Steps to Default GSM Radio Programming 1) Plug in 7720P programmer; you should have the following display:
2) Press the Enter (#) key and you will have the following on the display:
Strt Prog Mode? Y/N?
3) Select the Shift key and then the Y/N key (for a Yes response) and then Enter (#). You will then see:
Program Device? Y/N 4) Select the Shift key and then the Y/N key (for a Yes response) and then Enter (#). You will then see:
Device Mode ECP 5) Hit the Shift key and then BS/ESC. You will then see:
Review? Y/N
Tech Support Updated 4/20/09
Step-by-Step 6) At the Review? Y/N prompt, select No (do not hit shift) and hit Enter (#). You should then see:
Create Password? Y/N 7) Again select No and hit Enter (#). You will then see:
Exit Prog Mode? Y/N 8) Select Shift, then the BS/ESC key again and you should see:
Set Defaults? Y/N 9) Select Shift, then the Y/N button (for a Yes response) and hit Enter (#). 10) The programmer will then ask you again if you want to create a password (see above), you will answer “No” again and hit Enter (#). 11) The programmer will then ask if you want to exit program mode again. This time answer “Yes” and hit Enter. The programmer will then display the below three screens and the device will be reset to manufacturing default values:
Checking Root File TX Path….
Updating Root File
Done Resetting!!
12) Please note: If you do not have connection to the network, you will see the screen below instead. Simply answer No to the question and the unit will still default.
Cannot Upload Try Again? Y/N
Tech Support Updated 4/20/09