Oil Review Middle East 3 2014

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VOLUME 17 | ISSUE 3 2014

Covering Oil, Gas and Hydrocarbon Processing UK £10, USA $16.50

 Baghdad considers oil export rethink  The Ukraine-Russia crisis and MENA gas exports  Qatar seeks new markets  Gas drilling to begin offshore Lebanon  GCC petrochemical market receives boost  Coating technologies under the spotlight

Election year in Iraq: changes ahead See us at the shows

“We expect to see significantly higher rates of growth in the Middle East than the average of the global automation markets over the next five to 10 years.” Rockwell Automation senior vice president and CFO, Ted Crandall See page 64


Serving the regional oil & gas sector since 1997

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Vx Spectra


Full-spectrum, single-point measurement for the most accurate production flow rates. Only the Vx Spectra flowmeter captures the complete spectrum of gamma energy levels at high frequency from a single point in the venturi throat, ensuring accurate, repeatable flow rate measurements independent of flow regime. Tested for robustness and accuracy at third-party reference facilities, the flowmeter acquired more than 400 flow loop test points in a variety of fluids, flow regimes, and pressures, with results confirming excellent metrological performance. Find out more at


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 Editor’s note OUR COVER STORY this month examines the upcoming elections in Iraq. While Iraq has emerged from a flat 2013 by posting impressive export figures, any resulting instability may affect future project deliveries and difficult decisions will need to be made over the control of export revenue from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Elsewhere in this issue, the potential regional repercussions of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia are assessed, while the industry spotlight once again falls upon OTC in Texas and Middle East Petrotech in Bahrain.


Managing Editor: David Clancy


Conferences & Exhibitions



Executives’ Calendar

MENA Gas Exports Samuel Ciszuk examines whether the Ukraine-Russia crisis will make the EU a more attractive market for MENA gas exports.



Technology 52





Gas 30




With Qatar developing its LNG resources, the country is now looking to open up new markets in Europe.


Increased consumption highlights the importance of natural gas production.

Coatings A look at the latest advances in coatings technologies.

Innovations Introducing some of the latest products for the oil and gas sector.



Petrochemicals & Refining





Shale Gas


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Rockwell Automation Rockwell Automation’s senior vice president and chief financial officer, Ted Crandall, speaks to Oil Review about the great business potential in the region.

A detailed round-up of the latest E&P news from around the region.

Publisher: Nick Fordham

Hot Tapping Pretect’s mechanical services manager for the Middle East, Steven Hague, discusses the benefits of hot tapping and related safety factors.

Exploration & Production

Editorial and Design team: Bob Adams, Prashant AP, Hiriyti Bairu, Lizzie Carroll, Andrew Croft, Ranganath GS, Rhonita Patnaik, Louise Quick, Ian Roullier, Genaro Santos, Zsa Tebbit, Nicky Valsamakis, and Ben Watts

Alaa For Industry An interview with AFI’s CEO, Brian O’Sullivan.

Iraq Oil Exports A look at who will control oil revenues generated from exports in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, post-election.

OTC 2014 The must-attend event for the development of offshore resources returns to Texas.

Iraq Elections Iraq has started this year with impressive exports, but what is the outlook for Iraq during this potentially crucial election year?


Middle East Petrotech 2014 Investment opportunities never seen before are now on offer locally, according to the organisers of the region's largest downstream conference.

Analysis 10

Serving the world of business

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In Memory of David Clancy

Printed by: Emirates Printing Press, Dubai © Oil Review Middle East ISSN: 1464-9314

1956-2014 IT IS WITH great sadness that we have to report that David Clancy, editor of Oil Review Middle East, has died after a long battle with cancer. David had been with the company for 25 years providing high quality editing for Oil Review Middle East, Technical Review Middle East and other magazines before them. As a result of David's professionalism, knowledge and application, the titles have acquired a reputation for authoritative and pertinent content. Throughout his illness, David maintained his work output, fitting it in between his numerous sessions of unpleasant treatment. There can be few people who would show the same resolve. His expertise and guidance to others and his quiet sense of humour will be sorely missed. He leaves behind his wife, Antonia and two daughters. David Clancy 4


Issue 3 2014

www.oilreview.me email: oil@alaincharles.com

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Executives’ Calendar 2014 MAY 2014 5-8

Offshore Technology Conference




Middle East Petrotech








Baghdad Oil & Gas




New Libya Oil & Gas Forum




Caspian Oil & Gas




Gas & Oil Expo




World Petroleum Congress




EAGE Conference & Exhibition




Iraq Petroleum




IADC World Drilling Conference





JUNE 2014

SEPTEMBER 2014 1-4

Erbil Oil & Gas Exhibition


Cairo Energy



30-3 Oct

KIOGE 2014





OCTOBER 2014 15-16

Iraq International Oil & Gas Expo

NOVEMBER 2014 10-12










DECEMBER 2014 2-5

Offshore Southeast Asia

Readers should verify dates and location with sponsoring organisations, as this information is sometimes subject to change.



Issue 3 2014

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 Analysis The EU, placing a renewed emphasis on diversity of supply, could become an attractive market for MENA gas exports. Samuel Ciszuk examines whether or not Asia will continue to be the buyer of choice.

Gas exports from the MENA region will target new and existing markets throughout Europe

Will Ukraine-Russia crisis affect

MENA gas exports? F OLLOWING THE RECENT annexation of Crimea by Russia, against the will of Ukraine and strong international protests, the dependence of the European Union (EU) on Russian energy imports is again being regarded as problematic. The same switch in perceptions happened in the aftermath of the 2009 gas payment crisis between Russia and Ukraine, after which the EU organised new groups and committees to deal with the security of energy supplies and made several policy changes concerning gas infrastructure and the overall market. These changes and initiatives essentially targeted supply diversification and improved the interconnection and competition of local and regional European markets. As time passed, however, the sense of urgency decreased and many of the initiatives seemed to run out of political steam. The 2009 gas crisis also started to be increasingly viewed through a purely 8


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commercial lens, with understanding for the Russian course of action rising in retrospect, particularly within the industry. This was also helped by Ukraine’s near constant economic problems, which made many traders and gas market watchers move closer to the Russian view of Ukraine being the problem. From that point of view Russia’s building of pipelines bypassing East- and Central Europe, like the Nord Stream subsea pipeline under the Baltic, seemed like a good enough solution to Europe’s gas security of supply conundrum. Another reason behind the efforts running out of steam was pricing. Alternatives to Russian gas were scarce, with other large suppliers to Europe by pipeline not being able to deliver growth from mature assets, or being dogged by political insecurity and sanctions, like Libya and Iran. LNG had been touted as the other real near-term alternative. However, apart from some long-term deals struck with Qatar – most of them ironically well before

the 2009 crisis – EU energy companies struggled to compete with Asia over the price of LNG cargoes, particularly in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

EU energy firms have struggled to compete with Asia over LNG cargo prices This time around there is, however, reason to believe that both EU resolve and persistence will be much stronger. Russia’s forceful annexation of a neighbouring state’s territory, which in addition is also widely read in the context of an east-west power struggle, touches a raw nerve not only with the political leaderships of the union, but with the broader populations. There is a sense that a watershed event has taken place and that the continent has moved

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away from post-cold war dÊtente being the norm into a new, more tense time of power politics with a greater emphasis on security. No doubt the strongest feelings will mellow with time, but there seems to be an expectation in place already that this crisis will be followed by others. The political and popular psyche in the EU has also suffered. It was clear that the EU felt more constrained in its actions against Russia, because of its reliance on energy imports, than Russia had in its actions against the EU and Ukraine when sanctions and responses to the Russian course of action were debated. It seems conventional wisdom has interpreted the crisis in a way where Russia unhindered managed to reach its full objectives, while the EU had to measure its responses carefully in order not to risk further escalation. In short, the EU looked weak, something it became very aware of. The result is that the emphasis on supply diversity will rise even further. Better utilisation of existing non-Russian import pipelines will come on the agenda, as well as the construction of new ones. But which neighbouring countries or regions have future gas growth to offer and where could additional gas be sourced in relative neartime? The EU’s relatively large amount of underutilised LNG regasification facilities is naturally drawing a lot of attention, particularly as a stop-gap or emergency supply source, should some form of tension or conflict with Russia cause large shortages. Here too some problems emerge. The current global supply situation is well balanced and the EU would effectively have to outbid Asian buyers to secure any serious amount of additional LNG. Shortages would, in such a case just be partly switched from Europe to Asia and that would be very costly. In the longer run, however, significant amounts of new LNG production facilities are being built in Australia, East Africa and North America. Even though demand growth numbers are in the favour of new entrants pursuing market shares in Asia, a supplier strategy to at least partly balance markets and exposure favours some of the future LNG sales reaching the EU, even if its prices will tend to be on the lower part of the global price spectrum. Where does this leave MENA gas exporters then? The prime beneficiaries should be the North African exporters. They already have infrastructure in place, which in some cases and to some degree could handle increases, while future expansions in many cases would be based on relatively favourable economics of scale. Alas, the countries all have significant problems which might prove insurmountable. Egypt is perhaps the worst case, with political 10


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Russian troops on patrol in annexed Crimea instability meaning that efforts to lift subsidies and thoroughly rein in domestic demand growth will probably be pushed to the future. Whether in North Africa or in the Gulf, gas producers will need to place a strong emphasis on making their economies much more energy efficient, however, such policies deliver long term results, not short term yields.

Better utilisation of existing non-Russian import pipelines will come on the agenda Hence, Egypt is unable to increase its LNG exports and for the companies involved in its LNG ventures, the falling utilisation levels of the LNG plants mean that selling cargoes at the highest possible price, i.e. to Asia, will become even more important, given rising production costs per unit. Libya should in theory be able to grow its gas exports, but here too it is a long term undertaking, involving the exploration of undiscovered reserves, as well as the reining in of flaring, through large upgrades of its oil industry. That is only possible after the country has overcome its current fragmentation and been able to work through its constitutional and state-building challenges. Only then will it be able to channel the necessary political and

legislative concentration into developing a modern framework for investment into upstream gas development and downstream export infrastructure. Algeria is in a better situation, with considerable underutilised export capacity in pipelines as well as in its newly reconstructed Skikda LNG facility. The problem there has been the falling upstream investment levels since politics took another resource nationalist turn around 2005. Today there seems to be a healthy realisation that investment terms need to be improved, demonstrated in recent updates to model contracts and investment laws, as well as a realisation that terms need to be geared to the technical and geological challenges at hand. For the long term, Algeria seems to be able to target very exciting tight and shale gas structures and IOCs are likely to regain trust in the country, spurred by liberalised terms. In the short-to-medium term however, export growth can only be fairly marginal, given the underinvestment of the past decade. From the Arabian peninsula, only Qatar stands out as not having either the immense security and fragmentation challenges of Yemen, or a domestic demand situation already eating into existing export volumes, like in the UAE and Oman. Qatari LNG cargoes are relatively fully booked, but should EU demand pick up, some redirections of originally Europe-bound cargoes to Asia could stop. The volumes would not be entirely marginal, but neither

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 Analysis

Alternative LNG exports are being sought away from Russian sources

do they represent some 'silver bullet' solution for Europe. Moreover, if EU buyers in the medium run would like to secure more volumes as some of Qatar’s earliest contracts start to expire, they would need to compete on price with East Asian buyers. In most cases that looks unlikely to succeed until the global supply and demand balance has had time to change more fundamentally. Oman might be able to reverse its LNG export decline if BP gets its tight gas developments underway successfully but, given the domestic need for feedstock growth, should not be expected. Ironically, it is Iran and Iraq which stand out as the largest potential sources of additional gas exports to Europe from the MENA region in the medium term. Iran already has a pipeline connection to Turkey from where gas could flow further into the EU through existing and forthcoming interconnections. Iraq lacks that, but could technically within four to five years deliver on not entirely marginal volumes from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Both countries have hopes for LNG export ventures in the



Issue 3 2014

Gulf, but security issues, red tape, political deadlock and unattractive terms have so far kept a lid on investment.

Iran and Iraq are the largest potential sources of additional gas supplies In Iran’s case, a punishing international sanctions regime remains the key obstacle to any upstream or downstream development. Assuming a breakthrough in negotiations with the West about its nuclear programme might be successful and sanctions eased further – not by any means an easy task given political deadlocks – one should still not expect Iranian LNG capacity to be built anytime soon. Iran, like all its Gulf neighbours, battles spiralling domestic demand which might complicate gas allocations to expensive

LNG projects enormously. Exports through an existing and, in the future, expanded pipeline would however be a natural priority. Like the autonomous Kurdistan Region of Iraq, there would be a large need for project finance, something the EU could help out with as part of making infrastructure funding more widely available for energy projects under its new policies. Gas exports to Europe from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Iran could become a reality within five years’ time should legal and sanctions issues respectively be resolved fairly soon. Apart from that, Europe’s ability to secure higher gas imports from the MENA region looks disappointing. Aside from Algeria and Qatar, the rest of the region will be forced to develop gas to meet spiralling domestic needs for some time yet. Uncertainty remains as to whether countries will dare to launch subsidy reforms and energy efficiency initiatives quickly and comprehensively enough to change their domestic supply and demand balances within the coming decade. ■

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 Analysis Following a disappointing 2013, Iraq has started this year with impressive export numbers, but what is the outlook for Iraq. during this potentially crucial election year? Samuel Ciszuk reports.

Iraq elections may impact on

project deliveries I RAQ HAS HAD an impressive start to the year, from an oil production point of view. Crude production reached 2.85mn bpd and 3.41mn bpd in January and February respectively, having lingered at relatively lacklustre levels for most of 2013. In fact, the production levels achieved at the beginning of the year were the highest since 1979, before the Iraq-Iran war. This year's export growth had relatively little to do with immediate production capacity growth, but reflected the debottlenecking achieved in the southern oil terminals during drawn-out works in the second half of last year. The output growth is even more impressive because it shows the potential of the south, given that ongoing production problems in the north, as well as an export boycott by the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), has kept output subdued through the northern export link. Southern oil production and exports fell in the second half of 2013, as infrastructural expansion work at the offshore terminals and feeder pipelines off Basra took longer than officially estimated. Work began last September and escalated through October, but was not completed by the end of that month, as had been officially promised. Instead the work lingered on through December, with some January delays being attributed to the last parts of the project. Lengthy delays did not surprise the market, however. Market watchers and traders are hardened when it comes to Iraqi schedules, given the malaise of the post-2003 period through to 2011-2012, when serious output growth ensued. Projects continue to make headway in particularly southern, but also south eastern Iraq, however project delays and bureaucratic hold-ups have reappeared as a significant factor in the country after the first wave of relatively easy production gains was achieved.

Overhaul Most of Iraq’s large southern oil projects, awarded to IOCs in 2009 and 2010, saw some very significant production capacity increases in a two to three year period from when work started, as old facilities



Issue 3 2014

Oil production in Iraq has begun in earnest in 2014 with crude production at its highest level since the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war in 1979 (Image: Sergio Russo)

were overhauled, existing infrastructure de-bottlenecked and new production and infill wells were drilled and connected to existing infrastructure. By 2013, the impressive output growth Iraq shown in 2012 slowed considerably, as red tapecaused delays and the difficult security situation started to manifest itself in second wave work on Iraq’s megafields. That second wave of projects involves production capacity gains from greenfield production facilities and as such the projects have been more exposed to the problems of, for example, bringing skilled foreign workers, specialist material and machinery through customs. Nevertheless, work has moved on and while results in the form of rising production should be expected to come onstream more slowly this year and next than in 2012, some further growth on top of the output jump should still be expected as export terminals were debottlenecked.

Problems bringing skilled foreign workers and specialist machinery through customs have increased Imminent growth Some imminent production growth is actually expected from the more or less total greenfield projects among those awarded, particularly in the 2010 licensing round. In August/September last year the Gharraf field was brought onstream by a consortium of Malaysia’s Petronas and Japan’s JOMEC. Shortly afterwards Shell and Petronas brought the supergiant Majnoon field onstream. Production was somewhat curtailed however, as the country’s export capacity plunged by up to 500,000 bpd due to the expansion works. Gharraf contributed around 35,000 bpd to

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February output, while Majnoon helped by around 175,000 bpd, rising to 210,000 bpd in early April, according to Shell. Going forward, Gazprom Neft is about to start production at its Badra field, where a first 60,000 bpd line in the 170,000 bpd central gathering station was said by the company to be due imminently. The most important addition is however the supergiant West Qurna-2 field, where Russia’s Lukoil reported commencing production on March 29. The initial production was 120,000 bpd in the first month, rising throughout the year to around 400,000 bpd by the end of 2014. Eventually, the field is targeting a plateau production of around 1.2mn bpd, making the 14bn barrel reservoir one of the world’s largest untapped fields, until a few weeks ago. The production capacity gains so far this year and in the second half of last year mainly fed through in the February export figures, bringing southern exports to 2.5mn bpd according to Iraq’s State Oil Marketing Organisation (SOMO). This formed a 471,000 bpd increase over January exports from the south, as well as an increase of almost 200,000 bpd compared with the previous recent southern export record of April 2013. The reported numbers included around 50,000 bpd of fuel oil, however.

