Raspberry Magazine - Issue One

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Claire Baker



Running your first workshop




Welcome to the first issue of Raspberry Magazine! After 10+ years of working in the writing, publishing and eBook design industries, it only made perfect sense to combine it all into one passion project – and here she is – Raspberry Magazine. My aim through this venture is to support and showcase inspiring women making a difference. Women who are living their purpose, being of service to their communities, sharing their messages, forging a path, and making this Earth shine a little brighter than ever before through their contributions.

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Cover Star CLAIRE BAKER thisislifeblood.com

Photography by Keeper Creative

You’re probably picking up that the tone of the magazine is going to be positive – and yep, you’re right on the money. But I’m also going to bring you stories of the trickier stuff – as many of us know, building a business is not always sunshine and unicorns – so I hope you enjoy those stories as well. Raspberry Magazine will be a place for fascinating, funny, and unusual points of view, from women of all levels of experience and income in their entrepreneurial journeys. We are open to submissions so if you have a wellcrafted idea you think we’d love, please send it this way: hello@raspberrymagazine.com. I hope you enjoy this 100% free (and 100% ad-free) first edition of Raspberry Magazine. To subscribe for future issues just hop over to our shop! With love + super excitement,

© Raspberry Magazine 2014. All rights reserved. Content must not be copied or reproduced without express written consent. Feel free to quote from this work with a link to it as a source, but keep in mind that this is copyrighted material. Although the editor believes the contents to be accurate at the time of publication, and that all photographs and images have been obtained with permission and bylegal means, no liability is assumed for them, their application or any consequences thereof. 2

Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves

into some ideal

we imagine we ought to be, BUT TO FIND OUT who we already are

and become it. STEVEN PRESSFIELD







I think it is more of a mix of creating as well as the finding. As we grow as writers, and as human beings, our voice is constantly being created (consciously and unconsciously). Our signature style is as much chosen by us, as it is natural. Have a think about elite athletes. They start with some natural physical talent but then by choosing a sport they are channelling their talent a certain way. Then with practice, coaching and training their natural talent becomes much more than existed to begin with. It is the same with our writing voice. We begin at that base level, and then we choose to write, followed by fine-tuning and bettering ourselves over time with practice. By making these choices, we are creating our voice. Don’t get disheartened, thinking that your current writing voice is the be all and end all. No way – instead our voice will change, grow and evolve, and not in a way that is out of our own control. We can make the choice to consciously improve and develop our writing voice.

So how do I create my writing voice? READ WIDELY. Don’t box yourself in to a genre, particular author or other defining characteristic. Let many styles and authors influence you, but always avoid copying outright. Stealing ideas and copying verbatim won’t teach you anything but emulating a style during practice can grow your voice. P.S. Practicing different authors’ styles in your own notebook where no one is going to see ain’t breaking any copyright laws! Do you remember in high school where we wrote things in Shakespearean style for assignments? It’s just like that – broadening our literary horizons is not a crime. PRACTICE. A LOT. As I mentioned above, practicing different styles in your notebook or journal is a great way to exercise your voice and flex it in new and interesting ways. But practicing is not just confined to your private notebooks. Just because it’s ‘practicing’ doesn’t mean the words can’t see the light of day. In fact you’re probably already practicing without knowing it. Writing on your blog, on someone else’s blog, on social media, in your newsletter – this is all prime writing practice time where you are creating your voice.


BRAIN DUMP THEN EDIT. Editing is the ideal tool for you to use to refine your writing voice.

Find your favourite blogger and go back a few years into their archives. Have a read of their old posts and note how much their writing voice has changed and evolved. We all have to start somewhere.

I’m a believer in getting it all out on to your page (whether it’s paper or digital), unedited, unrefined and possibly with atrocious spelling and grammar. This big brain dump of everything you need or want to say, without self-judgement or on the spot editing, is all about getting everything out of your head. It can be paragraphs, sentences, bullet points or even words scrawled at any angle in your notepad – just get it out and down. By coming up with this ‘shitty first draft’ you get to bypass that horrible staring-at-the-blank-screen-stage (where resistance well and truly rears its ugly head). Once you’ve got your shitty first draft done it’s time to take the content and mould it into something others will not only understand, but resonate with. You can now go through and delete, reword, tune-up, sex-ify, simplify or amplify – whatever you need to do to create your voice.

If you are writing for your business you have the ability to choose and create your business’s writing voice (and speaking voice for that matter). For my business, the voice I use is very much a reflection of my own voice as my brand is intrinsically linked to me. Another example is my old corporate gig – we had a style guide that covered the type of voice we were to use in any of the company’s communications. It was a very thorough document that covered examples of writing voice, grammar and spelling rules (e.g. English over American spelling), as well as all of the visual branding identifiers. It was also totally necessary for such an organisation to have a guide so the company’s communication remained consistent and aligned. Does your biz need a style guide?


READ THE CONTEXT. While your personality should be shining through your writing wherever it may exist, often the context will dictate how much is showing through. For example social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are ideal for personality-filled, casual language. Whereas the business networking platform, LinkedIn, is made for more ‘professional’ or ‘corporate’ language and content (although sometimes these preconceived notions need shaking up, so why not think about making come waves!?). Learn to read your context and create native content based on it. CONSISTENCY IS KEY. Yeah, yeah, I know you’ve heard this one before. But this piece of advice rings particularly true when it comes to creating your writing voice. Without consistency both in your writing and in your writing practice you’ll have no ‘flow’ and improvement won’t come easily. The golden rules of consistency: »» Keep your language and style (your writing voice!) consistent throughout a piece of writing. Create flow. »» Be regular in your writing practice. Give yourself as many chances as possible to hone in on your voice and to improve it.

Where to now? To the MacBook or the journal with you! Start creating your writing voice right now.

