ZEBCO 33S B Y WA LT M E R R E L L Fishing has long been a pastime in our family. From farm ponds to freshwater lakes, to coastal waters, fishing is part of our past and our future. And, while, we don’t go fishing every weekend, it is part of who we are … it is part of how we go Shepherding Outdoors. My oldest daughter, Bay, was five … maybe six … when I bought her first “real” fishing pole. A pink and white Zebco 33. It was the perfect beginner setup because it’s nearly
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impossible to mess up a cast with a Zebco 33. They are as tough as battleships and as smooth as melted butter. And, because I am not a master fisherman … as we say in our family, there is a reason why we go “fishing” and not “catching” … we needed the perfect combination of “bullet proof” and “easy to use” that the 33 offered. For, you see, that’s what would be necessary to match my skills in teaching her how to fish. I am a “hometown” guy, so I try to shop