The two main Kurdish factions have been locked in a tug of war with the Iraqi government Khor al-Amaya It remains to be seen whether the sorely needed de-bottlenecking in the south has provided enough room for growth. The two new single-point mooring (SPM) buoys installed as part of the de-bottlenecking, as well as the two new fixed jetties off Khor al-Amaya terminal have lifted loading capacity to levels Iraq might never fully reach. However the expansion project did not expand the whole midstream system, leaving a narrow waist around the al-Fao storage depot, where Platts recently estimated that pumping capacity might not be able to exceed 115,000 barrels per hour. That would effectively cap southern exports at 2.75mn bpd until the new facilities at al-Fao are completed, which is not expected until the end of 2015 at the earliest. Estimates like that encapsulate one of the main headaches of IOCs in Iraq. Under the Iraqi model contracts, IOCs are



Issue 3 2014

Iraqi voters last went to the polls in 2010 (Image: Omar Chatriwala) required to keep a certain pace of project speed and meet strict output capacity criteria. At the same time companies are at the mercy of slow customs and visa issuing processes, creating long waiting times and holding up important deliveries. In addition to that, the infrastructure projects pursued by the Iraqi government through one of the state oil companies have all suffered from planning problems and spiralling delays when construction finally has got underway. Undertaking expensive investment just to later be beset with stranded production capacity, as government-led trunk pipeline expansion work has fallen behind schedule, is not an attractive proposition. IOCs have in some cases been able to improve their terms somewhat on this (and other) facts. In most cases the logical answer has been a slowdown of IOC investment speed amid a clear reluctance from the Iraqi Oil Ministry to pick a fight with IOCs when delayed Iraqi state projects are so clearly the cause of why IOCs cannot lift production. The inability of the state to speed up its own projects points to a larger, overall failure: the political paralysis of Iraq. Violence has again surged in Iraq in the past couple of years, as the civil war in neighbouring Syria has intensified. The Sunni population has lost faith in the Shi’adominated government’s talk of sectarian reintegration. Meanwhile the two main Kurdish factions in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq have been locked in a tug of war with the Iraqi government over who should have the title to the region’s oil and gas reserves and collect the future oil export revenues.

In this atmosphere, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has led a coalition government as deadlocked as the parliament itself, making it impossible to make any headway in cutting the country’s cumbersome red tape.

General elections Ahead of the upcoming general elections on 30 April, the situation looks remarkably stable. In the past four years the prime minister has been able to play divide and conquer both within the government coalition and among opposition groups. The price – political deadlock – has hurt alMaliki, but seemingly not as much as the other political parties, who have been robbed of opportunities to profile themselves and show off political victories to their electorate. Meanwhile, the prime minister has been able to use the executive position as a platform. It should not be underestimated to what degree Iraqi’s belonging to the Shi’a community – Iraq’s largest – has brought stability through political paralysis, following several years of unpredictable chaos. Another price for the prime minister’s increasingly tight grip on his position has been increasing disenfranchisement among the Sunni minority group, the second largest Iraqi sectarian/ethnic grouping. This has been manifested through escalating violence in the western parts of the country as well as in the north and northwest. This could turn out to be a hefty price in the long run, however at the same time war-wariness among the population seems to limit the fallout to

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more extremist groupings, as well as tribal groups in the west of the country. That means that to some extent the popular support for Sunni militancy is not proving high enough for more popular rebellions to start looking likely. Even though al-Maliki seems to have weakened most of the country’s opposition, he will still most likely have to cobble together a coalition government following the elections. With al-Maliki being the natural centre point in Iraqi politics for the moment – even personalitywise there is no other political leader able to challenge him for the electorate’s attentions outside the KRG. The key prize for the other parties running seems to be that of tipping the scales, or kingmaker, in the forthcoming coalition-building. As has been the case following the 2003 US-led invasion, the Kurdish parties look most likely to secure that place if they can cooperate.

For foreign investors in Iraq, the election outcome is naturally hard to call



However, being divided in three for the second election in a row, rather than the long-standing dual union between KDP and PUK, might water down the potential gains. Challenger Gorran after all needs to get results, which means it will be tempted to strike its own deals with groups outside of the KRG to barter influence with its KRG rivals at a later stage. If the Kurds manage a fairly united front and gain enough weight in the parliament to counterbalance and pressure al-Maliki, the political deadlock and paralysis from 2010-2014 could potentially be broken up. Should the opposite happen and the Kurds feel weakened, however, more conflict around the country’s political set-up is likely to follow. Similarly, the strengthening of other Shi’a groups than the PM’s Dawa party in the elections could make the deadlock of the past four years last, as no side might be strong enough to start unlocking large festering problems, like, for instance, the status of the KRG-signed oil contracts and the region’s oil exports. With those issued unresolved, the Kurds would make sure that nothing else moved either, complicating the situation.

For foreign investors in Iraq, the election outcome is naturally quite hard to call, given the backroom-type deal-making which dominates the political system due to the way it has been set up. The most likely scenario is that the incoming government will be able to exert a little bit more influence through this round and that the degree of stalemate in the parliament will diminish somewhat. Expectations of political breakthroughs should be measured, however, particularly with regards to larger, policy-type issues. Should a limited political decision-making easing ensue, cutting red tape for oil projects might be possible as many of the issues raised in themselves are uncontroversial. Still, the priority of the cabinet will not be the Iraqi investment climate, but remain more concerned with overarching themes like reining in Sunni militancy, maintaining a grip on the country’s political groups and ensuring that there is no backsliding into militia-based activism and on building hard security capabilities. As long as oil revenues are not disrupted in any major way, expectations of investment climate proactivity may be wasted. ■

Middle East Tubular Services wins Iraqi West Qurna Phase II Oilfield contract MIDDLE EAST TUBULAR Services (METS) has been awarded a contract to carry out inspection and machine shop services for Lukoil Middle East on its West Qurna Phase II Oilfield requirements in Iraq. The Iraq branch of the business, METS Khor Al Zubair, has entered into a three year service contract with the upstream oil company, which will see it carry out thread and pipe body inspection on tubing from Lukoil’s site. METS regional manager Gareth McMurray said, “Between now and December we are looking at transporting and inspecting 7,000 joints with threading repairs being carried out on those with damaged connections.” METS, which provides the oil and gas industry with storage, handling, logistics, repair and accessory manufacturing of oil country tubular goods (OCTG), began operations on its 52,000 sq m Basra free zone site in 2011. Other recent long-term service agreements in Iraq include both a machine shop services contract and an OCTG inspection services contract for BP Iraq on its Rumailah Oilfield, which are predicted to complete in 2014 and 2015 respectively. In addition to the Iraqi facility, METS runs an 88,000 sq m site in Oman’s Sohar Free Zone, which started operations in 2012, and the company’s headquarters in Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah, UAE. METS regional manager Gareth McMurray said, “We have large, secure, storage yards at all three of our free zone sites where we specialise in the handling and storage of customer OCTGs.” Speaking on the Iraqi and Omani facilities, McMurray said, “The development of the two new sites has allowed us to become more engaged with our customers.” METS has also channelled significant investment into its UAE headquarters where it is currently developing a new office, which the company predicts will be completed by the end of this year. McMurray commented that this development is a result of having taken on more staff at the head office in order to support its growing business and new facilities in the region.



Issue 3 2014

METS will carry out thread and pipe body inspection for Lukoil’s tubing He added that over the past 12 months METS has handled more than 200,000 mt of casing and tubing and the company currently has 100,000 mt in stock across the three sites. “Each of the three sites operate on an individual P&L [profit and loss] basis and we are always looking at developing our existing services and customers as well as looking at new sites and ventures around the Middle East and Africa region,” McMurray explained. METS prides itself on utilising and developing regional talent through supporting local personnel development in Oman and Iraq. For example, according to McMurray, more than 60 per cent of the company’s workers on its Basra site are Iraqi national who are hired locally and trained up. He said, “By supporting local employment we believe we are helping to improve standards of living and education, but as a company we are also able to learn about differing cultures and beliefs.”

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MIDDLE EAST TUBULAR SERVICES Pipe Storage Pipe Refurbishment Machine Shop TPI Inspection Storage & Handling

P. O. Box # 42122 Hamriyah Free Zone Phase II Sharjah United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 6 5269099 Fax: +971 6 5269098 Emai: ops@metsuae.com Website: www.metsuae.com


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 Analysis Federal Iraq’s next government will play a pivotal role in deciding who will control oil revenues generated from exports in Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Baghdad to legalise regional

oil exports in 2014? K URDISTAN REGION OF Iraq had come close to establishing its own large-scale independent oil export operations by the end of 2013 and started off the year in a way which made many industry watchers expect an imminent deal in its favour with Baghdad. It now seems a deal before 30 April general elections in Iraq is elusive and the breakthrough deal could well be dragged until at least the second half of the year, depending on how long the government coalition formation process might take. In the meanwhile, upstream investment continues but on a subdued level, compared with what it should have been had all the international oil companies (IOCs), who made discoveries in the region, seen their ability to monetise reserves. The dispute between autonomous Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the federal Iraqi government has become a fixture of post2003 Iraq. It ultimately revolves around the question of how much autonomy the region shall be entitled to. One sticking point of outmost importance is the title to natural resources in the region and who shall control the revenue from resource monetisation. The political deadlock and feuding in Baghdad has over the past decade made it possible for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to issue its own oil law and attract a large number of IOCs to its considerably more stable and secure jurisdiction. Exploration has been generally successful, but the lack of clarity on monetisation – as Baghdad has withheld access for KRG to usage of the KirkukCeyhan pipeline to theTurkish Mediterranean coast and marketing opportunities at the Turkish port — has meant that subsequent development investment pace has slowed markedly from levels which otherwise could have been expected. Late last year and in the first two months of 2014, the situation seemed to move towards some form of resolution. The détente between the KRG and Turkey some years ago has borne fruit and today Turkish companies are the largest foreign investor group in the autonomous region. At the same time, relations between Turkey and the Iraqi government under PM Nouri al-Maliki have progressively soured. As a



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Turkey has reportedly become more and more open to the thought of allowing the KRG access to the bilateral Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline

The détente between the KRG and Turkey some years ago has borne fruit and today Turkish companies are the largest foreign investor group in the autonomous region consequence, Turkey has become more and more open to the thought of allowing the KRG access to the bilateral Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline, which also finally happened in a measured way during the second half of 2013. Access was effectively only provided on a test-loading basis, at times when throughput from the Iraqi state-controlled oilfields around Kirkuk was down. KRG completed its own pipeline connection to the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline just before its crossing into Turkish territory, but expressly against Iraq’s wishes. Diplomatic efforts to make the Iraqi side accept did not make it though, however, which ultimately has kept Turkey from allowing the KRG free pipeline access. The latter would effectively shut Iraq off from the pipe, to which the central government in Iraq stands as the counterparty and Iraq-section owner in the bilateral

treaties signed which govern the pipe and storage/marketing facilities in Ceyhan. The test exports have still allowed the KRG to build a small storage operation in Ceyhan, although, again with reference to the bilateral treaty governing the marketing of Iraqi crude, Turkey has not allowed the KRG’s newly founded Kurdistan Oil Marketing Organisation (KOMO) to sell the cargos. In the meanwhile, small-scale exports of KRG crude by truck into Turkey and to another Mediterranean port in Ceyhan’s vicinity, Toros. Those exports of Taq Taq crude and KhorMor condensate have on the other hand been allowed by Turkey despite being branded by Baghdad as smuggling. In Ceyhan, Turkey’s state pipeline operator Botas has set aside 2.5mn barrels of storage capacity for the KRG, which since January 2014 has been filling up intermittently. There was good hope a compromise deal would have been reached in February this year, to pave the way for coalition-building in Baghdad following the general elections. In exchange for Kurdish support for another turn as PM, al-Maliki was hoped to agree to a compromise solution, allowing the KRG to control the marketing and collect payments for its exports in some way. A similar hope existed around the 2010 general election and its long coalition-forming aftermath, however al-Maliki never delivered on any compromise agreement. This obviously soured relations

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considerably, but given that al-Maliki looks unchallenged as the most likely coalition leader in the aftermath of the upcoming election, bridges appear to have been at least partly mended. Still, surprise that a preelection compromise allowing the KRG some form of control over their oil exports would likely have damaged al-Maliki’s chances for re-election considerably, stirring nationalist passions and fears over the Kurds taking off with the nation’s natural resource wealth in federal Iraq. In the past months, both sides have demonstrated their abilities to exert pressure on each other. The Iraqi government has withheld the fund transfers from the national budget to KRG, which form the region’s 17 per cent share of the national economy, causing the KRG to suffer a liquidity crisis and forcing a delay of salary payments. The Kurdish factions in the Iraqi Parliament — the extension of the KRG in Baghdad — in return used their kingmaker position there to hold up the passage of the national Iraqi budget for 2014. What strategy the KRG might have in place to make sure that any compromise deal agreed is delivered on this time by alMaliki remains unclear, but there is likely to

In exchange for Kurdish support for another turn as PM, al-Maliki was hoped to agree to a compromise solution, allowing the KRG to control the marketing and collect payments for its exports in some way



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Nouri al-Maliki be some strategy. Talks are reported to continue and to make progress, according to spokesmen and sources with insight on both sides, at the time of writing. Memories of the post-2010 disappointments should be far to vivid in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, as should the realisation in the KRG that many of the small- and mid-size oil companies which entered and invested in the initial exploration work might struggle to hold on to their assets should there be no movement on the monetisation issue. While the reserves are there, a relatively large exodus from a comparatively small play could depress the market for some time and have negative effects on the general investment climate. It has been mooted that a compromise between the KRG and Iraq over oil exports and marketing control could be structured in a way where a ‘Kurdish office’ was established within the Baghdad-controlled

State Oil Marketing Organisation (SOMO), which according to Iraqi law has a monopoly on international crude sales. Mechanisms for the transfer of revenues to the KRG, after the general Iraqi share has been subtracted, could then be set up as part of the US banking and financial oversight operation created to transparently handle Iraqi crude export revenues in the wake of the 2003 US-led invasion. Whether a deal along these crudely outlined principles is feasible remains to be seen, but it is likely that it would not be agreed on just ahead of the election, given the potential political cost of the deal in federal Iraq. For the KRG, there is always a risk that actual control over export sales could become too nominal in any compromise and fail to give the region the financial autonomy it feels it requires. IOCs have, so far, voted for the KRG contract frameworks by investing there, with even some of the supermajors active in the south of Iraq taking up acreage and farming-in to discoveries in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, but it is interesting to note that the farming in activity in the region seems to have slowed in the past 18 months. That is not only connected to a perceived maturing of the play from early wildcatter exuberance to more stable project consortia, but reflects many of the industry’s actors being in a waitand-see mode. Most likely, it will take until after the elections and coalition-forming process for an eventual agreement to be presented. If that does not happen before summer, then the deal might well prove elusive again. Meanwhile, al-Maliki also has a fall back option, to fan the flames of internal KRG discord and try to break the unity between the two KRG government parties, KDP and PUK. Whether the newer Gorran party might become the tool for that in this election remains to be seen, as the opposite could also be true. n

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Technip and HQC win FEED contract for Iraqi gas company FRENCH ENGINEERING COMPANY Technip has Technip’s operating centre in Abu partnered with Chinese firm HuanQiu Contracting & Dhabi will execute the project Engineering Corp (HQC) for a front end engineering design (FEED) by Iraq's Basra Gas Company (BGC). The FEED contract is for Ar Ratawi Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) train 1 project at North Rumaila in Basra, Iraq, according to reports. The project is the first of the new greenfield-associated gas processing facilities that will significantly minimise gas flaring in Iraq and make more energy resources available for power and domestic use – an NGL train with nominal feed gas capacity of 15mn cu metres per day, said Technip in a statement. The standalone facilities will produce liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), NGL and condensate for domestic markets, and the scope of work covers basic engineering design package of the NGL process units, utilities and the submission of an engineering procurement and construction (EPC) package, added the company. Vaseem Khan, president of Technip in the Middle East, declared: “This award reflects Technip’s strengthened position in the Middle-East market, following several previous awards. We are proud to bring our specific technological edge and licensed innovative solutions to the downstream industry, while leveraging our 30 years presence in the region.” Technip’s operating centre in Abu Dhabi will execute the project, scheduled to be completed by the end of 2014.

BP to develop gas field project in Oman BP HAS AWARDED projects worth US$3bn to develop gas fields in Khazzan, in north-central Oman. The government of Oman and BP have signed an agreement to develop Block 61, for US$16bn and to drill 300 wells, a gasprocessing plant and related facilities, stated the company. Dave Campbell, vice president of operations at BP Oman, said, ”We have already started drilling our first development well, building roads and designing buildings. We have also begun mobilising rigs. There are two rigs at the concession area, and three rigs are arriving later this year.”

Lamprell to construct offshore rigs for Ensco UAE-BASED LAMPRELL received a new contract award from Ensco Intercontinental GmbH for the construction and delivery of two offshore drilling platforms for US$390mn. The rigs are LeTourneau-designed, self-elevating Mobile Offshore Drilling Platforms of a Super 116E (Enhanced) Class and designed to operate in water depths of up to 9.6 metres with a rated drilling nearly 850 metres, and will also incorporate a number of Ensco proprietary features and specifications, stated Lamprell. The company added that it would fabricate jackup rigs in its Hamriyah yard, in the UAE. Delivery of the first rig to Ensco is scheduled to take place in Q2 2016 with the second rig being to be delivered in Q3 2016. Ensco reportedly also has given an options to Lamprell to build two further jackups of the same design but Lamprell has to decide within six months from the effective date of the contract, which is valued at approximately US$390mn excluding options. Ensco added that the total construction cost, inclusive of commissioning, systems integration testing and project management, of the jackups is estimated at US$430mn, or $215 million per jackup.

Saudi Arabia exports oil worth US$77bn in Q1 2014 SAUDI ARABIA'S OIL exports hit 715.72mn barrels in Q1 2014, amounting to US$77bn, according to economic expert Fahad bin Jumaa. On the other hand, domestic consumption during Q1 2014 stood at nearly 176mn barrels, or 20 per cent of the total output of the same period, added Jumaa. Earlier, Ali Al-Naimi, minister of petroleum and mineral resources said oil prices are experiencing a good track record but did not give more details on the situation in global oil market or Saudi Saudi Arabia exported 715.72mn barrels of oil in Q1 2014 Arabian production policy. Jumaa said oil prices worldwide rose in mid-March and triggered with uncertainty emerging from political developments in the Crimean Peninsula and Libya, whose daily production dropped to 250,000 bpd. Saudi Arabia has reduced its official pricing of its Arabian Light to Asian refineries by US$0.20, or an increase of US$1.55 per barrel over Oman-Dubai index price, which is considered the lowest since July 2013, stated Jumaa. However, in the absence of any geo-political crises, oil prices in the Asian markets are poised to decline in the next months, he added.



