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Over 40,000 copies are being distributed by direct mail throughout the Valley! (Wasilla, Palmer, Big Lake, Houston, Talkeetna, Willow, Trapper Creek and Sutton.)
The Mat-Su Real Estate Guide, exclusive to the Valley, with focus on REALTORS and BUILDERS, is a great advertising option for all supporting industries and associated businesses such as: Banks and Credit Unions, Lending Institutions, Mortgage Companies, Real Estate Appraisers, Home inspections, Contractors, Insurance companies, Architects, Designers, Remodeling companies, Roofing companies, Plumbing & Heating, Excavating, Drilling, Septic, Lawn and Landscaping, Snow removal, Land clearing, Tree services, Lighting companies, Security companies, Storage facilities, Internet, Cable and Satellite services
For additional advertising details, or to reserve space, call Leslie Love 907-274-0611 • 907-398-4647 • leslie@greatlander.com
©2010 National Association of REALTORS®. Every market’s different, call a REALTOR® today.
Kenai Peninsula Association of REALTORSValley Board of REALTORS® ® Soldotna, AK 741E. Susitna Avenue, Wasilla, AK 907-262-1851907-376-5080 www.kenaipeninsularealtors.orghttps://valleyboardofrealtors.org
Protecting home ownership, now and for future generations.
The National Association of REALTORS® will always stand up for home ownership and strive to protect it. Because home ownership matters – to our families, our neighborhoods and our country.
©2016 REALTORS® are members of the National Association of REALTORS®
Valley Board of REALTORS®Valley Board of REALTORS®
741 E. Susitna Avenue, Wasilla, AK 907-376-5080 741E. Susitna Avenue, Wasilla, AK https://vbr.getlamps.net907-376-5080 https://valleyboardofrealtors.org