Samaritan Lodge No. 117 2812 Osceola Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43211
2016 Trestle Board
P.H.A. - F.&A.M. - EST. 1960 Worshipful Master Bro. Alan D. Tucker “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge No. 117 is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
REMEMBER YOU'RE A MASON When the pressures of recession Make us concentrate on greed, Take heed, a worthy Mason Cares about another's needs; Don't let pressures of the moment Make your obligation sway, Stop and help a fallen brother Or another by the way; What you give is like a bubble Whenever you assist, What it costs in time and trouble Is, soon after, never missed; Brother, bear that obligation You accepted on your knee, It's in direct relation To your own security; Never hesitate, my brother Square your actions now and say, "I'll remember I'm a Mason, "And behave like that today;" "With regard to human kindness And the 'Golden Rule', I pray, I'll remember I'm a Mason... And behave like that today." Author unknown
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Words from the East Greeting to all brethren of Samaritan Lodge No. 117, I would like to thank all the Brothers for electing me the 44th Worshipful Master of this prestigious Lodge. I know with your continued assistance, hard work, and determination we will have a successful year 2016 masonic year. I will do all I can to hear every voice and to allow God to direct my actions. Membership goals for 2016 Fraternal Year: Diversify communication in and about the lodge with the establishment of a communications team. Reclaim five inactive brothers. Temple Restoration program for supporting the Temple Association making improvements to our real estate. Assignments of lectures, symbolisms, charges on work nights for gaining knowledge and understanding of Masonic History/Ritualistic work. Bring our written lodge history current. Continue the initiative and the “Outside of the box” thinking towards fundraising that was shown last year amongst the brethren. Visiting all Lodges of the Third Masonic District Conferring degree work Wives and Widows Brunch Brotherhood social events Samaritan CARES Program Outstanding Master Mason of the Year Honors Promoting Ohio Prince Hall License Plate Program that every Brother in 117 has a State of Ohio PH Plate. Community Charitable works with a focus on Hamilton STEM School a Columbus City Public School.
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
In 2015, Past Master Ramsey brought forth some great change and growth to our Lodge and I would like to continue to embrace change while sticking to the roots, traditions, and hard work that makes us Samaritan Lodge No. 117. Lastly, I would like to encourage the brothers to keep our connections true thru our Five Points of Fellowship, Brotherly Love and keep the Oaths & Obligations you spoke before God and brothers in our minds as we continue to work throughout this 2016 Masonic year. Remember to call, fellowship and support one another in and outside of our lodge, speak good, timely and wise counsel to all, to watch each other’s back and inform each other of approaching danger seen and unseen. To the upmost importance, if a brother should happen to find advancement in his career, relationship and life in general, stand with your brother in support, however if your brother so happens to stumble or fall remember, through the power of faith and the actions of daily prayer our minds can be free from improper thoughts and brethren can find the strength and wisdom to lift and support each other back to standing on true ground. Fraternally, Wor. Bro. Alan D. Tucker 44th Worshipful Master Samaritan Lodge No. 117
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
2016 Line Officers Worshipful Master: Bro. Alan Tucker 513-616-9114 Senior Warden: Bro. Gene Smith 614-406-7587 Junior Warden: Bro. Abu Toure 614-579-8278 Senior Deacon: Bro. James Wadlington 614-378-4821 Junior Deacon: Bro. R. Weet Dukes 614-226-0358 Secretary: PM Jason Ramsey 614-735-9900 Asst. Secretary: PM Darin Lurry 614-735-8161 Treasurer: PM Rodney Blount 614-619-2725 Asst. Treasurer: PM Jack Gates 614-580-1141 Senior Steward: Bro. Karl Wilson 614-623-0008 Junior Steward: Bro. Leon Ross III Marshal: Chris Washington 614-626-1259 Chaplain: Bro. Jodie Reeder 614-893-6097 Tyler: Bro. Julius Wilson 614-301-9953 Trustee:
PM Roderick Q. Blount - Chairman (1) PM Steve Reed PM 614-327-4222 (2) PM Jason Ramsey PM 614-735-9900 (3)
Historian: PM Steven Reed PM 614-327-4222 “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Past Worshipful Masters 1959 – 60
John Murphy
Charles Noble
1962- 63
Royal S. Mclean
Samuel Greene
James W. Thomas
Eddie B. Taylor
1967 – 68
Herman Noble
1969 - 70
Curtis C. Carter
Ottis D. Cobb
1972 -73
Alfonza Carey
1974 -75
Wallace Sowell
Lovelle Snow
William L. Stewart
Emerson H. Milner 1979
William H. Smith
James A. Drinks
Russell D. Little
Karol Bowers
Ernest Blount
Harold R. Truss
1985 – 86
Harold Gardner
Donald L. Prentiss
Walter D. Ushry
Ernest Blount
Harold R. Truss
Eligah Whaley
Roger J. Byrd
D. Washington
Douglas A. Woods
Otto B. Hurley
Kermit T. Chapman “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Past Worshipful Masters 1998
Larry D. Whatley Sr.
Ernest Jackson
David A. Washington
Ernest Blount
2002 – 03
Jack Gates
Ernest Jackson
Darin Lurry
2006 - 07
Frank Mackie
Timothy Gaines
Bryan K. Reeder
Roderick Q. Blount, Jr.