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BP has already started drilling the first development well at Block 61, Khazzan in north-central Oman BP has also reportedly awarded a US$1.2bn EPC contract to oil and gas provider Petrofac for building the central processing facility (CPF) for the Khazzan gas project. The gas processing facility is part of an overall development plan of Block 61 and will have a capacity to process one billion cubic feet (bcf) of natural gas per day, which is the anticipated production from gas-rich Khazzan and Makarem fields in the first phase, added reports. Campbell said the gas processing plant is expected to be completed in 2017. Meanwhile, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. too bagged a contract from BP for process and infrastructure work on the green field Khazzan project. According to the Ministry of Oil and Gas in Oman, gas demand in the country is rising 10 per cent annually. Campbell stated that the company is working on a strategy to pass on the business opportunities to small and medium enterprises and local contractors. BP has already awarded a contract for designing and building a water pipeline network to an Omani company. BP has started recruiting technicians for the project, who will be trained at the company’s training facility.

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Lebanon likely to begin drilling by 2015 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY COMPANIES could begin drilling for gas off the coast of Lebanon by the end of 2015. According to reports, Lebanese ministers must approve decrees that set the designated drilling areas and explain the revenue sharing mechanism by the beginning of May 2014, which would allow companies to start bidding. A source familiar with the bidding process added that Petroleum Administration’s cooperation is essential, as the organisation would be the link between companies and the government. The source added that the contract would cover a 25-year period and oil companies will open offices in the country and carry out technical work at sea before 2015. An auction to initiate the bidding process will take place in August 2014, stated Arthur Nazarian, energy and water minister of Lebanon. A 3D seismic survey conducted in late 2013 across 300 sq km of Lebanese waters in late 2013 revealed nearly 707 billion cu metres of natural gas reserves, but experts believe the real extent of gas reserves will be known only when drilling begins.

GlassPoint opens office in Kuwait SOLAR ENHANCED OIL recovery (EOR) specialist GlassPoint has established a new office in Kuwait City and has appointed Abdul Hussain Shehab as country chairman. Shehab said, “Heavy oil production is an integral part of Kuwait’s 2020 and 2030 strategies, and full-field steam injection projects are currently under development. GlassPoint offers the only solar steam technology which can withstand high levels of dust and sandstorms that are common in the Gulf.” GlassPoint can play a large part in helping the country achieve production goals, while reducing fuel costs and dependence on natural gas imports, added Shehab. Thermal EOR, or steam injection, is a leading method of producing heavy oil where high-pressure steam is injected into the reservoir, thereby making it easy to pump oil to the surface. Reports added that planned thermal EOR projects in North Kuwait and the 'Neutral Zone' will require burning significant amounts of costly fuel oil or imported natural gas to generate steam. Instead, using the sun’s energy to produce steam could supply majority of Kuwait’s thermal EOR needs, freeing valuable gas and fuel resources for higher value uses like desalination plants and power generation. Following the success of solar EOR projects in Oman, GlassPoint feels steam is a viable alternative to natural gas, said Rod MacGregor, CEO of GlassPoint: ”Kuwait represents one of the largest market opportunities for solar powered oil production worldwide and Hussain’s experience with its national oil company and international The Amal project in Oman by GlassPoint partners will extend our leadership in the region.” is a success, according to reports

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UAE, Oman and Iraq contribute 60 per cent of overall upstream transactions MIDDLE EAST NATIONS Oman, UAE and Iraq have contributed to almost 60 per cent of upstream transactions in 2013, stated Ernst & Young's Global Oil & Gas Transactions report. Overall transaction value increased from US$2.7bn to US$3.1bn in 2013, said the report. Thorsten Ploss, MENA oil and gas leader at Ernst & Young, said, “Rapid-growth markets have been the engine room of the world’s The outlook for oil and gas economic growth. This provided oil and gas transaction looks positive for 2014 companies with brighter prospects, attracting them to invest in the Middle East to supply such growth." In overall oil and gas transaction activity, the upstream sector dominated in number and overall transaction value during 2013. The Middle East upstream transaction value saw an upward trend increasing from 0.8 per cent in 2011 to 1.5 per cent in 2012 and 1.8 per cent in 2013, added the report. “MENA oil and gas transactions are limited compared to the amount of reserves because NOCs [National Oil Companies] dominate the landscape,” Ploss added. He remarked that the outlook for oil and gas transactions is positive in 2014.

ABB wins US$175 million EPC contract for Zirku oil and gas facility ABB HAS WON a US$175mn oil and gas project, involving the installation of power generation facilities at the Zirku oil and gas facilities in the Arabian Gulf. The order, which covers engineering, procurement and construction (EPC), was awarded by Zakum Development Company (ZADCO), and booked by ABB in Q4 2013, said ABB. ZADCO reportedly plans to increase the oil production rate of the Upper Zakum field from 550,000 to 750,000 bpd. The Zakum field is estimated to be the second-largest field in the Gulf and the fourth-largest in the world. This contract would reportedly improve overall energy efficiency and operational flexibility by installing additional power generation facilities. Veli-Matti Reinikkala, head of ABB's process automation division, said, "New oil and gas frontiers require power and automation solutions and ABB has a unique business scope in power, automation and power electronics. With over 50 years of experience and more than 300 EPC projects implemented, ABB is a player of excellence in the oil and gas industry." Located 135km northwest of Abu Dhabi, Zirku Island is considered the main industrial base to process, store and export oil from upper Zakum, Umm Al-Dalkh and Satah fields, stated reports.

US$750 million construction contract for Shah Deniz gas project A CONSORTIUM LED by BP has awarded a construction and supply contract worth US$750mn to help to develop the Shah Deniz II gas field in the Caspian Sea, in Azerbaijan. Officials have said that the contract, for the fabrication of jackets for two offshore platforms, pin piles and subsea structures, has been awarded to the consortium consisting of BOS Shelf LLC, Saipem Contracting Netherlands B.V. and Star Gulf FZCO. The scope of work includes the construction of two eight-legged 110 metre-long single batter jackets, weighing 13,400 and 12,300 tonnes including flotation tanks, fabrication of 2,300 subsea structures with a total weight of 30,000 tonnes, including eight sub-sea isolation valve structures, ten flow-line termination assemblies, 80 walking anchors, 100 subsea tie-in piping spools, 100 pipeline crossing supports, 1,000 concrete mattresses and 1,000 tonnes of current transfer zone foundations, added the company.

LUKOIL to conduct seismic survey of Block 10 in Iraq

The Shah Deniz platform in the Caspian Sea

RUSSIAN OIL COMPANY LUKOIL Overseas has started a 2D seismic survey in Block 10 in Iraq, which is part of a Mandatory Geologic Exploration Program. This program includes drilling an exploration in addition to the survey. Company officials stated that it could take five years to finish, with a potential two-year extension. Block 10, with a total area of 5.6 thousand square kilometers, is located in the territory of Dhi Qar and Mutanna provinces, 120 km to the west of Basra. It is located close to larger oilfields like Rumailah, West Qurna and Al-Gharraf. Two thousand kilometres of seismic surveys will be completed by the BGP Inc. geophysical company within 16 months, stated the company. Andrei Kuzyazev, foreign projects head of LUKOIL had earlier stated that Block 10 is one of the most attractive oilfields, as discovery of large oil reserves there was highly probable According to reports, LUKOIL Overseas was granted the right to exploration, development and production operations at Block 10 during the field's licensing round in June 2012. The service contract, which has a duration of 25 years with potential five year extension, was signed in November 2012. LUKOIL Overseas will be the main operator with a 60 per LUKOIL has begun a seismic cent share and its partner Japanese INPEX Corp. would own survey in Block 10 40 per cent. State-run South Oil Company would be the contract holder in Iraq, added officials. The Russian company is also developing Iraq's West Qurna-2 field, one of the world's largest oilfields, with recoverable reserves estimated at 12.9bn barrels of oil. LUKoil says it plans to launch production at West Qurna-2 in early 2014.

Gordon Birrell, regional president for BP Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey (AGT), said, “The use of a world-class fabrication yard in Azerbaijan demonstrates the Shah Deniz consortium’s continued commitment to developing and leveraging local resources. This contract underpins our plans to deploy subsea production technology in the Caspian Sea for the first time.” The project is expected to be completed by 2017, stated company officials. Shah Deniz — the largest natural gas field in Azerbaijan — will reportedly add 16bcma of gas production to the existing 9 bcma of Shah Deniz 1. Reports stated that Shah Deniz II is important for Europe as it would alternatively provide gas to Russia's Gazprom. Of the 16 bcm the project is expected to produce, 10 bcm would be earmarked for Europe and 6 bcm for Turkey.



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Drydocks World to provide drilling rigs to Malta Oil & Gas DUBAI-BASED SERVICE provider Drydocks World has signed an agreement with Malta Oil & Gas Ltd to build two jack up drilling rigs. The two rigs will be based on Gusto MSC CJ54X135-A design, according to Drydocks World. Khamis Juma Buamim, chairman of Drydocks World & Maritime World said, "There is a great demand for new offshore drilling rigs in the rapidly evolving upstream oil & gas sector. Our strategy to contribute to the growth of this sector has paid rich dividends. Increasingly sophisticated and highly specialized drilling rigs are being used for deepwater exploration and development and this is the latest requirement of the sector and we are fully geared to meet the increasing demand.” The company has added that the rigs are 76 metres by 76 metres and are 180.6 metres long, intended to work in depths of up to 137 metres. The rig will be capable of drilling HPHT (high pressure high temperature) wells. It is equipped with permanent accommodation for 150 people, a heli-deck suitable for the use of a S61N or S92 helicopter and a retractable X-Y type cantilever carrying the drilling derrick, stated Drydocks World.

ABB to manage plant operations at Sadara Chemical Company in Saudi Arabia ABB HAS BEEN awarded a software contract to manage plant operations at Sadara Chemical Company in Saudi Arabia. Under the scope of the contract, ABB would deliver shift operations management software eSOMS. This software will reportedly be implemented across the Sadara complex, ensuring maintenance of the facility's assets, stated ABB. Sadara Chemical Company is a JV developed by Saudi Aramco and The Dow Chemical Company, worth US$20bn. The facility is reportedly one of the largest chemical facilities in the world and is under construction. Jens Birgersson, head of ABB’s network management business unit, said, "Software is playing an increasingly important role in the management of operations in a range of industries. By automating complex processes and centralising data facilities, the system for Sadara will help to improve both safety and productivity.”The solution will also enable plant personnel performing maintenance inspections, operator and quality rounds, to capture information in the field with mobile devices and synchronise it with the plant-status database, added ABB.

Korean firms win US$7.2 billion refinery orders in Kuwait KUWAIT NATIONAL PETROLEUM Company (KNPC) has awarded five Korean firms orders worth US$7.2bn to expand capacity and improve environmental standards at Mina Abdullah and Mina al-Ahmadi refineries in Kuwait. In a statement, Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co Ltd said that it won an order for the Mina Abdullah refinery in Kuwait, as part of a JV with Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd and Fluor Corp. The Overseas plant orders have risen 42.1 per cent order is worth US$1.13bn for each company. Samsung Engineering Co Ltd said it got a separate US$1.62bn order for the Mina Abdullah refinery as part of a JV with Petrofac Ltd and Chicago Bridge & Iron Company NV. GS Engineering & Construction Corp and unlisted SK Engineering & Construction Co Ltd also confirmed an order for refinery work in Kuwait as part of a joint venture with Japan's JGC Corp . The third order, for the Mina Al-Ahmadi refinery, is worth around US$1.66bn for each of the three companies, according to GS Engineering and SK Engineering. The contracts stem from US$12bn in bids approved in February 2014, for the state-run company's Clean Fuels Project. According to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy in Kuwait, overseas plant orders won by South Korean builders rose by 42.1 per cent in Q1 from a year ago.



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Petsec Energy acquires portion of Block 7 in Yemen AUSTRALIAN OIL AND gas exploration company Petsec Energy has signed an agreement with AWE Limited to acquire 21.25 per cent participating interest in Block 7, in Yemen. Block 7 is situated in Al Barqa Permit, and is about 340km east of Yemeni capital Sana'a. It is spread across 5,000 sq km and block is operated by Australia's Oil Search. Block 7 reportedly contains Al Meashar oil discovery, along with prospects and leads provided by 2D and 3D surveys, which indicate significant oil potential. Terry Fern, chairman of Petsec Energy said, "The signing of this agreement is the culmination of a number of years of strategic planning and marks the start of an expansion of Petsec’s portfolio of assets into the Middle East, with the aim of securing high value assets within a region that is highly prospective for oil. Block 7 has the potential to add significant oil reserves to the company’s resource base and significant value to its shareholders."

Petsec will reportedly pay US$1mn for the interest, but the deal still awaits joint venture approval and the state-owned Yemen Oil & Gas Co. Petsec will also reportedly replace AWE’s existing Letter of Credit with the Arab Bank; and work capital adjustments on completion. Accrording to reports, Al Meashar-1 discovered oil in the fractured basement reservoir in 2010. It was subsequently appraised in early 2011 by the Al Meashar2 well. The wells were suspended for further evaluation. Since 2011, Block 7 has been in force majeure (that includes risks beyond reasonable control of a party, not caused by negligence, which have an adverse effect on the party's ability to perform obligations), hence preparations for a regional airborne geophysical survey were going on from 2013, with mobilisation plans in place for early 2014. Petsec Energy Ltd currently produces oil and gas in the offshore shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, USA.

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 Gas With Qatar developing its liquefied natural gas (LNG) resources, the country is now looking to open up new markets in Europe

Qatar seeks new

LNG markets A LAA ABUJBARA, CHIEF operating officer - commercial and shipping at state-owned Qatargas, recently revealed the company is looking to become a leading LNG supplier to Europe. Abujbara, who was speaking at the 2014 Gastech conference in Goyang, South Korea, claimed that Qatar is looking to open up new markets in the continent despite the possibility of LNG prices not retaining National Balancing Point (NBP) indexation going forward. According to Abujbara, the company has forecast that European demand for uncontracted volumes of LNG could reach 150mn metric tonnes (mt) per year by 2025, around 40 per cent of current European gas demand. Qatargas has predicted that this demand will be buoyed by economic recovery, increasing environmental regulations and declining regional output. “In the longer term, Europe has a clear and strong need for significantly more LNG, and it’s going to come soon,” Abujbara said. “The 150 million metric tonnes of LNG are going to be very challenging to bring on stream, and people need to start thinking about it as early as possible,” he added. Abujbara warned that LNG prices in Europe might not retain their NBP indexation, as stronger demand from other regions would mean that European buyers would need to compete in order to secure volumes. “The pricing is a minor issue… I think in the future we are going to see a shift in the market... it’s not going to be NBP pricing anymore,” he commented. Abujbara did not however cite an alternative indexation point when asked what could replace NBP. European countries, including Germany, have sought to speed up diversification of their natural gas supplies. Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah, Qatar’s former energy minister and now chairman of the country’s Administrative Control and Transparency Authority, recently spoke about Qatar’s intentions to transport LNG to Europe in an address on ‘Energy Transition and the Role of Europe’ at the annual Brussels Forum in Belgium. “Qatar will continue along this path



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The Laffan Refinery is located in Ras Laffan Industrial City supporting European economies by supplying LNG,” he said. Qatargas signed its first five-year supply deal with Germany’s E.ON in 2013, which covers the delivery of approximately 1.5mn tons of LNG annually via the Gate LNG Terminal in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Tensions between Germany and Russia over Ukraine’s political future have propelled the issue of energy security to the very top of the governments’ agendas and have highlighted the need to maintain and advance the ongoing dialogue between energy consumers and producers. Abdullah Salem El-Badri, secretarygeneral of OPEC, has stated that the organisation and the MENA region as a whole will continue to help secure future energy supplies for consuming nations. Qatar is placing an increasing emphasis on its LNG resources in order to meet this growing global demand. The new QR5.5bn (US$1.5bn) Laffan Refinery expansion project (LR2), which began construction on 1 April, will effectively double the condensate refining

capacity of Laffan to 300,000 barrels per day, Qatargas said. This increase will solidify the country’s unique position as the largest condensate producer with the largest condensate refining capacity in the world, the company added. LR2 is a joint venture between Qatar Petroleum, Total, Idemitsu, Cosmo, Marubeni and Mitsui. LR2, like LR1, will be operated by Qatargas and construction work is scheduled to be completed by Q3 2016. Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, emir of Qatar, laid the first foundation stone of the refinery at an inaugural ceremony also attended by the prime minister and interior minister, Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani; the minister of energy and industry, Dr Mohamed bin Saleh al-Sada; and Qatargas CEO Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa al-Thani. Al-Sada said the new refinery will create added value and new economic opportunities by enhancing Qatar’s export capacity and fulfilling the long-term needs of international markets. n

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 Gas An increase in consumption highlights the importance of natural gas production in Oman

Natural gas playing‘pivotal role’

in Oman production N ATURAL GAS CONSUMPTION by Oman’s expanding power generation and water desalination sector is projected to rise to approximately 10bn cubic metres (cu m) per year by 2020, up from 6.7bn cu m currently, according to Oman Power and Water Procurement Company. The company said the 32 per cent growth in consumption highlights the pivotal role of natural gas as the primary fuel resource for electricity generation and water desalination within the main interconnected system (MIS), which serves much of the northern half of the Sultanate. The gas requirements in the Salalah System, covering large areas of Dhofar Governorate, are expected to reach 1.2bn cu m by 2020, up from 0.72bn cu m currently, the firm added. Oman’s Ministry of Oil and Gas has reportedly committed to allocating additional volumes for new projects being implemented over the next four years. These include plans for the procurement of independent power projects (IPPs) with capacities of up to 3,500MW, which will be co-located at Al Suwaiq and other sites within the MIS. There will also be tenders for procurement of new independent water projects (IWPs) planned in Qurayyat and Al Suwaiq, as well as an IPP and IWP proposed within the Salalah System.