Katie is a communications consultant with a flair for wrangling words, brainstorming branding strategy and manhandling marketing collateral (she likes alliteration too). She has been studying and working in communications for over seven years and has been known to speak about good communication to roomfuls of eager ears. Katie works with her clients to discover simple and direct messaging which speaks to customers and ultimately brings in more sales. You can find her online at katiesmyth.com.


Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one. MARIANNE WILLIAMSON


Holding Your First Workshop THE FIVE THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW


Are you keen to dip your toes into the world of workshops and events? Here are the 5 things that you should know before you dive on in! ONE // You don’t need a big budget You don’t need to spend a lot of money to throw an amazing event. When it comes to your venue, there are plenty of low cost options out there. Community centres, councils and libraries across Australia are an amazing resource where you can book a space for as little as $3 an hour. Co-working spaces, yoga studios, or warehouses can also be cost effective options. If you find a venue that makes you squeee with happiness but seems a bit out

of your reach, ask the manager when their off peak times are or when you can access a lower rate. Nervous about other costs? Holding events in between main meals means you only need to provide light refreshments such as tea, juice and sweet treats. And if you require additional items for things such as gift bags or professional services like a photographer, you can offer businesses a sponsorship package, services swap or some free tickets to the event in return for collaborating with you.

TWO // The best workshops are a complete experience The most fulfilling, happiness inducing and ah-ha filled workshops are those that are a complete experience from start to finish. If your aim is to create connection, ensure that guests are greeted as soon as they walk in, that they can mingle easily and then have a way to continue the conversations post event. If your aim is to educate and inspire, give them printed materials and workbooks, visual slides and an engaging presentation. If your aim is to create peace through an activity such as yoga or meditation then give them a soft and gentle atmosphere and some soothing tunes. It always helps to think about your objective and build the experience around that.


THREE // Generosity sells There is nothing more icky than going to an event expecting to be informed about a topic and then end up getting the hard sell put on you. There is definitely a way to promote authentically and in a non-sleazy way, but before that even comes into the picture I believe it is best practice to give, give, give. Give your time and your presence to the people in the room with you. Give expert knowledge, information and tips that aren’t readily available elsewhere. Give guests the opportunity to openly approach you and have a chat. When you are sincere about giving your best, people will genuinely want to want work with you. By the time you offer them a way to continue the relationship, you will have a line of people eager to sign up – no hustling required!


FOUR // You can be creative in your marketing You don’t have to promote your workshop just through the stock standard ways. Get creative and share your vision with your audience. You can: »» Create a simple, weekly graphic with an inspiring quote related to your workshop content »» Share beautiful photos of the venue, goody bag items, décor or printed materials »» Profile your speakers with a cute pic and a short but interesting bio »» Tease people with little snippets of what the day will bring them »» Keep people updated with what you are doing and show them the work behind the scenes Encouraging engagement in the lead up is a nice way to remind people about your workshop without feeling repetitive.

5. You will have bust through some fears Expect to feel emotional at times. Worries such as, I don’t know where to start, I am overwhelmed, nobody is going to come, I’m not good enough and what if people are disappointed, can pop up but I promise you – this is normal! These little suckers have a habit of creeping up on you but if you can find the strength, tools and support to work through these then it is definitely worth it. A good course of action is to assess, reflect and act. Be aware of when it happens and assess what emotions are coming up, reflect on why it is an issue for you and then take positive action to overcome it. If you can gently work with your fears instead of letting them hold you back, I promise you there will be an amazing experience on the other side.

Holding your own workshops and events can be a bit of work but the connections you create and the positive impact you have on people’s lives is incredible. Keeping spreading your message lovelies and happy planning!

Jade McKenzie is an event professional for heart-centered entrepreneurs and business owners who get sweaty palms at the thought of running an event themselves. With over a decade of experience in event management, she has an unrelenting passion for giving her clients the ability to step into their spotlight and shine. Find her at eventhead.com.au.




nomads DIGITAL



Elizabeth McKenzie What do you do? Let me count the ways!

that happen for you? I transitioned from student to business owner. While I was studying my Master of Speech Pathology (oh First and foremost, I’m a multi-passionate. yeah, I’m a speech pathologist too!) I became so sick Which means, I’m business + marketing coach, spiritual of having to adhere to the metal box that is university mentor, writer + seeker of rad things. And I can’t go education. Ya know, playing by someone else’s rules, so past a mention of my two loves: Nike high tops and I started up a blog initially as a way to rebel from the Harry Styles. box. The more I blogged, the more I became obsessed with everything about being online – the connections with other likeminded women and… hold up, the ability to work from anywhere in the world helping anyone with an internet connection? Sign me up!

Who lives with you? At the moment, I’m living with my parents on their yacht. We’re getting ready to sail up the East Coast of Australia. I’m then heading to the US, and plan on renting out a pad in NYC with Juliet…and when I return… who knows… I’m open to suggestions.

I hired a butt load of mentors to help me along my way and at the start of 2014 I launched my first offering, marketing and business coaching (yes, I also have a degree in that too).

Did you a transition from a regular 9 to 5 job? How did


At the same time, I got a one day a week speechie job to compliment my multi-passionate nature but, after 4 months of doing that I realised it’s not in my nature to work for anyone else but myself.

have to lock yourself in. By all means, pick something and give it a red hot go – but know that as the environment changes around you, you need to accommodate that.

By then, my business was bringing in the cash to support my decision to go all in.

A Day In The Life of E lizabeth

And here I am, on a boat. What is your current business model? It’s currently me and my teeny team of rad peeps. I’ve got my VA, my copywriter and communications consultant and my graphic designer. I love having people compliment what I do. The business model – well, I started with the advisor model, really only selling my expertise and coaching on a 1:1 basis, but I’m now creating an eCourse to help hundreds of women become more spiritual without losing touch with the real world. Essentially, real world spirituality the unwanky way and I’m crazy excited!

