c c i Ch 2017
Fall Primary Recruitment Schedule August 11 (Friday)
August 13 (Sunday)
6:00 p.m. PNMs Board Crimson Ride Buses to Coleman Coliseum 7:00 p.m. Opening Convocation (Coleman Coliseum) 9:30 p.m. Mandatory Residence Hall Floor Meetings
8:30 a.m. PNM/Sigma Rho Chi Group Meetings 8:45 a.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 17th house 9:00 a.m. - 5:10 p.m. Open House Parties (Duration: 20 minutes) (17) 9:00 – 9:20 (18) 9:30 – 9:50 (19) 10:00 –10:20 (20) 10:30 – 10:50 (21) 11:00 – 11:20 (22) 11:30 – 11:50 11:50 a.m. - 1:50 p.m. Lunch Break 1:50 p.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 23rd house (23) 2:00- 2:20 (24) 2:30 – 2:50 (25) 3:00 – 3:20 3:20 p.m. – 3:50 p.m. Break (26) 3:50 – 4:10 (27) 4:20 – 4:40 (28) 4:50 – 5:10 5:30 p.m. PNM Philanthropy Selections 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Tied with the Tide Event – Movie at the Soccer Field
August 12 (Saturday) OPEN HOUSE DAY 1
8:00 a.m. PNM/Sigma Rho Chi Group Meetings 8:45 a.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 1st house 9:00 a.m. - 7:20 p.m. Open House Parties (Duration: 20 minutes) (1) 9:00 – 9:20 (2) 9:30 – 9:50 (3) 10:00 – 10:20 (4) 10:30 – 10:50 (5) 11:00 – 11:20 (6) 11:30 –11:50 (7) 12:00 –12:20 (8) 12:30 – 12:50 12:50 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Lunch Break 3:00 p.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 9th house (9) 3:10 – 3:30 (10) 3:40 – 4:00 (11) 4:10 – 4:30 (12) 4:40 – 5:00 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Break (13) 5:30 – 5:50 (14) 6:00 – 6:20 (15) 6:30 – 6:50 (16) 7:00 – 7:20 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Tied for the Tide Event – Mini Carnival 7:30 p.m. PNM/Sigma Rho Chi Group Meeting *PNM Dinner on your own 7:50 p.m. Sorority Members may leave houses - 30 mins after last party
August 14 (Monday) PHILANTHROPY DAY 1
9:15 a.m. PNM/Sigma Rho Chi Group Meetings 9:45 a.m. Potential New Members meet at 1st house 10:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. Philanthropy Day Parties (Duration: 30 min) (1) 10:00 – 10:30 (2) 10:40 – 11:10 (3) 11:20 –11:50 (4) 12:00 – 12:30 (5) 12:40 – 1:10 1:10 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Lunch Break 2:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. Tied with the Tide Event – Artistic Expressions 3:00 p.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 6th house (6) 3:10 – 3:40 (7) 3:50 – 4:20 (8) 4:30 – 5:00 (9) 5:10 – 5:40 (10) 5:50 – 6:20 (11) 6:30 – 7:00 7:15 p.m. PNM/Sigma Rho Chi Group Meetings *PNM Dinner with Sigma Rho Chi Group
August 15 (Tuesday)
August 17 (Thursday)
9:15 a.m. PNM/Sigma Rho Chi Group Meetings 9:45 a.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 12th house 10:00 a.m. - 6:50 p.m. Philanthropy Day Parties (Duration: 30 min) (12) 10:00 – 10:30 (13) 10:40 – 11:10 (14) 11:20 – 11:50 (15) 12:00 – 12:30 (16) 12:40 – 1:10 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tied with the Tide Event – Autobahn 1:10 p.m. - 2:50 p.m. Lunch Break 2:50 p.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 17th house (17) 3:00 – 3:30 (18) 3:40 – 4:10 (19) 4:20 – 4:50 (20) 5:00 – 5:30 (21) 5:40 – 6:10 (22) 6:20 – 6:50 3:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. PNM Sisterhood Selections
9:15 a.m. PNM/Sigma Rho Chi Group Meetings 9:40 a.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 10th house 9:10 a.m.-6:10 p.m. Sisterhood Day Parties (Duration: 40 min) (10) 9:10 – 9:50 (11) 10:00 – 10:40 (12) 10:50 – 11:30 (13) 11:40 – 12:20 (14) 12:30 – 1:10 1:10 p.m.-2:40 p.m. Lunch Break 2:40 p.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 15th house (15) 3:00 – 3:40 (16) 3:50 – 4:30 (17) 4:40 – 5:20 (18) 5:30 – 6:10 *PNM’s with no parties during this time should grab dinner at Julia’s 3:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. PNM Preference Selections 7:00p.m.–10:00 p.m. Tied with the Tide Event – Spa Night
August 16 (Wednesday)
August 18 (Friday)
9:00 a.m. PNM/Sigma Rho Chi Group Meetings 9:45 a.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 1st house 10:00 a.m.- 7:10 p.m. Sisterhood Day Parties (Duration: 40 min) (1) 10:00 – 10:40 (2) 10:50 – 11:30 (3) 11:40 – 12:20 (4) 12:30 – 1:10 12:00p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Tied with the Tide Event – Lunch at the Ferg 1:10 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Lunch Break 3:00 p.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 5th house (5) 3:10 – 3:50 (6) 4:00 – 4:40 (7) 4:50 – 5:30 (8) 5:40 – 6:20 (9) 6:30 – 7:10 7:30 p.m. PNM Dinner with Sigma Rho Chis
9:00 a.m. PNM/Sigma Rho Chi Group Meetings 9:55 p.m. Potential New Members meet in front of 1st house 10:10 a.m.-7:50 p.m. Preference Parties (Duration: 50 min) (1) 10:10 – 11:00 (2) 11:10 – 12:00 (3) 12:10 – 1:00 (4) 1:10 – 2:00 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Extended Break (5) 3:00 – 3:50 (6) 4:00 – 4:50 (7) 5:00 – 5:50 (8) 6:00 – 6:50 (9) 7:00 – 7:50 7:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Tied with the Tide Event – Bowl So Hard
August 19 (Saturday) BID DAY 6:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Potential New Members must be accessible by phone 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tied with the Tide Event – Breakfast on the River 9:30 a.m. Potential New Members report to Bryant-Denny Stadium 10:00 a.m. Open Bids (Bryant-Denny Stadium) 10:30 a.m. Brunch at Sorority Houses
OF Contents
Welcome to UA Panhellenic President Panhellenic Directors of Recruitment
6 7
UA Panhellenic Executive Council Panhellenic Delegates Sorority Presidents Recruitment Chairs Recruitment Team
8 10 11 12 13
Getting prepared Rules and Policies 14 PNM Bill of Rights 15 Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA) 16 Panhellenic Code of Ethics 18 It's All Greek to Me 19 Letters of Recommendation 20 Sorority Mailing Addresses 21
GREEK Chic 2017
Financial Obligations 22 Sorority Life Overview 23 Leadership 24 Scholarship 25 Philanthropy 26 Social 27
UA GreEk Events Homecoming 28 Greek Week 29
UA Recruitment Recruitment Week Recruitment Q&A Recruitment Advice Open House Philanthropy Sisterhood Preference Day Bid Day Bama Bound Orientation Dining During Recruitment Early Move-In
30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42
Chapter Spotlight Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Delta Chi Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Phi Chi Omega Delta Delta Delta Delta Gamma Delta Zeta Gamma Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Phi Mu Pi Beta Phi Sigma Delta Tau SIGMA KAPPA Zeta Tau Alpha
44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80
Sorority Row Map 83 New Member Packages 84 TIED FOR THE TIDE 85 ADVERTISEMENTS 86
GREEK Chic 2017
LETTER FROM THE President On behalf of The Alabama Panhellenic Association, I would like to officially welcome you to the Capstone. I, along with the rest of the Executive Council and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff, are so excited that you have chosen to attend The University of Alabama, and that you are considering joining the largest Greek community in the nation! Greek life at The University of Alabama is one of the oldest and meaningful traditions that the Capstone has to offer, and it is a great way to make friendships that will last a lifetime. I am confident that if you choose to join our amazing community, you will not be disappointed. The Alabama Panhellenic Association is the coordinating and governing body of the 17 National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) sororities and 1 affiliate member Christian sorority. These chapters, along with the United Greek Council (UGC) sororities and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) sororities, represent over 7,000 women from all ends of campus. Our membership numbers are evidence of the strong influence that sorority women have at UA, and we are extremely proud of our outstanding Greek community. From philanthropic service and community outreach, to campus involvement and leadership, I guarantee you will find Greek women in almost every organization on campus. Each sorority at The University of Alabama has something different and unique to offer, and I encourage you to think about this throughout the week as you visit each chapter. You will find that all of our sororities here at UA strive for excellence in academics, involvement, and service. We hope you consider becoming a member of this wonderful tradition! If you have any questions about Greek life or Fall Primary Recruitment, please do not hesitate to call our office at (205) 348-2693 or email us at Any member of our Panhellenic Executive Council will be happy to speak with you and answer any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you throughout the week!
