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News Bites

VISIT QUANG Nam has launched its immersive Masterclass • series aimed to educate participants about the hidden gems of the region. The first session will take place on June 8th.

• the scenes with the launch of a first-of-its-kind podcast.

MANCHESTER AIRPORT is gearing up to take travel fans behind

A-ROSA ANNOUNCES ‘Why Now? Why Not?’ marketing • campaign to highlight the benefits of promoting river cruises to agents.

WE ARE delighted to be hosting our 10th edition of LATA Expo between June 19th and 21st at Evolution London at Battersea Park.

Since the first show in 2014, LATA Expo has grown to become Europe’s largest B2B event focused on travel to Latin America welcoming exhibitors from across the region, including tourism boards, DMCs, accommodation providers, airlines, cruise operators, and buyers from the UK and Europe.

This year, our show theme is ‘The Power of Tourism’ aiming to shine a light on tourism as a force for good and a catalyst for social and economic development. Session topics will encompass transformational travel, positive impact tourism focusing on

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