Woke up at 6.30 for breakfast and coffee. Had a three hour intensive with my latest client who lives in Scotland from 7-10. Did a bit of admin and setting up the membership site of my new eCourse. Went to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at 1 (nerd much?) Got home at 4. Felt inspired to read so whipped out my latest book. Wrote a little after dinner for my latest opt-in offer. Ended the day watching reruns of The

Throughout this journey I’ve realised that my business and how I operate is always going to evolve, and accepting that has freed me up to do so much more of the things I love.

Mindy Project.

Do you feel like an introvert or an extrovert, and does that affect how you do business? Can I say I’m both? Sometimes, I need to be around people to get more energy and sometimes I need to be alone to recharge too.

Do you see this business model changing in the future? I had an epiphany recently that I want to help as many people as I can so I’m now starting to gear my business towards that kind of model with eCourses and programs that are offered at a lower price point.

I think there’s a bit of a dance I do in my business where I need to have days like the Friday above because otherwise my energy gets stagnant and the creative flow stops.

Exciting times! My motto in business (and life): never say never.

What are your favourite parts of business? Writing. Creating.

We’re operating in a dynamic environment. The dumbest thing you can do for your business is feel you

And the ability to not work when I don’t want to.


Least favourite? Wordpress admin. Although when I nail something (finally) I get a major sense of achievement! Do you feel like you’ve made sacrifices to live this lifestyle? What are they? Definitely. At the moment I’ve had to let me pooch live with his dad while I’m on a boat, and while I got to NYC.

Quickfire Faves

I wish he could be with me 24/7.

BOOK // The Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss. Although I hated it originally, mostly because I didn’t want to hear the messages that were coming through.

What are your Core Desired Feelings? »» Free »» Luxurious »» Joy

WEBSITE // YouTube. Can’t go past finding an olds 90s jam or interviews with Harry Styles to watch.

Any special tools or routines you implement regularly to feel or perform awesomely? The number one thing that I do regularly is clear my chakras via a breathing and visualisation meditation. It takes 20 minutes and it seriously changes the tune of my day. I can usually go a day without but too long and I notice that I’m underperforming.

EARLY MORNING ACTIVITY // Chakra Clearing LATE NIGHT ACTIVITY // Watching reruns of my favourite TV shows GOURMET SNACK // I don’t do gourmet myself, but I’m all for gourmet cafe food (it’s the Melbournian in me). It could be a sugary almond macaroon or full fat grilled haloumi.

Elizabeth is a professional business coach, spiritual mentor and the creator of The Spiritual Material Girl eCourse. She’s also the creator of high-end private coaching programs and courses geared towards helping ambitious and successful women who ‘seem’ like they’ve got it all figured out… yet who still don’t feel like their heart’s truly fulfilled. She’s the go-to for helping you tackle your biz blocks, tap into your spiritual side, and live a totally kick-ass life. With her trademark blend of heartfelt honesty and straight-talking swagger, she ties it all together to set you on the fast track to personal, professional, and spiritual success. Instead of just keepin’ on doing what’s not working, Elizabeth can show you how to get exactly what you want – whether that means building a business you love, creating more happiness, or simply getting more out of your life. You can find Elizabeth over at her home on the internet Your Highest Self.


Vienda Maria is a lifestyle coach, author and creative who helps Bon Vivants: coaches,

Vienda Maria

yogis, creatives and entrepreneurs create thriving semi-nomadic, unconventional lives that are fulfilling both soulfully and financially. Through her coaching, events, books, Gypset Mindset Class course and online community, Vienda has inspired and transformed the lives of thousands across the globe. “My mission is simple: to guide each and every one of you back to who you really are. To come home, back to your soul and allowing it to guide your destiny. For more love. More fun. More freedom. More adventure. More life.� Visit Vienda online here.


What do you do? I’m a lifestyle coach and writer who helps emerging creatives and professionals create a life that’s a little a it unusual. It’s about breaking away from structured office hours, and recognising their ability to create their own jobs and money by using their innate passions, skills and talents in ways that are a little bit out of the box. It’s all about stepping out of a limiting mindset and seeing what is actually possible.

jewellery collected on my travels. I’m just about to launch my first course: a set of 6 live classes to help beginners create their own unconventional lifestyle, so that’s very exciting and keeping me busy. Do you see this business model changing in the future? Yes. I think as an entreprenuer, one the greatest characteristics you can have is flexibility. Being flexible with how you do things, always changing, growing and updating is so important. If you want to keep up with business, you have to be comfortable and willing to change.

Who lives with you? I live on my own. Did you a transition from a regular 9 to 5 job? How did that happen for you? Not really. I’ve always had an extremely free lifestyle, and only dabbled into a couple of office jobs along the way, when I was inbetween other things.

What does a day-in-the-life look like for you? I travel a lot, so my day-to-day varies quite a lot, but I usually start the day with writing content for my course, blog or anything else that needs my creative input because in the morning my creativity is the highest. I keep the mundane tasks for later in the day, usually after my coaching calls. I check emails and social media twice a day – once in the morning and once in the afternoon – which usually give me a good indication of what else needs to be done.

My transition to my current life happened out of the necessity to create something for myself that supported my lifestyle and was financially sustainable. After studying psychology at uni, I worked at international film and music festivals and other events which was really fun and exciting. 12 years later I had fallen in love with being my own boss and traveling the world. It was then that I realised that there are so many people who would love to travel, have more freedom and time, and create their own jobs, and that I could help them!

And I always end my working day with a To Do list for the next day, so I wake up with clarity and know exactly what I need to focus on. I’m really interested in time efficiency and productivity, so choose to focus on doing things that I love, and that generate the most response.