Steve Reed
Jason Ramsey
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Lodge Committees Advisor Committee: PM Darin Lurry (Chair), & All Past Masters Audit Committee: PM Bryan Reeder (Chair), Bro. Abu Toure, PM Jason Ramsey Budget & Finance Reports: PM Rodney Blount (Chair), PM Darin Lurry, Bro. Luis Ayala, PM Steve Reed, Bro. Lee Anthony, PM Jack Gates By-Laws: Bro. Jodie Reeder (Chair), PM Bryan Reeder, Bro. Frank Hoffman, Bro. Lee Anthony Bro. Jason Ramsey,, Bro Darin Lurry, PM Tim Gaines Community Outreach: Bro. Wes Ingram (Chair), Bro. Abu Toure, PM Jason Ramsey, Bro. Brandon Jackson, Candidates (EAs, FCs only) Fundraiser: Bro. Gene Smith (Chair), Bro. Weet Dukes, Bro. Luis Ayala, All newly Raised MM from 2015 Class. Investigation: Bro. Jimmy Wadlington (Chair), Bro Gene Smith, PM Darin Lurry, Chris Washington, Bro. Karl Wilson, Bro. Lee Anthony Masonic Education: PM Jason Ramsey (Chair), Bro. Abu Toure, Bro. James Wadlington, Bro. Brandon Jackson, Bro. Julies Wilson, Bro Leon Ross Past Master Counsel: PM Jack Gates (Chair), All Past Masters Phone and Card Committee: Bro. Jodie Reeder (Chair), Bro Wes Ingram (Co-Chair), Bro. James Wadlington, Bro. Lee Anthony, Bro. Leon Ross, III, Bro. Washington Bro. Weet Dukes Pythagorean’s Youth Outreach Committee: Bro. Adu Toure (Chair), PM Roderick Blount, Bro. Lee Anthony, Bro. Julius Wilson, Bro. Lee Anthony Samaritan Social/Refreshment: Bro Weet Dukes (chair), Bro Luis Ayala, PM Darin Lurry, Bro Leon Ross, III, Bro. Chris Washington Samaritan CARES - Sick, Charity, and Visitations: Bro. Jodie Reeder (Chair), PM Roderick Blount, Bro. Abu Toure, Bro. James Wadlington, Bro Weet Dukes Wives and Widows: Bro. Gene Smith (Chair), Bro Wes Ingram, PM Darin Lurry, PM Steve Reed, PM Jack Gates, PM Bryan Reeder “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
The History of Samaritan Lodge No. 117, PHA In 1959, an interest grew among members of Brotherly Love Lodge affiliated with the International Masons in Columbus, Ohio. This group was spearheaded by Bro. John Murphy, PGM of Ohio International Masons. On Feb 28, 1960, the group met with Bros. Russell W. Pace, Deputy Grand Lecturer of the Third Masonic District; A.J. Worsham, PGM; Ray E. Hughes, Grand Attorney; William Browning, Grand Secretary; and Van Farrow, St. Mark’s Lodge #7, at 1:30 P.M. at E and S Furniture Store, 1172 Mt. Vernon Ave., to discuss plans for a U.D. lodge. They met again on March 20, for the same purpose, at the same furniture store location, with Bros. Pace, Worsham, Browning, Farrow, MWGM Carl L. Wilson, William Ethridge of King David #116, and Edward Abercrombie, PM of King David #116. Following much anticipation, the 16 former members of the Brotherly Love Lodge were initiated, passed, raised, and organized into Samaritan Lodge U.D. at 988 E. Long St. at 7:30 PM with MW Grand Master Carl L. Wilson presiding over an occasional lodge. Officers appointed by the Grand Master for Samaritan Lodge U.D. were as follows: John Murphy, W.M.; Charles Noble, S.W.; Samuel K. Greene, J.W.; Howard Finney, Treas.; and John W. Hale, Sec. The occasional lodge was closed by RW Deputy Grand Master Hartford Jennings. On April 23, an additional 6 members of the Brotherly Love Lodge were healed and became members of Samaritan Lodge. Jubilantly, the charter of Samaritan Lodge was granted on Oct. 23, 1960 and the lodge was granted the number 117. From the proceedings, it appears that Bro. Russell W. Pace had a lot of assistance from all of the Columbus lodges in organizing and chartering Samaritan Lodge. Samaritan Lodge is truly grateful to Bro. Pace and every brother who assisted him in forming Samaritan Lodge #117. Samaritan also applauds Bro. John Murphy and the healed brothers from Brotherly Love Lodge for their vision and perseverance.
