2016 8th Kuan-Du Film Festival Program Booklet

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Contents 目錄 |

目錄 Contents

關渡電影節快訊 Kuan-Du Film Festival Information..................02 02 03 04 05

關渡電影節簡介 Introducing Kuan-Du Film Festival 國立臺北藝術大學 電影創作學系 About the Department of Filmmaking, TNUA 院長的話 From the Dean of the School of Film and New Media 系主任的話 From the the Chair of the Department of Filmmaking

放映資訊 Screening Information.......................................................06 06 08 09 10 12 13

活動資訊 Event Information 講座與論壇 Lectures & Forums 交通資訊 Transportation 場次表 Screening Schedule 交流學校:日本映画大學 Introducing Japan Institute of the Moving Image 參訪師生簡介 International Guests

開閉幕片 Opening & Closing Films..................................................16 電影節特映 Special Screenings..........................................................24 國際影展交流單元 International Film Program.............................28 29 日本映画大學交流展 Japan Institute of the Moving Image Panorama

臺灣學生影展單元 Taiwan Student Film Programs......................32 33 全國影視大專校院交流展 Selected Films from Local Film Schools 47 北藝大學生觀摩展 Selected Films from Taipei National University of the Arts

附錄 Appendix........................................................................................70 70 72 73 78 79 80

影片索引 Film Index 公車時刻表 Bus Schedule 北藝大校園地圖 TNUA Campus Map 好康優惠 Coupon 策展團隊 Credits 筆記 Notes



| 關渡電影節簡介 Introducing Kuan-Du Film Festival

關渡電影節簡介 Introducing Kuan-Du Film Festival

每年 10 月在北藝大舉辦的「關渡電影節」為國內少數由電影學系主辦的影展。北藝大電影創作 學系主辦關渡電影節旨在讓本系碩班和學班學生透過直接參與影展的過程,瞭解影展的策劃以及流 程等各項⼯作內容,並能夠在電影節之各項活動中促進與國際電影學校師⽣交流,藉此拓展自己的 視野,也能在電影節中放映自己的作品,與觀眾交流對談,分享創作理念與想法,電影節是個重要 的機會讓本系學⽣與校外進行交流。 「關渡電影節」自 2009 年舉辦至今已進入第八屆,每屆電影節都以不同國家為主題,舉辦觀 摩影展節目。過去陸續以以色列、泰國、印度、法國、波蘭、英國、韓國等國為主題國,與該等國 家的電影學校交流,如泰國朱拉隆宮大學及法政大學電影學系、紐約大學悌席(Tisch)藝術學院亞 洲分校、韓國藝術大學電影創作學系、日本映画大學、菲律賓國立大學藝術學院視覺傳達學系、印 度國立電影電視學院、印度薩雅吉雷電影學院、法國國立高等影音藝術學校及法國國立當代藝術學 校、波蘭洛茲(Lodz)國立電影電視戲劇學院、英國倫敦電影學院等多所電影學校進行放映交流活 動。 本屆的國際交流單元焦點國家為「日本」,特別邀請到日本映画大學(Japan Institute of the Moving Image)的教授與學生前來與北藝大師生互動,除了內容豐富的講座之外,也將會放映日本 映画大學優秀的校友畢業作品。 本屆關渡電影節將去年舉辦的「臺北傳播影視相關系所學⽣邀請展」擴⼤至「國內大專校院影 視相關系所學⽣邀請展」,接觸全國各地的影視相關系所,邀請他們的優秀作品在關渡電影節共襄 盛舉,希望促使關渡電影節成為臺灣學生影展的指標,作為臺灣學⽣優秀作品展現的平台。 Kuan-Du Film Festival, held solely by the Department of Filmmaking, Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA), is a platform for international exchange of TNUA's students with film schools all over the world. In the past seven years we have invited students and professors of K-Arts from Korea, Chulalongkorn University and Thammasat University from Thailand, NYU Tisch School of the Arts Asia, Japan Institute of the Moving Image, La Fémis and Le Fresnoy from France, Łódź Film School from Poland, Film and Television Institute of India, London Film School, and many more. This year, we have the honor to invite the Japan Institute of the Moving Image to join us once again in the Kuan-Du Film Festival with their brilliant student works and a wonderful feature from JIMI's Prof. Haruhiko ARAI. Furthermore, our spectacular programme this year will also include screenings of the excellent student films from around Taiwan.

www.facebook.com/kdfftnua kuanduff.tnua@gmail.com

About the Department of Filmmaking, TNUA 國立臺北藝術大學電影創作學系 |


國立臺北藝術大學 電影創作學系 About the Department of Filmmaking, TNUA

國立臺北藝術大學電影創作學系的前身「電影創作研究所」成立於 2003 年,是以培養劇情長 片創作人才為宗旨的專業電影學術單位,分為「編劇」「導演」「製片」三組每年招收十五名學生。 本校於 98 學年奉教育部核准成立「電影與新媒體學院」,並於 99 學年度成立「電影創作學系」, 原電影創作研究所改制為「電影創作學系碩士班」。 電影創作學系學士班旨在培養表演、攝影、錄音、剪輯、美術、後製特效領域之專業人才。104 學年起學士班分為「甲類」(表演組)與「乙類」(技術與美術組)兩類招生。同年學士班新成立「學 士後電影美術學士學位學程」,多方面投入培養國內劇情片與電影產業的專業工作。 103 學年度起電影創作學系碩士班開始招收有志創作紀錄片的學生。104 學年起,碩士班分為 三年制「電影創作組」(合併導演、編劇、製片組,每年招收 12 名學生)及兩年制「電影史與電影 產業研究組」(每年招收三名學生)分別招生,為臺灣電影產業培養電影研究與創作的專業人才。 The Department of Filmmaking at TNUA was first established in 2003 as the Graduate Institute of Filmmaking. Since 2010, the department was established and has opened to undergraduate admissions, offering complete film school training. The graduate master of fine arts (MFA) program focuses on elevating filmmakers in their scriptwriting, directing, and producing. Fifteen local students and more than four from abroad enrolled in the MFA programs each year. The outcome of the 4-year program has been with proven creative high-quality productions for the Taiwanese and international film markets. Since 2014 the graduate program has expanded to include documentary filmmaking. In 2015, the graduate program has been reorganized to include a 2-year Cinema Study (with concentration on Asian film history and film industry) master of arts (MA) program and a 4-year Filmmaking master of fine arts (MFA) program. The undergraduate courses, with a special emphasis on building up student’s skills in the craft and art of cinematography, art direction, editing, sound design and sound recording, post-production and special effects, and film acting, was established in 2010. Since 2015, a 2-year post-graduate production design bachelor of arts (BA) program is founded to train students who has already earned a BA degree arts and craft of film and television production design. The Department of Filmmaking, with helps from local film community, aims to cultivate talents needed by the film industry in Taiwan.

http://filmmaking.tnua.edu.tw/ office@filmmaking.tnua.edu.tw +886-2-2897-6438


| 院長的話 From the Dean of the School of Film and New Media

院長的話 From the Dean of the School of Film and New Media 一直以來,關渡電影節都秉持著多元交流的精神,提供豐富的影人座談、專題講座等,使觀眾 能與創作者做最直接的對話。除此之外,電影節也廣納來自全國優秀的影視系所學生們的作品,齊 聚一堂在北藝大這個平台上播映。讓本校的學生在觀賞校內同學的作品之餘,也可以看見外面眾多 創作者的作品,彼此相互交流。今年的主題國家是一個大家最熟悉的國家:日本。六位來自日本映 画大學的貴賓,將與北藝大的師生及觀眾們切磋互動,使我們可以向這個影響臺灣文化深遠的鄰居, 好好地學習,拓展視野。 「電影」不論作為一種藝術或是一種娛樂,它之所以能夠打動人心,是因為創作者在拍片時注 入了「對於人的關懷」。我們可以從一個小人物的故事中,看到一種普世價值的情感,它可以牽動 我們的情緒、勾起回憶、使我們或認同或否定,無形之中,我們都陷入了電影扣人心弦的魔力。本 屆關渡電影節所播映的影片,即可看見許許多多新一代創作者對於生命、自身、或整個社會所提出 的關心、價值與質疑。希望觀眾們能在這一年一度難得的電影節盛會中,藉由這些多元豐富的作品, 找到屬於自己所關懷的人事物,理解他人的同時,也更加暸解自己。 All the times, Kuan-Du Film Festival has taken pride in multiplicity, including films, lectures and forums. Viewers and filmmakers could exchange their thoughts through the dialogue. Furthermore, KDFF has recruited a wide variety of filmmakers from different film schools around Taiwan. Besides knowing our students' great works, we may get to broaden our horizons by watching films outside of TNUA. This year, the Country of Focus is Japan, which is familiar to most of us. Six international guests from Japan Institute of the Moving Image will come to KDFF and participate in forums with our students, teachers and the audience, thus giving us a good chance to learn from this neighbor with such beautiful culture and film history that has deeply influenced Taiwan's so much. Films, either as a form of art or as a way of entertainment, touch us because we can see the care which filmmakers injected into the humanity. They stir our emotions and then make us think. Through the films of KDFF this year, we can experience the concern, the judgement, and the inquiry about our lives even the whole society. I sincerely wish whoever comes to KDFF will find out what he or she cares about through these wonderful films. We may get to know ourselves better by knowing other creators.

電影與新媒體學院 院長 Dean of the School of Film and New Media

From the Chair of the Department of Filmmaking 系主任的話 |


系主任的話 From the Chair of the Department of Filmmaking 關渡電影節堂堂邁入第八屆了! 自從本活動配合吳凡老師開設的「影展策展與執行」課程,由吳凡老師及今年的閻鴻亞(鴻鴻) 老師帶領三、四年級同學負責策劃執行後,關渡電影節即建立了標準作業程序,步上軌道,也成為 北藝大電影創作學系的特色活動與年度盛事。 今年的交流學校我們很榮幸邀請到「日本映畫大學」,除了荒井晴彥教授攜帶他執導的《此國 之空》(この国の空)來關渡電影節放映外,還有兩位老師與兩部學生攜帶作品來與本學系同學做 交流。我們更榮幸的是,邀請到佐藤忠男校長來為電影節做開場演講。 除了做為本學系(及本校)同學電影作品或作業的展示平台外,關渡電影節近幾年也逐漸拓展 成為臺灣電影相關系所學生的電影作品交流放映平台。今年我們同學遴選了包含臺藝大、世新、政 大、輔仁、崑山、南藝大、雲科大,以及東華大學同學的影片來放映,期待同學們可以從交流放映 中互相切磋學習。 I am very happy that Kuan-Du Film Festival (KDFF) has entered its eighth years. Since two year ago when it became part of the curriculum of the "Film Festival Curation and Management" class, KDFF has established a standard operation procedure under the auspices of Prof. WU Fan and become an unique annual event of the Department of Filmmaking. This year, we are happy that Prof. YEN Hung-ya (aka Hung Hung) has joined us in administrating the festival. He will screen a documentary film he produced, Le Moulin , as an opening film of this year's KDFF. The 2016 KDFF is pleased to have Japan Institute of the Moving Image (JIMI) as our honorable guest. I am very happy to see not only Prof. Haruhiko ARAI bring with him a film he directed, When I Was Most Beautiful , to be one of the Opening films, but also two professors and two students from JIMI will screen their students' films to start a dialogue with teachers and students of TNUA. I am especially proud to have Prof. Tadao SATO as our honorable speaker who will offer an opening speech to students and teachers of Taipei National University of the Arts, a sister university of JIMI. In recent years, KDFF becomes not only a platform for TNUA students to screen their film works and exercises, but also an exchange platform between TNUA and other institutions in Taiwan. This year I am pleased that our curatorial team has invited films from various universities not only in northern Taiwan but also in central, southern and eastern part of Taiwan. I look forward to meaningful in-depth exchanges between our students and these students from other parts of the country. 電影創作學系 系主任 Chair of the Department of Filmmaking


| 活動資訊 Events Information

活動資訊 Events Information

入場須知 票務資訊 所有放映與講座皆為免費入場,無須索票,自由入座。

入場時間 電影開演前 15 分鐘開放入場,座位有限,請依序排隊入場。 電影開演後 15 分鐘禁止入場,敬請準時入場。

放映地點 所有放映與講座地點除露天放映場皆為國立臺北藝術大學 藝文生態館 3F 電影院(K301)。

貼心叮嚀 為維護觀影品質,電影院內禁止飲食與照相,並請將手機關機或調為靜音。 請勿坐在電影院走道上,以免阻礙觀眾行走路線。

Terms and Conditions Ticketing

Tickets are NOT required for any screenings and forums. Seats are NOT numbered.


Admissions will start 15 minutes before the screening. As seats are limited, lining up on time is advised. Latecomers will NOT be permitted into the cinema beyond the first 15 minutes of the screening.