The peak daily gas consumption during 2013 was 24.2mn cu m



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Natural gas consumption is projected to rise to approximately 10bn cu m per year by 2020

Oman Power and Water Procurement Company said the 32 per cent growth in consumption highlights the pivotal role of natural gas Oman Power and Water Procurement Company commented, “The Ministry of Oil and Gas has indicated that future gas supply is constrained, but with assurances that the power sector has a priority for future gas

allocations. While MOG has committed to gas supply for the planned capacity addition in Salalah for 2018, and is expected soon to commit similarly to the planned MIS plants for 2017 and 2018, gas availability for later plants is not assured.” The company said that the fuel efficiency improvement efforts have, meanwhile, begun to pay significant dividends. In the main grid, efficiency improvements in the generation fleet are expected to limit growth in fuel requirements to six per cent per year through 2020, despite an almost 10 per cent growth in electricity production. “The installation of high efficiency generation turbines and desalination plants has helped OPWP achieve a reduction in gas use to an average of around 18.3mn cubic metres per day, which was less than in 2012,” Oman Power and Water Procurement Company said. The peak daily gas consumption during 2013 was 24.2mn cu m, a decrease of two per cent from 2012. “The full commissioning of the Sohar II and Barka III plants in 2013 and the planned commissioning of the Sur IPP in 2014 are achieving significant improvement in overall gas utilisation efficiency, based on these plants using newer, more fuel-efficient technology than older plants. “Timely addition of new capacity in the future, and continuing dedication to operational efficiency, will underpin sustained progress in the management of gas demand by the power system,” the company added. n

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 Gas

Qatar’s gas output ‘tops seven trillion cubic feet in 2013’ QATAR’S NATURAL GAS production exceeded seven trillion cubic feet in 2013, according to Dr Mohamed bin Saleh al-Sada, the country’s minister of energy and industry. The figure, he said, includes 77mn tonnes of LNG exported to more than 25 countries, pipeline gas exports to the UAE and Oman and domestic consumption. As the world’s largest LNG supplier, representing a quarter of global LNG supplies, Qatar’s prominent position in the global energy market is set to remain for Qatar is the world's largest LNG supplier

Alstom wins US$544.5 million Iraq contract ALSTOM HAS SECURED a US$544.5mn contract with Eni Iraq to build the 740MW Zubair gas-fired power plant near Basra in southern Iraq. For the turnkey project, Alstom will be responsible for engineering, building and commissioning the plant as well as supplying key equipment, including notably four GT13E2 gas turbines. Technical support and engineering expertise for the project will come from Alstom’s power generation headquarters in Baden, Switzerland, and its German gas turbine manufacturing facility in Mannheim. Steve Meszaros, senior vice president of the company’s gas business, said, “Capturing the Zubair project is another confirmation of Alstom’s strong presence in Iraq’s gas-fired power generation sector. As the country pushes forward with reconstruction and expansion efforts, Alstom is yet again there to work with partners to assist in modernising Iraqi infrastructure.” The plant will support the expansion of the Zubair oil field near Basra.

Oman eyes Petronet LNG stake in India OMAN IS IN talks with India to buy a stake in Petronet LNG’s terminal on India’s east coast. Omani oil minister Mohammed bin Hamad Al Rumhy said, “We have not decided on the stake. It will be a small stake, about 10 per cent to 15 per cent.” Al Rumhy added that the two sides have been engaged in talks for the past few months. Petronet LNG, India’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) importer, is currently building an LNG terminal with an annual capacity of 14mn cubic metres (cu m) in Gangavaram, which is expected to be ready by 2016. The stake could be bought through an investment or pension fund, the minister said. Indian state-run companies Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Bharat Petroleum and GAIL hold a 12.5 per cent stake each in Petronet LNG. French power company GDF Suez meanwhile owns 10 per cent and the Asian Development Bank another 5.2 per cent. The rest is held by the public, insurance companies and mutual funds. According to a Wall Street Journal report, Petronet LNG would be better able to meet rising gas demand from Indian refiners, petrochemical and power projects as a result of a deal with Oman. The industries in the country are currently running their plants below capacity due to a shortfall in local natural gas output, the report added.

Petronet’s LNG storage facility in Puthuvype, India



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years to come, al-Sada said in his keynote address at the Brookings Doha Energy Forum 2014 from 2-3 April. Al-Sada said Qatar is “well-placed” to meet the increasing demand for gas. “In Qatar, we have always been adopting and promoting a policy of peaceful resolution to differences and conflicts in this region, and across the globe. Qatar has also proved to be a reliable source of energy, with a high ability to meet changing and dynamic market situations,” he said.

New LNG terminal ‘will fulfil energy needs of Jordan’ JORDAN’S ENERGY MINISTRY has announced that the LNG terminal in Aqaba will enable the country to meet its energy needs once operational in Q1 2015. Mohammad Hamed, energy minister of Jordan, said, “Work on the US$65mn terminal is going as planned. The terminal will give independence to the country in the energy field.” The project is expected to boost production of natural gas for power generation after the halt in the supplies from Egypt since July 2013, following a series of attacks against the Arab Gas Pipeline in Sinai, Jordan Times reported. Hamed added that although importing LNG is more expensive than natural gas, LNG remained 30 per cent to 35 per cent less expensive than diesel and heavy fuel.

The project is expected to boost production of natural gas

The minister said Shell has recently won a tender to sell LNG to the Aqaba terminal. Describing the terminal as a strategic project, Mounir Bouaziz, vice president of Shell for the commercial region of the Middle East and North Africa, said that it will reduce the government’s energy spending by about US$500mn annually. “The terminal is a strategic infrastructure in the gas field,” Bouaziz said, adding that demand on gas is expected to double globally and it will also surge significantly in the Middle East. By 2025, the Middle East is expected to be the second largest market for consumption of gas after Asia, the vice-president said.

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 Gas

Technip awarded FEED contract in Basra TECHNIP, IN PARTNERSHIP with China HuanQiu Contracting & Engineering Corporation (HQC), has been awarded a front-end engineering design (FEED) contract by Basra Gas Company (BGC) for the Ar Ratawi natural gas liquids (NGL) train project at North Rumaila in Basra, Iraq. According to Technip, the project is the first of the new greenfield associated gas processing facilities that will significantly minimise gas flaring in Iraq. The project will also make more energy resources available for power and domestic use, with the NGL train offering a nominal feed gas capacity of 530mn standard cubic feet per day. The standalone facilities will produce liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), NGL and condensate for domestic markets. The scope of work covers the basic engineering design package of the NGL process units, utilities and the submission of an engineering procurement and construction (EPC) package. Technip’s operating centre in Abu Dhabi will execute the project, scheduled to be completed by the end of 2014. Vaseem Khan, president of Technip in the Middle East, said, “This award reflects Technip’s strengthened position in the Middle-East market, following several previous awards. We are proud to bring our specific technological edge and licensed innovative solutions to the downstream industry, while leveraging our 30 years presence in the region.”

Oman plans LPG plant aimed at local market OMAN GAS COMPANY (OGC) is planning to build a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) processing plant and export facility at Salalah port, the company’s chief executive has announced. The complex would cost approximately US$500mn and could produce up to 800 tons a day of LPG (mainly propane and butane), the vast majority of which will be consumed in Oman, Yousuf Al Ojaili said. “Our main focus is the local market, for end-users and to encourage new industries,” he commented. “We also have the option to export the surplus, if any.” Ojaili said he expected the design phase of the project to be completed by early 2015, with the plant commencing production by 2018. Sixty per cent of the projected cost is expected to be financed by local and international banks, with the rest funded by the government of Oman, he said.

The facility will be located at Salalah Port OGC, which runs Oman’s gas network, said it will use the new facility to extract propane, butane and gas condensate from gas flowing through the grid in the south of the country. Although OGC is leaving open the option of exporting any spare fuel, Oman's voracious appetite for energy – including a growing petrochemical industry – means the Sultanate consumes vast quantities of LPG, industry sources said.

Mobile gas filling unit inaugurated in Daraa, Syria SYRIA’S MINISTER OF petroleum and mineral resources, Suleiman al-Abbas, inaugurated a mobile gas filling unit in the al-Sanamein region in Daraa recently, Syria Arab News Agency (SANA) said. The unit has a production capacity of 600 cylinders per hour and 18,000 per day, it added. “The new gas unit will meet the demands of Daraa and some regions in Damascus countryside and will provide new job opportunities to the citizens,” Al-Abbas said. The minister added that the Ministry will establish new units to respond to the increasing demands for gas and oil products. Fawzi al-Falah, chairman of the al-Sanamein filling unit, clarified that the city’s gas needs during the current conditions range between 90,000 cylinders in summer to 125,000 in winter.

Lebanon could begin offshore gas drilling by 2015 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY COMPANIES will be able to start drilling for gas offshore Lebanon at the end of 2015 if the August auction date is met, an anonymous source familiar with the tender process said, according to Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star. “If the ministers approve the decrees that set the number of blocks and explain the mechanism of revenue sharing this month or early next month, then the companies will have ample time to make their bidding on 14 August. If everything goes according to plan, international oil companies can start the actual drilling at the end of 2015 or at the beginning of 2016 at the latest,” the source said. Energy and water minister Arthur Nazarian postponed the original 10 April auction date to 14 August to give companies more time to prepare their offers. Speaking to reporters after the first meeting of the cabinet gas committee, Nazarian said he was confident about the prospects of the bidding process. “I am certain that this cabinet will issue the decrees because all parties have the intention and good will [and] because this is in the interest of Lebanon. There is lot of work ahead of us,” he said. The source said the contract would cover a 25-year period. “If everything goes smoothly, Lebanon can start extracting gas in five years after the actual drilling starts in 2015. Even before 2015, the oil companies will open offices in the country and carry out technical work at the sea,” they said.



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The auction date is set for 14 August Former energy and water minister Gebran Bassil said 96 trillion cubic feet of gas could be harvested from the 45 per cent of Lebanese waters surveyed by the companies.

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 Petrochemicals

Boost in R&D for GCC petrochemical market GCC PETROCHEMICAL PRODUCERS are ramping up research and development (R&D) funding despite a global slowdown in investments, according to an official from the Gulf Petrochemicals & Chemicals Association (GPCA). The need for research was the key focus of discussion at the recent Research & Innovation Summit, hosted by the GPCA. Local and international industry leaders and executives, including GPCA chairman and CEO of SABIC Mohammed Al Mady, provided insights on the subject. Moayyed Al Qurtas, chairman of GPCA’s Chairman of GPCA’s Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Committee, said, Committee, Moayyed Al Qurtas “Chemical companies in the Gulf are pioneers in the Middle East when it comes to building research and development facilities “While the region’s petrochemicals industry may spend a fraction on research compared to global investment, the GCC has among the highest year on year growth rates in R&D expenditure in the world.” Petrochemicals represent the second largest manufacturing sector in the Gulf, according to the GPCA. The Gulf’s petrochemicals output reached US$97.3bn in 2012, a $3.2bn increase on the previous year. The industry is also export oriented, with petrochemicals accounting for $52.7bn in 2012. In 2012, GCC chemical producers spent an estimated $380mn on R&D initiatives, just 0.8 per cent of the global R&D spending. However, the 2012 figure also highlighted a 30 per cent growth in investments as GCC petrochemicals producers spent $266mn on R&D in 2011. With global R&D expenditure rising by just 10 per cent in the same period, it is clear to see the Gulf’s increasing focus on this sector. GCC petrochemical companies have already stepped up efforts in developing R&D facilities with Tasnee and SABIC launching products development research centres in the recent past. Sipchem in Saudi Arabia, and Borouge in the UAE, are also set to open their own facilities in the near future. “Moving forward, petrochemical research centres focusing on the performance products are set to become more common in the GCC,” Qurtas added.

New US$850 million Jebel Ali port terminal to feed growing petrochemical demand IN VIEW OF the rising demand for Jebel Ali port is launching a third US$850mn petrochemicals exports, the UAE’s Jebel Ali third terminal (image source: RmontalbanA) port is set to welcome a new US$850mn terminal which will boost its annual container ships handling capacity by 27 per cent. Officials will open the modern third terminal facility for container ships by July and plan for it to be fully operational by the end of 2014. Considering the upcoming Dubai Expo 2020 and the 2022 Word Cup in Qatar, as well as the ever-growing energy demand in and around the Gulf, the rate of petrochemical exports from the UAE port is increasing. DP World’s senior vice-president and managing director Mohammed Al Muallem said, “We are gearing up to expand our containers handling capacity because exports of petrochemicals are on the rise and import deliveries [into the Gulf] are also expected to increase as infrastructure projects are taken up for the Dubai Expo and football world cup in Qatar.” The UAE’s polymer output has tripled over the last five years and reached an estimated 25mn mt in 2012. Al Muallem commented, “We saw a three per cent growth in container ships volume handled at the port last year and the traffic is rising in tandem with the jump in petrochemicals output in the region.” He added that port development contracts worth more than $36bn and $30bn of industrial, petrochemical and infrastructure projects are currently being implemented in the GCC countries.



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Iranian petrochemical exports set to reach US$12 billion AS DISCUSSIONS REGARDING easing the US sanctions on Iran continue, the Islamic republic plans to see its petrochemical exports rise to US$12bn over the next Iranian calendar year, which began on 21 March. Hossein Shahriyari, Iran’s National Petrochemical Company’s (NPC) director for planning and development department, announced that the country’s petrochemical sector holds significant investment and development opportunities that it plans to take harness. “Iran will increase the value of its petrochemical exports to the level of $12bn,” he said. “In recent years, the domestic sales of petrochemical products have increased considerably, and with the implementation of the new development projects, the petrochemicals production capacity will rise significantly.”

The NPC wants to launch petrochemical projects across Iran. (Image source: ljmacphee) A report by Iran Customs Administration released in January revealed that Iran exported approximately $8bn worth of petrochemicals in the period between March to November 2013, with China, Iraq, the UAE, and India being its key customers. In order to take full advantage of the opportunities available in the country’s petrochemical sector and boost the production capacity, Iran has implemented numerous development projects. According to NPC deputy executive manager Mohammad Hassan Peyvandi, Iran is planning an expansion of petrochemical projects in the country’s western provinces this year. As well as the provinces Lorestan and Kurdestan, the NPC is looking to the city of Mahabad as locations to launch a number of projects. Peyvandi has also confirmed that the company will be completing the 1,500km West Ethylene pipeline this year, which will carry feedstock to petrochemical plants in the south and north-western reaches of Iran.

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 Petrochemicals

Qatari refinery set to become world’s largest QATARGAS HAS ANNOUNCED that the combined refining capacity of Ras Laffan Refinery 1 (LR1) and Ras Laffan Refinery 2 (LR2) will make Laffan Refinery the largest condensate facility in the world. Salman Ashkanani, CEO of Refinery Ventures at Qatargas, said that LR2 is expected to process 71,000 bpsd of naphtha, 60,800 bpsd of kerosene, 27,000 bpsd of gasoil and 2,406 cu/m of LPG, including butane and propane, once completed in Q3 2016. The engineering, procurement, supply, construction and commissioning (EPSCC) contracts were awarded in April 2013 to a joint venture of japan based-Chiyoda Corporation and Taiwanese CTCI Corporation. According to Ashkanani, LR2, along with other projects, will strengthen the country’s capacity to meet increasing demand for transport fuels, especially Jet A-1 (low sulphur jet fuel). A pipeline is currently under construction from the refinery to the Hamad International Airport. Besides major refinery products, Qatargas said that LR-related projects such as the diesel hydrotreater will also produce low sulphur diesel to serve the local market. Once completed by April 30 this year, it will process 54,000 bpsd of diesel for domestic use. Like LR1, all LR2 products will be hydro-treated to reduce sulphur content. It was also designed for zero water disposal, that is, no wastewater into the sea, the company added. The LR2 shareholders includes Qatar Petroleum with 84 per cent, Total with 10 per cent, Idemitsu and Cosmo each carrying two per cent, and Marubeni and Mitsui holding one per cent each.

Calls for innovation in GCC petrochemicals industry MOHAMMED AL MADY, chairman of the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA) and vice president and CEO of SABIC, has highlighted the importance of innovation for the GCC’s petrochemicals and chemicals industry. Al Mady made a speech calling for innovation within the sector on the closing day of the GPCA’s inaugural Research & Innovation Summit in Dubai from 12-13 March 2014. “The Middle East and particularly Mohammed Al Mady, chairman of the Gulf Petrochemicals and the GCC is facing increasing Chemicals Association (GPCA) and vice president and CEO of pressure to secure employment for SABIC (Image source: World Economic Forum) future generations… Recent history has proved that entrenched competitive advantages can fade and that there is little mercy for those who do not get new ones,” Al Mady told delegates. “Innovation has, therefore, become a must to deliver advantages, primarily in technology,” he added. Noting that the Gulf “started late in the innovation game”, Al Mady said the region’s chemicals industry needs to find ways to gain an edge over its competitors. “Going forward, the hunger for innovation, technological or otherwise, is here to stay. Today the think tanks for innovation or even for smart practices in technology acquisition remain mostly in other parts of the world. The seed of an idea I would like to leave with you is that, if something is critical for our future competitive advantage, we should master it,” Al Mady continued. According to the GPCA, the GCC’s petrochemical industry has already made significant progress in the field of innovation, with 733 patents granted in 2012, a 36 per cent growth year-on-year. Regional spending on research and development, however, lags behind Japan, China, the US and the EU, with the GCC spending only 0.8 per cent of the US$49bn global investment in this area, the association said. Dr Ernesto Occhiello, executive vice-president - technology and innovation at SABIC, commented, “Innovation has to be with the whole company, it cannot just be left with the research department… Recruitment is the most important thing management can do; how to develop them and how to find them.” Moving forward, industry experts have predicted that GCC plastics producers will be at the forefront of innovation within the petrochemical industry, the GPCA said. Plastics, also known as polymers, account for almost a fifth of the GCC’s petrochemicals portfolio. According to GPCA estimates, the region’s polymer capacity sits at 23.8mn tons, or 18.4 per cent of the Gulf’s 129.2mn ton petrochemical production. During the summit, the GPCA released the Innovation in the Chemical Industry report, which was prepared in collaboration with international consultancy group Stratley.