What is your current business model? I’m a very independent worker so I tend to work solo, though I’ve just hired an intern to help me with some of the admin and social media stuff which is quite exciting. I sell a range of different things – my coaching services make up most of my income, followed by products in the form of eBooks and

Do you feel like an introvert or an extrovert, and does that affect how you do business? Hmmm – I’m an introverted extrovert! I really enjoy my own company and fuel up energetically with time to myself. But I also love and need social stimulation, inspiration and everything that people bring into our


lives. I guess it’s about balance and listening to your own needs.

I don’t own a ton of material possessions, because that would just be silly, considering how much I move around. For me however, that is very freeing, rather than a sacrifice.

What are your favourite parts of business? Creating and connecting. I love the work I do so much – when one of my clients has an ah-ha! that transforms everything they previously believed to be true – it just rocks my world. Being able to help people create lives that they thought were only made of dream-stuff is so very fulfilling. I learn so much from this process myself. There’s such a powerful beauty in creating a community of like-minded individuals. And I love being creative, always thinking of new ideas, and new ways to share the information, tools and concepts that I have with my tribe.

What are your Core Desired Feelings? »» Flow. »» Freedom. »» Inspiration. »» Gratitude. Any special tools or routines you implement regularly to feel or perform awesomely? I meditate daily and exercise daily. I set intentions (goals) monthly and review them every month. I practice positive thinking and train my mind to focus on the things that light me up and make me feel good to exclusion of all others, because I know that I create my life with my thoughts. And things that make me feel good attract more things that make me feel good.

Least favourite? Tax. I just... I have no idea how people manage all that side of things. I’d do my best to keep everything tidy and organised for my accountant, but it hurts my brain when it’s tax time! Do you feel like you’ve made sacrifices to live this lifestyle? What are they? I think we make sacrifices in every lifestyle we choose. There is always something that we choose to let go of, in order to have something else. But when it’s a choice, it doesn’t really feel like a sacrifice.

Quickfire Faves BOOK // Going Pro by Steven Pressfield WEBSITE // Instagram

For example, I don’t own a ton of material possessions, because that would just be silly, considering how much I move around. For me however, that is very freeing, rather than a sacrifice. I mean, what could I possibly really need? I love my lifestyle. It suits me perfectly. And that’s all that matters.

EARLY MORNING ACTIVITY // Meditation LATE NIGHT ACTIVITY // Journaling GOURMET SNACK // Salted Pistachios!


Amelia Lee What do you do? I’m an architect, and have been working in the architectural industry for almost twenty years. I recently started Undercover Architect, which is about empowering YOU to create your welldesigned home through online information, tools, products and services.

Did you a transition from a regular 9 to 5 job? How did that happen for you? I worked long hours in architectural practices for many years (more like 7am – 7pm!), managing teams and big projects, before I had kids. We also wanted to keep them at home with us so over the last 12 years, we have renovated 3 homes (whilst living in them) as a means of supplementing our income, and supporting the way we wanted to live. We’ve both worked parttime or changed our working hours around kids and the renovating.

I’m also a Director on the Qld Development Board for The Hunger Project, an NGO that works to end hunger and poverty in third world countries by empowering those affected most to feed their families and create hope for their futures.

When my second baby was 4 months old, I started an architectural practice with 5 colleagues. By the time my third bub was born, we had grown our business to have about 10 crew and I didn’t really stop work.

Who lives with you? I live with my husband, Brandon, and son (aged 7) and two daughters (aged 5 and 3). We also have a dog, 6 chickens, 5 ducklings and shortly 5 miniature cows!

I left my business in June to pursue a new life. My husband and I relocated our family to the Byron Bay Hinterland to a 77 acre property. After a big year personally and professionally last year, it seemed like the right time to make the move. We wanted to stop


imposed deadlines etc, has required some new tools to create structure and discipline, and it’s something I’m still working on! We all eat dinner together at about 5pm and I do love that we spend time like this together every day. Since the beginning of 2012, I have been taking a photo every day of something I’m grateful for and posting it to my Facebook page with a description. It’s helped me be a lot more present to the every day joy and beauty that exists.


delaying the dream!

Do you feel like an introvert or an extrovert, and does that affect how you do business? I recently found out I was 51% Extrovert – which means that I’m borderline Introvert also. I can get VERY absorbed in my work – which is a great problem to have.

What is your current business model? It’s just me – a one-man band, madly writing content, and building my website with information, tools and advice. I’m also providing architectural services to some individual clients, which I can do remotely.

However, given the whole reason we are creating a life this way is to spend more time together as a family, I’m aware that needs to be kept in check. I ultimately would love to do speaking engagements, workshops etc, so will be drawing on the Extrovert tilt for this!

Do you see this business model changing in the future? I will need some additional support in admin, web support and marketing/advertising, as the business builds. My hope is to maintain my flexible workfrom-home practises and create a virtual team of independent collaborators to enable this. I want my business to be at a scale where I can provide significant financial support to The Hunger Project.

What are your favourite parts of business? I love the ‘start’ of things. I am insatiably curious. Learning something for the first time, figuring it out and getting it to work. I’m enjoying writing enormously.

What does a day-in-the-life look like for you? I get up early and go for a walk/run while listening to an audio book. I finish with a brief meditation to set my intentions for the day, and then the kids are up and my husband and I run the gauntlet of brekkie, lunches, school uniforms and getting them to the bus.

Least favourite? Revisiting things over and over again. And given that my business is still in its early days income-wise, I am resisting the pressure of needing to sell and market. I want to create great clarity around who my ideal clients are before I launch myself out there.

After the dust has settled, I make myself a big cup of coffee, and if it’s a work day, I head to my office which is over our garage. I have found that this new experience of working solely on my own, without


Do you feel like you’ve made sacrifices to live this lifestyle? What are they? Where we are now is the culmination of 12 years of very, very hard work, with a goal and a vision. We’ve lived through 3 renovations. We’ve sunk all our money into homes we were creating for other people, and scrimped on most other things, because we were always working on the house. It was so worth it though.