With the exception of the Open-air Screening, all the screenings and forums take place in the cinema on the 3rd floor of Arts and Activity Complex Building, Taipei National University of the Arts. (Room K301)

Please Note

Food and drinks are NOT allowed inside the cinema. Please turn off your mobile phone during the screening. For safety purposes, please do NOT sit on the aisles in the cinema.

Events Information 活動資訊 |

喝麒麟看電影 - 啤酒放送 KIRIN Bar Beer Event 在以下活動場次放映 30 分鐘前之內,於關渡電影節所舉辦之「關渡 x 電影 x 麒麟啤酒」臉書 活動打卡、內文 hashtag #barbeer,並前往「KIRIN Bar Beer」粉絲專頁按讚,即可獲得一 瓶沁涼解放又消暑的麒麟啤酒一瓶,與一整夜關渡平原的秋夜晚風和電影! 註:①開車不喝酒,酒後不開車。②未成年請勿飲酒。 Get a free can of Kirin Bar Beer by checking in the "KDFF x KIRIN Bar Beer" event created by KDFF, hashtagging #barbeer, and then giving the "KIRIN Bar Beer" Facebook page a like. This cooler than cool event starts 30 minutes before the following screenings. NOTE: 1. Don't drink and drive. 2. Please do not drink if you are a minor. 10/03 (Mon.) 19:00 - 開幕典禮暨開幕片 II Opening Ceremony & Opening Film II 10/08 (Sat.) 19:00 - 閉幕片 Closing Film

悠閒約會 - 寶萊納啤酒餐廳 Paulaner Bräuhaus München 關渡電影節期間(2016/10/03 - 10/08),憑手冊內寶萊納廣告頁上的優惠截角(P.75), 至臺北寶萊納啤酒餐廳關渡店,享麵包消費七折,其餘消費九折優惠。 註:一本僅限使用一次,廠商保有優惠活動最終之決策權力。 With a piece of coupon corner of Paulaner advertisement page (p.75), you may get a 30% off discount for bread, or a 10% off discount for other consumption at Paulaner Bräuhaus München, during Kuan-Du Film Festival. (10/03 - 10/08 2016) *You can use only once per coupon. *The company has the right to change the discounting contents.

露天放映場 Open-air Screening | 時間 Time | 10/06 (Thur.) 19:00 - 深夜關東煮 A Little Taste (P.52) | 地點 Location | 北藝大人文廣場 TNUA Arts Forum 在繁星點綴之下,於北藝大最有藝術氣息的人文廣場,享受浪漫、緊張、刺激的夜晚,帶你 / 妳的另一半(或獨自一人)一起來關渡電影節進入這個臉紅心跳的觀影之夜! 註:①本場次無入場時間限制,依你喜好隨時進進出出。 ②建議攜帶軟墊,享受更舒適的夜晚。 ③如逢天氣不適之情況,將取消本放映活動,請隨時關注關渡電影節臉書專頁之訊息。 Enjoy a romantic, intense, and extreme night at the Arts Forum of TNUA, with shining stars scattered above. Bring your beloved one (or maybe not) to KDFF and join us in this blush-making open-air screening experience! NOTE: 1. There is no admission. Feel free to come and leave at any time. 2. Bringing a cushion is advised. 3. The event will be cancelled if the weather being bad. Follow the KDFF Facebook page to get instant news.



| 講座與論壇 Lectures & Forums

講座與論壇 Lectures & Forums | 日本講座 I Japan Lecture I |

日本映画大學佐藤忠男校長講座 A Talk by the President of Japan Institute of the Moving Image | 時間 Time | 10/03 (Mon.) 9:30 - 10:30

(9:00 開幕儀式 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony)

| 講者 Lecturer | 佐藤忠男 校長 President Tadao SATO

( 映画大學現任校長 President of JIMI)

日本映畫大學成立了四十年,栽培出許多優秀的電影人才。現任校長佐藤忠男將在開幕典禮後 分享日本映畫大學的立校精神,以及他對電影教育的理念,並與北藝大師生交流他對台灣未來 電影人的期許。 After the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, President Tadao SATO will share the educational goals of JIMI and talk about his expectations on the new generation of Taiwanese filmmakers.

| 日本講座 II Japan Lecture II |

家庭劇美學:從小津到是枝 Japanese Family Drama: From Yasujiro Ozu to Hirokazu Koreeda | 時間 Time | 10/05 (Wed.) 10:00 - 12:00 | 講者 Lecturer | 肥內 Ferdinand WANG

( 電影文字修行者 Film Critic)

有鑑於台灣在倫理的修養上始終維繫著中華文化大傳統,特重家庭價值與情感;同時也深受日 本文化的深厚薰陶,吸收了某種關於日常性的質樸感。本講座便著眼於此,挑選兩位日本重要 的導演小津安二郎與是枝裕和,從選題、創作手法以及內容表達,來探討日本電影中的家庭劇 美學。一方面能看到在時代變遷下日本電影發展的轉變,同時也可參考在這樣看似「小」的題 材中,如何將「大」議題融入,並且以相對「經濟」的方式來拍攝影片卻又呈現出極高的藝術 成就。 Since Taiwanese culture has been deeply influenced by both traditional Chinese inter-generational family ethics and Japanese culture, in this lecture we will discuss Japanese family drama through the great films by director Yasujiro Ozu and Hirokazu Koreeda, from the topics, aesthetics choices, to the context. We will comprehand the development of Japanese films through times.

| 日本座談會 Round Table Forum |

日本映画大學 v.s 北藝大電影系 Japan Institute of the Moving Image & TNUA Dept. of Filmmaking | 時間 Time | 10/04 (Tue.) 10:00 - 12:00 來自日本映画大學的師生們,一同與北藝大電影系的師生們討論兩校彼此的課程、藝術風格、 教學目標與理念,以至兩校在電影產業中的地位。 With the professors and students of Japan Institute of the Moving Image and TNUA Dept. of Filmmaking, we'll discuss each other's curriculum, teaching & learning, educational goals, and relationships with local film industry.

Transportation 交通資訊 |

交通資訊 Transportation

步行 By Walk

於捷運關渡站下車,二號出口出站後右轉,經關渡國小至中央北路,沿中油加油站旁的學園路往上走,直行不 進北藝大校門,過校門口後往上走約 100 公尺即為藝文生態館。 From MRT Guandu Station Exit 2, turn right and go to Zhongyang N. Rd besides Guandu Elementary School. Walk up the hill along the Hsuen-yuan Rd, next to a gas station. After walking 100 meters by passing the front gate of TNUA, you'll see the the Arts and Activity Complex Building on the right.

公車 By Bus 於捷運關渡站下車,一號出口出站後右轉,至公車候車處: ①搭乘北藝大接駁車,於「鷺鷥草原站」下車,穿越鷺鷥草原即為藝文生態館。 ②搭乘紅 35/ 紅 55 公車,於「北藝大藝文生態館站」下車。 ※ 公車時刻表請參考 P.70 附錄。 Take TNUA shuttle bus or Red 35, 55 public bus (MRT Exit 1 on the right). Please refer to the Bus Schedule on page 70.

自行開車 By Car 由臺北市出發,直行承德路七段接大度路至中央北路右轉,見中油加油站左轉學園路,直行可達校門口。 1. From Sec. 7 of Chengde Rd., turn left on Dadu Rd. and turn right at Sec. 4, Zhongyang N. Rd. Turn left at gas station on Hsuen-yuan Rd. up the hill. 2. From the intersection of Sec.2, Chongqing N, Rd., take the Zhoumei Highway towards the intersection of Beitou. Turn left from Daye Rd. at Sec. 3, Zhongyang N. Rd towards Sec. 4, Zhongyang N. Rd and turn right at the gas station to the Hsuen-yuan Road up the hill.

停車資訊 Parking 北藝大於上午 7:00 至晚間 23:00 開放外車進入,平日收費汽車 20 元 / 小時,機車 10/ 次。 The TUNA main entrance on the Hsuen-yuan Road is open for public vehicles from 7am to 11pm. For vehicles without permit issued by the University or having expired permit, a NT$30 hourly charge will be levied. Motorcycle will be charged for NT$10. Free Parking is allowed for less than 30 minutes. Parking more than 24 hours is prohibited.



| 場次表 Screening Schedule

場次表 Screening Schedule 日期 Date

時間 Time

單元 Program

片名 Title


10/03 Mon.

開幕儀式 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony


日本講座 I Japan Lecture I

日本映画大學佐藤忠男校長講座 A Talk by the President of Japan Institute of the Moving Image


開幕片 I Opening Film I

日曜日式散步者 Le Moulin

19:00 19:30 10:00

10/04 Tue.

片長 備註 頁碼 Length Remarks Page


開幕片 II Opening Film II


此國之空 When I Was Most Beautiful



日本映画大學 v.s 北藝大電影系 日本座談會 Round Table Forum Japan Institute of the Moving Image & TNUA Dept. of Filmmaking

私房味噌湯 Homeland

16:00 19:00

電影節特映 I Special Screening I


日本講座 II Japan Lecture II

錄製中 Recording


候鳥與明信片 Departure


直線七秒 7 Seconds in a Life Time


老頭子 Telephone


親旅行 A Trip with Mom


交差 Crossing Point


水際の魚 Fish Out of Water


我來自亞洲 I'm Asian


露天 Open-air

深夜關東煮 A Little Taste


回味蛋包飯 More than Words


傳統茶煎道 Into the Local


外帶抹茶糕 Interaction

10/06 Thur. 烏龍烏龍麵 With Doubt


p.30 p.26 p.8

19' 9'

當大學變成公園 The Park


今日公休 Open For You


菸 A Cigarette

10/05 Wed.


家庭劇美學:從小津到是枝 Japanese Family Drama: From Yasujiro Ozu to Hirokazu Koreeda 宇宙動物 Capsule Toy



開幕典禮 Opening Ceremony

傳統茶煎道 Into the Local











等風來時叫醒我 Struggle in the Wind


守夜人 The Voice of Graffiti


秘密基地 Our Base


獵人 Miadopay




交差 Crossing Point


水際の魚 Fish Out of Water


終留 Stay


Lost in Hong Kong


枕頭寶寶 Pillow Baby




To Have, To Hold, To Love


三角錯 Triangle


房間 Room


我們的美好明天 Our Tomorrow Will Be Better


Screening Schedule 場次表 |

・除露天放映場外,所有放映與講座地點皆為國立臺北藝術大學 藝文生態館 3F 電影院(K301)。 With the exception of the Open-air Screening, all the screenings and forums take place in the cinema on the 3rd floor of Arts and Activity Complex Building, Taipei National University of the Arts. (Room K301) 日期 Date

時間 Time

單元 Program

片名 Title 春光戲院 The Shining Theater 瑕疵 Flaw


地獄辛拉麵 死去的貓 Kate Too Afraid to Watch

10/06 Thur. 19:00

深夜關東煮 A Little Taste - 露天放映場 -Open-air Screening-

道地茶碗蒸 In the Hope


10/07 Fri.



特選生魚片 Never too Absurd

開幕片 II Opening Film II


銷魂玉子燒 See for Yourself

10/08 Sat. 16:00

精釀梅子酒 Behind Every Story


閉幕片 Closing Film

4' 23' 20'

屍闖冥宅 II Shi Chuang Ming Zhai II


殺人手記 Killing Note


宇宙動物 Capsule Toy


露天 Open-air


今日公休 Open For You


菸 A Cigarette


第一志願 I Love M.U.M.


大人的實驗課 Experiment Lesson


戲 Drama


喬治失蹤的日子 Lost


死而後生 Dead Alive


塗鴉 Graffiti


課後輔導 After School


婚喪喜慶 Wedding, Funeral, Birth and Celebration


超普通特工 Agent











狗熊 Loser


Behind the Scenes


啵啵!老爸 Pop Pop! Pa Pa



等風來時叫醒我 Struggle in the Wind

此國之空 When I Was Most Beautiful



當大學變成公園 The Park

電影節特映 II 哈姆雷特 Hamlet Special Screening II


片長 備註 頁碼 Length Remarks Page


尋 Lost and Found


費洛蒙 Liquid Love


我的告別式 My Funeral


一直騎呀一直騎 Keep Going


春風電髮院 The Past


登入晚餐 Log in Dinner


紅衣小女孩 The Tag-Along


☆影人出席映後座談 With filmmakers' attendance.

