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Another summer has flown by, and it is time for back to school!!! I can still smell the hallways of my school on that first day back! There are so many fun memories to be had in the fall with football, festivals, Halloween and that first snap of cool that signals summer is nearing its end. As schools begin the process of starting back clubs and planning speakers, we hope they will consider adding in the Clean Campus Program.
Our program can be as minimal or as involved as works best for the school. Some schools go all-out with a Green Team, outdoor classroom and weekly cleanups, while other schools just have me come speak to the students and perform a one-time cleanup. Either way, we are happy to have them involved and help spread the anti-litter message!
Back in the spring, I visited a school that does a wonderful job with their Environmental Education! FE Burleson in Hartselle has a robust recycling program and hosted a special Earth Day event with multiple stations for the students to learn more about litter, composting and the animals of Alabama. Nearly 500 students rotated to my station throughout the day and learned all about how litter affects our environment and how the bottles they are putting into the recycling bins can be turned into shoes, bags or tee shirts!
I hope the 2023-24 school year is a record year for the Clean Campus Program! If a school near you would like to learn more, have them visit www.alpals. org. I am happy to answer any questions, also, at (334) 263-7737 or jamie@alpals.org. If you are tired of the litter in your community, let us help educate your students on the importance of picking up and preventing litter! The Clean Campus Program is the perfect way to get our young people involved! Alabama PALS programs are free to schools thanks to our state partnerships and corporate sponsors.