often boasts a well-known guest. Potential new members must be dedicated, committed to the BYX mission, involved in a local church, and must actively pursue Christ in their daily walk. Psalm 133:1.
Chi Phi
Since its founding in 1920, the Tau chapter of the Chi Phi fraternity has been dedicated to the principles of Truth, Honor, and Personal Integrity. Our brothers come from all regions of the country, allowing us to learn from our differences and become better, more well-rounded men. Members of our chapter currently hold positions on the IFC Executive Council and the Student Government Association. Additionally, our large backyard hosts social events throughout the year. We invite you to learn more about our brotherhood. Fraternity Founding Date: December 24, 1824 Local Founding Date: April 20, 1920 Chapter Philanthropy: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), United Service Organizations (USO) Total Philanthropy Amount Raised in 2020: $21,650 Chapter Nickname: Chi Phi Chapter Motto: Truth, Honor and Personal Integrity New Member Requirements (GPA, etc.): 2.9 GPA, Leadership, Involvement In-State vs. Out-of-State Percentage: 19% / 81% Active / New Member Dues: $3,700 / semester
Chapter President:
Recruitment Chair:
National Website: Chapter Facebook: Spencer Murtha smurtha@crimson.ua.edu Gator Dorta grdorta@crimson.ua.edu www.chiphi.org Chi Phi UA
Fraternity Founding Date: October 13, 1890 Local Founding Date: February 12, 1927 Total Philanthropy Amount Raised in 2020: $10,313 Chapter Nickname: Delta Chi New Member Requirements (GPA, etc.): 3.0 Common Major Within Chapter: Finance and Accounting In-State vs. Out-of-State Percentage: 27% / 73% Active / New Member Dues: $4,150
Frank Reitano freitano@crimson.ua.edu Jackson Brooks jrbrooks6@crimson.ua.edu www.deltachiua.org www.deltachi.org @UAdeltachi
Delta Chi
The Delta Chi Alabama chapter boasts a 90% graduation rate through the last 5 years. We strive to produce educated, capable young men, who are ready and able to enter the workforce or pursue graduate-level education. We also take a very vested interest in philanthropic fundraising and since the beginning of the fall of 2017 have raised over $10,500 for the Jimmy V. Foundation. At 125 active members, Delta Chi has the largest number of members relative to our house’s location, and the chapters overall average GPA currently stands at 3.08. As a result, we have a very large amount of resources accessible to our members through alumni networking, member support, and social budgeting. Delta Chi recruits based on leadership ability, academic performance, overall willingness to take initiative, and dedicated to a cause.
Delta Kappa Epsilon
In 1847, Delta Kappa Epsilon was established as the first Greek organization at The University of Alabama. Since its creation, the active members of Delta Kappa Epsilon have formed a bond that is unparalleled on this campus. The feeling of brotherhood among members is one of the things that Dekes are most proud of and is something that sets Delta Kappa Epsilon apart from other fraternities. The willingness to embrace such a brotherhood is one of the primary qualities that we look for in members as well as potential new members that have just begun the rush process. Fraternity Founding Date: June 24, 1844 Local Founding Date: June 20, 1847 Chapter Philanthropy: Camp Rap-A-Hope Total Philanthropy Amount Raised in 2020: $11,218 Chapter Nickname: Deke Chapter Motto: Friends from the Heart, Forever New Member Requirements (GPA, etc.): 2.9, no criminal history In-State vs. Out-of-State Percentage: 73% / 27% Active / New Member Dues: $3,855 / semester
Chapter President:
Recruitment Chair:
National Website: Chapter Facebook: Skipper Snypes srsnypes@crimson.ua.edu William Lee wllee@crimson.ua.edu www.dke.org www.uadke.org