, Everette Dawkins President
GREEK Chic 2017
Good Luck and Roll Tide! Best, Everette Dawkins
LETTER FROM THE DIRECTORS OF Recruitment We are over the moon that you have chosen to become a part of the Crimson Tide and participate in sorority recruitment! While The University of Alabama is lucky enough to have one of the largest, most diverse and prestigious Greek communities in the nation, we wholeheartedly believe that each of our groups add great value to the UA Greek experience. The decision to join a sorority is a commitment to scholarship, service, and character refinement. The benefits of sorority membership are endless and the bonds you make can last a lifetime. We would like to encourage you to make the most of your recruitment experience by keeping an open mind and a positive attitude throughout the process. We want to challenge you to take the time during the week to fully understand the commitment of sorority membership, as well as all of the opportunities that the Greek community has to offer you. Keep in mind that the more time and energy you put into your sorority experience, the richer your time will be as an active member of the Greek community. At Alabama, we deeply value each member of the Greek community and strive to accomplish this through enriching programs designed to cultivate personal growth and strengthen leadership potential. However, because we know that our four years here are more than just Greek life, we continually work to give back to our campus and local community. Although recruitment will be your first experience at the Capstone, it will not be the only. Greek life will serve as a stepping-stone to involvement in countless other areas of campus life available to students. UA offers more than 500 student organizations, where students within the Greek community play a major role in the success of many of these initiatives and programs. It is our hope that you find a home not only within a Greek chapter, but also within the campus community as a whole. Remember to have fun and take advantage of every opportunity presented to you throughout this week. The Panhellenic Executive Council will be stationed on Sorority Row, so don’t forget to come see us if you have a question or just want to chat! We are here to serve you and are fully committed to making sure that you have a positive recruitment experience. You all have been on the forefront of our thoughts, on the tip of our tongues, and everything that we have been focused on for the past year. The time is coming for each of you to find your home, and it truly is the greatest blessing that we get to help you do so. And always remember, BE YOURSELF.
Morgan Patrick & Lexi Matallana
With love, Morgan Patrick and Lexi Matallana
GREEK Chic 2017
The Panhellenic Council at The University of Alabama is the coordinating body of the 17 NPC sororities and one affiliate member sorority on campus. The council is composed of 11 executive board members, a delegate, and two junior delegates from each sorority. Panhellenic Executive Council members are current sorority members who have disaffiliated from their chapters during recruitment in order to provide unbiased planning and support for everyone involved in the process. Panhellenic strengthens the Greek community and is responsible for promoting scholarship, philanthropy and safety for each sorority as well as the Greek community as a whole. The Alabama Panhellenic Association provides activities and programs throughout the year to address current issues affecting college women.
GREEK Chic 2017
Nicole Wooten
Everette Dawkins President
xi Matallana
Vice President of Administration
ck Morgan Patri tment ui cr Re of or Direct
Rachel Silaski
Le t of Recruitmen Assistant Dir.
Director of Public Relations
Katherine O'Neal
Emily Ferons Director of Finan ce
Assistant Dir. of Judicial Affairs
Molly Stalter
Assistant Dir. of Sig ma
Rho Chis
Kelsey Ka
uffman Director o f Judicial Affairs
Molly Neill
ma Rho Chis Director of Sig
ma Farrow
Em treach mmunity Ou Director of Co
GREEK Chic 2017
Panhellenic DELEGATES
The UA College Panhellenic Delegates act as liaisons between their individual chapters and the Panhellenic Executive Council. By attending biweekly meetings, serving on committees, and volunteering to step in where needed, these women help direct their sororities toward working together as a Panhellenic community. The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) is the umbrella organization for the 26 international women’s fraternities and sororities. NPC provides support and guidance for College Panhellenics and serves as the national voice on contemporary issues of sorority life. For more information about NPC, visit
GREEK Chic 2017
Sorority Chapter
The sorority Chapter Presidents are integral to the success of Greek life at Alabama. Working with members of their chapters, members of other Greek organizations on campus and alumnae, these women strive to make the Greek community even stronger here at The University of Alabama. A sorority president must be a strong leader and have very high standards. Each of the women serving the Panhellenic community this year reflect excellent character and class. We hope the legacy being set by the 2017 Chapter Presidents will continue with your incoming class of Potential New Members.
GREEK Chic 2017
Recruitment CHAIRS
Each sorority has a Recruitment Chair(s) who coordinates recruitment events for her chapter during the school year as well as during recruitment week. These women have worked very hard all year to prepare their chapter for your arrival in August. For more information about letters of recommendation for recruitment, as well as a list of local chapter mailing addresses, please refer to pages 20 and 21. In an effort to better know each PNM, the recruitment chairs will spend the summer reviewing recommendations and resumes.
GREEK Chic 2017
Recruitment TEAM
Recruitment is an exciting experience for you to get to know women on your campus, but it can be a hectic and emotional time. The Panhellenic Recruitment Team, comprised of Sigma Rho Chis and Judicial Board members, are undergraduate women representing all sororities at UA, who have disaffiliated from their chapters to help you through the process. These women have been through extensive training in preparation for this week and have also participated in recruitment themselves. Sigma Rho Chis are your Recruitment Counselors, available to you 24 hours a day in order to be an impartial listener, guide, and friend. They will help you understand the process of recruitment and make choices based on your values. The Judicial Board is responsible for upholding the Constitution, Bylaws, and Recruitment Rules of the Alabama Panhellenic Association. The J-Board members are outside each house to ensure you have a fair recruitment process and assist you with any problems you may encounter throughout the week of recruitment.
GREEK Chic 2017
Recruitment Rules & Policies Basic Recruitment Definitions:
A Potential New Member (PNM) is a woman who is registered and/ or intends to participate in Fall Primary Recruitment at The University of Alabama. A Potential New Member is also any high school student (grades 9-12) who is considering coming to The University of Alabama or anyone with the intent to go through UA Fall Primary Recruitment in the coming year. An active member is an initiated member of a fraternity or sorority currently in college. A n alumna member is a non-active member of a fraternity or sorority. A sorority alumna will retain her alumna status during recruitment.
Summer Dos and Donts:
No contact with regards to recruiting for a specific chapter can occur between sorority members and Potential New Members after May 1st. Example: letters, emails, phone calls and all forms of social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook & MySpace messages), etc. N ormal contact (work, volunteer, etc.) can occur after May 1st, but conversations should be limited to the benefits of participating in recruitment, and should not be specific to pledging any one organization. Sororities CANNOT have gatherings for the purpose of recruitment that include Potential New Members after May 1st. Example: teas, parties, trips, etc. Potential New Members CANNOT stay overnight with sorority members or have any contact with sorority members during summer orientation sessions. Example: spending the night at a member’s house, eating dinner, or attending social activities.
For a complete list of recruitment rules and regulations please refer to our website at
GREEK Chic 2017
Bill of Rights T he right to be treated as an individual. The right to be fully informed about the recruitment process. The right to ask questions and receive true and objective answers from recruitment counselors. The right to be treated with respect. The right to be treated as a capable and mature person without being patronized. The right to ask how and why and receive straight answers. The right to have and express opinions to recruitment counselors. T he right to expect confidentiality when sharing information with recruitment counselors. T he right to make informed choices without undue pressure from others. The right to be fully informed about the binding agreements implicit in the preference card signing. The right to make one’s own choice and decision and accept full responsibility for the results of that decision. The right to have a positive, safe and enriching recruitment and pledging experience.
Individuals who have
Your Sigma Rho Chi & J-Board teams will make sure these rules are upheld during recruitment
concerns about the recruitment process are encouraged to contact the Dean of Student's Office at 205-348-3376.