※ 場次內容涉及情色 / 暴力 / 爭議性畫面,請斟酌觀賞 Some of the films contain scenes that some viewers may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.







| 交流學校:日本映画大學 Introducing Japan Institute of the Moving Image

交流學校:日本映画大學 Introducing Japan Institute of the Moving Image 日本映画大學設有四年制學士班,主修項目包含編導、攝影、錄音、剪輯、紀錄片、電影理論 與製片。目前全校共有 426 位學生,十分之一為國際學生;學校有 25 位專任教師與 130 位兼任教師, 大多數都是活躍於日本電影產業的創作者。 1975 年獲得兩次坎城影展金棕櫚獎的今村昌平導演成立了「橫濱放送映畫專門學院」,1983 年, 今村昌平以《楢山節考》獲得坎城金棕櫚獎,那時他汲汲於電影人才之培育,便將坎城獲得的獎金 投注於他所創辦之「橫濱放送映畫專門學院」,除了將其改為三年制,並更名為「日本映画大學」, 並由他自任理事長兼校長。 映画大學自成立以來的 40 餘年間,不斷專精於電影教育,總共培育出了超過六千五百位優秀的 電影創作者。 Japan Institute of the Moving Image (JIMI) offers four-year Bachelor degree courses in the areas of Direction and Scriptwriting, Cinematography, Sound Recording, Film Editing, Documentary, Film Theory and Producing. It currently has 426 students, ten percent of whom are overseas students. They are taught by 25 full-time and 130 part-time faculty, many of whom are actively involved as creators in the Japanese film industry. JIMI originated as a two year technical school, The Yokohama Moving Image, which was established in 1975 by film director Shohei Imamura, a two-time awardee of the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival. During these past 40 years of specialized film education, JIMI and its predecessors have produced more than 6500 filmmakers.

International Guests 參訪師生簡介 |

參訪師生簡介 International Guests 佐藤忠男 校長 President Tadao SATO 映画大學現任校長 President of Japan Institute of the Moving Image 電影評論家與電影史權威者 Film Critic and Historian

日本電影史權威學者、映画評論家,現任日本映画大學校長。他自 1956 年出版 第一本《日本の映画》即獲《電影旬報賞》的獎勵。終其一生共著(或編著)有 超過 100 本書,成就與影響力非凡。 他對中、臺、韓三地的電影史均有深入的研究,對亞洲電影的推廣也不遺餘力。曾擔任福岡亞洲文 化賞之藝術與文化賞評審委員、福岡國際電影節主席。 1996 年獲頒日本紫綬勳章,此外還曾獲頒勳四等旭日小綬章(2004)、芸術選奨文部大臣賞 (1995)、神奈川文化賞(2010)、韓國王冠文化勲章(2004)、波蘭文化功勞賞(2013)、 法國榮譽軍團國家勳章之騎士勳章 (L'ordre national de la légion d'honneur) 與藝術文化勳章 ( L'Ordredes Arts et des Lettres) 等。 主要著作有《草の根の軍国主義》(2007)、《日本映画史》(4 卷,1995)、《韓国映画の精神: 林權澤監督とその時代》(2000)、《完本小津安二郎の芸術》(2000)、《韓国映画入門》( 合著, 1990)、《キネと砲声》(1985)、《溝口健二の世界》(1982)、《日本の映画》等。 Tadao SATO is a Japanese film critic, theorist and historian. He is currently President of the Japan Institute of the Moving Image. He has published more than a hundred books on film, and is one of Japan's foremost scholars and historians addressing film. He is recognized as one of the world's foremost authorities on Japanese cinema specifically, although few of his works have been translated for publication abroad. He has been in the Selection Committee Member for "Fukuoka Asian Culture Award" and the President of "Focus on Asia International Film Festival Fukuoka." Through the years, he has earned medals and awards such as "Purple Ribbon Order (Japan)" (1996), "Order of the Rising Sun, The Fourth Grade (Japan)" (2004), "Ministry of Education Award for Fine Arts (Japan)" (1995), "Kanagawa Culture Award " (2010), "Korean Cultural Merit, the Crown Award" (2004), "Merit for Polish Culture (Poland)" (2013), "L'ordre national de la légion d'honneur, Chevalier (France)" (2004), and so on. His publications include History of Japanese Films (Vol 1-4, 1995), Spiritual Centre of Korean Films (2000), and many more.



| 參訪師生簡介 International Guests

荒井晴彥 先生 Haruhiko ARAI 映画大學專任教授 腳本演出課程主任 Professor, Head of Scriptwriting Course 《映畫芸術》雜誌總編輯 Chief Editor of Eiga Geijutu (Film Art)

荒井晴彦從 1977 年開始活躍於電影創作,他的劇本曾獲得多個獎項肯定,包括 四屆日本電影金像獎、六屆日本電影旬報十佳獎最佳編劇,這些都是日本最高榮 譽的電影獎項。 2015 年,荒井晴彦在第 67 屆讀賣文學獎中以《此國之空》(2015) 榮獲編劇獎。除此之外,在中國 受到許多關注的日本電影《W 的悲剧》(1984) 是由荒井晴彦負責編劇,他在 2011 年所編寫的電影 腳本《大鹿村的騷動記》(2011) 在日本電影金像獎入圍多個項目,也是 2012 年第四屆關渡電影節 的閉幕片。 荒井晴彦除了擔任電影編劇之外,曾親自執導過兩部作品,分別是《身心投入》(1997) 與《此國之 空》(2015),日本映画大學的教授川上浩市在這兩部電影中擔任荒井晴彦的攝影師。 ARAI has received numerous awards since 1980 for his scriptwriting, including four Japan Academy Prizes for Best Screenplay, six Kinema Jumpo Best Screenplay awards, which are the most prestigious film awards in Japan. He also received Yomiuri Literary Award for Best Scenario for When I was Most Beautiful this year. He is best known in China as the scriptwriter for The Tragedy of W (1984), and one of his works, entitled Someday (2011), which received most Japan Academy's awards in 2012, was shown at the Kuan-Du Festival in that year. ARAI has directed two films so far, both with JIMI professor Koichi Kawakami as the director of cinematography.

晏妮 女士 YAN Ni 映画大學特任教授 Professor

晏妮於清華大學畢業後供職於中國電影家協會。1984 年來日留學,先後在早稻 田大學文學部研究演劇/電影專業獲得文學碩士,一橋大學社會學研究科歷史/ 社會專業獲得社會學博士學位。 曾任川喜多紀念文化財團客員研究員,分別在早稻田大學、慶應大學、法政大學、東京工業大學和 明治學院大學擔任兼任講師。後在一橋大學任特任講師,客座教授。專攻比較電影史,表象文化論。 單著《戰時日中電影交涉史》(岩波書店,2010)獲日本藝術選獎(評論部門)文部科學大臣獎。 主要合編著有《後滿州電影論日中電影交流》(人文書院,2010)、《男人的羈絆 亞洲電影——同 性連帶的慾望》(平凡社,2004)、《電影與「大東亞共榮圈」》(森話社,2004)、《電影與 身體/性》(森話社,2006)、《女演員山口百惠》(瓦伊滋出版,2006)等。 近期研究論文分別刊載於《日本電影的海外輸出 文化戰略的歷史》(森話社,2015)、《戰後電影 的產業空間 資本·娛樂·發行放映》(森話社,2016)。多年來在各類雜誌上發表過多篇論文和評論。 YAN Ni, Professor, Japan Institute of the Moving Image, holds MA from Waseda University (Tokyo) and Ph.D from Hitotsubashi University (Tokyo), specializing in Comparative Film History and Cultural Theory. Her publications include "Between Men: Asian Film and Homo-social Desire" (2004), "SinoJapan Film Relations during the War" (2010), "Post Manchuria, On Film and Sino-Japan Film Relations" (2010), "Film and the Body/Sex" (2006), "Momoe Yamaguchi, the Actress" (2015).

International Guests 參訪師生簡介 |

近藤希実 Nozomi KONDO 映画大學校友 Graduate

近藤希実,1982 年生,早在進入映画大學前,已有當記者的經驗,她就讀映画 大學時專攻編劇寫作。目前她正在寫影評,同時創作自己的劇本。最喜歡的電影 是侯孝賢的《風櫃來的人》。 Born in 1982. After working as a journalist, KONDO studied Scriptwriting at Japan Institute of the Moving Image. She is currently working for a film journal, while writing her own script. Her favourite film is The Boys from Fengkuei by HOU Hsiao-hsien.

大引勇人 Hayato OBIKI 映画大學校友 Graduate

大引勇人,1988 年生,他就讀映画大學時專攻紀錄片。目前正在東京當電視節 目的助理導演。 Born in 1988. OBIKI studied Documentary at Japan Institute of the Moving Image, and is currently working as an assistant director for a TV news program in Tokyo.

弓部槙子 Makiko YUMBE 映画大學在學生 Student

弓部槙子,映画大學大四生,專修電影理論,對 19 世紀以降的電影與藝術特別 感興趣。目前正在撰寫研究超現實主義導演楊・斯凡克梅耶的論文。 Makiko YUMBE is in the forth year of Film Theory Course, with a particular interest in films and art the 19th Century onward. She is currently preparing for her dissertation on a surrealist film maker and artist, Jan Svankmajer.



開閉幕片 Opening & Closing Films



開幕片 I Opening Film I 10/03 (Mon.) 13:30 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.

日曜日式散步者 Le Moulin 黃亞歷 Ya-Li HUANG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2015 | Documentary | 162 min

・2016 臺灣國際紀錄片影展「臺灣競賽」首獎——「國際競賽」、「華人紀錄片獎」、「作者觀點獎」入圍 ・2016 臺北電影獎「最佳編劇」、「最佳聲音設計」奬 ・2016 鹿特丹國際影展「未來之光」單元入選 ・2015 哥本哈根國際紀錄片影展 DOX:AWARD 主競賽入選 ・2016 全州國際電影節「視界大觀:光譜」單元入選 ・2016 布宜諾斯艾利斯影展「前衛類型」競賽單元入圍 ・2016 嘉義國際藝術紀錄片影展入圍 ・2016 馬德里國際電影節「先驅競賽」單元入圍 ・2016 Taipei Film Awards—Best Screenplay Award & Award for Sound Design ・2016 Taiwan International Documentary Festival — Taiwanese Competition Grand Prize, selected in International Competition, Chinese Documentary Award, Author’s POV Award ・2016 International Film Festival Rotterdam — Bright Future Section ・2015 CPH:DOX — International main competition for DOX:AWARD ・2016 Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente (BAFICI) — Avant-Garde & Genre Competition ・2016 Jeonju International Film Festival — World Cinemapscape: Spectrum ・2016 Lima Independent International Film Festival – International Competition ・2016 FILMADRID International Film Festival – Vanguard Competition ・2016 International Film Festival of Asian-Pacific Countries in Vladivostok ・2016 Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival

Opening Film I 開幕片 I |

—— 影片介紹 Synopsis —— 1930 年代,臺灣在日本殖民統治近四十年後,進入了更穩定的同化階段。 於此一時期,臺灣出現了最早引介超現實主義的文學詩人團體:風車詩社。 風車詩社反映了二十世紀從西方(尤其是法國)傳遞到日本,經由殖民影響至臺灣的文化路徑,折 射出西方現代主義進入亞洲之後,亞洲文藝創作者面對與回應在地及世界的態度與方式。 現代主義文學的前衛浪潮,為年輕的臺灣詩人帶來了什麼樣的衝擊?異文化的接收究竟是一種純粹 的想像,或是從紮根的土壤上所混合出的全新植種?生活在殖民地上的現代文學創作者,透過詩觀 的論述及文學創作,留下了什麼問題供後人反思? 本片追溯了風車詩社所帶領的前衛浪潮,反映出西方文化對於戰前東亞文藝的影響,並透露出日治 時期臺灣文壇的樣貌,這些殖民地上的現代文學創作者,藉由詩觀的論述及文學創作,共同為臺灣 留下了劃時代的意義與美學。 It was when Taiwan was in a stable period of cultural assimilation after the forty years of Japanese colonial rule that the country's first modern art group – Le Moulin Poetry Society – arose in the 1930s, with their poetic protest against the colonial power's cultural superiority. The name reflected the group's orientation towards the West while especially strongly influenced by France. Regarding the Surrealists as their absolute role models, Le Moulin poets composed poetry in an uncompromising and aesthetically sophisticated style to confront the turbulent era they lived in. Le Moulin not only tries to record a historical period that paved the way for a new freedom and self-awareness, but also to explore how Asian Modernist writers reinvent Modernism through encountering foreign culture and their contemplation upon identities. —— 導演 Director ——

黃亞歷 Ya-Li HUANG 黃亞歷,台灣獨立製片工作者,關注於影像、聲音的聯繫與延伸性。 近年來投身於製作台灣早期相關主題之紀錄片,希望透過歷史的梳理和檢視,探索紀 錄片真實的詮釋可能,並反思臺灣與亞洲、世界之間的關係。 紀錄長片《日曜日式散步者》入選 2016 年鹿特丹國際影展「未來之光」(Bright Future)單元。 Ya-Li HUANG is an independent filmmaker in Taiwa. He is interested in the linkage between, and extension of, images and sounds. In recent years, he has involved himself in documentaries concerning Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule, and hopes to explore the possibility of interpreting reality in the form of documentaries through historical research and examination, and also reflect on the relationship between Taiwan, Asia, and the world. His experimental works include The Unnamed (2010). The Pursuit of What Was (2008), etc. His first feature-length documentary Le Moulin was selected in International Film Festival Rotterdam, 2016. —— 監製 Executive Producer ——

閻鴻亞 Hung-Ya YEN 閻鴻亞,筆名鴻鴻。詩人,劇場及電影編導。2004 年迄今多次擔任台北詩歌節及新 北市電影節策展人。電影作品有《3 橘之戀》、《人間喜劇》、《空中花園》、《穿 牆人》及紀錄片多部,獲得南特影展最佳導演獎、芝加哥影展費比西獎,並以與楊德昌合著的《牯 嶺街少年殺人事件》獲得金馬獎最佳原著劇本獎。 Hung-Ya YEN (Hung Hung) is a poet and a director of stage and screen. He has directed feature films such as The Love of Three Orange , The Human Comedy , A Garden in the Sky , and The Wall-passer . He has won the best director at F3C in Nantes, the FIPRESCI Award at the Chicago Film Festival and the Golden Horse Award Best Original Screenplay Award.