Issue 3 2014

Kuwait to issue key tenders for Al Zour refinery project KUWAIT NATIONAL PETROLEUM Company (KNPC) is set to issue three key construction tenders for its new 615,000 barrels per day (bpd) Al Zour oil refinery next month. According to KNPC’s manager of the refinery project Khaled al-Awadhi, three significant tenders are due in May. These will be for the main and secondary process units, and a utilities and offsite package. Having chosen the successful bids by the end of 2014, KNPC plans to sign contracts by the first quarter of 2015. With an estimated to cost KWD 4bn (US$14.2bn), Al Zour is expected to be up and running by late 2018 or early 2019, producing oil products such as diesel, kerosene, naphtha, and lowsulphur fuel, which will be used for both exports and domestic power. The new refinery project is part of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) KWD 30bn (US$107bn) development plan and, once operational, will see Kuwait’s total refinery capacity increased to 1.45mn bpd and will mean it can shut down its oldest refinery Shuaiba, which processes approximately 200,000 bpd. This follows news that KNPC recently announced three international companies won a combined US$12bn contact to revamp two existing oil refineries in Arabic state. The consortium is led by Japanese JGC Corporation, which won a bid to carry out US$4.8bn of work at the Mina Al Ahmadi refinery. Meanwhile contracts were awarded to groups led by UK’s Petrofac and USbased Fluor Corporation for US$2.7bn and US$3.4bn respectively to work on the 270,000 bpd Mina Abdullah refinery. The contracts were expected to be finalised in April 2014, and following the upgrade work both refineries are expected to produce cleaner-burning fuels and increase production to reach a combined capacity of 800,000 bpd.

The new project will allow Kuwait to shut down its Shuaiba refinery (Image source: Ken Doerr)

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 Petrochemicals

India to harness investment potential of GCC THE GCC PETROCHEMICALS industry is an area of significant investment opportunities for Indian investors, with the Gulf region finalising projects worth US$450bn in 2014 alone, according to Doha Bank group CEO Dr. R Seetharaman. Speaking at a presentation to Indian industry professionals in Doha recently, Seetharaman said that Qatar, UAE, and Kuwait are expected to implement projects worth more Doha Bank group CEO than $70bn, $85bn and $70bn Dr. R Seetharaman respectively, this year. “The GCC is expected to attract $57bn into the petrochemical industry over the next five years,” he commented. “India and the GCC nations can harness a strong energy relationship by extending their partnership to manufacture value-added products such as refining, petrochemicals, plastics, fertilizers and pharmaceuticals.” The presentation discussed the strong trade relationship that already exists and should continue to develop between India and Qatar, which is currently the largest supplier of LNG to the South Asia republic. He said, “There is a large market for Qatar’s LNG, oil and petrochemical sectors in India.” According to the CEO, the trade between the GCC countries and India increased by eight per cent in the 2012-13 financial year. He explained, “Imports of GCC from India increased by 13 per cent in 2012-13 when compared to the previous year to $51bn. Exports of GCC countries to India increased by six per cent in 2012-13 when compared to previous year to $108bn. “India and GCC identified sectors like oil and gas, fertiliser and information technology as key areas of cooperation.”

Maire Tecnimont awarded Egyptian development contract ITALY’S MAIRE TECNIMONT has won a deal worth US$1bn to develop facilities for a petrochemical complex located at the Suez Canal in Egypt. The company said that the Tahrir complex project, which it will share on a 50-50 per cent basis with Dutch group Archirodon NV, (Image source: Glenn Euloth) had an estimated value of between $1.7bn and $1.95bn. According to the agreement signed with Egypt’s privately-owned Carbon Holdings, Maire Tecnimont will build utilities and offsite facilities for the complex, and this is expected to boost the north Africa country’s annual export by more than 25 per cent. Dubai contractor Drake & Scull International is also expected to contribute to the project. An unnamed industry analyst said, “It’s good news since the contract falls in Marie Tecnimont’s core business.” According to industry reports, in 2013 oil, gas and petrochemicals generated almost 80 per cent of Maire Tecnimont’s revenues.



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 Petrotech 2014

Middle East Petrotech 2014 Date: 19-21 May Venue: International Exhibition & Convention Centre, Bahrain

Full downstream package

available at Petrotech “Astonishing” investment opportunities never seen before in any part of the world are now on offer locally, according to the organisers of the region's largest downstream conference. HIS YEAR’S OVERALL theme for the 9th Middle East Refining & Petrochemicals Conference & Exhibition, better known as Middle East Petrotech, is 'Downstream value-chain integration opportunities'. The region’s premier get-together for all downstream industry operators – with an associated trade exhibition that featured more than 120 company participants last time - takes place in Bahrain’s International Exhibition & Convention Centre from 19-21 May. This year’s combined events have been designed as a natural follow-on from the ongoing overall Petrotech theme of 'Value enhancement' and the previous conference’s specific focus on 'Creating value'. In support of such local investment activity, the regional downstream industry association GPCA has pointed out that total all-forms petrochemical capacity within the Gulf region is currently being raised from less than 78mn to 113mn tonnes per annum by the end of 2015. Again under the patronage of the Kingdom’s prime minister, HRH Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, all of this year’s Petrotech events are being organised by Arabian Exhibition Management (AEM), part of the Allworld Exhibitions group that also arranges the complementary GEO and MEOS technical conferences in Bahrain. With




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Petrotech 2014 will once again be held under the patronage of the Kingdom’s prime minister, HRH Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa strong regional support, especially from Saudi Arabia, the Petrotech series itself has been running successfully on the island since 1996. Executive committee chairman Omar Bazuhair of Saudi Aramco, a leading participant at both this year’s conference and the preceding Downstream Integrated Industrialisation Forum taking place on 18 May, said, “Over the past 18 years Petrotech has grown to become a major international event for delegates and exhibitors from all around the world. Deliberately positioned to highlight the region’s lucrative and fastgrowing business environment. "Investment opportunities have reached levels never seen before in any part of the world. Spending in the region, including

investment incentives, is budgeted around US$1 trillion over the next five years. The projects available for revenue sharing are astonishing." The main three-day conference programme this year will focus on what is described as “high-impact technical exchange for value creation”. Presenters have been carefully selected for their industry knowledge, and to share individual application success stories regarding the enhancement of downstream facilities' assets. Both technology and service providers from the region and overseas will be introducing products that have enabled their customers to minimise ownership costs while maximising value within this key

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 Petrotech 2014

value-enhancing sector of the Gulf’s oil and gas industries. The three complementary and detailed topic themes being followed this year will be: Technologies transfer and utilisation – covering the latest advances in relevant process technologies, catalyst management, maintenance issues, inspection procedures, HSE and other related innovations. Plant reliability – identifying lost-profit opportunities, how to optimise/minimise operating costs, risk mitigation, corrosion management, equipment criticality, assetuse strategy, use of predictive maintenance tools, and ensuring workforce competence. Plant optimisation – reviewing the latest technologies such as instrumentation, monitoring and control systems that can improve the management of the product stream overall. Among the detailed discussion sessions that will be components of the introductory Downstream Integrated Industrialisation Forum on 18 May will be: • A panel session discussing investment opportunities – product mix; • Another on opportunities in downstream



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and energy development, and services; • A third on financing mechanisms; and • A final panel discussion covering specific regional government incentives The ensuing main conference itself will provide: • Technical presentations (three simultaneous streams) on downstream value chain integration and opportunities, sub-themed as technology utilisation, process optimisation, and plant reliability - all taking place on 19 May • The same three streams covering new business and entrepreneurship issues (20 May) • A repeat procedure on the morning only of 21 May, covering HR issues (specifically behaviour and process safety) Presenters at most of these sessions will be drawn principally (but not exclusively) from both the Saudi Arabia and Bahrain itself; the Saudi economy and planning minister, HE Dr Muhammad Al Jasser and finance minister (also in charge of Oil & Gas Affairs), HE Shaikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, as well as the CEO of Saudi Aramco Khalid Al Falih, will all be taking part in the introductory plenary session.

Bapco’s deputy chief executive in charge of refining and marketing, Ebrahim Talib and the chief economist of Bahrain’s Economic Development Board will address the panel sessions. Details of who will be at the rostrum and when at the main Petrotech conference can all be found on the event website. A couple of complementary workshops on safety issues related to valuechain optimisation (specifically process management and neurosafety) are being offered on a free-to-attend basis for all registered conference delegates on the 19 and 20 May respectively. Business lead generation, brand exposure, networking opportunities, abundant customer contact and excellent opportunities to gauge market reaction to new products and services – Middle East Petrotech 2014 has all these on offer for the benefit of managers of IOCs, NOCs and downstream processors as well as technology proprietors and petrochemical engineers. As AEM said, it all adds up to “the ideal place to generate real-time market feedback on new and existing products and services”. ■


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 OTC 2014

Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) Date: 5-8 May Venue: Reliant Park, Houston, US

Global industry focus

returns to Texas The world’s foremost event for the development of offshore resources in terms of drilling, E&P and environmental protection opens shortly in Texas. OTC includes a mustattend conference for engineers and scientists. NE OF THE world’s largest trade shows returns to Houston from 5-8 May. Founded back in 1969 and always held during the first week of May, the 2014 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) will be another mega-event, with a huge range of products, services and technologies being covered. No less than 13 world-scale technical NGOs - such as the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the Society of Petroleum Engineers and the International Petroleum Technology Institute - work cooperatively to develop the technical programme. The highly detailed conference schedule alone runs to tens of pages, full details of which are all conveniently displayed on the OTC website (www.otcnet.org/2014) so that relevant fields can be quickly located and the information can be filtered depending on the user's areas of interest.


High standards This all-embracing programme is put together collectively by a complex network of technical committees whose task it is to make sure that OTC’s very high standards are always maintained. So finely focussed 48


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OTC was founded an impressive 45 years ago

The special events cover much wider topics that are sometimes of an unusual nature is the scheduling of papers that each individual presentation is allocated just 20, strictly controlled minutes, allowing for the handover of the rostrum and the changeover of the audience in the halls. Every technical time-slot is comprehensively described on the

website; conference delegates are able to pick and choose which sessions to attend and between sessions can visit a selection of the 2,500-plus exhibits alongside in the Reliant Park Center (including an outdoor display area for large items). Just as handy as reference points at the four-day gathering are the longer 'special events' that are a key part at every edition of OTC. These tend to be put on by oil and gas majors and other key players in the industry, generally covering much wider topics that are sometimes of an unusual nature. So 'America’s energy renaissance' is featured on the first day this year, followed by 'Commercial use of NASA’s

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Moving Energy Forward

Exhibitors will include leading companies from across the MENA region neutral buoyancy laboratory' the day after, then 'Water management offshore'. Few other oil and gas conferences spread the net this wide. Once again the extensive range on offer can be checked on the website. This year there will be a series of 12 Spotlight on New Technology Awards (see page 50 for full details), celebrating success by mostly well-known names (especially those working in oilfield service companies) in terms of innovations that have proven to be effective and which are already having a significant impact on the performance of the industry.

Distinguished Achievement Awards A smaller range of Distinguished Achievement Awards, specifically for individuals rather than organisations, will be running alongside the technology awards at OTC 2014. The brief for these is unusually wide; technological, humanitarian, environmental achievements, and those displaying special leadership qualities, are all eligible. Like many of the world's major technical oil and gas events, a focused attempt is always made at OTC to reach out to undergraduates (and even younger students) of the host country by answering their career enquiries. The reasons to attend a huge event like OTC are manifold. First, only the most knowledgeable and experienced professionals from all over the world get to speak at any OTC event. Representatives of suppliers and products and services from over 120 countries can be consulted within just four days, all on a very convenient and well serviced single site.

Global connections Houston is one of the busiest and best connected airports in the world. Visitors will undoubtedly meet many colleagues from the MENA region too. Finally, the OTC sponsors themselves invest back in the industry, using their revenues to benefit their members (many of who are based in the Gulf) from training programmes and various forms of technical information dissemination. The 'OTC papers online' service, covering 10,000-plus items collected over the lifespan of the event, can now be accessed via the multi-society OnePetro library. “To promote and further the advance of scientific and technical knowledge of offshore resources and environmental matters” has been the overall objective of OTC for over more than 40 years. This year’s huge get-together will be no exception. Readers should also note the biennial offshoot, OTC Asia, that was launched in Malaysia in 2012 and repeated in Kuala Lumpur in March this year (www.otcasia.org). n

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 OTC 2014

OTC announces 2014 Spotlight on New Technology Award winners THE OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY Conference (OTC) has announced the 12 technologies that will receive its prestigious 2014 Spotlight on New Technology Awards. OTC takes place from 5 to 8 May in Houston with the awards set to be presented at 4pm on 5 May in the Reliant Centre Rotunda Lobby. The Spotlight on New Technology Awards - a programme for OTC exhibitors - showcase the latest, industry-leading exploration and production hardware and software. "Our Spotlight Award winners embrace OTC’s mission to advance technical knowledge of offshore operations and environmental matters," said Spotlight Award Committee chair, Moe Plaisance. "Thanks to their pioneering spirit, offshore E&P will continue to play a key role in supplying the world with energy in a sustainable manner." Winning technologies had to meet five criteria. They had to be less than two years’ old, innovative enough to revolutionise the offshore E&P industry, proven through fullscale application or successful prototype

advancing the industry to new levels of safety, productivity, and efficiency."

Last year’s Spotlight on New Technology Award winners testing, they had to have a broad appeal for the industry and had to provide significant benefits that reached beyond existing technologies. "I congratulate this year’s Spotlight Award recipients for helping the industry reduce risk and increase productivity in ever-more extreme conditions," said OTC 2014 chairman, Ed Stokes. "Cutting-edge technologies like these are always a highlight of OTC, as they demonstrate the ingenuity and forward thinking that is




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The winners for 2014 were: • Baker Hughes – LaunchPRO™ Wireless Top Drive Cement Head • FMC Technologies – Iso™ Pump • FMC Technologies – Offshore Loading Arm Footless • GE Oil & Gas – SeaLytics™ • GE Oil & Gas – Zenith GFI™ Ground Fault Immune ESP Monitoring System • Geoservices, a Schlumberger Company – FLAG Fluid Loss and Gain Detection Service • Halliburton Drill Bits and Services – TDReam™ Tool • SBM Offshore – Very High Pressure Fluid Swivel • Schlumberger – Seismic Guided Drilling Pore-Pressure Prediction Ahead of the Bit • Weatherford – CasingLinkTM • West Production Technology AS (Part of WeST Group) – SwarfPak Technology • WesternGeco – IsoMetrix Marine Isometric Seismic Technology

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 Technology

Oil Review spoke to Brian O’Sullivan, CEO of Alaa For Industry, about the Saudi Arabian company’s new lines and future plans within the region.

AFI celebrates landmark year with

further expansion S AUDI ARABIA'S ALAA For Industry (AFI) has added further product lines to its portfolio. As the oil and gas service and engineered product specialist celebrates its 30th anniversary, AFI has expanded its range, which already includes hydraulic systems, seals and gaskets and loading arms. The company also specialises in power transmission products including electric motors, pulleys, diesel engines and many other lines. "We are now supplying Ingersoll Rand products, including their air winches," Brian O'Sullivan, AFI's CEO told Oil Review. "Our people are now certified to do the repair and overhaul of all of these air winches for drilling activities. We have also recently added a complete line of SKF Bearings to our product line." O'Sullivan went on to explain how the partnership with Ingersoll Rand would help to speed up repairs and reduce downtime. "These air winches are mainly utilised in drilling operations, either in the BOP handling systems or using the Man Rider to lift people to the top," he said. "There was no repair and certification facility in Saudi Arabia so the winches had to go overseas to be repaired. For the oil industry, the cost is not the issue but it's the time. That's why we started up our workshop and decided our technicians would be certified. "I expect a lot from that activity because there will be 138 drilling towers operational this year in Saudi Arabia, land rigs. They're drilling holes everywhere at the moment in Saudi Arabia, especially for gas. Plus they are also developing the deep sea drilling off the Jeddah coast." O'Sullivan said that AFI's 30th year would see further growth across many sectors, with the company looking to increase its involvement in the railway and nuclear power sectors. He was also keen to speak about AFI's work with the mining, aluminium and phosphate industries, and the company's involvement with Maaden and Alcoa's new vertically integrated aluminium complex, which will reportedly be the largest and most efficient in the world. "Technical staff from Maaden came to us to see what kind of help we could give them during the installation at the start of the phase of their plans here," he said. "We are fully partnered and 80 per cent of the equipment utilised in the plans, the rolling mill and the smelter are Parker products and we are the strategic partners of Parker. We have a lot of supply and maintenance contracts with Maaden. It's also a very interesting industry." For any company to endure for three decades is a major feat, especially in such a competitive business environment as Saudi Arabia. AFI, which is headquartered in Dammam, employs around 1,200 people across 18 offices, 14 of which are in Saudi Arabia and four overseas. O'Sullivan said that the company's continuing success was down to a variety of factors. "Every day is new for us," he explained. "We know all of the companies, and we know what people are looking for and when there's a shortage in Saudi Arabia, they are happy that they can talk to a party who has all these contacts. Plus we have the supply chain, we have the import chains of course, so we can act quickly because we don't deal with sub-dealers and we have direct contacts with our factories in Europe and in the US." AFI started as a distributor for hydraulic components and seals in



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Brian O'Sullivan, CEO of Alaa For Industry

For the oil industry, the cost is not the issue but the time Dammam in 1984 and has since grown and opened new branches in Riyadh and Jeddah. The company opened its first overseas branch in Bahrain in 1993 and continued its global expansion by opening further branches in Kuwait, Qatar, and the US. To support its customers, AFI has also established service workshops in branches like Riyadh, Jeddah, Jubail and Yanbu. The workshops are fully equipped with the latest machinery which is capable of repairing a variety of hydraulic equipment. n

For more information visit www.afi.com.sa

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Floating roof tanks CTS SPECIALISES IN the field of tank seals, internal floating roofs, dome roofs and other products and systems for atmospheric storage tanks. Managing director of CTS, Gert van Meijeren has written an introduction to external floating roof tanks. To read the full article, go to www.cts-tank.com/downloads. For decades external floating roofs have represented the preferred way of storing hydrocarbons as crude oil, gasoline, and many related products stored before or after refining. The design is based on having an open top circular tank shell, where inside a steel roof is floating in direct contact with the product stored.