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Samaritan Lodge #117 members according to the 1960 proceedings (All of the members below are charter members): Officers – John Murphy, W.M.; Charles Noble, S.W.; Samuel K. Greene, J.W.; Howard Finney, Treas.; John W. Hale, Sec.; Carl Smith, S.D.; Charles Harris, J.D.; Alton Brisker, S.S.; Andrew Andrews, J.S.; Sandy Noble, Tyler; Rev. Richard Bradley, Chaplain. Members – Lee Harris, Willie Lipsey, Granville R. Miller, James W. Miller, Royal S. McLean, William Neely, Parnell Ransford, Paul Smith. Ernest L. Washington, Bernie G. Welch, Ezra Woods, Jr. Samaritan Lodge #117 originally met at 988 E. Long St. along with the other PHA Masonic bodies in Columbus. In 1991, during MWGM Heywood Pullen’s administration, we moved 296 E. 4th Ave. Samaritan transitioned to its current location, 2812 Osceola Ave., between 2000 and 2001. Samaritan Lodge #117 originally met at 988 E. Long St. along with the other PHA Masonic bodies in Columbus. In 1991, during MWGM Heywood Pullen’s administration, we moved 296 E. 4th Ave. Samaritan transitioned to its current location, 2812 Osceola Ave., between 2000 and 2001. Samaritan Lodge #117 has had 39 Worshipful Masters. At least nine of our brothers have served as Grand Lodge Officers for the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio. PM Otis Cobb served as the Grand Tyler. PM Ernest Blount has served in a variety of offices including Grand Sword Bearer and currently serves as the Grand Tyler Emeritus. PM Harold Truss served the Grand Lodge as Assistant to the Grand Treasurer. PM David Washington was a Grand Soloist, PM Royal McLean served on various Grand Lodge Committees. PM Roderick Q. Blount, Jr. serves as the Assistant Grand Secretary, and the District Youth Supervisor for the Third Masonic District. PM Alan D. Tucker currently serves on the Non Prince Hall Mason Committee and PM Darin Lurry serves on the Exemptions Committee. Our highest ranking Grand Officer was PM Curtis Carter, past District Deputy Grand Lecturer and past Grand Treasurer. Most of these brothers have/had served as Grand Lodge officers for many years. Several of our brothers have led other adopted, appendant, and concordant bodies and two assisted in chartering Grace Chapter #100 (PM Otis Cobb and PM James Thomas). Past Masters James Thomas, Otis Cobb, Alfonza Carey, Royal McLean, and Roderick Q. Blount, Jr. “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
served as Worthy Patrons of Grace Chapter #100 OES and PM McLean served as Worthy Patron 9 times. At least two of our brothers have headed every local house in the York Rite; therefore, they have become members of the Knights of the York Cross of Honor (KYCH): PMs Harold Truss and Alfonza Carey. Also, five of our brothers have been elevated to the 33rd degree: PMs. Otis Cobb, Curtis Carter, Alfonza Carey, Harold Truss, and Ernest Blount. Many brothers of Samaritan Lodge #117 have served as community leaders, served in the armed forces, owned businesses, and at least five have been ordained ministers: Reverend Bros. Richard Bradley, Otto Hurley, Charles Noble, Herman Noble, and Jodie Reeder. Also, one of our members, Bro. Kevin Boyce, currently is a representative in the Ohio House of Representatives. Samaritan Lodge #117 is proud to celebrate 50 years and with God’s guidance and the active Participation of the brothers, we will enjoy 50 more years! Written by Bro. Roderick Q. Blount, Jr., PM in 2010 (Updated 2015)
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
LODGE CALENDAR 2016 **Date are Subject to Change
2016 JANUARY 21st - Work Night Lecture Series: Masonic Burial Rights January 7-9 USC Deputies’ Meeting Beachwood, Ohio January 9 Pythagorean Advisors Workshop Columbus, Ohio January 9 AlKaf Potentate Breakfast Akron, Ohio January 16 Mecca Temple # 43Potentate Breakfast Toledo, Ohio January 22 Grand Lodge Trustee Meeting Cleveland, Ohio January 22 Amaranth Grand Chapter Trustee Meeting (before planning session) Cleveland, Ohio January 22-23 MWPH Grand Lodge / Amaranth Grand Chapter Planning Session Cleveland, Ohio January 12 MEPHGC RAM Trustee Meeting Teleconference January 16 Alpha Priory KYCH Stated Meeting Hope Hotel Fairborn, Ohio January 23 MIPHGC R&SM Northern District Meeting & Greeting Akron, Ohio January 30 MEPHGC RAM Southern District Meeting Dayton, Ohio January 30 Regional Gala Day Planning Cincinnati, OH 2016 FEBRUARY 13st - Brotherhood Night atHP Bowling Center Saturday 13th 5PM – 8PM 18th - Work Night Lecture Series: History of Prince Hall February 1-28 Black History Month February 6 MWPHGL District 4 District meeting Dayton, Ohio February 6 DVMGG Workshop Cincinnati, Ohio February 13 MIPHGC R&SM Southern District Meeting & Greeting Dayton, Ohio February 20 MEPHGC RAM Northern District Meeting Akron , Ohio February 27 Alla Baba Potentate Breakfast Columbus, Oh February 27 LOCOP Workshop TBD February 27 Ecclesiastes Past Master Dinner Dance Cleveland, Ohio
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
