【 Innovation / Design Strategy 】The Human Factor, Design Thinking

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Tom Har dy|DMGT502

TheHumanFac t or ,Desi gnThi nki ng Al anLi u Wi nt er2018

c t n e t n o C

1.TheHumanFact or :Desi gnThi nki ng


2.Emot i onalDi mensi on


Br andAt t r i but es


Per c ept i onRes ear c h


Br andDes i gnLanguageFr amewor k


3.Cogni t i veDi mensi on


Vi s ual Rhet or i c


Abs t r ac tFor m Language


Uni queI dea


4.Soci alDi mensi on-I s s ueConc ept


5.Cul t ur alDi mensi on-J apan

1 3

6.Physi calDi mensi on-Er gonomi c s :Handhel dAr t i f ac t

1 5

7.CourseI nsi ght s

2 3

bl i ogr aphy 8.Bi

2 4

Designthinkingisamethodforpractical,creativeresolutionofproblems. I ti saf or m ofsol ut i onf ocusedt hi nk i ngwi t ht hei nt entofpr oduc i ng

ac ons t r uc t i v ef ut ur er es ul tenc ompas s i nghumancent er edpr oc es s es ands er v i c esaswel l aspr oduc t s .

ng nki Thi gni s :De r o t TheHumanFac



s e t u b i r t t A 1.Brand

n o i ns me nalDi o i t Emo

ch onResear i cept 2.Per


amewor k


n o i ns me nalDi o i t Emo Br andAt t r i but es/Per cept i onResear ch


n o i ns me nalDi o i t Emo Br andDesi gnLanguageFr amewor k


c i r o t e h R l a su 1.Vi n o i ns me eDi v i t gni Co

2.AbstractForm Language

3.Uni queI dea


c i r o t ualRhe s Vi Pos t erdes i gnt obebas edont hec onc eptofv i s ual r het or i cwi t ht hei nt entt oper s uadec ons umer sofbenef i t s andqual i t i esembodi edi nt hebr andpr oduc tors er v i c e.Pr omi nentpr es enc ei svi sualt ocr eat ea' puz z l e'and s ur pr i s ebyconceptofmet aphor ,v i s ual pun,i r onyori nc ongr ui t y .Not ext .


m Language r tFo ac r t s Ab Des i gnapos t ert oc onv eyanabst r actf or ml anguageofBr andessence,asdef i nedbyat t r i but es : For ml anguagec ompr i s edofonl ymul t i pl el i net y pesf r om ‘ meani ng’ r ef er enc es et .Nowor ds ,noc ol ort obeus ed. Adi f f er entl i net ypet or ef l ec teac hr at i onalandeac hemot i onalat t r i but e/ def i ni t i onofbr and.


a de queI Uni Cr eat eapr oduc tc onc eptt hatembodi esani deauni quel ydi f f er entf r om anysi mi l ardesi gnf r om br and. Thec onc eptnotonl ys i mpl ybeanews t y l eorf eat ur eofanex i s t i ngbr andpr oduct . I thast oc ons i derf i nanc i al andbr andbui l di ngf ac t or .


n o i ns me alDi i c So I ssueConcept :Devel opi ns i ght sandc onc ept ual oppor t uni t i est ohel pal l evi at esoci ali ssuesv i ades i gn.

DYSONDNA Wel i v et hes ev al uest hr oughEFFI CI ENTandi ngeni ousus eofener gyandmat er i al swi t haTRANSPARENTs uppl yc hai n. Us i ngt hes ev al uesasaf r amewor k ,Dy s oni saddr es s i ngEar t h’ spol l ut edwat ersuppl y.


n o i ns me alDi i c So 5plasticgyresintheocean.

270, 000sq.miles.

TheGr eatPac i f i cGy r ei st hel ar ges t ,meas ur i ng

80% ofoceandebrisisplastic. Mos toft hepl as t i ci nt heoc eani smi cr opl ast i c(Microbeads). 24, 000tonsofplasticareingestedannuallybyfish. SOLUTI ON:PLASTI CVACUUM Dy s onuni tt of i l t ermi c r opl as t i c s Ut i l i z espr opr i et ar yengi neer i ngandbl adel es sdes i gn whi c hi ss af ef ormar i newi l dl i f e. Us er ec l ai medpl as t i ci npr oduc t i onpr oc es s


n o i ns me alDi i c So 1. 3milliontonnesofpetroleum releasedannually. 46% from naturalseeps. 37% from dischargesfrom consumptionofoils. 12% spilledfrom ships. 3% from extraction. 500, 000waterbirdsarekilledeveryyearduetooilspills. 8years,DeepwaterHorizonoilspillintheGulfofMexico.

I mpac tmor et han

SOLUTI ON:SEPARATI ONCENTRI FUGE Lev er agesDy s onengi neer i ngt oef f i c i ent l yc l eanoi l s pi l l s . Rec l ai medpet r ol eum t obeus edi nDy s onmanuf ac t ur i ng


n o i ns me alDi i c So 2. 1billionpeoplelackaccesstosafedrinkingwaterservices. 4. 5billionpeoplelacksafelymanagedsanitationservices. 340, 000childrenunderfivedieeveryyearfrom diarrhealdiseases. 4outofevery10peopleareaffectedbywaterscarcity.