GREEK Chic 2017
MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT ACCEPTANCE BINDING AGREEMENT I have participated in the membership recruitment period at The University of Alabama. By signing this acceptance agreement, I understand and agree to the following terms. Please read and initial each of the following. ___ I am willing to accept an invitation to membership from any women’s sorority (fraternity) that I list on this agreement. ___ I may limit my choices to just one OR list any women’s sorority (fraternity) whose preference-round (last) event I attended, and from which I am willing to accept membership. I realize that by not listing the maximum number of events I attended, I may be limiting my potential to join any other NPC group during formal recruitment should I not be placed with my choice(s). ___ Once I submit this agreement to the College Panhellenic Association, I cannot change the order of my preferences or add or delete a preference. ___ If I do not receive an invitation to membership from a group that I have listed, I am eligible for continuous open bidding. ___ I have the option of not submitting an agreement at this time. ___ Once I submit this agreement, I am bound by the National Panhellenic Conference one-calendar year rule. This rule states that if I receive an invitation to membership from a group that I have listed and then do not accept it, I am not eligible to be pledged to any other NPC member sorority (fraternity) on this campus for one calendar year (12 month period) from the time of this signing. Signature______________________________________________ Date__________________________ By signing this form you are agreeing to accept a bid from any of the women’s sororities you list below and, if offered, you are bound to that bid for one calendar year. I agree to the terms stated above, and I am willing to accept an invitation to membership from any of the following women’s sororities (fraternities) whose preference event I attended (listed in order of preference): 1st Preference:_____________________________________________________________________ 2nd Preference (only if attended 2 events) : ________________________________________ 3rd Preference (only if attended 3 events) :__________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________ Date_________________________ The form is to be completed by the Potential New Member (PNM). 1. Immediately following her final Preference event, the Potential New Member goes to the Panhellenic designated place to receive her printed MRABA to be signed in privacy. 2. The Potential New Member is encouraged to list on this card any women’s sorority (fraternity) whose preference (last) event she attended and from which she is willing to accept a bid to membership. *Adapted from the NPC Manual of Information
GREEK Chic 2017
EXPLANATION OF THE MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT ACCEPTANCE BINDING AGREEMENT (MRABA) The document on the opposite page is the Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA), formerly known as the “Preference Card.� The MRABA is a binding agreement that is effective for one calendar year. By signing this document, you as a Potential New Member agree that you are willing to accept a bid for membership from any sorority that you rank on the MRABA. Please note that if you receive an invitation to membership (a bid) from any sorority that you ranked on your MRABA, then you are bound to that group for one calendar year (August 2017-August 2018). Most importantly, if you receive a bid from any sorority that you have listed on your MRABA, and you choose not to accept it, you are not eligible to participate in Continuous Open Bidding (COB) in fall 2017 or spring 2018. If you receive invitations to Preference, at the conclusion of your last Preference party, you will make your final selections in a computer lab, ranking the chapters you visited on Friday, August 18 in preferential order. Once you complete your rankings, you will print and sign a copy of the MRABA. Please note that once the MRABA has been turned in to a representative of the Alabama Panhellenic Association, it cannot be altered or changed. Prior to signing the MRABA, you will have several options to consider and we suggest that you thoroughly reflect on these before signing your MRABA. -First and foremost, you may choose not to complete the MRABA, thereby withdrawing from recruitment. If you choose this option, you are eligible to accept a bid for membership from any sororities participating in Continuous Open Bidding. A small number of sororities may be able to recruit a limited number of women through the COB process after formal recruitment if their chapter is below Panhellenic Total; however, this is not guaranteed. -Secondly, you may choose to list any sorority whose preference event you attended and from whom you are willing to accept an invitation to membership (a bid). Please note that you should not rank any sorority on your final selection that you are absolutely not willing to accept a bid for membership. If you match with a sorority that you listed on your MRABA, it is important to note that you are bound to that sorority for one calendar year (August 2017-August 2018) regardless of whether you accept their invitation for membership or not. -Lastly, you may choose to list only one or two preferences, but you must understand that if you chose single intentional preference then you are not guaranteed to receive a bid for membership. Only Potential New Members who maximize their options and list ALL of the chapters that they attended during the Preference Round are guaranteed to receive a bid for membership during primary recruitment. If you do not receive an invitation to membership (a bid) from any of the sororities that you have listed, you are eligible for continuous open bidding (COB).
GREEK Chic 2017
PANHELLENIC CODE OF Ethics As members of The University of Alabama Panhellenic Association, we the undersigned agree that our vision is a safe, positive, enriching recruitment experience with the goal of providing opportunities for the greatest possible number of women to obtain membership in a women’s fraternity. In order to reach our common goal, we will strive to create a Panhellenic environment of trust, honesty, unity, and cooperation among all chapters. Therefore, we solemnly promise to: Respect ourselves, our sisters, and the Greek community as a whole. We will work with other sororities to improve the Greek community. Enable every Potential New Member an equal opportunity and act accordingly with true Panhellenic spirit as well as our own chapter values and moral judgments.
Promote the safety and protection of current and prospective members.
Treat Potential New Members with the same respect before, during and after recruitment.
Abide by all official Panhellenic codes, including but not limited to:
The Panhellenic Creed, The Potential New Member Bill of Rights, The Panhellenic Recruitment Rules, The National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous Agreements
Leave the Potential New Member with a positive idea of what sisterhood could be.
Encourage the Potential New Member to explore the freedom of thought in her decisions.
Assure the Potential New Member about the recruitment process, membership requirements and external and internal responsibilities.
Enable every Potential New Member an equal opportunity to a level playing field.
Strive to maintain a campus scholastic average that is above the allwomen’s average.
The Alabama Panhellenic Association desires to build a community that reflects diversity and inclusion within our sorority chapters. We strive to make our campus stronger through our commitment to promoting diversity and creating positive change within the Greek community. Women of all backgrounds make up the Alabama Panhellenic Association, and each individual is celebrated for her perspectives, ideas, and contributions to her organization and to our entire community.
GREEK Chic 2017
Greek IT'S ALL
Active: A sorority member currently in college who has been formally initiated by her chapter.
An initiated sorority member who is no longer active in a collegiate chapter.
Bid: A formal invitation to join a sorority or fraternity.
Campus Total: The allowable chapter size
National Panhellenic Conference (NPC): Founded in 1902, NPC provides support and guidance for its 26 member inter/national sororities/women’s fraternities and serves as the national voice on contemporary issues of sorority life. UA has 17 NPC affiliated sororities.
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): A council composed of the nine historically black Greek-letter organizations, which includes four sororities and five fraternities.
A national and/or local charity that a sorority sponsors, donating time and money through service in order to promote human welfare.
as determined by the College Panhellenic.
Potential New Member (PNM): Any
Continuous Open Bidding (COB): The
woman who is eligible to participate in formal or informal recruitment.
period in which a sorority not at Campus Total is able to recruit members.
MRABA (Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement): A document that each Potential New Member completes immediately following the preference round of parties stating her membership preferences. The Potential New Member ranks the sororities she would accept a bid from in preferential order. This is a binding agreement, stating that the PNM is willing to accept a bid from any sorority she lists.
PRIMARY Recruitment:
A designated membership recruitment period during which a series of organized events are held for the purpose of selecting new members.
Also referred to as Membership Intake, it is a process through which NPHC and UGC sororities select new members.
Single Intentional Preference:
When a PNM attends more than one preference event, but limits her membership selections by not listing all her sorority options on her MRABA.
A PNM whose mother or sister is an alumna of, or active member in, a particular sorority.
The number of women a sorority may pledge during primary or informal recruitment.
Quota Additions: A procedure used to help PNMs, who maximize their options during recruitment, receive an invitation to membership.
Recommendation/Reference: A written letter or statement from an alumna on the sorority’s official recommendation form introducing and recommending a Potential New Member for pledging. Also called a “rec.”
Snap Bid:
A procedure used at the close of bid matching to help chapters reach quota prior to bid distribution.
United Greek Council (UGC):
The primary purpose of the UGC is to unite its member organizations in order to share ideas and resources, promote mutual respect and equality, and provide a support network for involved students. The Alabama UGC is composed of 7 special interest and multicultural organizations.
Any woman who has graduated high school prior to December 2016.