Where we are now is the culmination of 12 years of very, very hard work, with a goal and a vision. What are the values you live by? My values are Joy|Love|Laughter|Fun (that’s one!), Innovation, Inspiration and Spaciousness. Abundance and Bravery are themes I work to explore.

Quickfire Faves BOOK // Tim Ferriss’ 4 Hour Work Week. It just completely opened my eyes to this whole other way of doing business that wasn’t about selling my time for money. WEBSITE // Facebook. I find it a great way to touch quickly in the lives of my friends, but also to get access to lots of inspirational and info – like HONY, Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, Huffington Post, Gabby Bernstein. EARLY MORNING ACTIVITY // A walk/run, stretch and meditation. LATE NIGHT ACTIVITY // Meditation while I do my ‘legs up the wall’ pose. It makes a massive difference to how I sleep and how rested I feel in the morning. GOURMET SNACK // Loving Earth Luvju Raw Organic Orange and Gubinge Chocolate. Otherwise, I make great fruitfree bliss balls with cacao, maca powder and protein powder.

Seth Godin also replied to an email of thanks I once sent him, telling me to “Go make a ruckus” – so that informs what I do also! Any special tools or routines you implement regularly to feel or perform awesomely? Exercise and meditation, and I also do a bit of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. My grateful photos also are really important in this. You can connect with Amelia online at UndercoverArchitect.com


Did you a transition from a regular 9 to 5 job? How did that happen for you? I have never had a 9 to 5, ever. My father was an entrepreneur and even though he never ever spoke of what it meant to be an entrepreneur, his calling seemed to rub off on me.

I’m literally unemployable, I’m an artist and rebel and need to do things my own way, even though I’m a people person.

Elizabeth Kelsey Bradley What do you do? I’m a writer and consultant that creates compelling content and social media strategies for businesses around the world. I work with companies of all sizes and in all niches but my passion is with helping holistic entrepreneurs. Who lives with you? My husband, daughter, and our insane pets.


But how I ended up finally making a business was when my husband couldn’t find work and things got scary. I began researching like mad how I could work online and it took me years to finally learn marketing, particularly with social media and content. Despite how hard my first few years were (and I wouldn’t want to repeat them) I’m glad I learned the hard way as I am able to help others and can relate to women who are just beginning their entrepreneurial journey. I look at entrepreneurship as a great honor for me to be able to help others and be of service. What is your current business model? I am solo! I sell consulting services and also do freelance writing and photography for companies that don’t have a staff writer. I really need an intern or VA at this point though and am looking for someone.

Do you see this business model changing in the future? Yes and no. Yes I will need to hire someone and ideally two people now that I have branched out into creating courses and ebooks, but no in regards to my consulting services changing as what I do is in demand. People feel confused about social media and creating regular content so I think it will be the same business model for a long time to come.

when I need to do some writing or analysis of a client’s social media. Do you feel like an introvert or an extrovert, and does that affect how you do business? I’m an extrovert, but a highly sensitive one. This has actually worked in my favour as I have a process for weeding out people who don’t fit my Ideal Client profile so that I can maintain my energy and do the best I can with the entrepreneurs who I can best serve.

What does a day-in-the-life look like for you? Well I’m a vampire apparently as I mainly work nights, which here in Thailand would be morning time where many of my clients live. During the day I am homeschooling mum and also carry in my bag some of my work for

What are your favourite parts of business? I adore talking with clients on the phone, or in person, so basically anytime I’m geeking out about social media and writing.


Least favourite? Anything to do with SEO. Do you feel like you’ve made sacrifices to live this lifestyle? What are they? Entrepreneurship is isolating in general. Add that to the fact that we live on an island in Thailand and it’s double the isolation, but to be honest this was the best place for us to build our online businesses as it’s affordable to live here and safe, so I have no regrets. What are your Core Desired Feelings? Connection, serenity, ease, truth. Values wise, I’m wild but extremely family oriented. Any special tools or routines you implement regularly to feel or perform awesomely? I read from spiritual or philosophical books, and take regular walks. Both give me loads of ideas for storytelling, which is the essence of what I do. Podcasts are also a huge part of my routine, particularly those devoted to marketing.

Quickfire Faves BOOK // Ocean Sea (buy it now, AMAZING) WEBSITE // www.holisticdad.net Elizabeth Kelsey Bradley is an award-winning writer, consultant, and photojournalist currently based in Thailand. Her work has appeared on sites such as Tiny Buddha, Vagabonding and in Girl Gone International magazine.

EARLY MORNING ACTIVITY // Drinking yerba mate and some yoga LATE NIGHT ACTIVITY // Good beer and a video game

As a consultant, she helps companies develop effective social media and content strategies. She is currently devoted to helping holistic entrepreneurs grow their online platforms at Thriving Healer.

GOURMET SNACK // Anything with white truffle oil on it!





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remarkable? SETH GODIN


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Our Cover Star!


I’ve never been very good at saying ‘no’. Whether it be a night out (when I’m exhausted), a favour (that’s asking a little too much) or a date (that I know isn’t going to go anywhere), I’ve typically and reluctantly replied to these requests with a ‘sure thing!’ more times than I’d care to admit. Take on another client when my schedule is fully booked? Absolutely! Offer to shout a friend’s breakfast when I really don’t have the cash to splash? Of course! Commit to another online course when I’m barely halfway through the other 8 I’ve signed up for this year? Why yes! The Yes Epidemic has woven its way into our exceptionally busy (and beautiful) lives with the promise of MORE. More connection, more exposure, more opportunity, more money, more education, more insight, more success. And the more we do, the more we are - right? Wrong.