2016 MARCH 17th - Repass 6:15PM Grace Chapter No. 100 OES-PHA Visit 19th - March Madness Cook off Fundraiser sponsored by Phoenix Club Saturday March 19th 4PM – 8PM Work Night Lecture Series: The Cory Adams Lodge of Research and Education or Masonic Education 700 series March 5 PHGC Knights Templar Statewide Workshop TBD March 5 Joint Desert Conference Springfield, OH March 12 MWPHGL Workshop Columbus, Ohio March 17 Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal Statewide March 17-20 Midwest Conference of GM and GWM & GWP Des Moines, Iowa March 25 Knights Templar Good Friday Observance Statewide March 26 Grace Chapter Prayer Breakfast @ Mt. Vernon AME Church March 27 Knights Templar Easter Sunrise Service Statewide Southfield Baptist Church - Cols 2016 APRIL 21st - Deputy Visit - Repass 6:30PM Work Night Lecture Series: EA Lecture Lodge Clean-up TBA Collection of Back to School Supplies April 1-2 Mecca Temple Potentate Ball Toledo, Ohio April 2 MVGMC Pythagorean Statewide Investiture Columbus, Ohio April 2 Grand Girls Assembly District Meeting & Debutante Ball Worthington, OH April 3 Hattie B. Alexander Day Worthington, OH April 9 OES Workshop Columbus, Ohio April 15-16 Amaranth Grand Chapter Southern District Meeting Cincinnati, OH April 16 Pythagorean Day Statewide April 22 MEPHGC RAM Trustee Meeting Columbus, Ohio April 23 MEPHGC RAM Grand Convocation Columbus, Ohio April 23 MAPHGC HOJ Trustee Mtg. & MAGM, MWGJ Banquet Columbus, Ohio April 24 MAPHGC HOJ Grand Convocation Columbus, Ohio
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
2016 May 5/6 or 5/7 - Samaritan Lodge Goes Fishing 5/6 – 5/7 Location TBA 20th or 21st - FC Degree Work With King David and Gloria Lodge 20th or 21th @ 988 Long Street Work Night Lecture Series: FC Lecture Collection of Back to School Supplies May 7 MAPHGC HOJ Trustee Meeting Columbus, Ohio May 7 MWPHGL District Meeting Dist. 7 Cleveland, Ohio May 7 Eureka #52 and Bethel #58 B&W Unity Ball Cleveland, Ohio May 10-15 Conference of Grand Masters New Jersey May 14 Pythagorean Executive Board Meeting Teleconference May 15 Scottish Rite Whit Sunday Observance Statewide May 15 Daughters AEAONMS Thanksgiving Services / Feast Statewide May 15 Scholarship Selection Committee Meeting Columbus, Ohio May 20 PHGC LOCOP Trustee Meeting Toledo, Ohio May 21 PHGC LOCOP Grand Assembly Toledo, Ohio May 21 MIPHGC R&SM Trustee Meeting Toledo, Ohio May 22 MIPHGC R&SM Grand Assembly Toledo, Ohio May 27-31 United Supreme Council / AASR Northern Jurisdiction Philadelphia, PA 2016 JUNE Collection of Back to School Supplies 16th - Work Night Repass Chicken Everyone (Fried, Baked, Grilled, BBQed) Work Night Lecture Series: MM Proficiency 26th - St. John the Baptist Day 26th TBA June 3-5 Shrine Regional Gala Days Cincinnati, OH June 4 Mecca Temple #43 National Diabetes Initiative Walk Toledo, Ohio June 10-12 Alla Baba Temple Potentate Ball Columbus, Ohio June 10 MAPHGC HOJ Trustee Meeting Alternate date Columbus, Ohio June 10-11 Amaranth Grand Chapter northern Dist. Mtg Cleveland, Ohio June 10-11 Alpha Priory #1 Annual Conclave Hope Hotel Fairborn, Ohio June 11 Pythagorean Statewide District Meeting TBD June 12 Esther Day Observance Columbus, Ohio Oakley Full June 18 MWPHGL District 3 meeting Columbus, Ohio June 18 Scholarship Selection Meeting Columbus, Ohio June 19 Zerubbabel Day Observance Statewide “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
June 25 MWPHGL District 2 Meeting TBD Chilli, Ohio June 26 St. John the Baptist Day Observance Statewide June 28- July 2 Grand Encampment KT & International Grand Court Cyrene Crusaders Los Angeles, CA 2016 JULY 3rd - Brotherhood Night Red, White and Boom @ Kroger in Brewery District 3 rd 21st - Work Night Lecture Series: History of Pythagorean’s Collection of Back to School Supplies 25th - Community Day and Lodge Clean-up Saturday 25th July1-6 General Grand Conference HOJ Los Angeles, CA July 7-10 Pythagorean / Girls Assembly Grand Session University of Toledo July 8 MWPHGL Trustee Meeting University of Toledo July 7 Amaranth Grand Chapter Trustee Meeting University of Toledo July 15 DVMGG HOTC Trustee Meeting Holiday Inn Strongsville. Ohio July 16 DVMGG HOTC Grand Conclave Strongsville. Ohio July 16 PHGC Knights Templar Recognition Banquet Holiday Inn Strongsville. Ohio July 16 PHGC Knights Templar Trustee Meeting Holiday Inn Strongsville. Ohio July 17 PHGC Knights Templar Grand Conclave Holiday Inn Strongsville. Ohio July 23 Akbar Temple and Court Joint Ball Springfield, OH July 30 Steak roast Eureka Lodge#52 Cleveland, Ohio July 31 Four Symbolic Lodges of Cleveland Picnic Cleveland, Ohio 2016 AUGUST 6th – 9th MWPHGL Grand Communications Cleveland, Ohio 6th – 9th Delivery of Back to School Supplies TBA Collection of Hats and Gloves for Students 13th - African-American Male Wellness Walk August 13 August 6-9 MWPHGL and AGC Grand Communications Cleveland, Ohio August 20 Unity Lodge #115 Community Day Dayton, Ohio August 13-19 Imperial Session AEAONMS Tampa Bay FL
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