GREEK Chic 2017
LETTERS OF Recommendation A letter of recommendation, also commonly referred to as a “Rec,” “Reference” or “RIF,” is a recruitment information form completed by an alumna of a sorority. The purpose of a letter of recommendation is to introduce a Potential New Member (PNM) to the alumna’s sorority chapter at The University of Alabama. An alumna may find a copy of her sorority’s recruitment information form in her sorority’s national magazine, or on the national organization’s website. She can also call the inter/ national headquarters of her sorority to obtain a copy of the form. Keep in mind, the alumna writing the letter of recommendation does not need to be a graduate of UA, she only needs to be an alumna member in good standing of a sorority with a chapter on UA’s campus. While letters of recommendation are not required to participate in recruitment, PNMs are encouraged, if possible, to reach out to sorority alumnae and secure a letter of recommendation for each chapter participating in primary recruitment. Letters of recommendation for each sorority should be sent directly to the sorority’s local chapter, unless otherwise specified on the recommendation form. For your convenience, the chapter mailing addresses for each of the sororities at UA can be found on the next page. Finding a letter of recommendation for each of the sororities participating in Primary Recruitment can be challenging, as such, we have added an option for Potential New Members to include a Supplemental Academic Letter of Recommendation. As part of the Primary Recruitment application, women participating in recruitment may elect to submit a generic, Supplemental Academic Letter of Recommendation from a teacher, guidance counselor, or principal. The Supplemental Academic Letter of Rec can be uploaded directly to the online recruitment application or mailed to the Alabama Panhellenic Association. While chapter specific letters of recommendation are preferred, the Supplemental Academic Letter of Recommendation could be particularly beneficial for women unable to identify alumnae from each of the 16 Panhellenic chapters participating in Primary Recruitment to write official letter of recommendation. For more info about the Supplemental Academic Letter of Recommendation, please visit letters-of-recommendation.html.
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Helpful Hints When asking alumnae for letters of recommendations, it is customary to supply them with a stamped and pre-addressed envelope. You also may be asked to include the following items to assist the alumna with completing the recommendation form: (1) a copy of your resume, (2) a copy of high school or college transcript, and (3) a photo of yourself. We suggest a 4x6 headshot; senior portraits work great. Lastly, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure UA has an official copy of your final transcript, as this will be the official grade point average (GPA) shared with each sorority. Please ensure that a certified final copy of your high school and/or college transcript is sent directly to the UA Admissions Office no later than August 1, 2017. All final transcripts should be mailed to the The University of Alabama Office of Undergraduate Admissions, P.O. Box 870132, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487.
Alpha Chi Omega
Chi Omega
Kappa Delta
MSC#870414 1831 University Station Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Attn: Riley Crutchfield O’Rear 1327 Independence Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35406
P.O. Box 2854 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403
Alpha Delta Chi
Delta Delta Delta
P.O. Box 11014 The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL, 35486
Attn: Mary Martha Grizzle PO Box 862938 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486
MSC #870415 1831 University Station Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Alpha Delta Pi
Delta Gamma
P.O. Box 11090 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486
Attn: Maddie McNutt PO Box 11019 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486
Alpha Gamma Delta MSC 870410 1831 University Station Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Alpha Omicron Pi Attn: Annika Wulff 1831 University Station MSC #149428 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Alpha Phi Attn: Becca Dowdy 1130 University Blvd. Suite B9-557 Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Delta Zeta MSC# 870406 1831 University Station Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Gamma Phi Beta Attn: Alexandra Katherman, MVP MSC# 870402 1831 University Station Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Kappa Alpha Theta Attn: Reference Chair MSC # 870413 1831 University Station Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Phi Mu Attn: Blair Bollinger MSC #870416 1831 University Station Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Pi Beta Phi Attn: Jordan Clark P.O. Box 11067 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486
Sigma Delta Tau 1831 University Station MSC #870418 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Zeta Tau Alpha Attn: Recommendations Committee P.O. Box 862848 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486
Please note that neither the UA Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life nor the Alabama Panhellenic Association have access to individual sorority recommendation forms and as such cannot obtain them for Potential New Members. Furthermore, while handwritten “letters of support” may be commonplace in Texas, many of the sororities at The University of Alabama do not accept or recognize “letters of support.” As a reminder, each NPC sorority has its own policy regarding references for Potential New Members. Some groups require recommendations and/or personal information forms from their members. For additional assistance with letters of recommendation, please visit the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) website, which has contact email addresses for each NPC sorority: Simply email those groups at UA in which you need recruitment assistance, and each group will pursue any needed action based upon their individual organizational policy.
Financial Obligations Joining a sorority is a financial obligation that should be taken seriously... Each chapter has financial requirement, which families should discuss before their student pledges a sorority. Financial requirements may include membership dues, meal plan, house fees as well as room and board if you live in the sorority house. It is important to note that membership fees vary by sorority. To see if a sorority has included their financial requirements, please visit their chapter profile page on the UA Panhellenic website.
Living In-House Fees (per semester): High: $7,600 *Includes room, meals & chapter/facility fees Average: $7,000 Living Out-of-House Fees (per semester): *Includes meals & chapter/facility fees
High: $4,100 Average: $3,400
New Member First Semester (per semester): *Includes one-time fees associated with pledging and initiation
High: $5,500 Average: $4,000
GREEK 55 MEAL PLAN Since the majority of the Panhellenic sororities have their own mandatory meal program, the University automatically downgrades new members to the Greek 55 meal plan at a cost of $557 per semester, when they join a sorority that has a full-service kitchen. If you join a sorority with a full-service kitchen, the chapter provides 14 meals a week. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served daily Monday - Thursday, and breakfast and lunch are available on Fridays. The Greek 55 meal plan provides an average of 2-3 meals per week, perfect for weekends when the chapter is not serving meals. Students who would like more than 55 meals per semester may change their meal plan to one of the following: Bronze (90 meals per semester), Silver (125 meals per semester), or an All Access plan. The University generates an official list of all new Greek members, and student accounts will automatically be credited the difference between the original meal plan and the Greek 55 downgrade.
GREEK Chic 2017
SORORITY LIFE AT US IS AN EXPERIENCE UNLIKE ANY OTHER... The University’s commitment to the Greek community is equal to the Panhellenic Association’s commitment to the University. UA’s Greek Community, the largest and one of the most diverse in the nation, provides an opportunity for new students to become involved in organizations that promote campus involvement and personal growth. When you join one of the 17 NPC sororities at the Capstone, you also become a member of the Alabama Panhellenic Association, which is the local College Panhellenic. The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) was founded in 1902 and is the governing organization for 26 international women’s fraternities and sororities. Each member group is autonomous as a social, Greek letter society of college women and alumnae. Members are represented on more than 600 college and university campuses in the United States and Canada, and currently there are more than 5,300 alumnae associations, making up more than 3 million sorority women in the world. Sororities have enjoyed a rich history at UA since 1904.
WHAT TO EXPECT AS A NEW MEMBER Study Hall Hours: Each chapter requires a certain number of study hall hours to be completed each week during your first semester at UA. Sororities also implement a number of educational programs to assist members in their academic pursuits. Panhellenic Events: Panhellenic requires new members to attend various educational events throughout the year. These events address relevant issues students face today and will help them with their transition into college and Greek life. Philanthropy Events: Each chapter enjoys serving its national and local philanthropy. Philanthropy events are hosted to promote unity within the chapter and the Greek community while helping a worthwhile cause. Recruitment Events: In the spring, chapters host recruitment workshops to help their members prepare for next year’s Fall Primary Recruitment. As a new member, you will have the opportunity to attend these events. Active Participation: As a new member, you will be required to attend new member meetings in addition to chapter meetings. You will also be encouraged to participate in Greek-wide events such as Greek Week and Homecoming. These events are not only fun, but provide an opportunity for you to meet other members of the Greek community.
Each chapter has programming during the new member period to help their new members adjust to college life.
GREEK Chic 2017
Leadership Leadership opportunities are numerous within the sorority community. As a chapter officer or coordinator of a chapter event, you can develop management and communication skills. You will have the chance to experience different roles in the chapter, whether it’s handling finances during a philanthropy fundraiser or greeting guests during an alumnae dinner. Each chapter also provides educational programs that will help you refine your time management, leadership and communication skills. Striking a balance between academics and extracurricular activities is an important part of college life. Here at the Capstone, we believe campus involvement provides a well-rounded college experience. Sororities value leadership, and likewise encourage chapter members to become involved in campus-wide activities. Greek life is a direct springboard into campus involvement including student government, special interest organizations, honor societies, Capstone Men and Women, Homecoming, intramural sports and more than 500 other campus organizations. Being Greek also provides an invaluable network when seeking employment and career opportunities. Greek alumni/ae understand the Greek experience of being both an individual and a team player, the desire to excel both in and out of the classroom, and the commitment to give something back to the community. Through interactions with Greek alumni/ ae, you can begin building relationships that will help you in the future.
