3 minute read
Luke Stephens has always loved farm life and farm animals. Growing up, he followed in the footsteps of his grandfather, Jack Jarman, a skilled farm trader in Southwest Alabama. “Pop-uh,” as Luke calls him, always had the time and patience to show Luke how to do things, and he has always been one of Luke’s biggest cheerleaders.
In fourth grade, Luke joined Clarke County’s 4-H program. Even though Luke had been working with farm animals for years, he showcased his animals in 4-H events, like Pig Squeal and Chick Chain. He won countless awards each year and in 2018, he became an instructor for both Pig Squeal and Chick Chain Showmanship. He conducted clinics in Clarke and Washington counties through 2022. These experiences not only provided Luke the opportunity to teach others how to catch the eyes of the judges when showing animals, but they also gave him another chance to share his passion for farm life.
For Luke Stephens, 4-H has opened doors and provided opportunities that he could never have imagined. In 2020, Luke became a State Ambassador. In 2022-2023, he was elected President. As Ambassador President, he has attended the National Conference in Washington, DC, for two years. He has met and spoken with many politicians, both on the state and national levels. At Governor Ivey’s inaugural parade in January, Luke walked with Rick Pate, the Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture.
Luke Stephens started 4-H in the 4th grade. He has won numerous awards and served as 4-H Ambassador President this year. Recently, he was awarded the 2023 Barbara D. Thorne Endowment Scholarship for $1500. He plans to use it to pursue a degree in agriculture.
Wendy Padgett, Clarke County’s 4-H Foundation Regional Extension Agent, had nothing but praise and admiration for Luke.

"He’s very passionate about everything he does," she stated. "He is very knowledgeable and responsible in everything he does. He also has amazing family support and that is so important."
Luke has been “raised” with faith in God, family loyalty and devotion and service to his fellow man as the cornerstones of his life. He lives in the small community of Fulton, Alabama, and attends nearby Thomasville High School. Luke is the son of Jennifer and Russell Stephens, and he has one younger brother, named Cole. His maternal grandparents, Jerri and Jack Jarman, have been a part of any activity Luke was in, supporting, encouraging and lending a hand, if needed.
Someone once pointed out that “a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” Luke Stephens’s leadership skills were honed and refined in 4-H. From 2013 to the present, his 4-H awards and achievements, his leadership and educational accomplishments and his service and volunteer activities have paved the path for a very bright future.
Luke’s peers outside 4-H have also recognized his leadership. He serves as president of both the Senior Class and the Student Council at Thomasville High School, and his resume reflects academic excellence, supported by community service and a genuine desire to help his fellow man.

Recently, Luke received the Barbara D. Thorne Endowment Scholarship for $1500. Barbara D. Thorne was a longtime Alabama 4-H Foundation board member from Jasper, Alabama and her daughter, Becky

Carroll of Auburn, currently serves on the board. Luke plans to use that scholarship to attend Coastal Alabama Community College and then transfer to Mississippi State University to pursue a degree in agriculture. There is no doubt that he will quickly rise to the top and realize his dream to one day become the County Extension Coordinator for Clarke County.
“I was dealt a wonderful hand of people that have made everything I have done possible,” Luke stated in his farewell address as President of the Alabama 4-H Ambassadors. “My family has always supported me, and so has the Clarke County 4-H Team. I have accomplished so much in the past 10 years, and I would not have it any other way. 4-H projects, clubs and people have changed me for the better. I cannot wait to find out what comes next!”
Neither can we, Luke!
2023 Alabama 4-H Foundation Scholarship Recipients

Beth & Dr. Thomas Elliott 4-H Endowed Scholarship - $1,500:

Abby Burgess, Blount County
2023 4-H Foundation Scholarship Winners - $1,000
Abbeigh Jo Gibson, Washington;
Abbie Tomlinson, Monroe;
Aiden Mackenzie, Limestone;
Alexia Dockery, Tuscaloosa;
Angelica Joy Vercher, Shelby;
Stanley Stoutamire, Jr., Shelby;
Breanna Black, Marshall;
BreeAnna Centers, Etowah;
Carrington Mariyah Robertson, Montgomery;
Cecil Perry, Choctaw;
Corey Jack Naylor, Kalyn Nelson, Lawrence;
Maggie McAbee, Lawrence;
Courtney M Thomas, Lee;
Dalton Boykin, Clarke;
Danielle Chapman, Calhoun;
Elizabeth Kirkland, Henry;
Emma Foster, Crenshaw;
Emma Wiggins, Mobile;
Heather Sinclair, Dekalb;
Isaac Wilson, Talladega;
James Quinlivan, Henry;
Jensen Fallin, Blount;
Kalen Alexander, Russell;
Karlee Kirkland, Houston;
Lott Putnam, Bullock;
Macee New, Etowah;
Makena New, Etowah;
Mack Hollis, Houston;
Matthew Padgett, Clarke;
Naomi Claire Huckabee, Clarke;
Rachel Webb, Barbour;
Sarah Short, Jefferson;
Tyler Crim, Tuscaloosa; Wheeler Allen, Lauderdale.