2016 SEPTEMBER 15th - Work Night Lecture Series: MM Proficiency or Lodge Administration 10th - We Grill It…….. Meat Sale Fundraiser sponsored by Phoenix Club Saturday 10th 11AM 3PM Collection of Hats and Gloves for Students September 16 Amaranth Grand Chapter Trustee Meeting Comfort Inn Portsmouth, OH September 17 Amaranth Grand Chapter School of Instruction Comfort Inn Portsmouth, OH September 23-24 PHGC LOCOP Recognition Banquet Indianapolis, IN September 24 MAPHGC HOJ Northern Prayer Breakfast Cleveland, Ohio 2016 OCTOBER 20th - Chill Repass 6:15 20th - Move up Night 15th - Brotherhood Night: Bon-fire and Brats 15th TBA Work Night Lecture Series: History of Order of Eastern Star Collection of Hats and Gloves for Students October 2 MIPHGC R&SM Trustee Meeting Cleveland, Ohio October 8 William T Boyd #79 Annual Master Mason Award Dinner Dance Cleveland, Ohio October 8 MIGC Royal and Select Masters trustee meeting Toledo, Ohio October 15 Pythagorean District Meeting Columbus, Ohio October 15 MAPHGC HOJ School of Instruction TBD October 17 PH Grand Commandery KT District meeting Toledo, Ohio October 22-23 Ohio Council of Deliberation Crowne Plaza Columbus. Ohio October 29 May chapter #62 Mirage club masquerade ball Mansfield, Ohio
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
2016 NOVEMBER 17th - Past Masters Night 17th - Work Night Lecture Series: History of Samaritan Lodge No. 117 – Past Masters Night Collection of Hats and Gloves for Students November 11-12 Grand Worthy Matron Recognition Banquet friends Center Portsmouth, OH 2016 DECEMBER 9th - Annual Holiday Party Friday 9th @ Lodge Hall 7PM – 9PM Delivery of Hats and Gloves for Students December 10 Hannibal Tabernacle #78 In- Gathering Cleveland, Ohio December 17 Pythagorean Raffle Drawing Cleveland, Ohio December 18 St John the Evangelist Day Statewide December 25 PHGC Knights Templar Christmas Observance Worldwide
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117 The Cory Adams Lodge of Research and Education is a Masonic Lodge subordinate to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio whose sole purpose is to provide its members and the jurisdiction of Ohio a scholarly outlet for Masonic research and education. MW. Bro. Cory Adams served as Most Worshipful Grand Master of the MWPHGL of Ohio from 1912-1917. During his tenure as Most Worshipful Grad Master, he concentrated on Masonic education within the jurisdiction of Ohio. Wanting each member to have a thorough knowledge of Freemasonry, he instituted Masonic Schools of Instruction, where Masons could be taught the principles of the Fraternity. In 1915, under his leadership, The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio became one of the first Grand Lodges to publish its own ritual. We owe a debt to this good Brother and will continue to carry on the task of researching and educating the Brothers of this great fraternity. The stated meetings are quarterly, held on the last Saturday in the months of March, June, September, and December. The time and place of the Meetings are specified by the Worshipful Master. During our meetings, we have several presentations by our members that focuses on some aspect of the Craft. The December meeting of the Cory Adams Lodge of Research and Education will take place on December annually at 1:00pm. The meeting will take place at St. Mark's Masonic Temple 988 East Long St. Columbus, Ohio. This meeting will serve as our "Annual Meeting" where we will hear reports from our “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Worshipful Master, Treasurer and Secretary. In addition, we will have our election and installation of officers. We will also have a special presentation by Bro. Thomas DeBardelaben entitled, "Alchemy at Our Altar." The Cory Adams Lodge of Research and Education is a Masonic Research Lodge subordinate to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio Free & Accepted Masons organized to promote, encourage, conduct and foster Masonic research and study, for the purpose of spreading Masonic Light and knowledge. Master Masons may make application for REGULAR membership on the standard Research Lodge membership petition form, and present satisfactory evidence of their qualifications; that of being in good standing in a Masonic Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio Free & Accepted Masons.
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Third Masonic District Leadership
Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Lecturer District #3 Dean J. Jackson, #7
Right Worshipful Administrative Officer District #3 Traylon G. Smith #89
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Third Masonic Lodges
ST. MARK'S LODGE No. 7 Chartered: Meeting Days: Meeting Time: Worshipful Master: Secretary: Street Address:
1852 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Kenneth Rhynehardt David Murray, PM 988 E. Long St. Columbus, OH 43203
GLORIA LODGE No. 89 Chartered: Meeting Days: Meeting Time: Worshipful Master: Secretary: Street Address:
1924 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. Kenneth Smith, Sr. Robert W. Lynch 988 E. Long St. Columbus, OH 43203
KING DAVID LODGE No. 116 Chartered: Meeting Days: Meeting Time: Worshipful Master: Secretary: Street Address:
1958 1st & 3rd Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Oran Bell Jahi Harvey 988 E. Long St. Columbus, OH 43203
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Grand Lodge leadership
Honorable Carl A. Williams, P M 33° Most Worshipful Grand Master Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio.