GREEK Chic 2017
Scholarship Greek-letter organizations were founded on the principle of exceptional scholarship and each sorority at UA recognizes the importance of scholastic success in order to remain an active member, women must maintain their grades throughout membership. The sororities at UA want their members to do well in school and they will provide informational programs to help you achieve your academic goals. All chapters have study hall hours to assist you with time management and tutoring programs to create an environment in which you can excel. Scholarships are offered through NPC as well as through local Alumnae Panhellenic Associations and individual chapters. The academic performance of each chapter is tabulated every semester to determine an all-sorority grade point average. The fall 2016 academic standings are as follows:
Fall 2016 ACADEMIC Standings All-Panhellenic (6,944)
All-Women (17,928)
All-Greek (10,942) 3.28 All-Non Greek Women (10,708)
All-Undergraduate (32,158)
The All-Sorority GPA has been higher than the undergraduate All-Women'’s GPA since 1927
Bryson Bass (pictured) and Kelsey Kauffman are the 2017 recipients of the Dr. Kathleen Powers Cramer Leadership and Involvement Scholarship, which recognizes a Panhellenic woman in good standing with her organization, who has maintained a 3.0 GPA and demonstrated outstanding leadership ability.
Pictured Left to Right: Bryan Pass & Everette Dawkins.
GREEK Chic 2017
Philanthropy Philanthropy events at UA demonstrate that Greek women’s interests and concerns extend well beyond social activities. Sororities sponsor a number of activities each year, donating their time and money to specific philanthropies or identified causes. Sorority members actively participate in their own chapter’s philanthropy events as well as support other chapters’ service efforts. Every year there are cookouts, pancake breakfasts, basketball tournaments, 5K runs, mentoring programs, and other events that Greeks plan and support. The Alabama Panhellenic Association looks to support campus and community needs through events such as Greek Week, Trick-orTreat on Sorority Row, an Easter Egg Hunt on the front lawn of the President’s Mansion, Circle of Sisterhood, Gamma Peer Educators, Beat Auburn Beat Hunger, Laps for Cystic Fibrosis, clothing drives, and many other sponsorships to help others on campus, in the community and throughout the state. The opportunities you will encounter to help benefit philanthropies and the community are endless here at the Capstone.
GREEK Chic 2017
Social Events Social events help you get to know your own sorority’s members as well as members of other Greek organizations. Sororities participate in formals, swaps, and sisterhood events to help build relationships that will last a lifetime. Swaps are informal parties held with a fraternity and usually have a theme such as 80s, toga, camouflage, disco, or famous couples. Sisterhood events are fun activities like movie nights, bowling, and skating that are held for the members of one sorority. Football weekends are also a large part of Greek social life here at the Capstone. Sororities typically serve meals before each home game, and friends and family are invited to participate in the festivities.
GREEK Chic 2017
WEEK Homecoming at UA is a week full of excitement and fun leading up to the fall Homecoming football game. Each sorority is paired with an IFC fraternity, as well as a UGC and NPHC organization for the week. Each pairing then participates in a series of competitions in an effort to win the coveted Homecoming Spirit Cup. “Paint the Town Red” is one event where windows of local businesses are painted in honor of the Homecoming game. Other competitions include a basketball tournament, bowling tournament, dance competition, and a float competition followed by a parade through campus and downtown Tuscaloosa. The most anticipated part of Homecoming, however, is the traditional construction of lawn decorations by each sorority house. These giant decorations incorporate the year’s homecoming theme and are created through a process called “pomping.” Homecoming Week is the perfect time to bond with women in your sorority and make friends with members in the partnering sororities and fraternities. And of course, it all leads up to the big Homecoming game and the crowning of Homecoming Queen.
GREEK Chic 2017
Greek Week Greek Week at The University of Alabama is a week set aside in the spring to promote unity, camaraderie, and service within the Greek community. During Greek Week, members of all four Greek governing councils participate in friendly competitions and community service. Greek Week is one of the largest annual philanthropic efforts at The University of Alabama. While many of the events are social in nature, the primary focus of Greek Week is to give back to our local community through service and charitable contributions with the goal of uniting the four councils by having them work and socialize together.
During Greek Week 2017, the UA Greek Community raised nearly $100,000 for local non-profits.
"This year, all four councils came together for Greek Week to compete and serve the greater Tuscaloosa area. All of us enjoyed working with other councils and have fostered some awesome new friendships!" -Everette Dawkins
GREEK Chic 2017
Recruitment WEEK Recruitment at UA begins on Friday, August 11, 2017, and concludes with Bid Day on Saturday, August 19, 2017. For many of you, this will be your first impression of Tuscaloosa and Greek life at The University of Alabama. We sincerely hope that you enjoy all that we have planned for you! The week of Primary Recruitment consists of four rounds of events, each structured to show you what each sorority has to offer. You will also have a chance to meet current sorority women in each of the houses and ask any questions that you might have about activities, financial obligations, scholarship, new member programs, and campus life in general. It is very important that you keep an open mind during this process and carefully decide where YOU feel you best fit into the Greek community at UA. Please recognize that Primary Recruitment at UA is a process of mutual selection in that both the Potential New Members and the individual sororities are making choices. All Potential New Members will visit every sorority during the first round of Open House, but the remaining three rounds (Philanthropy, Sisterhood, and Preference) are by invitation only. Throughout the invitational rounds of recruitment, Potential New Members will make decisions regarding the chapter specific parties they want to attend and the sororities will make decisions regarding the women they want to invite to their parties. Potential New Members should understand that they may not receive invitations to all the parties that they would like to attend. While this may seem overwhelming, the Panhellenic Executive Council and Sigma Rho Chis will explain this process in detail at Convocation and throughout the week.
GREEK Chic 2017
Women representing 45 states and 8 international countries participated in Fall Formal Recruitment 2016.
FOLLOW US FOR UPDATES UA Panhellenic Association @UAPanhellenic @UAOFSL alabamapanhellenic Alabama Panhellenic Association uapanhellenic
Download The University of Alabama app for iPhone and Android to see the Crimson Ride transit system’s schedule and routes.
Recruitment Q&A Do I need to go to all of the events listed in the recruitment schedule? Yes! The objective of recruitment is for you as a Potential New Member to learn as much as you can about the UA Greek community as well as each of the chapters, so that you can make the best possible decision regarding membership. If you intentionally miss an event to which you were invited, you are not maximizing your options, and you could be released from the recruitment process. Will all Participants pledge a sorority at the end of recruitment? Because Recruitment is a process of mutual selection, there are many different outcomes to this process. Participation in Primary Recruitment does NOT guarantee you an invitation to join a sorority, and it is possible to go through recruitment and not pledge a sorority. With that being said, last year, 93 percent of the women participating in Primary Recruitment at UA joined a sorority at the end of recruitment week. If I participate in Primary Recruitment, am I obligated to join a sorority? Potential New Members who choose to participate in recruitment are not obligated to join a sorority. The recruitment process is structured so as to allow women interested in sorority membership the opportunity to explore Greek life and to see if it is the right fit. If I am a legacy to a sorority, is there anything I should know? Sororities want to know who their legacies are, so please remind your
family member to send the chapter a legacy introduction form. With regard to legacies, Panhellenic does not have any specific policies. Each sorority has its own policy regarding legacies, and it is up to each individual chapter to decide whether to offer membership to a legacy. Likewise, legacies are not obligated to pledge the sorority that they are a legacy to. Each Potential New Member is evaluated on an individual basis, and sororities are more likely to consider mutual compatibility versus a family connection. It is also recommended that PNMs completely fill out their legacy information when registering for Recruitment. What if I am not a freshman and I want to participate in Primary Recruitment? A Potential New Member who graduated high school prior to December 2016 is considered an upperclassman. UA utilizes an upperclassman/secondary quota, which is separate from the freshman/primary quota. This dual-quota system gives all women participating in recruitment an equal opportunity to pledge. What if I only want to be in a certain sorority? Only wanting to be a member of one specific sorority or only considering a few sororities can severely limit a PNM’s options for membership and can lead to disappointment. Please don’t choose a sorority based on stereotypes or others’ opinions. We encourage you to keep an open mind about the chapters and make a decision that is right for you.
GREEK Chic 2017
Recruitment Advice Does GPA Really Matter? Although Panhellenic does not require a specific grade point average to participate in Primary Recruitment, each sorority has a minimum grade requirement for membership. With the large amount of women who participate in the primary recruitment process, GPA can be one of the first ways for the chapters to begin to manage the numbers.