The reality is, the more we constantly fill our plates to the brim (oh let’s admit it, our plates are overflowing) with commitment after commitment, the less space we are leaving for us to just BE. To be immersed in who we are, what our dreams and desires are, to love, to play, to breathe. By saying ‘yes’ like it’s going out of fashion, we find ourselves spread as thin as vegemite on glutenfree toast. Our energy and vitality are compromised and we don’t show up in the world as our best selves. So here are a few tips I use with my clients (and myself, regularly) to get in the habit of saying ‘no’ a little more often.



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Reflective routine with a heaping dose of reality is key here. Take an honest look at your weekly schedule and ensure that you are focussing your precious time, energy and resources on the people, activities and projects that are aligned with your values. Is this commitment important to you? Then honour it with your time. Not so important? Time to shift things up. I can’t go past Marie Forleo’s advice on this subject. When somebody presents you with an opportunity, if it’s not a HELL YES, then it’s a no. Go with your gut, always. Forget the FOMO. The ‘fear of missing out’ is what keeps most of us on the Sure Thing Wagon and it’s just not sustainable. Trust that all the opportunities that are meant for you will come your way, at the right time for you. Send your ‘no’ off with love. There’s no need to feel uncomfortable turning down a request when you do so with kindness, respect and humility. Excuses can be left at the door, just honour your good intentions and everyone involved in the situation. Remember, every time you give a loving, inspired ‘no’ you are giving others the permission to do the same thing. I always feel energised when someone turns down a request, because it reminds me to respect myself enough to pull out that gentle ‘no’ when required too.

AND THE BEST THING ABOUT SAYING ‘NO’? WHEN THE TIME COMES THAT A ‘SURE THING!’ IS IN FACT THE HEART-CENTRED RESPONSE YOU EXCITEDLY GIVE, IT’S MUCH SWEETER, MORE MEANINGFUL AND A HELLUVA LOT MORE VALUABLE. Claire Baker is a certified coach and mentor, passionate writer and speaker and author of ‘She Is Radiant: Your 6-Week Wellness Adventure To Get Glowy & Feel Rad’. Claire guides vibrant young women as they get from where they are, to where they want to be – in their health and life, blog and business. You can consider Claire your personal advocate for living an energised, playful and heartcentred life. Come say hi at This is Lifeblood, her online space to share her passion for all things nourishing, soulful and creative.



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When you live a soul-driven and passionate life, you very likely live and breathe your ‘work’ 24/7. I put the word work in inverted commas because for you it’s likely just you leading your amazing life (and more power to you, my friend). But amidst this you may find it difficult to switch off and cultivate the spaciousness to just let it all hang out and exist without an agenda or a to-do list anywhere in site. Enter stage left, the Solo Soul Retreat. I took myself on one recently and by golly did it give me the exact level of time out and rejoove that this soul-driven lassy needed. Maybe it’s about time you took yourself on one? Here are some tips for creating the perfect conditions for your solo soul retreat.

Pick a place close by I chose the Byron area because it’s only two hours drive from where I live. And this is important because while you want to be ‘away’ to unplug from the numerous distractions of home, you don’t want to be so far away that you feel obliged to check out all the sights and scoot around ‘doing’ your little butt off. You want to create a feeling of not having to do ANYTHING if you don’t feel like it. Moment to moment awareness and tapping into what you truly want to do is critical to the restorative nature of the solo soul retreat. So if that means a nap in the afternoon without checking out the sights, do it! Sans the guilt. Making it somewhere close by means you can convince your inner tourist that you can come back any time you want to. So don’t book your long awaited trip to Bali for this particular retreat style. I recommend scouting around Air BnB for some great bargains near you.

Book for at least 2-3 nights away (more if possible!) It takes awhile for us to wind down and get in to the rhythm of a slower pace, so give yourself as much time as possible to sink deeply in to relaxation. I find that it takes my body a good day or so (at least) to realise it’s on holiday. A weekend is good, a long weekend even better. And a week would be crazy good!

Set an intention For my soul retreat, it was to cultivate a feeling of internal ease and spaciousness. I was so tightly wound and constricted from within, I wanted to feel joyous energy flowing through me again,


There is absolutely NOTHING that compares to the healing capacity of earthing ourselves at the beach, or in the forest, or just a little garden. Barefoot and butt on the ground, meditating or just sitting and quietly contemplating our wondrous natural world will have you relaxing into zen in no time.

unimpeded. An intention is a helpful anchor that you can come back to throughout the retreat when you feel your energy flitting away to unnecessary distractions. Revisit your intention throughout your retreat and ease back into the feeling you wish to cultivate.

Immerse yourself in nature Wherever you head to, find some time to plonk yourself amidst the stunning natural surrounds of Mama Nature. There is absolutely NOTHING that compares to the healing capacity of earthing ourselves at the beach, or in the forest, or just a little garden. Barefoot and butt on the ground, meditating or just sitting and quietly contemplating our wondrous natural world will have you relaxing into zen in no time.

Silence is golden Taking time to retreat also means giving your mind a bit of a break (hence the ‘no doing’ rule), try out not talking, which shouldn’t be too hard if you’re on your own, and see what kind of insights


begin to pop into your noggin’ when you don’t have to constantly communicate.

Pamper yourself What feels really decadent to you? For my recent retreat it was heading to a spa and bathhouse for the morning, soaking in oxygenated spa baths, steaming myself in the sauna and relaxing on a sun lounge in the tranquil spa gardens with a good book. For you it might be a luxurious massage and energy balancing treatment. Or maybe it’s a delicious meal you take your time with at an amazing restaurant nearby. Perhaps it’s allowing yourself to lounge around in bed with your favourite book and a cup of tea. Whatever it is, allow yourself these delights. As many as you please, gorgeous one.