GRAND LODGE TRUSTEES Carl A. Williams, #120 MW Grand Master Kelvin J. Davis, #106 RW Dep. Gr. Master Chester C. Christie, #7 RW Sr. Gr. Warden Jerry R. Ellerson RW Jr. Gr. Warden Charles V. Williams, III, #123 Grand Treasurer Melvin L. Russell #79 Grand Secretary Robert M. Estelle, Jr., #115 Grand Trustee-at-Large Darryl R. Smith, #121 MWPGM Grand Trustee GRAND LODGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND
Douglas S. Rookard, #116 Chairman Leo C. Beavers, #79 Co-Chairman Lonnie Jones, II, #106 Member Eldred J. Jones, #77 Member “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Grace Chapter No. 100 Order of Easter Star The History of Grace Grace Chapter #100 would seem to exemplify the old adage, “Mighty oaks from little acorns grow”. In the spring of 1967 a small group of women and a few men gathered to investigate the feasibility of forming an Eastern Star Chapter. The sponsoring lodge was King David No. 116 with Brother William Eakins serving as Worshipful Master. None of the persons present knew what this might entail; however, they were willing and the die was cast. Grace Beasley was the Grand Deputy of District No. 4, Amaranth Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star. She was contacted and expressed a willingness to assist our group in becoming a chapter. Brother William Long was serving as Grand Worthy Patron. Concerning our wishes; he sanctioned the idea and Grace Club was formed with Mrs. Blanche Eakins as President, Daisy L. Lewis, Vice President, LuFrances Wilkerson, Secretary, and Mary Parks as Treasurer. We worked for many months as a Club under dispensation preparing for the day we became an Eastern Star Chapter. On August 6th, at the annual meeting of Amaranth Grand Chapter, we were granted a charter and became Grace Chapter No. 100. Brother William Long was Grand Worthy Patron and Sister Martha Thompson was Grand Worthy Matron. Sister Blanche Eakins was installed as our first Worthy Matron and Brother John Hillmon was installed as our first Worthy Patron. Other members installed were Daisy L. Lewis, Associate Matron, Kenneth E. Lewis, Associate Patron, Marilyn Phillips, Conductress, Drexel Thomas, Associate Conductress, LuFrances Wilkerson, Secretary, Mary Parks, Treasurer, Betty Collins, Adah, Ruth Jones, Ruth, Betty Tucker, Esther, Veronis McAfee, Marth, Elizabeth Allen, Electa, Elizabeth Fiels, Warderr, and Thomas Phillips, Sentinel. Since its inception, Grace Chapter has been honored to have a number of its members serve Amaranth Grand Chapter. Sister Daisy Lewis served as Grand Deputy, and was later elected as Grand Worthy Matron (1984-1986). Sister Zeda Roberson also served as Grand Deputy and was later elected Grand Worthy Matron (2006-2008). Others who served as Grand Deputy were Sisters Drexel Thomas, LaVerna Elder, and Shelia Francis. Additional members served in various appointed positions. Past Grand Worthy Matron Karen James now calls Grace Chapter home. The legacy that began over 45 years ago still lives on. The membership is firm on its foundation of excellence in degree work, commitment to service and supporting one another.
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
The Real Prince Hall by R.W. Charles V. Williams III, PM #123 The title “True Prince Hall”, leads to the conclusion that there was a false Prince Hall. In some respects, there is truth in this observation. For there has been fostered upon us a false image portrayed by those who have not researched Prince Hall as a subject. Others of us have accepted that which has been spoken and written so that incomplete and at time false information has become known, generally adopted and fixed into a tradition. A major source of information on Prince Hall was a book by William H. Grimshaw, A Grand Master of black Masons in the District of Columbia. His book, published in 1903, "The Official History of Freemasonry among the Colored People in North America". Without presenting or indicating his supporting documentation or evidence of proof, He initiated myths and untruths about Prince Hall, intermingling them with factual materials, thus presenting an interesting story. In doing this, he became a writer who was recognized as a historian of Masonry among black Americans and as one, who was believed, accepted for his authorship and regarded as an authority. Grimshaw also wrote that Prince Hall was born in 1748, Bridgetown, Barbados, for which there is no documentation. Where Prince Hall was born is unknown. Prince Hall was born in 1735, since his death certificate states that he was 72 years of age at his death in 1807. It has also been said that William Hall was the father of Prince Hall and that his mother was a free woman of color. No substantiation of that assertion has been found. He may have been born in Africa from where he was brought as a slave and sold in the slave mart, as were so many others of his people. He may have been born in the Colony of Massachusetts, but no actual record of his birth has been found, despite the assertion that he was born in Barbados. He may have been born a slave for a manumission paper was filed for him in 1770 by his owner William Hall, giving him his freedom stating that "he is no longer to be Reckoned a slave". In placing Prince Hall’s birthplace in Bridgetown, Barbados, on September 14, 1748, this was something of estimation, without any documentary proof of the birth as to place and time. There is no documentary evidence that Prince Hall was neither a Methodist Minister nor the pastor of a church, no evidence of his ordination, however, the record does show that he was a student of the bible. These statements have been accepted, repeated in publication and addresses across the years, so credibility has been given to them as almost constituting a tradition. It is now time for correction and admission of the lack of historical proofs. This can be done, without harm to its founder of its history. His birth year is variously given. One of the accepted dates is September 14, 1748. William H. Grimshaw and Harry E. Davis agree on this date. His monument bears the date 17481807. However, Harry A. Williamson, Masonic Historian suggest that the year of Halls birth is 1735, since his death notice published on December 7, 1807, stated that he died at the age of 72 years. The reading of the newspaper notices of the deaths, Monday, December 7, 1807, stated that he died Friday and that his funeral procession would take place on the afternoon of Monday, December 7th . This takes his death back to Friday, December 4th not December 7th as has been told. The death record of the city of Boston lists his death as December 4, 1807. The epitaph on his gravestone reads "Here lies the body of Prince Hall, first Grand Master of the first Colored Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts, died Dec 7, 1807". This reference is erroneous. His “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