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Issue 3 2014

Tank seals are used to seal the annular space, primarily to reduce the emission and evaporative loss from the stored product and to maintain the product integrity by reducing the amount of (rain) water that can enter the tank. A good rim seal also helps to centre the roof in the tank and will prevent built up of excessive corrosion on the tank shell. There are various seal designs available. Selecting the right seal material and making regular inspections of seals on external floating roofs is extremely important. Typically tank seals are divided in primary seals, and secondary seals. A primary seal is installed in the area between the floating roof and the tank shell, and represents the first barrier against product evaporation. As the primary seal is either in direct contact with the product or in contact with saturated product vapours present at the product surface it has to deal with this exposure. A secondary seal is a second barrier against product evaporation, and is usually installed on top of the primary seal, but typically independent from this primary seal by being rim mounted. The following are the most common types of primary seals: shoe plate seals (CTS1), compression plate seals (CTS20 and CTS30), foam filled seals (CTS7). It should be noted that shoe plate seals and compression plate seals represent well over 90 per cent of the primary seals in service worldwide. Correct seal design and proper material selection has a great impact on seal performance and regular inspections should ensure their continued performance once in service.

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Seamless and welded pipes and tubes to suit every application

Suraj serves more than 70 countries SURAJ LIMITED IS a manufacturer and exporter of stainless steel seamless and welded pipes, tubes and ‘U’ tubes and large diameter welded pipes. Certified as an ISO-9001, 14001, BS OHSAS 18001, Suraj's products come in a variety of sizes, grades and specifications to meet customer requirements. Made from austenitic, ferritic, duplex and super duplex stainless steel, the company's pipes and tubes are manufactured and tested under strict supervision and meet ASTM, ASME, DIN, NFA, JIS standards. Suraj produces welded tubes and pipes ranging from six millimetres outer diameter (OD) to 1,016 mm OD and from 0.6 mm to 25 mm thick. Its seamless products range from six to 323.9 mm OD and 0.8 to 25 mm in thickness. Pipes can be produced up to 12 m in length and tubes up to 30 m. Suraj, which is based in India, has a strong global presence and serves more than 70 countries, covering the EU, Gulf, South East Asia, the US and Latin America. The company specialises in tubing for heat exchangers, heating elements, surface condensers, evaporators, digesters, instrumentation tubing, LP/HP heaters and fluid piping and its products can be applied in a multitude of sectors including: oil and gas, petrochemicals, refining, food, pharmaceuticals, fertilisers, brewing, sugar and ship building. Suraj also holds certificates for quality in accordance with AD2000 MERKBLATT W0 and Pressure Equipment Directives [PED] 97/23/EC from TUV Nord and offers materials under all national and international third party inspection. Suraj also has its own laboratory to for various tests including Hydro tests, Eddy Current, PMI, IGC, UT, RT and spectrochemical analysis. Suraj Limited was formed in 1960 and is a Government of India recognised export house.

For more information visit www.surajgroup.com



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 Technology

Steven Hague, Pretect’s mechanical services manager for the Middle East, discusses the benefits of hot tapping and the safety factors surrounding its implementation.

45 degrees lateral tapping

Steering the way for

hot tapping O PERATORS ACROSS THE globe use hot tapping for either planned or emergency maintenance or restoration of pressurised systems. It is the method of making a connection into an existing pipe or vessel, which is still under pressure or live. It is mostly used for installation of additional branches allowing supply to and from other areas of plant, provision of monitoring points for temperature probes or to create entry points for line-stop equipment. Across the various sectors that hot taps are used they can be performed on a variety of materials including ductile and cast iron, carbon steel, stainless steels and alloys, plastics, asbestos, cement and reinforced concrete. It can be carried out on lines containing product at a maximum pressure of 100 bar and temperatures up to 371°C. A key benefit of hot tapping is that implementation of modification or repair to a production facility can be executed without the need for time consuming and expensive shutdowns. The fact that the operation is performed while the pipeline is live adds the additional bonus of maintaining production levels throughout the process. It also does



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not disrupt pressure, temperature or supply to other areas in the plant. Due to these various advantages hot tapping and line plugging services are increasingly in demand. As with any operation at an oil and gas facility, safety is a key consideration. Hot tapping of fuel lines in particular pose a risk of explosion or fire. For a fire or explosion to take place fuel, heat and oxygen must be present. The proven procedures deployed by Pretect are designed to eliminate such risk. Sound experience of the company’s technicians boosts the client’s confidence when considering signing on Pretect for pipeline intervention solutions. During its initial operational years, as

Implementation of modification or repair to a production facility can be executed without the need for time consuming and expensive shutdowns”

RBG Middle East, Pretect provided limited hot tapping service available for pipelines operating at a lower pressure and from 0.5” to 12” in diameter, the service being delivered as a support function to the company’s in-situ machining discipline. Following the restructuring and rebranding of the company, it made significant investments towards expanding its hot tapping capabilities and now also offers additional line-plugging solutions. At present Pretect is the largest independent pipeline intervention resource service provider in Qatar and through on-going regional expansion the company aims to establish a similar position across other GCC countries and the wider Middle East region. Equipped with highly experienced and trained technicians along with an array of resources like pipeline intervention fittings supply, live line welding services, pipe cutting and bolting services Pretect is able to provide clients with turnkey solutions to tailor their pipeline intervention needs. In addition to standard hot tapping operations Pretect has developed and applied successful bespoke solutions with clients to complete complex intervention problems.

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Honghua Golden Coast Equipment FZE introduction Honghua Golden Coast Equipment FZE (Honghua Dubai), registered in Jebel Ali Free Zone in Nov of 2006, is one of the sole corporations of Honghua Group in China(listed in Hongkong stock market in 2008). The total area of the workshop for Honghua Dubai is about 21,000m2, including 2800m2 workshop (owning lathe, boring machine, milling machine, plate shearing machine, welding machine and other equipments), 500m2 warehouse and a 17,000m2 commissioning yard. Honghua Dubai will be the assembly, maintenance, refurbishment, spare parts supply, equipment leasing, after sales service and marketing center of Honghua Group in Middle East and Africa. In addition, new technology and new products of Honghua Group will be displayed here.

Honghua Golden Coast Equipment FZE. (Branch Company of Sichuan Honghua Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd) P.O.Box. 261868 Jebel Ali Dubai-U.A.E. Tel: +009714 8807066 Fax:+009714 8807061 Website : www.hhcp.com.cn www.hh-gltd.com

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RELIABILITY IN OIL WELL CEMENTS Oil Well Cement (OWC) produced by Oman Cement Company (S.A.O.G) under accurate temperatures is an obvious choice for oil well cementing worldwide and now it is ready to face the challenges of highly specialized arctic and horizontal cementing: ● Conforms to the American Petroleum Institute (API) specification – 10A Class-G- (HSR), Class-B- (HSR) and Class-A- (O) grades. ● Tested and used by worldwide cementing companies ● Easy to disperse resulting in considerable cost savings ● First choice of major oilfield companies ● Exported to GC Countries, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Tanzania, Turkmenistan, Ethiopia, Pakistan, India and Syria. Oman Cement manufacturing facility operates on world class quality management system ISO 9001 and environmental management system ISO 14001. Quality control is online and laboratory automation systems consist of online x-ray spectrometers and robotic samplers, linked to process controllers and a raw mill proportioning system. OCC has an enduring commitment to customer satisfaction, continual improvement and a stronger foundation for tomorrow. Winner of His Majesty’s Cup for the Best Five Factories in the Sultanate of Oman for 10 times.



Oman Cement Company (S.A.O.G) Corporate Office: PO Box 560, Ruwi, PC 112, Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 24437070 Marketing: Ext 145 / 444 Fax: +968 24437799 Email: admin@omancement.com Website: www.omancement.com

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Technology 

The company’s multi-disciplined pipeline intervention technicians undergo regular training programmes that have been developed by Pretect with over 25 years of specialised experience. This means that the company is also able to provide training to third party and clients’ personnel in safe application of pipeline Intervention services. Experience in providing complex solutions using proven Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) processes has enabled Pretect to develop tooling and methodology to undertake hot tapping on refractory line columns where critical metering points have to be installed to measure environmental impact of exhaust gases. Pretect is able to execute this process with perfect cut holes that require no expensive repairs to the internal grout covering.

Clients can undertake valve replacement or pipeline modifications while ensuring there is no loss to production” Pretect has also successfully developed a 45° lateral tapping process on pipelines for metering system installation. The company provides relevant resources to maintain safe working and operational conditions for clients to undertake valve replacement or pipeline modifications while ensuring there is no loss to production as well as minimal effect on the environment. Through its joint venture company Technical Field Services Iraq (TFSI) Pretect is engaged in several high profile hot tapping campaigns and projects to support operators there in modernisation and repair of critical pipeline systems to ensure that production is not affected, there is no loss of revenue to the Iraqi economy nor is there any negative impact on the environment.

Hot tapping set up

Line Plugging Through its mechanical division, Pretect has provided many major critical line plugging isolations for several major plant operators to allow modifications to be executed without shutdown or loss of production in a safe and controlled manner. What is it used for? 6 Installation of additional branches allowing supply to and from other areas of plant 6 Provision of monitoring points for temperature probes, etc. 6 Provide entry points for line-stop equipment What are the advantages?

6 Can be performed without the need to shut down the plant

6 Avoid loss of production or supply to other areas in the plant

6 Avoid disruption to flow, pressure or temperature In addition to conventional line plugging techniques Pretect has designed and manufactured on line valve change tools longer than 5m in length in order to enable clients to change valves on a line

without requiring a shutdown or welding fittings of the plugging. This can be used on pipes up to 12” in diameter containing pressure up to 8 bar.

Cryogenic Services Pretect is continually developing its pipeline intervention services portfolio to meets its clients’ needs and now provides alternative pipe freeze isolation services. In the oil and gas sector this is used at oil and gas risers and advantages are that it allows for isolation without modification required to the pipe and the pipe is in the same condition after the freeze. Pipe freezing is a method used for temporary isolation of a line where the content of the pipe is frozen to form a solid plug. This was originally developed as a last resort method of isolation where wooden boxes were constructed around the pipe and then filled with dry ice. Modern pipe freezing methods use liquid nitrogen at -196°C. Pretect’s long-term objective is to increase its hot tapping and line plugging capacity to handle pipe size ranges up to 48” in diameter with potential expansion into Polyethylene (PE) pipeline plugging techniques. ■

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 Innovations

Keller AG introduces pressure transmitter range KELLER AG HAS introduced a range of pressure transmitters for use in hazardous areas and pressure transmitters for gas and dust atmospheres. The intrinsically safe transmitters offer measurement ranges of between 0.2 bar and 1,000 bar and can be used for measurements of all types in areas subject to explosion hazards in Group II (Gas), and as per the relevant ATEX Directive. Common features of all Y-line pressure transmitters include a very low temperature error, with correspondingly high measurement accuracy. The range of envisaged operating temperatures can be divided into as many as 120 sections with a width of 1.5 kelvin (272°C), thanks to the Keller AG has introduced a new range of intrinsically safe integrated temperature sensor and pressure transmitters an additional digital circuit. During factory calibration, a mathematical model is used to calculate individual compensation values for TK zero point and TK amplification for each of these sections, with the values then stored in the transmitter. During operation these values are fed into the analogue signal path according to the temperature, without reducing the 2 kHz signal processing dynamic. Keller’s X-line pressure transmitters (Series 30) also offer microcontroller-based electronic evaluation to ensure maximum accuracy and each transmitter is gauged across the entire pressure and temperature range. The data is then used to calculate a mathematical model that enables correction of all reproducible errors. The range includes models with internal seals, as well as fully-welded and flush front-sealed versions that measure pressure in absolute or barometric terms, or relative to ambient pressure. Various threads are available for the pressure connection, and different plugs and cables can be used for the electrical connection.

Footwear ‘ideal for MENA region’ The Timberland PRO® Waterproof Rigmaster Wellington has been designed for professionals working in the oil and gas industry to deliver the comfort, protection and durability needed to withstand the demanding conditions of the MENA region. The Rigmaster Wellington's features include Timberland PRO® exclusive anti-fatigue technology which features molded, inverted cones that support, collapse and return in key pressure zones. This provides higher energy return and results in all-day standing comfort; Cast-Bond™ construction for a durable mechanical bond that increases outsole flexibility; breathable, waterproof linings which combat heat stress and wick moisture away from the foot, keeping the wearer's foot cool and dry; a unique 'finger-grip' pull-on safety feature for ease of entry and release; and an ergonomic safety toe for protection and a superior fit. Timberland PRO® has local distributors in Saudi Arabia (Khalifa Algosaibi Trading), the UAE (Access Petrotech), Qatar (BIEWU International), Yemen (Remax Trading & Services), Kuwait (Safety Plus World), Kazakhstan (Borkit Safety), Oman (Safar Oilfield Services), Iraq (Safar Oilfield Services) and Libya (Grayford Industrial).

Graco’s XM PFP adds fireproof safety to Kazakhstan oil and gas field facilities KAZAKH CONTRACTOR MULTICORR has entered the Passive Fire Protection (PFP) sector as an applicator for various asset owners in Kazakhstan, after company owner Gabit Utkelbayev reviewed all the mechanical PFP rigs available in the market and opted to invest in Graco’s XM PFP rig. Utkelbayev explained, "After studying the old design of mechanical machines, Multicorr did not want to be a ‘me-too’ company. We wanted to be the first intumescent applicator in Kazakhstan who could offer our current and future customers complete ratio assurance with total job accountability – something Graco’s product gives us with its reporting features." Kazakhstan’s Tengiz region is home to the sixth largest oil field reserves in the world and the company has targeted facilities on the field in which to provide its Passive Fire Protection (PFP) solution. Operators have perceived the XM PFP’s ADM (Advanced Display Module) as very easy to understand, which led Multicorr paint site



Issue 3 2014

Multicorr owner Gabit Utkelbayev reviewed all the mechanical PFP rigs available in the Kazakh market before opting for Graco’s XM PFP rig

supervisor Galibekov to state, "My cell phone is more difficult to understand than this machine’s display. We understood its operation and learnt its functions very quickly." Before starting the on-site application, Multicorr received intense applicator training from the material supplier International Paints. The distributor, Gateway, trained Multicorr’s

applicators on the use and maintenance of the XM PFP rig with Graco personnel. The Chartek products (Chartek 1709/Chartek 7) were successfully tested with Graco’s XM PFP rig, meeting the required equipment standards set out in the Chartek application manuals and the International Paint Application Engineers and Certifiers.

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Need a management systems auditing course? 60,000 people a year can’t be wrong For the past 30 years IRCA, the leading body for management systems auditing, has been certifying the worlds’ best Quality (ISO 9001), Environment (ISO 14001) and Health and Safety (BS OHSAS) auditing training courses. IRCA Certified training organisations have undergone a rigorous application procedure and deliver training courses that: s have met IRCA’s strict learning requirements s

are regularly reviewed by independent experts to maintain the highest standard of training


are taught by tutors who have met IRCA’s prescribed standards

s can be used as an entry requirement to become an IRCA registered auditor IRCA certified training is recognised as the industry leader and every year around 60 000 people attend an IRCA certified course. So when you book an auditing training course, remember to look for the IRCA badge. There are over 100 training organisations offering certified courses in 110 countries and the full list can be found at www.irca.org/providers. To find out more about IRCA approved training please visit www.irca.org/training or email us registration@irca.org


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 Interview Rockwell Automation’s senior vice president and chief financial officer Ted Crandall speaks to Oil Review Middle East about how and why it sees great business potential in the region.