開幕片 II Opening Film II 10/03 (Mon.) 19:30 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.

・18:00 開幕茶會

Opening Party at 18:00.

・19:00 開幕典禮

Opening Ceremony at 19:00.

10/08 (Sat.) 10:00

わたしが一番きれいだったとき、わたしの国は戦争で負けた When I was most beautiful, my country lost the war.

此國之空(この国の空) When I Was Most Beautiful 荒井晴彦 Haruhiko ARAI 日本 Japan | 2015 | Fiction | 130 min

Opening Film II 開幕片 II |

—— 影片介紹 Synopsis —— 1945 年的東京市,頻繁的空襲與匱乏的食物供給預告了日本即將戰敗的事實。 19 歲的里子與母親努力生活著,他們家中的空襲避難房卻遭水淹沒,此時鄰居市毛好心地讓她們躲 在他家中的避難房。市毛的老婆與小孩早已至鄉下避難了,而他卻因為健康狀況不佳而無法入伍。 由於所有與里子同年的男生們都上戰場了,市毛便成了她在躲避戰火生活中唯一的男性依靠,里子 不顧母親的勸告,開始接近看似神秘卻又具有勾引力的市毛。 某一天晚上,里子臣服於市毛的誘惑下,他們兩開始了一段旁人眼中的不倫戀。伴隨著戰火逐漸走 向結尾,市毛點燃了里子心中情感與慾望的火苗。 Tokyo in 1945, frequent air raids and lack of food and supplies signal imminent defeat for Japan. 19-year-old Satoko and her mother try their best to make ends meet. When they discover that an air raid shelter at the house got flooded, their neighbor Ichige, who evacuated his wife and child to the countryside, invites them to use the shelter at his house. He was spared from the draft due to his weak health. Despite her mother's warning, Satoko begins to take interests in Ichige, who is mysterious and seductively tranquil. With all boys around her age drafted and shipped to the battlefield, Ichige is the only male figure in Satoko's life where constant doom of war hovers over. One night, Satoko resigns herself to Ichige's seduction and they begin an illicit love affair. As the end of the war draws closer, Ichige sparks Satoko's sexual and emotional awakening. —— 導演 Director ——

荒井晴彦 Haruhiko ARAI 荒井晴彦,日本電影業中知名的劇作家,他與許多日本當代的電影導演合作過,包 括與神代辰巳合作的《紅髮女郎》(1979)、與阪本順治合作的《KT》(2002)和 《大鹿村騷動記》(2011)、與廣木隆合作的《振蕩器》(2003)和《歌舞伎町 24 小時愛情摩鐵》 (2014)、與青山真治合作的《共食家族》(2013)。 荒井晴彦於 1997 年執導第一部電影《身心投入》,本片是他所執導的第二部劇情長片。 One of the highly acclaimed screenwriter of Japanese cinema, Arai has worked with contemporary Japanese auteurs such as Tatsumi Kumashiro on Woman with Red Hair (1979), Junji Sakamoto on KT (2002) and Someday (2011), Hiroki Ryuichi on Vibrator (2003) and Kabukicho Love Hotel (2014), and Shinji Aoyama on The Backwater (2013). He made his directorial debut with Body and Soul (1997). This is his second film as a director. —— 導演的話 Director's Messages —— 我想藉由影片的最後,里子由於自己的不倫戀而預測自己將有個晦暗的未來,來表達我對於二戰後 日本社會的批判。當時社會充斥著樂觀向前的價值觀,卻沒人願意回首反省為何會有如此慘烈的戰 爭。我們的教育告訴我們從 1945 年 8 月 15 日戰爭結束後,日本的歷史因此被改寫了。我倒認為現 今不願面對現實的日本社會與二戰前的日本並無差別。 I wanted to project my own criticisms of post-war Japan at the end of the film where Satoko predicts her future to be gloomy and grim due to her illicit love affair. Certain optimism gripped Japan after the war and no one bothered to look back and find out how the war started and who the responsible parties were. At school, we learn that the war ended on August 15th and that everything changed from that day forward. But I tend to think nothing had changed because we never faced the music.



閉幕片 Closing Film 10/08 (Sat.) 19:00 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.

・本場次內容涉及情色 / 暴力 / 爭議性畫面,請斟酌觀賞

Some of the following films contain scenes that some viewers may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

紅衣小女孩 The Tag-Along 程偉豪 Wei-Hao CHENG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2015 | Fiction | 91 min

Closing Film 閉幕片 |

—— 影片介紹 Synopsis —— 榮獲 2016 年台北電影獎男女主角獎,並獲選第 52 屆金馬影展閉幕片。《紅衣小女孩》改編自 1998 年轟動全台的靈異事件。 《紅衣小女孩》 描述阿偉(黃河)是一個房地產經紀人,認真工作希望能與女友怡君(許瑋甯)早 日結婚。有一天,與他同住的奶奶(劉引商)失蹤了。詭異的是,家裡打掃過了,衣服也洗好了, 還替阿偉煮了早餐,但就是不見奶奶的蹤影。毫無頭緒的阿偉逐漸感到焦急。他打開奶奶平日用的 相機,竟看到其中一段出遊的影片中,有個詭異的身影跟在奶奶背後,像是個穿著紅衣的小女孩。 阿偉打從心底感到不寒而慄。沒想到詭異的事情,開始接二連三地發生。 Working as an estate agent, Wei lives with his grandma. One day, his grandma has gone missing, and on the footage obtained from the surveillance camera, he spots a shadowy figure, which looks like a little girl in red following his grandma. While searching for his granny, Wei himself disappears, and his girlfriend is determined to bring him back. —— 導演 Director ——

程偉豪 Wei-Hao CHENG 程偉豪,輔仁大學廣告傳播學系學士與臺灣藝術大學電影學系碩士。 首部電影短片《搞什麼鬼》即在 2008 年獲得了北京電影學院 ISFVF 國際影展中的 〈亞洲優秀電影獎〉、台灣南方影展〈最佳新人導演獎〉的肯定,也同時入圍了第 31 屆金穗獎最佳 劇情短片 DV 類及第 16 屆北京大學生電影節等的最佳劇情短片。第二部警匪類型短片《狙擊手》更 於 2009 年入選金馬影展〈華人視野單元〉觀摩片,以及再次入圍南方影展、金穗獎最佳劇情短片, 並在 2010 年台北電影節獲得電影產業獎及亞太影展最佳劇情短片入圍肯定,當時更獲得台北電影 節評審團給予:「精確掌握現代都市的危險氛圍,不確定危險來源,不確定誰會是下一個被狙擊的 對象,敘事觀點很精準的從一個宅男轉換到一個霹靂小組成員,最後的結局巧妙連結兩個主人翁, 精準冷冽的程度,讓人期待他成為未來的楊德昌。」之高度肯定。 平時除戲劇創作外,也以電視廣告編導及特效為職業,攝製近百支商業廣告案,影像經驗豐富。 Director CHENG was born in 1986, and he had a master degree from the Dept. of Motion Picture, National Taiwan University of Arts. His first short feature You Are Not Alone (2008) won him some awards of recognition from many institutes internationally, including the ISFVF Film Festival from Beijing Film Academy and South Taiwan Film Festivals. Moreover, his second short feature Real Sniper was chosen by Taipei Film Festival in 2010, and the judges gave him the comments that he would be the next Edward YANG for his precise story telling technique and icy indifference shots. —— 監製 Excutive Producer ——

曾瀚賢 Han-Hsien TSENG 畢業於北藝大電影系碩士班。台灣極富潛力的新生代製片,結合其對市場的敏銳度及 對社會現況的關懷,履次製作感⼈︑呼應社會現像之優秀作品。2011 年以著眼社會 現實與青少年關係的《他們在畢業的前一天爆炸》⼤受⾼中、⼤學院校學生歡迎,勇奪金鐘獎最佳 迷你劇集獎等五項大獎,2013 年《阿嬤的夢中情⼈》首創台灣與⼤陸同步上映,創造新的電影趨勢, 並榮獲國內外影展多項⼤獎。2015 年以《麻醉風暴》為台灣影視創造新的可能性。 Han-Hsien TSENG (Hank) had a master degree from the Dept. of Filmmaking, Taipei National University of the Arts. He is a famous young Taiwanese film producer. His latest works include Almost Famous , The Factory Woman, Days We Stared at the Sun , Forever Love , Wake Up , Another Woman , and The Tag-along , which won a lot of awards and were wellreceived.



電影節特映 Special Screenings



電影節特映 I

影匠 The Shadow Player

Special Screening I 10/04 (Tue.) 19:00

我來自亞洲 I'm Asian 「亞洲紀錄片合製計畫」包含來自國立臺南 藝術大學、上海同濟大學、日本映画大學、 韓國藝術大學四所學校的學生,他們拍攝以 「我來自亞洲」為主題的紀錄片。 儘管四所學校的國家比鄰而居,學生們仍少 有接觸交流,因此亞洲合作計畫不僅提供了 一個亞洲地區大學與影展合作的機會,也使 Marching for You, Comrade 來自四個國家的學生在拍攝紀錄片的過程中 南藝大團隊 TNNUA team 思考自身與亞洲的關係,同時也希望能夠跳 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Documentary | 17 min 脫出國家的框架去檢視亞洲這個概念,用影 像去呈現解讀亞洲的真實與歷史。



In the Asian Coproduction project the participating students and professors are The Shadow Player from Tainan National University of the BAO Manhua Arts, Tongji University of Shanghai, the Japan Institute of the Moving Image, and 中國 China | 2016 | Documentary | 20 min Korea National University of Arts. They made an omnibus documentary on the theme of "I'm an Asian." The Coproduction Project will not only present an opportunity to make the Return documentary in collaborations with universities and film festivals in Asia, but Misawa TAKUYA also to actively think about the space of 日本 Japan | 2016 | Documentary | 32 min Asia through making the documentary, by students in four countries from Asia who don't have much exchange experience with each other despite the geographical contiguity. It is also a place to think about Undercover Paradise Asia out of the frame of the nationstate and about the representation of the CHOI In-a reality and history in Asia by means of 韓國 Korea | 2016 | Documentary | 20 min filmic images.




電影節特映 II Special Screening II 10/07 (Fri.) 19:00 ・本場次包含 15 分鐘中場休息

With 15 minutes of intermission.

哈姆雷特 Hamlet 瑪格麗特.威廉斯 Margaret Williams 莎拉.法藍肯 Sarah Frankcom 英國 UK | 2015 | Drama | 209 min

有別於舞台演出觀賞視角,劇場實錄電影《哈姆雷特》完美地捕捉了演員的精湛能量,表演場地的 極致親密感,尤如置身於現場觀眾之中,徹頭徹尾專注在美妙的演出裡;透過運鏡巧思、後製細節 的要求,完美呈現場地的親密感與現場所見震撼。它的敘事方式,使得堅強的卡司陣容得以盡情揮 灑,重新詮釋這部關於忠誠、愛、背叛、謀殺與瘋狂的極致之作;而攝影技術更以近乎毫無窒礙的 方式,帶領觀眾全面探索整個舞台。 Shakespeare's most iconic work, Hamlet explodes with big ideas and is the ultimate story of loyalty, love, betrayal, murder and madness. From its sell-out run at Manchester's Royal Exchange Theatre comes a film version of this unique and critically acclaimed production of Hamlet , with BAFTA nominee Maxine Peake in the title role. This groundbreaking stage production, directed by Sarah Frankcom, was Royal Exchange's fastest-selling show in a decade. 主演 Cast 哈姆雷特 Hamlet |瑪克辛.皮克 Maxine Peake 克勞地、鬼魂 Claudius and Ghost |約翰.夏普尼爾 John Shrapnel 葛楚德 Gertrude | Barbara Marten 波洛涅斯 Polonia | Gillian Bevan 何瑞修 Horatio | Thomas Arnold 雷歐提斯 Laertes | Ashley Zhangazha 奧菲麗雅 Ophelia | Katie West

電影導演|瑪格麗特.威廉斯 Margaret Williams 舞台導演|莎拉.法藍肯 Sarah Frankcom 製片 Producers | Anne Beresford and Debbie Gray Hamlet the Film Ltd. 劇照版權 Photo Credit | Jonathan Keenan 字幕翻譯 Subtitles Translator |許佳瑋 Chai-Wei HSU 協辦單位 Co-ordinated |


國際影展交流單元 International Film Program


日本映画大學交流展 Japan Institute of the Moving Image Panorama


傳統茶煎道 Into the Local

・日本映画大學交流展 Japan Institute of the Moving Image Panorama

10/04 (Tue.) 16:00 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.