birth date in September continues to be celebrated as chosen by Grimshaw. The birth dates of slaves have been rarely recorded. Frederick Douglass as a grown man selected himself February 14 as his day of birth, and we celebrate it, but it too was an arbitrary selection. Grimshaw’s writings made his account become alive, as the author wanted it to do, but it has too many errors and in other instances does not present facts. The author then is a story-maker about Prince Hall, and has become the target of those among Masons who would criticize and deprecate Prince Hall Masonry, regarding it as illegitimate, clandestine or irregular. There are problems, perhaps on a wider scale than have occurred in the preparation of the lives of any other black Americans who have failed to leave behind clues and answers arising during their lives. We thus revisit Prince Hall, and reconstruct his life and career, in ways which continue him as a great man with an extraordinary life, useful leadership, and service to black people in the era of the struggles of slavery, with freedom, and in the period of America’s struggle for its freedom against those who would take it from them. Prince Hall was the founder of Freemasonry for Negroes in America. The Prince Hall Masons, after a continuous existence of nearly two centuries, now number over a half million in more than 5500 lodges throughout the United States. These men, dedicated to a belief in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man, have supported many charitable enterprises and have made a significant contribution to the ethical standards of welfare of millions of American citizens. Prince Hall Masons everywhere have pledged to support, defend and protect the American way of life, to uphold the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and to work toward the goal of one nation indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all. When he lived, he was an ordinary man, but, one who was revered and esteemed by his contemporaries, white and black that knew him. After he died on December 4, 1807, he grew as the years passed in the esteem of his people. One of the first references to Prince Hall came seventeen years after his death. Very little information was known of him or written about him between his death in 1807 and 1824. Reference to Prince Hall was presented in the Centennial Celebration of African Lodge on September 29, 1884. We may see Prince Hall now, a man small in stature. His slight frame is mounted by a shapely head, adorned with the refined features; his eyes are bright and piercing; his nose aquiline; his mouth and chin, firm and spiritual. He wears a powdered wig, a black velvet suit, and an immaculate shirt with ruffles. He carries a cane in one hand and a roll of documents in the other. Prince Hall was an active leader of the colonial blacks in Massachusetts. He was an advocate and an activist in the termination of the slave trade and slavery. A leader in four petitions in 1773, 1774, 1777 and 1778. In addition, an opponent of them continuously. He did not lean to one principle, only what was good for him, while denying it to others whom were white. He was a supporter of education, which was granted to white children in Boston, but he also wanted it for black children. He was a promoter of citizenship for blacks and a loyal patriot of the nation. He “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
also wanted freedom to be spread to alike, although others would want it for themselves but not for those of darker color than they, while they clung to its opportunities and benefits for themselves. Prince Hall attempted to have these benefits spread to all Americans, neglecting none. There were those, as is well known, who wanted freedom from oppression of George III and Parliament while denying it to others by law and action. Prince Hall and his followers defended both of these views of freedom. Prince Hall was one of the Fathers of Freedom in the period of the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers. He was a Black American in slavery and in freedom motivated by interests and goals, as were white Americans. He was active in the struggle for the independence and selfgovernment of the U.S., as well as for the freedom of blacks with whom he was an active leader and a participant in their activities. He was a black man in America torn between significant causes in this first of our nation s beginnings. His drive for freedom had a dual thrust. One directed against the dominating rule of a foreign power in the American colonies, and the other against the bondage of blacks. Within these areas, he was the first of the black organizers in American History. He antedated Richard Allen and Absalom Jones in their organization of the Free African Society in Philadelphia in 1787 and their churches in 1791. He was a Man among Men. Moreover, because he occupied a place of leadership it should be upon this basis that we make our judgements. Prince Hall was a great and good man, which was demonstrated in all of his activities. He was a remarkable Worshipful Master of African Lodge who spread his influence across Boston and beyond state lines, and his influence still lives after him in states and people beyond the State of Massachusetts and across the seas. While recent research has raised doubts concerning the accepted accounts of Prince Hall’s life and career, and these views have produced questionable opinions of some parts of his life, he still stands like the old oak tree in the forest, as our pioneer and founder, a great man among Americans, white or black, a hero in the period of the American Revolution and our Founding Fathers. "Then shall we hear and see and know, All we desired and wished below. And every power find sweet employ, in that eternal world of joy. Our flesh shall slumber in the ground, Till the last trumpet’s joyful sound. Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And our Saviors image arise" This was Prince Hall’s beloved poem, which he quoted in one of his charges. His name and fame go marching on, in us his heirs. Let us hold high his banner against every wind, gale and storm, so that the True Prince Hall can be seen and known and the false one rejected. Although, the True Prince Hall may be best remembered by Prince Hall Masons as the first Worshipful Master of African Lodge #1 and African Lodge #459 of Boston, Massachusetts, his works outside the Lodge are most worthy of praise, as well as an accurate record. ·