Investing in the

Middle East potential “W E EXPECT TO see significantly higher rates of growth in the Middle East than the average of the global automation markets over the next five to 10 years,” said Ted Crandall, Rockwell Automation senior vice president and chief financial officer. “Our goal is to take advantage of that broadly.” Providing industrial automation, power, control and information solutions to customers in more than 80 countries across the world, Rockwell Automation currently credits the Middle East for 20 per cent of its global business, while the US still holds the majority at 50 per cent. However the company’s plan to invest heavily in and around the Gulf could see all that change. In a relatively all-encompassing approach to the region, Rockwell Automation is looking to invest in the oil and gas sector but without neglecting the business potential of other popular industries, such as infrastructure, chemicals, water and waste water, and consumer products. Speaking to Oil Review Crandall explained, “The Middle East has been and will continue to be an important source of growth not only for oil and gas, but for secondary industry investment.” Looking at the business globally, however, he confirmed, “A large portion of our out market growth has come from process industries with oil and gas probably being the largest of those, representing about 12 per cent of our total revenue.” Expanding its portfolio into the digital oilfield with new technology is just one way in which Rockwell Automation is actively building on its business. The automation provider formally announced its planned purchase of digital oilfield solution provider vMonitor during ADIPEC 2013. On the subject Rockwell Automation president for Europe, Middle East & Africa Hedwig Maes commented, “The fact that we have done an acquisition quite recently with vMonitor has strengthened our capabilities in the oil and gas sector from a technology point of view.” By widening its portfolio Rockwell Automation has added another feather to its cap and hopes it can provide regional clients



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Rockwell Automation’s senior vice president and chief financial officer Ted Crandall and the company’s president for Europe, Middle East and Africa Hedwig Maes

We want to expand our footprint into a number of countries” with a more effective end-to-end service. As well as expanding the services it can offer its customers, the global automation company is working to build on its current client base and move into new regions within the Middle East. “We want to expand our footprint into a number of countries,” said Maes. “The largest one in that case is of course Saudi Arabia, that’s one area we want to further develop our capabilities.” He added that Qatar, Oman, and Kuwait are also key countries where Rockwell Automation sees significant business potential and plans to expand its company’s activity. Rockwell Automation has developed

relationships with local universities in many parts of world. While it has a connection with the Istanbul Technical College, investing and tapping into the Middle Eastern young talent is something the company intends to roll out more widely over the coming years. “We would like engineering students coming out of school to be familiar with Rockwell products so when they’re employed in our customer’s companies they’re familiar with our products and that becomes a very natural choice,” explained Crandall. “We also work with universities to ensure that we’re getting access to the top students to recruit into our business.” With plans already in action to expand both its portfolio of services and range of clients, as well having acquired a new company and intentions to invest in the Middle East’s graduates, it is safe to say Rockwell Automation is serious about the growing business potential the region holds. Crandall concluded, “The Middle East today is a small part of our business, but a part we think which has great growth opportunities.” ■

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 Coatings The coatings sector has always been at the forefront of innovation as highlighted by a host of recent product launches

Latest coating

technologies revealed C OATINGS PLAY A vital role in various oil and gas industry applications and coating technologies are always advancing at a fast pace. Several leading companies have revealed their latest coating-related innovations, including Versaperm, which is a leader in hydrocarbon permeability measurement technology. Hydrocarbons are exceptionally good at leaking or 'permeating' through coatings, materials and valves. Although this is usually a problem, it is also the basis for applications such as fuel cells or removing higher hydrocarbons from gas streams. In both cases accurate measurement is essential. Versaperm has developed a wide range of accurate equipment for measuring permeability across many different applications. Versasperm can produce results in as little as 30 minutes in some cases, in contrast with the days or weeks that conventional gravimetric testing can take. Measurement techniques include flame ionisation, catalytic combustion, infrared, photoionisation, mass spectrometry, capacitive, coulometric, electrochemical, electrolytic, gas chromatography, impedance, infrared, paramagnetic, pressure measurements semiconductor and thermal conductivity. Versaperm's hydrocarbon permeability



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meters achieve accuracies typically in the parts per million range, (parts per billion with some gasses). The system is ideal for use on most coatings, materials, membranes, containers, films, laminates and components. It is suitable for general testing as well as QC, lab and development work. Versaperm also offers a permeability laboratory service for companies that need to test samples on an irregular basis. (225) Dow, meanwhile, demonstrated its latest innovations at the recent 2014 American Coatings Show and Conference (ACS), held at the Georgia World Congress Centre in Atlanta, Georgia. Dow Coating Materials (DCM) displayed its products including Formashield™ 12 100% Acrylic Binder, a first-of-its-kind waterborne binder that offers active formaldehyde removal from ambient air when painted on the walls of a room, Rhoplex™ EZ Clean 1500 Acrylic Emulsion, a binder with advanced stain beading technology that makes it fast and easy to clean up tough liquids, and Evoque™ Pre-Composite Polymer Technology. Dow Consumer and Industrial Solutions (DC&IS) highlighted AMP™ 95 Multifunctional Neutraliser Technology, which offers benefits throughout the coating lifecycle. LIMO has launched its Activation Line

300 Laser System, which can heat and cool functional layers with thicknesses of just a few hundred nanometers, doing so with energy-efficiency and precision and without damaging the substrate below. Targeted heating of coatings and surfaces can create an optimal surface in just milliseconds. Germany-based LIMO is currently contemplating the development of using a laser source for surface heating that involves a special application of the Activation Line 300, the most powerful L³ LIMO Line Laser source. "Imagine that a surface with a functional layer only a few micrometers thin is to be heated to over 1000°C," says Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Hauschild, Director of ThinFilm Activation at LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH in Dortmund. "And think about doing this with a substrate that is already destroyed at 500°C.” The layers that are to be optimised are often composed of small particles or molecules which lose their desired properties and structural size just a few seconds after the processing temperature has been reached. Here, there is a demand for fast and targeted heating and cooling. This challenge can be met with the use of an in-line high-temperature process that provides targeted surface heating in a matter of milliseconds, and the Activation Line 300 was specifically designed to fill this need. ■

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job done! Patented Underwater Anti-Corrosion Te echnology Applications: s 3PLASHZONE *ETTY 0ILE 0ROTECTION s 3UBSEA 0IPELINE 2EPAIR s /FFSHORE *ACKET ,EG 0ROTECTION



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 Innovations

Unique System FZE launches Cygnus DIVE MK2 in the Middle East INTEGRATED TURNKEY SUBSEA and offshore solutions provider Unique System FZE and authorised dealer has introduced DIVE MK2 underwater gauge from Cygnus Instruments in the Middle East region. Cygnus has pioneered the digital multiple echo technique. The technique has long since been the industry standard for accurate measurement of material thickness. The new DIVE MK2 The new DIVE MK2 underwater gauge from Cygnus comes handy with a number of key features. It has a super bright AMOLED display, updated topside and reporting software and the introduction of twin crystal probes to assist in taking measurements on highly attenuated materials such as cast iron, measuring link thickness of anchor chains and on particularly heavily corroded steel. The bright AMOLED display aids both the diver and his camera for easy viewing even in the poorest visibility. The operation of the gauge is simple with only two buttons for easy navigation of the menus. A completely new feature is the added flexibility of single echo mode where twin crystal probes can be used. This feature is useful on uncoated surfaces that have extreme front face and back wall corrosion making measurements in multiple echo difficult to achieve. Having the capability of using DIVE in single echo mode means twin crystal probes can be used. In some measuring situations this can offer advantages where there are no protective coatings. Heavy corrosion as some times found on sea defences and harbour pilings can be challenging in order to obtain measurements in multiple echo modes. It is also useful for attenuative materials such as cast iron found in water and sewage outfall pipes and round bar such as anchor chain links. Graham Haines, sales director at Cygnus Instruments, said, “The ability of the diver to wear DIVE on his arm or wrist is a big advantage. Having a free hand when diving offers obvious advantages and together with the 2.8-inch quarter VGA colour display, it makes viewing so much easier by both the diver and support engineers on the surface via the diver’s camera. The AMOLED display not only gives much better viewing, it also offers an A scan display which helps verify true back wall readings in difficult measuring applications. In datalogging mode DIVE can store up to 5,000 measurements together with each measurement A scan for future analysis should the need arise. The top notch features that the DIVE MK2 has to offer backed by our renowned partner Unique System will help the product reach out to many of the customers in the Middle East market.”

Technical Access Services releases new scaffolding solution UAE-BASED SCAFFOLDING and access solutions provider Technical Access Services (TAS) has released its new EcoDeck, which it states that its customers will find more economic and efficient. Designed for the oil and gas, as well as power and construction industries, the aluminium decking system promises quicker, more efficient assembly thanks to the fact it consists of just two parts — panel and prop. TAS managing director Craig W Miller said, “It’s an advanced aluminium support system and because it’s aluminium it’s easier to construct, it’s easier to erect physically, and obviously it’s very high quality.” Eco-Deck’s design has allowed for significantly more space below and among the decking, which in turn can be used for more storage or simply more space around on the site while the structure it is supporting cures.

Technical Access Services' new Eco-Deck

Tratos Cavi plans expansion in the Middle East EUROPEAN SPECIALIST CABLE manufacturer Tratos Cavi hopes to expand in the Middle East. Dr Maurizio Bragagni, the CEO of Tratos Cavi, spoke about the company’s plans for expansion at the Tratos Open Day, which took place in March at the Goldsmith’s Centre in London, UK. Currently involved in a number of discussions with firms in the Middle East, Tratos Cavi is aiming to establish a joint venture (JV) company to serve the region, including the oil and gas sector, Bragagni said. The Tratos Open Day took place at the “There are two of three negotiations in the area to Goldsmith’s Centre in London, UK develop a joint venture to produce products in the Middle East,” he commented. “This is a company that will be built specifically to serve the local market,” Bragagni added. Although unable to reveal specific details about the JV negotiations, the CEO added that Tratos Cavi was hoping to share its knowledge with other companies in the region. “What we are now hoping for at a company like Tratos Cavi is to be able to transfer know-how,” he commented. Tratos Cavi has previously supplied specialist cables to projects such as Gasco’s third Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) Train Project in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, for which it provided US$1.37mn worth of instrumentation cables. According to Bragagni, Tratos Cavi currently conducts 15 per cent of its business in the Middle East but is “looking to expand to meet demand for special products” in the region. To keep up with this demand for specialised products, continuous research and development (R&D) is necessary for both Tratos Cavi and the cable manufacturing industry as a whole, Bragagni said.



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TAS is only eight years old but already has more than 800 personnel, offices across the UAE, and Miller is confident in the company’s ability to provide quality, safe, and technical scaffolding solutions. Although the company is experiencing a push towards construction work, the oil and gas sector still makes up the bulk of its business at approximately 70 per cent. The biggest of its clients in that field is Lamprell, based predominately in Hamriyah Port, Sharjah, UAE, where it works primarily on rig repair and new builds. When asked about the company’s main priority Miller was quick to underline the importance of safety. “Our safety record is exemplary and we just expanded our safety department," commented Miller. He added, “Our safety record is excellent, our technical ability is excellent and that’s how we sell.” TAS has big plans for the future of the company. Plans are already under way to move beyond the UAE and open a new office in Singapore by the end of 2014.

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 Innovations

Honeywell launches new ultrasonic flowmeter HONEYWELL HAS UNVEILED its latest ultrasonic flowmeter, the USM GT400 Ultrasonic Flowmeter, which is designed to benefit companies producing natural gas through its improved accuracy of pipeline metering. The new model measures the volume of gas at every stage of its journey from the plant to the customer, which according to Honeywell is a valuable attribute considering that the volume of gas is metered for billing purposes. Tony Tielen, vice-president of Honeywell Process Solutions’ Engineered Field Solutions division, said, “As the natural gas industry continues expanding, companies have a tighter margin of error when it comes to lowering operating Honeywell’s USM GT400 and capital costs, improving uptime and reducing risks.” The USM GT400 achieves improved metering accuracy due to its key features, such as multi-path measuring technology, field-proven electronics, sophisticated diagnostics, and a user-friendly interface. Additionally thanks to its direct-path technology with six measuring paths on three levels, Honeywell’s new flowmetre can provide its users with stability during flow perturbations.

Saipem signs deal to standardise on Intergraph SmartPlant Technology INTERGRAPH HAS ANNOUNCED that Saipem, the leading engineering, procurement, project management and construction company, will standardise on Intergraph® SmartPlant® and SmartMarine® Enterprise engineering solutions. The agreement includes Intergraph next-generation 3D design software Smart™ 3D. Smart 3D is used for both onshore plant design and offshore and ship design. Smart 3D is the industry’s most advanced and most productive next-generation 3D design system on the market, offering numerous unique capabilities including automated, rule-based design. Users can reuse FEED or old designs with different catalogues and specifications by leveraging Smart 3D’s unique rule re-use, tag renaming and specification interchange. Also, enhanced 3D interoperability capabilities enable the use of 3D data from multiple foreign CAD systems in conjunction with native Smart 3D models. SmartPlant/SmartMarine Enterprise is an integrated solutions suite that provides full design, construction, materials and engineering data management capabilities needed for the creation, safe operation and maintenance, and capital Project Life Cycle Management (cPLM) of process, power, offshore and shipbuilding projects.

Baker Hughes introduces extended-reach coiled tubing service SUPPLIER OF OILFIELD services, products, technology and systems to the oil and natural gas industry, Baker Hughes has announced the introduction of the EasyReach extended-reach coiled tubing (CT) service. The company developed the service in response to the growing number of long horizontal wells and the need to be able to service them confidently using CT. Comprised of advanced simulation software, a lubricant specifically designed for down-hole conditions and a field- proven fluid hammer tool, the service can help increase the lateral reach of CT beyond the limits of conventional CT systems. This holistic approach helps to reduce risk and improve well economics while enabling operators to reach total depth (TD) in extended reach laterals. The EasyReach service provides more predictable performance during cleanouts, acidizing, stimulations and other applications in long horizontal wells. The proprietary CIRCA™ modeling software is a key component in how the company designs and executes the service. With this advanced modeling tool, Baker Hughes can deliver a solution to address a well’s unique profile and challenges, using the hammer tool, lubricant or both.

Fotech Solutions showcases Helios DAS technology at OGWA 2014 in Oman FOTECH SOLUTIONS, THE linear asset monitoring technology specialists, demonstrated its innovative Helios Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology at Oil & Gas West Asia Conference 2014 (OGWA) in Muscat, Oman, held 31 March 2014 to 2 April 2014. Fotech Solutions explained how Helios DAS improves operations for down hole applications with realtime monitoring of hydraulic fracturing, production monitoring, well integrity testing and other life-ofwell applications. The company also showcased its LivePIPE monitoring system that enables real time detection of threats or leaks to oil and gas pipelines. Chris Shannon, CEO, Fotech Solutions, said, “Several recent reports have highlighted the growing gap between capital investment into oil and gas production and actual recovery rates. For producers around the world clearly this disparity cannot be sustained. The oil and gas industry urgently needs new tools that can provide high-quality real-time intelligence to inform and accelerate decision making at every stage of the extraction process to improve exploration and maximise production. “DAS is a breakthrough technology that has the potential to make significant gains in the efforts to maximise recovery. Monitoring is key to maximising oil and gas extraction, and at Fotech we are focused on developing DAS-based engineering tools that facilitate live decision-making in exploration and production operations and deliver real benefits and value to operators in the field.” Helios DAS from Fotech converts an optical fibre, up to 40km long, into tens of thousands of individual and real-time vibration sensors. Real time detection of the vibrations caused by acoustic disturbance at each point along the fibre enables engineers to ‘visualise’ and record what’s going on down hole, in real time, with greater clarity than ever before. As such, Helios DAS provides data and interpretative tools that have not been possible until now to improve the efficiency of oil and gas exploration, production and delivery.



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Baker Hughes' CT solutions are the result of nearly 30 years of experience, as well as a dedicated research and development facility The EasyReach hammer tool periodically interrupts fluid flow to vibrate the tool and generate traction forces to pull the tubing deeper into the well. These periodic pulses also reduce friction and delay the onset of helical buckling and lockup. The EasyReach lubricant is engineered to provide more consistent performance in extreme environments, including HP/HT. It helps to reduce mechanical friction with improved sliding efficiency and higher rates of penetration. The new lubricant’s performance has been confirmed in a series of field trials.

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 Innovations

Joint effort to improve integrity assessment of steel wire ropes for sub-sea lifting applications DNV GL HAS established a joint industry project (JIP) to develop methods for reducing the risks and lifetime cost of steel wire ropes for sub-sea lifting applications, using an integrated systems approach. Fourteen industry players have already signed up and more partners are welcomed, especially oil and gas operators, said IngerLise Tangen, project manager at DNV GL. The partners are namely Bridon, DMT GmbH & Co. KG, DOF Management, Farstad Shipping AS, GC Rieber Shipping ASA, Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland SE, Huisman Equipment BV, National Oilwell Varco (NOV), Redaelli, Rolls Royce Marine AS, Saipem, Technip UK Limited, Teufelberger Seil Ges.m.b.H. and W. Giertsen Services AS. “Frontier areas have emerged as serious attractions for oil and gas operators in recent years,“ Elisabeth Tørstad, CEO of DNV GL, said. “Over half of the industry executives we interviewed said they expect sub-sea technologies to absorb the strongest investment this year, to support exploration into new or challenging environments. “Operating in these areas requires leading-edge technologies and new knowledge. Industry collaboration is even more important here where the technical challenges are complex and the risk exposure may be higher. This JIP is, therefore, very timely.” The rapidly growing number of sub-sea field developments worldwide will demand greater focus on safe execution of sub-sea lifting operations, both in the installation

A number of different factors can influence the integrity of a steel wire rope

phase and throughout the lifetime of the field. High safety levels will be even more important going into deeper and ultra-deep waters, lifting larger and heavier equipment and more complex and expensive structures. “This is why DNV GL in cooperation with the industry has established a JIP with the aim of developing a recommended practice (RP) for integrity management of steel wire ropes used for sub-sea lifting applications,” explained Inger-Lise Tangen, project manager, DNV GL. The new methods for integrity management of steel wire ropes will form the basis for documentation of the safety and reliability of integrated systems according to DNV-OS-E407. The project will include relevant issues related to system integration, monitoring, condition assessment, inspection, maintenance, lubrication, production, etc.

ITF and Tullow Oil to tackle well integrity and improve safety together INDUSTRY TECHNOLOGY FACILITATOR (ITF) has announced that it is working with Tullow Oil to establish a comprehensive, global wells and completions reliability database. The company is also urging more operators to join the project. The aim of the joint industry project is to tackle efficiency and safety issues associated with well integrity through the creation and management of a global library of well data. This will provide users with accurate and reliable information about a broader range of well types than is currently available. It will allow wells to be constructed using factual reliability information, thereby allowing accurate assumptions to be made in relation to a number of conditions such as mean time to failure for completion components, prediction of workover or intervention requirements, flow assurance, scaling, corrosion and Simon Sparke, group head of tendency for hydrate formation. well integrity for Tullow Oil The initiative is being spearheaded by Simon Sparke, group head of well integrity for Tullow Oil. Sparke said, “Over time this will develop into a vast library of wells and their associated parts, so that a range of interrogations can be carried out to identify which components provide the most reliable operating efficiencies and under what operating circumstances. I hope that existing databases can be knitted together into the new package to provide a significantly more powerful tool.”