SOLUTI ON:COMMUNI TYFI LTRATI ON Cent r al i z edf i l t r at i onuni twi l l pr ov i depur ewat er t odev el opi ngc ommuni t i es .


n o i ns me alDi ur t Cul

Desi gnCul t ur ei s

Layer sofDi f f er ence

aboutr edi scover i ng National/Regional/Ethnic/Linguistic/Gender/ Gener at i onal /Rel i gi ous /Educ at i onal /

t hehumansi de

Soc i oec onomi c /Or gani z at i onal

ofbusi ness.Cumulativedeposit Knowl edge/Ex per i enc e/Bel i ef s /Val ues / At t i t udes /Meani ngs /Hi er ar c hi es /Rel i gi ons / Tr adi t i ons /Ri t ual s /Sk i l l s /Mot i v es /Pat t er ns/ Behav i or s /Aes t het i c s /Ar t i f ac t s /Ac t i v i t i es /Mor al s


n o i ns me alDi ur t Cul


v er ys hor t t r adi t i onal f or m ofJ apanes epoet r y .


A mostfamousHai kou The ol d pond

A frog j umpsi n

S ound ofwat er. -Basho ( 1644-1694)


Si mpl e& El egant 14

n o i ns me alDi c i Phys

Er gonomi cs:Handhel dAr t i f act

TheSci enceofAct i vi t y

Er gonomi c s=Rel at i ons hi pbet weenuser–t ask–t ool s–envi r onment

Val i dat i on

Deal swi t hphysi calandpsychol ogi calas pec t sofpr oduc t sandenv i r onment s Reduc ess t r es sandf at i guewhenpr oper l yappl i ed Us edt oi mpr ov esaf et y,ef f i ci ency,pr oduct i vi t y,andsat i sf act i on.

Pr ot ot ypi ng

Uni ver sal Desi gn

Under st andi ng

Ant hr opomet r y


n o i ns me alDi c i Phys

HotGl uePen

Pr obl em St at ement

Thec ur r entment al i t ys ur r oundi nghot gl uedev i c esi soneoff r ust r at i onandpai n.Wi r e’ sf r equent l ybec omet angl ed ar oundt hehandordev i c e,andt heyt et hert hedev i cet oapowerout l et ,f ur t herl i mi t i nguse. Addi t i onal l y ,t hepl acementoft het r i ggerr equi r est heus ert omov et hei rhandmul t i pl et i meswhi l es queez i ngand appl y i nggl ue.Gl uef r equent l ybui l dsupatt henoz z l e,whi c hc andr yandi nhi bi tus eoft hedev i c e, andaf t erappl y i nggl ue,t her ei snoc ut of fmec hani s mt opr ev entt hi nst r andsofgl uef r om bec omi ngc aughti nf abr i c andc r eat i ngames s ypr oj ec t .Af i nal pr obl em i sl oadi ngt hedev i c ewi t hnew gl ue,whi c hc anbedi f f i c ul tandex pos es t heus ert oadangerofs us t ai ni ngabur n.


n o i ns me alDi c i Phys Per sona:

HotGl uePen

Thec ur r entment al i t ys ur r oundi nghot gl uedev i c esi soneoff r us t r at i onandpai n. Wi r e’ sf r equent l ybec omet angl edar oundt hehandordev i c e, andt heyt et hert hedev i c et oapowerout l et ,f ur t herl i mi t i ngus e. Addi t i onal l y ,t hepl ac ementoft het r i ggerr equi r est heus ert omov et hei rhandmul t i pl et i mes whi l es queez i ngandappl y i nggl ue.Gl uef r equent l ybui l dsupatt henoz z l e, whi c hc andr yandi nhi bi tus eoft hedev i c e,andaf t erappl y i nggl ue,t her ei snoc ut of f mec hani s mt opr ev entt hi ns t r andsofgl uef r om bec omi ngc aughti nf abr i candc r eat i ng ames s ypr oj ec t .Af i nal pr obl em i sl oadi ngt hedev i c ewi t hnewgl ue, whi c hc anbedi f f i c ul tandex pos est heus ert oadangerofs us t ai ni ngabur n.


n o i ns me alDi c i Phys

Pr i mar y&Secondar y Resear ch/I nt er vi ew TheGener alGl ueGun/ Pen:

●Har dt oc ont r ol t het r i ggerbec aus et hes hape/wei ght ●But t onbepl ac edf ort humbbec aus ei t ’ smos tf unc t i onal f i nger ●Cor dl i mi t s ●Fi ngereas i l ygetbur ned ●Har dt oc ont r ol t hegl ue ●Heat i ngt i mec oul dbef as t er


n o i ns me alDi c i Phys

Gl uepen Dev el opc onc ept&Sk et c h

Fe a t h e r s h a p e d

-Li ght ,Wi r el ess -Lampsi gnal -Var i oust i popt i ons -Aest het i c/Met aphor -Temper at ur eset t i ng -Mor eer gonomi cal l ydesi gn


n o i ns me alDi c i Phys

HotGl uepen

Pr ot ot ype


n o i ns me alDi c i Phys Pr ot ot ypeTest i ng

Ager ange:18/26/50

Ho tGl u ePe n

Fe a t h e r s h a p e d


s ght i ns eI s ur Co ng nki gnThi i s ,De r o t -TheHumanFac

Weexplorephysical,behavioralandemotionalhuman c har ac t er i s t i c sasc omponent soft hedes i gnt hi nk i ngpr oc es s . Thr oughas er i esofpr oj ec t s ,wer eal i z ehowt oappl yhumanf act or s anduser cent er eddesi gnmet hodol ogi est ot hedi v er s ef i el dsof des i gn.Des i gnt hi nk i nghast oc ons i deremot i on,c ogni t i on,s oc i et y , c ul t ur e,andphy s i c s . I naddi t i on,weex per i enc evar i ousmet hodst ounder s t andhumanf ac t or s , us erbehav i oranduni v er s al des i gn,i ncl udi nganal ysi sofbodychar act er i st i cs andi nt egr at i ngr esear chi nt odes i gni ngener al . Wel ear nhowt oappl yhumanf ac t or sr es ear c ht ocr eat edesi r abl e andf unct i onalpr oduct s,envi r onment sandser vi ces.

u anLi -Al 23



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