Wesley, Charles H., “Prince Hall Life and Legacy” (1977)
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
ORDER OF PYTHAGORANS YOUTH GROUP The Order of Pythagorans is an organization for boys, from the ages of 10 through 18. It is sponsored by and under the supervision of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio. It was instituted in Ohio on April 11, 1945, and was named after Pythagorus, who was a noted Greek philosopher and mathematician, who traveled extensively throughout many continents in search of higher learning and knowledge. Membership is not limited to sons or relatives of Freemasons, but to any boy of good character in the proper age range. He may be recommended by a Master Mason, Eastern Star, a fellow Pythagoran or anyone who feels that our program will benefit a particular young man. The Order of Pythagorans is not a Junior Masonic Order, but is merely under Masonic supervision. The paramount aim of the Order is to serve the Youth of our community with a well-organized and supervised program to promote health, social activity, educational, vocational, character, and all-around development of boys throughout Ohio, while building better sons of today, and men of tomorrow. The Ritual is the focal point of all of the Order's programming. Through it, the candidate in his initiation into the Order is presented impressive lessons. This investiture thus attempts to symbolize and teach Reverence for God, Love and Honor his Parents, Righteous Thinking, Purity, Patriotism, Toleration, Courtesy, Personal Health, Education, Friendship and Constancy. A Pythagoran’s aim is to become a better son, a better youth and citizen than ever before. The Companions hold meetings in what are called "Chapters". Each Chapter is sponsored by one or more Lodges, that provide advisors from their own Lodge membership. These Chapters, throughout the state, are divided into two Districts. Each District has an annual district meeting and all of the Chapters in the State meet annually for a Grand Session which lasts three days. Many workshops, athletic activities and awards programs are held at these District Meetings and Grand Sessions. Also at the Grand Session the Companions participate in the election of new Grand Chapter Officers, a recognition banquet, an awards banquet, sports competition, talent show, oratorical contest, a Coronation Ball and Divine Service. “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
CORRESPONDENCE ROSTER OF MASONIC DIGNITARIES OF OHIO & ITS JURISDICTION 2015-2016 MOST WORSHIPFUL PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGE OF OHIO, F&AM Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio MW Brother the Honorable Carl A. Williams ………………………….(Aug, 2015 – Aug, 2017) 4201 Stilmore Road – South Euclid, OH 44121 • Phone: (216) 382-3358 • Vmail: (216) 850-4469 • E-mail: Right Worshipful Grand Secretary, RW Brother Melvin L. Russell… (Aug. 2015- Aug. 2017) 3432 Euclid Heights Blvd. - Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 C: (216) 440-4195 • Office: 50 Hamilton Park - Columbus, OH 43203 • Off: (614) 221-9982 Email
YORK RITE BODIES MOST EXCELLENT PRINCE HALL GRAND CHAPTER, OF OHIO ROYAL ARCH MASONS Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Most Excellent Prince Hall Grand Chapter of Ohio Royal Arch Masons, Most Excellent Companion David W. Murray…....(Aug. 2015 Aug. 2017) 4887 Brice Meadow Dr. - Canal Winchester, OH 43110 (614) 920-1667 • Email: PRINCE HALL GRAND COMMANDERY OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, STATE OF OHIO AND JURISDICTION Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Prince Hall Grand Commandery of Knights Templar State of Ohio and its Jurisdiction, Sir Knight Melvin L. Russell….……… (July 2015- July 2017) 3432 Euclid Heights Blvd. - Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 Home (216) 932-8098 • Cell (216) 440-4195 • Email: MOST ILLUSTRIOUS PRINCE HALL GRAND COUNCIL OF ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS STATE OF OHIO AND ITS JURISDICTION Grand Thrice Illustrious Master of the Most Illustrious Prince Hall Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters State of Ohio and its Jurisdiction, Most Illustrious Companion Michael H, Jordan (May 2014- May 2016) 1459 Forest Hill Ave. - Flint, MI 48504 (810) 348-5309 • Email:
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
SCOTTISH RITE BODIES UNITED SUPREME COUNCIL, AASR, NORTHERN JURISDICTION, PHA Illustrious Deputy of the Orient of Ohio of the AASR of Freemasonry Northern Jurisdiction PHA, Sovereign Grand Inspector Gen. Sidney D. Broadnax, Jr. - 33° 3490 Edgeview Drive - Cincinnati, OH 45213 (513) 631-5029 •
Shrinedom ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ARABIC ORDER NOBLES MYSTIC SHRINE, INC. Imperial Potentate of AEAONMS Inc. USA PHA, the Honorable Noble Rochelle Julian…(Aug, 2014 - Aug, 2016) SHRINERS A.E.A.O.N.M.S. - OHIO DESERT CONFERENCE Imperial Deputy of the Desert of Ohio AEAONMS, Noble Darryl R. Smith 2920 Germantown Street - Dayton, OH 45417 Office: (937) 263-0528 • C: (937) 499-4328 • E-mail:
“Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117
Samaritan Lodge No. 117 Prince Hall – F & A.M. Third Masonic District MWPHGLOH 2016
Worshipful Master: Bro. Alan D. Tucker Senior Warden: Bro. Gene Smith, Sr. Junior Warden: Bro. Abu Toure “Vision without leadership is “just a dream”. Samaritan Lodge is a place where men of good character come together to better themselves and each other, in an environment consisting of the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth” | SAMARTIAN Lodge No. 117