It is strongly recommended that you have at or above a 3.0 cumulative high school or college GPA. To help you understand how GPA will affect your recruitment, we have broken it down into three “GPA Zones.” If your GPA lands in a zone that you feel will limit your recruitment options, don’t worry! Many people spend Freshman year raising their GPA, then go through Primary Recruitment as an upperclassman! UA utilizes a separate quota for freshman and upperclassman, and this dual-quota system gives ALL women participating in recruitment a greater opportunity to pledge a sorority. GREEN ZONE: a 3.0 cumulative high school or college GPA. Your options are not likely to be limited based on your GPA. (3.0 + ) YELLOW ZONE: a 2.8-2.99 cumulative high school or college GPA. Your options are more likely to be limited by your GPA. RED ZONE: a 2.79 or below cumulative high school or college GPA. Your options are very likely to be limited based on your GPA. (2.79 and below) The following describes the 2016 Sorority Recruitment applicant pool:
Average Cumulative High School GPA: 3.65 Average Cumulative College GPA: 3.22 Average ACT Score: 25 Average SAT Score: 1,055
GREEK Chic 2017
Is that true? Don’t believe all the rumors you hear. If it sounds too absurd to be true, then it probably isn’t true. Feel free to talk to your Sigma Rho Chis about any concerns you have.
What should I bring? Packing List: Extra pony-tail holders, Bobby pins, Hair brush, Personal fan, Band-aids, Umbrella, Oil blotting sheets, Powder, Snacks, Water Bottle, Deodorant, Pen, Pad for notes, Flip flops, Camera, Waterproof tote bag, and Mints
How's the Weather? It’s August in Alabama...Trust us, it will be HOT! Choose light-weight dresses and colors that won’t show sweat. Comfort is KEY to reduce stress during Recruitment.
She said what? Be careful what you say about other sororities to those around you. You should always be respectful of others’ opinions, as you never know what connections someone has to a particular sorority.
What Should I Carry In? You won’t be allowed to take anything into the sorority houses, so leave your nice purse or bag in your room. This also means that your bag will be lying on the grass outside while you are attending parties, so keep that in mind when choosing a durable waterproof bag to tote your things.
GREEK Chic 2017
Recruitment Week
OPEN HOUSE DAY During the first two days of recruitment, you will visit all 16 sororities with your recruitment group. Each party is only 20 minutes long, so the days move quickly. You will be greeted at each house by door songs as you are welcomed into the party. Feel free to ask questions of the members and tell them a little bit about yourself. Most importantly, remember to have fun and be yourself! The week will be over before you know it!
Tip: Remember the first two days of DO
recruitment are the longest and you will be doing a lot of walking, so you will definitely want to be dressed comfortably.
Wear a nicer dress with wedges, heels, or flats for OPEN HOUSE Day.
We don’t suggest wearing a maxi dress because August in Alabama is too hot. You will want to be cool and comfortable!
Remember: The most important thing is to be comfortable! You will want to be concentrating on your conversations in each house, not worrying about your outfit!
GREEK Chic 2017
Clothing provided by Lucca and Market House
Recruitment Week
PHILANTHROPY DAY Philanthropy Day marks the first round of invitation only parties. During days three and four of recruitment, you will have the opportunity to visit a maximum of 12 sororities for 30 minutes each. Community service is an important
part of the overall Greek experience and Philanthropy Day will give you a glimpse into the philanthropic work that sororities participate in at the local and national level. These two days are very laid back and lots of fun.
Tip: Think about what philanthropies are important to you and what service projects you were involved in during high school. We don’t suggest wearing ripped or frayed jean shorts because those could come across as too casual. Additionally, don’t wear shorts that
are too short because in some houses you may be sitting on the floor.
WHAT TO WEAR: You will receive
Remember: Philanthropy
two t-shirts at Convocation to wear during Philanthropy Days. During these two days, wear nice shorts and comfortable shoes.
Days are the most relaxed days of recruitment, enjoy!
Clothing provided by Market House
GREEK Chic 2017
RECRUITMENT WEEK R ecr eek uitment W
SISTERHOOD DAY Sisterhood Day allows you the opportunity to see the personality of each sorority. You may attend a maximum of 8 parties, each of which is 40 minutes in length during days five and six of recruitment. The parties on Sisterhood Days are informative and allow you more time for conversations with the sorority women. Participation in this round will allow you the opportunity to
see firsthand the individuality and spirit of each sorority, as well as experience the special bond of sorority sisterhood.
Tip: During these two days you learn what each chapter is involved in on campus; think hard about what you would like to be involved in while at UA and whether this chapter could help you reach your goals. We don’t suggest wearing a dress
that is too casual or too short because these days are more formal.
WHAT TO WEAR: Wear a nicer dress with wedges, heels, or flats for SISTERHOOD DAY.
GREEK Chic 2017
Remember: Sisterhood Days are a great time to really see the personality of each chapter!
Clothing provided by Lucca and Market House
RECRUITMENT R ecruitment WEEK Week PREFERENCE DAY On this day you can attend a maximum of 3 Preference parties, each lasting 50 minutes. This is the day to really focus on what you want to gain out of joining a sorority. An invitation to a Preference event means that the sorority is very interested in asking you to become a member. After participating in a ceremony, you will have the chance to talk privately with a member. During this time, the
member may share with you how she made her decision, what her sorority means to her personally, and what sisterhood encompasses. After the last party, you will walk silently to complete your MRABA.
Tip: Look around the room at each of your events; many of these women could be your pledge sisters, so make sure you feel comfortable. Wearing a dress that is too tight or too short is inappropriate for recruitment, especially on Preference Day. This is
the most formal day of recruitment.
Remember: Preference Day is the last day of recruitment, so really focus on your conversations and how you feel in each house.
Clothing provided by Lucca and Market House
WHAT TO WEAR: Wear a nice dress and heels or nice wedges. An example would be something you would wear perhaps to A RELIGIOUS CEREMONY or a wedding.
GREEK Chic 2017
Recruitment Week
BID DAY Recruitment Week ends with Bid Day. This day begins at 10:00 a.m. in BryantDenny Stadium, where PNMs will open their bid card and head to their chapter house with their new sorority sisters.
This is a very exciting and long day. Make sure to get a good night's sleep, as some chapters have a retreat planned immediately after Bid Day.
DO Wear:
Tanktop, shorts, and comfortable shoes with backs. When you get your bid, you will head to your sorority house! There, you will receive a jersey with your new sorority letters, to put on over your tanktop.
Bid Day is crazy, hectic, and hot! You will want to stay cool and drink a lot of water. Don’t worry, many houses serve lunch on Bid Day as well!
GREEK Chic 2017
Clothing provided by Lucca and Market House
More About Bid Day This year Bid Day at UA will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 19, 2017. Bid Day activities begin at Bryant-Denny Stadium with the official opening of the bids ceremony and continue along sorority row, as each sorority hosts a Bid Day brunch to welcome new members and their parents. Bid Day is the most exciting day of recruitment. You will, however, be sitting in the stadium waiting to open your bids around the hottest time of the day. While it may be a hot and hectic day, it’s a once in a lifetime experience that will start one of the most exciting adventures in college. Bid distribution is followed by a lunch hosted at the sorority houses for the new members. While parents are invited to participate in the excitement of Bid Day, visit the sorority house for brunch and learn about the chapter, due to space constraints, each new member is limited to 2 adult guests. Further, since many parents travel to UA for Bid Day, it is important to know whether the chapter you end up joining will be leaving on Bid Day for a new member retreat.
What is a New Member Retreat? On or soon after Bid Day, sororities plan retreats so that their new member class has an opportunity to bond and get to know each other. On this retreat, the new members are able to meet their new sisters, learn about their sorority, and celebrate finding their home away from home for the next four years.
