Al Ain University of Science and Technology College of Law
Master in Public Law Brief Course Description
Course Title & No.
Brief Course Description
Civil Law 0301601
This course covers the general theory of obligation, sources of obligation, rules of evidence and civil contracts. The course also consists of more advanced study of a specific topic related to civil law. This course provides review of basic principles of commercial law, commercial companies and banking transactions. The course emphasizes mastery of a specific topic within the framework of commercial law. This course covers the fundamental concept of private international law such as nationality, the legal position of aliens, conflict of law, conflict of jurisdictions and the execution of foreign judgments. It also consists of an in-depth study of a specific subject related to private international law. This course provides review of basic principles of civil procedures, judicial system, civil action and appeals from civil judgments. It also consists of more advanced study of a specific related to the law of civil procedures. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of Islamic transactions, their definitions and criteria, with emphasis on the theory of contracts in Islamic jurisprudence. It also consists of an advanced study of a specific topic within the framework of Islamic transactions. In this course students are introduced to the basic research skills and methodology required for legal studies. Students are required to perform a term paper by applying the specific standard (criteria). This course covers the general definition of intellectual property, commercial and industrial intellectual rights, artistic intellectual rights, and the protection of intellectual rights on national and international level. The course emphasizes mastery of a specific topic related to intellectual property.
Commercial Law 0301602 Private International Law 0301603
Law of Civil Procedure 0301604 Law of Islamic Transactions 0301605 Legal research Methodology 0301606 Intellectual Property 0301607
International Constructions Contracts 0301608
international commercial 0301609 E-Commerce 0301610 Consumer Protection 0301611 Academic thesis 0302613
This course introduces students to the concept of international constructions contracts, their specific characteristics and legal nature. The course also includes advanced study of a specific topic within the framework of international constructions contracts. This course introduces students to the concept of international commercial arbitration, its role in settling commercial conflicts, and the execution of foreign arbitration awards in the U.A.E The course also includes advanced study of a specific topic related to international commercial arbitration This course provides review of basic principles of commercial law, the definition of ECommerce and the national and international rules regulating E-Commerce. The course also consists of an in-depth study of a specific subject related to E-Commerce. This course covers the definition of obligation, its elements, its different kinds and its sources. The course emphasize mastery of a specific topic within the realm of the law of consumer protection All students are required to perform an academic thesis in any branch of private law. The thesis must be written in Arabic with abstract in English. Academic supervisor follow up students progress.