1 minute read
Ireland Farms
Alpine, AL
I started Ireland Farms with Hollin Williams. Craving a more rewarding life, we set out to build a vegetable farm to provide natural, nutritious food for our community. It is hard work, but it is honest work. A good ght is always worth ghting. Having been in Birmingham since 2010, we searched for land within striking distance of our city’s many incredible restaurants and farmers markets. A er months of tours and deliberation, we se led in the gorgeous, fertile elds of Alpine, Alabama. It is an arduous process to survive as a small-scale market farm. In order to achieve pro tability, it is important to create strong relationships with both restaurants and direct consumers. We could not exist without your support, and for that, we are thankful. Our #1 goal is to be a reliable, year round source of delicious produce for decades to come!