Alpha Chi Omega
Bid Day
Alpha Delta Pi
Bid Day
Alpha Gamma Delta
Bid Day
Alpha Omicron Pi
Bid Day
Alpha Phi
Bid Day
Chi Omega
Bid Day
Delta Delta Delta
Bid Day
Delta Gamma
Bid Day
Delta Zeta
Bid Day
Gamma Phi Beta
Bid Day
Kappa Alpha Theta
Bid Day
Kappa Delta
Bid Day
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Bid Day
Phi Mu
Bid Day
Pi Beta Phi
Bid Day
Sigma Delta Tau
Zeta Tau Alpha
Bid Day
PLEASE NOTE that Colonial & Magnolia Drive will both be closed to traffic on Bid Day. Visitors are encouraged to park in the ten Hoor West Commuter Parking Lot. For more information about parking on Bid Day, please visit
GREEK Chic 2017
Bama Bound, the University’s new student orientation program, which takes place during May, June, July and August, is required of all new freshmen and transfer students. If you cannot attend any of the Bama Bound Orientation sessions prior to August, then you will need to register for the Freshman Final Session on Thursday, August 17. Since the August 17 Freshman Final Session is scheduled during the Sisterhood Round of Sorority Recruitment, you will need to make note of this conflict on your Campus Director registration form when it asks if you “anticipate any conflicts that might prevent you from attending any of the recruitment activities.” At Convocation, you will also need to notify your Sigma Rho Chi (Recruitment Counselor) of this conflict, so that we can make arrangements for you to attend any Sisterhood parties you are invited to on Wednesday, August 16. This accommodation will free up Thursday, August 17 for you to attend Bama Bound Orientation, allowing you to register for your classes and pay your student bill. A student’s registration is not complete until she has attended a Bama Bound orientation session, created a class schedule and paid or arranged to pay her tuition, course fees, residence hall room, Dining Dollars, meal options, and parking decal charges. As such, students who report to campus for Primary Recruitment before they have completed orientation and registration may have issues accessing some of the services such as dining until they develop a student schedule and complete payment arrangements with Student Account Services. If you have not participated in Orientation before you come to campus for Primary Recruitment,
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we suggest that you start a Bama Cash account by going to http://actcard. (or call 800-474-2288 during business hours) or bring cash, a credit or a debit card with you. You will need money for meals until you have paid your Fall bill in full or enrolled in a payment plan with Student Account Services. The Action Card Office will be open Saturday, August 12 and Sunday, August 13 from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to assist students who cannot access dining or residence hall services. Please call (205) 348-2288 or stop by the Campus Drive Parking Deck, 451 Campus Drive East. This is the Transit Hub. For students who submitted a photo online, your Action Card will be ready for pick-up at the Action Card office. If you failed to submit a photo online, you will need to be prepared to have your Action Card produced at the Action Card office. As noted above, many services accessed by the Action Card will not be available until your Fall term payment arrangements have been completed with Student Account Services. The first meal served for the fall 2017 semester is scheduled for lunch on Thursday, August 10, 2017. Women participating in sorority recruitment will have access to dining hall options provided that they have purchased a meal plan and confirmed their fall 2017 class schedule on myBama. If you do not have an active meal plan on your Action Card, your Sigma Rho Chi (Recruitment Counselor) will be able to assist you and swipe you in for the lunch meals scheduled August 12-18 at the dining halls during primary recruitment.
Meal Plans
Meal Plans
Meal Plans
Meal Plans
Meal Plans
Meal Plans
Meal Plans
11 a.m.-3 p.m.
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
11-4 p.m.
11-4 p.m.
11-4 p.m.
11-4 p.m.
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Fresh Food Co.
Fresh Food Co.
Fresh Food Co.
Fresh Food Co.
Fresh Food Co.
Fresh Food Co.
Fresh Food Co.
5-8 p.m.
5-8 p.m.
5-8 p.m.
5-8 p.m.
5-8 p.m.
5-8 p.m.
5-8 p.m.
Lakeside &
Lakeside &
Lakeside &
Lakeside &
Lakeside &
Lakeside &
Lakeside & Burke
Subway 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. (Every Day)
Julia’s Market 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Chick-fil-A Monday - Friday 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Mary B’s (in Burke Hall) 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. (Every Day) Starbucks Bryant 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Every Day)
Raising Cane’s (in Paty Hall) 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Dunkin Donuts 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Starbucks Ferg Saturday - Sunday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Wendy’s 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Don’t forget your ACT card when you eat meals on campus! For a list of available dining locations and hours prior to August 10th, please visit For more information regarding Meals Plan Terms and Conditions for the 2017-2018 academic year, including the Greek 55 meal plan, please visit
GREEK Chic 2017
Move-In The online Move-In sign-up process will begin in June 2017. Students who have registered for recruitment prior to June 1 will be able to sign up for an early move-in time through their housing application. Students who do not register before the online move-in signup system opens can email for scheduling assistance. Students who do not have a move-in time by late July will be assigned a time by Housing and Residential Communities (HRC). At the beginning of August, all students will receive an email with their checkin date and time, driving directions, and access to the unloading zone sent to their UA Crimson email account. This email must be used during Move-In, so be sure to keep it on your phone, or bring a printed copy with you. In order to make the Move-In process as easy and efficient as possible, the number of students who can move in at each time during the day is limited. Allowing students to continue to select Move-In times that are already filled makes the process more difficult for families, students, and volunteers assisting with the process. We appreciate your understanding and your selection of another time if your first choice is already filled. NOTE: Please arrive on your assigned day and time. If you arrive outside of your assigned Move-In period, you will be directed to a holding area and will be required to wait until your assigned time or until move-in operations have ceased for the day.
Sorority Convocation Sorority Convocation is at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 11, 2017 at Coleman Coliseum. This is a casual event, as it is understood that most students will have spent the majority of the day moving into their residence hall rooms. Women participating in sorority recruitment should have no concern about moving in on the day of convocation. Shorts and t-shirts are entirely appropriate for this event.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the variety of times in which students move out, students are responsible for moving their own belongings out of the residence halls. Volunteer staff will not be available in May.
GREEK Chic 2017
Schedule Thursday, August 10, 2017 Students registered for approved early-arrival activities (Sorority Recruitment is approved), who are assigned to live in the residence halls listed below, will be able to sign up to checkin during the following times: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. All buildings EXCEPT Tutwiler
Friday, August 11, 2017 Students registered for approved early-arrival activities (Sorority Recruitment is approved), who are assigned to live in the residencehalls listed below, will be able to sign up to checkin during the following times: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. All buildings EXCEPT Tutwiler
Due to ongoing construction projects on the Tutwiler block, HRC is still working with campus partners to finalize the Tutwiler move-in schedule by floor. Tutwiler residents will have specific times of day on August 10-11 available based on floors so that we can move all residents in efficiently. Students who are assigned to Tutwiler will receive information on days and times available to their floor in late May via Crimson email.