10/05 (Wed.) 19:00 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.

水際の魚 Fish Out of Water

Into the Local 傳統煎茶道 |

交差 Crossing Point 大引勇人 Hayato OBIKI 日本 Japan | 2015 | Documentary | 45 min 距離 2008 年的秋葉原殺人魔事件(秋 葉原通り魔事件)已經六年了,新聞媒 體上流傳眾多的輿論抨擊,但受害者家 屬真正的感受卻無法傳遞給在監獄中的 犯人加藤智大,而他的言論也在廣大的 聲浪中被掩埋了。隨著秋葉原逐漸恢復 平靜,案發的十字路口變成了紀念地 點。本片拍攝一位當時也遭受攻擊的湯 浅羊先生,他為了瞭解犯案者的想法, 而特地寫信給犯人加藤。 Six years have passed since the random street killing incident at Akihabara, Tokyo. Anonymously uttered words are plenty on the media, and yet, the emotions of those who suffered cannot reach the offender in prison, Tomohiro Kato, whose own words are also buried in that plenitude. The town of Akihabara has regain normality, as the intersection has turned into a memorial site. We follow Hiroshi Yuasa, one of those affected by the incident, who writes letters to Kato in an effort to understand why this has happened. 日本映画大學 2015 年畢業製作 2015 Student Graduation Work from Japan Institute of the Moving Image

水際の魚 Fish Out of Water 導演:高巣雄太 Yuta TAKASU 編劇:近藤希実 Nozomi KONDO 日本 Japan | 2016 | Fiction | 32 min 2015 年的夏天,35 歲的大姊香織與小 妹詩織住在日本東北海岸的石卷市。小 妹正持續在接受子宮頸癌的治療。她們 的父母死於 2011 年的大海嘯。 某天,住在東京市的二姐伊織返回家 鄉,卻意外得知詩織有心上人了。 本片藉由二姐返家的這三天,描述這對 三姐妹各自懷有自己的秘密與煩惱。

Summer of 2015. A town in Japan's northeast coast, Ishinomaki. Kaori, the age of 35, the oldest of three sisters lives with her youngest sister, Shiori, who is undergoing the treatment for cervical cancer. They had lost their parents to the 2011 Tsunami. Iori, the middle sister who lives in Tokyo, returns home one day to be told that Shiori is in love. The film depicts the three days of her visit, which reveals that each sister has her own secrets and problems. 日本映画大學 2016 年畢業製作 2016 Student Graduation Work from Japan Institute of the Moving Image



臺灣學生影展單元 Taiwan Student Film Programs


全國影視大專校院交流展 Selected Films from Local Film Schools

More than Words



10/05 (Wed.) 16:00 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.


More than Words 回味蛋包飯 |

守夜人 The Voice of Graffiti 丁亦庭 Yi-TIng DING 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Documentary | 15 min 塗鴉文化在世界各地都遊走於法律邊 緣。 此紀錄片即探討主角黑雞先生在臺灣是 如何用塗鴉發聲,面對一般市民的觀 感,用最真切的聲音立足在違法之上。

Graffiti is still in an ambiguous status as an art form. This short documentary explores the true spirit of the subculture by illustrating the enthusiast Mr.Ogay's passion on making the voice to awake the social conscience and to demonstrate his creative minds as an artist despite all the challenges from the general public and the legal system. 崑山科技大學 視訊傳播設計系 Department of Motion Pictures and Video, Kun Shan University

秘密基地 Our Base 吳季軒 Ji-Shuan WU 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 16 min 梓俞和小筑一起在校園附近的角落共築 兩人的秘密基地。她們在秘密基地一起 埋葬了一隻死掉的小鳥,彼此約好每天 都要來祭拜牠。 小筑買了一架遙控飛機,邀請班上的同 學一起來秘密基地玩。但梓俞卻發現, 小筑都把遙控飛機藏在秘密基地不帶回 家⋯⋯。

Yu and Zhu share a secret base nearby their school. They bury a dead bird in the base and promise to each other that thay will come to the base and pray for the bird together everyday. Zhu buys a remote drone and invites some classmates, to have fun together in the base she used to only share with Yu. Later Yu finds out that Zhu always secretly hides the drone in the base rather than brings it home... 國立政治大學 廣播電視學系 Department of Radio & Television, National Chengchi University



| 回味蛋包飯 More than Words

獵人 Miadopay 洪岱郁 Dai-Yu HONG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 25 min 某天早晨一位活潑好動的小男孩 Sera 醒來,與自己的阿公分享有趣的夢境。 老獵人說明了夢境的含意,便帶著自己 的孫子一同上山巡獵場,教導初次上山 的小獵人對於大自然該有的尊重以及狩 獵的規範,想藉此機會教導下一代傳統 狩獵精神文化。 在返家途中意外遇見了警察刻意刁難要 檢查是否有違禁的獵物⋯⋯。

One morning, young boy Sera was talking with his grandfather about what he dreamed about. The old grandfather told Sera the dream was a good sign for hunting. The old hunter taught Sera the rules while hunting and guided him to respect the nature. On their way home, they encountered a police who was being hard on the old hunter. 國立東華大學 民族語言與傳播學系 Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication, National Dong Hwa University

51.7Hz 康偵煒 Jen-Wei KANG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 18 min 1992 年, 科 學 家 發 現 海 洋 中 有 一 隻 發 出 51.7 赫茲頻率的鯨魚,但沒有任何一隻鯨魚 能夠聽到牠的頻率,使得牠至今依然孤獨地 唱著,也在等待一個與牠相同頻率的鯨魚出 現。一名外星人為了尋找發出 51.7 赫茲頻率 的鯨魚來到了一座小島。小島上的青年,始 終相信祖先所流傳下來一個關於外星人來到 這片土地找尋鯨魚的傳說。外星人找著孤獨 的存在,青年面對著自己一直以來所堅信的 事物,而在大海中孤獨的鯨魚也將回到另一 顆有著跟牠頻率相通的生命的美麗星球。 三個獨立而特別的存在,因為相同的心理狀 態而連結彼此心中的頻率。 In 1992, scientists discovered in the oceans one whale emitting 57.1 Hz sounds while no other whale was able to hear its frequency, causing this whale to remain singing alone, awaiting the emergence of another whale having the identical frequency. One extraterrestrial in search of the whale emitting 51.7Hz came to a small island. The youth on the small island has always believed the legend which his ancestors passed down concerning aliens coming to the land in search of whales. The alien finds the solitary existence, the youth faces the things he has always believed in and in the ocean the solitary whale also will return to another beautiful planet which communicates at the same frequency as his. Three independent existences are connected by their identical hearts, minds and their 57.1 Hz frequency. 崑山科技大學 視訊傳播設計系 Department of Motion Pictures and Video, Kun Shan University

Some of the following films contain scenes that some viewers may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

・本場次內容涉及情色 / 暴力 / 爭議性畫面,請斟酌觀賞

With filmmakers' attendance.


10/06 (Thur.) 13:00

With Doubt


房間 Room



| 烏龍烏龍麵 With Doubt

To Have, To Hold, To Love 王品喬 Pin-Ciao WANG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 25 min 有兩個人想要在一間餐廳進行金錢買賣 身份的交易,不料被其中一位店員發 現,此店員開始計劃如何把錢偷偷搶到 手,因而展開一連串爭執。

Two men want to make identity-selling deal in a restaurant. They do not expect one of the waiter discovers their secret deal and starts planning how to steal the money undiscovered. The plan is interrupted by a sudden proposal and disruption of a waitress. And then a chain of argument (and chaos) begins. 國立臺灣藝術大學 電影學系 Department of Motion Picture, National Taiwan University of Arts

三角錯 Triangle 周厚捷 Jerry CHOU 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 9 min 小伯與小嵩接下了一樁看似平常的綁票 案,中年男子阿素即是目標。 隨著任務進行,彼此的錯縱關係浮出檯 面,情況發展不可收拾。

Three men. One fate.

世新大學 廣播電視電影學系 Department of Radio, Television & Film, Shih Hsin University

With Doubt 烏龍烏龍麵 |

房間 Room 陳穎翰 Ying-Han CHEN 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Experiment | 11 min 在人人都忙碌於使用著電子產品的密 閉、沒有門窗的房間裡,男主角因為沒 有電子產品而異於他人、與他人脫節。 他時常夢見另一個與眾不同的女孩,並 想要找出她。但當他最後真的遇見女孩 時,他卻發現其中誤會,房間裡再也沒 有他要找的人了。

In a room without doors and windows, people live, and care only about the information on smartphones. A man without a smartphone can't understand others, and always dreams of a girl without a smartphone as he doesn't. He ends up meeting her, finding she's just another girl caring only about the internet. 國立政治大學 大眾傳播學院 College of Communication, National Chengchi University

我們的美好明天 Our Tomorrow Will Be Better 邱甯雅 Ning-Ya CHIU 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 31 min 視錢如命的業務員「阿列」想藉由製造假車 禍賺錢,卻被一名正要前往毒品交易的菜鳥 毒販「小刀」撞傷並拖上車。 在半路上,阿 列醒來,要求毒販給予賠償,否則便打電話 報警,小刀為求順利完成交易,便妥協了阿 列的要求。 另外一方面,當地的派出所小員警「阿彥」 接到了毒品交易的消息便擅離崗位,檢查交 通幹道上的來車,想要逞英雄地獨自逮捕毒 販。在單行道上,三人相遇,阿彥因為心想 一舉攻破毒巢,而坐上了毒販的車子,於是 各懷鬼胎的三人一同前往交易現場。 A salesman called Allier, who loves money more than anything else, wanted to make money by faking a car accident, but he was hit by a trafficker Knife who was going to make a drug deal. Half way, Allier woke up and demanded compensation; otherwise he would call the police. Knife compromised with him for the sake of the drug deal. On the other hand, the local police Ah-Yan received the news of the drug deal and left without permission in hope of arresting the traffickers by himself. In a one-way street, the three people met. Ah-Yan got on the car just to break the drug nest. Therefore, the three, each with their own axe to grind, were heading for the place the deal would be. 輔仁大學 影像傳播系 Department of Communication Arts, Fu Jen Catholic University



道地茶碗蒸 In the Hope

10/07 (Fri.) 13:00 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.

