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Convoys Wharf Masterplan: Phase 4

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Client: Hutchison Property

Location: LB Lewisham, London

Deliverables: Outline Planning Application

The Convoy’s Wharf site is one of the most significant historic sites on the Thames. It was Henry VIII shipyard and has been cut off from the rest of Deptford for over 300 years. The outline masterplan was approved based upon the vision document, parameter plans and guidelines. The masterplan was designed to be delivered in phases with each phase containing character areas and a ‘place’ in every stage. Phase 4 provides an opportunity to extend the consented 2015 Masterplan and provide additional housing along with the accompanying employment space while logically following the form and layout of consented 2015 Masterplan. Providing 50,000 sqm of mixed-use development comprising up to: 48,000 sqm of residential (Class C3); up to 9,550 sqm of Industrial Wharf Use (Class B2/ Sui Generis); up to 2,000 sqm of commercial floorspace (Class E)

I efficiently Designed and prepared the Design and Access Statement, Design Guidelines and Parameter Plans for the Outline Planning submission and Liaised with the client and consultant teams to ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the project and timely submission of Pre-App and Planning documents.

We carried out extensive public consultation and public exhibitions and worked closely with all stakeholders including Historic England, the PLA, the GLA and the Council.

Bolton Town Centre, Levelling Up Round 2

Client: Bolton Council

Location: Bolton, UK

Deliverables: Design delivery strategy & report

Bolton Metropolitan Borough is one of the largest urban centres in North-West England. The Borough covers an area of approximately 140 km2 and includes several townships of which Bolton is the largest. Bolton Town Centre is the core location in the borough for retail, leisure, cultural and civic activities. It is the principal driver for the borough’s economy. Responding to the council’s aspirations a vision for Bolton’s Town Centre was carefully developed and designed to create a place that has the opportunity for:

• A Diverse mixed-use offer

• A 20-Minute City

• Celebrating Bolton’s long-standing heritage

• Boosting civic pride

• Enhancing connections to green and open spaces

• Delivering Bolton’s Sustainable Agenda

The project was carried out on behalf of Bolton Council to support its Levelling Up Round 2 funding application, highlighting some of the key challenges and opportunities faced by Bolton Town Centre and justify how it could benefit from the Levelling Up opportunity.

I developed a strategy and narrative for this vision and ensured it was graphically well presented to highlight the nuanced understanding of the local history and community.

Bolton’s Strategic Objectives

Healthy Bolton

Prosporous Bolton

Confident Bolton

Achieving Bolton Greener Bolton Safe Bolton

Key Challenges


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