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Somewhere, hidden in this publication is a picture of a $100 bill.

All you need to do is find the picture of the $100 Dollar Bill and tell us the ad and page number you found it on, along with your name, address and phone number.


(If you don’t give us your address and phone number we can’t send you the money!) We will then have a random drawing from your submissions on September 28, 2022 to pick ONE WINNER Mail or bring all submissions to: GreatLander Publications 3110 Spenard Road Anchorage, AK 99503

– Please include your email address –or email to: contest@greatlander.com

The winner will be announced in the October 2022 Mat-Su GreatLander!

ONE ENTRY PER PERSON. One winner per month. Must be 18 years or older to play. Submissions must be received by GreatLander Publications no later than September 27, 2022 to be eligible to win. Employees of Anchorage Printing, Inc. are not eligible to play.

Congratulations to our August $100 winner! Andy Seppi




Packed with power. Rich with features. The ultimate combination of class-leading comfort, imposing next-generation style and rugged performance. Meet your new partners in adventure: the 2022 Wolverine RMAX2 1000 and RMAX4 1000 Limited Editions. Best-in-class power delivery and advanced in-cab adjustable FOX® suspension mean you’re always in command. And with fullyintegrated stereo systems and more cabin comfort touch-points than any others in their class, these Limited Edition side-by-sides are your passport to unforgettable adventures.

August 2022 GreatLander Mat-Su Yamaha Motorcycles, ATVs & Snowmachines Available At These Participating Yamaha Dealers: Wasilla Performance Yamaha Wasilla, AK 99657 Phone: 907-373-7668 www.AnchorageYamaha.comNorthern Power Sports Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Phone: 907-452-2762 www.NorthernPowersports.com

River & Sea Marine Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Phone: 800-770-7700 www.riverandseamarine.com Sales Mgr: bob.walker@acsalaska.net For Best Pricing Options Contact Your Participating Dealer.Professional drivers and riders depicted on closed areas. Side-by-Side (SxS) models are recommended for use only by operators 16 years and older with a valid driver’s license. Always wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Yamaha recommends that all Side-by-Side riders take an approved training course. For Side-by-Side safety and training information, see your dealer or call the ROHVA at 1-866-267-2751. Read the Owner’s Manual and the product warning labels before operation. Avoid excessive speeds and never engage in stunt riding. Always avoid paved surfaces and never ride on public roads. And be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Never ride under the influence of alcohol or other drugs; it is illegal and dangerous. Models shown with optional accessories. ©2022 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved. • YamahaMotorsports.com

Kodiak Powersports & Marine Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Phone: 907-486-0333 www.kodiakpowersports.biz


Professional drivers and riders depicted on closed areas. Side-by-Side (SxS) models are recommended for use only by operators 16 years and older with a valid driver’s license. Always wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Yamaha recommends that all Side-by-Side riders take an approved training course. For Side-by-Side safety and training information, see your dealer or call the ROHVA at 1-866-267-2751. Read the Owner’s Manual and the product warning labels before operation. Avoid excessive speeds and never engage in stunt riding. Always avoid paved surfaces and never ride on public roads. And be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Never ride under the influence of alcohol or other drugs; it is illegal and dangerous. Models shown with optional accessories. ©2022 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved. • YamahaMotorsports.com WOLVERINE® RMAX™2 1000 LIMITED EDITION

The $100 bill was hidden

WOLVERINE® RMAX™4 1000 LIMITED EDITION on Page 9 in the Yamaha ad.

Packed with power. Rich with features. The ultimate combination of class-leading comfort, imposing next-generation style and rugged performance. Meet your new partners in adventure: the 2022 Wolverine RMAX2 1000 and RMAX4 1000 Limited Editions. Best-in-class power delivery and advanced in-cab adjustable FOX® suspension mean you’re always in command. And with fullyintegrated stereo systems and more cabin comfort touch-points than any others in their class, these Limited Edition side-by-sid are your passport to unforgettable adventures.

Professional drivers and riders depicted on closed areas. Side-by-Side (SxS) models are recommended for use only by operators 16 years and older with a valid driver’s license. Always wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Yamaha recommends that all Side-by-Side riders take an approved training course. For Side-by-Side safety and training information, see your dealer or call the ROHVA at 1-866-267-2751. Read the Owner’s Manual and the product warning labels before operation. Avoid excessive speeds and never engage in stunt riding. Always avoid paved surfaces and never ride on public roads. And be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Never ride under the influence of alcohol or other drugs; it is illegal and dangerous. Models shown with optional accessories. ©2022 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved.

For Best Pricing Options Contact Your Participating Dealer.

Yamaha Motorcycles, ATVs & Snowmachines Available At These Participating Yamaha Dealers:

Kodiak Powersports & Marine

Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Phone: 907-486-0333 www.kodiakpowersports.biz Northern Power Sports

Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Phone: 907-452-2762 www.NorthernPowersports.com Wasilla Performance Yamaha

Wasilla, AK 99657 Phone: 907-373-7668 www.AnchorageYamaha.com

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