・本場次內容涉及情色 / 暴力 / 爭議性畫面,請斟酌觀賞

Some of the following films contain scenes that some viewers may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

喬治失蹤的日子 Lost

In the Hope 道地茶碗蒸 |


第一志願 I Love M.U.M. 梁德輝 Tuck-Fai LEONG 馬來西亞 / 臺灣 Malaysia/Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 29 min 唐芯生長在小康之家,哲宇生長在家庭富裕 的環境。他們是一對青梅竹馬,分別念國民 型中學與獨立中學。 18 歲那年畢業,唐芯雖然 STPM 成績優異, 但因其華人身份,申請國立第一志願大學竟 無下文,求助相關部門無助:哲宇因暗戀唐 芯想在本地升學,卻因持統考文憑不能進入 國立大學,而父親則堅持送他到臺灣深造。 影片藉由兩位主人翁面對馬來西亞的大環境 下,對於家庭、友情與未來升學道路如何做 抉擇? Tong-Sin, brought up in an average family, studies in National Secondary School while Zhe-Yu, from a wealthy family, studies in Independent Secondary School. They are both childhood friends. Tong-Sin scores flying colors in STPM. Unfortunately, due to her Chinese identity, she's not able to apply to a National University. Zhe-Yu falls in love with TongSin and wishes to continue his study locally, but with UEC (Independent School) Certificate, there is no way he would apply to a National University and his father insists to send him to Taiwan for further study. Facing the current education issue of Malaysia, what are Tong-Sin and Zhe-Yu's takes on their future? 世新大學 廣播電視電影學系研究所 Department of Radio, Television & Film Grad. School, Shih Hsin University

大人的實驗課 Experiment Lesson 吳端盛 Duan-Sheng WU 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Experiment | 7 min 臺灣的空氣污染極為嚴重,尤其是工業 區及石化區存在的中南部。而空氣污染 對健康造成的威脅已經得到廣泛的認 同,對兒童的影響更是深重。 但是,臺灣竟然有多所小學就蓋在工業 區附近,像是雲林麥寮的許厝分校,、。 我們的國家,是讓這些孩子活在怎麼樣 的環境之中 ? 發展經濟的同時,這些孩子和當地居民 就該成為犧牲品嗎 ? Taiwan has serious air pollution, especially in central and southern region where industrial and petrochemical zones flurish. The threat of air pollution on health, especially on children, has been widely recognized. However, we have found that there are many primary schools in Taiwan that are built near industrial areas, such as Xucuo Campus of Qiaotou Elementary School, Yulin County. What kind of environment does our country make these children live in? Shall the health of these children and other local residents become victims of the economic development? 國立雲林科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 Department of Visual Communication Design, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology


| 道地茶碗蒸 In the Hope

戲 Drama 巫虹儀 Hung-Yi WU 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 10 min 小男孩阿雄仰慕著野台戲台上的歌仔戲 演員阿卿。每次阿卿有演出,阿雄總在 台下觀看著戲台上的阿卿,癡迷著阿卿 的一顰一笑。 有天阿雄終於鼓起勇氣跟著阿卿下戲到 後台,卻看到戲外真實的阿卿是⋯⋯

A small boy named Xiong greatly admires a Taiwanese opera actor called Qing. Every time Qing performs, Xiong can be found from within the crowd mesmerized by Qing's every smile and every frown. One day, Xiong built the courage to enter the backstage after Qing's performance, but upon entering, he found out that Qing off the stage was... 國立臺灣藝術大學 電影學系 Department of Motion Picture, National Taiwan University of Arts

喬治失蹤的日子 Lost 辜建耀 Anthony KOH 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 17 min 獨居異鄉的凱文透過同志軟件約到了喬 治,並發生了不安全性行為。隔日,凱 文發起高燒,身體不適⋯⋯。他懷疑自 己得了 HIV。礙於空窗期,立刻做檢測 是無效的。他打給喬治想問對方是否染 病,但喬治像人間蒸發一樣失蹤了。在 這段空窗期裡,他感到恐慌,寂寞。他 拿起電話打給疏遠的家人⋯⋯。從焦慮 到恐慌,回首過去和思考未來,漸漸也 釋懷了⋯⋯。 In the middle of the night, Kelvin, a solitary young man, met George when he was exploring on a homosexual dating app. They decided to meet up and had one night stand. George came to Kelvin's house and they started to make out. When they were in the midst of making out, George asked Kelvin if he can take off the condom, and declared that anal sex without condoms will be better. Kelvin hesitated but accepted his offer eventually. After that day, Kelvin's life backed to the normal routine. He couldn't forget about that night, to the point where he would take the initiate to contact George. Until one day, Kelvin realized he couldn't recover from a cold. This immediately reminded him of the risky sexual behavior. Kelvin went hospital for a medical checkup. However, he couldn't get an accurate result. He tried to contact George, which turned out that he couldn't find George as if he completely disappeared from the planet earth. Kelvin sinks into endless panic and anxiety. At this very moment, every single important person keeps emerging in the mind of lonely Kelvin… 國立臺灣藝術大學 電影學系 Department of Motion Picture, National Taiwan University of Arts



See for Yourself

10/08 (Sat.) 13:00 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.

Behind the Scenes


| 銷魂玉子燒 See for Yourself

狗熊 Loser 鄭韡 Wei CHENG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 18 min 一位宅男上班族小剛,暗戀著坐在隔壁 的女同事,因為害羞膽小,遲遲不敢有 所行動。 某一天下班後,老闆邀請小剛一同參加 與客戶的應酬。不好意思拒絕的小剛並 不知道當天晚上即將面臨此生最大的危 機⋯⋯。

A nerdy named Michael had a crush on his coworker, Angela, but he was too shy to express his love and to take action. One day, Michael's boss asks him to take their Japanese client to have fun after work. Without the courage to refuse his boss, Michael is going to face the most difficult challenge in his life. 輔仁大學 影像傳播系 Department of Communication Arts, Fu Jen Catholic University

Behind the Scenes 蘇鈺淳 Yu-Chun SU 臺灣 Taiwan | 2015 | Fiction | 16 min 面對嚴肅的製片、高壓的副導、放鳥的 演員,還有母親的擔憂不解,女孩幾乎 要喘不過氣。 拍片的夢想搖搖欲墜。此時,又有一個 身影闖入拍攝現場⋯⋯

The actor is not showing up. Facing the pressure from the crew and the worries from her mother, the girl is feeling down. The dream of working on set is fading. Suddenly, another unexpected guest arrives on the set...

國立臺灣藝術大學 電影學系 Department of Motion Picture, National Taiwan University of Arts

See for Yourself 銷魂玉子燒 |

啵啵!老爸 Pop Pop! Pa Pa 黃雅柔 Ya-Jou HUANG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Animation | 4 min 女兒幫禿頭老爸洗頭的過程中,不禁想 像老爸的頭髮去哪裡了,是因為工作壓 力讓頭髮不見嗎 ? 不管是甚麼原因頭髮變少了,爸爸還是 笑笑的為家庭付出。

When the daughter is washing her father's bald head, she wonders where the hair has gone and what causes her father's bald head. Is it due to the pressure from work? No matter what the reason is, her father still pays for his family and considers the action as a labor of love. 國立台南藝術大學 動畫藝術與影像美學研究所 Graduate Institute of Animation and Film Art, Tainan National University of the Arts

尋 Lost and Found 張雋彥 Llewellyn CHEUNG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 23 min 隨著科技進步,人類發明了儲存記憶的 技術,人們購買「記憶保險」,定期保 存記憶。 男主角小傑在記憶保險公司工作。交往 三年的女友希希無故離開他,使小傑無 法放下這段感情。某天,他在記憶出貨 名單中看到希希的名字,原來她買了一 份記憶保險,每三年就會把記憶備份。 對希希念念不忘的小傑決定偷看她的記 憶,試圖找出他們分開的原因⋯⋯。 Jie works in a company that saves human memories. He broke up with Xi a few months ago. One day, Jie discovered Xi's memory in his office. He decided to look into her memory to find out the reason they broke up.

國立政治大學 廣播電視學系 Department of Radio & Television, National Chengchi University



| 銷魂玉子燒 See for Yourself

費洛蒙 Liquid Love 莊之維 Chih Wei CHUANG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 25 min 簡怡溪是個古靈精怪的女孩,成天在她 的房間裡,悉心研究如何調製出自己的 香水。她相信,生物間的互動由費洛蒙 所主宰著,只要能夠改變自己散發的費 洛蒙氣味,就能改變人與人之間的關 係,也能讓心上人陳瑋翔愛上她。

K is a bizarre girl who lives in her imaginary world of scents and plants. She believes that the scent of pheromone could change the emotional feelings that exist between people, and as flowers attract bees, she tries to create her own perfume to attract her crush, Sean.

世新大學 廣播電視電影學系 Department of Radio, Television & Film, Shih Hsin University


北藝大學生觀摩展 Selected Films from Taipei National University of the Arts


私房味噌湯 Homeland

10/04 (Tue.) 13:00 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.

錄製中 Recording

Homeland 私房味噌湯 |

錄製中 Recording 張玳瑋 Kim CHANG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 5 min 因為思念,在弟弟生日當天,女孩攜著 弟弟最愛的收音機,走遍街頭巷弄,收 集各種聲音。 最後,收集完聲音的她來到了海邊。

To make a birthday gift, a girl decides to bring a recorder belonging to her beloved brother to record all the sounds from all the streets and lanes where they have been in Tainan. Finally, she sits on the levee, watching the sea and feeling the breeze of the ocean.

2016 臺南 39 小時拍片競賽-最佳攝影獎、最佳音效獎、最佳美術獎 2016 Tainan 39 hours - Cinematography, Sound Mixing, and Production Design Awards

候鳥與明信片 Departure 陳暐 Alan CHEN 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 18 min 翰遠正在準備他的畢業論文。他搬入了 新的房子,一切按部就班地進行著。翰 遠的人生步調總是照著自己的規劃穩穩 地前進,直到某一天,他的生活闖入了 一位訪客——他收到了一張陌生女子寄 來的明信片,明信片中敘述的是各種旅 行的所見所聞。 儘管明信片不是給他的,隨著收到的明 信片越來越多,翰遠開始把自己當成明 信片的主人⋯⋯。 Han-Yuan moves to a new apartment as he's preparing for his final research paper. He starts a new life which seems as regular as it's always been until he receives a series of unexpected postcards from nowhere. Little does he know that how great the change it will bring to his life… 電影系 102 級學士班製作 Undergraduate Student Production from the Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2013



| 私房味噌湯 Homeland

直線七秒 7 Seconds in a Life Time 莊知耕 Chih-Keng CHUANG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 30 min 高中三年級的小婕,滿 18 歲了。爸爸離開家 裡後,媽媽計畫把瓦斯行收起來,展開新的 生活。媽媽甚至想把家中送瓦斯多年的「老 野狼」機車賣掉。在小婕的眼裡,瓦斯行不 僅僅是瓦斯行,而是一個家完整的樣貌。老 野狼機車也不只是一台機車,更是回憶的載 具。爸爸成為小婕的祕密教練,瞞著媽媽特 訓「直線七秒」。 伴著老野狼的引擎聲,小婕與爸爸就好像回 到了過去,撿拾著回憶的碎片。 Jessie is going to be 18, a grown-up. After Jessie's father left them, her mom wants to start a new life and ends the gas service store they own. Mom wants to erase anything about her husband. She even wants to throw away the motorcycle which helped them carrying the gas tank. To Jessie, gas service store is not only a gas service but the whole picture of family. Motorcycle carries not only gas tanks but also the memories. Jessie's dad becomes her secret coach, teaching her how to ride motorcycle behind her mom. When Jessie rides the motorcycle with her head down, her dad always encourages her to head up and to look forward. On the runway of the motorcycle test, Jessie tries to keep the balance between parents, motorcycle and herself. Does the 7 seconds mean the starting bell of her life or the final? 公視學生劇展 Innovation Stories Program from Taiwan Public Television Service

老頭子 Telephone 江詩雯 Sze-Wen KANG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 20 min 老頭子騎著三輪車穿梭西門町的大街小 巷,為電話交友中心攬客。他不關心有 沒有招攬到客人,只想找到失聯的女 兒。 一通電話,一把熟悉的聲音⋯⋯。

An old man rides a tricycle at Xi Men street every day, to get guests to the telephone dating service centre. He just cares the fact that whether he can find out her daughter who lost contact with him a few years ago, instead of attracting guests come into the centre. There is a phone call, a familiar voice... 電影系 104 級碩士班製作 Graduate Student Production from the Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2015

Homeland 私房味噌湯 |

親旅行 A Trip with Mom 蘇姵諭 Pei-Yu SU 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 25 min 這天母親美月北上參加婚禮,鮮少回家的麗 芸變成了美月的最佳伴侶。本以為喜宴結束 就功成身退,未料美月卻早有規劃,霸王硬 上弓,麗芸被迫陪著美月上山踏青,賞遊花 海。旅途上,母女兩人分歧的價值觀不斷被 揭開討論,兩人之間一觸即發。一場母女最 不親密的旅行,在沒默契的對立、爭執當中 角力拉扯,直到分離的時刻到來,母親的耳 邊私語,才讓麗芸驚覺,這一路上環繞兩人 的不僅僅只有吵鬧喧囂,擔憂掛懷的思念和 情感,早已深深包覆兩人,在彼此人生旅途 中⋯⋯。

The strangest trip of mother-daughter's; it is wrestling between an unconnected opposition and disagreement. It was not until the coming moment of separation and the whisper from her mother that Li-Yun realized that the relationship between her and her mother was not just a clamoring quarrel but also a worrying affection. It was all surrounded in each other's long life journey. 公視學生劇展 Innovation Stories Program from Taiwan Public Television Service



10/05 (Wed.) 13:00 ・影人出席映後座談 With filmmakers' attendance.

・本場次內容涉及情色 / 暴力 / 爭議性畫面,請斟酌觀賞

Some of the following films contain scenes that some viewers may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

★露天放映場 Open-air Screening

10/06 (Thur.) 19:00 ・詳情請參閱 P.7 介紹

For details, please turn to page 7.


A Little Taste

露天 Open-air

A Little Taste 深夜關東煮 |

宇宙動物 Capsule Toy 陳巧為 Ciao-Wei CHEN 臺灣 Taiwan | 2015 | Fiction | 19 min 動物們生活與交配,獵食與餵食,而人 們幻想戀愛著。

Everything in the world keeps moving on, but people still take a fancy.