Body-loving food If you have a kitchen at your accommodation, pack yourself the kind of food you know your body loves. Think veggies, fruit, some bliss balls, your fave teas, raw cacao and honey for a delish hot chocolate. If you have a portable blender, pack up your ingredients to whip yourself up some delights while you’re there. Alternatively, and if you have time, prepare a few things before you head off. You can pre-cook quinoa, lentil curries, and rice dishes to heat up whenever you fancy. If there are local farmer’s markets, you can even do a bit of purchasing there for your meals (and because you’re so close to home, bringing back the leftovers is a cinch!). Scout around a little and find some local cafés or


restaurants that tickle your fancy and take yourself out for a meal that makes your body scream YES!

Soul nourishing practices Rituals and practices help us to sink more deeply in to our soul’s true nature. Bring along whatever stokes your soul fire and brings you into present moment awareness. Cultivating reverence for yourself, and life itself, is a crucial aspect of your soul retreat. Some practices you may consider are: »» Meditation (guided or just simply following your inhale and exhale). I find the Kundalini Ego Eradicator meditation particularly soul-nourishing (and frankly life changing). »» Journaling – with no thought as to what to write, just jot down whatever comes to you. You’ll be amazed at the cathartic feelings and insights this brings. »» Yoga (on your own or find a class nearby that resonates with you). »» Playing with oracle cards. Ask a question or for general guidance and see how your guides and the Universe responds. The Little Sage’s deck is divine. »» Reading soulfully inspiring books. »» Lighting some incense and writing an epic gratitude list. »» A walking meditation through nature. »» Get arty, play around with whatever you have. Love colour? Bring your paints. Doodle. Don’t judge the results, just let it flow out of you. Overall the point of this solo soul retreat is that you do what you genuinely want to do in the moment. So nix the over planning, as you may do with other trips away. Settle into present moment awareness and allow yourself to be, rather than just do. Listen with kindness to your inner child. Let her out to play. (Mega hint: she really doesn’t want to be bossed around.) Gifting yourself this time is your surefire way to feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and ready to live life to its fullest.

Enjoy, gorgeous one! Carly is a passionate international aid and development project manager and writer. Carly works on projects in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region focusing on cultivating sustainable livelihoods, the empowerment of women, community enterprise, local market development and positive social change. Head on over to Carly’s blog Pockets of Peace for her soul-centred musings on peace, wellness and oodles of inspiration!


The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire. FERDINAND FOCH


Five Minute Fixes



Go outside.

Get out into the sunlight. See the sky, take off your shoes and feel the grass tickle your toes. Close your eyes. Feel the heat on your skin. Take some deep breaths and smell the air. Tune in to the sounds around you. Become still. Fully engage with the present moment, and drop into the sensations in your body.

Deep breathing.

You can use a mantra such as So-Hum; you can count the length of each inhale and exhale, or you can do as many rounds of Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) as you can fit into five minutes. Whatever you’re most comfortable with, do that. Breath is the bridge between the inner and outer realities. Deep breathing will calm the nervous system and bring your attention to the present moment.


Go for a brisk walk. Put on your favourite tune, plug in the headphones and dance (in the bathroom cubicle if you’re embarrassed to do it in public… because that’s not weird at all!). Have a quickie, on your own or with a partner. Or you can shake it out: Start with your right foot, shake it as hard as possible to the count of 10. Then your whole leg. Then the left foot and left leg. Then the right hand, then the right arm, then the left hand and arm. Then fold forward and gently shake your head - back to front, side to side. Then stand up again and shake your whole body like you know how. Then stand in stillness for 2 minutes, to balance out the movement. Listen to your heartbeat. You’ve just expressed and released some negative energy, so take a standing Savasana (resting pose) to integrate. Make sure you smooth your hair after this one!



Get a bottle of essential oil and sniff it simple. Smell affects the limbic system, which is responsible for the storage and release of emotional trauma. You can immediately calm your body with the right scent. Make sure you get 100% therapeutic grade, pure, essential oil - these have a high vibrational frequency, and you don’t want any nasties entering your system through inferior quality oil. Lavender is proven to calm the nervous system, as is frankincense, balsam fir, basil, cedar wood, and sandalwood. You can purchase calming blends from your local aromatherapist or get them to custom-make a blend for you.

Make some noise.

This is especially good if you work from home or drive to work, as you may want privacy. Get a pillow or lock yourself in the car and scream, as loud as you can, connecting deeply to your pelvis. Give yourself permission to vocalise all that frustration, fear, shame, guilt.. whatever is building up in your energy field. Sound is the end of feeling. When you express vocally, you are releasing emotion and ending the cycle of repression. Done regularly, this will also enhance your creativity and selfexpression - benefiting your business (and sex life!) in the long run. These practices work for me and I’d love to know if they resonate with you!

I’m Emma, a multi-passionate, self-love junkie who loves supporting people on their journey to wellness. Since suffering from adrenal burnout and a host of related conditions, I’ve dedicated myself to personal healing and growth, and encouraging others to find their own unique path. By day, I’m a yoga teacher, virtual assistant and event coordinator for wellness entrepreneurs, and outside of that you’ll find me salsa dancing, travelling and eating raw desserts! Connect with me at emmashields.com.


Abandon anything about your life and habits that might be holding you back. Learn to create your own opportunities. Know that there is no finish line; fortune favors action. Race balls-out toward the extraordinary life that you’ve always dreamed of, or still haven’t had time to dream up. And prepare to have a hell of a lot of fun along the way. SOPHIA AMORUSO


Why you should create a HIGH-CONVERTING OPT-IN OFFER A critical component of building your online business is growing your email list, and creating a compelling opt-in offer is one of the best ways to kickstart this growth. You want your email list to be made up of people who are genuinely interested in you and what you have to offer: your target market. Your ideal customers and readers. That’s why your opt-in offer (a gift to entice people to join your list) needs to be unique, highly relevant to your business and of real value to your ideal clients. If people are on your site, checking you out, they are already interested – you need to give them a compelling reason to sign up. What would your readers find valuable? Something that saves them time, money, pain, or makes their life easier, better or more beautiful. It also needs to be damn high quality. Proofed, designed, and worth paying for.