For more information about move-in, please visit
GREEK Chic 2017
Alpha Chi Omega ΑΧΩ
NICKNAME: Alpha Chi NATIONAL FOUNDING: 1885 UA FOUNDING: 1924 CHAPTER NAME: Alpha Upsilon SYMBOL: Grecian Lyre FLOWER: Red Carnation
PHILANTHROPY: Domestic Violence Awareness, Prevention, and Education COLOR(S): Scarlet and Olive Green MOTTO: Together Let Us Seek the Heights CHAPTER WEBSITE: SUGGESTED GPA: 3.0
GREEK Chic 2017
CHAPTER PRESID ENT: Stasia Foste r RECRUITMENT CH AIR(S): Savann ah Martin & Brianna Norw ood
GREEK Chic 2017
Alpha Delta Chi ΑΔΧ
FLOWER: Gladiolus and Delphinium
COLOR(S): Flame and Blue
MOTTO: As in a Mirror
JEWEL: Pearl
GREEK Chic 2017
GREEK Chic 2017
Alpha Delta Pi ΑΔΠ
GREEK Chic 2017
PHILANTHROPY: Ronald McDonald House COLOR(S): Azure Blue and White MOTTO: We Live For Each Other CHAPTER WEBSITE: etachapter.wix. com/alabamaalphadeltapi SUGGESTED GPA: 3.2
CHAPTER PRESID ENT: Megan An derson RECRUITMENT CH AIR(S): Savannah Bridg es & Sam Verstee g
GREEK Chic 2017
Alpha Gamma Delta ΑΓΔ
PHILANTHROPY: Fighting Hunger
COLOR(S): Red, Buff, and Green
CHAPTER NAME: Psi SYMBOL: Squirrel FLOWER: Red and Buff Roses
CHAPTER PRESID ENT: Mae Rose Tyson RECRUITMENT CH AIR(S): Maggie Greene & Gabby Bopp (Not Pictured)
GREEK Chic 2017
Alpha Omicron Pi ΑΟΠ
PHILANTHROPY: Arthritis Foundation
COLOR(S): Cardinal
MOTTO: Inspire Ambition
MASCOT: Panda FLOWER: Jacqueminot Rose
CHAPTER PRESID ENT: Jessica Ha stings RECRUITMENT CH AIR(S): Savana h Eubanks
GREEK Chic 2017
Alpha Phi ΑΦ
GREEK Chic 2017
PHILANTHROPY: Alpha Phi Foundation COLOR(S): Bordeaux and Silver MOTTO: Union Hand in Hand CHAPTER WEBSITE: SUGGESTED GPA: 3.0
GREEK Chic 2017
Chi Omega ΧΩ
COLOR(S): Cardinal and Straw
MOTTO: Sisters on Purpose
CHAPTER NAME: Nu Beta SYMBOL: Skull and Crossbones MASCOT: Owl FLOWER: White Carnation PHILANTHROPY: Make-A-Wish Foundation
CHAPTER PRES IDENT: Ann Ka y Alexander RECRUITMEN T CHAIR(S): Falon Miskelly & Lillian Roth
GREEK Chic 2017
Delta Delta Delta ΔΔΔ
GREEK Chic 2017
PHILANTHROPY: Children's Cancer & St. Jude Children's Research Hospital COLOR(S): Silver, Gold, and Blue MOTTO: Let Us Steadfastly Love One Another CHAPTER WEBSITE: SUGGESTED GPA: 3.0
CHAPTER PRESID ENT: Baylor Jeffri es RECRUITMENT CH AIR(S): Frances Carson Madi Isern & Ka te Noble Hall
GREEK Chic 2017
Delta Gamma ΔΓ
NICKNAME: D-G NATIONAL FOUNDING: 1873 UA FOUNDING: 1947 CHAPTER NAME: Beta Psi SYMBOL: Anchor FLOWER: Cream Colored Rose PHILANTHROPY: Service for Sight & AL Institute for Deaf and Blind
GREEK Chic 2017
CHAPTER PRESID ENT: Natalie Ch arlier RECRUITMENT CH AIR(S): Caroline Hudson
GREEK Chic 2017
Delta Zeta ΔZ
FLOWER: Killarney Rose
UA FOUNDING: 1922 CHAPTER NAME: Alpha Gamma SYMBOL: Lamp MASCOT: Turtle JEWEL: Diamond
GREEK Chic 2017
Hearing and The Painted Turtle COLOR(S): Rose and Green CHAPTER WEBSITE: SUGGESTED GPA: 3.2
GREEK Chic 2017
Gamma Phi Beta ΓΦΒ
NICKNAME: Gamma Phi NATIONAL FOUNDING: 1874 UA FOUNDING: 1989 CHAPTER NAME: Epsilon Lambda SYMBOL: Crescent Moon MASCOT: Penguin FLOWER: Pink Carnation
GREEK Chic 2017
PHILANTHROPY: Building Strong Girls COLOR(S): Pink, Brown, and Mode CHAPTER WEBSITE: SUGGESTED GPA: 3.0
CHAPTE R PRESID ENT: Me RECRUIT aghan B MENT CH oucher AIR(S): Alexand ra Kathe rman
GREEK Chic 2017
Kappa Alpha Theta ΚΑΘ
GREEK Chic 2017
PHILANTHROPY: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) COLOR(S): Black and Gold CHAPTER WEBSITE: SUGGESTED GPA: 3.0
CHAPTER PRESID ENT: Lily Carter RECRUITMENT CH AIR(S): Jaycie Fin ch, Katherine Johnso n, & Caroline DiS imoni
GREEK Chic 2017
Kappa Delta KΔ
NICKNAME: K-D NATIONAL FOUNDING: 1897 UA FOUNDING: 1904 CHAPTER NAME: Zeta FLOWER: White Rose PHILANTHROPY: Prevent Child Abuse America & Girl Scouts of America
GREEK Chic 2017
COLOR(S): Pearl White and Olive Green MOTTO: "Ta Kala DioKomen" CHAPTER WEBSITE: SUGGESTED GPA: 3.0
GREEK Chic 2017
Kappa Kappa Gamma ΚΚΓ
PHILANTHROPY: Reading is Fundamental & Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Alabama COLOR(S): Light Blue and Dark Blue MOTTO: Aspire to Be CHAPTER WEBSITE: SUGGESTED GPA: 3.33
GREEK Chic 2017
GREEK Chic 2017
Phi Mu ΦΜ
GREEK Chic 2017
PHILANTHROPY: Children's Miracle Network Hospitals COLOR(S): Rose and White MOTTO: Les Soeurs Fideles CHAPTER WEBSITE: SUGGESTED GPA: 3.3
CHAPTER PRESID ENT: Marissa Le e RECRUITMENT CH AIR(S): Kristen Pa lmquist Alexandra Patto n, & Blair Bollinge r
GREEK Chic 2017
Pi Beta Phi ΠΒΦ
FLOWER: Wine Carnation
COLOR(S): Wine and Silver Blue
CHAPTER NAME: Alabama Beta
CHAPTER PRESID ENT: Cathleen Thomas RECRUITMENT CH AIR(S): Brittany Graham, Shelby Bensinger, & Jordan Clark
GREEK Chic 2017
Sigma Delta Tau ΣΔΤ
PHILANTHROPY: Prevent Child Abuse America, JWI, & Women for Women International COLOR(S): Café au Lait & Old Blue MOTTO: One Hope of Many
MASCOT: Teddy Bear
JEWEL: Lapis Lazuli
FLOWER: Yellow Tea Rose SUGGESTED GPA: 2.5
GREEK Chic 2017
CHAPTE R PRESID ENT: Tay RECRUIT lor Lee MENT CH AIR(S): Alex Bate & Lucy H s ollande r
GREEK Chic 2017
Sigma Kappa
Sigma Kappa, the new sorority at the University of Alabama Sigma Kappa is thrilled to be joining the Alabama Panhellenic community in September 2018! Throughout the next year, be on the lookout as we make our presence on campus. We are excited to recruit our founding class next fall. Our founding members will have the opportunity to assume immediate leadership roles and create their legacy at Alabama. Sigma Kappa will participate in all major campus activities, including sisterhood, social and philanthropy events. Stay connected to our journey via social media @UASigmaKappa. We
can’t wait to join this outstanding Greek community and wish you the best of luck with Primary Recruitment!
COLORS: Lavender and Maroon
MOTTO: One Heart, One Way
SYMBOLS: Dove and Heart JEWEL: Pearl FLOWER: Wild Purple Violet PHILANTHROPY: Alzheimer’s Disease Research; Sigma Kappa Foundation
GREEK Chic 2017 SOCIAL MEDIA: @UASigmaKappa SUGGESTED GPA: 3.0 VALUES: Personal Growth, Friendship, Service, and Loyalty
GREEK Chic 2017
Zeta Tau Alpha ZTA
PHILANTHROPY: Breast Cancer Awareness and Education COLOR(S): Turquoise Blue and Steel Gray MOTTO: Seek the Noblest CHAPTER WEBSITE: SUGGESTED GPA: 3.0
GREEK Chic 2017
GREEK Chic 2017
GREEK Chic 2017
GREEK Chic 2017
Sorority New Member Packages & Arrangements In partnership with the Alabama Panhellenic Association, local vendors will be offering Sorority New Member Packages and Arrangements for Fall 2017 Primary Recruitment. New Member Packages are gift packages and/or flowers arrangements congratulating a new member on joining a sorority. Local vendors will deliver New Member Packages to the sorority houses post Bid Day in anticipation of the new members return from their new member retreats. In coordination with local vendors, each sorority has designated a specific time and date for New Member Package deliveries. Individuals, who wish to hand deliver sorority gift packages and/or flower arrangements to a new member on Bid Day, will need to arrange onsite pick-up with the local vendor, as there will be no deliveries to sorority row on Saturday, August 19, 2017. For more information about Sorority New Member Packages and Arrangements, please contact one of the following approved local vendors:
GREEK Chic 2017
AMY’S FLORIST (800) 544-5076 CHRISTI PATTON DESIGNS (205) 242-8032 DOROTHY MCDANIEL’S FLOWER MARKET (205) 871-0092 THE GREEK FREAK (205) 435-2262 LOU & CO (205) 535-7576 MATT CLINTON DESIGNS (205) 464-0488 PAT’S FLORIST (800) 654-7492 STEPHANIE’S FLOWERS (800) 634-3391 THE TRUNK (800) 439-2262 TUSCALOOSA FLOWER SHOPPE (205) 758-3065
GREEK Chic 2017
BUY ONE GET ONE half off everything! 3 minutes from sorority row Extended rush hours
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Greek Store Pre-order New Member Packages Call Now to Order
located on the strip
1217 University Blvd, Tuscaloosa, AL 35407