電影系 102 級學士班製作 Undergraduate Student Production from the Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2013

露天 Open-air 劉姵旻 Pei-Min LIU 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 9 min 一對年輕的男女,深夜在家附近的公園 找尋一處靜僻之地,野外愛愛比他們想 像中的還要困難些,克服重重難關之後 終於達陣,沒想到卻因此惹來更多麻 煩。

A sweet midnight. A lovely park. A desirous couple. They tried to seek a hideout for their first-time outdoor sex. Little did they know that how hard it would be just to have a quiet, secret, and peaceful night.

電影系 102 級學士班製作 Undergraduate Student Production from Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2013



| 深夜關東煮 A Little Taste

當大學變成公園 The Park 鄭治明 / 江詩雯 / 趙家琦 Chih-Min CHENG/Sze-Wen KANG/Jia-Qi ZHAO 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Documentary | 24 min 北藝大的學生為了抗議校內遊客眾多, 干擾校園運作,而將校門口的校名碑 石,塗改成「臺北藝術公園」,引發了 媒體關注與爭議。 本片從此事件出發,發現背後的問題遠 比想像中還來得複雜巨大,更直接觸及 高等教育當前面臨的困境。 當大學變成公園,我們應如何自處?

More and more tourists come to TNUA campus, causing some troubles. Students no longer tolerate. They altered the name on monument of the school into "The Park," in order to show their protest. This case led to media attention and public controversy. Through this case, we found that the problem behind it was complicated. It involves problems higher education currently faces. When our university turned into a park, what should we do? 電影系 104 級碩士班製作 Student Production from Dept. of Filmmaking Grad. School Class of 2015

今日公休 Open For You 鄧偉毅 Wei-Ye TUNG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 11 min 阿宏原本只是想要去按摩順便理個頭 髮,讓自己好好地放鬆,卻沒想到踏進 了一家氣氛詭異的理髮店,可是想要被 按摩的極度慾望又讓他留了下來。 隨後他漸漸感覺到老闆彷彿在對他毛手 毛腳,與此同時,一個色咪咪的快遞 員,好像跟老闆是同一夥的,闖進店 裡,不知意欲為何⋯⋯。

Ah-Hong just wanted to get a massage and to have a haircut to let himself relax. However, he accidentally stepped into a spooky salon. He wanted to leave, but deeply in mind, the desire of getting a massage made him stay. He started to feel that the salon's owner was harrassing him. Meantime, a courier who looked like a pervert arrived... 電影系 103 級學士班製作 Undergraduate Student Production from Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2014

A Little Taste 深夜關東煮 |

菸 A Cigarette 練健輝 Kien-Hui LIAN 臺灣 Taiwan | 2015 | Fiction | 9 min 他知道我有一根菸,但我不想給他那根 菸。因為我只有這根菸,我不想給他我 這一根菸。

He knows that I have a cigarette. I am not going to give him my cigarette. This is the only one. I am not going to give him.

2016 金穗獎影展 - 學生組編導獎 38th Golden Harvest Awards Short Film Festival - Screenplay & Director Awards

等風來時叫醒我 Struggle in the Wind 周佳穎/陳彥宏 Chia-Yin CHOU/Yan-Hong CHEN 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 27 min 南雅和男友張平逃家到苑裡,參與當地 的「反瘋車」運動並展開兩人期待的自 由生活。 隨著張平主導的抗爭加劇,兩人的關係 也產生了微妙的變化。在現實與理想之 間被拉扯的南雅,決定靠自己的方式對 抗。

Nanya and her boyfriend CHANG Ping ran away from home to participate in the "Against Wind Turbines" movement in Yuanli, Taiwan. They want to live a new life of freedom they have been looking forward to. However, as the protest which CHANG Ping led is getting more and more intensified, there is a subtle change in the couple's relationship. Pulling and dragging between reality and ideality, Nanya finally decides to fight her own way. 電影系 101 級學士班畢業製作 Graduation Project from the Dept. of Filmmaking Undergrad. Program Class of 2012



地獄辛拉麵 Too Afraid to Watch 10/06 (Thur.) 16:00 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.

・本場次內容涉及情色 / 暴力 / 爭議性畫面,請斟酌觀賞

Some of the following films contain scenes that some viewers may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

殺人手記 Killing Note

Too Afraid to Watch 地獄辛拉麵 |

春光戲院 The Shining Theater 許丞皓 Chen-Hao XU 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 4 min 一個禁忌的領域,男⼈之間在幽暗的空 間尋找陌生⼈最親密的關係。 一天丹尼爾闖進了同志電影院,身體的 探索與道德的抨擊,丹尼爾會做出什麼 抉擇呢⋯⋯。

Daniel is gay. He gets into a cinema frequented by gay looking for quick sex.

電影系 103 級學士班製作 Undergraduate Student Production from the Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2014

瑕疵 Flaw 林燁 Ye LIN 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 23 min 與男友交往兩週年的紀念日,奕晴知道 王瀚將對她求婚。人稱神仙眷侶的他們 即將走入人生另個階段。奕晴滿心期待 著這天的到來。在她心中再也沒有比王 瀚更完美的對象,彷彿只要在他身邊, 一切都是如此完美。 在城市的另一個角落,雨安渾身是血的 遊走在天台邊緣。她再也感受不到任何 的快樂。只要輕輕一躍,便可以擁抱死 亡,結束一切痛苦。 No one is perfect.

電影系 101 級學士班畢業製作 Graduation Project from the Dept. of Filmmaking Undergrad. Program Class of 2012



| 地獄辛拉麵 Too Afraid to Watch

死去的貓 Kate 陳牧聖 Mu-Sheng CHEN 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 20 min 水族店、錢嫂、K、通靈、還有死去的 貓。

An aquarium, two women, a dead cat.

電影系 103 級碩士班製作 Graduate Student Production from the Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2014

屍闖冥宅 II Shi Chuang Ming Zhai II 楊博達 Brad YANG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 15 min 一群學生正在一個廢墟中拍一部名爲 《屍闖冥宅》恐怖片。詭異的事情卻接 連發生,打斷了他們的拍攝。

A group of students was shooting a horror film called "Shi Chuang Ming Zhai" in a rubble. Strange things occurred and interrupted their shooting.

電影系 103 級碩士班製作 Graduate Student Production from the Dept. of Filmmaking Grad. Class of 2014

Too Afraid to Watch 地獄辛拉麵 |

殺人手記 Killing Note 馬毓廷 Yu-Ting MA 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 23 min 泰偉常在上課時寫驚悚小說,被陳老師 發現,陳老師在同學面前要泰偉把小說 丟棄,泰偉想要反抗卻沒有勇氣。下課 後泰瑋想撿回小說,卻發現了筱茵跟老 師的關係。 有次兩人都被陳老師命令不准下水游 泳,但筱茵卻身穿制服直接跳下水,瘋 狂的游著,這個行為吸引了懦弱的泰 偉。泰偉開始接近筱茵,筱茵便邀請泰 偉一起殺死他們共通的敵人,陳老師。 Tai-Wei, fond of writing horror novels in school, happens to find out the relations of HsiaoYin (girl, 18) and Chen Chien-Ping (male teacher, 36) during the break when he wants to retrieves his novel from the trash can. One day Chen asks both Tai-Wei and Hsiao-Yin not to swim since she is sick and he is late, but she throws herself into the pool and swims with the uniform on. Thus, he is attracted by her. Hsiao-Yin invites Tai-Wei to kill Chen with her after the both become close. 電影系 102 級學碩士班聯合製作 Undergraduate & Graduate Student Co-production from the Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2013




Never Too Absurd

10/07 (Fri.) 16:00 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.

・本場次內容涉及情色 / 暴力 / 爭議性畫面,請斟酌觀賞

Some of the following films contain scenes that some viewers may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

婚喪喜慶 Wedding, Funeral, Birth and Celebration

Never too Absurd 特選生魚片 |

死而後生 Dead Alive 錢立訢 Li-Hisn CHIEN 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 18 min 兩個在葬儀社工作的年輕人,想盡辦法 向一家人賣出靈骨塔,卻一不小心搞出 了意外的事件。 面對突如其來的意外,他們兩個開始反 省自己的行為。而最後到底他們會向道 德低頭,還是向錢看齊呢?

Two young men work as salesmen in a funeral agency. They try hard to sell pagodas to a family, but they accidentally get into a trouble. Facing a sudden incident, these two young men start to think about what they have done. Will they be self-aware of their mistakes or will they take the money from the family?... 電影系 103 級學士班製作 Undergraduate Student Production from the Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2014

塗鴉 Graffiti 周子羣 Tzu-Chun CHOU 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Experiment | 2 min 課業繁重的男孩,不自覺得他進入了自 己的塗鴉世界⋯⋯。

The boy who has many schoolworks to do gets into his own graffiti world, carelessly.

動畫系學生作品 Student Production from the Dept. of Animation



| 特選生魚片 Never too Absurd

課後輔導 After School 張志宏 Winson CHANG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 12 min 放學後的教室內,一段關於師生戀被揭 穿的課後輔導。

Three students, one teacher, and the after school program in privacy.

電影系 103 級學碩士班聯合製作 Undergraduate & Graduate Student Co-production from the Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2014

婚喪喜慶 Wedding, Funeral, Birth and Celebration 王逸凡 I-Fan WANG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 18 min 新郎、貴賓、伴郎、不曉得從哪來的新 娘和一個相框中的女孩,全困在一輛新 婚禮車內,想下車的話就先把各種愛恨 糾結、哭笑不得解了再說。

The bridegroom, the special guest, the best man, the bride from who-knows-where and a girl in a frame are trapped in a wedding car. Want to get out? Solve all the tangled love-hate first.

電影系 104 級碩士班製作 Graduate Student Production from the Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2015

Never too Absurd 特選生魚片 |

超普通特工 Agent 王崇霖 / 鄭永岳 Daniel WANG / Ark ZHENG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 55 min 主角凱勛是個身手矯健的特務,但總是 沒有機會參與冒險犯難,體驗 007 的 刺激特務工。雖然是真實從事間諜活動 的他,卻只能把酷炫的部分都留給了做 白日夢。 在故事開始後一次的意外,讓他碰上了 人生夢寐以求的國際危機,但卻有更大 的陰謀隱藏在背後,在經歷一趟充滿喜 感的刺激冒險後,他將被迫面臨了夢想 與現實的抉擇。 Kai is a skilled field agent. He always dreams to be a spy like James Bond, but the true spy in reality doesn't work that way. It's a job that requires patience and endurance and it is boring. When Kai starts to realize this isn't the job he's dreamed of. He becomes upset and is tired of his job. But one day, a mysterious woman shows up. She tells Kai all his life is not truth and he's about to begin a true badass adventure. 電影系 101 級學士班畢業製作 Graduation Project from the Dept. of Filmmaking Undergrad. Program Class of 2012




Behind Every Story

10/08 (Sat.) 16:00


With filmmakers' attendance.

春風電髮院 The Past

Behind Every Story 精釀梅子酒 |

我的告別式 My Funeral 徐瑞良 Ruei-Liang HSU 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 30 min 五十年的老葬儀社就快倒了,張老闆決 定拍支介紹影片來挽救事業。由於人手 不足,他只好親自扮演死者,但在此同 時,他卻得知了自己癌末的消息。 命運奇妙的安排,讓張老闆爬進了棺 材,在生命的最後一步步演練著自己的 告別式⋯⋯。

The fifty years funeral home was folding. To save his company, Chang, the funeral home's owner, decided to make a commercial video. Due to the lack of crew, Chang had to play the dead himself for the video. The commercial shooting got on; however, the fatal final stage cancer came to Chang at the same time. Chang crawled into a coffin, as practicing his own funeral to the end of life, and his destiny had been shown little by little. 公視學生劇展 Innovation Stories Program from Taiwan Public Television Service

一直騎呀一直騎 Keep Going 林亞佑 Ya-Yu LIN 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 20 min 國中二年級的阿山與小學三年級的阿嘉是 一對熱愛棒球的小兄弟,而阿山心儀的女 孩——佩琳就快要搬家轉學了。就在佩琳搬 家的前一天,阿山與佩琳約定隔天要交換彼 此最心愛的簽名球。同時,在都會公園遠足 中的阿嘉卻把哥哥心愛的彭政閔簽名球弄丟 了。阿嘉慫恿灰心的阿山一同前往遙遠的都 會公園找回簽名球。隔天一早,兩個小兄弟 騎著一台單車開始遙遠的尋球之旅,並且要 在傍晚趕回學校赴約。一路上差錯不斷,阿 山想盡辦法要達成目標,就像是他之前告訴 阿嘉的:一直騎一直騎就會到了。 SHAN is in 2nd Grade of Junior high school and JIA is in 3rd grade of elementary school. They are brothers who love baseball games. Pei-Lin, SHAN's crush, is moving home. Before her departure, they promise to exchange their favorite signed baseballs. Meanwhile, JIA is on a field trip at the Metropolitan Park but unluckily loses his brother's ChiaChia-signed ball. To make up for his mistake, JIA encourages his disheartened brother to find the ball with him in the faraway park. Next morning, they ride a bike and begin the operation. Yet they have to arrive at school around sunset. Although there are many bloopers along on the way, SHAN still tries to reach their goal, like what he told to JIA "Keep going and we'll be there." 公視學生劇展 Innovation Stories Program from Taiwan Public Television Service



| 精釀梅子酒 Behind Every Story

春風電髮院 The Past 林劭慈 Shao LIN 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 20 min 「雨夜花 雨夜花 受風雨吹落地 無人看見每日怨嗟 花謝落土不再回 雨無情 雨無情 無想阮的前程 並無看顧軟弱心性 乎阮前途失光明」 被劃破的椅墊、滿是裂痕的鏡面、不再亮起 的招牌和旋轉彩燈,理髮店彷彿又響起阿爸 低聲唱著的那首歌⋯⋯阿爸會不會回來?要 去當兵的周榮華會不會再也不見?