How do you choose which is right for you? Think about what you currently offer your readers or customers (as in content as well as services or products). What is popular? What do they comment on most, or ask questions about? What would you love to create? What would be the perfect compliment to a service you provide? How can you genuinely help?

Why would you give away something so valuable for free? Because it shows you’re serious about helping people. Because it builds trust with readers. Because it’s a genuine thank you in return for a reader’s contact details. Because it’s an ad for your business. You’re showing people the quality of what they will receive if they go on to work with you.

Brainstorm a list then narrow it down to one – and get cracking!

The best opt-ins are win-win – you gather details from ideal customers, and the customers receive something great that they need and want in return.

SO, WHAT SHOULD YOU OFFER? Here are a few ideas: »» A sneak peek or preview of a paid product – like a free chapter or lesson »» A smaller version of a paid product – like a 3 day meal plan »» Something which compliments a service you offer »» Useful templates – like a product launch worksheet or a calendar »» Inspirational printables – like quotes or illustrations »» A mini eCourse – like 5 days of video coaching »» A discount – like 10% off their next purchase »» A VIP offer – like first dibs on tickets »» An eBook or workbook – like a recipe book or marketing plan

Happy creating! P.S. Tricking people is icky. Don’t do that. It’s of no use to have people on your list that don’t care about you or your products. Be genuine. Offer genuine value. Get genuine sign-ups.

Alana Wimmer is Founder + Creative Director of mini digital publishing house, Raspberry Stripes. Alana works with rad lady entrepreneurs to design eBooks which will change the world. She also provides guidance, insight and info on eBook design on the Raspberry Stripes website. When she isn’t designing, reading or talking about eBooks you can find Alana walking Rory and Roxy the boxers, with her husband in tow, probably on her way to pick up a green smoothie.


is a lack of self-worth


As a bright-eyed uni student, I got pretty excited about all the opportunities that were due to unfold before me when I graduated. My approach to life has always been filled with excitement for the future. I remember saying to friends in class that we were certain to be successful because enthusiasm trumps experience. Sadly, the path wasn’t as smooth as I’d imagined. I naively thought that all bosses had a sixth-sense for talent, even from shy girls who weren’t outward about their abilities. I applied for and took a series of jobs that, from the job description, seemed so overwhelmingly scary to do but within months, if not weeks, I was bored. I lacked the self-worth to believe I could step up but I’d externalise this into anger at my employer for holding me back. Eventually, I realised it was all of my own creation. I was the one who was playing small, applying for and then taking jobs that we’re well under my pay grade. I even turned down a few, including a big promotion, because the amount of money offered was too much and it scared me. Seriously? Years of study and I lacked the ability to dive in, fully commit, be brave, be boisterous about my abilities and soar. I found school easy and when things seemed challenging at work I put it down to an inability to perform. If it wasn’t easy at first, I accepted that I just wasn’t able. I had yet to find out that some of the best lessons come from giving things a go and making a lot of mistakes. Failing, or in reality, playing small was a comfort zone for me and success in my career was an unknown quantity. I was used to struggle. I was safe with my dreams. The possibility of them coming true? Too much to handle. I’d have to learn to live in the present moment and I don’t think I was ready to do that. I wasn’t ready to look closely at myself and see that for all my effort, there was still a lot of inner work to do. It was time to look within. I love when clients ask me to guide them on this path because I know just what can happen when they get there. I hold my hand out as a supportive leverage point and watch them soar.


Something I’ve learnt along the way? The first step for many women in building self-worth is learning the art of body love. Body love is all about learning to appreciate the capabilities of your body, nourishing and taking care of your spirit and occasionally cutting yourself a break.


It’s looking in the mirror and liking the person you see, not picking on the parts you don’t like. It’s making a choice about whether to wear a bikini based on your personal values and not about what your body looks like in one. Dieting and restriction are low level energies that hold us back from achieving high level desires. Negative thinking blocks our internal compass and our ability to connect to our intuition. Body love is the gateway to high frequency living. We all have that version of ourselves that we aspire to be. The woman who gets up to the alarm, has patience and drive. She’s got a sparkle in her eye, a sense of confidence and knowing about her place in the world that emanates from her whole being. She sits up straight and laughs with abandon. From where we sit, there’s a chasm to leap in becoming that woman. That woman represents “one day”. She represents effort. She can seem unachievable. In my experience, body love is the first and most important step toward that woman. Body love is filled with possibility, promise and prosperity. When we remove that low level energy of diet and restriction we can start to attract high frequencies. We can start to become that woman, in the present moment. I’ve seen the shift first hand for so many people. Suddenly the whole world opens up and the possibilities become endless. The cloud lifts and pie-in-the-sky dreams show up in high-definition technicolour. Thoughts that previously caused anxiety, everything from going to lunch with new friends to finding a purpose in life, start to feel as easy to read as words on a page. There’s no more searching. It’s been replaced by a knowing excitement. I watch as women become like bright-eyed students again, endless possibilities opening up before them. Only this time? They’ve got experience on their side.

Suddenly the whole world opens up and the possibilities become endless.

The cloud lifts and pie-in-the-sky dreams show up in highdefinition technicolour.

Rachelle is a Life + Confidence Coach at My Saturn Epoch. She supports women through the big transitions in their life, helping them to break their negative cycles to consciously create a happy life and positive mindset. She is a big hearted business woman who is passionate about supporting women in pursuit of their own excellence so they can shine as a beacon to themselves, their families and their communities. Connect with Rachelle at mysaturnepoch.com. 51



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