Issue 3 2014

Yokogawa releases new version of SMARTDAC+(R) GX/GP Series paperless recorders YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION has introduced the second edition of SMARTDAC+(R) GX and GP series paperless recorders. With these new versions, all GX series panel-mounted recorders and GP series portable recorders will comply with the FDA 21 CFR Part 11 guidelines, and accommodate an increased number of inputs. In addition, a new graphics display function is available as an option. Major markets for the GX series include production plants in industries such as oil and gas, iron and steel, petrochemicals, chemicals, electrical equipment and electronics. For the GP series, they include R&D units in industries such as consumer electronics, automobiles, semiconductors, and new energy; universities; and research institutes.

Yokogawa’s new SMARTDAC+(R) GX/GP Series paperless recorders Applications include acquiring, displaying, and logging data such as temperature, voltage, current, flow rate, and pressure. Recorders are used on production lines and by R&D personnel in various industries. Today, Yokogawa is one of the world’s top suppliers of recorders. A shift from paper recording systems to digital recording systems is currently underway, and these digital devices are often used on networks. There is also an increased demand for touch-panel user interfaces like those found on mobile devices and the capability to centrally handle a larger number of inputs from devices spread out over a wide area. To accommodate such needs, Yokogawa announced the release of its GX and GP series recorders in October 2012. SMARTDAC+ stands for smart data acquisition and control. In addition to the GX series and GP series paperless recorders, the introduction of other products series as well as input modules for a variety of signal sources and output modules for control applications is planned for the SMARTDAC+ system, thereby supporting a wide range of data-gathering control applications such as production process monitoring and performance evaluation.

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 Innovations

Baker Hughes to incorporate CGG’s technology in shale reservoir evaluation services CGG HAS SIGNED an exclusive agreement with Baker Hughes Incorporated to include the former’s RoqSCAN technology in its shale reservoir evaluation services as part of the Shale Science Alliance RoqSCAN is a real-time, fully portable, quantitative and automated rock properties and mineralogical analyzer. Developed by Robertson, a CGG company, and Carl Zeiss Microscopy Limited, RoqSCAN delivers highly quantitative compositional and textural mineralogical data from drilling cuttings or core pieces, revealing the mineralogical DNA of the reservoir. This service can be provided at the wellsite during drilling operations, or later in core stores, field offices and laboratories. The companies said that the agreement further strengthens the strategic relationship between the two companies, which is designed to help operators better understand shale plays and predict “sweet spots” based CGG’s RoqSCAN on the combination of seismic attributes and accurate wellbore measurements. Derek Mathieson, vice-president, strategy and corporate development for Baker Hughes, said, “RoqSCAN is the latest addition to a suite of reservoir characterisation services offered by Baker Hughes. “The data provided by RoqSCAN significantly improves the real-time evaluation of laterals, thereby allowing operators to deploy more efficient and effective completion strategies.” “RoqSCAN acts as an innovative bridge, delivering important geologic information to our integrated geoscience offering with Baker Hughes and providing a ground truth for our predictive reservoir models. It allows us to properly characterize the geological factors behind the sweet spots and optimize the completion design and fracturing to maximise production and reduce costs in these capital-intensive shale play operations. This exclusive agreement strengthens our ties with Baker Hughes and offers an exciting opportunity to demonstrate the value of RoqSCAN and the benefits of our Shale Science Alliance to the industry,” added Sophie Zurquiyah, senior executive vice-president of CGG’s Geology, Geophysics & Reservoir Division (GGR).

Schlumberger acquires Rock Deformation Research SCHLUMBERGER HAS ANNOUNCED that it has acquired Rock Deformation Research (RDR), a UKbased company specialised in geological software development and structural geology consultancy for the oil and gas industry. By integrating with the Petrel E&P software platform and Studio E&P knowledge environment, RDR’s Structural and Fault Analysis module provides users with tools to reduce risk and quantify uncertainty, while Studio Advisor enables Petrel platform users in process standardisation and competency development. Uwem Ukpong, president, Schlumberger Information Solutions, said, “The acquisition of RDR will allow us to provide our customers with an integrated solution to address fault and structural geological exploration and development challenges. “RDR’s technology and expertise complements our Petrel-based geological modeling and geology domain knowledge. As our industry goes through a significant crew change with young professionals filling the gap of retiring experienced staff, Studio Advisor provides software-guided workflows that improve decision-making processes and enhance knowledge sharing and best practices.” Professor Rob Knipe, founder and chairman, RDR, added, “As a Schlumberger company, we will be able to further the mainstream adoption of our software and continue to develop advanced exploration and development solutions by leveraging Schlumberger technology and development expertise.” Core software product development and consulting services will continue to be in Leeds, UK.



Issue 3 2014

Bestobell Valves showcases new valves at Gastech 2014 in South Korea BESTOBELL VALVES, PART of the President Engineering Group (PEGL), attended the Gastech 2014 exhibition in South Korea recently and had a great response from visitors across the globe. The company showcased its cryogenic valves, which are already widely used for industrial gas, LNG marine and land-based LNG applications across the world. This included demonstrating its DN100 Globe Valve with pneumatic actuator and its DN25 Miniature Needle Globe Valves, which had a cut-out section enabling visitors to see the inside arrangement of the valve and its innovative bonnet and flange design. Bestobell was joined on its stand by its agent Samgong Trading, which represents the company on the marine side of the business in South Korea and Ntech-I, which covers the industrial gas sector in South Korea on Bestobell’s behalf. The company was also able to take visitors to view some of its valves in use at a nearby Ntech-I facility and to see some of Bestobell’s development projects which are currently undergoing tests. The exhibition was also an opportunity for Bestobell to reveal its new Marine product catalogue, which received a great response. In addition, a video on the stand demonstrated to visitors the history of Bestobell and gave an overview of its factory in Sheffield. Duncan Gaskin, sales director for Bestobell Valves, said: “Gastech was a great opportunity for us to enhance our relationships with existing customers in this region and to discuss new projects with them. It was exciting to be in South Korea, a country renowned for being at the forefront of LNG development and to be able to demonstrate our expertise in valve technology for LNG applications.” The Gastech exhibition brings together energy professionals working in the natural gas and LNG industries. Held every 18 months, the exhibition offers exhibitors the chance to share expertise, negotiate directly with suppliers, discuss the latest advances in LNG technology and find solutions that are right for their business. The next Gastech will be held in Singapore from 27-30 October 2015, in association with Singapore International Energy Week at the Singapore EXPO.

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‫ ﻣﻠﻴﻮن دوﻻر‬١٧٥ ‫ﻣﺎرات ﻗﻴﻤﺘﻪ‬A‫إﻳﻪ ﺑﻲ ﺑﻲ ﺗﻔﻮز ﺑﻌﻘﺪ ﻓﻲ ا‬ ácô°T ¿GC ,áà“’CGh ábÉ£dG É«LƒdƒæμJ ∫É› ‘ IóFGôdG áYƒªÛG âMô°U 175 ¬àª«b äGAÉ°ûf’EGh äÉjΰûŸGh á«°Sóæ¡dG ∫ɪYÓ C d ó≤©H äRÉa »H »H ¬jGE á÷É©e ≥aGôe ‘ ábÉ£dG ó«˘dƒ˘J ᢩ˘°S õ˘jõ˘©˘à˘d ∂dPh ,»˘μ˘jô˘eGC Q’hO ¿ƒ˘«˘∏˘e ácô°T âeóbh .IóëàŸG á«Hô©dG äGQÉe’EG ‘ √ƒcQR IôjõL ≈∏Y RɨdGh §ØædG ,äGAÉ°ûf’EGh äÉjΰûŸGh á«°Sóæ¡dG ∫ɪY’CG ó≤Y (ƒcOGR) ΩƒcGR π≤M ôjƒ£J ,√ƒcQR IôjõL Èà©Jh .2013 ΩÉ©dG øe ™HGôdG ™HôdG ‘ »H »H ¬jG ¬«∏Y â≤aGhh á«YÉæ°üdG IóYÉ≤dG ,»ÑXƒHGC Üô˘Z ∫ɢª˘°T k GÎeƒ˘∏˘«˘c 135 ó©H ≈∏˘Y ™˘≤˘J »˘à˘dG ïdódG ΩGCh …ƒ∏©dG ΩƒcGR ∫ƒ≤M øe §ØædG ôjó°üJh øjõîJh á÷É©Ÿ á«°ù«FôdG .á«£ØædG í£°Sh äÉæ«HQƒJ øe Ú p æK’ »ÑjôéàdG 𫨰ûàdG á«dhƒD°ùe »H »H ¬jG ¤ƒàJ ±ƒ°Sh ,™˘aô˘dG ä’ƒfih ,ä’ƒÙG á˘£˘°SGƒ˘H ɢª˘gQÉ˘Ñ˘ à˘ NGh ɢ ª˘ ¡˘ ∏˘ «˘ ¨˘ °ûJ º˘ à˘ j Rɢ ¨˘ dG IQGOGE Ωɶfh ,‹É©dG »Hô¡μdG ó¡é∏d Iójó÷G ᢫˘Hô˘¡˘μ˘dG í˘«˘JÉ˘ØŸG á˘Yƒ˘ª›h IójóL á«Yôa á£fi º«∏°ùJ πª©dG ¥É£f πª°ûjh .á∏°üdG äGP ≥aGôŸGh ábÉ£dG »˘H »˘H ¬˘jG ɢ°†jGC Ωó˘≤˘J ±ƒ˘°Sh .Rɢ¨˘dɢH á˘dhõ˘©ŸG ᢫˘FɢHô˘¡˘μ˘dG í˘«˘JÉ˘ØŸG º˘ °†J äÉæ«HQƒJ øe ΩOÉ©dG RÉZ øe IOÉØà°SÓd IóØæà°ùŸG IQGô◊G ´ÉLΰSG äGóMh ó«°ùchGC ÊÉK äÉKÉ©ÑfG ᫪c ¢†ØN ‹ÉàdÉHh ,IQGô◊G á÷É©Ÿ Iójó÷G RɨdG Qô≤ŸG øeh º«ª°üàdG á∏Môe ‘ É«dÉM ´hô°ûŸG ¿GC ácô°ûdG âaÉ°VGCh .¿ƒHôμdG .2016 ¿GôjõM/ƒ«fƒj ô¡°T ∫ƒ∏ëH äÉ«∏ª©dG º«∏°ùJh ¬dɪàcG ¿GE{ :»H »H ¬jG iód äÉ«∏ª©dG áà“GC º°ùb ¢ù«FQ ,’Éμ«æjQ »JÉe »∏«a ∫Ébh ò«ØæJ ‘ É¡JÉfÉμeGE ÖfÉL ¤GE ,RɨdGh §ØædG ∫É› ‘ á≤«ª©dG »H »H ¬jG IÈN

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:‫ﻋﻤﺎل‬F‫ﻣﻔﻜﺮة رﺟﺎل ا‬

‫ ﻣﻮﺳﻜﻮ‬................................................................................................................ ‫ ﻣﺆﺗﻤﺮ اﻟﺒﺘﺮول اﻟﺪوﻟﻲ‬............... ١٩ ‫ ـ‬١٥ ‫ ﻟﻨﺪن‬...................................................................................................................... ٢٠١٤ ‫ ﻣﺆﺗﻤﺮ ﻧﻔﻂ اﻟﻌﺮاق‬...............١٩ ‫ ـ‬١٧


‫ ﻓﻴﻴﻨﺎ‬............................................................................... ‫ اﻟﻤﺆﺗﻤﺮ اﻟﺪوﻟﻲ ﻻﺗﺤﺎد ﻣﻘﺎوﻟﻲ اﻟﺤﻔﺮ‬...............١٩ ‫ ـ‬١٨

‫ ﻫﻮﺳﺘﻮن‬............................................


‫ اﻟﻤﺆﺗﻤﺮ اﻟﺪوﻟﻲ ﻟﺘﻘﻨﻴﺔ ا وﻓﺸﻮرـ‬............... ٨ ‫ ـ‬٥


‫ ﻃﺮاﺑﻠﺲ‬............................................................................................. ‫ اﻟﻤﻌﺮض اﻟﻠﻴﺒﻲ ﻟﻠﻨﻔﻂ واﻟﻐﺎز‬............... ١٥ ‫ ـ‬١٢

‫ إﻳﺮﺑﻴﻞ‬........................................................................................................................ ‫ ﻣﻌﺮض إﻳﺮﺑﻴﻞ ﻟﻠﻨﻔﻂ واﻟﻐﺎز‬............... ٤ ‫ ـ‬١

‫ اﻟﻤﻨﺎﻣﺔ‬................................................................. ‫ ﻣﻌﺮض اﻟﺸﺮق ا وﺳﻂ ﻟﺘﻘﻨﻴﺔ اﻟﺒﺘﺮول‬............... ٢١ ‫ ـ‬١٨

‫ اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة‬................................................................................................. ‫ ﻣﻌﺮض وﻣﺆﺗﻤﺮ اﻟﻘﺎﻫﺮة ﻟﻠﻄﺎﻗﺔ‬............... ٩ ‫ ـ‬٦







‫ ﺑﺎﻛﻮ‬............................................................................................................ ‫ ﻣﻌﺮض ﺑﺤﺮ ﻗﺰوﻳﻦ ﻟﻠﻨﻔﻂ واﻟﻐﺎز‬............... ٦ ‫ ـ‬٣

‫ﺗﺸﺮﻳﻦ اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ‬/‫ﻧﻮﻓﻤﺒﺮ‬

‫ ﻣﻌﺮض وﻣﺆﺗﻤﺮ اﻟﺠﻤﻌﻴﺔ ا وروﺑﻴــــﺔ ﺧﺼﺎﺋﻴﻲ وﻣﻬﻨﺪﺳــــﻲ ﻋﻠﻮم‬...............١٦ ‫ ـ‬١٤

٢٠١٤ ‫ ﻣﺆﺗﻤﺮ وﻣﻌﺮض أﺑﻮﻇﺒﻲ اﻟﺪوﻟﻲ ﻟﻠﺒﺘﺮول ـ أدﻳﺒﻚ‬............... ١٣ ‫ ـ‬١٠

‫ أﻣﺴﺘﺮدام‬.................................................................................................................................................................. ‫ا رض ـ‬

‫اﻟــﻌـﺪد اﻟﺜﺎﻟﺚ‬

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‫أﺧﺒــــــــــــــﺎر‬ ‫ اﻟﺸﺮق ا وﺳﻂ‬- ‫اﻟﻨﺸﺮة اﻟﻨﻔﻄﻴﺔ‬

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‫اﻟـﻨـﺠـﺎح اﻟـﺬي ﺣـﻘـﻘﻪ ﻏﺎز اﻟﺼﺨﺮ‬ ‫اﻟــﺰﻳــﺘﻲ اﻟــﻮﻻﻳــﺎت اﳌﺘــﺤـﺪة‬ ‫ا ﻣﺮﻳﻜﻴﺔ‪ ،‬دﻓﻊ ﺷﺮﻛﺎت اﻟﺘﺸﻐﻴﻞ‬ ‫وﺷﺮﻛـﺎت اﻟـﻨـﻔـﻂ اﻟـﻮﻃـﻨـﻴـﺔ‪ ،‬‬ ‫ﻣـــﻨـــﻄـــﻘـــﺔ اﻟﺸﺮق ا وﺳﻂ‪ ،‬إ‪6‬‬ ‫اﻟــﺒــﺤﺚ إﻣــﻜــﺎﻧـﻴـﺔ اﻟـﺒـﺪء ‬ ‫ﺗـﻄـﻮﻳـﺮات ﻏـﺎز اﻟـﻨﻔﻂ اﻟﺰﻳﺘﻲ ﻋ=‬ ‫اﳌﻨـﻄـﻘـﺔ‪ .‬ﻟـﻜـﻦ ﻣﻦ اﳌﺘﻮﻗﻊ أن‬ ‫ﻳـﺰﻳﺪ إﻧﺘﺎج ﻏﺎز اﻟﺼﺨﺮ اﻟﺰﻳﺘﻲ‪،‬ﻏ‪D‬‬ ‫اﻟـﺘـﻘـﻠـﻴﺪي‪ ،‬اﻟﻮﻻﻳﺎت اﳌﺘﺤﺪة‬ ‫ﻟـﻴﺘﺠﺎوز ‪ ١١‬ﺗـﺮﻳـﻠـﻴﻮن ﻗﺪم ﻣﻜﻌﺐ‬ ‫ﺳﻨـﻮﻳـﺎ ﺑﺤﻠﻮل اﻟﻌﺎم ‪ .٢٠٢٠‬ﻓﻬﻞ‬ ‫ﻳــﻔﺴﺢ ﻫـﺬا أي ‪R‬ﺎل ﳌﻨـﻄـﻘـﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﺸﺮق ا وﺳﻂ ﻛﻲ ﺗــــــــﻠــــــــﻘﻲ‬ ‫ﺑـــﻨـــﻔﺴﻬـــﺎ ﻫــﺬا اﻟــﻘــﻄــﺎع‬ ‫اﳌﺘـﻨـﺎﻣﻲ واﳌﺜ‪ D‬ﻟﻠﺠﺪل؟ ﺻﺪر‬ ‫ﻣﺆﺧـﺮا ﺗـﻘـﺮﻳـٌﺮ ﺟـﺪﻳـٌﺪ ﻳﺒﲔ ﻓﺮﺻﺎ‬ ‫]ﺘـﻤﻠﺔ أﻣﺎم اﳌﻨﻄﻘﺔ ﳝﻜﻦ أن‬ ‫ﺗﺴﺘﻔﻴﺪ ﻣﻨﻬﺎ‪.‬‬

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