When will Father be back? Rong-Hua was drafted into the army. When will Rong-Hua come back? Tonight is as dark as the night you left me, Father. When will the light be back again?

電影系 102 級學士班製作 Undergraduate Student Production from the Dept. of Filmmaking Class of 2013

登入晚餐 Log in Dinner 張志威 Chi-Wai CHEONG 臺灣 Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 27 min ⽼魏餐館收了,兒⼦搬了。從此每天, 他都搭同⼀台公⾞找司機抬槓,看窗外 景⾊從身邊劃過。那天送孫⼦的禮物被 嫌棄了,內⼼的焦灼渴想驅使他⾛進電 腦商場,企圖抓住網路來維持親⼦間的 聯繫。 但嶄新的電腦卻如異物般被安置在他的 餐館裡。陌⽣的網路世界出現的是安琪 ⽤餐實況。他的時間從那刻起有了可以 寄托的地⽅⋯⋯。 One day, WEI got the brand-new computer which was a total abnormal object in his outdated restaurant. First thing came up on WEI's total strange internet world was Teenager Angel's live video of her meal time. At the moment, WEI found something he can hold on to.

公視學生劇展 Innovation Stories Program from Taiwan Public Television Service


外帶抹茶糕 Interaction

・北藝大電影系與香港演藝學院電影電視學院交流計畫 Exchange Program with School of Film and Television, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

・北藝大電影系與美國查普曼大學交流計畫 Exchange Program with Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, Chapman University

10/06 (Thur.) 10:00 ・影人出席映後座談

With filmmakers' attendance.

Lost in Hong Kong


| 外帶抹茶糕 Interaction

終留 Stay 尹詩惠 Sze-Wai WAN 香港/臺灣 Hong Kong/Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 7 min 大一新生阿修加入了校報,以為可以訪問大 人物、報導大新聞,卻被師姐派去訪問行將 退休、數十年來在學校負責敲鐘的建叔。 阿修不情不願陪著建叔前往敲最後一次鐘 聲。一路上阿修透過建叔的眼和耳,開始留 意校園內每事每物的更新替換以及鐘聲對建 叔和校園的意義⋯⋯。

Sau, a university freshman, joined the School Posts and wanted to report some breaking news. However, he was assigned to interview Uncle Kin, the bell ringer. On the way to the last toll of bell before retirement of Uncle Kin, Sau started to notice the reformation and renewal of the school. He also realized what the bell meant to Uncle Kin and the school. 北藝大電影系與香港演藝學院電影電視學院交流計畫 Exchange Program with School of Film and Television, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

Lost in Hong Kong 練健輝 Kien-Hui LIAN 臺灣/香港 Taiwan/Hong Kong | 2016 | Fiction | 12 min 臺北的那一場雪之後,我決定過來香 港。在香港留學的朋友帶著我四處認識 她眼中的香港,我想起你在信中提及的 香港點滴。想像著你當時也坐在蘭桂坊 的這家 Lounge Bar,寫著即將要寄給 我的信。 一樣吵雜的環境,你喝了一些酒,抽了 哈密瓜口味的水煙。有人開心大笑,也 或許有人開始哭泣。

After that winter snowing in Taipei, I decided to come to Hong Kong. My Taiwanese friend in Hong Kong toured me around. I think of you...

北藝大電影系與香港演藝學院電影電視學院交流計畫 Exchange Program with School of Film and Television, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

Interaction 外帶抹茶糕 |

枕頭寶寶 Pillow Baby 劉南希 Nancy LIU 美國 / 臺灣 USA/Taiwan | 2016 | Fiction | 13 min 本片是北藝大電影系與美國查普曼大學 交流計畫的拍攝作品之一,描述一位來 自異國的女子,她原先只是來臺灣拜訪 她的朋友,卻意外有了一個令她意想不 到的夜晚。

Pillow Baby follows a foreign tourist as she visits her friend and has an unforgettable night in Taipei. It is a joint production between Chapman University and Taipei National University of the Arts.

北藝大電影系與美國查普曼大學交流計畫 Exchange Program with Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, Chapman University

Cake 莊知耕 Chih-Keng CHUANG 臺灣/美國 Taiwan/USA | 2016 | Fiction | 18 min 高中教師普利希拉在生日當天,向學生 偷買了一包古柯鹼,卻將生活導向無法 挽回的地步。

Priscilla, a high school teacher, bought a bag of cocaine. It led her life to the point of no return.

北藝大電影系與美國查普曼大學交流計畫 Exchange Program with Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, Chapman University



| 影片索引 Film Index

影片索引 Film Index 注音 Alphabet

頁碼 Page

片名 Title


啵啵!老爸 Pop Pop! Pa Pa


秘密基地 Our Base


房間 Room


費洛蒙 Liquid Love


第一志願 I Love M.U.M.


大人的實驗課 Experiment Lesson


當大學變成公園 The Park


等風來時叫醒我 Struggle in the Wind


登入晚餐 Log in Dinner


塗鴉 Graffiti


獵人 Miadopay


錄製中 Recording


老頭子 Telephone


露天 Open-air


狗熊 Loser


課後輔導 After School


紅衣小女孩 The Tag-Along


哈姆雷特 Hamlet


候鳥與明信片 Departure


婚喪喜慶 Wedding, Funeral, Birth and Celebration


今日公休 Open For You


喬治失蹤的日子 Lost


親旅行 A Trip with Mom


戲 Drama


尋 Lost and Found


瑕疵 Flaw


直線七秒 7 Seconds in a Life Time

Film Index 影片索引 |

注音 Alphabet

頁碼 Page

片名 Title


終留 Stay


枕頭寶寶 Pillow Baby


春光戲院 The Shining Theater


超普通特工 Agent


春風電髮院 The Past


守夜人 The Voice of Graffiti


屍闖冥宅 II Shi Chuang Ming Zhai II


殺人手記 Killing Note


日曜日式散步者 Le Moulin


此國之空 When I Was Most Beautiful


三角錯 Triangle


死去的貓 Kate


死而後生 Dead Alive


菸 A Cigarette


一直騎呀一直騎 Keep Going


我來自亞洲 I'm Asian




我們的美好明天 Our Tomorrow Will Be Better


我的告別式 My Funeral


宇宙動物 Capsule Toy



Behind the Scenes



交差 Crossing Point





水際の魚 Fish Out of Water



Lost in Hong Kong



To Have, To Hold, To Love



| 公車時刻表 Bus Schedule

公車時刻表 Bus Schedule 國立臺北藝術大學接駁車暨大南公車紅 35/ 紅 55 班次時刻表 TNUA Shuttle Bus and City Bus (Red35 & Red55) Bus Schedule 校車 / 紅 35/ 紅 55 ( 星期一~星期五 ) Shuttle Bus/Red35/Red55 (Weekday)

紅 35/ 紅 55 ( 假日 ) Red35/Red55 (Weekend)

捷運關渡站→北藝大 北藝大→捷運關渡站 捷運關渡站→北藝大 北藝大→捷運關渡站 捷運關渡站→北藝大 北藝大→捷運關渡站 Guandu MRT → TNUA

TNUA → Guandu MRT

Guandu MRT → TNUA

TNUA → Guandu MRT

Guandu MRT → TNUA






TNUA → Guandu MRT















































































































































19:30 ( 專車 )






20:05 ( 專車 )





























23:30 ( 專車 )




校車 Shuttle Bus

紅 35 Red35

紅 55 Red55

附註 Notes ①紅 35 及紅 55 路線時間表為預估到站時間,搭乘費用比照一般公車標準收費或享有轉乘優惠服務。行經臺北城市大學及荒山劇場 再進入本校。 ②本校接駁車經由學園路、陽關大道直接進入本校。本校教職員生每次收費新臺幣 6 元;未持悠遊卡者,應自備零錢,不找零。 ③由於行車調度及配合班次表,接駁車於非發車時刻恕無法提供載客服務,請各位教職員生見諒,感謝您的配合! 1. The Red 35 and Red 55 schedule above is for reference. The cost and discount services are as the standard of Taipei city buses. The routes are from Taipei Chengshih University of Science and Technology and periphery of Forest Theatre to TNUA campus. 2. The route of TNUA Shuttle Bus is from Xueyuan Rd. and Sunshine Boulevard to the campus. TNUA faculty, staff, and students: 6 NT per ride. Any excess amount paid shall not be refunded to those paying incash. It is the bus rider's responsibility to have exact change. 3. The TNUA Shuttle Bus only serves as the schedule above.

TUNA Campus Map 北藝大校園地圖 |

北藝大校園地圖 TNUA Campus Map







| 好康優惠 Coupon

寶萊納啤酒餐廳 - 關渡店 Paulaner Bräuhaus München Guandu Taipei 訂位專線:(02) 2891 - 7677 營業時間:11:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. 地址:臺北市北投區學園路 1 號 ( 國立臺北藝術大學 藝文生態館 ) 寶萊納啤酒餐廳關渡店設座 250 席,有雅座、







統美味:寶萊納啤酒。其釀造過程遵循 1516 年巴伐 利亞最古老、最嚴格的釀造法則,務必做到最天然、



然美景、遠眺臺北 101 和大台北都會的無限景色。 室內更擁有巴伐利亞風格區及復古電影 cafe 區, 兩大各具風格的客席區供您選擇。

為回饋第八屆關渡電影節觀眾,於電影節期間,憑此頁截角至本店消費,享獨家優惠! 201 憑此 6/10/ 0 享麵 截角 3 - 2 包消 至臺 016/ 費 北寶 10/08 7 折 萊納 期間 、其 啤 , 餘消 酒餐 費 廳關 9 折 渡店 優惠 消 。 費






Credits 策展團隊 |

第八屆關渡電影節策展團隊 2016 Kuan-Du Film Festival Credits 主辦單位 Organizer

國立臺北藝術大學 電影創作學系 Department of Filmmaking, Taipei National University of the Arts 總監 President 李道明 Daw-Ming LEE 策展人 Program Director 閻鴻亞 Hong-Ya YEN 策展顧問 Program Adviser 吳凡 Fan WU 策展執行 Programmers ⾏政 Administration 統籌 Manager 許芷瑋 Stephanie HSU

助理 Assistant 陳法安 Ann CHEN

宣傳 Press 統籌 Manager 曾鈺婷 Yu-Ting TSENG

助理 Assistant 林晏嫆 Yen-Yong LIN

放映 Screening 統籌 Manager 李采倪 Tsai-Ni LI

助理 Assistant 李昶佑 Alexander LEE

總務 General Affairs 統籌 Manager 黃道琳 Tao-Lin HUANG

助理 Assistant 辛曉頤 Huey SAN

國際聯絡 International Contact 統籌 Manager 許書芹 Shuqin KHOR

助理 Assistant 鄭佳欣 Chia-Hsin CHENG

美編 Visual 統籌 Manager 陳暐 Alan CHEN

助理 Assistant 柯歈 Yu KO

徵件 Entries 統籌 Manager 林伶 Ling LIN

視覺設計 Graphic Design 柯歈 Yu KO 手冊編輯 Executive Editor 陳暐 Alan CHEN 字幕 Subtitling 張貝瑜 Pei-Yu CHANG

特別感謝 Special Thanks To

日本映画大學 Japan Institute of the Moving Image 臺北藝術節 Taipei Arts Festival 南韓國際紀錄片影展 DMZ DOCS 傑崴創意設計有限公司 Gateway Visual Creative Co., Ltd. 瀚草影視文化事業股份有限公司 Greener Grass Production Co., Ltd. 竹圍維妮屋 Winnie House



| 筆記欄 Notes

筆記欄 Notes

主辦單位 Organizer

協辦單位 Co-Organizers

贊助單位 Sponsors

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