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LAKESHORE 4-H Communit y Cl ub LAKESHORE 4-H Communit y Cl ub
March means in like a lion and out like a lamb or in this case March started off quite nice so I hope for all those farmers having babies that the weather is nice and doesn’t go out like a lion. My name is Patrick Drschiwiski and I am a member of the Lakeshore 4-H Club. This month has been pretty quiet since its still winter out but our club did cohost the district communication night. There were speeches, educational displays, speak and shows as well as impromptu speeches. The turnout was great and the speeches very interesting. This even takes a lot of people to make it happen. We want to thank the parents, leaders, judges and other 4-H members for coming out and supporting those who had the courage to stand up in front of a crowd and present. The next few months will be making sure that our animals are getting the care they need as well as training. Before we know it summer will be here and so will achievement days. But before that theirs is training, washing grooming as well as so many things that need to happen. I have a white animal this year to wash and get clean so that will take a lot of soap and washing to get nice and clean. I much prefer the swine they like to play in the water and don’t need as much scrubbing. Please remember to thank you parents and judges since it is these people who make this happen for us kids. ank you
Patrick Drschiwiski